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Chapter 470 What kind of outrageous bug is this?

Chapter 470 What kind of outrageous bug is this?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 470 What kind of outrageous bug is this?

  In the camp.

  The gunfire has gradually subsided, but the flames are still burning.

  A Weilant soldier was lying on his back on the ground, his bulletproof armor in front of him was completely broken, his right leg, which had been hit by two bullets, was bleeding profusely, and his expression was twisted with pain.

  Looking at the power armor passing by, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he quickly pulled out his pistol, aimed at it and pulled the trigger.

  However, there was only a click of the firing pin hitting the empty sound from the gun chamber.


  He spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, threw away the pistol, and as if he had made up his mind, he took a grenade from the bulletproof armor with his trembling right hand and pulled out the bolt with force.

  A touch of madness appeared on the face twisted by pain, and the Weilant soldier roared hysterically at the power armor.

  ”Your Majesty, Marshal–”


  A short gunshot interrupted the last madness of the Weilant soldier.

  ”You called the wrong person.”

  Putting away the smoking pistol, Lao Bai stretched out his right hand covered with steel and picked up the grenade with the bolt removed from the hanging hand.

  Then he squeezed it hard.

  The grenade was like a can of Coke, twisted into a ball under the huge pressure, and the detonator, firing pin, delay tube, etc. burst out of the body.

  Throwing the scrapped grenade next to the corpse, Lao Bai walked towards the meeting point without looking back.

  Not far away from the highway, a dozen officers squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads, their faces ashen.

  Four players wearing exoskeletons stood by and monitored them.

  Seeing Lao Bai coming over here, Ye Shi, who was carrying a sniper rifle, greeted him and cursed.

  ”These guys are real bastards. They smashed all the communication equipment, and burned all the maps and documents! We only salvaged some charred debris.”

  ”It doesn’t matter. Whoever burned it should fix it.”

  Lao Bai glanced at the row of officers squatting on the ground.

  ”Where are they?”

  Ye Shi knew who he was asking about, and said with a chuckle.

  ”We caught them. The guy was planning to escape with his adjutant. I had been watching him on the drone for a long time. But he was straightforward. When he saw that the situation was not right, he surrendered directly, which saved me a lot of trouble… Look, the one squatting at the edge is him.”

  Lao Bai followed Ye Shi’s line of sight and saw an old man squatting on the ground.

  If it weren’t for the clothes and the fancy shoulder straps, he really wouldn’t have recognized that this guy was actually the captain of the legion – a person of the same level as Dillon, who led the Bone Chewing Tribe before.

  The hair with a few gray lines was messy, and the deep eye sockets seemed to be inlaid with a piece of gray stone, without a trace of luster. And on that wrinkled face, there was no trace of high spirits, just like an ordinary old man.

  ”Why are these people so weak?”

  Kuangfeng also had a depressed expression.

  ”+1, is there really a direct thousand-man team here?”

  It felt like they hadn’t encountered any decent resistance since they landed.

  I always feel that this fake is a waste.

  Lao Bai made a helpless expression, looked at the old man with the highest rank squatting on the ground, and asked in a non-standard human language.

  ”Why are there only so few people here?”

  Seeing that the power armor was talking to him, Soft was slightly stunned, looking at him with a stiff expression, and his voice was a little sad and angry.

  ”You win if you win, why do you have to humiliate me in this way of asking knowingly…”

  Several players were stunned.

  Lao Bai’s face also had a strange expression on his face, and he continued to ask.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”Griffin… It was that guy’s order. He transferred my direct 1,000-man team to the high ground 17 kilometers south.” Soft continued with gritted teeth, “He told me in a telegram that the Alliance’s airborne troops would definitely appear there.”

  If the direct 1,000-man team was in his hands, how could he not be knocked down by a group of airborne troops jumping on his face.

  And even if he took a step back and didn’t win, he would have a chance to slip away.

  Lao Bai and Ye Shi met each other and saw the laughter and tears on each other’s faces.

  Good guy.

  I thought I could finally pretend to be cool this time.

  But I was just a bystander again!

  Seeing that the man stopped talking, Soft hesitated for a while, and finally couldn’t help asking the confusion in his heart.

  ”I don’t understand… You are here, so who is attacking Hill 330?”

  He couldn’t figure this question out.

  If there are also airborne troops over there, the Alliance’s airborne troops are a bit too many.

  Moreover, they delivered two consecutive missions, with less than an hour between them…

  How many runways did they have to build and how many planes did they prepare!

  ”Death Corps.” Old White said casually.

  ”Death… Death Corps?” Softt’s face was confused.

  Not the Burning Corps?

  Obviously, the name of the Death Corps has not yet reached the ears of the Legion, and it is only a little famous in the southern part of the River Valley Province.

  Old White smiled and continued.

  ”Well, those guys are also a group of ruthless people. With that desperate fighting style, I even think they are much more ruthless than us.”

  Softt asked anxiously.

  ”But how did they appear on Hill 330? Impossible! You must be lying to me! I have studied every road from here to the front line! Unless your trucks can fly on the ground, it is impossible to get there in such a short time!”

  That’s 150 kilometers!

  Just the winding road, the actual road length may be twice this number!

  Where did these guys come from! ?

  ”Why do we have to take the main road? Why can’t we–” Ye Shi looked at this guy strangely, and was about to laugh at him, but was stopped by Lao Bai’s cough.

  ”Even if I told you that they reached Hill 330 on foot, I guess you wouldn’t believe it,” Lao Bai shrugged his shoulders at Softt’s lonely eyes, “Anyway, it’s over, how they did it is not important to you anymore.”


  Iron Heart, on the bridge.

  Chu Guang, who was quietly waiting for the results of the battle, finally waited for the first victory report from the front line.

  ”…The front-line command post of the 40,000th Corps has been taken! The commander of the 10,000th Corps, Softt, his adjutant, staff officers and other officers have been controlled! We have seized the maps and a large number of documents in the command account, but many of them have been burned.”

  Listening to Lao Bai’s report, Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

  ”Well done.”

  Lao Bai said respectfully.

  ”Request for the next instructions!”

  Chu Guang glanced at the holographic map unfolded in front of him, and ordered after thinking for a moment.

  ”Stay on the spot for defense, and arrange a few people to count the spoils.”

  Lao Bai answered neatly.


  The highest-level command post on the front line was taken down.

  This means that from the entire defense line from No. 40 to No. 49, the various logistics hubs and support positions within a depth of 150 kilometers behind have all lost the dispatch and coordination of the command system, and even their positions have been exposed on the map.

  The 40,000th Corps was basically destroyed.

  As a mobile command post, the Iron Heart was able to smoothly and safely enter the strategic depth of the 40,000-man army and continue to advance.

  The only weakness of this big guy is its propeller.

  This thing is extremely troublesome to repair, and it happens to be the only power system of this airship. Once it is anchored on the front line, even if the legion can’t do anything about the deflector shield for a while, it will become quite troublesome.

  Looking at the arrows on the strategic map, Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  The time is now

  just after nine o’clock in the evening. It has been less than twelve hours since the full launch of the offensive. Not only did they defeat a 10,000-man army, but they also pushed the front line forward 150 kilometers.

  No matter which world it is placed in, this record is enough to become a miracle in military history.

  ”…Originally, our plan was to let the paratroopers cooperate with the armored forces to attack, but now it has become a tank chasing the paratroopers.”

  Vanus, who was standing aside, did not speak when he heard this.

  To be honest, he was also quite surprised.

  Although it is normal for plans to fail to keep up with changes, it is rare that more radical adjustments need to be made because the progress is too smooth.

  According to the original offensive plan of Plan 3, the Alliance will complete the first phase of the offensive within one day, capture the No. 40 position, and start the second phase on the third day, attacking Hill 330, which is only 17 kilometers away from the enemy’s command post.

  As a result, no one expected that the battle would go so smoothly. They only took one day to complete the second phase of the battle.

  Chu Guang stretched out his index finger and clicked on the holographic screen.

  There is no news about Hill 330, but from the aerial footage taken by the drone sent by Xiaoqi, there are only sporadic flames on the hill.

  The battle there is basically over.

  On the other side, compared with the smooth sailing of the ground forces, the Goblin Corps, which was fighting with the Legion’s flight formation, was at a disadvantage.

  Although the pilots flying the W-2 are skilled, the gap in hardware cannot be made up in a short time.

  The Legion’s “Eagle” fighter has been in service in Luoxia Province for eight years or even longer, while the W-2 attack aircraft has not even been developed for a year from research and development to production.

  This also includes the time that the engineers of the Goblin Corps spent “archaeology” in another world.

  Although the subsequent improved versions also incorporate some new technologies provided by Shelter 101, the technological leadership of one or two parts alone has too limited an impact on the overall performance of the equipment. Although

  production and technology are always mentioned together, they are actually two different dimensions.

  Looking at the only five W-2 attack aircraft left on the screen, Chu Guang gave an order.

  ”Heart of Steel, take up the anchor chain and advance 150 kilometers.”

  ”Also notify the Goblin Corps that their mission has been completed, and let them come back quickly.”

  Xiao Qi’s energetic voice soon came to my ears.

  ”Okay, Master!”

  Luo Yu didn’t know what was going on.

  Whether it was the Alliance’s “Lingyun” or the Legion’s “Saber”, they were not on the shipborne radar of the Heart of Steel from the beginning.

  Now they have even flown out of the communication range.

  This kind of “one kilometer per second” battle, standing still and watching is like a fight between gods, and it is not surprising that the fight will reach the next province.

  Without a satellite, Chu Guang can only vaguely perceive that the player is probably still alive through the administrator system.

  ”…If Luo Yu is found to be back in the communication range, notify him to return to the ground airport.”

  Xiao Qi: “Received!”


  Hill 330.

  Flames were burning on the bumpy position, and the broken sandbag wall was full of corpses and black blood mixed with mud.

  He shook off the blood on the engineer’s shovel, glanced at the bloody corpse lying on the ground, and looked away without being able to bear it.

  This model is so real that it is a bit redundant.

  Every time he cleaned the battlefield, he couldn’t help but think of the fire scenes he had passed through.

  The suffocating air was exactly the same.

  In comparison, he still enjoyed the fun of casual exploration of this game more, but those fun things were built on the basis of peace.

  Someone has to do these things.

  A strange idea suddenly came to his mind.

  If the operator keeps its promise and does not delete the files and reset, and these closed beta players have fought all the battles before the public beta, and the dog planner can’t think of anything new, then can this game still be called “Wasteland OL”?

  Or will it simply change the name –

  such as “Brave New World” or something.

  At this time, the voice of his teammates came from the side, and he recalled his gradually drifting thoughts.

  ”Oh my god, it’s finally over!”

  Holding a rifle in his hand, Laplace walked towards this side.

  The mining exoskeleton he was wearing before was gone, probably thrown away after it broke. In any case, it was fortunate that there was no secondary explosion.

  As for his mount.

  It suddenly lost control when it was halfway up the slope, and he killed it himself.

  ”Where is Big Eyes?” Bianbianhuashui asked. Laplace

  smiled and said, “Yang Youbao seemed to have seen him. This guy took the newbies up to give up his head, but the newbies he brought rushed up, and he himself lay dead halfway up the mountain.”

  Bianbianhuashui coughed dryly.

  ”Bullets don’t have eyes… normal.”

  Laplace put the rifle on his shoulder and continued with a grin.

  ”What do you say? Keep moving forward or defend on the spot?”

  Edgewater thought for a while and said,

  ”Wait for the construction workers.”

  The battle lasted for a full hour.

  Although they successfully captured Hill 330, the casualties of the Death Corps were also not small.

  After all, it was a low attack on a high ground.

  More than 60% of the 500 feint infantrymen were killed or wounded, 120 of the 500 wolf riders died, and 78 death claws were killed.

  Most of them were death claws without exoskeletons, and it was a bit difficult for them to withstand the strafing of the quad-mounted machine gun with their flesh and blood.

  In addition, because the EMP caused the mind interference device to go out of control, some players had to kill their own mounts.

  At this time, Yang Youbao, who had led the feint attack group before, also came over and reported on the situation of cleaning up the battlefield.

  ”We seized four mortars, an anti-aircraft gun, two light machine guns and a small amount of ammunition… What about the headquarters? Are there any new orders?”

  Before Bianbianhuashui could speak, Laplace on the side complained.

  ”VM has been shut down, there is no order… Damn, these people have strong firepower! They don’t look like they are short of ammunition.”

  Yangbao scratched the back of his head again.

  ”Did the supply come back?”

  Bianbianhuashui said with a smile.

  ”That’s not the case. It’s normal for the Elite Division to have a little more basic ammunition than the Filler Division. We have twice as much ammunition as the Lion Kingdom’s infantry.”

  But speaking of it, these Willant people are really ruthless. Not a single one surrendered.

  The centurion boss not only refused to surrender, but also had no intention of retreating. He fought to the end with his personal guard.

  In terms of combat effectiveness and morale, this unit is completely different from the one they encountered in Oasis No. 9.

  ”It seems like there’s a fire in the north,” Laplace glanced at the north of the high ground, where tiny flames were flickering.

  ”It should be the headquarters of the 40,000-man brigade,” Bianbianhuashui took out a telescope and took a look. “Just now I saw the Goblin Corps seemed to be covering the transport plane and heading over there.”

  If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the Burning Corps.

  With those ruthless people taking action, even the direct 1,000-man brigade would not be their opponent.

  In the time they were cleaning up the battlefield, the battle over there was probably over.

  Yang Youbao smacked his lips with envy.

  ”Damn, those guys got ahead again.”

  ”After all, he’s the son of the dog planner.” Laplace also had an envious expression on his face.

  ”Don’t say that,” Bianbianhuashui smiled and patted his shoulder, “We are a whole, each with our own division of labor, there’s no such thing as who comes first and who comes later.”

  The Skeleton Corps, which was originally the main force of the attack in Plan No. 3, was still stuck in traffic on the road, and the two infantry teams had already done all the work for them.

  To be honest, it’s still Brother Mole who is more unlucky…


  Front-line base.

  Transport planes dragged the broken fuselage back to the airport.

  The ground crew waiting beside the runway quickly surrounded them.

  Looking at the pigman pilot jumping out of the cabin, a young man in work clothes couldn’t resist his curiosity and asked a question.

  ”How is the situation at the front? Is it going well?”

  Although the pilot looked a little “ferocious”, the ground crew here have long been accustomed to it after working together for so long.

  And after a period of getting along, he found that the pigman pilot had an unexpectedly good personality and was a very easy-to-talk-to person.

  Sure enough, the pilot answered his question.



  Looking at the young man with a happy face, he said with an unprofessional smile.

  ”How can I lie to you? The entire 40,000th Army was destroyed by us. After we pass Hill 330, it depends on whether they can run faster or our tanks can drive faster… It’s too troublesome to talk about it. You can read the newspaper in a few days!”

  Hearing the victory news from the front line, the ground crew showed joy on their faces.

  It can be seen that these survivors in the desert hate those big noses.

  Some people waved their fists excitedly, and some whistled excitedly, cheering and running around to tell others the news of victory.

  Just when Buhao Fanman was wondering if he had boasted too much, Xinghe Bu Rumeng came over from the side, looked at him and teased him.

  ”You are too fast.”

  Buhao Fanman said with a hearty smile.

  ”Of course, how long will it take to throw a few paratroopers… By the way, why are you here? Why don’t you go help your army brothers?”

  The two knew each other before entering the game. They were both from the Army Aviation, one was a helicopter driver and the other was a fixed-wing helicopter deliveryman.

  However, when they were in the game, the two usually only talked about the game and basically didn’t mention things in reality.

  Xinghe made a helpless expression.

  ”I thought, we were not sent to fight.”

  During the day, they cooperated with the armored forces that attacked head-on to launch a wave of flank raids. Before they went deep into the enemy airspace, the headquarters asked them to withdraw.

  However, he could understand why the headquarters would make such an arrangement.

  The battlefield positioning of the flapping-wing aircraft determined that it could not be the opponent of the fixed-wing aircraft.

  Even if it could retract the wings and switch to fixed-wing mode, the maximum speed of the “Cloud Ting” was only about Mach 1, which was a sitting duck for supersonic fighters with a maximum speed of Mach 3. Even before switching to cruise mode, even propeller fighters could pose a threat to them. Before

  getting rid of the Legion’s “Saber” fighter, it would be difficult for the Alliance’s aircraft to let go over the Legion’s head.

  Looking at the depressed expression on the brother’s face, he unprofessionally encouraged him.

  ”Why don’t you go play with Brother Mosquito’s Goblin Corps? Those guys have more chances to go to the front line, and I see they have a lot of fancy weapons.”

  ”I think they have more chances to die,” Xinghe rolled his eyes, “and that plane flies too slowly, it’s boring to fly.”

  The unprofessional man smiled.

  ”No matter how boring it is, it’s still a fixed-wing aircraft, not much faster than your helicopter.”

  ”That’s true… By the way, how’s your plane? Is it easy to fly?” Looking at the propeller transport plane next to him that was riddled with holes from machine guns, Xinghe Bu Rumeng couldn’t help but be amazed.

  There were more than 20 bullet holes that he could count.

  It was really amazing that it could be driven back after being broken into this state.

  ”You mean the ‘Dragonfly’? It’s okay,” he looked at his own car along his line of sight, and smiled unprofessionally, “Factory 81 has improved it several times. It could barely fly before, but now it’s at least like that.”

  Since becoming a pilot in “Wasteland OL”, he not only likes his red and green paint job much more, but his driving skills and understanding of driving have also improved a lot more than before.

  Nothing is more difficult than “making a brick with a propeller inserted fly into the sky” and “saving a brick without wings”!

  Especially when dealing with various dangerous situations.

  Many operations rarely have the opportunity to be practiced in regular training and daily flights, but in “Wasteland OL”, he can encounter special situations that “will only happen once in a lifetime” every now and then.

  He even encountered it once before. He had just parked the plane on the runway, but the plane that was turned off started moving again because of a short circuit in the wires… Huh?

  Looking at the runway not far away, the unprofessional anti-man was suddenly stunned when he was lost in his memories.

  He saw a transport plane parked next to the warehouse slowly drove onto the runway, and then the rotating propeller began to accelerate… And surprisingly, there was no one in the cabin. I

  thought I saw it wrong.

  Unprofessional anti-man rubbed his eyes subconsciously, but before he opened his eyes again, he heard the subtle voice of Xinghe next to him.

  ”…Do you have any more duty missions today?”

  Both of them saw it.

  It shouldn’t be a problem with his helmet.

  Unprofessional anti-man looked down at VM and shook his head in confusion.


  He had seen the H-1 “Dragonfly” move by itself because of a short circuit, but this was the first time he saw one that could fly by itself.

  What kind of outrageous bug is this? !

  Because it was so unbelievable, he couldn’t help but wonder if Factory 81 was testing some unmanned black technology.

  Until he saw a kid carrying midnight snacks rushing out from the direction of the cafeteria and running desperately towards the runway.

  While running, the guy screamed like a wolf.

  ”Plane! My plane ran away!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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