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Chapter 471 Are You Socially Afraid?

Chapter 471 Are You Socially Afraid?


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 471 Are you socially anxious?

  The boys get together to drink and stay together all night, but the girls don’t like to go out at night. They all stay in the dormitory to chat. After all, they haven’t seen each other for a month. There are always many topics to talk about, and they gossip more fiercely than boys.

  In 503, under the warm light, several girls in the dormitory sat in the middle in pajamas, eating melon seeds and chatting.

  Tonight, everyone is sighing about Jiang Qin’s 180 million, but Hui Huizi, who loves to eat candy, doesn’t care at all. Even

  if he has 1.8 billion, he still won’t pay the salary, so what’s the point of talking about this stuff? With this time, it’s better to eat more sweets, especially since Feng Nanshu spent a full New Year at Jiang Qin’s house this time, and there are really many things to eat.

  ”The third uncle calls me Jiang Qin’s daughter when he sees me. He is a good man…”

  ”Aunt Li next door quarrels with her son’s good friend every day. Jiang Qin’s mother always goes to watch the fun. I heard her praise me for being very good.”

  ”I met my uncle, my second aunt, my second aunt, my grandma and grandpa…”

  ”I like that kind of New Year. I have to celebrate it.”

  Feng Nanshu was wearing pajamas with a bear logo, her eyes were bright, and she carefully recounted the things worth remembering. Her pair of fragrant jade feet swayed under the light, smooth and white like jade carvings.

  After listening to this, Wang Haini was in a trance: “The relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is too good. I can’t imagine it.”

  ”What mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship? The more I listen, the more I feel that Jiang Qin is like a son-in-law.” Gao Wenhui directly hit the point with one sentence.

  ”What is a son-in-law?” Feng Nanshu was a little confused.

  ”He’s a live-in son-in-law. The home is yours, and little Jiang Qin is an outsider. To put it simply, he’s married into your family.”

  Feng Nanshu was a little pleased, but still pretended to be scared: “If you say it again, Jiang Qin will deduct your salary.”

  Gao Wenhui instantly straightened her not-so-high chest: “Salary? Who lives on salary? I can’t even spend all the bonus you gave me.”

  Fan Shuling reached out to peel an orange, shared it among the four of them, and suddenly said: “Nanshu, I have a question, are you socially anxious?”

  Feng Nanshu turned his head to look at her and nodded slightly: “I am socially anxious.”

  ”I feel like you are pretending to be socially anxious in order to let Jiang Qin lower his guard and take you home, and then you secretly make plans and easily win the love of all his relatives and friends, so that he won’t be able to deny it at that time.”

  Feng Nanshu was stunned for a while, his eyes gradually narrowed: “You’re talking nonsense, I’m not that smart.”

  ”But you helped make dumplings, went back to the village to pray to the ancestors, and chatted with Jiang Qin’s mother everywhere. These are obviously not social phobia behaviors.”

  Feng Nanshu was silent for a moment: “I would be really scared outside, but I’m not scared at all at Jiang Qin’s house. I’m even a little arrogant.”

  Wang Haini nodded: “Home is not society, and social phobia is not family phobia. It’s reasonable!”

  Feng Nanshu showed the joy of a fairy: “Haini is a good person.”

  ”Haini, how is your relationship status?”

  ”It’s just like that. We chat and make phone calls when we have nothing to do, but I haven’t told my family. I’m a junior and he’s a freshman. There are too many unstable factors. It’s not certain whether we can be together to the end. You still expect me to steal home like Feng Nanshu? Their friendship is too magical.”

  Hearing Wang Haini’s answer, everyone couldn’t help but nodded. This is a normal college student love. Unlike Feng Nanshu, who calls friends friends all day long, but even knows where Jiang Qin’s ancestral grave is.

  However, Jiang Qin’s personality is really awkward, and his mouth is really hard. When it comes to dating, he is like being stung by a wasp, and he avoids it. Only Feng Nanshu’s personality can cure it.

  Don’t look at Feng Nanshu as silly, lacking a lot of common sense in interpersonal relationships, but he is often smart in the right place.

  From the perspective of the two people’s personalities, Feng Nanshu used stupidity to break Jiang Qin’s absolute defense, and Jiang Qin fell step by step under the banner of friendship.

  Sometimes Jiang Qin would turn around and think, “Is it me who is stupid?” But when he saw Feng Nanshu’s silly and cute expression, he thought that it was not possible, it must not be, I am so smart, who can fool me!

  So step by step, their friendship gradually sublimated to this kind of weird appearance.

  Thinking of this, Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but feel scared.

  I remember that when she just started freshman year, she also taught Feng Nanshu how to date, and even used Feng Nanshu’s QQ to send flirtatious words to Jiang Qin. Now it seems that her routine is a dead end when used on them.

  Looking back at the things they had experienced along the way, she was shocked to realize that Feng Nanshu’s stupidity was the best medicine to cure Jiang Qin’s stubbornness.

  ”Feng Nanshu, I underestimated you. You are the love expert.”

  ”I’m not, I’m just a good friend.” Feng Nanshu didn’t admit it at all.

  After listening to this, Wang Haini sighed pretentiously: “Poor Mr. Jiang, you fooled him like this!”

  Feng Nanshu: “?”

  Fan Shuling was so happy, but when she glanced at the alarm clock on the table, she was stunned: “It’s over, it’s all your fault for talking about them. I forgot to wash my clothes. You should also pack them up quickly and go out to eat together later.”

  Wang Haini stood up when she heard the voice: “I’ll go with you.”

  The two sisters left the dormitory one after another and came to the laundry room, but the topic of winter vacation had not stopped. There were many girls washing clothes and sheets around, and most of them were talking about similar topics.

  ”I think Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu can really get married? What do you think?”

  Fan Shuling also agreed with her point of view: “Although Jiang Qin has been denying it, whether he brought her home or introduced her to relatives and friends, he obviously didn’t leave himself any way out.”

  Wang Haini nodded: “If I wasn’t sure that she was the only one I would never bring my girlfriend home.”

  ”Yeah, if it doesn’t work out in the end, it will be so embarrassing to talk about it in the future, especially if you start dating someone else and bring her home again. Maybe some relatives and friends will let it slip.”

  ”What you said is very likely. My cousin is 33 years old and brought a girlfriend home during the Chinese New Year. As a result, my grandmother still called him by his ex-girlfriend’s name, Zhou Qiunan. It made me laugh to death.”

  Fan Shuling poured the detergent in: “So, Jiang Qin’s mentality is still easy to understand. It’s either Feng Nanshu or there will be no next one.”

  Wang Haini restrained her smile: “180 million, and she is still so innocent.”

  ”Nanshu is also very strange. She is so beautiful, with such long legs and big breasts, but she insists on sticking to Jiang Qin, and has been sticking to him for three years.”

  The two looked at each other and understood more and more why Gao Wenhui was so crazy.

  At this moment, the washing machine had just banged halfway, and they saw Feng Nanshu running out of the corridor with slippers, as if her little butt was on fire.

  Wang Haini raised her lips: “No need to ask, her husband is here again.”

  ”Nan Shu will definitely correct you if she hears it, that’s her good friend.”

  ”Good friend is even more beautiful than dear, I can’t stand it, I’ll try it this way next time.”

  Fan Shuling’s mouth twitched: “You’ve been dating four people in three years, and you still want another one?”

  Wang Haini shyly twisted her body: “I want a good friend too.”

  ”Haini, you’re so coquettish.”

  ”Go to hell!”

  Under the night, a row of street lights in front of the girls’ dormitory building were turned on. It was not very bright, but the haziness was more beautiful.

  Because it was close to the college supermarket, the whole night was filled with noisy sounds. As the School of Finance is a department with more beautiful girls, the couples downstairs appeared one by one like dumplings. Kissing

  , hugging, and lifting up, the whole school was filled with the joy of a long-lost reunion.

  Jiang Qin carried the packed food and stood downstairs to look around, thinking that it was no big deal, it was just winter vacation, not a life-and-death separation. They actually thought about it like this. Don’t these people bring their good friends home for the New Year?

  While he was talking, his good friend came down from the building, and appeared in front of him in a pair of furry slippers.

  The pajamas of the bear had a hood, which covered her beautiful face at this time, and her semicircular ears swayed with her footsteps.

  The little rich woman was 1.7 meters tall, with long legs, a good figure, fair skin, and a very cold expression, but her pajamas were cute, which was a perfect contrast.

  The nights were still quite cold at this time of year, so Feng Nanshu tucked her hands into her sleeves, then pointed the cuffs to her mouth and blew a breath, looking at Jiang Qin’s hands.

  ”What is this?”

  The rich young woman pointed curiously: “Roasted sweet potato?”

  Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched: “Do you think about kissing all day in your little head?”

  ”I don’t.”

  Jiang Qin stretched out his hand and handed over the plastic bag: “I just had a meal outside with Master Cao. Didn’t you say that you haven’t eaten in your dormitory yet, so I packed some things at Food for Heaven.”

  Feng Nanshu stretched out her hand to take it, and then glanced at the corner on the right, where a couple was hugging and chewing as if no one was around. They were so hard that they wanted to eat their partner. Jiang

  Qin stretched out his hand to cover her eyes: “Don’t look, it’s too cruel, eating people in the street.”


  The two looked at each other without saying anything, and then couldn’t help but look at the corner next to them.

  My goodness, the battle on the opposite side was too intense. The boy’s hands were like he had learned the Eighteen Falls of the Clothes. He was elusive and the girl was helpless.

  Feng Nanshu looked at him for a while, then turned to look at Jiang Qin: “Brother, I want to eat roasted sweet potatoes.”

  ”I can’t do anything about you.”


  After a long time, their lips parted, Feng Nanshu was panting, her eyes bright, and she wanted more.

  Jiang Qin waved his hand to refuse, muttering that kissing between friends should not exceed ten minutes, then patted her head and drove her back upstairs.

  Fan Shuling and Wang Haini also came back from washing clothes at this time, their stomachs growling with hunger, and when they saw the table full of delicacies, their eyes lit up immediately.

  ”Hey, who sent the dishes?”

  ”Jiang Qin sent them.”

  Wang Haini was a little disappointed: “It smells so good, but I can’t eat spicy food.”

  Fan Shuling was stunned for a moment: “Didn’t you see the peppers? And you didn’t eat them, how can you feel it’s spicy?”

  ”Look at Feng Nanshu’s mouth, it’s so red, it must be so spicy that it must be deadly.”

  Feng Nanshu lowered his head calmly: “I drank the soup because it was hot…”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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