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Chapter 471: Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 471: Eagle Strikes the Sky

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 471 Eagle Strike the Sky

  In the night sky.

  The flames of the machine guns continued to roar.

  Although more than half of the casualties had been suffered and the battle on the ground had ended, the First Falcon Kingdom Squadron had no intention of retreating.

  Gnashing his teeth and staring at the remaining five “Mosquitoes”, Acante’s eyes flashed with the flames of hatred, and he roared while pressing the machine gun.

  ”Go to hell!”

  The mission was no longer important.

  There was only one thing he wanted to do at this moment, and that was to send the pilot on the opposite side to hell!

  He wanted to avenge his dead comrades!

  The plane he locked on was doing a rolling maneuver in the air, and the orange-yellow tracer almost brushed the cabin cover.

  Looking at the enemy plane that was pulling up and circling, Acante made a tut sound, lifted the joystick hard, pulled up the nose of the plane and chased after it.

  This cunning mosquito!

  Pressing the intercom on his shoulder with his index finger, Acante shouted in a deep voice.

  ”Leave the shark-head plane to me, you guys deal with the rest!”

  The answer came from the communication channel.

  ”Got it!”

  Coincidentally, the guy he bit was really called Mosquito.

  Mosquito, who was sitting in the cabin, cursed and quickly looked back at the “Eagle” chasing him. While pulling up, he hit the left rudder hard and rolled 180 degrees on the Z axis. The

  huge gravity acceleration tore every cell in his body, making the originally dark night sky even darker.

  But all this was just a short moment.

  He successfully completed a turn of nearly 180 degrees in the air and passed by the plane chasing him from behind!

  And it didn’t disintegrate!

  ”… Damn it, I jumped!”

  Looking at the silhouette passing quickly outside the cabin, Mosquito, who was relieved, calmed his pounding heart and seized this hard-won opportunity to bite back.

  This guy is good!

  But –

  he is not a lazy man.

  ”There are 36 rounds of ammunition left… This is the only chance!”

  After a quick glance at the updated tasks on the VM screen, Mosquito extended his index finger to close the window, and then turned on the airborne radio and shouted.

  ”Attention all teammates! Our mission has been completed! The command center asked us to choose an opportunity to return according to the situation, but these annoying mosquitoes – bah, these flies obviously don’t intend to let us go!”

  He grinned and held the joystick tightly with both hands.

  ”Coincidentally, I am not the kind of coward who runs away with my tail between my legs!”

  ”Follow me -”

  ”Kill them!”

  A messy reply came from the communication channel.

  ”Oh oh oh!”


  ”Fight them!!!”

  The tactical strategy changed from delaying time to “one for one”, and the offensive of the alliance’s aircraft suddenly became radical.

  Acanth felt a little tricky, but he was also a little relieved.

  There was not much fuel in his tank, and there were less than fifty bullets left… This cat and mouse game was finally coming to an end.

  However, at this moment, the voice of the ground command center suddenly came from the communication channel.

  ”…The Iron Heart is moving to the north, your mission is over, and before entering the range of the Iron Heart, return to the front-line airport immediately!”

  Iron Heart? !

  Acanth was shocked.

  Having participated in the Battle of the City of Plenty, he knew the guy’s anti-aircraft ability better than anyone else. The firepower net generated by a round of salvos could even form an impenetrable curtain wall in the air.

  Looking at the small plane dodging left and right in front of him, he gritted his teeth, replied “received”, and then switched to the squad channel.

  ”…Attention, all units, the Iron Heart is being transferred and deployed. We have the last five minutes. Return immediately after five minutes!”

  Almost as soon as his voice fell, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the clouds in the distance.

  A three-engine transport plane suddenly broke into the battlefield.

  At first, Acante thought he had seen it wrong.

  After all, when fighters are fighting, how dare a transport plane come up to join in the fun.

  But soon he found that he was not wrong.

  The plane that came was the Alliance’s H-1 “Dragonfly”, and like other Alliance planes, it had some fancy and strange patterns printed on the fuselage.

  Seeing that the plane was not carrying weapons, the Acante soldiers were not in a hurry to shoot it down. They just glanced at the screen of the airborne radar and then gave orders in the communication channel.

  ”…Scorpion-1, Scorpion-2, go and see what’s going on with that plane.”

  Since it’s a non-combat unit,

  maybe we can capture it and take it back.

  With Acante’s order, the two “Eagles” immediately left the battlefield and approached the strange transport plane.

  Mosquito also saw the plane, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

  What’s going on?

  Didn’t the transport formation return? Why did it come back again? It

  would be fine if it was a gunship, but it was a regular model without weapons.

  Mosquito subconsciously glanced at the VM tied to his right leg. There was no new mission, and no information about this plane.

  Because of this transport plane that suddenly broke into the battlefield, both sides of the exchange of fire fell into a brief hesitation.

  Acante waited for his teammates’ answers.

  At this time, the voice of “Scorpion-1” came from the communication channel.

  ”…Captain, that plane is a bit strange.”

  Acante was slightly stunned and asked immediately.

  ”What did you see?”

  After a short pause, the teammate’s reply came over the communication channel.

  ”There seems to be no one in the cockpit.”

  ”No one?!” Acante was stunned.

  Could it be a drone? !

  The Alliance did have drones, but this was the first time he had seen this type of drone.

  The pilot continued to report.

  ”Yes… Both the pilot and co-pilot seats were empty, and there seemed to be something growing on the rudder. I can’t see it clearly from here, so I have to get closer.”

  Akante said alertly.

  ”Be careful.”

  ”Got it!”

  Two “Eagles” flew on the left and right sides of the “Dragonfly” transport plane.

  One of the Eagle fighters, codenamed “Scorpion Tail-1”, approached the nose of the “Dragonfly”, and its wingtips were almost touching the cockpit.

  Switching the onboard radio to a similar band, the pilot shouted to the “Dragonfly”.

  ”This is the First Flight Squadron of the Falcon Kingdom. You have been hijacked by us. Please follow our instructions.”

  ”If you refuse, you will be shot down.”

  There was a sizzling sound in the communication channel, and no response.

  The pilot frowned.

  The pitch-black cabin cover always made him feel a little uneasy.

  Just when he was about to get closer, a ray of soft moonlight happened to pass through the clouds and sprinkled on the pitch-black cabin cover.

  The moment he saw the situation inside, he was stunned.

  Scarlet marks filled the entire cockpit.

  Not just the rudder –

  the entire console was filled with an unknown block.

  ”Damn…” He couldn’t help but curse.

  What the hell is this? !

  He grew up in Oasis No. 2 and had never seen a mutant slime mold. He only felt a trace of fear from the hideous scarlet.

  He subconsciously tilted the rudder to the left, trying to get away from this disgusting guy, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

  The cabin glass instantly exploded into countless pieces, and two whip-like tentacles shot out like cannonballs, slamming into the cockpit of him and another teammate.


  The severe pain made him scream in pain.

  He looked at the scarlet tentacles that pierced his chest in horror, and looked at the countless tiny lines that drilled into his wounds and blood vessels like countless earthworms…

  His body had lost control.

  The paralysis like an electric current occupied every cell in his body.

  At this moment, a long whistle-like whisper came from the communication channel, pouring into his ears and soaking his soul.


  The tentacles connecting the cabins were cut off by the whistling airflow.

  The Hawk next to the Dragonfly tilted its fuselage, like a baby whose umbilical cord was cut and separated from its mother.

  And the whispers echoing in the communication channel continued, like the whispers of a demon.

  In the whispers, the pilot sitting in the cockpit, his pupils gradually lost their spirit, and his head drooped, no matter how the captain shouted, he was unaware.

  ”… Zizi…”

  ”… Manticore-1, what’s going on over there! I see a hole in your cabin cover! Report your situation immediately!”

  ”… Zizi…”

  The abnormality lasted for nearly half a minute.

  The chaotic sounds continued to pour into his ears.

  The drooping head suddenly lifted up, and the pair of pupils that had lost their spirit were now full of bloodshot and had turned scarlet.

  He looked straight at the night sky due north.

  The whispers in his ears gradually became clearer.

  ”Go help him–”

  ”That’s your father.” ‘


  ’Yes, he is in danger. ‘


  The scarlet pupils were stained with a layer of bloodthirstiness, and the dry lips opened and closed, responding to the mumbling murmurs in a concise manner.


  The sudden change stunned everyone.

  Whether it was the Alliance or the pilots of the Falcon.

  Staring at the two “Hawks” that suddenly lost control in the distance, Akante shouted loudly into the radio.

  ”Scorpion Tail-1! Scorpion Tail-2! Please answer if you hear me! If you are still alive, please answer if you hear me – fuck! Damn it!”

  He hung up the communication fiercely, and the anger burning in his eyes became more intense.

  Two more –

  he didn’t know what despicable means the Alliance used again, but he saw that something seemed to hit the two planes.

  Maybe the pilot took out an automatic rifle or something else.

  But no matter what it was, it didn’t matter anymore.

  That guy refused their kind persuasion to surrender!

  There was only one thing Akante wanted to do at this moment, and that was revenge!

  ”Shoot it down! Shoot that transport plane down for me!”

  The same angry answer came from the communication channel.


  An “Eagle” fighter jet abandoned the “Mosquito” that was already emitting black smoke and rushed straight towards the transport plane.

  ”Go to hell!”

  The pilot in the cockpit pressed the fire button angrily, and the machine gun at the front of the fuselage immediately sprayed out raging flames.

  The tracer hit the left wing of the transport plane, and the engine on the wing emitted black smoke. The plane began to slow down and glide downward.

  The “Eagle” slowed down and prepared to fire a burst of bullets at its right engine.

  However, at this moment, the change happened again.

  The previously out-of-control “Scorpion Tail-2” suddenly pulled up its nose, made an incredible 180-degree roll in the air, and aimed its nose at the stunned teammate.

  It was too late to re-accelerate –

  a moment of hesitation prevented him from pressing the fire button.

  However, his “teammate” did not hesitate at all.

  Almost at the moment when the noses met, thick and long flames spurted out from the front of the propeller.


  Amid the roar of the machine gun, the propeller, cockpit and fuel tank of the Hawk chasing the Dragonfly were instantly blown up, and in a moment it turned into a burning fireball in the air.

  There was not even a chance to parachute…

  Akante stared at the flames in amazement, and then looked at the Manticore-2 that suddenly opened fire on friendly forces.

  He couldn’t understand

  what was going on .

  The mosquito that he was chasing and biting was also startled, staring in amazement at the “little fly” that suddenly turned its gun around and hit the friendly forces.

  What surprised him was not the guy’s sudden betrayal.

  It was the smooth 180-degree turn just now –

  ”Fuck! Immelman turn?!”

  The two “Eagles” separated, one rushed to the north, and the other rushed straight to the chaotic battlefield.

  Just as Mosquito was stunned, the shouts of teammates came from the communication channel.

  Guigui: “Boss, do you want to shoot it down?”

  Mosquito said hurriedly.

  ”Don’t mess with him first! The enemy of the enemy is our friend!”

  Guigui: “But he is shooting at me!!!”

  Mosquito was stunned for a moment, and suddenly seemed to realize something, and shouted with inspiration.

  ”Sacrifice yourself and rush into the opposite group of aircraft!”

  Guigui: “???”

  Although surprised at the inhumanity of the corps commander, the little player named Guigui still subconsciously turned the rudder, doing a rolling maneuver to avoid the machine guns, and rushed into the hinterland of the enemy group of aircraft, and drilled into it at the moment of approaching the cloud.

  The “Hawk” that attacked indiscriminately caused great trouble to the Falcon Kingdom’s flight formation.

  Because the sky was pitch black, the serial number could not be seen clearly, and the aircraft with almost the same shape and paint as theirs was difficult to identify.

  Especially when more than three “Hawks” were biting each other, it was impossible to tell which one was the traitor.

  Unless they pulled away and reorganized the formation…

  Akante’s palms were sweating, and his eyes were nervously cruising around, scanning the surrounding planes that jumped up and down and fired.

  Everyone looked like a traitor to him now.

  Thinking of the Iron Heart that was advancing northward, Akante clenched his teeth and took a last look at the mosquito that had slipped away from his machine gun.

  ”Lucky for you…”

  He squeezed out these words from between his teeth, and reached out to press the intercom hanging on his shoulder.


  After dropping two more smoking planes, the Falcon Kingdom’s flight formation began to return to the front-line airport. As for the “out-of-control” Hawk, they did not choose to chase it, but chased the transport plane that was sliding to the ground.

  Mosquito counted the planes on the opposite side, and there were about fourteen planes left, and only the last two were left on his side.

  This battle loss ratio is too touching.

  Panting, Guigui asked in the communication channel.

  ”Boss… do you want to chase?”

  Mosquito pulled the trigger on the joystick, and there was no movement except for the friction. The only bullets left in the magazine had been emptied in the previous dogfight.

  The victory or defeat can only be left to next time.

  ”You are lucky…”

  If he had put a pistol in the cockpit, he would not have let these guys slip away.

  Spitting in the direction of the enemy plane’s retreat, Mosquito raised his arm to wipe his mouth and shouted in the communication channel.

  ”Attention, all units! The enemy planes have fled with their tails between their legs! Victory is ours!”

  ”Go home!”

  The initial velocity of this new machine gun is still a bit disadvantageous.

  We will change it when we get back.

  ”Ah!!” Fearing that the regiment commander would be embarrassed, Gui Gui, who was slumped in the seat, unbuttoned her pilot’s cap and sang weakly in cooperation.

  There was nothing she could do.

  Everyone was dead.

  There were only two of them left in the entire team, and if she didn’t speak, no one would speak…


  The victory on the ground and in the sky had been decided, but the battle between “Lingyun” and “Saber” was not over yet.

  The tail flames of the engines flickered in the air, like entwined and parallel meteors, and every time the flashes met, they would pull out deadly tracers.

  The two jets fought back and forth for the fleeting shooting window, fighting with the most “primitive” methods in the relative displacement of nearly two kilometers per second.

  ”Damn… the dog planner is targeting me again!”

  Looking at the “flame” that was chasing him relentlessly, Luo Yu gritted his teeth and quickly glanced at the fuel indicator that was about to fall below the warning line.

  They fought all the way from the north of Oasis No. 3 to the southernmost part of Oasis No. 8, the Kingdom of the Golden Lizard. This location was not only beyond the communication range, but also beyond his combat radius.

  However, at this moment, the issue he was considering was no longer whether he could return home smoothly.

  As long as the only “Saber” deployed by the opposite side in Luoxia Province could be eliminated, the Alliance would have the hope of completely taking over the air supremacy of Luoxia Province!

  Although the chances were slim, it was not without a chance of winning.

  Cutting to the rear hemisphere of the enemy plane, watching the enemy plane rapidly approaching the sight scale, Luo Yu calmly pressed the fire button.

  The machine gun spewed out tongues of fire.

  Accompanied by a slight tremor, a string of flashing tracers rushed towards the “Saber”.

  It was about to turn the plane into a pile of scrap metal, but it was just a little bit short, and it was dodged by a sideways move.


  After a low curse, Luo Yu’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he turned the rudder to turn the nose of the plane, looking for the next shooting window.

  However, the “Saber” seemed to have anticipated what he was going to do. With its high maneuverability, it flexibly cut into his back hemisphere and smoothly fired a burst of machine gun fire in response to the previous round of strafing. He

  almost instinctively made an evasive maneuver. Looking at the tracer passing by, Luo Yu felt a cold sweat on his back.

  As the opponent gradually adapted to his tactics, he finally began to feel a little tired.

  To be honest, he was not very good at this kind of extreme distance dogfight.

  In reality, the air forces of various countries have long evolved to the stage of “beyond visual range combat” in the confrontation between spears and shields, and dogfighting at supersonic speeds is “almost impossible”. After all, the muzzle velocity of machine guns is generally only 2.8 to 5 Mach, and the bullets may not be as fast as the aircraft at a distance. Unless the

  most extreme situation occurs.

  For example, if the war is expanded to a global scale, the industrial chains of various countries will be severely affected by bombing, mobilization, etc., and high-tech weapons cannot be supplied stably. Guidance is not as good as quantity…

  At that point, let alone supersonic fighters, infantry may have to fight with bayonets.

  Therefore, machine gun shooting at air targets only accounts for a small part of all training subjects, just to deal with the most extreme situations.

  If it weren’t for “Wasteland OL”, he might not have specially practiced this thing.

  Luo Yu could clearly feel that the opponent’s tactical experience and flying skills were not very outstanding, but the operation of machine guns was to perfection.

  Not only that.

  That person is probably an awakener like himself, and the direction of strengthening is probably the reflex nerves and visual nerves, and the “level” is probably not lower than his own!

  To win this battle, he must use every bullet carefully, even every liter of fuel…

  Calming the restless blood in his veins, Luo Yu rethought the battle plan in his mind.

  The scissors maneuver has been learned by the opponent.

  But there is a move that this grandson should not have seen yet…

  Taking a deep breath, he glanced at the “saber” biting tightly to the left rear, and placed his right hand on the throttle.

  Just when he was about to make a surprise attack, a black dot suddenly appeared in the airspace directly in front of him.


  Luo Yu’s face changed slightly.

  Although the propeller plane is as slow as a turtle in front of the jet plane, the machine gun hanging behind the propeller is not a decoration.

  Even if it can’t hit him, it can sweep a burst of bullets to block his movement and interfere with his flight path. In this evenly matched duel, any mistake is fatal to him.

  Originally, his mobility was at a disadvantage…

  At the same time, Yukar also caught a glimpse of the little fly, and a surprised smile instantly appeared on his tense face.

  ”Hahaha! Well done!”

  These bastards were a little bit perceptive and knew to send a plane to help him. Although it was a bit redundant for him, he was quite satisfied with this filial piety.

  ”Give him a burst of bullets! Shoot at the right wing! Now!”

  He seemed to see the goddess of victory waving at him.


  something unexpected happened to both of them.

  The “Eagle” did not aim its nose at the “Lingyun”, but at the “Sabre” that was biting towards the back hemisphere of the “Lingyun”!


  The thick and long flames sprayed, and the twin-mounted 20mm cannons used tracers to weave a large net in the air and hit the “Sabre” head-on.

  Everything happened in an instant.

  It was so fast that people were caught off guard.

  ”Fuck! Do you have eyes?”

  Yukar cursed in shock and anger, barely dodging the bullets that were fired at him, and completely lost the shooting window that was originally in his hands.

  The relative speed was nearly Mach 7.

  Being hit by that burst of bullets was enough to send him away!

  Until now, he was still imagining that the Falcon might have misjudged the target in the dark, and he would definitely give this blind thing two big slaps when he returned to the airport.

  Unfortunately, the Falcon did not choose the wrong target, and flew a long way just to send him away.

  The burst of bullets didn’t listen at all and chased him and bit him.

  ”Damn it! Cease fire! I’m a friendly force!”

  Yukar roared in the onboard radio, trying to wake up the other side.

  However, what he didn’t know was that the cockpit of the Falcon was already covered with slime mold, and the pilot fixed on the seat had become a puppet at the mercy of others.

  And the avant-garde jet not far away had completed a 180-degree roll in the vertical climb.

  Yukar’s pupils suddenly shrank.

  The moment he met the cockpit, his heart seemed to stop beating.

  ”… Shit.”

  The words almost came to his mouth, and the hot metal shrapnel opened his cockpit.

  Looking at the scrap of garbage in the sight, Luo Yu removed his index finger from the front trigger and slowly emptied the air trapped in his chest.

  Pulling off the respirator hanging on his mouth, he hung his whole body on the seat behind him.

  A well-matched confrontation does not allow for a single mistake.

  Not to mention two.

  Falling from the sky with black smoke, the “Saber” was like a lighter, and brilliant flames shot up in the night sky behind him.

  ”Immelman turn… I will only teach you once, I hope you see it clearly.”

  But even if you see it clearly, you probably won’t have the chance to learn it in this life. After

  ”soloing” such an awesome BOSS, Luo Yu’s mouth curled up unconsciously with a smile. Although he didn’t know why the “Falcon” would help him, winning is winning.

  Even if the Falcon came to its senses and repaired itself, it didn’t matter. He could even generously give this “credit” to that unknown friend.

  The Legion only had one Sabre.

  But the Alliance’s Lingyun would be able to get another one next month.

  The flames from the engine were shaky, and the plane began to glide forward without power.

  Luo Yu glanced at the fuel tank indicator.

  The pointer was stuck below the 0 scale on the dial. The last sharp turn exhausted the remaining fuel. The fuel tank had been squeezed dry and there was not a drop left.

  Originally, he thought of just falling down with the plane. The sooner he died, the sooner his CD would be.

  But thinking of the bug of the last resurrection CD, he subconsciously shuddered, and his right hand reached for the pull ring next to the seat.

  With a bang, the steel bars on both sides of the seat were blown off, and ejected from the open hatch under the push of gunpowder.

  Last time, Mosquito swore to him that an ejection seat had been installed for Lingyun, and he thought he was joking.

  I didn’t expect it to work…

  At the same time, the “Falcon” not far away also ran out of fuel, slowly lost power, and the propeller began to rotate in the opposite direction. The

  almost rotten pilot sat in the center of the cockpit covered with slime mold with his head drooped, his hands stuck to the joystick by the mold.

  His decay seemed to have worsened.

  The weak breath of life was like a candle swaying in the wind.

  However, at this moment, he felt an unprecedented satisfaction from the depths of his spirit – as if his soul had been sublimated.

  This short life was not wasted.

  He successfully completed the task of his mother.

  The last “Eh” murmur came from the earphones crooked on his neck, which was a whisper that only he could understand.

  ’You did a good job.’

  ’Go to sleep.’

  ’My child.’

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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