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Chapter 472: This game really has a bug? ?

Chapter 472: This game really has a bug? ?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 472 Is there really a bug in this game? ?

  The Legion is stationed at the General Headquarters of Luoxia Province.

  When Griffin, who was standing in front of the strategic map, learned that the command post of the 40,000th Army was wiped out by the airborne troops of the Alliance, he felt his head buzzing and his consciousness was in a trance for a moment.

  He imagined that the war would not go smoothly in the case of a shortage of supplies. He

  also thought that the Alliance might not pay attention to his delaying tactics at the beginning, and the ultimatum he issued would not be able to buy 30 days.

  But he never expected that the front-line troops would be defeated so quickly that the preparations for nearly a month now looked like a joke.

  After coming to his senses, Griffin looked at the communicator standing at the door and said in a stiff voice.

  ”The one who occupied the command post of the 40,000th Army… was the airborne troops of the Alliance, the Burning Corps?”

  The communicator moved his stiff neck and nodded.

  ”That’s what General Soft said on the phone…”

  And according to the report of the First Aviation Squadron of the Falcon Kingdom, they did see the transport plane of the Alliance heading towards the command post of the 40,000th Army.

  In order to ensure that the airborne troops could land smoothly, the Alliance even dispatched nearly 80 fighters to escort them.

  The centurion named Acante claimed that he led his men to shoot down more than 70 planes… but it sounded like bragging.

  Griffin was silent for a while and continued to ask.

  ”What else did he say?”

  The communicator kept his mouth shut nervously and did not dare to speak.

  Before hanging up the phone, Softt emotionally scolded Griffin in the communication channel and said “this damn skunk”.

  These words were obviously not something that could be said in this situation.

  Griffin did not continue to ask, but took a deep breath to calm himself down.

  This time he really miscalculated.

  He did not expect the Alliance to be so radical that they launched a surprise attack on the command post of the 40,000th Army before the 330th position was taken.

  Normal people would think that the command post could not have only a few officers giving orders there, and there would be a direct force of a thousand-man team to support it.

  And if you want to use airborne troops to defeat a well-prepared army of a thousand men, you have to prepare at least two thousand-man teams.

  However, the Alliance did not play by the rules. They risked losing the entire 1,000-man team and directly threw the paratroopers down. What

  puzzled him even more was that at the same time when the Alliance took down the front-line command post, Hill 330, which was guarded by the 1,000-man team, was also taken down by them!

  ”What is on Hill 330?” The staff officer standing aside frowned and asked Griffin a question that puzzled him.

  ”I don’t know. The front-line communication has not been restored. The last message sent by General Soft indicated that they planned to retreat in the direction of the 50,000-man team. They hoped that the 50,000-man team and the 30,000-man team could take over the defense zones 40 to 49… and then there was no news.”

  The communicator shook his head and spoke quickly, while carefully looking at General Griffin.

  The heavy expression on his face was like a terrible storm brewing, as if it would turn into thunderous anger in the next second.

  However, Griffin did not vent his anger on an insignificant little person like him.

  After a long silence, the battle-hardened general slowly spoke.

  ”What time is it now?”

  The officers around him looked at each other.

  No one dared to answer.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the adjutant was reluctant but had to bite the bullet and speak.

  ”Report! The time is now 10:21.”

  Griffin’s Adam’s apple moved.

  ”Twelve hours…”

  He looked at the officers standing next to him.

  ”Not even less.”

  No one answered, so he continued.

  ”Ten thousand people are lined up on a twenty-kilometer front. All I ask of them is to hold on for a while, and not to retreat so quickly when retreating. Use the defensive positions along the way to cause some trouble to the Alliance, so I deliberately left a depth of 150 kilometers… However, Soft’s answer to me is twelve hours. It only takes twelve hours to lose a depth of 150 kilometers!”

  ”Even if it’s ten thousand pigs! Thrown into that mountain! Let the Alliance and the Enterprise catch them, they won’t be able to hold on for a day! This bunch of trash! Really trash! Pigs who can do nothing but eat and stuff!”

  At first, Griffin’s tone and volume were restrained, but as his emotions gradually rose, his voice became louder and louder, and his emotions became more and more excited.

  His right fist slammed hard on the map, making a dull sound, shaking the cup on the corner of the table to the ground, spilling water all over the floor.

  Everyone stood silently beside the table, and the staff officer whose shoes were wet dared not say a word, and could only stand there speechlessly.

  They knew very well why Griffin was so angry.

  In this battle, they lost not only the 40,000th Army, but also the battle line of nearly 50 kilometers from Section 40 to Section 49, and the strategic depth of 150 kilometers extending backward from this battle line!

  If that idiot Soft could hold on for at least three days – or even two days, they would not be as passive as they are now.

  This is good.

  A big hole has been poked in the defense line.

  Now no one can say that they have kept the “thorn in the throat” in their pockets, because the nail is about to poke them in the face.

  ”Maybe the clones have never fought a defensive battle -” Trying to calm General Griffin’s anger, the adjutant tried to explain with sweat on his forehead, but he was interrupted halfway through.

  ”Those pigs have never fought a defensive battle, and you have never fought one either!”

  After cursing, Griffin calmed down his breathing and calmed himself down.

  The front-line command must be mainly responsible for the rapid retreat, but his side is also responsible.

  But now is not the time to study who is more to blame.

  He knew very well.

  He no longer had time to hesitate.

  After a moment, he decisively ordered,

  ”Notify all frontline units to execute Plan No. 2 as planned!”

  Upon hearing this, the officers showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  Plan No. 2 was a plan to retreat to Oasis No. 2 and bring the alliance to the mainland of the Falcon Kingdom to fight a decisive battle with them.

  This meant that they had to give up Oasis No. 3, which they had finally obtained.

  Although Griffin had communicated with them before that if the alliance’s offensive exceeded their expectations, they might have to abandon the occupied areas and continue to retreat, almost no one thought that this would really happen.

  After all, they still had 100,000 troops in their hands. Even

  if the situation was not optimistic, it would be enough to retreat to the middle of Oasis No. 3 to rebuild the defense line, and they would not give up the entire Oasis No. 3. If they

  really came to this point, they would not only be in a strategic dilemma, but also fall into a quagmire outside the battlefield.

  If the rear knew that they had lost all the results achieved in Luoxia Province, the resources and support that could be allocated to their war zone would be even less.

  Whether standing on the standpoint of the legion commander or the marshal, it was impossible to invest unlimited resources in a plan that was heading towards bankruptcy.

  ”…If we continue to stay here, we can only wait to be divided and surrounded by them. If we retreat to Oasis No. 2, there is still a chance to counterattack.”

  After a pause, Griffin suddenly remembered that there was still a Sabre on duty outside, so he looked at the Army Aviation Commander on the side.

  ”Where’s Yukar? Has our Sabre returned?”

  The officer immediately stood up and said nervously.

  ”…It flew out of the communication range before. The last signal was near Oasis No. 8. There is no news now.”

  Although this conservative answer seems to leave a little room for maneuver, anyone can hear that hope is slim.

  The reason is simple.

  The fuel of the jet plane can’t last that long.

  It hasn’t returned yet, and there is only one possibility.

  Griffin closed his eyes in pain.

  Not only were their defenses penetrated, but they also lost their only “Saber”.

  Although the combat casualties were less than one-tenth, anyone with a discerning eye could see that they had already lost half of the battle…


  Position G53.

  The battlefield guy who was resting in the bed had just finished the dinner that Miss Penny brought along, and learned from Kolway the “bad news” from the next defense zone.

  ”…The 40,000th corps was completely wiped out, and defense zones 40 to 49 were all lost. The Alliance tanks have already stabbed us in the back.”

  ”This bunch of rubbish… I thought their failure during the day was stupid enough, but I didn’t expect that I still underestimated their ability to embarrass themselves. They can’t even survive a night!”

  Korway cursed, his tone full of anger.

  However, after hearing his statement, the battlefield guy who was tense just now breathed a sigh of relief.

  Not bad…

  It seems that he is not suspected.

  Before, his good brothers gave him so many heads, and he always felt uneasy in his heart.

  Especially when he saw on the official website that the various corps were making such rapid progress in the next defense zone, he was so nervous that he almost didn’t eat dinner.

  But now it seems that his worries are completely unnecessary.

  In fact, think about it, with his performance all along, there is no point worth doubting. It’s not that there are no undercovers who kill their own people, but it is indeed rare for an undercover like him to kill his own people without blinking an eye.

  Not to mention that he usually eats a lot and poops a lot, and there is nothing suspicious about him. He behaves more normally than normal people.

  If even he can be a traitor, then everyone in the legion is a traitor.

  After listening to Kolwe’s complaints quietly, the battlefield man asked while he was taking a breath.

  ”Does the headquarters have any new arrangements?”

  Kolwe did not hide it and simply said.

  ”Plan No. 2.”

  The battlefield man: “Plan No. 2?”

  Kolwe explained concisely.

  ”In simple terms, abandon Oasis No. 3 and retreat to Oasis No. 2 to reorganize the defense… At present, this is the most effective way. The tanks of the Alliance have torn open our pockets. Since the pockets can’t be closed, we can only throw them away.” The battlefield

  man actually wanted to say that there was no need to “put it simply”. It would be fine to expand and explain it in detail. Even if he didn’t understand, he could remember it.

  But soon he thought that his superior was just a thousand-man captain and it was impossible for him to understand the entire deployment of Plan No. 2. It would be useless for him to ask, and he might be suspected instead.

  It was already good to be able to find out the macro trends of the opponent. The brothers of the Burning Legion would naturally find a way to pry out the specific details of Plan No. 2 from the mouth of the big fish caught next door.

  So the battlefield guy continued to play the role of the ruthless pangolin, speaking concisely.

  ”You just need to tell me what you want me to do.”

  Korwei’s face showed a gentle smile.

  ”You don’t need to do anything now. The only thing you have to do is to take good care of your injuries and strive to recover as soon as possible… By the way, I almost forgot to tell you a good news.”

  Seeing the happy expression on his face, the battlefield guy asked.

  ”You got promoted again?”

  Korwei said with a smile.

  ”It’s not me, it’s you who got promoted.”

  The battlefield guy was stunned.


  Korwei nodded, cleared his throat and continued.

  ”In view of your outstanding performance on the front line, my superiors intend to transfer you to the officer team as a consultant to cooperate with the instructors to train the front-line officers of our 10,000-man team. Blame the bunch of rubbish in the 40,000-man team. Now the command has serious doubts about the combat effectiveness of the front-line troops and requires the front-line troops at all levels to conduct training for the grassroots officers… If those useless idiots had half of your strength, they would not be so embarrassing!”

  When he said this, Korwe could not help but curse two difficult-to-understand human words.

  Hearing this arrangement, the battlefield guy was relieved.

  The 40,000-man team was right next to them, and the nearest position was less than ten kilometers away from them. If Griffin ordered them to cover their retreat, then his undercover job

  would probably be over. But now it seems that the dog planner probably doesn’t want him to get the power armor so easily, and this undercover will probably continue to be an undercover.

  ”If we leave, what about the position here? Just leave it alone?”

  Korwe was silent for a while and gave an ambiguous answer.

  ”Some people will withdraw, and some people will stay.”

  The battlefield guy was slightly stunned.

  But soon he understood the meaning of this sentence.

  There were many officers promoted from the escort army in the front-line troops, including his adjutants, buglers, flag bearers, and so on.

  They will not receive the order to retreat, but will stay with their clone troops to defend the place, blocking the pursuing Alliance troops, and at the same time creating the illusion that they have not retreated yet.

  Thinking of this, a glimmer of enlightenment suddenly appeared in the eyes of the battlefield man.

  No wonder he was suddenly transferred from the front-line combat troops to the officer team of the 50,000th team.

  I’m afraid the 700th team is one of the troops left behind!

  But what surprised him was that when he said these words, Korwe’s eyes actually showed a hint of complicated emotions.

  When this guy was in the Valley Province, he never cared about the lives of those followers.

  He has been deeply involved in the Legion for a long time and knows better than any other player that in the eyes of most Willant people, aliens are just stepping stones for them to conquer the world, just a more flexible consumable than clone cannon fodder.

  Korwe, a pure-blooded Willant, is no exception. Why did he suddenly care about it now?

  Just when the battlefield man was wondering, Korwe, who was standing by the bed, suddenly looked out the window and said in a complicated tone.

  ”I don’t think their sacrifice is for granted. Although they are not Weilantes, they are also warriors…”

  As he said this, Korway looked at the pangolin lying in bed.

  ”But some things are not up to me. I hope you can understand.”

  The Warlord nodded.

  ”Well, I understand.”

  Is he worried that he would feel sorry for his subordinates on the G53-7 position?

  This worry is actually completely unnecessary.

  He is very clear about his undercover identity, and he is not so into the role that he feels the same as those cheap subordinates who have only known him for less than half a month.

  If those people were smart, they should lay down their weapons and surrender when the Alliance came.

  If they think they are good enough because they have played a few games with him…

  then let them see the true strength of the Alliance Army.

  However, what the Warlord didn’t know was that in Korway’s eyes, his sensible appearance made him feel guilty.

  The feeling of losing comrades is not good.

  Korway himself has a deep understanding of this.

  For example, his previous boss, Rachel, the centurion of the Air Marine Corps.

  Although he was just an acquaintance with that guy, he was still depressed for several days when he learned that he did not follow McLen to evacuate, but died heroically in Ruigu City.

  ”In short… I don’t look down on the aliens who fought side by side with me. Soldiers who are willing to unite under the banner of the Legion to restore order are completely different from those wastelanders who have fallen into chaos, but orders are orders, and everything is for the overall situation.”

  Putting on the officer’s hat again, Kolway changed to a relaxed tone and continued.

  ”Have a good rest, I will come to see you again when I set off.”

  The battlefield guy nodded quietly.

  If there is no other more explosive news, he should also go offline to share the new intelligence that is still hot with his good brothers…


  Just when the senior officials of the Legion stationed in Luoxia Province were worried about the chaos on the front line, on the official website far away in another world, countless spectators and stupid netizens were also paying attention to the latest developments of this “national war event”.

  Although most of the players on the front line have not logged off, there will always be people who actively or passively disconnect to bring first-hand battle reports from the front line to the cloud players waiting on the forum and the professional players in the rear.

  When they learned that those closed beta players annihilated a division of the legion in less than half a day, the entire forum was shocked.

  Tyrannical Gentle: “Fuck! Awesome!!!”

  Nanfeng and Song: “Destroyed a division in half a day?! Is it fake?!”

  Armor Hero: “It’s really ridiculous. To be honest, even if 10,000 people line up to send heads forward, it will take a few days, right?”

  Lonely: “+1, not to mention that these 10,000 people are scattered across 3,000 square kilometers of the Gobi Desert.”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “You don’t understand this. Modern warfare is about organization and logistics. It is no longer the old routine of queuing and shooting. Winning a key battle at a critical time and place is much more important than killing a few people.”

  ”And in my opinion, the reason why the Corps lost so quickly is because the tactical breadth and strategic depth were too wide. There are only a few roads in the 3,000 square kilometers of Gobi Desert, and the road conditions are comparable to those in Afghanistan. Which troops go which way and when, when and where the logistics supplies are delivered to, whether the outpost 20 kilometers away is the enemy’s or ours, where the artillery fires… all these must be coordinated by a unified command system.”

  ”Without the unified coordination of the front-line command, it would be impossible to command it by relying solely on the airdropped orders from the general command.”

  Professor Yang’s analysis of the reasons for the Corps’ failure was very logical, and this set of rhetoric really fooled many stupid netizens who did not know the truth.

  But there were also those who did not believe his bragging.

  Cheerful netizen: “What are you bragging about? How many divisions have you commanded?”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Hey, isn’t this game supposed to be about bragging… You’re talking about me, how many divisions have you commanded?” What can

  I do with my arrogant father: “Laugh, you’re all bullshitting. I’ve said before that there’s no normal person on this forum!”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Which kind-hearted big man can give me a helmet? Please! TT”

  Everyone talked about the battle situation on the front line, some shouted that it was exciting, and some called it unscientific. It was as lively as a festival.

  However, even with so many insights, the topic of the progress of the war was still overshadowed by a post posted by a certain pilot.

  According to the player’s description, he handed the “Dragonfly” transport plane to the ground crew and then went to the cafeteria to eat.

  As a result, when he just came out of the cafeteria, he saw that the plane that should have been parked in the hangar actually drove onto the runway and took off!

  At first, everyone expressed disbelief. Even the players in the airport were wondering if this guy had staged this himself.

  Power short circuit accidents have happened before, but this is the first time that a short-circuited plane has taken to the runway and taken off.

  No matter what, the take-off posture was a bit too skilled. It would be impossible to be so skilled and natural without hundreds of hours of flying time.

  Ward’s athlete’s foot who Levin: “That’s strange…it shouldn’t be possible. After a short circuit accident happened before, we specially redesigned the circuit of the nose.”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Your technology is not good enough. Wait, when I have time, I will take the brothers in the factory to think about big planes. (Funny)”

  Ward’s athlete’s foot who Levin: “Come on. (Rolling eyes)”

  Yaer I want to go to the toilet: “That’s right! Our 81 factory is an airplane manufacturer after all! You who make coffins, don’t come and join in the fun!”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “MMP! I have to show you my skills.”

  Tail: “Ooooh! Are you going to make a Gundam? (ω)”

  Ye Shi: “You know what, this guy really did make one… and in the end we helped him make it. (Funny)”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “Get lost! That was an accident! And that thing was not meant to be worn by people… But then again, we did see the transport plane you were talking about.”

  Gui Gui: “Yes, and I also saw something sticking out of the cabin, which directly pierced the cockpit of the ‘Eagle’ fighter that was approaching.”

  Feng Qing: “?! So powerful? (Shocked)”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “Well, the plane that was hit seemed to be possessed by a ghost, and it turned its nose around to kill its teammates… The most outrageous thing is that the two possessed planes flew pretty well, and showed off a wave of Immelmann turns in the air, like a master!”

  Ye Shi: “Are there such pilots in the Falcon Kingdom?”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Oh my god, I doubt they have never encountered an opponent in actual combat before they met us, so they only have the advantage of equipment.”

  But he had to admit that there were a few pilots on the opposite side who had some skills, and even he felt a little tricky.

  At this time, another ace pilot of the alliance suddenly appeared.

  Luo Yu: “Hey, which big pot is free… come and pick me up.”

  ”Fuck! Luo Yu! You finally came down?”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Where are you? No, where did you fall?”

  Irena: “Can you still find the VM? If you can’t find it, just buy a new one, and we won’t waste that effort. (Funny)”

  Luo Yu: “Fuck! Don’t make me sound like I’m dead! I’m still alive! (Crazy)”

  As soon as this sentence was seen, the post exploded and was instantly refreshed dozens of times.

  Ye Shi: “???”

  Quitting: “Fuck! You’re still alive?!”

  Fang Chang: “Well, it’s really unscientific… So what kind of BUG is this.”

  Luo Yu: “Zhao! It’s not like I get into trouble every time! It’s just sometimes!”

  Kuang Feng: “(squinting and smiling)”

  Luo Yu: “But if you want to talk about a BUG, ​​I’m not sure if this counts.”

  Fang Chang: “Tell me about it.”

  Luo Yu: “Well, I was fighting fiercely with the Sabre on the opposite side, and an Eagle suddenly cut in. I thought I was doomed, but it didn’t fire at me. Instead, it fired a whole magazine at the Sabre.”

  Ghost Ghost: “Oh, it should be that one! There was an Hawk following our transport plane before.”

  Luo Yu: “Transport plane? I didn’t see it…”

  Lao Bai: “Where is your parachute?”

  Luo Yu: “It seems to be near the Golden Lizard Kingdom, but I don’t know the exact location… I’m floating in the sky and haven’t come down yet. I took a photo, but there is no signal and the signal can’t be transmitted.”

  Makabazi: “Hahaha.”

  Fang Chang: “Can you see the Heart of Iron?”

  Luo Yu: “I can’t… But I saw a lot of mountains. Maybe we’re almost reaching the Valley Province.”

  After he finished speaking, he immediately added another sentence.

  ”By the way, the Falcon seems to have landed nearby. It probably ran out of fuel… But it’s strange that the pilot didn’t parachute and went down with the plane.”

  Fang Chang: “Well, it must be far away, at least it must be near the edge of Luoxia Province.”

  WC Really Mosquito: “After you land, pay attention to the surrounding environment. We will send planes to search near Oasis No. 8, and we should be able to find it.”

  Luo Yu: “Thank you! Brothers! TT” Fang

  Chang: “You’re welcome. I’m mainly curious about the situation of the Hawk. (Squinting)”

  Ye Shi: “+1, otherwise Mosquito would have advised you to TP back to the city directly. (Funny)”

  Luo Yu: “…”

  These guys…

  are too real!

  At the same time, Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen in another world, had a surprised expression on his face.

  Good guy.

  He was fixing bugs in the void on the forum every day, and he really found a bug?

  In fact, he had learned about the situation of the transport plane from the ground staff long before the players posted.

  The anti-aircraft guns of the Iron Heart had even aimed at it.

  However, Chu Guang wanted to see what the transport plane was going to do, so he didn’t let Xiao Qi shoot it down.

  Now it seems that the situation is more complicated than he imagined. After

  thinking for a long time, Chu Guang, who was staring at the holographic screen, suddenly spoke.

  ”What do you think that is?”

  After a short pause, he heard an uncertain answer.

  ”Hmm… Could it be Xiao Yu who did it?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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