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Chapter 473 Xiaoyu’s Special Ability

Chapter 473 Xiaoyu’s Special Ability


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 473 Xiao Yu’s Special Ability

  When Luo Yu put on his helmet and returned to the game world, he found that he was only a hundred meters away from the ground, and he became nervous.

  The ejection seat may look inconspicuous, but its technical content is not low at all. It is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the most complex supporting equipment on a fighter.

  The entire device is composed of thousands of parts. The pilot only needs to ensure the height and pull the handle. The series of actions from exiting the cabin to landing are automatically completed according to the program.

  It can be said to be very convenient.


  the premise of convenience is based on general circumstances.

  Luo Yu would never believe that the ejection seat that Mosquito made for himself would have thousands of parts. It would be considered his conscience to have 500!

  Thinking pessimistically, maybe the entire ejection seat is just a little gunpowder under the cushion, and the delayed fuse triggers the parachute to open.

  As for the automated life-saving program…

  Luo Yu feels that it may be more appropriate to describe it as “seeking good luck”. The

  parachute swaying in the wind is like a small boat drifting in a rapids. After Luo Yu’s sweaty rescue, it finally crashed to the ground without any danger.

  After using a dagger to cut off the parachute rope that was almost entangled around his head, Luo Yu held onto a rock and retched for a long time before he looked up to observe the situation nearby.

  This was an uninhabited Gobi desert, with coarse gravel and protruding stones on the ground. To the north, the view was wide, while to the south, there were layers of sand dunes and mountains.

  No matter which direction you looked, you couldn’t see a single person.

  Returning to the ejection seat, Luo Yu pulled out the deformed first aid kit from under the chair.

  It contained a map, a compass, 1.25L of fresh water, 500g of compressed biscuits, as well as a water filter for use in emergencies, flashlights, lighters, and other small tools for survival in the wild.

  In addition, there was a 9mm caliber pistol and two pistol magazines.

  Brother Mosquito, for the first time in his life, did not cut corners on such a “meaningless” thing, which made Luo Yu feel relieved.

  However, when he got the map, he was stunned.

  This is a civilian map from the pre-war era. Not to mention useful geographical information, even the most basic contour lines are missing. The roads, buildings, and landmarks that could have been used as references have long disappeared today, more than two hundred years later.

  ”Oh my god… How can I locate this?!”

  Just when Luo Yu was in a dilemma, he suddenly noticed the mountains in the south.

  ”Wait, the mountains are in the south?”

  Luo Yu suddenly had an idea and suddenly remembered what the old man from the battlefield had shared on the forum about Oasis No. 8.

  ”To the north of Oasis No. 8 is a group of mountains. After leaving the territory of the Golden Lizard Kingdom, you will reach the Wandering Swamp after passing those mountains…hiss.”

  Luo Yu took a breath of cold air. Oh

  my goodness.

  I actually floated to the territory of the academy!

  However, this place should still be some distance away from the Wandering Swamp. Looking around, it is still a desolate Gobi desert, and there is no trace of the swamp.

  ”To the north of Luoxia Province… That’s all the information I have. As expected, I still have to go to a higher place to think of a solution.”

  Luo Yu glanced at the mountains in the south.

  After crossing that mountain is the Golden Lizard Kingdom. If all else fails, he can go to the Golden Lizard Kingdom to ask for directions. The Alliance is now unstoppable in Luoxia Province. Even the former overlord of this desert, the Lion Kingdom, has become a de facto vassal of the Alliance. The local residents of Oasis No. 8 should not make things difficult for him.

  And he remembered that the Eagle fighter that suddenly rebelled seemed to have landed in that direction. He

  would look for it along the way later.

  With all the supplies, Luo Yu checked the magazine in his pistol, and relying on his memory of the time in the sky, he moved towards the Eagle fighter.

  He walked south for about an hour.

  Just when Luo Yu was wondering if he had gone to the wrong place, he finally saw the propeller plane that was anchored on the flat ground.

  The cabin glass was covered with spider-web-like cracks, and the surrounding darkness made it difficult to see the situation inside. After

  opening the safety of the pistol, Luo Yu walked forward cautiously and shouted in non-standard human language.

  ”Hey, is the person inside still alive?”

  There was no answer.

  Luo Yu frowned, took out a flashlight and shone it up.

  The light of the flashlight was reflected on the cabin glass.

  At the same time, there was a creaking sound in the cabin, and a face suddenly hit the hatch covered with spider-web-like cracks.

  The hideous face scared Luo Yu, and he almost pulled the trigger of the pistol to blow up the face, but fortunately he stopped himself in the end.

  Good guy!

  A gnawer? !

  At the same time, an unclear voice came from behind the glass covered with spider-web-like cracks.


  Luo Yu: “???”

  What the hell?

  He didn’t remember that he had a son, and he was even more unwilling to admit that such an ugly guy was born by himself.

  For a moment, he didn’t even know who took advantage of whom.

  However, the guy sitting in the cabin seemed to have recognized him, and kept calling out, but his voice became weaker and weaker until it was completely silent.

  Luo Yu swallowed his saliva.

  Just when he was hesitating whether to go closer to take a look, there was a sound behind the boulder.

  Hearing the sound, he suddenly became alert and immediately pointed the gun at that place and shouted.

  ”Who is it?”

  A faint mosquito-like murmur came from behind the boulder, with a hint of unexpected grievance in the voice.


  Hearing the voice, Luo Yu was stunned on the spot.

  His Adam’s apple moved, he pressed down the muzzle of the gun in his hand, and tried with an uncertain voice.

  ”…Xiao Yu?”


  The voice instantly became cheerful.

  There was a rustling sound behind the boulder, and a graceful figure soon appeared behind the boulder.

  The edge of the scarlet “skirt” rolled like a wave, and Xiao Yu, who took small steps, quickly moved in front of him.

  Its abstract facial features don’t reveal its expression, but its tentacles swaying like snakes clearly reveal the joy in its heart.

  Luo Yu looked at Xiao Yu, who could no longer be called a little guy, in surprise.

  He hadn’t seen it for a while, and it seemed that it had grown a little taller, with more armor on its skirt, and the outline of its facial features closer to that of a human.

  However, it did not completely become like himself, but more like it used his facial features as a template and incorporated some soft lines.

  But what surprised him at the moment was not Xiao Yu’s changes, but why it appeared here.

  Seeing the “Gnawer” in the cockpit of the “Eagle” fighter, he seemed to understand something in an instant, and looked at Xiao Yu in a daze.

  ”Is this… you doing it?”

  ”Ew!” Xiao Yu made a cheerful sound, and it looked like he was showing off proudly.

  Luo Yu didn’t know why he could understand its voice, but the emotions flowing in the melody were not difficult for him to understand.

  Maybe this is the connection between blood.

  After all, it is a special matrix synthesized by his own DNA template.

  To be honest, the relationship between them is too complicated, and he himself didn’t understand it very clearly.

  ”…After this war is over, I will have to go to the Lost Valley again and ask the guy named Bai Ge for clarification.”

  But then again…

  this guy’s skills are quite awesome!

  Not only can he “zombify” an organism, but he can also allow it to retain some of its experience and knowledge as a human on the basis of “mental assimilation”, and even actively inherit some of its experience and knowledge from the mother.

  Although this statement sounds a bit scary, it is not unreasonable in the game.

  It is better to say that this is in line with the setting of SSSR-level divine pets!

  What the Mother of Death is simply weak!


  Looking at Xiaoyu circling around him, Luoyu suddenly asked with an idea in his heart.

  ”You said… have something to show me?”


  Xiaoyu nodded excitedly, and then took the initiative to walk in front, and did not forget to separate a tentacles to wrap around his wrist.

  Luoyu looked back at the wreckage behind him, tapped the earphone with his index finger, took a photo, and then followed Xiaoyu.

  After walking for about twenty minutes, the man and the mother soon arrived at an open flat land. There was

  a huge propeller plane parked alone on the empty land with a pile of rotten stones.

  When he saw the dragonfly transport plane, Luo Yu suddenly opened his eyes wide with excitement, clenched his fists, and took a lot of effort to restrain the words “I’m so proud” that came to his mouth.

  ”Good guy… did you drive this here?”


  Xiao Yu nodded his head with joy and pride, and the expression of seeking credit was as if asking “Do you like it?”

  ”Haha! It’s great!” Unable to hide the excitement in his heart, Luo Yu couldn’t help but praise it, and reached out to touch Xiao Yu’s head, “Well done!”

  Now he didn’t need anyone to pick him up.

  He could fly the plane back by himself!

  Putting away the gun in his hand, Luo Yu walked into the cabin happily and came to the cockpit with ease.

  He didn’t drive this transport plane much, but he had driven it once or twice, so it was not very difficult to operate.

  The cockpit was full of slime mold, and the scarlet fungus almost swallowed up the seat and climbed up the console and joystick.

  Although this appearance looks a bit ferocious, Luo Yu has been used to it for so long with Xiao Yu, and he didn’t think it was a big deal.

  Sitting in the familiar position, Luo Yu reached out and turned on the power switch, but when he looked at the dashboard, his brows twitched violently.

  I saw that the pointer was stuck below the 0 scale, and the battery was really squeezed dry without a drop left.

  Luo Yu let go of his right hand holding the power switch with an uncomfortable look on his face and leaned back on the seat.

  ”Oh my God!”

  It was really just a little hope that made him fall into despair again.

  Think about it.

  How could the range of the dragonfly transport plane be so far? He shouldn’t have had such an unrealistic fantasy from the beginning.

  Just when Luo Yu was frowning, Xiao Yu, who had just followed him into the cockpit, didn’t know anything. He only heard a familiar voice and shouted excitedly.


  Hearing the voice coming from behind, Luo Yu almost choked on his own saliva, jumped up from the seat, and quickly looked at the little guy beside him to educate him.

  ”Don’t learn this thing, it’s not a good thing.”

  ”Eh?” Xiao Yu tilted his head, and the tentacles on the back of his head shook with confused ripples, as if he didn’t quite understand his reaction.

  Just as Luo Yu was lecturing Xiao Yu, several figures approached the Eagle fighter that the two had passed by before.

  If Luo Yu was still here, he would be surprised that the pilot of the “Saber” that should have been blown up by him did not die, but survived.

  But even if he didn’t die, his gray and dusty appearance was not optimistic.

  At this moment, he was wearing a pair of avant-garde handcuffs on his hands, and he was sandwiched between two armed guards like a prisoner.

  Several men in white uniforms stood in front of him, staring at the propeller plane that was eroded by slime mold with interest and whispering to each other, as if they were discussing something.

  ”Mutated slime mold? There are slime molds in this godforsaken place?”

  ”The infected person’s whole body tissues and slime molds are necrotic, and the life characteristics have completely disappeared… It looks like a dried corpse.”

  ”Interesting… It’s necessary to study it.”

  Looking at the mess in the cabin, Yukar’s face turned pale. The one

  who fired at him in the sky just now turned out to be a gnawer…

  What kind of outrageous technology did those barbarians master!

  Turning living people into gnawers, how evil is this!

  The man standing in the first place turned his head and looked at the detained Yukar, and said with interest.

  ”There should be no slime molds in Luoxia Province. These dirty things should have been brought in from outside. Maybe you can give me some ideas?”

  ”I don’t know,” Yukar looked at the man with a livid face, “How can I know what the group of guys who call themselves the Alliance have done? Why don’t you go ask them.”

  ”Alliance…” A man who looked like an attendant next to him chewed the word repeatedly, thought for a long time and said, “I seem to have heard of it.”

  Another attendant said.

  ”The survivor settlement that’s mixed in with the Enterprise seems to be called the Alliance.”

  ”Yeah.” The leading man nodded, “I’ve heard of it too.”

  Yukar stared at the group nervously and finally couldn’t help asking.

  ”Who are you guys!”

  The leading man didn’t hide it and said it concisely.

  ”Li Ke, a member of the Special Projects Group of the Foreign Affairs Department, a Class B researcher.”

  When Yukar heard the first half of the sentence, his face was blank, until he heard the word researcher, and he reacted in an instant.

  ”You…are from the academy?” There was a hint of disbelief in his voice.

  ”Yes,” Li Ke glanced at him lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, “Stupid ‘Villant’, congratulations on finally finding the blind spot.”

  ”What do you want to do?” Yukar asked vigilantly.

  ”That’s not something you can worry about.”

  Li Ke stretched out his index finger and gently scratched it.

  Yukar only felt a slight sting in his wrist.

  He looked at the man in front of him angrily, and was about to ask what this guy had done to him, but found that his throat seemed to be frozen and he couldn’t utter a syllable.

  Cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

  Yukar looked at him with horror.

  Li Ke turned his eyes away from him without caring, and looked back at the Eagle fighter with slime mold growing all over the cockpit.

  The slime mold and the infected host reached the end of their lives together, and the human cells and slime mold cells dried up at the same time, and no spores carrying genetic information were released.

  This strange form of symbiosis was the first time he had seen it.

  There was no doubt that this was evil technology.

  However –

  his eyes flashed with interest, and he muttered to himself.



  The next day, in the evening.

  The convoy, dragging a full load of tanks and armored grenadiers, finally arrived at the checkpoint below Hill 330 along the winding mountain road.

  Sitting on a truck in the middle of the team, the man with a beard buried in his scarf looked in the direction of Hill 330, and a trace of excitement appeared on his face.

  Beyond that mountain is a plateau, and beyond that is the territory of the Honey Badger Kingdom.

  After going through countless hardships, he finally returned here.

  It was not only Marshal Yade of the Restoration Army who was excited, but also a group of Restoration Army soldiers who followed the Skeleton Corps to launch an offensive.

  Unlike these soldiers, most of the players sitting in the trucks had depressed expressions.

  Many players drove for nearly two days and did not encounter any decent resistance.

  This feeling of having strength but nowhere to use it is too uncomfortable!

  Right in front of the convoy, the guard post’s railing was horizontal.

  The construction site boy and the brick, with a rifle hanging on his chest, walked forward with a few strength players and shouted to the stopped convoy with a smile.

  ”Stop in front! Leave the toll!”

  The Elf King Fugui, who was sitting on the tank body, shouted with a grin.

  ”Are two 155mm rounds enough? If not, another one!”

  ”Yes! Delivery to your door?”

  ”It must be door-to-door! Just point to a place and we will deliver it to you right away!”

  The construction site boy and the brick’s eyes lit up and said with a grin.

  ”So good? Then help us get rid of the regiment commander.”

  Irena, who was sitting next to Brother Fugui, was immediately amused when she heard this.

  ”Brother, there is a story behind what you said.”

  The Elf King Fugui also asked curiously.

  ”Tell me, how did Brother Shui abuse you?”

  The young man and the brick on the construction site sighed and said with a sad face.

  ”Hey! It’s all tears if I talk too much! Ever since our regiment commander asked for a batch of tricycles from the logistics department, Brother Shui has never treated the brothers as human beings.”

  The newbie named Outlaw Madman on the side also had a sad expression.

  ”I’ve been riding a tricycle all the way, and I’m almost falling apart. This game is too difficult!”

  Another newbie nodded in agreement.

  ”That’s right! It’s too inhumane!”

  The newbies were complaining in unison, and the debt-ridden big-eyed man who was paddling on the edge with a cane happened to walk over from behind the checkpoint behind.

  This guy is really miserable.

  Previously, he led a few newbies of intelligence to charge the high ground, but he was only cool for three seconds, and he died after running two steps up the mountain.

  If he really died, it would be fine, but he didn’t die completely.

  Later, when cleaning the battlefield, he was dug out from the pile of dead bodies by his teammates, and found that he was only shot in the leg, and there was no injury to the vital parts. The reason why he couldn’t connect was probably because he hit his head when he fell to the ground and was physically unconscious.

  Considering that there were not many opportunities for intelligence to charge, Da Yan didn’t want to waste a little experience, so he didn’t choose to ask his teammates to help “counterattack”.

  Listening to the complaints of those newbies, the expression of the edge paddling was a little embarrassed. Just when he wanted to appease everyone’s emotions, the debt-ridden Da Yan was one step faster than him and said with a smile.

  ”You don’t understand this. Gene sequences are something that can only become stronger if you use them more! On the surface, you have paid sweat, but in fact you have also grown in sweat. Isn’t it more comfortable to think about it this way?”

  Several newbies were slightly stunned. It sounded so reasonable that they were almost convinced by him.

  However, the construction site guy was not fooled. He knew this guy too well. Without saying a word, he threw his gun aside and rolled up his sleeves.

  ”Don’t listen to this intelligence-type chatter. The kid must be making fun of us. Brothers, follow me and let him see the strength of a cow and a horse!”

  Seeing the construction site guy leading the charge, Big Eyes panicked.

  ”Fuck, I’m a wounded soldier. Don’t mess around!”

  He couldn’t run away with a cane. Seeing that begging for mercy was useless, he could only look to the edge of the water for help.

  ”Brother Shui, save me!”

  Edge of the water glanced at him and dodged a step to the side.

  ”You guys, it will be fine if you attract less hatred.”

  ”That’s right! Even the manager can’t save you today!” The construction site guy looked at the lawless maniac on the side, “You guys, each of you lift one arm, I’ll go find a telephone pole!”


  Several strength-type players smiled evilly and carried Big Eyes up. Regardless of the latter’s weird cries, they went to the high ground to find a telephone pole.

  Sitting in the truck, Yade stared blankly at the commotion in front of him and spoke for a while.

  ”What’s going on over there?”

  Mole coughed.

  ”Ahem, nothing… Those Strength-type beasts are probably pent up. Don’t worry, they are just joking with their good brothers, no one will die.”

  Compared with the speed of the Agility-type and the durability of the Constitution-type, the Strength-type is indeed not very popular now, but who can say what will happen in the future?

  Each version has a new god.

  For an old player like him who has experienced the entire process of version changes, these are just basic operations.

  In fact, to be fair, the Strength-type is still the most suitable choice for newbies. Not only is it fast to upgrade, but there is no threshold to get started.

  No matter how much other types are strengthened, it cannot change the fact that more than half of the awakened people in the alliance are Strength-type.

  Yade was stunned and looked at the legion leader blankly.

  What does pent up… mean?

  I don’t know if it’s a grammatical problem.

  He always felt that this statement sounded a little wrong.

  Without explaining to the NPC, or even noticing that an inexplicable misunderstanding had occurred, Mole waved out of the car window, and soon the checkpoint’s railing was raised, allowing the convoy to pass.

  Mole got out of the car next to Edge and said with a smile.

  ”We just received the mission. The command asked us to cross Hill 330 and then move northwest along the edge of Oasis No. 3.”

  Edge asked.

  ”Has the offensive route been adjusted?”

  Mole nodded with a smile.

  ”Well, according to the intelligence from the battlefield guy, the legion intends to abandon Oasis No. 3. Our mission is to stick behind these fleeing soldiers and annihilate their manpower as much as possible, so that we will encounter less resistance when we march to Oasis No. 2.”

  Edge whistled.

  ”It seems that we have to go on our own for the rest of the journey.”

  ”That’s right, and the truck you left on the way won’t arrive until the day after tomorrow, so you can rest here for two days. You won’t encounter too much resistance all the way north from here, and you may even run into fellow villagers who are ready to welcome the royal army. You just need to cooperate with the Restoration Army of the Honey Badger Kingdom to push forward, and it’s time for us to fight two tough battles.”

  Mole said in a teasing tone, and suddenly remembered something, looked at the back of the long convoy and continued.

  ”By the way, on the way to Hill 330, we encountered several disorganized troops, some of them were led by the Willant people, and some were led by puppet army officers. We have seized their weapons and asked them to continue along the original route. If nothing goes wrong, they should arrive at Hill 330 by this time tomorrow. When the time comes, please recruit them.”

  Edge Water frowned.

  ”Clone Regiment?”

  Mole nodded.


  Edge Water scratched the back of his head.

  ”Those clones…what to do with them?”

  The clone regiments that the Alliance had encountered before basically fought until the last clone fell, and then the grassroots officers would begin to surrender. This was

  the first time he encountered clones who surrendered along with the officers.

  To be honest, the Alliance still has no specific definition of whether those guys are considered human beings.

  This is not being pretentious. It is

  related to a very realistic problem – should they be tried and reformed as ordinary prisoners of war for the purpose of liberation, or should they be included in the category of “purification” like mutants.

  They are not animals without minds, but just mentally retarded people with incomplete minds.

  The Mole shrugged his shoulders and made a helpless expression.

  ”How should I know? Anyway, you just keep an eye on them. Ask the administrator how to deal with them.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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