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Chapter 475 Moving

Chapter 475 Moving


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 475 Moving

  ”Okay, you can ask Song Xiaomi for help. I’ll grant her half a day off.”

  Lu Xinyao nodded when she heard that.

  Then she stopped talking.

  Xu Xiuwen took the opportunity to look Lu Xinyao up and down.

  She was wearing an ordinary light-colored work suit today.

  She was wearing flesh-colored stockings today, which was a bit sexy.

  But Xu Xiuwen was sitting.

  There was a table in front of him blocking his view.

  He couldn’t see clearly.

  Xu Xiuwen waved at Lu Xinyao, “Come here.”

  He thought Lu Xinyao would not listen.

  But she was very obedient. She

  walked straight towards Xu Xiuwen.

  After walking in front of Xu Xiuwen.

  He was about to speak.

  But Lu Xinyao sat directly on his lap.

  Xu Xiuwen was a little confused by her actions.

  Lu Xinyao saw the surprise and confusion in Xu Xiuwen’s eyes.

  She said lightly: “You forced me to go back to work in the company, don’t you want to do this to me? Don’t pretend.”

  Xu Xiuwen did not refute when he heard that.

  In Lu Xinyao’s view.

  This is an admission.

  She suddenly sneered: “Do you dare to be here?”

  Lu Xinyao’s sudden sneer surprised Xu Xiuwen.

  Looking at the provocative look in the woman’s eyes,

  Xu Xiuwen also laughed.

  The relationship with Lu Xinyao, a woman,

  was not normal from the beginning.

  At the beginning,

  he did not have a deep obsession with Lu Xinyao.
But Lu Xinyao’s behavior

  of leaving

  without saying goodbye stimulated him.

  In addition, when he went to see Lu Xinyao for the first time, he
happened to see a man driving her home.

  She herself said that she had a boyfriend.

  This further stimulated Xu Xiuwen.

  His possessiveness as a man completely overwhelmed reason.

  That’s why what happened later.

  That night in Fei City can be said to be an accident.

  But what happened afterwards…

  Xu Xiuwen can no longer explain it as an accident.

  Now he doesn’t want to explain it anymore.

  His possessiveness of Lu Xinyao has reached an unprecedented height.

  This woman is destined to not escape his Five Fingers Mountain.

  At this moment,

  Lu Xinyao’s provocation.

  It is obvious that she did it on purpose.

  Is she expressing her dissatisfaction in this way?

  Maybe. Is

  that why Lu Xinyao dares to be so provocative?

  It was because she felt that Xu Xiuwen would not dare to do anything to her in the company.

  But Lu Xinyao still underestimated Xu Xiuwen.

  When Lu Xinyao thought that she had the upper hand in this confrontation,

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly stretched out his hands to hold her slender waist.

  Then he leaned forward

  and kissed her red lips

  in the panic of Lu Xinyao

  Lu Xinyao’s mind was blank in an instant, and she stopped thinking completely.


  Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to stop.

  He narrowed his eyes, looked into her eyes with a smile, and asked, “If you beg me now, I can forgive your disrespect just now.”

  Lu Xinyao looked at Xu Xiuwen’s teasing eyes.

  She knew that she only asked him.

  Maybe Xu Xiuwen would stop.

  But she was angry.

  From the fact that she could suddenly leave without saying goodbye and resign without telling Xu Xiuwen,

  it can be seen that she is sometimes a very stubborn character.

  So what she said at this moment was, “You are dreaming, I will never beg you, a bastard, to anyone else!”

  ”Haha, interesting…”



  The office door was suddenly knocked.

  Xu Xiuwen: “Wait… wait a minute, I have something to do!”

  Five minutes later.

  Song Xiaomi entered the office.

  After entering, she saw President Xu sitting behind the desk, looking at the documents in his hand while saying something to Lu Xinyao.

  Lu Xinyao stood beside President Xu with her legs together and bent over, listening to what President Xu said carefully.

  After she came in.

  The two took the initiative to stop talking.

  Song Xiaomi found that Sister Xinyao’s face was red.

  Looking at this scene.

  Song Xiaomi felt a little weird, but couldn’t tell where it was weird.

  At this time.

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head to look at Song Xiaomi, and said kindly: “Lu Xinyao is going back to the company and will still be my secretary. She is going to return the house in the afternoon. I will give you half a day off, you go to help. I will give you an extra bonus of 200 yuan this month.”

  Even if there is no money, Song Xiaomi is willing to help Lu Xinyao move.

  Not to mention the bonus.

  Song Xiaomi was so happy that his mouth couldn’t close.

  Then he briefly explained two more sentences.

  Xu Xiuwen asked Song Xiaomi to leave the office first.

  After Song Xiaomi left.

  Lu Xinyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  She glared at Xu Xiuwen fiercely before walking out of the office in a panic.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen laughed with a bad taste.

  Although Lu Xinyao said that he didn’t need to help with the move,

  Xu Xiuwen still went in the end.

  was just a step slower.

  When he drove to Lu Xinyao’s house.

  Lu Xinyao had packed all her belongings and was contacting a moving truck.

  Xu Xiuwen’s appearance was a little sudden for Lu Xinyao.

  She was stunned for a moment, then asked coldly, “Why are you here?”

  Song Xiaomi, who was standing next to her, was much more reserved.

  She immediately shouted very respectfully, “Hello, Mr. Xu.”

  Lu Xinyao no longer had any awe for him.

  But Xu Xiuwen didn’t care.

  On the contrary, it was this cold attitude, with a slight resistance and resistance, that made Lu Xinyao seem a little rebellious that made him feel more interesting.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “I happened to pass by here while doing something, so I came up to take a look.”

  Song Xiaomi didn’t doubt anything when she heard it.

  Lu Xinyao knew that Xu Xiuwen must be lying.

  But she didn’t choose to expose it.

  Then she started to move things downstairs.

  Xu Xiuwen also helped.

  Song Xiaomi was surprised.

  She felt that Mr. Xu was really kind and caring about his employees. He was such a good boss.

  Lu Xinyao had a cold face the whole time.

  In a blink of an eye, there was only one package left.

  Lu Xinyao went upstairs to get it.

  Xu Xiuwen stood there, watching Lu Xinyao turn and leave.

  He suddenly said to Song Xiaomi: “Xiaomi, you stay here and watch the things. I’ll go to the bathroom.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Xu.” Song Xiaomi said very obediently.

  Xu Xiuwen hurried to catch up.

  But he was still a step slow.

  He pressed the elevator button and stood in front of the elevator door waiting.

  After the elevator went up, he got down and went up again.

  Arrived at the floor where Lu Xinyao rented a house.
As soon as

  the elevator door opened.

  Xu Xiuwen saw Lu Xinyao standing at the elevator door with a package.

  She was a little surprised to see Xu Xiuwen in the elevator.

  ”Why are you up here?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything, but stepped forward…



  Lu Xinyao pushed Xu Xiuwen away fiercely.

  She looked at him coldly and said with disgust: “Are you satisfied now?”

  ”It’s okay…”

  ”You are so shameless!”

  What responded to her was Xu Xiuwen’s laugh.

  Lu Xinyao knew that she had no way to deal with this thick-skinned, even shameless man.

  Fortunately, it was not the first time.

  She was getting used to it.

  So she stopped talking nonsense with Xu Xiuwen, but turned and went into the bathroom.

  When she came out again.

  She looked no different from the beginning.

  No one could tell what had just happened.

  Lu Xinyao didn’t even look at Xu Xiuwen, turned around and went to take the elevator.

  Xu Xiuwen followed with a smile, and took her into his arms.

  Lu Xinyao struggled for a while, but didn’t break free, so he didn’t care.

  Coming out of the elevator.

  Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to let go of Lu Xinyao.

  The two walked out of the elevator one after the other.

  Xu Xiuwen fell behind.

  Looking at Lu Xinyao’s back that was slightly swaying because of walking.

  Xu Xiuwen complained in his heart, little shopping, seducing me again!

  Lu Xinyao just didn’t know what Xu Xiuwen was thinking.

  If she knew, she would at least scold Xu Xiuwen.

  She had never thought of seducing Xu Xiuwen.

  Because she usually wears high heels and always walks like this.

  Song Xiaomi waited for a long time.

  Finally, Sister Xinyao and Mr. Xu came down.

  Song Xiaomi pouted and said, “Sister Xinyao, you finally came down. I thought you were lost.”

  Lu Xinyao felt empty when she heard this.

  She quickly cursed Xu Xiuwen in her heart, and then explained, “I just made a phone call and wasted some time.”

  ”Is that so.”

  Song Xiaomi had no doubts at all.

  Soon the movers arrived at the community.

  The movers drove a van.

  Except for the two front seats, the middle and back seats were removed.

  Lu Xinyao got on the co-pilot of the van without thinking.

  Song Xiaomi had nowhere to sit, so she could only sit in Xu Xiuwen’s car.

  It was not the first time she sat in Xu Xiuwen’s car.

  But it was the first time she sat alone.

  After getting in the car,

  she was very restrained.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and asked her to relax.

  Song Xiaomi agreed, but her body was still very stiff.

  Xu Xiuwen no longer cared about her and concentrated on driving.

  The car drove on the road for a while.

  Song Xiaomi gradually relaxed.

  She turned her head to look at Mr. Xu.

  She could only see his side face.

  But Xu Xiuwen was really handsome.

  From this angle.

  Mr. Xu’s nose was unusually straight.

  The line of his entire jaw was like a knife.

  Very stylish.

  Song Xiaomi always knew that Mr. Xu was handsome, but she had never looked at him carefully.

  At this moment, she realized that Mr. Xu was much more handsome than she had imagined.

  He was handsome, tall, and had opened a company and bought a winery.

  It shouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Mr. Xu was a high-quality man?

  Facing such an excellent man, no girl would not be moved.

  But Song Xiaomi didn’t dare to be moved.

  She just envied Mr. Xu’s girlfriend very much.

  She honestly thought: If she could have such an excellent boyfriend, she would probably wake up from her dreams with a smile every day.

  Soon they arrived at the company dormitory.

  Xu Xiuwen helped to move everything upstairs.

  He did not leave immediately, but sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV.

  As if this was his own home.

  Lu Xinyao still lived in her original room.

  She started to get busy.

  Song Xiaomi helped.

  It was 6 o’clock in the evening.

  Lu Xinyao finally finished cleaning up.

  To express her gratitude to Song Xiaomi for her help,

  she offered to cook in the kitchen.

  Song Xiaomi was very excited and happy.

  Sister Xinyao’s cooking skills were very good.

  Thinking that she would have delicious food later, she couldn’t help but look forward to it.

  When Lu Xinyao said she wanted to cook, she was talking to Song Xiaomi alone.

  In her words, she seemed to have completely ignored Xu Xiuwen.

  Song Xiaomi was still thinking about Xu Xiuwen, so she quickly turned around and asked, “Mr. Xu, do you have any social events tonight?”

  Xu Xiuwen knew what Song Xiaomi wanted to say.

  He shook his head and said, “No.” ”

  Then Mr. Xu, please stay for dinner tonight.”

  Xu Xiuwen asked knowingly, “Who’s cooking? You?”

  Song Xiaomi smiled shyly and said, “It’s not me, it’s Sister Xinyao who’s going to cook.” Xu

  Xiuwen took the opportunity to look at Lu Xinyao and asked with a smile, “I would like to stay, but I don’t know if she welcomes me to stay for dinner.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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