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Chapter 475 Rescue and Fall

Chapter 475 Rescue and Fall


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 475 Rescue and Fall

  The engines on both sides of the wings emitted a faint blue arc of light, carrying the huge “Orca” transport plane slowly into the sky.

  Under the envious gaze of the players, the transport plane switched to horizontal flight mode and rushed towards the north.

  ”Fuck, I’ll buy one when I have money.” The outlaw looked at the distant meteor with envy and pushed the tricycle to gather.

  The thousand-man team under the First Corps took over Camp 330 to guard the surrendered prisoners of war.

  As the main force of the alliance’s attack, they will soon follow the Honey Badger Kingdom Restoration Army and continue to march into the heart of Oasis No. 3.

  On the other side, on Hill 330.

  Wu Kaian, a reporter from the “Zhiyuan Daily”, was walking through the messy battlefield accompanied by an alliance resident named “Bai Ge Dai Niu”.

  Although the battlefield had been simply cleaned up and the bodies and broken limbs were thrown into the trenches and buried, there were still a lot of debris left on the battlefield that had not been dealt with in time.

  For example, the blood-soaked sandbags and the sand stuck with blood plasma…

  Due to the temperature and the scorching sun, the air here is filled with a lingering smell of blood, and occasionally you can step on the arms and legs of the dead.

  Wu Kaian swallowed his saliva.

  He had followed the Enterprise’s commandos to go deep into the mutant camp and had seen many strange and bloody scenes, but compared to here, they all seemed a little pale.

  This is the real battlefield…

  ”This is…”

  Bai Gei explained with a smile.

  ”Hill 330, there was a thousand-man team of the legion stationed here before, and a hundred-man anti-aircraft team. The battle was so fierce at the time, and the gunshots rang all night. The three thousand brothers of the Death Corps finally took this place before dawn.”

  Hearing a hint of heaviness from the relaxed speech, Wu Kaian nodded silently.

  More than three thousand people fought against more than a thousand people, and it took a whole night to take it down, and these three thousand people seemed to be the front-line corps of the alliance.

  It seems that this legion is more difficult to deal with than expected…

  ”Come to think of it, didn’t the Council support you with a batch of high-tech equipment? That flapping-wing aircraft, the ‘Seagull’ drone, the ‘Hellhound’ unmanned vehicle… Why don’t you use them?”

  ”The quantity is too small, and too expensive,” Bai Ge Dai Zni made a helpless expression, “The total aid given to us by the Council is only 2 billion Cr.”

  ”Only 2 billion?! 2 billion is not enough?” Wu Kaian looked at the soldier in surprise.

  His monthly salary is only a little over 10,000.

  And this is also counting the attendance allowance and the money for reimbursement of various expenses.

  ”How can it be enough? It’s not just one person spending it,” Bai Ge Dai Zni shook his head, “Let me do the math with you, it costs about 100,000 to build a kilometer of road, and a tactical missile is about the same price, which is equivalent to a road being gone with one missile.”

  Wu Kaian said in a daze.

  ”This… doesn’t sound like a lot.”

  Bai Ge Dai Zni continued.

  ”Ammunition consumption is only one aspect. The money spent on war is not only on buying ammunition. Not to mention improving the tractor production line, that is simply a bottomless pit. There are also the food, drink, defecation, fuel and energy consumption of the front-line soldiers… These are all direct expenses.”

  Wu Kaian swallowed his saliva.

  ”Are there any indirect expenses?”

  ”Of course there are!” Bai Ge Dai Ni said as a matter of course, “The alliance has a total of only about 100,000 people. One-tenth of the population has been mobilized to the front line. It will be difficult to find people to replace the vacant positions in the rear in a short time, right? Things that cannot be produced can only be imported. Alas… Our managers are still too face-conscious. They are embarrassed to tell you that in fact, we are so poor that we can hardly afford to eat, and we have to take care of the meals of these prisoners. It’s a headache.”

  As he spoke, the little player believed it himself and shook his head.

  Wu Kaian’s scalp tingled when he heard it, and he nodded and said.

  ”… Uh, I will reflect your situation in the interview.”

  This is indeed a question worth discussing.

  But then again…

  How can an ordinary soldier know so much?

  He always feels like he is being tricked.

  ”Yeah, thanks.” Looking at the prompt of [Task Completed] on the VM, Bai Gei Daisui showed a happy smile on his face, and ended this “heavy” topic at the right time.

  Fortunately, awakening gave him some intelligence attributes. Memorizing

  these lines must have exhausted him.

  The first task is completed.

  There is only one task left for the administrator.

  On the way to the small black room where Soft was imprisoned, Bai Gei Daisui deliberately took a detour and took the reporter from Ideal City through a col.

  Looking at the dark crowd of heads under the col, Wu Kaian showed a surprised expression on his face. Just as he was about to ask about the identities of these people, Bai Gei Daisui, who was acting as a “tour guide”, continued.

  ”Those are clones… The Legion produced them through cloning technology, and they will age at eight times the speed of normal people.”

  Wu Kaian looked at him and asked.

  ”What are you going to do with them?”

  Bai Gei Daisui answered skillfully.

  ”Generally, the survivors in the settlement would bury them directly. They can’t work and like to fight. It’s a pure waste of food. But the manager said that they are just a group of poor people who are being used… So they will probably keep them, if conditions permit.”

  Wu Kaian nodded.

  ”Can I take a picture?”

  Bai Ge Daisni nodded simply.

  ”Sure, take a picture.”

  The drone flew over the col, took a few pictures of the clones, and then returned to Wu Kaian’s side.

  For the rest of the journey, Wu Kaian didn’t say a word, but fell into a long thought.

  Bai Ge Daisni, who was following him, didn’t speak again, because just now, his mission had been completed…


  In the dark barracks.

  Listening to the footsteps coming from the door and a beam of light leaking through the crack of the door, Soft slowly raised his head.

  A strange man stood at the door.

  The reason why it is strange is that he doesn’t have the feeling of a soldier at all, whether in his clothes or temperament.

  Soft’s eyes were confused, and he frowned and said.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”Hello, my name is Wu Kaian, and I’m a reporter for the Zhiyuan Daily.” Wu Kaian introduced himself skillfully and sat down in the chair opposite Soft with a smile.

  Soft glanced at the drone behind him.

  ”What is the Zhiyuan Newspaper?”

  Wu Kaian said with a smile.

  ”It is the media of Ideal City, and it has a history of 200 years. In addition to paper newspapers, we operate our own clients and even virtual spaces on the endpoint cloud. It is one of the windows for the residents of Ideal City to understand the world outside Ideal City…”


  It sounds similar to the Triumph Newspaper.

  Soft suddenly seemed to think of something, and then smiled coldly.

  ”Are you here to ridicule me?”

  Wu Kaian explained with a smile.

  ”How could it be? We are just one of the participants in the war. We want to know what you, as an enemy, think of this war and your opponents.”

  Soft leaned back in his chair and said coldly.

  ”I don’t have any opinion.”

  As a professional reporter, Wu Kaian, who traveled nearly 10,000 kilometers to come here, certainly would not give up because of this guy’s words.

  Seeing a trace of unwillingness behind those eyes, he said in a persuasive tone.

  ”Don’t you feel unwilling at all?”

  Perhaps because it hit the mark, the effect of this sentence was better than expected.

  Soft, who was leaning back in his chair, snorted and crossed his arms over his chest.

  ”I’m not willing to accept this… Haha, I’m really not willing to accept this. I shouldn’t have believed the nonsense that skunk Griffin said.”

  ”So you think the reason for the failure is a mistake in command?” Wu Kaian stared into his eyes and asked with a piercing gaze.

  Soft said indifferently.

  ”On the one hand.”

  ”On the other hand? Is it because of the weapons that the enterprise provided to the alliance?” Wu Kaian continued to ask with great interest, revealing his purpose without any concealment.

  However, after hearing his words, Soft did not get furious like McLen, but instead pulled a self-deprecating smile at the corner of his mouth.

  ”You mean those weapons? Haha, maybe they are a little useful… but it’s not weapons that defeat me.”

  This answer was beyond Wu Kaian’s expectations.

  After being stunned for a few seconds, he continued to ask.

  ”Then… what do you think it is.”

  ”What is it? It is the infantry who dared to abandon their baggage and march for twelve hours, cross-country across a mountainous area of ​​150 kilometers, and attack the high ground without fire support. It is the paratroopers who dared to jump down without air superiority, reinforcements, and even unclear ground force deployment… This group of crazy people who don’t care about their lives, if I knew these guys were so difficult to deal with, I would definitely deploy them in a different way.”

  Soft cursed.

  However, in his fearful eyes, he unconsciously revealed a trace of admiration.

  Those guys are really ruthless.

  Not only are they ruthless in terms of ability, but almost everyone in the entire army, from soldiers to officers, has developed their potential to the limit.

  Their fighting will has reached the realm of one mind and one body. They will do anything to win, and have achieved miracles that are almost impossible for humans to accomplish in both tactics and strategy.

  Soft is very clear that he did not lose in command, nor did he lose to any awakened or power armor. Those things are indeed very strong, but they are not strong enough to be invulnerable, just like the conqueror tanks they are proud of.

  Both he and Griffin made the most correct judgment based on the intelligence at the time, and also took into account the situation where the plan did not meet expectations.

  Even if he were to do it again, he might not be able to do better.

  His real dissatisfaction with Griffin and the dead McLen was the lies they told in the Triumph Newspaper.

  There are no military merits and treasures everywhere here. Their opponents are not a group of natives who are ready to be slaughtered, but a real fighting race. They are bleeding for no reason for a war with no end in sight.

  Many young men with great prospects are dead, including Simond, whom he promoted, and Yot from the air defense team…

  He shouldn’t have brought them here from the beginning!

  Wu Kaian’s eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

  He didn’t hear the part he wanted to hear.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  Before coming here, he had taken enough impactful photos and collected more reportable materials.

  Compared with the bravery, strength and power of the allies in the war, the residents of Ideal City are more inclined to understand their tragic, heroic and other sympathetic parts, followed by those cultural phenomena that were born in the ruins, were novel enough and harmless to humans and animals.

  As for the image of the light of civilization, Big Brother or the head of the family, it should be the honor of the Supreme Council.

  Having been a media person for so many years, he knows his clients better than anyone else. Most people’s demand for information is not essentially the demand for information, but the satisfaction brought by information. As an excellent media person, he should let his clients see the part they want to see.

  Wu Kaian made a decision silently in his heart and appropriately shortened the interview about Softt…

  ”Thank you for your cooperation… Is there anything else you want to add?” Wu Kaian, who lost interest in the prisoner of war, simply ended the interview with one sentence.

  Softt said with a cold smile.

  ”I didn’t cooperate with you… By the way, if you have any news about the ceasefire negotiations, can you tell me if it’s convenient?”

  Wu Kaian recalled carefully and said.

  ”There is no news about that yet… But the diplomats of the Alliance seem to have promised in other Utopia media that the war will end before the end of the year.”

  Before the end of the year?

  Softt was slightly stunned.

  Although he didn’t agree with it, he nodded slowly to show his understanding.

  It sounds like bragging…

  But it doesn’t rule out the possibility that the Alliance doesn’t want to continue fighting.

  In any case, this is a good thing for him. If it

  ’s fast, he will be able to return to the manor on the banks of the Solat River before the beginning of next spring…


  In the northern part of Luoxia Province, in the wasteland north of the mountains.

  Several vultures pounced on the corpse of the mutant hyena and bit it. Suddenly, they heard a noise along the ground and flapped their wings alertly and flew into the sky.

  Not long after, a heavy tracked vehicle with a width that could fill two lanes appeared behind the misty wasteland.

  The swamp soil hanging on the tracks showed where it came from.

  The man sitting in the co-pilot seat has been staring at the tablet in his hand. He is wearing a yellow-gray camouflage jacket, has a short flat head, and his unkempt chin is covered with stubble. There is a scar on the right cheek that is as long as the index finger.

  If it weren’t for the words “D-level explorer” written on the name tag on his chest, no one would think he is a member of the academy, but would rather mistake him for a mercenary active in this area.

  But in fact, this is not a misunderstanding.

  Although he is a regular employee of the academy, he does not stay in the academy for a long time in a year.

  Like other unlucky D-level explorers, he and his “beacon” team are basically either exploring the ruins or on the way to the ruins.

  His name is Zheng Hao, and he belongs to the containment planning group of the academy’s investigation department. His position is an explorer as written on the name tag, and he is a combatant.

  More than 20 of his team members are in this car, half of whom are bionic people, and half of whom are cyborgs with more than 50% cyborgs.

  ”Boss, how long do we have?” A young man sitting in the back row looked out the window and asked boredly.

  His name is Zhao Xiao, and he is an E-level explorer of the containment plan team.

  Originally, they were exploring a biological research facility of the Human Union era 70 kilometers away, but suddenly received an order from their superiors to go to the wasteland outside the swamp to recover a special research institute material at the coordinates on the map.

  The photo provided by the superiors was a propeller plane, the model was the “Eagle” fighter in service in the Falcon Kingdom.

  To be honest, he had no interest in that kind of antique. If it weren’t for the order from his superiors, he wouldn’t want to come here at all.

  ”It’s just in front.” Zheng Hao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, replied concisely, not wanting to pay attention to this energetic young man.

  Compared with those E-level personnel, he knew more about the inside story.

  According to the description of his colleagues in the Foreign Affairs Department, they found the fruiting body of the mutant slime mold in the cabin of a crashed “Eagle” fighter on the way to Luoxia Province.

  As we all know, the fruiting body of slime mold cannot exist in isolation. There must be a mobile mother body or nest nearby.

  Recovering the propeller plane is only one of the tasks.

  Their real task is to search for the strange mother body.

  According to the researcher who reported the situation, it may be a life form they have never seen before. In-depth research may lead to major discoveries.

  At this moment, a faint blue arc of light suddenly flashed in the distant sky. Zheng Hao raised his head suddenly, looked forward and squinted slightly.

  The driver who had been silent suddenly spoke.

  ”It’s the plume of the plasma engine.”

  ”Well,” Zheng Hao nodded and said cautiously, “It’s probably the people of the enterprise.”

  Although he rarely dealt with the gang on the East Coast, his intuition told him that there must be no good things where those people were.

  It was not just the captain who was alert.

  When they heard the word “enterprise”, the expressions of everyone in the car suddenly became serious. The young man who was restless before showed an eager expression.

  After turning off the screen, Zheng Hao stuffed the tablet into the compartment above his head, picked up the tactical helmet on the side and put it on, then took out the tactical backpack next to the seat, and looked back at the teammates behind him who were waiting in full battle array.

  ”Xiao Jiang, release the drone and search the fan-shaped area ten kilometers ahead… mark all exposed suspected threat targets.”


  The short-haired woman sitting in the back seat of the car nodded slightly, raised her index finger and touched the right side of her temple, and then closed her eyes. The

  slender light golden lines blended into the ends of her black hair.

  At the same time, three triangular small drones deployed on the top of the tracked vehicle, with swallow-shaped tails spewing short flames, whizzed into the air one after another, and turned into a series of afterimages and rushed towards the south.

  Her name is Jiang Xuezhou, and she is an E-level personnel like the young man named Zhao Xiao.

  However, her position is not an explorer, but a researcher who is half a level higher. She serves as a technical advisor and drone operator in the team. She is also the highest-ranking person besides the captain and deputy captain.

  Everyone was quietly waiting for her news.

  At this time, Jiang Xuezhou, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly frowned, raised his head abruptly, and reported quickly in a calm voice.

  ”A slime mold life form suspected to be the mother body was found! The target is 3.7 kilometers north of us, and the shape is similar to that of a human. Next to it is a… human?”

  A surprised expression appeared on her face, but she still did not open her eyes.

  Zhao Xiao, who was sitting next to her, also showed an unbelievable expression on his face.

  ”Human?! Are you sure?”

  The predatory instinct for other organisms is almost written into the DNA of mutant slime molds.

  They are weapons designed to clean up other organisms, especially the fragile mother body, how could it allow living things to exist around itself.

  Zheng Hao frowned.

  ”Are you sure it’s a human? Not a slime mold fruiting body disguised as a human?”

  ”Eighty percent sure… He is wearing clothes, there are no obvious wounds on his clothes, and there are no signs of slime mold erosion on the exposed parts,” Jiang Xuezhou’s expression suddenly paused when he said this, “The man lit the flashlight.”

  ”What does he want to do?” Zhao Xiao asked immediately.

  Jiang Xuezhou continued quickly, “He waved it in his hand, as if trying to attract the attention of something… Wait, the transport plane of the enterprise is approaching them! That person is an employee of the enterprise! They are in the same group!”

  Zheng Hao’s expression was slightly stern.

  He didn’t know why the people of the enterprise targeted the mother, just like he didn’t know why the mother of the mutant slime mold appeared near the Wandering Swamp.

  He only understood one thing.

  That was his prey.

  We must not let those thieves on the East Coast intercept it!

  ”Shoot it down!” Zheng Hao ordered decisively.

  ”Ah…” Jiang Xuezhou was slightly stunned, and said with embarrassment, “But… I’m operating a reconnaissance drone.”

  ”Fly directly over! Aim at its engine nozzle and crash into it!”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s two embroidered eyebrows twitched slightly, and his heart ached, but he also knew that now was not the time to feel sorry for the equipment, so he listened to the captain’s words and did as he was told.

  After a moment, she took a deep breath, opened her thin lips and continued.

  ”Hit the target… The left engine of the aircraft is on fire, and it is making an emergency landing.”

  Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone hanging in their hearts finally fell.

  Zheng Hao stared at her and continued to give orders.

  ”Continue to track the mother body! In addition, mark the crash site and nearby survivors.”

  Jiang Xuezhou closed his eyes and nodded, indicating that he understood. His frown seemed to be still distressed about the burning funds, so he did not speak.

  Zheng Hao did not care and continued to look at the driver.

  ”Old Song, continue to move forward in the current direction and arrive at the location marked on the map and wait! Xiao Zhao, take your observer to find a suitable sniper point near the mission coordinates.”

  ”Got it!”

  Old Song, who was holding the steering wheel, nodded. Zhao Xiao, who was sitting in the back, responded excitedly, and then couldn’t wait to take out a sniper rifle that was a full meter and a half long from the suitcase, and skillfully installed the accessories that might be used in a while.

  Zheng Hao then looked at the other team members.

  ”Attention, all units, we are facing an enterprise, and we don’t have to be polite with those robbers. Check your equipment and be prepared for a firefight… Group C stays in the car and waits, listen to Old Song’s command, Group A and Group B follow me!”

  The uniform answer sounded in the car.

  ”Yes! Captain!”

  Zheng Hao glanced at his teammates and nodded with satisfaction. Then he opened the car door and waved his hand to give the order.


  At the same time.

  The Orca transport plane was spinning and falling in chaos. The piercing alarm bells rang loudly and the red alarm light flashed in the cabin.

  Ye Shi, who did not fasten his seat belt, was thrown to the ceiling. Fortunately, Kuangfeng next to him quickly grabbed his collar and pulled him back with the power of the exoskeleton, so that he did not get bruised in the cabin. After

  tying himself to the seat again, Ye Shi, who looked embarrassed, cursed and complained.

  ”Damn it! I knew that the dog planner would definitely-woo woo woo!”

  Kuangfeng, who was sitting next to him, stretched out his right hand and quickly covered the guy’s mouth.

  ”Say less or you will die!”

  The pilot’s scream came from the cockpit.

  ”The left engine is on fire! Damn it! Something hit us!”

  Lao Bai couldn’t help but curse.

  ”Damn, your plane doesn’t have radar?!”

  The pilot was sweating profusely, holding the rudder tightly with both hands, trying to control the balance with the only remaining engine.

  ”I don’t know! The radar is obviously on, and it stands to reason that even a sparrow can’t escape my eyes… Damn! What happened?!”

  It’s okay not to know.

  I have a new understanding of the unreliability of non-combat personnel in the enterprise.

  Looking at the flustered pilot, Lao Bai gritted his teeth and completely gave up the last bit of fantasy about this guy.

  Looking at the teammates who were shaken in the cabin behind him, he shouted loudly.

  ”We were attacked by anti-aircraft missiles. The number of enemies and the type of targets are uncertain! All units check their equipment and prepare for forced landing! After landing, immediately disperse outside the cabin to find shelter!” The

  creaking metal friction sounded like everyone’s clenched teeth, and the cabin trembling in the airflow rang with a roar of fighting spirit.


  No matter who it is.

  They will make this unethical sneak attack guy pay the price!

  An open area not far away.

  Luo Yu waved the flare stick, staring at the circling and falling Orca transport plane in a daze, and a joyful smile instantly froze on his face.

  He had a very hard time these past two days.

  The surrounding mountains and wilderness were full of dangerous alien species, not to mention that there was a clingy little guy next to him who was not honest.

  He hardly slept these two days, and only dared to take a short nap when Xiao Yu was not paying attention.

  I thought I could finally go back to the shelter for a big meal and a good sleep.

  But how could the plane suddenly fall down? !


  Luo Yu threw the flare stick to the ground in exasperation, and couldn’t help cursing, and took out the 9mm pistol on his waist.

  Although I don’t know what happened.

  But the posture of the crash is not an ordinary flight accident, it must have been hit by a missile or something else in the engine.

  If the legion shot down the plane, I was probably used as a bait by those people to surround the point and attack the reinforcements.

  The most urgent task now is to move away from this area before those big noses close their nets.

  ”Xiao Yu, we should leave!”

  Xiao Yu, who was being pulled by his arm, tilted his head in confusion, not knowing what was going on, but just followed suit and shouted to show that he understood.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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