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Chapter 476: Accidental Discharge

Chapter 476: Accidental Discharge


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 476: Accidental Discharge

  Although it was unreliable in various senses, at the moment of life-threatening, the pilot named Sun Ze still demonstrated superb driving skills, relying on the only remaining engine to control the speed of descent –

  although it was only barely controlled.

  ”Fifty meters to the ground! Prepare for a hard landing -”

  Sun Ze shouted loudly, but before he finished speaking, a loud “Duang” sound came from under everyone’s feet. The

  instant overload acceleration almost made everyone’s face pale, and they almost fainted.

  The safety belt that was almost embedded in the exoskeleton made Ye Shi roll his eyes and almost couldn’t breathe.

  At the same time, the muffled sound of hitting the ground spread across the wilderness, and the circling and falling “Orca” transport plane raised a cloud of dust on the flat ground.

  ”Cough cough…”

  Sun Ze, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, coughed violently, shook his dizzy head, and pulled down the pull ring hanging above his head from a trance.

  The hatch at the rear of the transport plane slowly fell down, and he slowly woke up with it.

  ”… Incredible… I actually landed it.”

  Sun Ze muttered softly, looked outside, and then looked at his hands. The confusion on his face was gradually replaced by the joy of surviving a disaster.

  He stretched out his hand with great effort, pushed the pilot who was knocked unconscious in the co-pilot seat, and called out excitedly.

  ”Hey, brother, are you okay? Wake up! We survived!!”

  The man did not answer, but there was still a heartbeat and breathing, probably just not awake from the collision just now.

  Unbuckling the seat belt and standing up, Lao Bai took off the rifle hanging on the power armor and loaded it, looking at Sun Ze sitting in the driver’s seat and said.

  ”You’d better not be happy in a hurry. We just made a successful forced landing, not returned successfully… This is a wasteland.”

  Looking at the unfamiliar wasteland outside the cabin, Sun Ze, who finally realized the seriousness of the problem, swallowed nervously and nodded slowly.


  Lao Bai asked.

  ”How long will it take to fix it?”

  Quickly looking down at the touch screen in front of the rudder, Sun Ze’s ten fingers clicked on the screen and operated seriously.

  ”I don’t know, I have to confirm the damage first… The auxiliary driving AI reported that a foreign object entered the engine and melted the plasma plume nozzle. Maybe it was an unlucky bird.”

  ”Impossible… It can’t be a bird,” the co-pilot who gradually woke up from a coma coughed and said with his dying breath, “I remember it was written in the radar operation manual that even a bullet within a range of 50 meters can be captured…”

  Sun Ze asked anxiously.

  ”Did you bring the manual?”

  ”That kind of thing…”

  The co-pilot panted for two seconds and finally choked out the next sentence.

  ”…I remember it should be in the toolbox.”

  ”…You guys fix it first.”

  Looking at the two people who were still looking for the manual, Lao Bai turned around with a frown on his face and decided that it would be better not to talk nonsense with them first.

  He was worried that his blood pressure would not be able to bear it.

  Although he was not a perception system, he always had a bad premonition.

  The radar technology of the Legion is OK, but the anti-radar technology is not very advanced. It can even be said that it is as bad as the air defense technology of the enterprise.

  The “missile” used by the other party is likely to use some kind of coating that absorbs electromagnetic waves to avoid the radar search of the enterprise.

  He suddenly thought of the anti-radar coating of the Lingyun fighter.

  If I remember correctly, that thing seems to come from Shelter 101.

  The director of Shelter 101 was one of the three founders of the Academy. It is reasonable to suspect that the Academy should also have similar or even more advanced technology.

  Although I don’t understand why the Academy suddenly launched an attack, this is a wasteland.

  Not everything that happens here needs a reason.

  At the same time as the plane landed.

  The players of the Burning Legion had passed through the open door and quickly rushed out of the cabin. They dispersed in groups of four and found shelters in a well-trained manner to prepare for defense.

  Walking out of the cabin with big strides, Lao Bai calmly gave orders.

  ”Kuangfeng, send out fixed-wing drones to search the nearby 5km area. Yeshi, find a high point nearby to set up guns. Quit smoking, take your team to search for our pilots in the northeast direction, report immediately if you find any suspicious targets, and you are allowed to engage in fire. The rest of the teams will spread out for defense, we need to hold this place until the plane is repaired!”

  A uniform answer came from the communication channel.


  At the same time, on the other side.

  Looking at the drone aerial footage projected on the tactical eyepiece, Zheng Hao’s face showed a hint of surprise.

  He thought that after falling from a height of 500 to 600 meters, the people on the plane would lose their ability to move even if they didn’t die, but he didn’t expect that they would immediately enter combat mode after landing, without even a trace of hesitation.

  ”It’s a little different from the rumors…” The voice of deputy captain Song Changfeng came from the communication channel, “It seems that those people on the East Coast are not all useless.”

  ”That’s for sure.”

  Zheng Hao was a little apprehensive, but he didn’t show it on his face, and continued to give orders in a low voice.

  ”Everyone, please pay attention. The enemy target has dispersed its defense. A total of 19 exoskeletons and one power armor were found… The model is the old model of the Human Alliance, OD-10 ‘Dragoon’, Type 5 ‘Light Cavalry’, Type 6 ‘Heavy Cavalry’, and the armor-piercing ammunition was replaced.”

  Then, he looked at an expressionless young man beside him.

  ”Xuan Feng, you take Group B to the location marked on the map to intercept the ‘target’.”


  The man nodded silently, and the six people left the team and moved quickly towards the wetlands in the southeast.

  Zheng Hao looked at the sky in the south and frowned slightly.


  A fixed-wing drone hovered in the sky.

  The thing looked very simple, but he did not underestimate the opponent because of this.

  ”Xiao Jiang, can you shoot it down?”

  A dissatisfied answer came from the communication channel.

  ”Captain… I must remind you that we only have ‘two’ left.”

  ”Send the ‘beehive’ to the crash site.”

  The communication channel was silent for a while.

  ”Are you sure? Actually, we don’t need to engage in a firefight with them, we just need to intercept–”


  Hearing the captain’s clean and decisive answer, Jiang Xuezhou stopped talking and took a deep breath.

  ”Got it.”

  A few kilometers away, the cover door on the top of the tracked vehicle opened, and with a column of smoke, a column with a diameter of one meter was launched into the air. After ignition, it rushed towards the direction of the crash site.

  Such a striking scene was immediately seen by the fixed-wing drone hovering in the sky.

  Kuangfeng, with his eyes closed, raised his head slightly and said seriously.

  ”Enemy ground vehicles were found… They fired a missile at us! The model… I haven’t seen it in the game.”


  Lao Bai’s face changed slightly, and he couldn’t help cursing.

  Because it was a rescue mission, only some infantry weapons were placed in the transport plane.

  Without hesitation, Lao Bai immediately rushed to the side of the transport plane, picked up the two pilots who were repairing the equipment, and pulled them away from the plane.

  Sun Ze, who was flipping through the manual, said in panic.

  ”What are you doing?”


  ”Missile?!” Sun Ze was stunned and said subconsciously, “But the radar–”

  He was about to say that the radar did not respond, but before he finished speaking, the silver-white missile body had appeared above everyone.

  Surprisingly, it did not crash straight into the plane, nor did it explode, but opened its arc-shaped shell outward.

  Palm-sized drones flew out of the missile body, like a swarm of killing bees, and pounced on the people around the transport plane.

  Lao Bai’s pupils shrank slightly.

  Almost subconsciously, he took the EMP grenade he got from the manager from the armored shell, set the delay fuse to 3 seconds, and then threw the grenade into the sky like throwing a baseball.

  He was not sure if this would work.

  But this was the only way at the moment!

  The distance of hundreds of meters passed in an instant.

  Almost at the moment of crashing into the drone group, a series of harsh buzzing sounds squeezed into the communication channel.

  The pulse current stimulated by nuclear energy instantly paralyzed the microelectronic devices inside the dozens of micro drones.

  The drones that didn’t have time to disperse were like flies hitting an electric mosquito swatter. They followed the falling beehive and fell to the ground like dumplings.

  Several kilometers away, Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting on a tracked vehicle, felt a slight pain in his eyebrows and frowned unconsciously.

  ”The bee colony was destroyed… The other party used EMP weapons.”

  An incredible voice came from the communication channel.


  Jiang Xuezhou panted lightly, nodded and said seriously.

  ”Well… and it is some kind of miniaturized EMP device. The power is very strong in a short distance. The opponent’s strength should not be underestimated!”

  The method of resisting EMP is very simple. If you can shield electromagnetic waves, you can basically shield electromagnetic pulses. In theory, it is enough to put a “Faraday cage” on the equipment, and no dark technology is needed.

  However, the “bee colony” needs the beehive to coordinate and command, and it is impossible to simply and crudely shield all external signals.

  The method of the college technicians is to add a small buffer component to the communication module, which is enough to resist ordinary EMP weapons.

  But the buffer components of fifty drones were penetrated at the same time!

  This is obviously not a conventional EMP weapon stimulated by chemical energy!

  As we all know, the difficulty of miniaturizing EMP weapons is no less than that of miniaturizing nuclear weapons, especially if you want to ensure the output power while miniaturizing!

  A small EMP weapon that can paralyze an entire “bee colony” may mean that the opponent’s strength will exceed their expectations…

  Zheng Hao’s eyes were full of caution, and his eyes became more and more fearful.

  At the same time, around the transport plane, the murderous dagger smacked his lips at the sight of the smoking drone falling at his feet.

  ”What the hell is this?”

  The players on the ground were just outside the coverage of the EMP grenade. Although the communication system had a brief malfunction, it was not significantly affected, and the functions of the equipment were all normal.

  ”It’s probably a short-range drone like the Y-2 ‘Butterfly Knife’…” The good name made the dog whisper, “Fuck… Could it be the academy?”

  ”Academy?!” Kidney Fighter was surprised, “Fuck, did we provoke them?”

  ”This is the wasteland, you think it’s the real world,” Killing Dagger rolled his eyes and complained, “Why are you talking so much nonsense, just blow up these old guys’ gold coins and be done with it!”

  Even in the real world, this “unauthorized” military action will not be officially recognized, and the death of people will probably be an accident during training.

  Not to mention the wasteland.

  In this uninhabited and unowned land, anything can happen.

  But then again, the entire drone formation was destroyed by an EMP grenade. If these people are really from the academy, it feels like this…

  Unlike several team members, Lao Bai did not relax at all.

  Especially when he heard Sun Ze’s exclamation.

  ”A swarm… It’s actually a swarm!”

  ”A swarm?” Lao Bai frowned and asked.

  Sun Ze swallowed his saliva and explained with a trembling voice.

  ”The weapons of the academy are said to leave no one alive within a radius of 500 meters. This thing is mainly used to clean up the alien species…”

  Lao Bai’s face darkened slightly.

  No matter what the reason is, since the other party has already made a fatal move…

  then there is no need for them to be polite.

  The voice of Kuangfeng came from the communication channel.

  ”A team is approaching us, less than 800 meters away.”

  Lao Bai stretched out his index finger and tapped his helmet, and ordered calmly.

  ”Groups three and four, defend on the spot, and groups one and two follow me to meet the attack! All units, pay attention, open the safety, and fire freely! Repeat, fire freely!”

  Almost at the same time as Lao Bai’s voice fell, Quitting, who led Group 5 deep into a reed marsh, had already started a firefight with the enemy unit.

  The flames from the muzzles flickered on the wetlands, and tracers whizzed through the reeds that were as high as a person.

  The Burning Corps, like the Storm Corps, adopted the three-three system. The ten-man squad is similar to the infantry squad in reality, consisting of a captain and three tactical teams.

  The advantage is that the division of labor is clear, which can effectively reduce casualties, and can also guide newbies at the same time. It is very useful for both large-scale operations and small-scale military operations.

  However, this tactic also has disadvantages. For example, when the equipment gap is not big, the firepower seems to be stretched a little.

  Facing the crossfire of six people, the five groups with only three people can’t help but fall behind for a while.

  With his helmet tightly pressed against the mud pit in the shallows, he spat out the grasshopper that got into his mouth and changed the magazine sideways.

  Just as he was about to raise the muzzle to fire back, a volley of bullets seemed to have eyes and whizzed into the mud pit in front of him, forcing him to shrink back.

  The splashing mud and water penetrated into his collar, and he cursed on the microphone.

  ”Five groups engage the enemy! The other side should be heading for our pilots! Damn… these guys are like they are shooting something!” There

  was also a burst of gunfire on the other end of the communication channel.

  Obviously, there was also an exchange of fire on Lao Bai’s side.

  ”Normal, there are drones on the other side, there’s no reason not to use them… Have you seen Luo Yu?”

  ”Not yet – wait!” Seeing the bright spot that suddenly appeared on the VM map, Jie Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up, “I saw him -”

  He was about to say that Luo Yu was close to the communication range, but there was a bang at the back of his head, his eyes went black, and his whole face was buried in the mud.

  ”Fuck! Sniper!”

  Without hesitation, the prop master pulled out the smoke bomb and threw it into the reed marsh on the left, took over the command and shouted angrily.


  ”Jie Yan, he’s dead again!”

  At the same time, on the hillside on the east side of the reed marsh.

  The young man holding the sniper rifle skillfully pulled the bolt, biting a dogtail grass, and raised a proud arc.


  Smoke bomb?

  Or with heat source interference?


  The shell was thrown out of the gun chamber, and Zhao Xiao continued to aim at the person who threw the smoke bomb.

  However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, a sign of death suddenly climbed over his head.

  Almost subconsciously, he rolled to the side. Almost at the same time, the rain of bullets smashed the stone slab he was lying on into pieces. After

  swallowing the half-bitten grass root, Zhao Xiao quickly gave up the sniper rifle, pulled out the submachine gun hanging on his waist, and fired at the back without even looking.

  The rock in front of him exploded into a piece of rubble and dust. Although it didn’t hit him, it also surprised Ye Shi.

  ”Oh my god… This guy is also a perception system?!”

  The purity may not be high, but the level should not be low!

  Hiding behind a half-man-high rock, Zhao Xiao glanced at the sniper rifle he abandoned not far away, cursed in a low voice, and then shouted outside the rock.

  ”How did you find me?”

  Ye Shi laughed.

  ”What a joke, do you need to find it? There is only one high point nearby.”


  Zhao Xiao’s expression froze.

  It seems to be the truth…

  The two sides are in a stalemate.

  Less than ten meters away, each of them occupied a bunker, and neither of them could do anything to the other… at least that was the case now.

  Not wanting to drag it on any longer, Zhao Xiao gritted his teeth, put the submachine gun on the side of the bunker, pushed it out with the tip of his shoe, and pulled out a dagger at the same time. He knocked on the rock twice provocatively.

  ”Fight! Dare?”

  He was a professionally trained fighter.

  As long as the other party dared to fight him in close combat, he would not lose!

  ”Dare, what’s there to be afraid of?”

  Seeing the other party put down the gun, Ye Shi was immediately happy, and without saying a word, he pulled out a grenade and threw it to the left side of the rock.

  ”Fuck you!”

  Zhao Xiao’s face suddenly changed when he saw this, and he didn’t care about picking up the gun. He rushed to the other side of the bunker with a curse.

  The roar of the explosion sounded almost at the same time he lay down, and the shock wave and fragments of the explosion made him groan. He was

  about to get up from the ground while enduring the pain, and the cold muzzle of the gun was already against the back of his head that had just been raised.

  ”I advise you not to move.”

  Hearing the voice from above, Zhao Xiao’s face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and couldn’t speak.

  Ye Shi was about to ridicule this guy, but the omen of crisis suddenly surged into his heart, and along with it came the scarlet murderous intent.

  He quickly stepped back to distance himself.

  Almost at the same time, the whistling sound almost scraped his exoskeleton chest armor, and a staggered afterimage was intertwined in the air. Only

  one thought flashed through Ye Shi’s mind.

  So fast!

  A figure slowly walked up from the bottom of the hill.

  The man’s face was expressionless and stiff like a robot.

  He didn’t have a gun in his hand, but instead had two short knives that were integrated with his arms and folded inwards – very much like the forelimbs of a mantis.

  Ye Shi’s pupils shrank slightly.

  Good guy.

  What kind of cyberpunk style is this? !

  The moment he saw the man, Zhao Xiao’s face was surprised.

  ”Xuan Feng?!”

  The man answered in a calm voice.

  ”Leave it to me.”

  Zhao Xiao was about to say “OK” excitedly when he saw a grenade thrown over here.

  More coming? !

  Zhao Xiao’s face changed instantly, and just as he was about to dodge, a huge force had already hit his chest.

  He almost suffocated and groaned. When he came to his senses, he was already lying face down in the mud at the bottom of the hillside.

  After spitting a mouthful of mud, Zhao Xiao couldn’t help but mutter in a low voice.

  ”Damn, can’t you be gentle?”

  After kicking his comrade down the hillside, the man named Xuan Feng turned around and looked at the hostile target that was more than ten meters away from him.

  His target was mainly the aliens or mutants occupying the ruins. In the underlying logic of his AI core, there was a line of code that said “no killing unless necessary.”

  But now, it is obviously a “necessary situation.”

  Organisms that pose a threat to the members of the “Beacon” team must be eliminated by any means, even using dismemberment tools against large aliens.

  Xuan Feng patted the metal fragments stuck on the artificial skin and walked towards the man as if nothing had happened without saying a word.

  Looking at the monster walking towards him, a drop of cold sweat slid down Ye Shi’s forehead, and the LD-50 in his hand was aimed at his head.

  ”What the hell are you?”

  Even grenades can’t kill you!

  What the hell is this Terminator? !

  ”It has nothing to do with you.”

  The man waved away the folded mantis knife, and his legs were slightly bent, just like a mantis ready to attack, ready to kill the prey with one blow.

  At the same time, Ye Shi’s heart was instantly raised to his throat.

  He can predict the threat of death…

  but that doesn’t mean he can avoid it.

  At this critical moment, dozens of scarlet tentacles shot out from the reed marsh under the hillside, and wrapped around Xuan Feng’s back like a chain, quickly locking all the joints of his body. With his

  motor function restricted, Xuan Feng’s eyes showed a rare confusion, as if he had never encountered such a situation before.

  He tried to move, but he couldn’t move at all.

  The switchblade cut inwards like a pair of scissors, but it was just a little short of the joint, and the tip couldn’t touch it at all. The tentacles

  that entangled him seemed to be very familiar with the structure of the human body.

  Xuan Feng lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

  ”Well… it’s difficult.”

  Coincidentally, Xiao Yu, who was squatting in the reeds, was almost in the same confusion as him at this moment.


  The man bitten by it was like a cold and hard stone. Whether it was the eyes, ears, mouth or nose, there was no cell that could be penetrated.

  There was no neuron that could be invaded.

  This guy…

  why can’t I eat it?

  ”Damn… what the hell is that?!”

  Looking at the scarlet tentacles that suddenly shot out from the reeds, Zhao Xiao’s face was instantly printed with fear, and he subconsciously moved back to distance himself.

  Xuan Feng was already the most highly equipped bionic man in their team, dedicated to dealing with high-threat targets such as death claws, mutant leeches, and mutants that were difficult to deal with with conventional weapons.

  It is no exaggeration to say that its single-soldier combat capability is the ceiling of their entire team’s combat power, and even the captain is not his opponent!

  But now –

  he is controlled and can’t move at all.

  Gritting his teeth, Zhao Xiao mustered up his courage, pulled out the pistol inserted in the tactical vest, and was about to aim at the tentacles wrapped around Xuan Feng.

  This is the last gun on him.

  However, at this moment, the cold muzzle of the gun was against the back of his head again. At the same time, a sharp shout came.

  ”Put down your weapons! Hold your head with your hands and lie down!”

  Hearing the voice, Zhao Xiao’s expression froze.

  The tentacles scared him before, and for a while he didn’t notice the movement behind him.

  Seeing that the man didn’t move, Luo Yu kicked him on the back.

  ”For the last time, put down your weapons immediately!”

  ”Don’t, don’t shoot!”

  I didn’t expect to be captured twice in one day.

  Zhao Xiao threw away the pistol with a wry smile, held his head with his hands and slowly straightened his body.

  However, just as he was about to lie down, his eyes met the puddle of black mud, and his expression froze on his face.

  ”Uh, can I… change my position?”

  He whispered awkwardly, trying to ask for permission, but the man behind him didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, and kicked him in the ass.

  Looking at the guy with his head stuck in the mud, Luo Yu rolled his eyes.

  ”Just lie down when I told you to, why are you talking so much nonsense.” With

  his index finger tapping on the VM, Luo Yu selected the flashing communication window, cleared his throat and said.

  ”This is Luo Yu, I have successfully reunited with the people who came to pick me up… How is the situation over there?”

  The gunfire on the other end of the communication channel had weakened.

  It looked like it was almost over.

  ”We’re almost done here… The guys who attacked us suffered heavy casualties and are retreating. Can you come back by yourselves? Or I’ll send a few more people to pick you up.”

  Luo Yu looked back at the hillside.

  Ye Shi was trying to turn off the bionic man controlled by Xiao Yu, but the progress was not smooth, and the three guys were in a stalemate for a while.

  Luo Yu continued with a subtle expression.

  ”Well, we have a little problem here… If it’s convenient for you, please send a few people over.”

  Lao Bai’s answer was very straightforward and without any hesitation.

  ”Got it.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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