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Chapter 479: Thinking about the gold coins in an old friend’s pocket is really unfair

Chapter 479: Thinking about the gold coins in an old friend’s pocket is really unfair


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 479 Thinking about the gold coins in an old friend’s pocket is too unrighteous

  If it was Professor Yang who posted this post, probably few people would believe it.

  But it’s different for the top-ranked ones.

  Seeing that Quitting Smoking had gone off topic, Ye Shi hurriedly clarified.

  ”Well, not really… Although we captured a few E-class personnel, we didn’t encounter anyone who came to intercept us along the way.”

  Fang Chang: “It seems they don’t want to make a big deal out of it.” Commander

  Fountain: “After all, we shot down an Enterprise plane, and neither side probably wants to admit it.”

  Quit Smoking: “Wait, here comes the question, where is that plane? Have you repaired it?”

  Ye Shi: “I was just about to say this! The plane had one engine broken, but the other was still good. I thought it would be a waste to throw it away, so it’s better to pick it up…”

  Fang Chang: “It’s okay to pick it up, but the size of the Orca transport plane, how are you going to pick it up?”

  Ye Shi: “Aren’t I counting on you to think of a way? (Funny)”

  Killing Dagger: “We finally got the gold coins from the old guy! Please!”

  Kidney Fighter: “Good boy, it turns out that Enterprise is the old guy you are talking about.”

  Killing Dagger: “Hahaha, it doesn’t matter!”

  ”…Do you think I’m Doraemon?”

  Looking at the post on the computer screen, Fang Chang couldn’t help but laugh and cry.

  Ye Shi: “Hurry up, you’re out of people’s spare time these days anyway. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang rolled his eyes and typed back.

  ”Get lost, I’m busy.”

  During the time he was in Ideal City, he wasn’t just wandering around, but enrolled in an adult class at Yunjian University, where he learned about Ideal City and improved the details of Changyue Company’s business plan.

  This was the first real private business cooperation between the Alliance and the company, which was related to how far the two sides could develop their relationship in the economic and trade fields in the future.

  For this reason, he also studied the company’s rules and regulations, business models, etc. in depth to avoid stepping on some obvious pitfalls.

  Just like what Li Shuyue did during her time in the Alliance.

  To be honest, although he was a hardcore player, it was the first time he invested so much emotion in a game. What

  surprised him even more was the production team of “Wasteland OL”. They

  actually designed such rich content for a survivor settlement that he spent a month and felt that he only understood a little bit of the fur.

  He had suspected long ago that the development team of Wasteland OL might be aliens, otherwise there was no way to explain the advanced AI, virtual reality technology, and global logistics capabilities.

  And A Guang…

  was he really the A Guang he knew?

  ”Forget it, now is not the time to think about this… We have to find a way to drag the plane back first.”

  Pressing his eyebrows, Fang Chang held the mouse again, clicked on the map in the official website data set, and dragged it to the area where the crash site was roughly located.

  Due to the lack of reference objects, the Burning Corps could not determine its specific coordinates and could only circle a general direction.

  But don’t worry about not being able to find the plane.

  Even if such a large target is not searched by drones or telescopes, it can be located through the VM that Ye Shi threw there.

  If it is in Yunjian Province, it can cost Cr to entrust a private armed company or a salvage company to recover it.

  But in the wasteland thousands of kilometers away…


  It’s not completely a wasteland.

  Fang Chang’s eyes suddenly fell on the Great Rift Valley, his eyes suddenly became excited, and he immediately typed.

  ”Isn’t there an Origin City and an End City in the Great Rift Valley? We should be able to find mercenaries there who will do things for money, and maybe they can even help us transport it directly to the industrial zone of Xizhou City… Come to think of it, hasn’t Brother Bian been there? Why don’t you ask him.”

  Bianbian: “Uh, what are you asking me? (awkward)”

  Oh my goodness.

  So he was peeking at the screen.

  However, seeing his reaction, Fang Chang always had a bad feeling and typed to confirm.

  ”You didn’t just go on a mission?”

  Bianbian: “Uh… what else? Did I miss the side quest? (awkward)”

  Even without that embarrassed expression, Fang Chang felt the embarrassment through the screen and couldn’t help holding his forehead.

  Isn’t it basic to take a walk around the new map before pushing the main quest?

  How can you just leave it alone after handing in the mission!

  Just when he was having a headache, his eyes suddenly fell on the intersection of Luoxia Province and the west side of the Great Rift Valley on the map.

  If I remember correctly, he seemed to have seen it in a post by Big Eyes or someone else, saying that there was a nuclear bomb crater and ancient battlefield that stretched for hundreds of kilometers.

  Many scavengers picked up garbage in the local area, and even formed a settlement like nomads, setting up camp wherever they picked up garbage. Many scavenger groups upgraded their equipment with the money they earned from picking up garbage. They not only had trucks, shovels, forklifts and even cranes, but also artificial “power armor” and “exoskeletons”.

  This was not the most important thing.

  The most important thing was that those scavengers recognized the value of silver coins!

  The Death Corps even bought supplies there!

  Fang Chang immediately had an idea in his mind, and immediately wrote a reply in the post.

  ”You can assign a few people to look around the Great Rift Valley to see if there are any scavenger settlements. Spend some silver coins to hire some scavengers and have them dismantle the plane into parts and transport them back to the Valley Province… If you pay more, maybe you can have them deliver the parts to your door.”

  Edge Water: “What the hell?! Is this possible?”

  Fang Chang: “The money has been paid, so why not? Besides, garbage pickers are professionals. Professional things should be left to professionals. I think there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Quit Smoking: “Awesome!”

  Night Ten: “666!”

  Debt Eyes: “Good boy, let’s explore this map.”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “@Edge Water”

  Drum Shampooing Machine: “Damn, where is my Corps Commander? He was just in the post.”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Hahahaha!”


  Just as the players were discussing how to tow the big plane back, Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen on the forum, was completely stunned.

  Good boy.

  How many times has he been stunned today?

  After a long while, Chu Guang finally couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”…These guys are so damn talented.”

  He spoke with his conscience.

  It’s not fair to think about the gold coins in an old friend’s pocket.

  Well, it’s not fair.

  This doesn’t match his own personality. Since the players have already made up their minds, let them play freely. It’s

  a bit redundant to specially issue a task.

  ”Master, your expression is so weird.” Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the edge of the pen holder, held his chin with both hands and curiously observed the expression on his face.

  ”You’re wrong.”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly, and immediately put on a serious face and continued.

  ”Let Jiuli, the lord of Liming City, prepare it. After the parts pass through Tianshui, buy them from the players as a surprise.”

  Xiao Qi nodded enthusiastically.

  ”Okay, master! But…how do you buy them as a surprise?”

  Chu Guang explained patiently.

  ”It’s just a little bit of a surprise when paying… Refer to other mainstream RPGs. In short, players should know that they have done something great, and as long as they contribute to the alliance, the alliance will not miss their rewards.”

  In short, it is to encourage players to discover “easter eggs” outside of the missions.

  After all, the number of server users has exceeded 10,000 after unlocking the B6 layer. It is already a bit beyond the ability to rely solely on the mission system to push players forward. Smart players must take the initiative appropriately and learn to manage themselves.

  Just like now.

  Chu Guang had always wanted to import the long-range large aircraft from the enterprise, but the enterprise’s attitude towards this was quite cautious, not as generous as when it sold the “Seagull” drone and the No. 60 electromagnetic gun before.

  Chu Guang can understand their caution.

  After all, “projection ability” is a more sensitive thing than dangerous weapons for the major forces in the wasteland.

  Dangerous alien species can be dealt with by the weapons of civilization, but only a sufficiently far distance can bring a sense of security to civilization. The wasteland full of alien species and the low-Earth orbit blocked by debris have become the most ideal moat in this era.

  So Chu Guang only asked Yi Chuan once whether he could import a “Killer Whale” transport aircraft with a range of more than 3,000 kilometers.

  After receiving a negative answer, he politely did not mention it again.

  Unexpectedly, the thing he wanted but could not get was actually obtained by his little players in this unexpected way.

  This is really a pleasant surprise.

  When the researchers of the alliance digest the plasma propulsion technology, he will select some of the advanced technologies that are not too advanced in the real world and share them on the forum. The

  main application scenario of plasma propulsion technology is aerospace, and these technologies will surely be of great benefit to the development of aerospace technology in the real world.

  As for the means, of course, it is still the same as before.

  The chips on the table will not be taken by any party alone. This is a real win-win situation for people who directly or indirectly participate in the game. Smart people can naturally understand the tacit understanding.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but raise his mouth with a kind expression like an old father.

  Not bad.

  I am so awesome for designing this system!

  At this time, a sound like wind chimes floated from the direction of the pen holder.


  Chu Guang, who was in a good mood, replied a little ecstatically.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing, I just think you look very handsome when you smile!” The little kid touched his chin, and Xiao Qi raised his thumb with a bright look in his eyes.

  Chu Guang laughed.

  ”Of course.”

  But then again, has this guy been saying more rainbow farts recently?

  When did it start…


  Flags of trivial flames rose above the bonfire.

  Lao Bai, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the fire, suddenly opened his eyes. Kuangfeng, who was sitting

  opposite him, was poking the fire with a branch. Hearing the movement of him waking up, he asked casually.



  ”That’s great, I’ll go offline and have a meal,” Kuangfeng threw the branch into the fire, patted the ash on his hands, and suddenly remembered something and continued, “By the way, someone is following us, about five kilometers away.”

  Lao Bai said seriously.

  ”Can you confirm the number?”

  Kuangfeng said casually.

  ”A tracked vehicle, it’s still those people, they didn’t leave.”

  ”I see, you go offline and rest first,” Lao Bai nodded, and continued, “By the way, I’ve sent tomorrow’s schedule to the group, you can take a look when you have time.”

  Kuangfeng made an OK gesture, then folded his hands in front of his chest, leaned on the stone behind him, closed his eyes and went offline.

  Taking shifts to keep watch is already a basic operation for players of “Wasteland OL”, especially these old players have long mastered the skills of going online and offline on time.

  However, for the academy, this scene is really a bit fresh.

  In Zhao Xiao’s eyes, he saw a group of soldiers on patrol walking towards the fire. As soon as their buttocks almost touched the ground, another soldier sitting in front of the fire stood up at the same time, patted his trouser legs and walked in the direction where the man came from.

  The whole set of shift changes was smooth and flowing.

  Not to mention the flaws, the time interval was even less than half a minute!

  Looking at those well-trained soldiers, Zhao Xiao, who was leaning against the stone pier, couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and whispered a complaint.

  ”Are these guys all robots…”

  Chen Yutong, who was sitting next to him, didn’t speak, but her eyes were also full of surprise.

  After observing for so long, she was most impressed by the discipline of these soldiers who claimed to be from the alliance.

  But then again…

  this almost instantaneous speed of falling asleep and waking up almost at the same time, can it really be achieved through training?

  She envied this ability.

  At the same time, about five kilometers away from the Burning Corps camp, a tracked vehicle quietly stopped on the reverse slope of the hill.

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, closed his eyes slightly and frowned slightly.

  Seeing the change in her expression, the team member sitting next to her immediately asked anxiously.

  ”What? Is there a chance?”


  Jiang Xuezhou shook his head slightly and said solemnly, “Their patrol route is very tricky… The field of vision covers all areas within 800 meters nearby, with almost no blind spots!”

  And they also have drones!

  Although those people thought they were hiding well, she saw them all in the sky. The four-rotor drones were lying on the surrounding stone pestles, like fixed cameras.

  With the patrol team outside, it was almost impossible for them to approach the camp without alerting those people.

  Old Song, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, couldn’t help but say.

  ”They always have to change shifts, right?”

  Jiang Xuezhou nodded.

  ”Yes… They just changed shifts once, but the whole process took less than half a minute.”

  The car fell into silence.

  Whether it was Song Changfeng or Zheng Hao, their expressions were not very good.

  Originally, they planned to find an opportunity to rescue the captured teammates, but now it seems that there is no chance.

  Jiang Xuezhou raised his head and looked at Zheng Hao, who was smoking in the co-pilot seat.

  ”Captain, what should we do?”

  Zheng Hao was silent for a while and said.

  ”Keep following.”

  Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

  Lao Song nodded and remained silent.

  Apart from waiting for an opportunity, they really had no better way.


  could they really wait?


  After handing over the night duty to Kuangfeng, Lao Bai then found a player who had just come online and told him.

  ”Take two brothers and go first, go to the nuclear bomb crater in the northwest of the Valley Province, find the scavenger camp there, and ask them if they are willing to take on a big business.”

  Having read Ye Shi’s post before going online, the player immediately understood what Lao Bai meant, and nodded with a smile.


  The three players temporarily left the team and headed towards the fork in the road in the southeast.

  Feeling a little hungry, Lao Bai returned to sit next to the campfire and prepared a midnight snack.

  There were a lot of supplies on the transport plane, and they took everything away without wasting anything. There was no shortage of food and fresh water, so there was no need to save them.

  An iron plate and a bracket were set up on the fire. Lao Bai skillfully tore open the plastic packaging, poured the rice, mineral water and braised pork into the iron lunch box in order, covered it with a lid and threw it on the iron plate.

  Not long after, bubbles began to bubble up from the edge of the lunch box.

  Reaching out to take the lunch box off the iron plate, Lao Bai opened the lid and took a look, then nodded with satisfaction. A

  simple braised pork rice bowl was ready.

  The strong aroma immediately spread, and the two prisoners who were still awake not far away swallowed their saliva and looked over here unconsciously.

  Seeing this, Lao Bai smiled knowingly, and made two more servings and threw them on the iron plate. When they were cooked, he walked over with the lunch box and asked the two people.

  ”Are you hungry?”

  Zhao Xiao looked at him nervously without saying anything.

  Chen Yutong, who was sitting next to him, was also nervous, but seeing that his expression was not fierce, he nodded reluctantly.

  Lao Bai smiled and gave the lunch box to the two captives, including the stubborn young man.

  Chen Yutong took the lunch box and said with her head down in embarrassment.

  ”Thank you…”

  ”You’re welcome. Eat slowly and be careful not to burn yourself.”

  Lao Bai replied casually and sat opposite the two.

  Unable to bear the hunger in her stomach, Chen Yutong couldn’t wait to open the lunch box.

  Although the food in front of her made her feel indescribably strange, she still followed Lao Bai’s movements and stretched out a spoon to scoop a spoonful of rice soaked in soup.

  When the spoon was put into her mouth, her pupils instantly released strange colors.

  This taste… a bit strange.

  Take another bite.

  In order to figure out what happened to her taste buds, she scooped another spoonful into her mouth, and then one after another.

  The nervous expression could not help but relax a little as her upper and lower cheeks moved, and the surprise in her eyes became more and more intense.


  what kind of strange technology is this? !

  Did you pick it up from a relic? ?

  Seeing that young man still sitting still, Lao Bai smiled and teased.

  ”Eat it, it’s not poisonous. It’s not worth using that stuff on you.”

  Staring at the lunch box in his hand, Zhao Xiao, who had been silent, suddenly whispered.

  ”I killed your people… Don’t you hate me?”

  Chen Yutong quickly looked at the fool who was talking about something else. His face, which was covered with rice grains, was full of surprise. That expression seemed to say “You don’t want to die.”

  However, Lao Bai, who was sitting opposite them, didn’t take it to heart. He just ate his meal and replied lightly.

  ”It’s not a matter of hatred. He is a soldier. A boy of seventeen or eighteen can’t kill him. He can beat you black and blue with his bare hands. It was the war that killed him, and you just happened to hit him with that shot.”

  Of course, after saying so much, it was mainly because he could be resurrected. If it were in reality, he might have other feelings.

  Thinking of this, Lao Bai couldn’t help but make a joke.

  ”Of course, I’m the only one who thinks so. You won’t be so lucky if you’re caught by someone else next time.”

  Zhao Xiao’s expression was a little stiff, and his heart was full of complicated feelings.

  Chen Yutong quickly changed the heavy topic.

  ”What kind of place is the Alliance?”

  Although it was a question that came to her mind at the last minute, she had been curious before.

  ”This question is very abstract,” Lao Bai thought for a while and said, “For the wastelanders, it’s probably a place where they can gather together for warmth.”

  Zhao Xiao looked up at the man unexpectedly.

  ”From your tone, you’re not a wastelander?”

  ”Shelter resident,” seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the two, Lao Bai touched his stubble and said with a smile, “It’s normal to feel that you don’t look like one… This beard grows too fast, and it still looks like one after shaving it.” Zhao Xiao’s

  expression was a little subtle.

  In his impression, the residents of the shelter were not like this… Even if he shaved his beard, he couldn’t imagine it.

  ”Then… what about you?” Chen Yutong continued to ask, “What kind of place is the Alliance for the residents of the shelter?”

  ”Me…” Lao Bai thought seriously for a while and continued, “I don’t know about others, but for me, it’s probably a place where I can be reborn.”

  Zhao Xiao: “Reborn?”

  Lao Bai said in a casual tone.

  ”Well, I’ve been away from the army for some time, and my life after retirement is pretty good, but the experience and knowledge I accumulated before are no longer useful. I still feel sorry when I think about it occasionally… But here, I have found the meaning I subconsciously desire again.”

  Although it sounds a bit strange to pursue “meaning” in the virtual world, it is even stranger to desire to fight in the real world.

  If it really comes to a critical moment, he will, like other soldiers, return to the original team without hesitation to report, and use his burning will to defend the bottom line that cannot be compromised.

  But if possible, he certainly still hopes for eternal peace, and it is best not to use this skill in reality for the rest of his life.

  Neither of them can really understand what he said, especially since there are many words they have never heard of in this paragraph.

  Chen Yutong frowned slightly.


  ”Yes, the meaning of life,” Lao Bai smiled and said in a casual tone, “In addition to being well fed and well drunk, people always have to pursue something. It just so happens that the style of the alliance is quite to my liking. It is also quite interesting to watch our alliance grow day by day with other wanjia – I mean the residents of the shelter.”

  Pursuits other than being well fed and well drunk.

  What a luxurious idea.

  Staring at the clean lunch box in his hand, Chen Yutong couldn’t help but laugh at himself while sighing in his heart.

  This is a wasteland.

  It is not easy to survive…

  Looking at the two silent people, Lao Bai continued in a joking tone.

  ”Don’t just ask me who is the prisoner, what about you? Let’s chat.”

  Zhao Xiao said vigilantly.

  ”What to chat about…”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Just talk about anything, talk about life, talk about ideals, talk about the girl you like.”

  The relationship is close, and it is convenient to inquire about things.

  He can be said to be familiar with this.

  Generally, they seldom ask prisoners about random things right away. They just chat with them about their hometowns and family matters, so that the prisoners can remember that they are not only soldiers with a salary, but also someone’s friend, husband or relative, and they happen to be one of them. If it weren’t for their respective positions, they might still become friends.

  Appealing to emotions is much more effective than torture. During the chat, the prisoners may suddenly confess everything before they can come to their senses.

  Of course, this only works for ordinary prisoners, especially those of low castes. If they are professionally trained spies, it is another matter.

  That is not their job.


  (Thanks to the leader “蒙不落” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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