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Chapter 48 Come on! Xu Xiuwen!

Chapter 48 Come on! Xu Xiuwen!


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 48 Come on! Xu Xiuwen!

  The instructor looked at Xu Xiuwen’s resolute face and hesitated. Could he really finish the remaining seven laps in one go?

  The instructor finally nodded and said, “I promise you, as long as you can finish the run, I will agree to send her to the school hospital immediately.”

  ”Okay, I’ll take it. It’s just seven laps, isn’t it difficult?”

  Before running, Xu Xiuwen looked at Tang Weiwei again and told her, “Wait for me here, don’t walk around, I’ll send you to the school hospital after I finish running.”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the instructor, said no more, and ran forward along the track.

  The conversation between Xu Xiuwen and the instructor attracted the attention of several girls passing by, and the girls also silently watched the development of the situation.

  Shen Minyao was one of them.

  Her physical strength was not very good, but she was not the worst, so she was always in the middle of the girls.

  She was exhausted, her long legs were sore and heavy, and it was difficult to lift them every time.

  But she was still trying to run, instead of just giving up like some girls behind her, who were already walking instead of running.

  When passing by the instructor, Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei, she happened to hear the conversation between the three.

  Shen Minyao was stunned for a moment!

  Shen Minyao looked at Xu Xiuwen’s back on the track, and her eyes became complicated.

  There was both appreciation and admiration in them.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care about what Shen Minyao thought at this moment.

  Xu Xiuwen had already run six laps.

  Most boys couldn’t run after running three or four laps, so they could only walk instead of running.

  But Xu Xiuwen was different.

  After his rebirth, his physical fitness had been strengthened in all aspects, and his physical fitness was good. There was no way, as a football player, as long as he didn’t eat sea cucumbers, his body would be good.

  Xu Xiuwen’s physical fitness was definitely much better than that of college students of the same age.

  But even so, twelve laps, four thousand eight hundred meters, close to five kilometers. Now it’s thirteen laps, which has exceeded five kilometers. It is definitely not an easy task.

  One lap…

  two laps…

  three laps…

  Soon Xu Xiuwen had run six laps.

  Now there is only one lap left!

  Tang Weiwei watched Xu Xiuwen running, her eyes slightly warmed, and she was very moved.

  Every time Xu Xiuwen passed by her, she saw sweat on his temples and forehead, and she blamed herself.

  If she hadn’t fallen and could hold on a little longer, Xu Xiuwen wouldn’t have to run another lap.

  She wanted to encourage Xu Xiuwen, but she was worried that speaking out would disrupt his rhythm.

  At this time, Xu Xiuwen had already run twelve laps.

  His physical strength was almost exhausted, and he felt that his legs were unusually heavy, and he had to grit his teeth every time he lifted them.

  At this time, Yang Baishan and Jin Haonan were also exhausted, and began to walk instead of running. The two of them only completed eleven laps.

  And more boys, the least, only completed seven laps, and most of them walked, and most of them walked nine laps.

  On the contrary, the girls ran and walked, and most of them walked five laps.

  The last lap was less than a hundred meters, and Xu Xiuwen’s speed was already very slow, but he never stopped, and still ran at a faster speed.

  He was panting violently, and his chest rose and fell violently like a drum.

  Looking at the track ahead, he knew there was only one lap left.

  ”Come on.”

  Tang Weiwei’s voice suddenly rang in his ears.

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and glanced, and his eyes met Tang Weiwei’s.

  Tang Weiwei’s face was very nervous. She was afraid that she would disrupt Xu Xiuwen’s rhythm if she spoke, so she restrained herself.

  Until now, Xu Xiuwen passed by her again, and she felt that Xu Xiuwen was about to give up.

  She felt that this boy might need encouragement at this moment, so she mustered up the courage to shout.

  Then, Xu Xiuwen heard Shen Minyao’s voice again.

  She said, “Come on!”

  Then he heard more encouragement from girls.

  ”Come on! Xu Xiuwen!”

  The encouragement from the girls made Xu Xiuwen feel that the power was pouring from his heart to his thighs again!

  He took a few breaths violently, spread his legs, and ran forward with big strides.

  In the end, it was less than a lap.

  But Xu Xiuwen spent more time than the penultimate lap,

  but he still finished it!

  When he finally arrived at the finish line successfully, he was greeted by the applause of the girls in the class.

  The boys who were still walking instead of running on the track were all confused, and they didn’t know what was going on?

  Why did the girls applaud Xu Xiuwen? Was it because he finished running? Then will I also have it after I finish running?

  This gave many boys the motivation to run.

  Xu Xiuwen slowed down his pace and walked to the instructor, looking directly into his eyes, “Instructor, I didn’t disappoint you, I finished the run.”

  The instructor looked at the sweat on Xu Xiuwen’s body and the resolute face of the freshman in front of him, and suddenly felt that he was pleasing to the eye.

  Soldiers are strong, and strong people respect strong people. Although Xu Xiuwen is not a strong man in the eyes of the instructor, his resolute character made the instructor change his view of him.

  He said in a deep voice, “Very good, what is your name!”

  ”Report to the instructor, my name is Xu Xiuwen!”

  ”Xu Xiuwen, right? I remember your name! Send her to the school hospital now!” After that, he yelled at the other boys, “Don’t be lazy, hurry up and run!”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t feel tired at this moment, but felt that his legs were much lighter.

  He knew that this was the feedback he got after breaking the limit of his body, and it was a normal physiological phenomenon.

  Xu Xiuwen walked in front of Tang Weiwei, turned around and squatted in front of the girl, and said in a cold voice, “Come up.”

  ”I…” Tang Weiwei wanted to say something.

  ”Hurry up!” Xu Xiuwen’s tough attitude forced the girl to swallow the rest of her words.

  ”Why don’t you come up?” Xu Xiuwen urged impatiently.

  ”Oh…” Tang Weiwei responded aggrievedly like a rabbit being bullied by her companions, and then slowly stretched her hand to his neck.

  Feeling the weight of the girl on his back, Xu Xiuwen reminded her, “Hold on tight.” Then he stood up quickly.

  Shen Minyao and Bai Yue’er watched the two of them from the side. Bai Yue’er didn’t react much, but Shen Minyao bit her lip and hesitated.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t think too much. He carried Tang Weiwei on his back and turned to walk out of the football field.

  On the football field, the girls who had completed five laps gathered together. The conversation between Xu Xiuwen and the instructor just now was told by several girls who heard it.

  Girls are not like boys. Boys may think it’s just a small matter.

  But for the girls, Xu Xiuwen dared to argue with the instructor for Tang Weiwei, and even ran the remaining lap for her.

  This behavior showed that Xu Xiuwen was both courageous and responsible, so they applauded.

  The girls looked at Xu Xiuwen’s back as he left.

  This day, this back, was deeply imprinted in the hearts of every girl.

  Maybe after a long time, they will never forget that this back was so generous, calm and reassuring.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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