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Chapter 480 Meeting an acquaintance in the hotel

Chapter 480 Meeting an acquaintance in the hotel


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 480 Meeting an acquaintance in the hotel

  Xu Xiuwen listened to three songs in a row.

  Xu Qian finally put down the microphone.

  Then she found Xu Xiuwen was back.

  The two’s eyes met in the dim box.

  Xu Qian was stunned for a moment.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and praised: “You sing very well.”

  Xu Qian said: “A little worse than you.”

  ”That’s right.”

  Xu Qian was not angry, and smiled while rolling her eyes.

  Then she asked: “Where are they?”


  ”Those beauties, why don’t you continue chatting and drinking with them?”

  ”I don’t like it.”

  Xu Qian rolled her eyes again.

  This time she was caught by Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately glared at her and said, “You are so bold that you dare to roll your eyes at me!”

  Xu Qian felt guilty and denied it quickly, “I didn’t, you saw it wrong.”

  Xu Xiuwen stared at her for a few seconds, and finally said, “If I catch you being disrespectful to the boss again, I will deduct your bonus.”

  Xu Qian was anxious instantly: “Why do you deduct my bonus?”

  ”I am the boss, I will deduct it if I say so! Are you not convinced? You have to bear it if you are not convinced.”

  ”Deduct it, deduct it, what’s the big deal.” Xu Qian said depressedly.

  She glared at Xu Xiuwen and thought: Black-hearted boss!


  Qian Jian came back.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that he went to see Li Xiangjun, but he didn’t know what they talked about.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t ask.

  Then it was getting late.

  Xu Xiuwen said goodbye to Qian Jian and left.

  Because it was late and he had drunk a little wine.

  Xu Xiuwen did not drive back to Guangming City overnight.

  He chose to stay in Fei City for one night.

  Qian Jian wanted to arrange a place for him to stay.

  But Xu Xiuwen refused.

  He and Xu Qian found a hotel of ordinary standards and prepared to stay there.

  Xu Xiuwen booked two rooms, one for him and one for Xu Qian.

  After getting the room card, the two went to take the elevator upstairs.

  Just as they arrived at the elevator door.

  The elevator door suddenly opened.

  Then a man and a woman walked out of the elevator.

  Xu Xiuwen looked up and saw the man’s appearance.

  He was stunned for a moment.

  ”Uncle Jiang?”

  The man who was about to leave the hotel stopped when he heard the name “Uncle Jiang”.

  Jiang Teng’s eyes quickly swept across the faces of Xu Xiuwen and Xu Qian.

  Xu Qian.

  He didn’t know her.

  Xu Xiuwen.

  She looked familiar.

  His eyes paused for a second.

  Then he recognized Xu Xiuwen.

  The moment he recognized Xu Xiuwen, he was very surprised.

  He suddenly remembered something.

  The next second.

  His expression became flustered.

  Jiang Teng’s arm had been held in the arms of the mature woman next to him.

  He quickly pulled his right arm out of the woman’s arms.

  Then, in order to clear the relationship,

  he deliberately took a step to the side.

  The expression of the woman next to him suddenly became embarrassed.

  But she didn’t say anything, just whispered: “You guys chat first, I’ll wait for you outside.”

  The woman left after she finished speaking.

  Xu Xiuwen took the opportunity to look at her.

  The woman with Uncle Jiang dressed very young.

  But her actual age was probably about the same as Aunt Gu, no more than two years older.

  terms of appearance,

  Xu Xiuwen thought she was ordinary.
She was

  far inferior to Aunt Gu.

  But most men might think this woman was more attractive.

  The reason was very simple.

  This woman was very good at expressing herself.

  Not only because she put on makeup,
but also because of the

  low neckline

  of the skirt she wore. She

  could just see the Yap Trench.

  But if you want to see more,

  you can’t see it.

  It can be said that it whetted your appetite.


  her waist was not actually thin, and she was even a little fat. Her

  butt was really big.

  The skirt she chose was simply to maximize her strengths and avoid her weaknesses.

  At a glance,

  you can’t tell that her waist is thick.

  You will only think that her butt is very pretty.

  A woman with a protruding front and a curvy back is very attractive wherever she goes.

  And Aunt Gu in Xu Xiuwen’s memory.

  Aunt Gu’s facial features are particularly regular.

  At first glance, she gives people the feeling of a good wife.

  She has a pretty face.

  If it were another woman, she would be carefully cared for and treated like a treasure.

  Aunt Gu rarely does facial care.

  But even so.

  Her skin is still tight and there are no wrinkles on her face.

  And she usually goes out with a plain face and hardly wears makeup.

  Naturally, she is not very eye-catching.

  At least she is not the kind of woman who will attract you at first sight.

  You have to appreciate it carefully to discover Aunt Gu’s unnoticeable beauty.

  In addition to her facial features.

  Aunt Gu’s dressing is even more ordinary.

  What she likes to wear most is home clothes.

  The clothes she wears are plain and simple, without any fancy.

  Words like sexy have nothing to do with her.

  But don’t think this is because she has a bad figure.

  In fact, it is not.

  According to Xu Xiuwen’s observation.

  Aunt Gu’s figure is not worse than that of a young girl.

  Although it is not particularly deep.

  But if the one next to Uncle Jiang is the Yap Trench,

  Aunt Gu is at least the Kermadec Trench.

  And the thin parts of Aunt Gu are definitely not thick.

  For example, the waist.

  Although Aunt Gu’s waist is always hidden under the loose clothes.

  But Xu Xiuwen remembers that Aunt Gu came to help Ning Wanqiu cook dinner once.

  It was winter.

  She took off her coat and tied an apron.

  The apron was tied.

  The waist was not particularly thin, but the type with flesh and very well-proportioned and slender.

  Aunt Gu’s lower body is not fat and bloated.

  On the contrary.

  Her legs are very good, and the degree of fatness and thinness is just right.


  Not many men know this.

  Because of Aunt Gu’s conservative and dignified personality,

  she never shows it in front of other men.

  Xu Xiuwen can see it.

  On the one hand, it is good luck.

  On the other hand, because he was young before, he was a child who had not grown up in Aunt Gu’s eyes.

  So Aunt Gu didn’t care too much.

  Some people’s beauty

  makes you feel beautiful at first glance,

  but you will get tired of it soon.

  Aunt Gu is the kind of beauty that you never get tired of.

  On the contrary, the longer you look at her, the more you will discover her beauty.

  So in Xu Xiuwen’s eyes,

  Aunt Gu is many times better than the woman next to Uncle Jiang.

  If he were to choose

  between these two women,

  he would choose Aunt Gu without hesitation.

  Choose a hundred times.

  A hundred times, it would be Aunt Gu

  and there would not be a second of hesitation.

  But Uncle Jiang doesn’t seem to think so.

  He doesn’t cherish his virtuous wife at home.

  He is actually having an affair with other women outside.

  Xu Xiuwen thought it was very absurd.

  That’s right.

  Xu Xiuwen was not stupid.

  From the intimate posture of the two just now.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that there was something wrong with their relationship.

  He knew it clearly in his heart.

  But he said nothing, and pretended to be stupid.

  He wanted to see how Uncle Jiang would explain.

  Jiang Teng also recognized Xu Xiuwen at this time.

  Looking at Xu Xiuwen, who was handsome and taller than him,

  he felt a little touched and a little panicked at the same time. He

  didn’t know how to explain or fool around.

  After hesitating for a moment, he spoke.

  ”Xiao Xu, why are you here?”

  Jiang Teng’s eyes turned to Xu Qian behind Xu Xiuwen.

  Seeing an unfamiliar young girl appear next to Xu Xiuwen,

  he also became curious about the girl’s identity and the relationship between the two.

  He remembered that Xiao Xu had a good relationship with the daughter of the old Xiao family?

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect Uncle Jiang to take the initiative.

  He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: “Uncle Jiang, I came to Fei City today to discuss a business. The person next to me is my secretary Xu Qian. It’s too late today, and I’ve been drinking, so I opened two rooms and will go back tomorrow when I’m sober.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s words seemed casual, but they were actually very meaningful.

  Not only did he explain the reason for coming to Fei City, Xu Qian’s identity, and the reason for coming to the hotel,

  but he also emphasized that two rooms were opened.

  This directly avoided unnecessary misunderstandings and speculations.


  After listening to him, Jiang Teng figured out what was going on.

  He also saw the two room cards in Xu Xiuwen’s hand. He

  directly dispelled his speculation about the relationship between the two.

  Regardless of whether Uncle Jiang would tell other people about this after he went back.

  Xu Xiuwen had already explained it clearly, so he was naturally relieved.

  Then he asked: “Uncle Jiang, why are you here? Who was the aunt just now…?” As soon as

  Xu Xiuwen spoke,

  Jiang Teng’s expression instantly became awkward.

  Jiang Teng didn’t know how to explain and wanted to muddle through.

  He said: “Xiao Xu, I’m here to do something.”

  He chose to avoid answering the most important question.

  ”Is that so?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded, but continued to ask the next second: “Uncle Jiang, is that auntie your colleague just now?”

  ”Yes, my colleague and I came here to do some work.”

  ”Uncle Jiang, what are you doing in the hotel? Are you investigating a case?”

  ”Yes, this matter must be kept confidential, you must not tell anyone.”

  ”Can’t Auntie Gu and Xiaoyu be told?”

  ”Absolutely not!”

  The nervous expression and the explanation full of loopholes.

  Jiang Teng’s words were not credible in Xu Xiuwen’s eyes

  . Xu Xiuwen wanted to laugh but held back.

  He nodded and said, “Okay, Uncle Jiang, I will keep it a secret.”

  ”I have something else to do, I’ll leave first.”

  ”Okay, Uncle Jiang, goodbye.”

  Then Uncle Jiang turned and left.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t rush to get into the elevator and go upstairs.

  He stood there and looked towards the door.

  The door of the hotel is a transparent glass door.

  Xu Xiuwen clearly saw that Uncle Jiang walked to the woman immediately after he went out.

  He seemed to say something to the woman.

  The woman was very dissatisfied, turned her head and walked quickly away.

  It seemed that she was angry.

  Xu Xiuwen saw Uncle Jiang sigh, and then quickly followed.

  Seeing this scene.

  Xu Xiuwen retracted his gaze.

  Turning to Xu Qian beside him, he said, “Let’s go.”

  After entering the elevator.

  Xu Qian couldn’t restrain her gossiping heart and asked, “Mr. Xu, who was that person just now? Do you know him?”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at Xu Qian’s expression.

  An expression that said, “Tell me quickly, I want to eat melons.”

  His eyes were shining.

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “I don’t know him.”

  Xu Qian snorted in dissatisfaction when she heard this.

  Coming to the door of the open room.

  Xu Xiuwen opened the door and prepared to go in.

  He suddenly thought of the experience of staying in a hotel with Lu Xinyao last time.

  He didn’t want to do it again.

  So Xu Xiuwen turned to Xu Qian and reminded her, “I’ll tell you in advance that even if the sky falls, you are not allowed to knock on my door!”

  Xu Qian was speechless by his request.

  But she didn’t say anything, just nodded.

  After returning to the room.

  Xu Xiuwen simply washed up and lay down on the bed.

  Looking at the starry sky outside the window,

  he was thinking about what he had just done when he ran into Uncle Jiang downstairs.

  He didn’t know whether to tell Aunt Gu or Xiao Yu’er about meeting Uncle Jiang in the hotel.

  hesitated for a long time.

  Finally, he decided not to tell them for the time being.

  No words were spoken that night.

  At dawn the next day,

  Xu Xiuwen took Xu Qian back to Guangming City.

  This trip to Fei City

  was not in vain.

  A big order was signed.

  This good news made every employee in the factory very excited.

  The old employees who had experienced the bankruptcy of the winery now had only one wish.

  That was to hope that the factory could develop better and better.

  The new employees were also excited.

  The new wine had high sales and the factory was developing well.

  Their welfare benefits are naturally guaranteed.

  However, this is only the first step for Guangming New Liquor Year Raw Liquor to occupy the liquor market in the province.

  As the TV series continues to be popular and the advertisements continue to bombard and promote,

  more and more people are beginning to be interested in Guangming New Liquor.

  The reputation accumulated before also began to ferment.

  For a time, the market demand for Guangming New Liquor increased dramatically.

  However, an embarrassing situation occurred.

  In other cities in the province, only a few small shops have goods.

  Those large supermarkets and shopping malls can’t buy Guangming New Liquor.

  At this time,

  the winery began to supply Qian Jian.

  The first batch was 3,000 bottles of new wine.

  As a result, it was sold out in just three days.

  Many stores were in short supply.

  The store owners counted on Qian Jian to supply.

  Qian Jian could only count on the winery to speed up the supply.

  Guangming Winery had to work overtime to produce new wine, and at the same time temporarily reduced the supply of wine in Langya City, and gave part of the goods to Qian Jian first.

  Qian Jian has many channels and ways under his command.

  But they are mainly concentrated in Fei City.

  There are also other cities in the province.

  But he gives priority to the vendors under Fei City.

  After seeing the popularity of Guangming New Wine in Feishi, the distributors in other cities finally couldn’t sit still.

  They began to contact the winery in groups, and many people came to purchase the new wine in person. In

  just one week,

  Xu Xiuwen signed contracts with distributors in seven cities.

  At this time, Guangming New Wine was in short supply.

  Xu Xiuwen was confident.

  Facing those distributors who wanted to lower the price, he also played Tai Chi.

  Since you are not in a hurry to sign the contract, then I am not in a hurry either.

  Let’s drag it together.

  As for those distributors who really want to cooperate,

  Xu Xiuwen was also very straightforward and straightforward. After signing the contract, he started to supply the goods.

  The distributors who got the goods naturally distributed the wine immediately.

  As a result, in a very short time, the first batch of Guangming New Wine that had just arrived was sold out.

  The market for new wine was even hotter than they thought.

  This also further stimulated those distributors who had not signed the contract.

  So in the next two days,

  Xu Xiuwen signed contracts with distributors one after another, and he was so busy that he could hardly drink water.

  In less than a month.

  Guangming New Liquor quickly opened up the liquor market in the province and occupied a certain position.

  I dare not say that it has completely established a foothold, but at least it has opened up the market.

  The price of Guangming New Liquor’s vintage puree, the shortage of supply and the outstanding taste.

  Its image as a high-end liquor has quickly taken root in people’s minds.

  This happened to be the end of the college entrance examination.

  Many families needed to hold a banquet for their guests.

  Suddenly, a saying spread in the market: Drinking Guangming Liquor will bring a bright future.

  For a time,

  Guangming New Liquor became the first choice for many parents who wanted their children to succeed…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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