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Chapter 481 Rebirth (First Update)

Chapter 481 Rebirth (First Update)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 481 Rebirth (First Update)

  Although the academy did not receive reinforcements until the end, Zhao Xiao unexpectedly received a piece of news from Lao Bai that he could not believe –

  he could go home.

  It was a dark and windy night.

  There was no one in the empty camp and it was silent.

  Fifteen minutes ago, the soldiers of the Burning Corps set up here, but did not stay in the camp. They left a truck and some supplies and left.

  Zhao Xiao, standing in the center of the camp, felt a little complicated.

  I didn’t expect that Lao Bai was not joking and really released people.

  Not only him, but also Chen Yutong, and Wu Liangping, who was seriously injured and unconscious in the hibernation capsule… All the captives were here.

  As for Xuan Feng.

  The Alliance insisted that the bionic man without the “intelligence plug-in” installed should be considered equipment, and this was the academy’s own point of view, so its body and AI core were not included in the exchange of prisoners.

  Although it was a bit far-fetched, the academy did not recognize that the bionic man was a person, and Zhao Xiao couldn’t think of how to refute it.

  Not just Xuan Feng.

  His own sniper rifle and accessories were also seized by the guy named Ye Shi… But he didn’t expect those people to return his weapons and freedom to him.

  Although he regained his freedom, there was one thing Zhao Xiao couldn’t figure out.

  That was why the Alliance and the Enterprise released their captives.

  What made him even more confused was why he couldn’t be happy at all even though he could go home soon.

  Maybe it was because of the bet.

  The guy named Lao Bai didn’t mention the beer, and in the end he just smiled and patted his shoulder to congratulate him.

  But he knew very well that he lost after all…

  At this time, Chen Yutong, who was standing aside, suddenly spoke.

  ”I changed my mind.”

  Zhao Xiao was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked at her.

  ”Change… your mind?”

  Chen Yutong nodded.

  ”Well, I plan to stay.”

  The confusion in his eyes gradually turned into surprise. Zhao Xiao stared at her in disbelief, and it took a long time before he squeezed out a word from his throat.


  Betrayal is a serious crime.

  Students who defect will be rewarded and hunted by the academy endlessly. The higher the level, the higher the reward.

  Not only that, any student is obliged to record the words and deeds of the traitors when they are found, and report them to the Internal Affairs Department for the rectification plan group to deal with.

  Otherwise, they will be sentenced to the crime of connivance…

  Zhao Xiao subconsciously put his hand on his waist, but soon found that there was nothing there, so he put his hand down again.

  ”I don’t know.”

  Without paying attention to the actions of his teammates, Chen Yutong shook her head lightly as if she didn’t see it.

  She turned around and looked at the starry night sky in the south, and said to herself in a very light voice, “Maybe… I just want to take a look.”

  Although she knew that the alliance was not the “heaven” she imagined, she still wanted to see what kind of place it was, which could make those who were loyal to him stand up and confidently say that sentence-

  you can use your eyes to confirm it.

  At this moment, her curiosity about the place even surpassed the ruins.

  Of course, the delicious food was also a reason.

  Chen Yutong, who finally made the decision, suddenly felt as if she had put down all the burdens on her body, and she suddenly felt much more relaxed.

  Rank, identity…

  those things are no longer important.

  She has died for the academy once.

  In the rest of her life, she plans to pursue her true heart and live for things that interest her.

  She looked at Zhao Xiao.

  ”Just tell the captain that I have died in the previous battle. Tell him thank you for taking care of me…”

  When she said this, she paused, and suddenly shook her head with a self-deprecating smile.

  ”Wait, forget it, let’s not say this, it’s too strange for a dead person to talk.” Anyway,

  the captain probably didn’t know that she was captured, so it was not bad to just think of her as having died in the previous operation like those teammates who died in the battle.

  As long as she didn’t make the academy feel ashamed, the academy didn’t have to worry about her, a small E-level. Those explorers who disappeared in the operation might not be really dead. Who knows, they might be alive and well somewhere like the D-level explorer mentioned by Lao Bai. As

  for thank you.

  I’ll say it to him in person when I have a chance.

  Zhao Xiao swallowed his saliva.

  His duty told him that he should stop the guy who defected in front of him, but he found that he said something else.

  ”…Take care.”

  After all, they were teammates who had worked together for many years, but he still couldn’t enforce that discipline.

  He just hoped that she would not regret her choice today. Just treat her

  as if she was dead.

  Chen Yutong nodded, turned her back to him, and walked out of the camp without any defense.

  Almost less than ten minutes after she left, the creaking sound of the tracks rolling over the stones came from the ground.

  Zhao Xiao looked up in the north of the camp and saw the familiar heavy tracked vehicle slowly driving into the quiet and empty camp.

  Sitting in the driver’s seat was Zheng Hao, the captain of the Beacon Team.

  Zhao Xiao’s eyes were filled with surprise. He didn’t expect that he would come to pick him up in person.


  Looking at Zheng Hao who jumped off the tracked vehicle, Zhao Xiao trotted over and gave him an excited hug.

  Patting the young man’s shoulder, Zheng Hao let go of his hand. Looking at the young face in front of him, his tense expression suddenly showed a little relaxation.

  On the way here, he had been hesitating whether his decision was right, but at this moment all his hesitations vanished.

  He was extremely glad for his choice at this moment.

  Perhaps from the perspective of the academy, it would be the most “economical” approach to remove the names of these E-levels from the list, and what he and the other team members should do was to delete the names of these people and the memories of them from their memories.

  But he was not the academy after all.

  Both Dr. Conclusion and the Chief Technology Officer were too far away from him.

  He was just a selfish person, an insignificant D-class, a nobody who was ordered around by his superiors…

  No matter what their reasons were, those people died under his orders.

  Even if he could save one person, it would alleviate his guilt.

  ”Those people didn’t do anything to you, did they?”

  Zhao Xiao shook his head excitedly.

  ”No! They were quite friendly to me… They didn’t even beat me up.”

  ”Very good.”

  With a rare smile on his expressionless face, Zheng Hao patted his shoulder and let go of the young man.

  ”They kept their promise, I will remember this favor… By the way, did that guy named Lao Bai give you anything?”

  ”Yes! I have it with me!”

  Zhao Xiao nodded immediately and took out a test tube from his pocket and handed it over.

  Lao Bai had told him before to hand it over to their captain in person.

  After taking the test tube, Zheng Hao’s eyes flashed with joy, but when his eyes fell on the hibernation capsule next to him, that joy was quickly diluted by complex emotions.

  ”Are there any others?”

  Zhao Xiao was silent for a while and shook his head.

  ”That’s all.”

  Zheng Hao said nothing more.

  ”…Carry Old Wu onto the truck. This is not a place to stay for long. We should leave.”

  Zhao Xiao nodded, and without asking any more questions, he worked with the captain to carry the hibernation capsule containing Old Wu onto the back of the truck.

  The two then came to the front of the truck, opened the door and got into the main and co-pilot seats.

  There was a piece of paper on the steering wheel.

  Several crooked stick drawings roughly described how to start the truck, how to turn on the headlights, how to drive, etc.

  Zheng Hao glanced at it and tore off the paper and threw it aside. He turned the key and started the car, and drove out of the camp.

  Looking at the camp gradually going away in the rearview mirror, Zhao Xiao suddenly spoke.

  ”By the way…there’s one more thing.”

  Zheng Hao, who was driving, replied casually.

  ”What is it?”

  ”Chen Yutong…was seriously injured before, and felt that she would not survive, so she gave the hibernation capsule to Old Wu who could still be rescued.”

  This was the story he had just made up.

  Without revealing that she was still alive, it was barely self-consistent.

  After a moment of silence, Zhao Xiao continued.

  ”She asked me to say thank you to you… Thank you for taking care of me all the time.”

  Zheng Hao nodded.

  That expression seemed to have guessed something, but he didn’t seem to think too much about it.

  ”Well, I know.”

  Zhao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

  Some words are uncomfortable to keep in my heart.

  It feels much better to say them out.


  The truck drove about five or six kilometers and stopped beside a mountain road.

  Several members of the Beacon Team surrounded them with rifles. Seeing that the captain and the sniper were sitting in the driver’s seat, they breathed a sigh of relief and lowered their guns.

  ”The transaction was successful.”

  After jumping off the car, Zheng Hao looked behind him and there was no headlights following.

  It seems that those people did let him and his people go.

  Maybe, as that old white said, they are still looking forward to cooperating with him next time… Although he doesn’t want to meet those monsters again.

  Deputy Captain Song Changfeng walked up and asked.

  ”What should we do now? Without communication equipment, we can’t report our situation to the academy…”

  ”That’s perfect. When we go back, we’ll say that we were attacked by the Alliance and corporate reinforcements and the follow-up operation failed.”

  After a pause, Zheng Hao continued.

  ”But there is always a way out. We not only successfully rescued the captured team members at the cost of a vehicle, but also successfully obtained the tissue samples of the mother.”

  Although they lost a tracked vehicle, it was not theirs in the first place. It would be good to use the academy’s equipment to exchange the captured teammates.

  They had discussed this before, and everyone agreed. For this reason, the engineers in the team also helped format the AI ​​cores of the two bionic team members.

  A team member climbed onto the back of the truck and suddenly found that there were two boxes in addition to a hibernation capsule, so he shouted and asked.

  ”What are the two boxes on the truck?”

  Zhao Xiao heard the answer.

  ”Oh, that, it’s the supplies they sent us. They said they couldn’t finish it anyway, so they left it for us to eat on the road…”

  The medical soldier curled his lips.

  ”Who would eat the enemy’s food?”

  He had unloaded the supplies on the tracked vehicle, including freeze-dried food, energy bars and fresh water enough for the team to consume for thirty days.

  Zhao Xiao scratched the back of his head.

  ”That’s true, but those things taste good…”

  Several team members looked at each other with strange expressions.

  Could this guy have been locked up and become stupid?

  Song Changfeng looked at Zheng Hao, and his expression obviously wanted to ask for his opinion again.

  Zheng Hao didn’t say anything, but nodded casually.

  ”Keep it.”

  He had heard Zhao Xiao talk about the two boxes in the car. Although he was confused about why the other party wanted to do such a superfluous thing, he didn’t think that those people would poison or something.

  With their abilities, there was no need for this. It didn’t

  matter what the details were, he was too lazy to worry about it.

  What he was thinking about now was which professor he should contact after returning to the college.

  There was only one chance.

  He had to think of a way to maximize the value of the test tube in his hand…

  At the same time, to the north of Oasis No. 8.

  After nearly a week of long journey, Lao Bai and his team finally managed to reunite with the large force that came to support them.

  Seeing Sun Ze coming towards them, several pilots from the company smiled and walked up to him and patted his shoulders and arms.

  ”Haha, brother, I heard from the back that you fell badly.”

  Sun Ze sighed.

  ”That’s right. Who knows what happened to those crows in the swamp? They shot me down with a missile when they saw me! You don’t know how exciting it was at that time. I was almost dead! Fortunately, my driving skills are awesome and I was able to rescue it!”

  ”What about the plane?” another pilot asked curiously.

  Sun Ze waved his hand indifferently.

  ”It’s scrapped! I marked the wreckage on the map. I’ll wait for the aviation department to send someone to deal with it… Who cares? Anyway, it’s worth it! Hahaha!”

  As he spoke, Sun Ze vividly described what happened to him and the Burning Legion after they landed.

  In particular, he focused on how he relied on his wit, courage and decisiveness to lead a group of soldiers to fight their way out of the siege of the academy, and completely forgot that he was almost scared to death at that time.

  Several young players stood aside and stared at the subtitles on the VM while whispering in Mandarin.

  ”Fuck, this is too much of a boast!!”

  ”+1, this face is probably thicker than the walls of Boulder City…”

  The two rescued Enterprise pilots will take a direct flight back to Ideal City to accept interviews from a number of media and clarify some misunderstandings.

  However, before going back, the pilot’s commander seemed to have something to say to the two lucky rescued people, so he pulled Sun Ze, who was bragging, aside. As for

  Luo Yu and Xiao Yu, they will take the samples recovered from the Eagle fighter and return to Dawn City on the Enterprise’s plane.

  The Enterprise is not particularly interested in Xiao Yu.

  Or to put it more accurately, those who are interested in it do not have enough say and influence in the Supreme Council.

  In contrast, the bionic man named “Xuan Feng” may arouse the interest of Kangmao Group, but that is something for the managers to worry about.

  Lao Bai confirmed the updated tasks on the VM.

  After joining the main force of the Burning Corps, they will return to the front-line airport with the reindeer heavy tracked vehicles “captured” from the academy to wait for the next instructions.

  I heard that the battle on the front line was going very smoothly. Under the joint attack of the Skeleton Corps, the Storm Corps and the Lion Kingdom Army, two of the nine retreating 10,000-man teams were defeated.

  If this trend continues, less than half of the 10,000-man teams will be able to successfully retreat to Oasis No. 2. The balance of victory is almost in the hands of the Alliance.

  It is estimated that before the end of the year, the Alliance will be able to see old friends on the Pioneer.

  At this time, Kuangfeng, who was operating the drone, suddenly raised his head and looked at Lao Bai, who was thinking about the route of the march later.

  ”Someone is coming from the north.”

  A look of surprise appeared on Lao Bai’s face.


  Have those nerds not given up yet?

  ”A few.”

  Kuangfeng touched his nose and said.

  ”I saw one.” “I’ll

  go meet him!”

  Ye Shi jumped off the truck excitedly. He was about to try the weapon accessories he had just seized, but was stopped by Lao Bai.

  ”It may not be to cause trouble for us. I’ll go and take a look.”

  With that, Lao Bai walked out of the camp alone.

  After about ten minutes, a figure soon appeared on the sand dunes in the distance.

  She came alone and had no weapons.

  Looking at Chen Yutong who walked in front of him, Lao Bai asked with a smile.

  ”Did anything fall here?”

  Chen Yutong shook her head, but after a while, she nodded gently.

  ”I want to follow you… to the place where the wastelanders huddled together for warmth.”

  Lao Bai looked at the girl in front of him in surprise.

  Seeing that her expression did not seem to be joking, he did not ask any more questions and smiled and stretched out his right hand.

  ”It seems that you have considered it for a long time. Since you have decided, I will not persuade you… Welcome to join us.”

  ”Thank you, if you don’t take me in, I’m afraid I will be homeless.”

  Chen Yutong stretched out her hand and shook his hand. She joked with a slightly relaxed expression, “After making this decision, I should have gone from missing to dead at the academy.”

  Lao Bai also joked jokingly.

  ”Congratulations on starting a new life. Do you want to change your name?”

  Chen Yutong said simply.

  ”No need. I don’t intend to forget the past. Besides, there are so many people with the same name. I don’t think anyone would care about the life and death of an E-class explorer.”

  She was just a nobody, not worthy of the attention of those high-ranking A-class or B-class people.

  After a pause, she looked around and continued.

  ”Didn’t you get a tracked vehicle from Zheng Hao? Why didn’t I see it?”

  Lao Bai said embarrassedly.

  ”It’s still on the way back… My people just took over and are studying the instructions left by your captain. It will probably be back in a few minutes.”

  Compared with the Alliance’s trucks, that thing is much more troublesome to drive. There are more than fifty buttons on the 12-inch central control.

  That thing is not much easier to operate than the flapping-wing aircraft sold to them by the enterprise.

  Chen Yutong smiled.

  ”That’s perfect. When your people come back, I can teach you how to drive that thing.”

  Lao Bai’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and he said with a hearty smile.

  ”That’s great, you can help us a lot!”

  The naturally drooping bangs blocked her sight, and she shook them lightly and said indifferently.

  ”You’re welcome. This is just a small matter. When we get back, just treat me to a glass of that potato wine… What’s it called?”

  ”You mean vodka?”

  Lao Bai looked at the brave girl in surprise, and said with a smile, “I heard that people in the academy don’t drink alcohol, and ethanol is only used as a reagent and fuel… Are you sure you can drink it?”

  Chen Yutong’s mouth curled up.

  ”I’m not a member of the academy anymore. And how can I know if I can drink it if I don’t try it?”

  Maybe it’s because of the different status, or maybe it’s because he has let it go, Lao Bai always feels that she seems to have changed compared to yesterday.

  However, this is not a bad thing.

  Trying more new things that you haven’t tried before is still very helpful in integrating into a new life.

  ”Okay, I won’t stop you… But I recommend you a way to drink it that is suitable for rookies, you can add some Coke or Sprite to it.”

  Chen Yutong asked curiously.

  ”What is that? Is it delicious?”

  ”A kind of drink… made by those professional life players – I mean the residents of the shelter who love life. Simply put, it’s sugar water with some carbonic acid.”

  ”Carbonic acid? Does that thing have a taste?” Chen Yutong frowned slightly.

  Of course, the academy also has drinks that supplement sugar, caffeine and vitamins.

  But they will never add carbonic acid to drinking water, but will put them in labeled sample cabinets like ethanol.

  Those things can neither supplement nutrition nor promote dopamine secretion. Instead, they will cause mineral loss in the body, just like alcohol will damage the brain.

  Even if the harmful dose is controllable, there is no need to increase avoidable risks for meaningless things.

  ”No, there is no taste, but the feeling of bubbles exploding between the lips and teeth can bring a different stimulation to the mediocre sugar water. You will know if you try it…”

  Lao Bai’s answer was in line with her expectations.

  But what surprised her was his other insights on “meaning”.

  For her who has regained her life, this is more interesting to her than deliciousness.

  ”I see. Can you tell me more about Sprite? I’m a little curious.”

  Looking at the face full of curiosity, Lao Bai explained with a headache.

  ”Hiss, this question is too professional. Generally speaking, it’s the same as Coke, but we use citric acid instead of caffeine…”

  ”Citric acid instead of caffeine?! I see… It’s really exciting.”

  I don’t know when the two of them started walking back.

  Chen Yutong followed him naturally, and asked many questions that he was interested in but didn’t have time to ask before.

  The two of them were like old friends who had known each other for a long time, without any estrangement, and walked for a long time without knowing it…

  On the sand dunes not far away, Ye Shi, who was holding a sniper rifle, put the gun away with a curse, patted the dust on his pants and stood up.

  ”Damn it! I won’t watch it anymore. I was worried that he would get into trouble, so I was fed a mouthful of dog food.”

  Kuangfeng, who was holding a telescope, glanced at him.

  ”Which eye of yours saw that it was dog food, can’t it be pure friendship?”

  Ye Shi complained.

  ”Come on, have you forgotten about that bastard Fang Chang? At the beginning, he kept talking about missions, but later he started calling me wife… Ugh.”


  He couldn’t stand dog food, unless it was his own.

  Kuang Feng coughed.

  ”Fang Chang is Fang Chang, and Lao Bai is Lao Bai… They are different.”

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes.

  ”Let’s go back.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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