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Chapter 483 Where is the plane? Where did such a big plane go?

Chapter 483 Where is the plane? Where did such a big plane go?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 483 Where is the plane? Where did such a big plane go?

  At the junction of the Wandering Swamp and Luoxia Province, the thin sunlight penetrated the mist and shrouded the gray-yellow wasteland.

  The crow biting the corpse raised its head, and a silver-gray cross that was out of tune with the surroundings was imprinted in its amber pupils.

  ”…This is Torch-1, ‘Seagull’ has arrived above the coordinates… Let me look for it, are you sure it is this coordinate?”

  In the cabin of the Orca transport plane, the pilot sitting in the co-pilot seat chewed gum and poked the tablet with his index finger.

  His name is Xiao Hua, a pilot affiliated with the Enterprise Aviation Department, but the “enterprise” is not an “enterprise”. His actual employer is the “Casual Look Salvage Company” controlled by Kangmao Group.

  Although the name sounds casual, their business has always been known for being stable and reliable. It is for this reason that the insurance company that provided insurance services for the crashed plane handed this big deal to them.

  They were also very cautious when taking over this business. They had not relaxed their vigilance since entering Luoxia Province.

  Although this place was far away from the crossfire area, the aviation department had crashed a plane nearby just a week ago. He dared not take it lightly.

  Those lonely, weird, and dark-minded swamp guys could not think with common sense. God knows why they would launch missiles at their “old friends” on the east coast.

  But since the Council did not want to cause trouble, they could only try to avoid conflicts.

  Therefore, they carefully hovered the Orca transport plane at an altitude of 100 kilometers away, and sent a drone to check the situation and determine the specific location before deciding how to deal with it.

  If the academy repeats the same trick again.

  The height is enough for them to glide to the desert in the south.

  There was a rustling sound of electricity in the communication channel. Perhaps the sandstorm finally passed and the unstable signal finally recovered a little.

  ”Wrong coordinates?! How is it possible!?”

  ”Can I still joke with you?” The pilot swiped his index finger on the tablet and compressed the aerial photo and sent it over while the signal was good.

  There was a brief silence on the other side of the communication channel.

  After seeing the aerial photos, the pilot named Sun Ze also seemed to be in a state of self-doubt.

  ”It’s impossible… the remaining craters are still on the ground.”

  ”Are you sure that’s a crater?” The pilot sitting in the driving seat came over and asked cautiously, “We didn’t find any bodies on the ground… nor did we find the ‘beehive’ you mentioned, and we didn’t even see a sub-drone.”

  ”That’s right… most likely the people from the academy cleaned it up for us. Maybe after they hit it, they realized that they had offended someone they shouldn’t have offended, so they cleaned it up for us.” “That

  makes sense, haha.”

  There was no response in the communication channel to the two pilots’ ridicule.

  There was only a rustling sound of electricity.

  The pilot named Sun Ze might be doubting his life.

  But they didn’t want to wait any longer, and the remaining power didn’t allow them to waste time here any longer.

  ”Anyway, we didn’t see anything… the power is running out, so let’s stop here.” The pilot sitting in the driving seat looked at Xiao Hua, who was operating the drone next to him.

  Xiao Hua looked up at the captain.

  ”How do we write the report?”

  The captain said indifferently.

  ”Whatever, just take a few pictures near the coordinates and put them in.”

  ”Got it.”

  Xiao Hua nodded, and like he was too lazy to cause trouble for himself, he stretched out his index finger and selected the return button.

  After receiving the order to evacuate, the silver-gray drone quickly ended its hovering and flew towards the Orca transport plane hovering over the mountains in the south. The

  two staff members in the cabin recovered the aircraft, and Xiao Hua’s index finger continued to slide the screen, selecting the photos that would be stuffed into the report later.

  But at this moment, a light exclamation suddenly leaked from the corner of his mouth, and he sat up straight from his seat.

  ”What’s wrong?” The captain sitting next to him glanced at the tablet in his hand, and saw that there was only a group of mountains on the screen, and there was nothing special.

  Xiao Hua didn’t say anything, and selected the tool box with his index finger and clicked twice, switching to the heat source identification mode.

  Just as the picture turned black and white, a silver-white bright spot suddenly appeared in the dark valley.

  The captain’s expression was slightly surprised.

  ”What is that?”

  ”I don’t know… but there seem to be quite a few people,” Xiao Hua muttered with a puzzled expression, “It was photographed by the drone when it returned from the mountain valley about 30 kilometers away from us.”

  The captain said nothing.

  ”Then forget it.”

  Xiao Hua shrugged his shoulders and lightly swiped his index finger across the screen.

  ”You have the final say.”

  At the same time, in the mountain valley 30 kilometers away, a team of ragged scavengers were pushing large and small carts through the mountains.

  The returning Enterprise pilots did not know that the Orca transport plane they had been looking for for a long time was actually right under their noses. It

  was even almost captured by the aerial camera!

  But even if these wastelanders walked past them in a swagger, they would not recognize that the parts were dismantled from their transport planes.

  Under the temptation of a huge reward of one million silver coins, these scavengers were like ants moving house.

  From the plasma engine hanging outside to the glass cover on the dashboard, they dismantled the huge transport plane in less than half a day, and packed them all on the big and small carts with bottles and cans.

  Not even a screw was left!

  Not only that.

  Even the “beehive” drone hive launched by the Beacon Team and the countless small attack drones destroyed by EMP were picked up by these scavengers without a single one left.

  Just like the old man named Gust boasted.

  They are professionals in picking up garbage!

  ”Salvage company? What is that?”

  ”There is a company specializing in recycling business in Ideal City. We originally planned to contact them for work, but they only provide free shipping within the Yunjian Province.”

  ”Free shipping?”

  Hearing another strange phrase that he had never heard of before, Gust, who was sitting on the back of a two-headed bull and smoking a pipe leisurely, cast a curious look at the Alliance soldier who called himself “Wall Corner Old Six”.

  Wall Corner Old Six coughed and explained in non-standard human language.

  ”It means door-to-door delivery… it means delivery to your doorstep.”

  ”Oh,” the old man nodded, then laughed and said, “Then we also ‘free shipping’, this is nothing.”

  The sixth old man in the corner looked at him in surprise.

  Most wastelanders look longing when they mention the enterprise and the ideal city, just like they are afraid of the legion. It

  was the first time that he heard a completely different evaluation of the ideal city from the mouth of a wastelander.

  ”It’s okay if it’s nothing, isn’t it great to work for the enterprise?”

  ”Tsk, this is nothing,” Gust glanced at the corner of his mouth, knocked on his pipe and said, “Our ancestors worked for the post-war reconstruction committee, it’s hard to say who has picked up more garbage.”

  The sixth old man in the corner was even more surprised, and nodded subconsciously.

  ”Then I guess you picked up more… If you count the ones you picked up before.”

  Although the old man’s face was envious when talking about the good things in the ideal city, when it comes to his old business, his wrinkled face reveals unquestionable authority and pride. The

  lost newbie walking next to him was confused the whole time.

  When he was dismantling the plane yesterday, he filmed the process of the scavengers dismantling the plane.

  However, no matter how many times he watched, he could not imagine how these people did it.

  ”…Wow, they really dismantled it back.” Lost Mengxin muttered to himself.

  Looking back at the mighty team and the small pieces of junk carried by the team, Bai Gei scratched his head and said with a sniper.

  ”But how do we put it back?”

  Hearing the conversation of his teammates, Lao Liu from the corner came over with a grin and said.

  ”Who knows! Why bother so much? Whether it can be put back is the business of professional players and NPCs. Let’s transport it back first!”


  The mighty team soon crossed another hill.

  Just as the little players were performing the “disappearing on the spot” spell right under the eyes of their allies, Lao Bai, who had returned to the line after a night, finally found his two good brothers and confessed everything that happened last night…

  ”…Anyway, this is what happened. I was temporarily suspended by the manager and had to go back to the rear for three days.”

  Lao Bai looked at Kuangfeng embarrassedly and continued awkwardly.

  ”During the time I’m away… I’m sorry to bother you.”

  He originally thought that even if the two good brothers did not sympathize with his experience, they would at least express regret or understanding.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that before he finished the second half of his sentence, Ye Shi, who was standing next to him, burst into laughter.

  ”Hahahaha! It’s what you deserve!”

  Although his reaction was not as exaggerated as Ye Shi’s, after listening to Lao Bai’s words, Kuangfeng still had a subtle expression on his face.

  After a moment of organizing his thoughts, he tried to summarize.

  ”So… you were temporarily suspended by the manager because you pleaded for Ms. Chen?”

  ”No, didn’t I say that? The manager thought I was suspicious of him… Oh, shit, why is this so difficult to explain?”

  Looking at Lao Bai who was almost driven crazy, Kuang Feng didn’t say anything, but just looked at him scratching his head with an expression of “Do you think I will believe it?”

  However, regardless of whether you believe it or not.

  The pop-up window of the announcement on the Corps system interface can’t be fake.

  Kuang Feng sighed, held his forehead and thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

  ”By the way, is Ms. Chen going back with you?”

  Lao Bai was stunned for a moment, and nodded subconsciously.

  ”Of course, this is a war zone, and it doesn’t make sense for her, a non-combatant, to stay here…”

  Ye Shi, who was still holding his stomach and laughing a second ago, suddenly couldn’t laugh out loud.

  The melon that had just been eaten turned into dog food in less than two seconds, and the happy expression instantly put on a mask of pain.

  ”I’m angry! This is not fair!!!”

  Lao Bai looked at him in a daze.

  ”What are you doing again…”

  Kuangfeng coughed.

  ”This time I’m on Ye Shi’s side… We’re going to the front line, and you’re going back to enjoy yourself. It’s really not very authentic.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but yelled.

  ”That’s right! I’ve also made contributions to the alliance, and I’ve also shed blood for the alliance, why don’t you reward me!”

  Lao Bai: “???”

  I’ve been suspended from my job.

  What kind of reward is this!


  To be honest, there must be a reward.

  It avoided direct conflict with the academy, and while completing the rescue mission, it also protected the interests of the alliance to the greatest extent. All players who participated in the operation received a generous reward.

  Because the official website holds one or two mysterious auctions from time to time, the silver coins on the forum have never been worried about buyers, and this generous reward is still very attractive.

  However, when seeing the pale numbers on the settlement interface, Ye Shi’s eyes were full of resentment.

  Embarrassed to face his gaze, Lao Bai coughed dryly, threw down a sentence “See you in three days” and turned to walk towards the transport plane not far away.

  Luo Yu and Xiao Yu were also in the cabin.

  Including the bionic man Xuan Feng fixed in the iron coffin and the fruiting body wreckage sealed in the box, as well as the two Enterprise pilots who were rescued before.

  The plan has changed. Since the remaining fuel is not enough to return to Ideal City, they need to return to the aviation base in the north of Xizhou City for a transfer.

  Waiting for the plane to take off, the two pilots whispered and exchanged the “ghost stories” they had just heard.

  ”It’s really a ghost.”

  ”What happened?”

  ”The plane is gone.”

  ”Gone?!” The partner sitting next to him looked at Sun Ze in surprise, his eyes wide open, “How is it possible, such a big plane can still run away by itself?”

  ”I don’t know… The salvage company contacted by the Aviation Department went to the coordinates I reported, and they insisted that I remembered the location wrong.”

  Sun Ze was puzzled.

  He calculated the approximate coordinates based on the flight data in the black box, and he calculated it twice. How could there be a problem?

  And the aerial photo was clearly the place where the Burning Corps and the Beacon Squad had exchanged fire before. He could be sure that he was not mistaken.

  Such a big plane, and there is a wasteland without even a road nearby…

  How did it disappear? !


  Seeing his teammate pulling his sleeve, Sun Ze raised his head in confusion.

  ”What are you doing?”

  The teammate said nothing, pointing to the entrance of the cabin, and saw a young woman in a beige coat coming up. Her

  long brown hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was thin and tall, but she was still very attractive.

  What surprised him was not that he saw a beautiful girl here, but that he had seen this woman before.

  Out of curiosity, Sun Ze whistled and talked to her.

  ”Hey, beautiful girl, aren’t you going back?”

  Chen Yutong looked at him twice.

  ”I stayed.”

  Sun Ze was even more surprised to hear this.


  The partner sitting next to Sun Ze was not surprised and said with a smile.

  ”I’ve said it before, the college is not a normal life, how could anyone want to go back to that kind of place… Do you want to go to Ideal City to have a look?”

  ”Maybe later.”

  Chen Yutong said perfunctorily, found a more open place to sit down, and fastened her seat belt.

  Although she had left the college, she still couldn’t like people in the enterprise… They were frivolous, always not serious, and liked to show off things that she thought were not worth showing off.

  She knew it might be prejudice.

  But the prejudice that has been formed for twenty years cannot be changed in a day or two.

  ”Be careful not to tear the wound with this way of tying.”

  Hearing the non-standard human language, Chen Yutong raised her head and happened to see Lao Bai walking in from outside the cabin.

  She raised her eyebrows slightly and asked curiously.

  ”Then how should it be tied?”

  ”It will be better to avoid the abdomen and concentrate on the legs and shoulders… like me.” Lao Bai couldn’t figure it out with his index finger, so he simply sat down next to him and demonstrated it.

  According to his demonstration, Chen Yutong unfastened the nylon buckle on the abdomen and fastened the seat belt again. As expected, she felt a lot more relaxed.

  ”Thank you… You are not going to the front line?”

  ”Like the other two, the plan has changed,” Lao Bai pointed his chin at the Enterprise pilot sitting not far away, and said helplessly, “Anyway… I have to go back for a few days.”

  Chen Yutong stared at his expression for a while, and the intuition she had developed from work made her see something.

  ”Because of me?”

  Lao Bai hesitated and shook his head.

  ”It has nothing to do with you.”

  Although he was teased by his good brothers, he still stubbornly believed that this was a punishment for him as the manager said.

  In fact, there was nothing wrong with it.

  Even though he had never doubted the correctness of the alliance and had never hesitated in his beliefs, he could not deny that there was indeed selfishness in that sentence.


  Lao Bai smiled and said freely.

  ”What are you apologizing for? I said it has nothing to do with you.”

  At this time, the cabin door was closed, and soon the hum of plasma plumes came from outside the cabin behind the two of them.

  With a slight tremor, the transport plane slowly took off.

  Luo Yu and Xiao Yu, who were sitting at the other end of the cabin, were still whispering to each other.

  ”…Eat, eat, eat. I’ll buy you a box of lollipops when we get back! You can eat as much as you want at once!”


  ”Ice cream? Are you sure? Can’t you stand anything too cold?”


  ”Okay, okay… I’ll buy it.”

  The harmonious and friendly scene made Lao Bai smile like an aunt, but he still couldn’t figure out how the two of them communicated.

  Relying on radio waves?

  How did they do it?

  ”It’s incredible…”

  Chen Yutong spoke his mind, and her eyes also showed an interested look, and she spoke in a soft voice.

  ”The mother of the mutant slime mold can actually communicate with people… This completely subverts our understanding of it for two hundred years.”

  Lao Bai nodded.

  ”Well, we were also surprised when we found it, especially in a place like Qingquan City, where slime mold is almost synonymous with death and plague. If it weren’t for the order of the administrator, I’m afraid no one would allow it to live.”

  The player didn’t care too much.

  As long as they can communicate, even the Death Claw can be used as a mount, not to mention the mutant slime mold. The weirder it looks, the more awesome it is.

  If it weren’t for the fact that the mutants’ minds were too cruel and bloodthirsty, and the mind interference device couldn’t interfere with their brains, the goblin technology would have to raise two of them as free labor.

  However, compared to the players who didn’t play by the rules, the wastelanders who lived in this world seriously still cared a little.

  It was only because of the personal charm and prestige of the manager that they accepted the existence of this alien.

  Chen Yutong looked at Lao Bai.

  ”But even so, you still accepted it?”

  Lao Bai scratched his head.

  ”Well, at least it’s harmless at present, and maybe we can find a way to make those mother nests harmless from it… Anyway, I think it’s unlikely to completely eliminate them. This thing can live for more than two hundred years without air, water and oxygen.”

  Chen Yutong thought for a while.

  ”I once heard a rumor.”

  Lao Bai asked casually.

  ”What rumor?”

  Chen Yutong pointed to the top of his head.

  ”Where do they come from.”


  Lao Bai was stunned.

  He subconsciously raised his head, but only saw the silver-gray ceiling.

  ”She might be talking about Nanmen 2.”

  Sun Ze, who was sitting not far away, couldn’t help but interrupt. Under Xiao Yu’s eager gaze, he smiled and threw a piece of chewing gum into his mouth.

  ”The former colony of the Human Union, a planet shrouded in aurora. I have heard rumors about it, but so what… By the way, you can’t see it here.”

  Lao Bai cast a puzzled look at her.

  This is a setting that has not been explained in detail on the official website.

  Without paying attention to the complaints of the corporate employee, Chen Yutong nodded lightly, with a hint of regret in her voice.

  ”Many people have forgotten that it once belonged to us.”

  At the same time, in the desert thousands of kilometers away, hundreds of trucks broke down beside the broken road, and scrapped steel was burning on the sand dunes.

  Standing in the middle of the tank turret, holding a telescope, Mole was looking at the messy battlefield in the distance.

  Another hearty victory.

  Thanks to the intelligence of Comrade Pangolin, this retreating 10,000-man army was defeated by the steel torrent of the Alliance.

  This is the third 10,000-man army they have annihilated this week.

  Counting the results of friendly forces, the Legion may not have many chess pieces left.

  Mole now wants to do only one thing, that is to occupy the kingdom of the Falcon Kingdom before Brother Fountain and intercept the supplies sent by the Legion from the east.

  He put the communicator to his mouth.

  ”Armored Grenadiers, move forward!”

  ”Got it!”

  Irena, who was standing next to the machine gun on the roof, patted the front of the truck and signaled the driver to start the truck, while straightening the 20mm heavy machine gun welded to the roof.

  The black muzzle of the gun pointed directly at the messy battlefield in the distance, and the heated metal barrel was rising with twisted heat waves.

  The armored forces have wiped out most of the resistance.

  Next, the infantry will clean up the battlefield.

  In fact, the only job they have to do is to gather the surrendered soldiers together, confiscate their weapons, and then hand them over to the Lion Kingdom Army following behind.

  At this moment, the Skeleton Corps is only 50 kilometers away from the Falcon Kingdom. They will soon see the royal palace that General McLen “can’t forget”.

  Glancing at the Willant people with their heads in their hands, Irena said with a smile.

  ”I hope the battlefield guy is not in there.”

  Hearing the ridicule with a funny emoticon, the construction site boy and the brick drew a hammer on their chest.

  ”Pray for him.”

  (The sequelae of the outbreak, a little stuck today, tomorrow I will write about the daily life of professional players in the rear.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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