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Chapter 484 “Boom, boom, boom”

Chapter 484 “Boom, boom, boom”


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 484 “Dong Dong Dong…”

  ”Ah, what’s wrong?”

  ”Why are you distracted?”

  ”I’m a little tired…”

  Bai Yue’er’s mood suddenly became low.

  ”Okay, then I’ll listen to you and stop shopping.”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the time and said, “It’s almost time, let’s go eat first.”

  ”Yeah.” Bai Yue’er said lightly.

  Then Xu Xiuwen led Bai Yue’er to a Michelin French restaurant on the Bund.

  This French restaurant uses a lot of light-textured beige and light green in its design.

  The atmosphere in the restaurant is friendly and elegant.

  There is also a large pot of oversized flowers in the center of the restaurant.

  If it were a dozen years later, this restaurant would be very popular with girls, and many people would come here specifically to check in and take pictures.

  French restaurants are elegant.

  After entering the restaurant, men must put women first, and men need to pull out seats for women to show gentlemanliness.

  In line with the idea of ​​​​when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  Xu Xiuwen naturally behaved like a gentleman once.

  Bai Yue’er also smiled because of his service.

  After Xu Xiuwen and Bai Yue’er sat down.

  The waiter handed over the menu.

  The French dining process starts with an aperitif, followed by appetizers, mid-course dishes, main courses, and desserts.

  This French restaurant offers many choices for each item.


  Xu Xiuwen chose champagne for himself and Bai Yueer.

  Aperitifs in French cuisine, also known as appetizers, are used before the formal meal to stimulate the appetite and increase people’s appetite.

  Light-bodied, high-acid wines are more suitable for aperitifs.

  Generally, champagne, cocktails, sparkling wine, or fruity dry rosé are used.

  Champagne is light-bodied and does not put too much burden on the taste buds, making it a common choice for aperitifs.


  Bai Yueer chose egg caviar.

  Xu Xiuwen chose French foie gras with sour cherry candied pistachios.

  Mid-course dish.

  Bai Yueer chose Icelandic flounder with crab mushrooms and lemongrass broth.

  Xu Xiuwen chose crispy crab cakes with honey bean mayonnaise.

  Main course.

  Bai Yueer chose roasted free-range chicken with asparagus, mushrooms and Parmesan cheese sauce

  . Xu Xiuwen chose pan-fried wagyu beef tenderloin with mashed potatoes, broccoli and miso mustard butter.


  Bai Yueer chose chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.

  Xu Xiuwen chose citrus pavlovas, tangerine cream and blood orange sorbet.

  After ordering the dishes.

  The sommelier came forward with the red wine and asked, “Would you like to try it?”

  Xu Xiuwen waved his hand and said, “No.”

  After the sommelier confirmed it, he began to pour the wine.

  After the sommelier left temporarily.

  Bai Yueer looked into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes and asked, “Why did you bring me here to eat?”

  Xu Xiuwen did not answer immediately, but looked into Bai Yueer’s eyes and asked, “Don’t you like it?”

  Bai Yueer looked at the smile in Xu Xiuwen’s eyes, and her heart beat twice again.

  She looked away, “I don’t dislike it.”

  Xu Xiuwen raised his glass and said, “You have been hard during this period, so I brought you here to relax. Don’t think too much.”

  Bai Yueer nodded, then raised her glass and took a sip of the champagne in the glass.

  Soon the dishes were served.

  The first dish was alkaline bread, followed by black truffle cheese balls.

  Next came the appetizers.

  Bai Yue’er ordered egg caviar, which is one of the signature dishes of this restaurant.

  The eggshell is filled with butter scrambled eggs, topped with vodka milk foam, and topped with caviar.

  Xu Xiuwen ordered foie gras, topped with candied pistachios and sour cherries, and toasted toast. The jelly around it was made with port wine, which looked good.

  Bai Yue’er gently scooped a spoonful and tasted it.

  After tasting it, Bai Yue’er had no expression on her face.

  Xu Xiuwen also tasted the foie gras, which had a sweet and sour wine aroma and tasted okay.

  After Xu Xiuwen tasted it, he looked up and saw Bai Yue’er’s expression.

  He asked, “Does it taste bad?”

  Bai Yue’er was about to say, “It’s okay.”

  She heard Xu Xiuwen say, “Then you try mine, and I’ll try the caviar as well.”

  Xu Xiuwen handed the plate over.

  Bai Yue’er was stunned for a moment.

  Then she quickly woke up.

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen had already handed the plate over, she couldn’t refuse anymore and had to accept it.

  Xu Xiuwen brought the egg caviar to her, not caring that Bai Yue’er had just eaten a bite, and directly scooped a spoonful with a spoon and brought it to her mouth.

  After tasting it, he finally understood why Bai Yue’er had a blank expression just now.

  Because this is considered a signature appetizer, it is indeed very ordinary.

  After tasting it, she couldn’t make any other expression except disappointment.

  Bai Yue’er saw that Xu Xiuwen didn’t care that she had just eaten it.

  Her heart beat a little faster.

  She lowered her head, hesitated for a few seconds, and also picked up the knife and fork, cut a small piece from the foie gras sauce, and brought it to her mouth.

  The foie gras sauce tasted very good.

  Bai Yue’er took a bite and finally smiled.

  ”It tastes good, right?” Xu Xiuwen asked after noticing her smile.

  ”Yeah.” Bai Yue’er nodded.


  ”Xu Xiuwen…”

  ”Yeah? What’s wrong?”


  Bai Yue’er didn’t say it.

  Next is the middle plate.

  Icelandic flounder and crispy crab cakes.

  Both the appearance and the taste were good.

  Xu Xiuwen ordered another glass of port wine before the main course.

  After the main course came,

  Xu Xiuwen ordered the pan-fried wagyu beef fillet.

  He cut off a piece, tasted it, and nodded.

  This dish was the best he had tasted so far tonight.

  Xu Xiuwen carefully cut the wagyu beef fillet into small pieces of suitable size.

  Then he said to Bai Yueer, “Yueer, try this, it tastes very good.”

  Xu Xiuwen handed the plate over.

  Bai Yueer chose roasted free-range chicken with asparagus, mushrooms and Parmesan cheese sauce as the main course.

  The taste was not bad, but it was not surprising.

  Because it was not the first time to exchange dishes.

  Bai Yueer did not refuse.

  However, after seeing Xu Xiuwen carefully cut the beef fillet.

  Her heart still trembled.

  She looked up at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen had a soft smile on his face and his eyes were extremely gentle.

  Bai Yueer even found it difficult to connect the man in front of her with Xu Xiuwen who was filming in the crew of “Boys Over Flowers”.

  She still remembered that Xu Xiuwen was very annoying. He

  was always unwilling to give in to her in the crew and opposed her everywhere. He

  also often teased her.

  often made her angry.

  But now he

  not only took her shopping for clothes, but also took her to eat delicious food. During the meal, he also took care of her feelings and experience.

  Bai Yueer finally couldn’t help asking.

  ”Xu Xiuwen… why are you so good to me?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect Bai Yueer to suddenly ask such a question.

  He was slightly stunned.

  Coming back to his senses.

  He noticed Bai Yueer’s eyes.

  How to describe it.

  It’s like a girl seeing her beloved thing.

  There is a little starlight in the bright eyes.

  After Xu Xiuwen and her looked at each other for three seconds,

  he took the initiative to look away.

  Xu Xiuwen lowered his head to cut the chicken, and whispered: “Don’t get me wrong, I treat everyone like this.”

  Bai Yueer felt bitter after hearing this.

  She asked unwillingly: “Is it really like this? Is there no other reason?”


  Bai Yueer stared at Xu Xiuwen for a full half minute before retracting her gaze.

  There was some silence at the table.

  Xu Xiuwen and Bai Yue’er didn’t speak anymore.

  The good dinner seemed to have lost the warmth and sweetness at the beginning.

  After the meal,

  Bai Yue’er and Xu Xiuwen walked out of the restaurant one after the other.

  The meal cost more than 3,000 yuan in total.

  It was equivalent to a month’s salary for an average person.

  It stands to reason that a man and a woman had an exquisite dinner in a Michelin restaurant.

  The atmosphere should be more warm and harmonious.

  But the reality was that Bai Yue’er was angry.

  The most direct evidence was that she walked 50% faster

  and didn’t say a word.

  Xu Xiuwen certainly knew why Bai Yue’er was angry.

  But what could he do?

  Did he have to admit that he liked her at that time?

  He knew that this was what Bai Yueer wanted to hear.

  But he couldn’t say it, and he couldn’t say it.

  After all, Bai Yueer was the fiancée of his roommate Shi Xiangming.

  And he also had several girlfriends.

  It’s not that he didn’t want to.

  He just couldn’t.

  Xu Xiuwen sighed helplessly as he looked at Bai Yueer’s back.

  Because Bai Yueer was angry.

  He didn’t feel like continuing to look at the Bund scenery.

  So Xu Xiuwen took a taxi and went back to the hotel with Bai Yueer.

  It was not easy for Xu Xiuwen to stay in the same room with Bai Yueer, and it was impossible for him to stay in the same room with his assistant Ban Chan.

  So he had to open another room.

  The room Xu Xiuwen opened was on the same floor as Bai Yueer’s room, but one was on the east side and the other on the west side.

  To avoid suspicion.

  After returning to the hotel, Xu Xiuwen didn’t go to Bai Yueer’s room again.

  He sent text messages to his girlfriends in the room.

  The Chinese Valentine’s Day in 2006 was on July 31st.

  That was yesterday.

  Because there were no smartphones at that time, red envelopes could not be sent.

  There was no way to send gifts.

  After all, some are in Chongqing, some are in Guilin, and some are in Hangzhou.

  He couldn’t possibly get here in one day.

  Xu Xiuwen stayed in Jinling all day yesterday and didn’t go back to Langya District to accompany Xiao Youran.

  He didn’t do this because he didn’t like Xiao Youran anymore.

  But if he went to accompany Xiao Youran,

  with her personality, she would probably show off in front of Cheng Lu when school starts. As

  the old saying goes.

  It’s not the lack of people that is worrying, but the inequality.

  Because they are not in the same city.

  Xu Xiuwen can’t accompany Cheng Lu.

  Cheng Lu can understand and won’t blame him.

  But if Xu Xiuwen accompanies Xiao Youran all day on Chinese Valentine’s Day.

  Even if Cheng Lu is generous, she will definitely not accept it.

  So after careful consideration, Xu Xiuwen finally chose the least risky approach.

  That is to hide in Jinling and not accompany anyone.

  Xiao Youran was very unhappy.

  She had been looking forward to Chinese Valentine’s Day for almost a month, and she was looking forward to meeting Xiao Xu on this day.

  Usually, Xiao Xu couldn’t spare time to accompany her because he was busy with the company.

  She could understand that.

  But he couldn’t spare time on Chinese Valentine’s Day.

  Xiao Youran was angry.

  But her anger didn’t last long.

  Although Xu Xiuwen didn’t go back to Langya to accompany her, he still bought a gift and arranged for someone to deliver it to her door.

  The gift was a pair of Tiffany earrings, exquisite and expensive.

  Every girl couldn’t help but like it at first sight.

  After receiving the gift, Xiao Youran’s dissatisfaction suddenly disappeared.

  She immediately took out her mobile phone and called Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen chatted with her on the phone for more than an hour.

  In the end, Xu Xiuwen used the excuse that he had something to do and ended the call with Xiao Youran’s reluctant voice.

  Of course, he didn’t really have anything to do.

  It’s just that there was only so much time in the evening.

  He couldn’t just chat with Xiao Youran all the time and ignore other girlfriends.

  He didn’t go to see other girls or give them gifts.

  If he didn’t call any of them.

  That would be too bad.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t do such a thing.

  So last night, Xu Xiuwen called the girls who were close to him one by one.

  Cheng Lu was the first one.

  As Xu Xiuwen’s official girlfriend.

  To be honest, Xu Xiuwen felt very sorry for her.

  He hasn’t figured out how to deal with the relationship between Xiao Youran and Cheng Lu yet. He

  had always told Xiao Youran that he would confess to Cheng Lu.

  But he never did.

  Xiao Youran was already very unhappy about this.

  It was just because of his mood that Xiao Youran never urged him.

  But Xu Xiuwen still heard it from Xiao Youran’s usual words.

  She actually didn’t want to be sneaky anymore.

  She wanted to be with him openly.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know how long Xiao Youran could endure. At

  least before she couldn’t stand it anymore, he had to confess to Cheng Lu.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but sigh. Let

  ’s take it one step at a time.

  The second thing is to call Tang Weiwei.

  After accompanying her home this time.

  After basically getting the approval of Tang Weiwei’s grandmother and relatives.

  Tang Weiwei’s heart has completely belonged to Xu Xiuwen.

  In the past, when she called Xu Xiuwen,

  if he said a few more mushy words,

  Tang Weiwei would be very shy and anxious to end the call and calm down.

  But last night.

  Xu Xiuwen said a lot of sweet words to Tang Weiwei.

  Although Tang Weiwei was shy, she didn’t mean to end the call.

  Instead, Xu Xiuwen saw that the time was almost up and took the initiative to end the call.

  Tang Weiwei’s tone was inadvertently revealed that she was very reluctant.

  Xu Xiuwen finally called An Shishi.

  Because An Shuishui didn’t have a mobile phone.

  So calling An Shishi was equivalent to calling An Shuishui.

  As Xu Xiuwen’s lover,

  An Shishi certainly understood that on the Chinese Valentine’s Day,

  Xu Xiuwen would definitely contact Cheng Lu, Xiao Youran, and Tang Weiwei.

  So she didn’t disturb him, but waited patiently.

  It was past 11 o’clock before Xu Xiuwen received a call.

  After receiving the call, An Shishi was not angry because he called too late, but teased him first.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing after hearing this, and at the same time he was a little touched.

  An Shishi’s non-competitive character really adds points.

  He chatted with An Shishi for half an hour.

  Because An Shishi was the last one he contacted, he didn’t care about the length of time.

  As a result, An Shishi suddenly laughed and said, “Call Shuishui, you talk to Shuishui, she is almost anxious to death.”

  Before Xu Xiuwen spoke, he heard An Shuishui’s coquettish voice coming from the phone.

  ”Sister, you are talking nonsense-”


  An Shishi laughed very happily.

  Then the person who called changed to An Shuishui.

  Xu Xiuwen touched his nose awkwardly.

  Because it was a bit too much to ask for sisters.

  Now they are taking turns to call on Valentine’s Day.

  Even though Xu Xiuwen is very thick-skinned, he is a little embarrassed. There

  are not many topics to talk about with An Shuishui.

  Xu Xiuwen just simply cared about her situation.

  It is worth mentioning.

  An Shuishui received her admission letter.

  She finally chose the prestigious university of Beijing University of Finance and Economics.

  Then she was successfully admitted to Qinghua University.

  This means that An Shuishui, the sister-in-law, will go to Beijing University of Finance and Economics for the next four years and will not be able to come to Jinling.

  When Xu Xiuwen heard the news, he was disappointed and relieved.

  An Shuishui went to Beijing University of Finance and Economics, which is far away from Jinling.

  Xu Xiuwen rarely had the opportunity to contact her.

  But at the same time, if she was in Jinling, their relationship would be more easily exposed.

  An Shuishui went to Beijing University of Finance and Economics.

  Unless Xu Xiuwen admitted it himself,

  it would be difficult for any girlfriend to discover his relationship with An Shuishui.

  As for what to do after An Shuishui graduated from university,

  Xu Xiuwen had not thought that far.

  Let’s get back to the point.

  After returning to the hotel room,

  Xu Xiuwen started talking on the phone with several girlfriends.

  Soon it was 11 o’clock.

  Xu Xiuwen was a little sleepy at this time.

  He put down his mobile phone and prepared to go to bed.

  At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  ”Dong Dong Dong…”

  The crisp knock on the door sounded very clear at midnight.

  Xu Xiuwen was full of surprise.

  Who would knock on the door so late?

  Could it be the assistant Ban Chan?

  It couldn’t be Bai Yue’er.

  Xu Xiuwen stood up and came to open the door…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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