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Chapter 49 Chu Guang is playing a big game

Chapter 49 Chu Guang is playing a big game


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 49 Chu Guang is playing a big game.

  In fact, it is not only Fang Chang who noticed it, but many players have also noticed it.

  The significance of this update is far more than just improving the economic system and incorporating contribution points into the honor system.

  Its greatest significance is to emphasize the cooperation between players!

  With the increase in the number of players, this step is actually inevitable.

  A good social system can not only increase the game experience of players, but also increase user stickiness and daily activity.

  Although the latter seems a bit redundant for the technically strong “Wasteland OL”.

  So far, the players selected by Chu Guang are all hardcore. They just want to stay online 24 hours a day. They are reluctant to leave the game unless it is time to log off. They are so

  self-disciplined that they seem to have no sex life.

  In any case, in the eyes of most players, the impact of this update on the cooperation between players is far-reaching.

  Although the official has not updated the social system, many settings are actually paving the way for the team and guild system.

  For example, the most typical example is that players can share land use rights with friends.

  5 square meters of land may not be able to do anything, but four players can put together 20 square meters and build a small apartment.

  If this is not the prototype of a guild, what is it?

  ”Xiao Qi, do you know what the soul of a game is?”

  ”What is it?”

  Standing on the third floor of the sanatorium, looking at the players busy in and out of the outpost base, Chu Guang’s mouth curled up slightly with a smile.

  ”It’s mathematics.”


  ”Well, to be more precise, it should be said that it is the design of numerical values. This is an art, and excellent numerical design is even enough to become a way of playing. In contrast, the plot, picture, and setting are the added value that art gives to the game.”

  Baidu is not completely useless.

  Occasionally, you can search for some nonsense.

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued slowly.

  ”Through the design of numerical values, we can ensure that the contribution points and money that most players who follow the routine can obtain in a day are maintained in a reasonable range.”

  ”For example, under normal circumstances, it takes two to three weeks to upgrade from a resident to a citizen. This time cannot be too long, otherwise the player will lose confidence, and it cannot be too short, as things that are too easy to obtain are meaningless. And when the players are promoted to citizens and become our core users, we will immediately set new goals for them, such as buying land.”

  Xiaoqi tilted the camera.

  ”Buy land? But the land price you set doesn’t seem expensive.”

  ”That’s right,” Chu Guang nodded, “For players who have already obtained citizenship, buying land itself doesn’t take long, and it’s even just a matter of taking out their wallets. But after buying the land, you have to build something on it, right?”

  ”Building a house requires cement and bricks, and a more solid small villa also requires steel. If you build a few more houses, won’t the production capacity of building materials such as cement, bricks, and steel increase? I don’t believe these players are happy to see that their little homes in the game are as ugly as shacks. Why does citizenship only give them 5 square meters? If I give them 10 square meters, 20 square meters, our safe zone will soon be filled with useless shacks and garbage.”

  Xiao Qi: “Ah, this.”

  It seems difficult for AI to understand these things with empathy.

  But Chu Guang didn’t care.

  With a faint smile, he continued.

  ”When the house is built, we can’t live in a rough house, right? Beds, tables, cabinets, carpets and curtains, and light bulbs can be installed when electricity is connected in the future. We have to buy some furniture. Logs, furs, handicrafts… In this way, production capacity and consumption will increase together?” Whether

  it is selling land to build a house or buying furniture, all of these require money, right?

  And where does the money come from?

  Sorry, this game is still in closed beta and does not support krypton gold for the time being. If you want to make money, just do tasks, grind dungeons or work in the fields.

  Through the task system, Chu Guang can easily control the flow of money and indirectly control the behavior of players.

  For example, if the shelter is short of food, then increase the rewards for gathering tasks and hunting tasks. If you need to build a house, then increase the income from moving bricks, plastering, and burning cement. What

  if mutants or predators come to kill?

  That’s not a matter of money.

  Chu Guang will release a “never retreat” war mobilization in the form of an “in-game event”, and temporarily exempt players from some death penalties during the event and give them weapons.

  Facing a group of fearless natural disasters,

  even mutants who don’t know what fear is will be terrified.

  ”…When they are almost done playing, I will open up new identity levels for them to play. After the citizens, there will be intermediate citizens, and the land they can buy will be increased to 25 square meters. By then, the second circle of walls will be built, and there will be no shortage of cement, bricks, wood, and steel. If nothing goes wrong, they will build a bigger house and do the above things again.”

  ”One day when they get tired of building houses at their doorstep, I will give these old players a noble title and arrange a fiefdom that is a little far away and let them deal with it themselves. Weapons, ammunition, food, fuel, building materials… There will always be something they can produce. If they can’t, they can just import it from their hometown. It’s just a good opportunity for new players to find something to do.”

  ”As for later? Let’s talk about it later. Damn, I’ve only unlocked the B1 floor of the shelter, and I’m worrying about them so much…” It is

  still unknown how many incubators are stored in Shelter No. 404. Maybe he will have to find a way to build this thing himself in the future.

  He was sure that the powerful first-generation manager had completed some “unprecedented” great technology in this shelter.

  And he would definitely tell him the truth after he uncovered all the secrets.

  However, although the future is unpredictable, Chu Guang is still full of confidence in this major update of Alpha0.3.

  He is playing a big game.

  In his first phase plan, all the players who have received nine years of compulsory education are high-quality productivity, and there is no problem in directly skipping the agricultural society and leaping into industrialization.

  And completing the most basic industrialization will have the premise of survival in the wasteland.

  In the second phase, as the number of players increases, Chu Guang will try to absorb a group of indigenous people in the wasteland to join the outpost base to engage in basic production positions such as farming, cutting trees, and burning cement. If there are special talents among these indigenous people, he will also arrange special positions for them.

  Players who have been upgraded to citizens can be liberated from basic physical labor positions and devote more to challenging and “fun” work such as creativity, combat, and exploration, giving full play to their advantages of continuous resurrection and repeated trial and error.

  In the third stage, which is the final stage.

  Ideally, the wasteland natives as NPCs and the players as clones should have formed a special symbiotic social relationship.

  They complement each other’s advantages and constrain each other.

  If everything goes well, players who own real estate, property, equipment, friendship, and even love here will regard Wasteland OL as their “second life”, become advocates of order rather than challengers, and form a benign game ecology.

  This kind of game actually exists in reality.

  It is commonly known as the “server environment”.

  Of course, Chu Guang also knows that plans can never keep up with changes, so he has also prepared many Plan Bs to deal with sudden situations.

  But at least for now, the implementation of the first stage plan is still quite good.

  These closed beta players carefully selected by Chu Guang were obviously tempted by the big cake he painted, and they cooperated more than he imagined.

  Xiao Qi raised the camera, looked at the master standing next to him, and reminded him in a low voice.

  ”Master, do you know that you are smiling like a villain now?”

  ”Villain? Have you ever seen a villain as kind as me?”

  Chu Guang glared at the guy who couldn’t speak.

  ”I liberated them from their boring daily lives and gave them an extraordinary and extra 12 hours in their lives. And all they need to pay is a little sweat and time to dream. Apart from that, they have no loss, and they don’t even spend a penny!”


  It’s a loss to say that.

  This helmet should be charged!

  But after thinking about it, Chu Guang didn’t know what the use of asking for money was. The things purchased online couldn’t be delivered, and he didn’t need to pay for the electricity bill of the server and the cost of the helmet.

  At least now, collecting money would be very troublesome.

  Shaking his head, Chu Guang retracted his gaze from the window, turned his back to Xiao Qi and yawned.

  ”The wind on the rooftop is a bit strong.”

  ”I’ll go back to the shelter first, I’ll leave this to you.”

  His most promising “cow and horse squad” has already set out with the bows and arrows, javelins and dry food they bought with the funds raised. They should be going hunting.

  Before, Chu Guang had been deliberately cultivating the player named Ye Shi. He not only taught him the experience of survival in the wasteland, as well as how to use “perception” to track prey and perceive danger, but also helped him successfully find the footprints of the deer.

  If he couldn’t bring back the prey, he would be ashamed of his cultivation.

  It just so happened that there were not many 9mm bullets left, so Chu Guang decided to give himself a day off today.

  Xiao Qi moved the camera and obeyed the order obediently.

  ”Yes, master.”


  It was noon.

  Next to the resident hall of the shelter, a hoarse sobbing sound came out of the half-open incubator.

  ”Woo woo woo, sister, I’m finally alive!” He

  was too excited to get up earlier, and his forehead hit the hatch that was not fully opened. Ya Ya rubbed his red forehead and sat up from the incubator.

  Looking at the delicate skin and proud body in the mirror opposite, her pupils were filled with tears.

  Half of it was pain, and half of it was excitement.

  Before going online, she had been on the forum for three full days!

  Three days!

  God knows how she survived these three sleepless nights without a helmet.

  Wiping away the tears, Yaya quickly put on the clothes in the storage compartment at the head of the cabin, pulled them up hard, zipped them up, and trotted out of the room.

  The lights in the resident hall were on.

  Chu Guang, who had just returned from outside, was sitting in front of the computer in the hall surfing the Internet.

  Hearing the footsteps coming from next door, he casually closed the web page he was browsing, released the mouse, and looked at the player who walked into the hall.

  The little leek lowered his head and said in a repentant tone.

  ”Dear administrator, please allow me to apologize to you for my hasty and reckless behavior!”

  Although the planner told her that there was no point in apologizing, the NPC was too realistic.

  Especially when he looked at her, she always felt that if she didn’t say sorry, she couldn’t forgive herself.

  ”No need to apologize to me, you have betrayed the trust of the organization and those who are still waiting underground.”

  Chu Guang took a look at her clothes.

  If I remember correctly, each incubator is only equipped with two sets of this blue jacket uniform. If this guy dies again, I’m afraid he can only run naked.

  Although Teng Teng made some warm animal skin jackets, they are only suitable for wearing outside. If you don’t wear anything inside, it will be a bit inappropriate for children.

  Especially this guy’s figure is a bit special…

  Chu Guang continued expressionlessly.

  ”…According to the rules, I should deduct 500 contribution points from you, but unfortunately you don’t have any contribution points to deduct.”

  Ya Ya lowered his head and said ashamedly.

  ”I’m really sorry, I am willing to accept any punishment!”

  ”The punishment is to let you learn a lesson. To survive in this wasteland, you need not only courage, but also brains. I hope you can cherish your life and cherish this hard-won opportunity to go to the surface.”

  Chu Guang paused and continued.

  ”I’ll give you a task. Go outside and collect 100 kilograms of food, including but not limited to wild vegetables, berries, and mushrooms. Until the punishment task is completed, your status will be downgraded from ‘resident’ to ‘criminal’. You cannot accept tasks normally with this status, nor can you get any rewards.”

  ”Remember, your balance is not enough to pay the death penalty. If you die again, I will send you back underground permanently.”

  ”Take care of yourself.”

  Permanent repatriation means deprivation of the qualification to play the game.

  In the fictional game setting, all players come from the deepest part of the shelter – a hibernation center that freezes tens of thousands of people, and acts as a vanguard to return to the surface.

  Hearing the words “permanent repatriation”, Ya Ya shuddered and said quickly.

  ”Yes! I promise I won’t do it again!”

  Chu Guang nodded slightly, satisfied with her attitude of reflection.


  Ya Ya was dejected and was about to walk towards the door, but at this moment, the manager sitting at the desk suddenly called her.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  Ya Ya stopped and turned back.

  ”Do you have any other instructions?”

  ”Well, wait a moment, I’ll show you something.”

  As he said that, Chu Guang took out a box of metal-wrapped canned food from the drawer, pulled open the pull ring, and tore off the lid of the can.

  The fragrance wafted out of the can.

  Chu Guang was stunned after seeing it.

  I didn’t expect that this old canned food not only had no grease layer, but also looked like it was just produced.

  Could it be that it was just processed…

  Chu Guang’s expression was a little strange .

  Do I still need to test the poison?

  I always feel that it is unnecessary.

  The newly resurrected Ya Ya didn’t think so much.

  Her stomach was empty at the moment, and she was not hungry, but when she saw the delicious canned food, she couldn’t help swallowing her saliva. She

  looked up at the manager, her face full of disbelief and emotion.

  ”Is this for me?”

  Chu Guang didn’t answer, but just asked.

  ”Do you want to eat?”

  Yaya nodded quickly.


  Chu Guang asked.

  ”Is there anything wrong with the color? For example… the green light?”

  Yaya shook her head vigorously.


  When you are hungry, everything smells delicious. Her attention has been completely hooked by the food. She couldn’t help swallowing her saliva again.

  This manager is too conscientious!

  Although he just punished himself, but but –

  ”Okay, I get it.”

  Chu Guang took the can back.

  ”I’ll just show it to you, don’t think too much.”

  Yaya: “???”

  In the end, the little player ran out with tears in his eyes.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting on a chair eating a can, also felt that he might have gone a little too far this time…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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