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Chapter 49: Jianghu and Wine

Chapter 49: Jianghu and Wine


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 49: Jianghu and Wine

  Liang Xin was so angry that she gritted her teeth and went out to the guest room on the opposite corner.

  ”Brother Yang! You are now…”

  As soon as he pushed the door open, he met Luo Xian’er’s deep gaze and trembled subconsciously.

  Liang Xin was silent for a moment, and then lowered his head obediently: “This, this lady, thank you for bothering me.”

  ”No problem.” Luo Xian’er saw through her little thoughts at a glance: “If you want to watch the fight with Master Yang, you can take a seat by yourself.”

  ”Okay, okay.”

  Liang Xin blushed slightly, nodded, and carefully came to sit across the table, a little embarrassed.

  Just as Luo Xian’er guessed, she was a little angry about the series of defeats in the ring, and she wanted to find someone to talk to.

  The guards were not around for the time being, and there was no one around, so the first person he thought of was Yang Shifei.

  She raised her head and took a peek, baring her teeth in annoyance.

  ”Why is Brother Liang angry?”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Because of the martial arts competition in the ring below?”

  Liang Xin muttered: “Our people have lost several games in a row, Brother Yang is not angry?”

  ”It’s too early to be angry now, there are more losses later.”

  ”Ah?” Liang Xin was stunned.

  Yang Shifei didn’t explain much, and looked back at the ring again, thinking.

  After all, he had just traveled to this world not long ago, and he didn’t know much about Liang State itself. How could he empathize with the dispute between Yan and Liang?

  Even if Liang State collapsed before his eyes, he wouldn’t feel much.

  Yang Shifei smiled secretly. He didn’t have many unrealistic fantasies about the martial arts world, but just sighed a little.

  In fact, it is not much different from the way of officials and businessmen, all of which are people fighting against each other.

  Half an hour later, the battle situation had become tense, but the atmosphere in the arena became heavier.

  At first, the Liang State side was still excited, and many young warriors wanted to learn more about the high skills of the Yan State people, and their momentum was not lost.

  But with one failure after another, everyone’s face was a little embarrassed.

  The young warriors of Yan State are really powerful.

  Even though there were several rotations during the period, Liang State defeated dozens of people and barely won a few battles.

  If these Yan people were to ridicule them, the warriors present could still speak out in anger, or even turn against them and attack them.

  But since the war began, the Yan people have become humble gentlemen, not only holding back, but also being very martial, saying “you are very strong” one after another, which made the warriors feel embarrassed and want to burrow into the ground.

  ”It’s a conspiracy.”

  Yang Shifei said calmly: “In terms of martial arts and logic, all the sects present were defeated easily.”

  ”Ming, Mingming still won a few people.”

  Liang Xindu was numb.

  She looked sad and whispered, “We just lost to some second-rate martial artists. It doesn’t count. There are other masters behind us.”

  ”But the momentum of both sides is completely different.”

  Luo Xian’er said softly, “There are still two young masters from Yan State who have not yet finished their battles. They still have some strength left. But there are only a few of us who can show up. If we all lose, the martial artists in Liang State will lose face.”

  Liang Xin could see it clearly and could only remain silent.

  ”Both sides should be competing secretly.”

  Yang Shifei held his breath and looked carefully at several places in the arena.
The famous Liang State sects of

  Shoujian Sect, Cangyang Sect, and Qingshan Sect

  are now staring at the fierce battle on the ring with a serious face. Facing a powerful enemy whose details they don’t know, they obviously want to find out more moves.

  The people of Yan State are also concentrating on watching the battle carefully, and their hands move secretly from time to time, looking like they are deducing the moves.

  ”The real geniuses are afraid of messing up the situation before they make a move.”

  Yang Shifei thought thoughtfully: “It doesn’t matter if those people in the martial arts world win or lose. But if these geniuses who represent the righteousness of Liang State also lose, there will be a lot of trouble.”

  On the third floor of the palace.

  An old man in a Taoist robe was standing by the window, silently watching the battle, his old face full of solemnity.

  He pondered for a long time, and suddenly said: “Your Highness, you made a risky move.”

  King Dingjiang sat alone at the table and sipped his wine: “Once you step out of the territory of Liang State, you will be noticed and even targeted by other countries. There will even be a more intense bloody battle in Qianren Bingtan. If you can’t even defeat the current few Yan State warriors, Taiwu Haoshi won’t fight.”

  ”But now even the disciples of Shoujian Sect have been defeated.”


  King Dingjiang paused, stood up silently and came to the window, and saw that one person in the field was just knocked back by a knife.

  For a moment, everyone in the courtyard couldn’t help but gasp and exclaimed.

  The disciple of Shoujian Sect also retreated back to the sect team with a face full of shame.

  ”——These young men from Yan State are indeed extraordinary.”

  At this moment, a charming female voice suddenly sounded.

  Qiu Buhuan, wearing a gorgeous white robe, walked over and said calmly: “They are all disciples from the ‘Iron Chong Mountain’ of Yan State. Although they are not one of the nine sects, they are also the best in Yan State. The disciples are all highly skilled in martial arts and have experienced fighting since childhood. They should not be underestimated.”

  ”Saint Envoy, do you think that among the warriors of our Liang State, who can match them?”

  ”Why do I need to say it?” Qiu Buhuan glanced at the old man in Taoist robes: “As an elder of the Nine Sects, why don’t the disciples you brought take action?”

  ”This ring competition is ultimately for the qualification of the Holy Soldiers. We will not easily intervene.”

  ”If all the warriors outside are defeated, what will your Yunshang Sect do?”

  ”. Liang State has many talents, and there will be capable people to take action.”

  Although the old man in Taoist robes said so, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly. Even if there are indeed talented people in Liang State, they are obviously not here.

  King Dingjiang frowned.

  Although he nodded in approval of this ring battle, it was indeed a bit unexpected that it would evolve into this situation.

  These young people in Yan State are much stronger than expected. Especially the young man holding the black iron giant sword, he had been disguised before.

  With the peak of Dongling and advanced martial arts, such a genius is rare in the world. No wonder he has the confidence to embark on a foreign country to fight.

  During the conversation, another young warrior jumped into the ring and started a fierce fight.

  ”.Can’t win.”

  After just two glances, the old man in Taoist robe shook his head. “Yan State came prepared, and we did lose this battle.”

  King Dingjiang sighed helplessly: “Elder Huang, can you let a few of your disciples take action, at least don’t let my Liang State lose face too much.”

  ”They are watching the battle on the other side, and they must have been suppressed for a long time. If no one fights, they will come forward.”

  Hearing this, King Dingjiang was a little headache.

  After all, this battle was originally to select a few military envoys, but the disciples of the Nine Sects stood at the end, and this banquet was probably in vain.

  ”——Why worry, Your Majesty.”

  The two turned their heads and said, “What does the Holy Envoy mean?”

  ”I think there are indeed many heroes hidden in Liang State.”

  Qiu Buhuan narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly: “I am looking forward to when ‘that person’ will show up.”

  King Dingjiang and the elders of the Nine Sects were secretly surprised and suspicious. Which genius could make the Holy Envoy of Bingtan so concerned?

  After another half a while, the heroes under the ring were silent, and a pin drop could be heard.

  The disciples of each sect were humiliated, but they dared not say a word. The heroes gritted their teeth and endured, not moving for a long time.

  Only the Yan warriors on the stage looked around, as if waiting for the next challenger to come out.

  Ten wins in ten battles seemed to have completely crushed the courage of the Liang warriors.

  ”——I can’t stand it.”

  Liang Xin stood up suddenly, his face gloomy: “I’ll go down and fight.”

  Yang Shifei frowned slightly: “You can’t beat this person. And there are other strong men who haven’t made a move yet.”

  Liang Xin gritted her teeth and clenched her hands so hard that she trembled: “Who cares if those people make a move or not, I just can’t accept it!”

  After that, she ran out of the house immediately, and her figure appeared in the yard soon, using Qinggong to jump over the crowd.

  Seeing Liang Xin trembling and stepping into the ring, Yang Shifei secretly estimated the timing of his move.

  ”Young Master.” Luo Xian’er held his right hand.

  Yang Shifei turned his head to meet her gaze and heard her whisper, “You are very curious about the martial arts world, right?”

  ”Why do you bring it up suddenly?”

  ”Young Master, there was a lot of expectation in your eyes when you came here.”

  Yang Shifei was not embarrassed when his thoughts were revealed, but shrugged helplessly, “What a pity, I feel a little regretful.”

  Luo Xian’er whispered, “Why should we care about ‘other people’s martial arts world’ when we are alive.”

  Yang Shifei smiled, “I understand.”

  Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes moved, and she felt relieved.


  Tan Xiang came from behind, with a cold face and a royal sword in her hand.

  Luo Xian’er gently pulled out the sword a few inches, and the blade flashed silver.

  ”The disciples of the Nine Sects are about to take action. If it is to make Luoyue Pavilion famous, it is better now.”

  The girl looked at him calmly, with many expectations in her eyes: “There is a great opportunity ahead, do you want to try it?”

  Yang Shifei felt a little warm in his heart, and his eyes swept over the people in the courtyard who bowed their heads and kept silent.

  The eldest lady was considerate and could see clearly the people’s hearts and situations. The scene has been depressing until now, and the heroes have been depressed to the bottom. If they take action later, they will easily be criticized, and they may even be preempted by the so-called disciples of the Nine Sects. It’s the

  first time in more than 20 years that he is surrounded and appears to turn the tide.

  There is a subtle feeling that everyone is waiting for him to show off.

  Luo Xianer saw that he was in a strange mood and smiled: “I also want to see the young master’s handsome appearance.”

  Yang Shifei felt relieved, raised his hand to the hilt of the knife, and smiled:

  ”I’ll be back soon.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly drew the knife out of the sheath, stepped out of the window and jumped out.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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