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Chapter 490 has a longer fuselage and wingspan, and no engines

Chapter 490 has a longer fuselage and wingspan, and no engines


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 490 Extended fuselage and wingspan, cancelled engine

  Most of the settlements of survivors in the oasis are in a circular layout.

  The main reason for this phenomenon is the miracle bestowed by the spirit of the sea of ​​sand – most of the “river embankments” are circular.

  In this case, the closer to the center, the more humid the climate.

  Therefore, most of the princes and nobles live in the center, and most of the important administrative agencies are also located here.

  However, it is precisely because of this that the alliance does not need to carefully select when setting the bombing area. It is enough to estimate the distance and height and throw the bomb as close to the center as possible.

  As soon as the alliance airdropped leaflets, Falcon City’s city defense chief Bofu ordered the evacuation of people in the city center.

  However, the headache is that their majesty is unwilling to move, saying that he wants to sit on his throne until the victory of this war.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they have already lost this war.

  But that lord does not think so.

  Until Midal’s last audience, his respected majesty still stubbornly believed that everything would be fine as long as Triumph City declared war on Ideal City.

  ”His Majesty is unwilling to leave the palace. He wants to wait for Prince William’s triumphant return there… There is no other way. We must do everything possible to protect the palace and not let a single shell fall there.”

  Listening to the words of the captain of the guards, the city defense chief Bofu frowned and a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.

  ”The castle is too big a target… We can’t negotiate with our enemies to let them move His Majesty’s palace away from the bombing area.”

  Moreover, he didn’t think that the enemy would honestly bomb the areas drawn on the leaflets. Maybe it was a trick to gather them together for slaughter.

  Therefore, he specially sent people to evacuate the civilians hiding in the “safe zone” and asked them to go to the designated area to avoid air raids, or go home honestly.

  At least don’t stay on the street and get in the way.

  Myrdal also knew that his request was very embarrassing, but he had no better way, so he could only sigh and say.

  ”Deploy a few more anti-aircraft guns near the castle.”

  With the firepower of anti-aircraft guns, at least the dive bombing of tactical bombers can be avoided. As for the strategic bombers dropping bombs horizontally from high altitude, it depends on luck.

  No one can say where the bombs will fall.

  Boffo nodded with a heavy face.

  ”It can only be done this way.”

  The Alliance built an airport near the town of Bicester and is said to have deployed a large number of propeller planes. If nothing unexpected happens, the Alliance’s bombers are probably going to take off from there.

  In order to intercept the Alliance’s aircraft, their ace pilot Baron Acanter has led the First Air Squadron to the front line.

  If the situation is optimistic, it should be possible to intercept the Alliance’s bomber formation shortly after it takes off.

  However, no one is optimistic about this.

  After all, even the Willant people’s “Saber” jet fighters were shot down by the Alliance. It is tantamount to dreaming to take back the air supremacy from the Alliance with only dozens of “Eagle” fighters.

  Just as Midal and Boffo were discussing which defense zone to deploy anti-aircraft guns to the castle of His Majesty the King, a guard carrying a rifle trotted over.

  ”Report! Telegram from the front!”

  Myrdal stepped forward, took the telegram from the guard, unfolded it and looked at it, frowning.

  Noticing the change in his expression, Bofur stepped forward and asked.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Myrdal handed him the telegram and said at the same time.

  ”According to the news from the headquarters, Griffin believes that the Alliance may send airborne troops to raid Falcon City, so we must be vigilant. He has coordinated the 20,000th team to return to defend. If it’s fast… it will be here tomorrow.”

  ”The 20,000th team… which 20,000th team?”

  ”Ours, the team that withdrew from Oasis No. 9 before.”

  Bofur’s facial muscles twitched slightly, and he couldn’t help but say.

  ”What’s the point of sending those people here… to show us how badly the Alliance beat them?”

  Those people were the remnants of the retreat from the City of Plenty.

  It is said that only 2,000 people were left out of more than 10,000 people. Ten thousand-man teams have been trying to get together for a long time, but they can’t get two full thousand-man teams.

  As for the reinforcement…

  there is no manpower to fill in.

  Seeing that Myrdal didn’t speak, Bofur continued.

  ”In my opinion, it is better to expand the scale of mobilization than to let those guys come.”

  Myrdal shook his head.

  ”There is no extra manpower available… Even if the women in the city are asked to give birth immediately, it is too late now.”

  All those who can fight have been sent to the front line or the labor camp, and social production has almost completely stagnated.

  In fact, even if the war is stopped immediately, their economy is already ruined. It is only because they are still fighting that they can barely hang on.

  Thinking of the current situation of the kingdom, both of them fell silent.

  Looking at the silent Bof, Myrdal patted his shoulder and reluctantly encouraged him.

  ”Don’t worry too much… Even if the alliance has ideas about our king, it is impossible to cross the tens of thousands of troops on the border.”

  ”At least we have to survive tonight.”

  Although Griffin believed that the alliance might use paratroopers to raid Falcon City, neither of them took the alarmist words in the telegram seriously.

  Airborne operations and air strikes are completely different things.

  Even if the alliance has gained air superiority, there are still five or six thousand soldiers and more than 200,000 or 300,000 residents in the heavily guarded Falcon City.

  Even if they really want to send out airborne troops, it is unlikely to be tonight.

  They have to bomb for a few days at least…

  Just then, an air defense alarm suddenly sounded in the east of the city.

  The piercing alarm interrupted Midal’s thoughts. He looked at the dark night sky in the east and frowned slightly.

  ”Are the Alliance planes here?”

  Bofur didn’t say anything, but his mood sank to the bottom.

  The Alliance planes appeared in the capital. It seems that the First Air Squadron led by Baron Acanter finally lost.


  isn’t this speed a bit too fast?

  He didn’t even receive any news of the outbreak of exchange of fire between the air forces of both sides.

  If the Alliance planes really took off from near the town of Bicester, the troops stationed on the front line would at least remind him, right?

  At this time, a messenger came running in panic.

  Before he could open his mouth to report, Bofur caught him and asked.

  ”What’s going on in the east?”

  The messenger swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice.

  ”Steel, Iron Heart! That airship! It appeared in our east!”

  Bofur was stunned.

  The same was true for Midal standing next to him.

  Looking at the panicked messenger, he hurriedly asked.

  ”Iron Heart?! Are you sure it’s the Iron Heart?”

  ”I’m sure!” The messenger nodded vigorously and said in a trembling voice, “More than one outpost discovered it.” Multiple

  outposts witnessed it at the same time, it seems that there is no mistake.

  The Iron Heart may have crossed the border of Oasis No. 2, and is only 200 kilometers away from the capital at most!

  In fact, it may be closer!

  Bofur frowned, and a trace of solemnity appeared between his brows.

  ”It seems that they are planning to send an airship to bomb us…”

  He had heard of the Iron Heart.

  It is said that ordinary anti-aircraft guns have no way to deal with it.

  However, such an aerial monster is not invulnerable. As long as we find a way to limit its mobility, even if we can’t do anything to it for a while, we can make it useless.

  For example, a dense array of balloons and steel cables can be deployed on the road that the airship must pass…

  A long time ago, Griffin ordered the establishment of two special “balloon troops” just to deal with that guy.

  It’s a pity that the alliance has always been very cautious and never let the airship go deep alone, but followed the attacking troops steadily.

  Why did they suddenly act out of character this time?

  ”Sending an airship deep alone… are they crazy?” Midal muttered, his eyes full of disbelief.

  Rather than a mistake in command…

  he was more inclined to believe that this was a deliberate adventure by the other party.


  There is one thing that Midal did guess.

  Pushing the Heart of Steel into Oasis No. 2 in an unusual way was indeed a strategic adventure deliberately taken by the alliance’s top leaders.

  However, to Chu Guang’s surprise, Griffin’s reaction was a little faster than he expected. He had just entered Oasis No. 2 for less than a hundred kilometers when he ran into Griffin’s “balloon array”.

  Balloons dragging steel wires took advantage of the night to rise from the ground, bathing in the tracer lights that fell from the sky and slowly passed through the clouds.

  These balloons were partitioned inside and had thin metal partitions on the outside. Even if they were hit by machine guns and high-explosive bombs, they would only be partially damaged, and the total lift could still be basically maintained.

  Several balloons connected by steel cables were lifted into the air in parallel, and the blocking steel cables were interlaced with thinner steel wires, forming a skirt-like steel cable curtain.

  Although the crew on the Heart of Steel discovered the situation on the ground at the first time, it was too late to slow down. They could only turn off the propeller to prevent the steel cable from entangled in the propeller.

  Hundreds of balloons were like huge soap bubbles, clustered around the Heart of Steel, a larger soap.

  The Heart of Steel, with its power turned off, was still moving forward slowly under inertia, but its speed had slowed down a lot. The propeller fixed by the steel cable trembled slightly in the cold wind.

  Looking at the balloons floating outside the French windows of the bridge, Chu Guang’s face showed a surprised expression, but it soon turned into an approving smile.

  ”… Good, you learned this trick.”

  In fact, during the battle of Ruigu City, using a dense balloon array to capture the Iron Heart was originally one of the alternative combat plans of the Alliance Command. The

  low-speed balloons are enough to break through the deflector shield of the Iron Heart, and the steel wires suspended between the balloons can entangle the propellers.

  As long as there are enough balloons, it is difficult for the Iron Heart to turn or change speed in time to avoid it with its maneuverability.

  However, due to a series of reasons, this envisioned plan was not adopted in the end.

  The most important reason was that time was tight and there was no time to prepare enough anti-aircraft balloons before the Iron Heart evacuated.

  Another reason was that the balloons could only make the Iron Heart lose its maneuverability, and could neither destroy it nor paralyze its firepower.

  Compared with the price paid, the benefits obtained were too limited!

  Waiting for the airship to stabilize, Chu Guang retracted his sight from the French window and looked at the young man standing beside him as the acting captain.

  ”Report the damage.”

  After asking about the crew’s situation, the acting captain arrived immediately.

  ”The propellers on both sides are entangled by the steel cables… but they are not broken!”

  ”How long will it take to repair it?”

  ”Within twelve hours!”

  Twelve hours…

  Chu Guang glanced at the map on the holographic screen, confirmed the distance from the current position to the capital, nodded slowly, and continued to give orders.

  ”Lower the anchor chain!”

  ”In addition, let the carrier-based aircraft take off and cooperate with the artillery group to cover the Storm Corps to deploy to the ground!”

  The acting captain stood at attention and accepted the order.


  As Chu Guang’s order was issued, twenty W-2 attack aircraft took off from the deck, bypassed the balloons entangled around the airship, and threw flares into the airspace around the airship where there might be enemy troops.

  At the same time, the heavy anchor chain fell heavily and hit the plain below the airship. After dragging for a while, the airship slowly stopped.

  Under the guidance of the flares, the artillery in the airship’s gun cabin quickly opened fire on the ground, unleashing fierce firepower on the enemy troops that released the balloons.

  Dozens of trucks were instantly turned into scrap metal under the coverage of the 155mm artillery.

  At the same time, the Storm Troopers deployed to the ground in an orderly manner through the airship’s elevator, infiltrating the hinterland of the Falcon Kingdom in companies, and began to implement the combat operation code-named “Punishment”.

  Although it was an hour earlier than expected, this small variable did not have any impact on the execution of the plan.

  When making the plan, the Army Command had already considered the situation where the airship lost its maneuverability, and even made plans for the airship to completely lose its combat capability. Compared with the

  worst case scenario, the twelve-hour delay and the deviation of more than ten kilometers are not worth mentioning at all.

  Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  At this moment, the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion are probably still unaware of the strategic intentions of the alliance, and only stay at the level of air strikes or raids on the capital.

  Holding the handrails on the wall tightly with both hands, McLen finally stabilized his body.

  Although he was a little embarrassed because of the temporary bumps, he felt as sweet as eating honey when he saw his enemy in front of him being defeated.

  While gloating, he couldn’t help but say something sarcastic.

  ”…Haha, even if they learn the tools of civilized people, barbarians are still barbarians after all. You really thought of leaving the ground troops and going deep into the enemy alone.”


  Chu Guang cast an unexpected look at him.

  Good guy.

  So you knew it?

  However, McLen obviously misunderstood something and thought that Chu Guang was surprised by the Legion’s methods. The smugness on the corners of his mouth became even more naked.

  ”…As long as Griffin is not a fool, he will definitely be wary of the airship in your hands. I thought you would immediately send down the ground troops after entering Oasis No. 2, but I didn’t expect you to be just like that.”

  ”I admit that I was a little surprised. We all agreed that even if Griffin was prepared, it would be difficult for him to stop us before we approached the capital 50 kilometers away…but his reaction speed was more than ten kilometers earlier than we expected.”

  Chu Guang paused for a moment without paying attention to McLen’s sarcasm, and a trace of disappointment appeared on his face.

  ”But I am still a little disappointed. I thought you had more surprising countermeasures…I didn’t expect your trump card to be just a bunch of balloons.”

  Anyway, the war is about to end, so it’s not bad to test the trump cards in the hands of the legion, so that if there is a conflict in the future, it will be better to be prepared.

  He originally wanted to see what kind of trump card Griffin had left for his Iron Heart, but he didn’t expect it to be a bunch of balloons.

  It was a waste of his previous caution.

  McLen blushed and obviously wanted to argue something, but he realized that this guy might be trying to trick him, so he held back.

  ”Heh… Do I need a very powerful weapon to deal with you? Once it loses its mobility, this thing will be a sitting duck.”

  Chu Guang looked at him in surprise.

  ”So you know.”

  McLen was stunned for a moment. He didn’t react at first, but soon came to his senses. His face turned visibly red, his lips trembled, and he was so angry that he couldn’t say a word.

  Appreciating the wonderful change of expression, Chu Guang smiled and teased him.

  ”I thought you had forgotten about Ruigu City, but it turns out you just didn’t remember it for a while.”

  Finod couldn’t bear to look away.

  Being humiliated by the enemy like this…

  Is this guy really his General McLen?

  Ignoring McLen, who was so angry that he lost his mind, Chu Guang cast his eyes on the vast balloons and sea of ​​clouds outside the bridge.

  The Storm Corps has completed its deployment.

  They will destroy the main road network and industrial facilities in the Falcon Kingdom based on the intelligence collected by the Skeleton Corps from Bicester Town.

  The Goblin Corps stationed in Bicester will cooperate with their actions. He has deployed a sufficient number of W-2 ground attack aircraft and 100 kg bombs there.

  They are confident that they can destroy the industrial achievements and infrastructure of the Falcon Kingdom, making it impossible for them to turn over within ten years and remember this lesson with their bodies.

  As for the “air strike” on Falcon City,

  he has handed it over to the strongest trump card of the alliance-the Burning Corps.

  Those awakened people equipped with exoskeletons will give a heavy blow to the soldiers of the entourage who are short of supplies and can’t even get a few automatic weapons together, completing the final blow of this war.

  Chu Guang’s mouth curled up a faint smile.

  ”It’s up to you next.”


  At the same time.

  On the deck of the Iron Heart, the cold air whizzed.

  Looking at the strong wind sitting in the cockpit, and then looking at this plane with only a windshield and the canopy that couldn’t be closed, Lao Bai, who was wearing a light cavalry exoskeleton, was stunned for a long time before asking carefully.

  ”Can you… do it?”

  Kuangfeng, who was holding the joystick, was stunned.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”No… I don’t disbelieve you, brother, I just want to ask… when did you learn to fly a plane?”

  It’s okay for Mosquito to fly a plane.

  After all, that guy died so many times and fell so many times.

  But you are an intelligence player, you have never even touched a plane, when did you learn to fly this thing? !

  Kuangfeng looked at Lao Bai who was reluctant to come up with a puzzled look, and asked back after a long while.

  ”When did I say I could fly it.”

  Lao Bai: “???”

  Ye Shi, who was sitting in the machine gun position, interrupted with a grin.

  ”Don’t listen to Kuangfeng’s nonsense, we actually practiced when you were away, and flew it several times! This thing is really not as difficult as you think.”

  Lao Bai finally couldn’t help asking.

  ”How many times?”

  Kuangfeng thought for a while and answered.

  ”It should be three times.”

  Lao Bai: “…”

  ”Trust me, brother,” Kuangfeng gave a thumbs up and made a reliable expression, “It’s very stable!”

  Facing that serious look, Lao Bai was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and stepped into the open cabin.

  ”Okay…” At

  most, it’s just a life.

  He had saved the game before coming up, so if he died, he died. It was just a pity that the exoskeleton on his body cost 10,000 silver coins.

  Looking at the simple layout in the cabin, Lao Bai always felt that something was wrong and asked cautiously.

  ”Is this another mosquito?”

  Kuangfeng said concisely.

  ”W-1A is considered an improved version of W-1. Now one plane can seat three people. The actual overload is not a big problem. You may not know it in the back, but we have only come into contact with this thing in the past two days.”

  It turned out to be a modification of W-1.

  No wonder there are so many of them.

  Lao Bai looked back at the dark mass on the deck, and for some reason he was not surprised at all.

  However, the shapes of these planes always gave him a bad feeling.

  Although he arrived at the front a few days ago, he only boarded the Iron Heart today. Kuangfeng had been the acting commander of the corps during this period, so naturally he was in charge of commanding this operation.

  However, before the operation began, Lao Bai had carefully read the mission briefing.

  Under the cover of the Goblin Corps, they would take a glider to break through the anti-aircraft firepower of Falcon City, land in the city with the bombs of the air raid, and capture the palace of Falcon City with the support of the air units…

  However, he originally thought that at least the pilots of the Goblin Corps would fly the transport plane to send them to their destination, but he didn’t expect that they would have to fly the transport plane themselves.

  Although he believed that Kuangfeng would definitely not cheat him, and his brothers would definitely not joke about such a critical mission, Lao Bai still asked cautiously.

  ”What exactly has been changed about this W-1A?”

  Kuangfeng answered casually.

  ”The fuselage and wingspan have been extended, and the engine has been cancelled.”

  ”Oh…” Lao Bai, who didn’t know much about airplanes, nodded in confusion, but soon reacted with a start, “Wait, what the hell has been cancelled?!”

  Kuangfeng didn’t answer, but looked outside the cabin, and a few power-type animals who followed the airship made an OK gesture.

  ”The wind speed is good, get ready to go!”

  The newbie smiled and also made an OK gesture, then took out a lighter and lit the two forearm-thick rockets hanging on the back of the plane. The

  hot tail flame spurted out, and the huge thrust pushed the light glider forward to accelerate. The shaking of the wings made Lao Bai’s heart almost rise to his throat.

  ”Fuck?! For real?!”

  Compared to riding this thing, he would rather skydive!

  However, unlike him, Kuangfeng’s eyes were full of excitement at this moment, and his expressionless face flashed with a different madness.

  He has never done such an exciting thing.

  And it was with his good brothers-

  ”Trust me, I’ve calculated… we can get there.”

  Pulling down the eyepiece on the helmet, he held the joystick tightly with both hands.

  ”Hold on!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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