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Chapter 491 Alliance pilots also bring bodyguards?!

Chapter 491 Alliance pilots also bring bodyguards?!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 491: Alliance pilots also bring bodyguards?!

  Falcon City.

  On the 100-meter-high “river bank”.

  The soldiers of the Falcon Kingdom are squatting behind the bunkers and waiting for battle.

  A few days ago, the Alliance announced that it would bomb Falcon City tonight, but did not say from which direction the airstrike would come. There

  are only 32 anti-aircraft guns in the entire Falcon City, eight of which were transferred to the royal palace in the center of the city. There are only 24 guns on the alloy giant wall that stretches for dozens of kilometers. The density of firepower can be imagined.

  The officer in charge of the defense of the southeast section is Horrett, who was a centurion in the king’s guards until a month ago.

  However, due to the tense situation on the front line, a large number of officers of the entourage were withdrawn to the regular army of the legion. In just one month, he was promoted three levels and directly became a centurion of the city defense army.

  It should be a happy thing to have a smooth career, but he could not feel optimistic at all, but was worried.

  Until last month, his salary was enough to feed and clothe his two wives and their families. Now that he has become a centurion, his salary has more than doubled, but his family can no longer afford food and clothing.

  You know, this is an oasis.

  Even if the wastelanders all over the world are hungry, the people here should not worry about food and drink.

  It’s all because of this damn war.

  In order to drive away the boredom in his heart and to cheer himself up, he walked to the position and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Everyone, be alert! Open your eyes! The alliance’s planes will approach us under the cover of the clouds! Aim the searchlights at the edges and gaps of the clouds, and keep a close eye on them! No matter what, don’t let a single plane enter the capital!”

  ”Long live the Falcon Kingdom!”

  ”Long live!”

  The soldiers answered loudly, but the loud roar could not dispel the bitterness and confusion in their pupils.

  There were only 120 people on the three-kilometer-wide front, two light machine guns and an anti-aircraft gun.

  Not to mention that it was still night.

  Rather than expecting the guys in their hands to shoot down the Alliance planes, it would be better to expect the Alliance pilots to misread the map and crash into their faces.

  Horrett also knew that he was forcing others to do something difficult, but at this moment, he had no other choice but to cheer up his subordinates.

  At this moment, a white light flashed across the distant horizon, accompanied by dull thunder from afar.

  Is it going to rain?

  Maybe the air raid tonight will be cancelled…


  Horrett, looking into the distance, suddenly changed his face and shouted loudly.


  Almost at the moment when his voice fell, a column of fiery red smoke fell from the sky and hit the farmland hundreds of meters in front of the river bank.

  The roar of the explosion drowned out the short sound of breaking through the air, and the orange-red flames instantly rushed up to a hundred meters high, pushing away layers of hot air waves. The

  charred wheat ears, burning wood chips, soil, gravel, tiles, and everything else… were all carried to the sky by the hot smoke.

  The first shot missed.

  However, no one took it lightly.

  Soon, a white light flashed in the distant clouds again, and a deafening roar almost descended near the river bank along with the rolling gunfire.

  Although the 400mm main gun was not very accurate because it was too far away, the huge power made fear appear on the faces of almost every defending soldier.

  It can make many mistakes.

  But for them, it only happened once…

  The friendly forces near the position seemed to have run out of luck. The third heavy artillery fell and hit them straight in front of them.

  The hot shock wave instantly smashed the flat alloy shell downward.

  Even if the relics of the former civilization could not be destroyed by conventional weapons, the terrifying power was enough to flatten all the bunkers piled on the river bank…

  The roar of the explosion echoed in his ears, and Horrett felt his internal organs trembling, and the adjutant standing next to him was the same, with cold hands and feet and fear in his eyes.

  Just now –

  that heavy artillery destroyed at least one of their hundred-man team.

  ”Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand… How can they hit us when they are more than 70 kilometers away?!” The adjutant’s voice trembled, and he wanted to turn around and run away.

  ”It’s a rocket-assisted projectile…”

  Ordinary shells can’t fly that far.

  But rocket-assisted projectiles are another story.

  Horlet swallowed his saliva, staring at the thick smoke that covered the sky three kilometers away with wide eyes.

  Fortunately, the 400mm main gun did not blow up the river bank.

  The dented but undamaged alloy shell brought a little comfort to many people.

  At least the gods are still on their side.

  However –

  before they had time to cheer, the black dots that emerged from the clouds made the defenders on the river bank look terrified.

  ”Look over there!”

  ”Alliance planes!”

  The black shadows that were getting closer and closer were like vultures soaring in the sky. Horlet seemed to have seen the teeth and claws of those beasts.

  ”Damn… How many planes do they have?!”

  Without hesitation, he shouted loudly regardless of the noisy artillery fire in the distance.

  ”Take up the gun position!”

  ”Stop them!”


  Hundreds of planes rushed towards them, and the defenders of the Falcon Kingdom were panicking.

  However, they were not the only ones who were panicking.

  Old White, who was sitting behind Ye Shi, also had his heart in his throat. He gritted his teeth, fearing that a little wind would blow his soul away.

  Unpowered glider.

  As the name suggests, it is an aircraft without an engine.

  If an aircraft wants to gain horizontal speed, it must do so by diving. After the speed exceeds the optimal lift-to-drag ratio range, it needs to recover kinetic energy by raising the nose.

  Therefore, the flight trajectory of the aircraft is as exciting as a roller coaster, gliding forward in the ups and downs.

  In a distant time and space, this thing is called an “assault glider”. Like an anti-aircraft balloon, it is not some brain-opening black technology. It can be seen in everything from the Garden Market to Operation Oak.

  Compared to parachutes that have to hang in the sky for a long time, this unpowered glider has a very short hovering time, and the maximum gliding speed can reach about 300 yards per hour, the same speed as the “Harmony” train. Moreover, compared with the paratroopers’ backpacks, the larger fuselage capacity allows paratroopers to carry more equipment and ammunition.

  However, despite so many advantages, this thing also has a disadvantage, that is, the accident rate is too high, which is a bit useless.

  In the early days, this thing was towed by a car, a winch truck or other aircraft to take off, and it was “thrown” out like a paper airplane, and the accident rate was not lower than the spherical pod at the bottom of a heavy bomber.

  It is precisely because of this that after the Second World War, these two things were sent to the grave of history together, and only gliders can be seen in extreme sports.

  It is estimated that Mosquito picked this thing up from the garbage dump of history because of the unique height advantage of the Heart of Steel, and the booster was changed to two rockets with the warhead removed.

  The flashing tracer in the distance actually gave Lao Bai some comfort in his heart.

  Regardless of whether they could land smoothly or not,

  they would eventually reach their destination.

  ”Ye Shi! Aim!” Kuang Feng, who held the joystick with both hands, looked tense, with rare excitement and madness flashing in his eyes.

  ”Okay! Give me a depression angle!”

  Ye Shi smiled, holding the handle of the heavy machine gun with both hands, and the barrel stretched out of the cabin sideways, aiming the sight at the top of the river bank.

  At the same time when the glider’s nose was down, he pulled the trigger.

  The gunshots and the hot shells were left behind by the glider, and orange-yellow tracers were thrown towards the river bank like raindrops.

  One hundred and fifty gliders opened fire at the same time, but the anti-aircraft guns on the ground were suppressed by the firepower network that fell from the sky and could not raise their heads.

  However, due to the angle limit, the glider group’s strafing lasted only half a minute, and the suppressed Falcon City defenders quickly returned to the anti-aircraft guns.

  However, they soon discovered that the previous strafing was just a prelude to the storm, and the real nightmare had just begun.

  Twenty escorting W-2 attack aircraft broke away from the flight formation and rushed towards the river bank below. After a round of dive and strafing, they dropped the bombs hanging under the wings.

  The flames of the explosion instantly bloomed on the river bank.

  On the ten-kilometer-wide defense line, the only four anti-aircraft guns were blown into scrap metal.

  Looking at the burning flames and twisted steel, as well as the soldiers holding “Ripper” rifles and firing at the sky while pulling the bolt, Horlet’s face was full of despair.

  At this time, a centurion with a bloody face limped over from the side and reported to his immediate superior with a heavy breath.

  ”Report to the commander! The Alliance blew up our anti-aircraft guns! We… have no anti-aircraft weapons to use.”

  ”I’m not blind, I can see.”

  Interrupting the voice of the centurion, Horlet raised his hand to adjust the officer’s cap on his head, and turned to look at the palace in the northwest.

  From any section of the river bank, the straight-line distance to the palace is ten kilometers. For the plane, this distance is only a few minutes.

  He closed his eyes painfully and whispered to himself.

  ”It’s over…”


  The southeast defense line has been broken by the Alliance’s planes, and the anti-aircraft guns of the adjacent positions are still firing at the sky.

  However, because the distance is too far, the pitiful firepower is purely a futile struggle.

  Tracers are flying in the night sky, like wood chips rising from a bonfire.

  Under the illumination of the searchlight, the Guards Commander Midal, standing on the tower of the castle in the center of the city, finally saw the shadows coming from far to near.

  And his face turned pale at the same time.

  Fifty? !

  No –

  at least one hundred!

  Didn’t the First Air Squadron severely damage the Alliance Air Force in Oasis No. 3! ?

  Why are there so many? !

  Those planes obviously did not take off from Bicester Town, but should be from the Iron Heart entangled by the anti-aircraft balloon.

  Just a few minutes ago, he received news from the headquarters that the First Air Squadron led by Akante had contacted the Alliance’s flight formation.

  Both sides deployed hundreds of propeller planes, and fiercely exchanged fire at the edge of Oasis No. 2.

  How many planes does the Alliance have? !


  it should be said that how many pilots does the Alliance have? !

  According to the merchants from the east, there are only 500,000 or 600,000 survivors in the entire Qingquan City, but he has the illusion that he can never kill all these people!

  As Midal expected, the anti-aircraft guns deployed on the river bank could not stop the Alliance’s planes at all.

  The Alliance just randomly assigned a few planes from the flight formation to eliminate the anti-aircraft gun positions along the way, and the remaining fleets kept crossing the river bank and rushing straight into the city, killing towards the castle of His Majesty the King.

  Seeing that the planes were only the last three or four kilometers away, Midal immediately shouted and ordered.


  The eight quadruple anti-aircraft guns deployed on the castle opened fire together, and thick and long flames rushed towards the Alliance’s fleet, instantly lighting up the outlines of the planes.


  this intensive firepower did not last long.

  Black shadows as fast as lightning separated from the fuselage, like arrows shot from a bow, accurately hitting the towers with anti-aircraft guns.

  ”Damn it!”

  Looking at the towers and anti-aircraft guns engulfed in flames and smoke, Midal’s eyes turned red in an instant, and he cursed in anger.

  ”What is that?!”

  The city defense chief standing next to him was also at a loss.

  Aerial bombs?


  It’s too outrageous that an aerial bomb thrown from a distance of one or two kilometers can accurately hit their anti-aircraft gun positions.

  But if it’s a missile, it doesn’t make sense. He didn’t even see the tail flame of the missile!

  Looking at the burning flames in the distance, several intelligence players sitting on the glider excitedly high-fived their teammates beside them.

  That was naturally not a missile, but a six-rotor self-destructing drone placed in the glider – “Switchblade”.

  This thing doesn’t need to be dropped by a professional bomber at all, just throw it out from the cabin. Intelligence players carrying neural connection devices can switch to the drone’s perspective for precise guidance.

  The fifteen-kilogram warhead was enough to send the anti-aircraft gun on the tower flying away.

  ”Hahaha! Great job!”

  Sitting at the machine gun position, Ye Shi excitedly waved his fist, and before landing, he fired a burst of bullets at the castle with his machine gun.

  Looking at the violently shaking fuselage and the buildings rushing past below, Lao Bai was panicked, but he knew in his heart that he could only trust his teammates at this time.

  ”It’s time to land!”

  ”I know.”

  He calmly glanced outside the cabin, and the wind opened the variable angle wind resistance plate on the fuselage, and at the same time, a parachute was sprayed out from the rear of the fuselage.

  The speed of the glider suddenly dropped, and the upturned belly hit the roof of a residential building firmly.


  ”Fuck you! You should have told me in advance!” Looking at the rapidly approaching rooftop, Ye Shi hurriedly moved the machine gun back to the cabin.

  Large pieces of rubble were blown away.

  The wings on both sides were instantly disconnected, but they were not broken, but were actively blown off to prevent the fuselage from rolling during the forced landing.

  The violent impact almost made Lao Bai faint.

  But he was still a tough guy with a strong character. He remained conscious until the plane crashed and stopped on the street.

  He took out the rifle from the cabin, and he climbed out of the deformed cabin while cursing and loading the rifle in his hand.

  Looking at several black and African-like laborers not far away, he fired two shots into the sky and shouted in human language.

  ”If you don’t want to die, get out!”

  Hearing the gunshot, the laborers who were moving obstacles were scared out of their wits. They immediately dropped their tools and ran into the alley next to them.

  After confirming the direction of the castle, Lao Bai subconsciously reached out and pressed the side of his helmet, trying to access the team channel to understand the casualties of each team, but found that there was no response.

  At this time, he remembered that the commander of this operation was Kuangfeng.

  ”Ahem… Don’t worry, I just confirmed that everyone landed successfully, so there is no problem.”

  Coughing and climbing out of the cabin, Kuangfeng wiped the dust off the helmet eyepiece and took the LD-50 submachine gun handed over by Ye Shi.

  Lao Bai looked at him with a smile.

  ”Are you… okay?”

  ”Very OK.” He gave a thumbs up, Kuangfeng grabbed Ye Shi’s arm and pulled him out of the cabin.

  Holding the 12mm heavy machine gun with the barrel still hot, Ye Shi, who was covered in dust, did not look scared at all, but had an expression of wanting more.

  ”Oh my god… This is much more exciting than parachuting!”

  Lao Bai: “…”

  ”Don’t worry,” Kuangfeng saw the concern in Lao Bai’s eyes and gave him a reliable look, “We are not joking either.”

  Facing the serious gaze, Lao Bai was slightly stunned, and suddenly realized that he might be a little too cautious – or overprotective.

  Unlike Fang Chang, who is a high-level player with full game talent.

  Although Kuangfeng and Ye Shi’s understanding of the game is also very strong, it is not so strong that he admires them.

  It is precisely because of this that he always unconsciously puts himself in the role of the eldest brother, thinking that he should take care of them more, and ignores their growth.

  However, in fact, this worry is unnecessary.

  His buddies are ordinary people in reality and have not received professional military training. However, after so many battles and life-and-death tests, their combat experience has already surpassed that of themselves when they first entered the game.

  Whether it is the intensity of the war or the degree of bloodiness, this cruel wasteland is not inferior to any dark period in real history.

  This is a world destroyed after the war.

  A doomsday that is more barbaric than the chaotic world.

  They are no weaker than anyone else after going through many tests in such a world, and they don’t need anyone to take care of them.

  Every player of the Burning Legion is a warrior who can stand on his own!

  Maybe I should trust my teammates more.

  ”Well, I can see…” Looking at the serious look, Lao Bai suddenly smiled and relaxed his tense brows a little, “Then I’ll leave it to you!”

  He admitted that the glider made his blood pressure full.

  But now it seems…

  they are not joking.

  Giving him a grateful look, Kuangfeng looked at Ye Shi seriously.

  ”Give the machine gun to Lao Bai, you go find a high point nearby to support us… Our target is Entrance C, be careful not to let the defenders place explosives at the door.”

  With the sniper rifle seized from the academy on his back, Ye Shi made an OK gesture, still with that nonchalant smile on his face.

  ”Got it!”


  Compared with the parachute that landed randomly, the glider has another advantage that you don’t have to look for your teammates all over the street.

  The 500 Burning Legion soldiers who landed in the city quickly completed the reorganization, and advanced in an orderly manner towards the castle with a tactic of three people in a group, three groups in a squad, and three squads in a row.

  The street was quiet, with only sporadic gunshots and explosions.

  Most of the city defense forces and militia were concentrated on the river bank ten kilometers away, especially this area was the bombing area “forecasted” by the alliance. Only a few guards in the city were patrolling at the risk of their lives, and it was rare to see a living person.

  Some guards noticed these forced landing planes.

  Although there was no order from their superiors, they still searched for them faithfully.

  And then –

  nothing happened.

  To deal with these guards carrying “Eviscerator” rifles, the players didn’t even bother to shoot.

  The equipment of these guards was even worse than they imagined. Except for the captain of the guards who was equipped with a 10mm centurion pistol, most of the soldiers used a slender saber or a bolt-action “Eviscerator” rifle.

  This rifle that can be used as a spear is still quite useful in the trenches, and the power of the 7mm full-power bullet is also strong enough.

  But in the street fighting with complex terrain, it is simply a nightmare for their own people.

  Even if they are familiar with the terrain, they can’t withstand the LD-47 assault rifle and LD-50 submachine gun.

  Faced with the awakened who are fully equipped with automatic firepower and light cavalry exoskeleton, the patrol team that searched first instantly became a pure injustice, and was beaten and fled in less than half a minute.


  At the same time, on a tower that survived the explosion, Myrdal stared at the city in front of him in amazement, still not understanding what happened.

  Just a few minutes ago, several dark shadows destroyed his anti-aircraft gun position.

  Just when he looked at the sky in despair, thinking that the planes would pull up their noses and attack them again, something unexpected happened.

  The hundreds of planes did not rise again, but plunged into the city in front of the castle like dumplings.

  The city defense chief standing next to him, Bofu, was stunned and muttered to himself.

  ”What are they doing?”

  An adjutant said blankly.

  ”…Flight accident?”

  ”Hundreds of planes crashed at the same time, how could such a thing happen!”

  After recovering from a brief daze, Midal’s face did not relax at all because of the “end” of the air raid. His intuition told him that the real air raid had just begun.

  He immediately looked at the adjutant beside him and shouted.

  ”Who is responsible for the city in front of the castle!”

  The adjutant immediately replied after hearing this.

  ”Report! It’s Centurion Adam!”

  Midal remembered this name.

  That guy was a good hand he personally promoted from the militia to the Guards. Not only was he good at commanding, but he was also a powerful awakener.

  Without a trace of hesitation, Midal immediately gave the order.

  ”Give him another team of 100 men! Let him go to the city to search for those pilots immediately! Make sure to capture them alive!”

  The adjutant stood up and saluted.



  Following Midal’s order, Adem immediately led his team of 100 men and more than 100 reinforcements into the city, ready to capture the pilots of the alliance alive.


  what no one expected was that the moment the two teams of 100 men entered the city, there was a crackling sound in the city, as if dozens of firecrackers were thrown. The

  flashing flames of the muzzles rose and fell in the dark city, as dense as the starry sky above.

  Almost as soon as they stepped onto the street, the team of 100 men led by Adem encountered automatic fire. Caught off guard, they suffered heavy casualties in just one contact.

  The pilots of the Falcon Kingdom usually only have a pistol, and the cockpit of an ordinary aircraft cannot fit extra ammunition and weapons.

  Not to mention encountering automatic weapons.

  No one even thought that those pilots did not hide in the city, but organized themselves to fire at them.

  Midal, standing on the tower, stared at the city area with flickering flames in the night, and was even speechless for a moment.

  The gunfire was at least the firepower of two thousand-man teams.

  Could it be that the pilots of the Alliance were not only equipped with assault rifles, but also had two bodyguards in the cabin? !

  While Midal was still surprised, Adem, who rushed into the city with two hundred people, had already grabbed the walkie-talkie and cursed.

  ”The firepower of the other side is too strong! We need reinforcements!”

  The ear-piercing buzzing filled the headset.

  The other side probably used some kind of communication jamming weapon. He couldn’t contact the rear at all and couldn’t report the situation here.

  Bullets whizzed in the street. It seemed that the other

  side didn’t care about the ammunition at all.

  With only strength, Adem could not use it at all. He could only pray in his heart that his superiors could hear some clues from the gunfire and send more people over.

  However, the other side seemed to have no intention of stalemate with them at all. The gunfire from all directions quickly surrounded the street where he was.

  Adam’s mood instantly sank to the bottom.

  Although he couldn’t confirm the situation of his two centurions, he could roughly judge from the direction of the gunfire that the two wings of the defense line had been lost!

  The enemy took less than half a minute to annihilate at least four of his ten-man teams and surrounded his two hundred-man teams.

  This is definitely not something that dozens of pilots can do! At

  least there are a thousand people on the other side!

  Looking at the broken limbs and arms on the street and the densely packed bullet holes on the wall, Adam, who had a murderous look on his face a few minutes ago, now had only fear on his face.

  Listening to the gunshots getting closer and closer, he grabbed the walkie-talkie that only heard noise and shouted in despair.

  ”Damn! These people… They are not pilots at all!”

  ”We are surrounded by them!”


  (Thanks to the leader of “Watermelon Universe No. 1 Fruit” and “Xue Yi Wu Xin” for the reward!!! This chapter could have been finished, but it was six o’clock after a while. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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