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Chapter 491 It’s over, we’ve fallen into a trap!

Chapter 491 It’s over, we’ve fallen into a trap!

2024-05-29 作者: 错哪儿了

  Chapter 491 It’s over, we fell into a trap!

  The original plan of the group buying was to take advantage of the popularity of the gis service on May 2nd to start the daily special promotion, but due to the cooperation between Song Xiong and Kang Jingtao, the group buying didn’t even have a booth on the 2nd.

  Kang Jingtao was very happy because it showed the success of his plan.

  The group buying team has been moving forward bravely since November last year, and has delayed its own plan without taking a step back. This is simply the Armstrong landing on the moon in the history of group buying. It is a small step for him, but a big step against group buying!

  But what he didn’t expect was that Song Xiong called him anxiously just after he finished lunch.

  The words used on this call were very respectful, but the tone sounded like scolding.

  ”Boss Kang, why are Jiang Tao and Pan Dongzi the fourth salary? I have done so much for Lashou and taken such great risks, but in the end I only got the third salary?”

  ”What are you talking about?”

  ”Don’t pretend, Boss Kang, you know Meng Fansen, right? You only gave double salary to the first supervisor who agreed to change jobs? He said that if you don’t give an explanation for this matter, he can continue to work for Pintuan for free with Lashou’s salary!”

  ”No, how did you know that others are the fourth salary?”

  ”Jiang Qin said it in the meeting, and he also told other people to learn from them, and said that Lashou.com has a keen eye for talent, so they should not disappoint Lashou’s expectations.”


  Kang Jingtao’s brain buzzed, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been tricked.

  But this is not important, the important thing is that he must stabilize these people now.

  Because if he can’t stabilize them at this time, all the efforts and steps before will be in vain.

  The most important thing is that these supervisors who have been poached are already full of anger. If they go back, they will eat Lashou alive.

  By then, I will become the number one hero who made Pintuan more cohesive. Who can I complain to?

  One month, at least we need to keep these people stable for a month, so that all group-buying websites can react, rush in, unite and wield shovels, and then we can completely hit Pintuan.

  Even if Pintuan keeps raising salaries and forcing these people to stay, the exponentially increasing costs will drag it down.

  You know, Pintuan has only raised 180 million yuan, while Lashou has 300 million yuan, Nuomi has 150 million yuan, and Dazhong has 200 million yuan. Some people even say that Tencent has secretly invested another 200 million yuan in Dianping.

  300 million plus 150 million plus 200 million, even if there is no legendary 200 million, even if everyone has lost 20% in the war of poaching, is it difficult to drag down Pintuan with 180 million people?

  By then, they can only watch the front yard, the backyard, the side room, the toilet, and everywhere else catch fire, and they can’t take care of themselves.

  It’s like you got three Aces, but you don’t have the money to follow,

  so you can only throw the cards. “Boss Song, don’t worry, this must be a misunderstanding. Let me discuss it with the headquarters first,

  and I will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer.” “Boss Kang, although these brothers have a good relationship with me, I can only keep it stable for a while, you must discuss it well!”

  ”I know, I know…”

  Kang Jingtao was sent by Lashou.com to poach people. He has a high level of authority, but he is not the person in charge. The original person in charge was an old comrade named Zhu Jinfu.

  Back then, when Boss Kang poached the team of Sui Xin Tuan in Shenzhen, he also offered a high price.

  After the market stabilized, the headquarters felt more and more that they were losing money, so they sent Zhu Jinfu here. While building a new team to take over the business, they found various reasons to fire those high-priced employees.

  Therefore, the current Shenzhen team can be said to be built by Zhu Jinfu.

  Logically speaking, if you parachuted in, the original owner would definitely be angry, but Zhu Jinfu was not, and was very happy instead.

  Getting a salary without having to work is simply a good thing that falls from the sky.

  But later Kang Jingtao offered double salary, triple salary, and quadruple salary, which really panicked Old Zhu.

  When you poach people and leave, you will be a hero, and you will have a good life, but I will have to bear the cost of the remaining team.

  And the salary of the two supervisors will exceed mine, is there any law?

  ”Boss Kang, I advise you not to be impulsive!”


  ”Do you want to give all of them quadruple salary? This is absolutely not allowed!”

  ”Old Zhu, don’t argue, I know how to handle this matter…”

  You know how to handle it, Zhu Jinfu cursed in his heart for a while, then turned around and left, leaving Kang Jingtao alone, racking his brains.

  Jiang Qin…
Kang Jingtao took a deep breath, his hands and feet were a little cold.

  He actually met Jiang Qin once, at the group buying industry exchange conference last year.
Because of the little contact, Kang Jingtao

  did not have a deep feeling

  even though the subsequent means of group buying were launched and the three websites were caught off guard.

  It’s like someone has been bragging that someone’s swordsmanship is the best in the world, but people who haven’t actually experienced it always think they have the strength to fight. But when the sword energy really flies into the air and cuts off the 80,000-mile long cloud, they will feel what it means to have a tingling scalp.

  But what Kang Jingtao didn’t expect was that the tingling came too early.

  On May 3, the second day after the group purchase was originally scheduled to be postponed, in the quiet morning, one after another bright yellow ground-promotion stalls were spread all over the streets and alleys.

  The most terrifying thing is that they still remember their original intentions and used the coupons of Lashou.com to buy eggs…

  ”If you place an order online, the fastest delivery will be on the same day, and you can also get eggs…”

  ”Me? I’m your group leader Wangzai, I’m from our community!”


  Two hours after the daily special ground promotion started, Lashou.com’s Shenzhen branch also went to work.

  In order to welcome the nine supervisors who jumped over, Kang Jingtao specially wore a brand-name suit, dressed himself up like a flower, and silently recited the manuscript he wrote yesterday.

  Yes, he planned to give some chicken soup to these supervisors who were worried about money.

  There is indeed no money, and it is not realistic to give everyone four salaries, but chicken soup is free. As long as the pie is well drawn, how can the situation not be stable?

  However, as soon as he walked into the gate of the branch station, he heard that the group-buying promotion had already started on the street.

  ”Where do they come from? Didn’t the supervisor get poached by us? Who will do so many links such as setting up stalls, distribution, contacting channels, cross-regional transfer of goods, warehouse management, and data statistics?”

  ”It was an ambush in advance. I know a man named Sun Zhi, who was the person in charge of the group-buying market in Shenzhen.”

  ”It’s only been one day, and they transferred people here, and they started the marketing right away. Is the execution efficiency of the group-buying branch so high?”

  ”It is said that they have an internal management system where the boss can give direct orders to all employees. But efficiency is one aspect. I think he has been guarding against being poached.”


  But before he could think about it, there was a quarrel outside the conference room, and it was getting louder and louder. Even if the door of the conference room was closed, it could be heard.

  Kang Jingtao was already very annoyed. After hearing the quarrel, he immediately flew into a rage. He opened the door and rushed into the office area.

  The quarrel was between the supervisors poached by Lashou.com and the old employees who had been with Lashou.com for endless years.

  The head of the poached supervisors was Jiang Tao, who was paid four salaries.

  He has been so arrogant recently that he can’t even recognize himself.


  On the one hand, his salary is higher than that of many people who have worked hard and made great contributions. On the other hand, his previous boss had begged him not to leave. Who wouldn’t be proud? The

  old employees who took the lead in quarreling were their marketing managers, operations managers, planning managers, and almost all managers.

  Recently, there is a very popular news website called Tonight’s Headlines. It’s fun and interesting, and everyone is using it.

  Coincidentally, yesterday’s Shanghai headline was the exclusive revelation that Lashou.com poached the group leader at a price of four times the salary. Seeing this news, the old employees’ chat group exploded directly.

  We worked so hard and conscientiously, and we only got such a loser, but you turned around and spent four times the price to poach someone else’s employees? Who wouldn’t be angry after hearing this?

  In fact, even if there is unfair treatment, most people will still choose to give feedback privately, so as not to quarrel on the spot, because many social animals are used to leaving a way out for themselves, for fear that it will be too late to regret after a complete fall-out.

  But these old managers of Lashou.com are not afraid, because the group had thrown out an olive branch a few days ago and let them quote their own prices.

  Damn, with this back-up plan, who would want to endure your cowardice?

  ”What are you arguing about? What are you arguing about? Shut up!” Kang Jingtao didn’t understand the situation, but he acted like a responsible person.

  Who knew that the next second, Hu Qiang, the marketing manager, suddenly got angry: “Mr. Kang, you should shut up. In your eyes, we are shit, right?”

  Hearing this, Kang Jingtao was stunned and stood there without daring to move.

  Lai Yuying, the operations manager, couldn’t help but speak to smooth things over: “Mr. Kang, in fact, we don’t have any other intentions. We just hope that the workplace environment can be fair and just. We don’t want more. Four salaries are enough like them.”

  The other seven supervisors on the group buying side also spoke up: “We don’t want more either. Four salaries are enough.”


  Seeing that he didn’t dare to agree, Hu Qiang laughed and looked at Jiang Tao: “Boy, don’t be complacent. Mr. Kang also poached employees from Sui Xin Tuan at a high price, but none of them were left after being fired. Do you think you are an exception?”

  Seeing this, Kang Jingtao took a deep breath, as if he saw a bullet slowly appearing in front of him.

  He still didn’t understand how and when the bullet was fired, but at this moment he had only one thought.

  It’s over, it’s going to collapse.

  In the evening, the sky began to darken, and the office of Lashou.com had become empty, leaving only the work badges thrown away by the old employees, which were all over the table, and then there was Kang Jingtao sitting in front of the window, who hadn’t changed his posture for several hours.

  He was thinking about what had happened in the past two days, and then he understood a little.

  When he knew that his supervisor was poached, Jiang Qin deliberately pulled Jiang Tao and Pan Dongzi out as targets, forcibly raised the price, and caused the nine people to have an internal conflict.

  And the internal conflict among these nine people has not been resolved, and the old employees in the team have started a new round of internal conflicts because of unfairness.

  He seemed to have done nothing, but just a few words to light the fire for the resentment of the workers, and this fire directly burned through them.

  ”Boss Kang, it’s already time to get off work, why don’t you leave?” Zhu Jinfu walked in with his hands behind his back and said something.

  Kang Jingtao turned his head: “I’m sorry, Mr. Zhu, I seem to have ruined your team.”

  ”What do you mean by seem? Don’t be so modest, it is true.”


  ”Actually, I don’t mind. On the contrary, I have to thank you. In fact, I have been panicking since the group buying started to upgrade, because I knew that this market would die in my hands sooner or later, but who knew that you would come and take the blame for me. You are simply a living Bodhisattva.”


  Zhu Jinfu pulled a chair and sat over: “Mr. Kang, actually we were wrong from the beginning.”

  Kang Jingtao nodded after a moment of silence: “I know.”

  ”No, you don’t know.”

  ”What don’t I know?”

  ”When all the websites were hugging each other, only that college student was trying his best to coax users. When everyone was thinking about high-end layout, only that college student took in the laid-off ground sales.”

  Zhu Jinfu stretched: “Just like now, when you are trying your best to stop the group buying, actually what that college student wants is for us to die because of internal strife.” Kang

  Jingtao was silent for a long time: “How did he do it?”

  ”He just understands the thoughts of the lower class better than others, and understands what the lower class wants more, which is exactly what all the bosses in high positions cannot do.”

  ”Then we can only lose?”

  Zhu Jinfu frowned: “You just admit defeat? Where is your arrogance, your sharpness, are you still worthy of being a member of Lashou.com?”

  Kang Jingtao looked at Zhu Jinfu in surprise. In his eyes, this man has always been the image of a good old man, not fighting or competing, but he didn’t expect that he had such a lofty ambition.

  ”Brother, do you have any other way to win?”

  ”Of course.”

  Zhu Jinfu said solemnly: “I have to find a way to join the group buying quickly, don’t leave me if I’m late.”

  Kang Jingtao: “…”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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