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Chapter 492 This Hard-Earned End

Chapter 492 This Hard-Earned End


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 492 The Hard-Earned End The

  plain is about 60 kilometers away from the capital.

  After ordering the entire army to infiltrate the enemy’s territory in units of 100 people, the commander of the spring water led a team of 100 people alone and crossed several miles in the dark wheat fields, and finally arrived at the nearest road.

  The three infantry squads immediately spread out to the front, and in the formation of an arrow, they searched and advanced along the road and both sides of the road.

  ”The wheat is ripe, but no one is harvesting it?”

  Ru Tuwei’an, who was walking in front, stretched out his hand and pinched a wheat ear and rubbed it gently in his hand. Looking closely, the green buds had already emerged from the wheat ear.

  As the saying goes, “90% ripe, 100% harvest, 100% ripe, 10% discard”, waiting until the wheat is fully ripe before harvesting, the yield per mu will be reduced by at least 40 to 50 kilograms, and the quality of the crop will be much worse.

  If there is continuous rainy weather, the wheat will sprout or mold, and the loss will be even greater. Fortunately, it rarely rains in the oasis, and the fresh water resources are supplied by the river bank and stored in the soil.

  ”…It’s normal. The mobilization of the Falcon Kingdom has reached the final stage. The entire social production activities have stagnated. Not to mention that the wheat is ripe but no one is harvesting it, even if it is stored in the granary, it cannot be delivered to the tables of ordinary citizens.”

  Glancing at the endless wheat field next to him, the commander of the fountain smacked his lips with regret.

  It’s a pity for this fertile black soil.

  If this land is given to the professional players of the Alliance to develop, the yield per mu can be at least 1,000 kilograms.

  If it is combined with the high-quality seeds provided by the CNC planting tower and the biological research institute, 2,000 kilograms is not a problem!

  ”Do you want to set it on fire?” I asked eagerly.

  ”No need,” the commander of the fountain said concisely, “our target is industrial facilities and transportation hubs, and there is no point in destroying farmland.” Defoliants are

  needed to destroy farmland on a large scale.

  It’s just that setting fire can only burn a few plots of land, and it may also affect our own people who are moving forward in the fields. It is a waste of time and has little benefit.

  ”Come to think of it, why didn’t you put on your Blastoise suit?” Izuihei teased after taking a look at the miner’s exoskeleton on Izui.

  He wanted to ask this question when he got off the airship just now.

  Izuihei rolled his eyes.

  ”Do you think I’m stupid?”

  The Destroyer I has poor mobility. With the shield backpack and the 120mm mortar with an automatic loader, the weight is close to one ton. Even with full power, it can’t run very fast. Besides,

  they are not going to fight with the Falcon or the regular army of the Legion, but to infiltrate and sabotage behind enemy lines. It is really unnecessary to bring such a big iron coffin.

  If they really need firepower support, they can call for airship bombardment.

  As they were talking, there was a thunderous explosion in the sky behind them.

  Commander Izui looked back.

  ”The brothers of the Burning Legion have probably landed.”

  Izuihei said with a look of discomfort.

  ”Damn it… Why are all the good jobs theirs, but we have to do this sneaky job!”

  Kakarot laughed and teased.

  ”What do you mean by stealing? This is called strategic sabotage, infiltration behind enemy lines!”

  ”Okay, after hearing what you said, this job of stealing suddenly becomes more important.”


  Commander Quanshui coughed as he watched his teammates talking and laughing.

  ”We are here to sabotage after all, not for a picnic… Let’s be serious.”

  ”Since we are sabotaging, shouldn’t we be more ferocious, like this?” I said with great excitement, trying to squeeze out two taels of fat from my face, shaking the rifle on my waist, “Robbery! Hand over all the money in your pocket.”

  Looking at his bear-like appearance, Kakarot couldn’t help laughing out loud.

  ”Damn! You are acting like the Japanese invaders entering the village.”

  Commander Quanshui held his forehead.

  This guy is hopeless.

  ”By the way, where can we find a factory?” Grave Ghost Catcher sighed and looked at Brother Quanshui helplessly.

  Seeing that there were finally people who cared about their mission, Quanshui finally had a relieved smile on his face.

  ”That’s easy. Just follow the clues and you’ll be done.”

  Highway transportation is one of the supporting facilities for industry. The resources and manpower of each survivor settlement need to be transported to the industrial zone through the road network to complete production.

  The Falcon Kingdom is a classical militarist country. The spacious roads are generally dedicated to military facilities and military production units.

  Therefore, it is easy to identify high-value targets.

  Just choose a few of the widest roads near Falcon City, and then follow the road to the front line. There are

  always several material distribution centers on the road.

  Just go to any of the logistics transfer bases and find out where the materials are sent from through local logistics information. With the strategic depth of Oasis No. 2, it will not be too difficult to lock the location of the industrial zone.

  Coincidentally, the crowd walked along the main road for a while and happened to encounter a broken-down tractor.

  The man with bare arms squatted beside the tractor and tightened the screws with a wrench, and another middle-aged man in a vest sat in the driver’s seat and urged.

  Seeing a group of people coming from a distance, the man sitting on the tractor didn’t take it seriously at first, thinking that they were his own people. As a result, he found that the equipment of these people was completely different from that of the Falcon Kingdom’s army.

  Whether it was the shiny exoskeleton with a breastplate or the assault rifles in their hands, they were definitely not something that the Falcon Kingdom could afford today.

  The man’s face turned pale in an instant, and he hurriedly jumped out of the car and was about to run into the wheat field, but he was held back by a strong and powerful big hand before he ran two steps.

  ”Why are you running?” The man was held back like a chicken, and A Nie grinned at him and said, “Did you do something bad?”

  Although he was a newbie, he was also a newbie in the strength department. He had 7 points of strength when he first entered the game.

  Whether it was arm strength or grip strength, it was at least 140% of that of an ordinary adult male. Naturally, it was not something that ordinary people could break free of.

  The hand was like an iron clamp, and the man couldn’t move. No matter how he struggled, he didn’t move at all. He just felt that the place where he was held was getting more and more painful.

  ”No, no… I don’t dare.” Seeing that he couldn’t break free from the restraints of the soldier in front of him, the tractor driver finally gave up struggling and looked at him tremblingly and said, “Excuse me, sir… which unit are you from?”

  ”Storm Corps!” Anie answered proudly.

  ”Storm Corps?” The driver was confused, he had never heard of this number.

  ”Why are you talking so much nonsense?” Hearing the noise in front, I Zuihei led people to come up from the back, staring at the driver who was caught fiercely, “Robbery! Hand over the valuables!”

  ”Robbery?” The driver’s face was even more confused, and he said with a smile, “Sir, you just came here, right? If you want to rob, you should find those nobles… How can we poor people who can’t even afford to eat have money?”

  ”Hiss… That’s right, where can we get money if we can’t even afford to eat.”

  I Zuihei nodded, with a trace of sympathy in his eyes, but he quickly realized that he was doing a mission, so he put on that fierce expression again.

  ”I don’t care if you have money or not, hurry up, hand over all the valuables!”

  Looking at the glaring muzzle of the gun, the driver was so anxious that he was about to cry.

  As for the man who repaired the car, he was completely scared. He threw away the wrench and squatted beside the tractor with his hands on his head, trembling, and dared not move at all.

  Rolling his eyes at the back of his idiot, Commander Quanshui walked up to the driver who was frightened and stared into his eyes.

  ”What’s on the car?”

  the driver replied nervously.


  Commander Quanshui asked impatiently.

  ”I know it’s iron. I’m asking you what kind of iron it is, what it’s used for, and where it’s being sent to.”

  Upon hearing this question, the driver immediately reacted.

  ”This is… iron products collected from Rozlan Town. We are sending them to William Industrial Zone according to the order of the logistics officer.” William


  seems to have the same name as the prince and marshal of the Falcon Kingdom.

  But there’s nothing strange about this.

  In a feudal kingdom with agriculture as its economic pillar, it’s likely that only the royal family and the great nobles have the ability to industrialize. Since the industrial zone is the royal family’s asset, there’s nothing wrong with naming it after a member of the royal family.

  I walked to the side of the tractor and took a look. I found that it was full of pots and pans, and muttered.

  ”What’s the use of this thing?”

  Commander Quanshui ignored his muttering and continued to interrogate the man.

  ”What’s the name of the factory you sent it to, and what does it produce?”

  The tractor driver answered in an uncertain voice.

  ”It’s called the Royal First Foundry… OK, it seems to produce steel pipes.”

  Steel pipes? !

  Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard this.

  I put down the batch of goods on the tractor and asked excitedly.

  ”Is it seamless steel pipes?”

  The driver replied with a smile: “Sir, I’m just a deliveryman, I really don’t know… You can ask the factory manager there.”

  Steel pipes are just one of the products of that factory.

  Including steel helmets, engineer shovels, bayonets, military water bottles. A series of production lines for bullets and so on are all there, but he didn’t dare to say it.

  These people always give him a bad feeling.

  ”Good idea,” Commander Quanshui smiled, patted his driver on the shoulder, looked at the trembling man in front of him and continued, “Can you take us to see your factory manager?”

  How dare the man say no? Facing the warm smile like a spring breeze, he could only nod like a chicken pecking at rice.

  Quanshui didn’t waste any words. He looked back at his teammates behind him and waved his hand.

  ”Let’s go and torture them.”

  ”What should we do with this tractor?” I looked at the tractor that had just been repaired next to me, and felt it was a pity to throw it away.

  Quanshui thought for a moment and had an idea in his mind.

  ”Throw the goods on the car into the wheat field, and take the tractor first.”

  Although he hadn’t figured out what this thing was for, what if it could be used?

  Anyway, take it first.


  The Storm Corps was still advancing silently under the cover of the night.

  At the same time, in Falcon City, dozens of kilometers away, the night was boiling like a burning flame.

  Dense gunshots came one after another, like surging waves surrounding the towering castle in the center of Falcon City.

  The first two hundred-man teams that entered the city were quickly defeated.

  The pilots of the alliance seemed to be carrying the ammunition of a 10,000-man team, and the gunshots were as if bullets were free.

  Not only that, they even dismantled the machine guns on the planes.

  The brick and stone houses and walls in the city were like paper in front of the 12mm machine gun bullets. Often, a volley of bullets would shatter people and walls into slag.

  Until the last moment of his life, Adem, who went deep into the city to “encircle and suppress enemy pilots”, did not wait for reinforcements from the rear.

  However, what he did not know was that his superior was not blind or deaf, but had no time to take care of him.

  The pilots of the alliance were obviously not satisfied with dealing with a few minions. At the same time as they surrounded him, they sent a team to attack the gate of the castle and engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the defenders at the gate.

  It can be foreseen that in the face of the fire suppression of more than a dozen aircraft machine guns, the soldiers of the Falcon Kingdom, who only had a few bolt-action rifles, had no power to fight back.

  Seeing that the gun flames had burned to his eyebrows, Midal made a prompt decision and immediately sent two loyal guards with explosives to the main gate of the castle, intending to blow up the gatehouse directly.

  Although this could not stop the alliance from entering the castle, it could at least buy some time before the city defense army arrived.

  However, at this moment, a gunshot was heard from the direction of the bell tower in the distance, and a string of blood mist instantly exploded on the head of the guard who had just touched the main gate of the castle.

  Before the guard who was following him could figure out the direction of the gunshot, another bullet soon penetrated his skull.

  This time, he didn’t even hear the gunshot, and fell to the ground without a word.


  Ye Shi, who was lying on the top of the bell tower, reported the results on the communication channel, and his eyes were fixed on the scope to search the edge of the castle.

  With the help of the thermal imaging scope, the night was as eye-catching as the day for him, and all living things could not hide.

  And the perception of murderous intent allowed him to quickly determine whether his position was exposed and whether there were other snipers targeting him.

  Controlling the rhythm of his breathing, he pulled the trigger again.

  There was a gunshot, and near the castle gate in the distance, another guard was shot in the head and fell heavily to the side.

  The continued casualties brought tremendous psychological pressure to the defenders near the castle gate, and even the most loyal soldiers began to feel fear.

  Compared to the suppression of machine gun fire and the buzzing of fighter planes diving, the sniper shooting from behind is obviously more frightening.

  The machine gun’s sniping may not kill the veterans who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, but the sniper rifle ambushed outside the range will kill people almost as long as the gun is fired.

  Experience has lost its effect.

  Everyone squatting behind the bunker has become meat on the chopping board.

  No one knows who will be targeted next.

  Facing the fierce and tacitly coordinated offensive of the alliance, the defense line at the main entrance of the castle is collapsing backwards…


  After calmly withdrawing the shells from the gun chamber, Ye Shi took a deep breath and began to search for the next more valuable target.

  At the same time, the battle in the city was basically over.

  Hearing the gunshots from afar, Lao Bai pulled out the hot hatchet from a corpse and raised his index finger to press on the side of the helmet.

  ”The city has been cleared.”

  The voice of Kuangfeng soon came from the communication channel.

  ”Well done, keep pushing forward to the palace!”

  ”Got it!”

  Old White grinned, hung the melta-cutter on his exoskeleton, and picked up the rifle hanging on his chest again.

  It feels good to play assist occasionally.

  But then again, there are still some masters in the Falcon Kingdom.

  For example, the one he just killed was actually an awakener.

  He thought that all the masters of this kingdom had died in the previous battle.

  It seems that it is difficult for any game to avoid a problem, that is, the change of versions can never keep up with the pace of players’ snowballing.

  Especially for this kind of game that claims to be completely real, the existence of “players” who not only will not die but will become stronger and stronger is full of absurdity.

  He can clearly feel that their opponents are getting weaker and weaker. At first, a ten-man infantry squad could be equipped with a light machine gun. Now, let alone light machine guns, there are only more than thirty anti-aircraft guns left in the huge capital, and two hundred-man teams can’t even get three machine guns. The

  almost crazy mobilization has drained the last bit of vitality of this kingdom.

  If the Falcon Kingdom was a hungry wolf armed to the teeth by the Legion a few months ago, it is now like a dying old dog.

  Rather than being beaten to death, it is better to say that they were dragged to death.

  Because players will not die, no matter how the Alliance mobilizes, as long as those NPCs that cannot be resurrected are not deployed on a large scale to the front line, the manpower pool will not change much. Instead, it will make a fortune from the war because of the support of enterprises.

  In theory, facing any “non-player forces”, the Alliance can win in this unreasonable way. As long as industrial production does not stagnate, it can wear the opponent to death.

  Lao Bai can’t help but be curious about how A Guang will deal with the problem of expanding combat power in the later stage.

  However, now is obviously not the time to consider this.

  ”…It’s time to give this shaky broken house the last kick.”

  Looking at the main gate of the castle that had been captured in the distance, Lao Bai grinned and led a group of team members behind him to quickly kill in the direction of the castle.


  At this moment, the castle is already a sea of ​​fire.

  The sound of panicked footsteps and screams one after another is endless.

  No one thought that the war would burn to His Majesty the King’s castle.

  Most people thought that tonight was just an ordinary air raid. Although it would be difficult, it would not be too hard.

  However, now –

  these naive ideas have become a bubble.

  They have never been on the battlefield, and have never been affected by the war. At this moment, they finally felt the fear of death.

  The servants who were usually humble and submissive now completely changed their appearance. The fear of death completely tore off the respectful mask.

  Those who wanted to live hid and fled desperately, while those who gave up living completely became beasts at the last moment of their lives.

  Some people jumped into the pool, some hid in the stove in the back kitchen, and some fought for the cupboard.

  Fearing that she would be insulted by the soldiers of the alliance, a noble lady chose to hang herself. However, before she kicked off the chair under her feet, the old servant who rushed in from the door snatched her and her clothes away.

  ”What are you doing?!”

  ”Be honest! Damn it, I’m going to die anyway, why do you care what I do?!”

  The old servant stared at the snow-white in front of him, and his mung bean-like eyes were full of madness and greed.

  With what their soldiers did on the front line, their enemies would never let them go.

  Rather than letting outsiders get away with it, it would be better to let him do it –

  in a hurry, the noble lady grabbed the vase that fell on the ground and smashed it hard on the servant’s head. While he was wailing in pain, she broke free from him.

  The people in this castle have gone crazy!

  She ran outside with all her might, running aimlessly, not knowing where to go, just wanting to get away from here.

  As a result, as soon as she went downstairs, she ran into the group of people who attacked from outside the castle.

  ”Although I don’t mind you throwing yourself into my arms, but… can you please consider the occasion? Wait until we’re done fighting?”

  Looking at the woman who suddenly rushed out, Ye Shi, who had just raised the muzzle of his gun, put it down awkwardly and made a joke to ease the atmosphere. Would it be

  considered as killing civilians if it was accidentally fired at this time?

  It shouldn’t be…

  ”Don’t talk nonsense.”

  Tearing off a piece of curtain and throwing it in front of the woman’s chest, Lao Bai stared at her terrified eyes and asked in human language.

  ”Where is your king?”

  The woman hugged the curtain tightly with both hands, looked at him in horror, and stammered.

  ”He… I saw him in the palace. He sat there in the morning and didn’t come out.”

  Lao Bai continued to ask.

  ”Where are the other royal family members?”

  ”I, I don’t know… but I heard everyone say that they should hide in the dungeon.” Out of the instinct for survival, she still sold the others.

  Ye Shi teased.

  ”Good guy, these people knew we were coming and locked themselves in.”

  Kuangfeng touched the bridge of his nose.

  ”It’s just to avoid air raids.”

  The girl was only covered with a thin cloth, and he really didn’t know where to put his eyes.

  Old White nodded and waved to his teammates behind him.

  ”Go to the palace!”

  The others also reacted quickly and continued to advance forward.

  The sound of gunfire spread from the front yard to the main building of the castle.

  The two sides exchanged fire in the narrow stairwell, and the Burning Legion that spread into the castle began to clear the armed resistance room by room.

  At the same time, the palace of the castle was silent, and the chaos and gunfire outside could hardly reach here.

  Sitting on the throne, Mungot looked at the silent night sky outside the window and the firelight under the night sky, and did not speak for a long time.

  He actually knew everything.

  As the master of this kingdom, how could he not know what happened in this kingdom?

  There has been no good news from the front line since a month ago, and even the deeds of a centurion have to be boasted for a long time.

  This is obviously not a sign of victory.

  At this time, the door of the palace opened.

  Midal walked in quickly, and at the same time signaled the guards behind him to close the door.

  His face was covered in blood, and he had at least two gunshot wounds. He even limped when he walked, showing how intense the battle was.

  He knelt on one knee at the steps in front of the throne and spoke in a sincere voice.

  ”Your Majesty, the soldiers of the alliance have already captured the main gate of the castle! Please follow me to the underground passage in the backyard immediately…”

  Mongott withdrew his gaze from the window and looked at him, but he did not stand up. Instead, he slowly called out his name.


  ”Your Majesty?”

  ”Tell me… do you think I did something wrong?”

  Midar was stunned.

  Looking at Midar who was silent, Mongott continued.

  ”I hope to hear the truth… I swear in the name of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand that every word you say next is the truth from the heart.”

  ”I… don’t know, Your Majesty,” Midal lowered his head, and the urging and anxiety in his eyes were suddenly replaced by a touch of confusion, “My truth is that I don’t know, I don’t know where our future lies.”

  The river bank of Oasis No. 2 is disappearing, and the area of ​​the oasis is decreasing every year. In a few centuries, the desert will swallow them up – just like the disappeared Oasis No. 1.

  The spirit of the sea of ​​sand did not give its grace equally to each of his children. They neither have the vast land of the Lion Kingdom nor the sea outlet of the Hump Kingdom. Their innate conditions are not even comparable to those of the honey badgers and golden lizards.

  They have no choice but to fight.

  But if they continue to fight…

  he also can’t see where the future is.

  The Weilants did not tell them where the end was, nor did they tell them that in a world ruled by the Weilants, where should they, the alien race, go…

  Menggot closed his eyes, without commenting on Midal’s answer, but just sat there indifferently, as if waiting for something.

  At this time, the gate of the palace was violently knocked open, and the five-meter-high door panel slammed heavily on the ground, splashing up rolling dust.

  Looking at the soldiers who appeared at the door, Midal reflexively tightened the saber at his waist, but when he faced the black muzzles of the guns, his movements stopped.

  There is no doubt.

  Even if he is a strong man who has awakened twice, it is impossible for him to defeat a group of awakened people with live ammunition without automatic weapons.

  The opponent only needs to move his fingers to shoot him and the saber in his hand into a sieve. After

  exchanging glances with Lao Bai, Kuangfeng walked forward, stopped in the center of the palace, and looked up at the old man sitting on the throne.

  He looked like a weak old man, without any dignity that a king should have, just like the kingdom under his feet that was running out of energy.

  The scythe of the god of death was already on his neck.

  Kuangfeng looked at him and said.

  ”Surrender, you have already lost.”

  Menggot looked at the man in front of him calmly, and said with his dry lips slowly opening and closing.

  ”The Falcon Royal Family will not surrender.”

  Kuangfeng was not surprised by his words, and looked at him expressionlessly and continued.

  ”We are not here to ask for your opinion.”

  ”We have already occupied this castle. What you say, even whether you live or die, is not important to us.”

  ”We will announce to the outside world that you have surrendered. The Alliance flag flying on the top of the castle is the best proof. We will use your face to synthesize the image and use your channels to speak out to tell your soldiers to defect to the Alliance and fire at the Willant people… I believe that even if most people will hesitate, there will be people who will do so.”

  ”This war will not end. We will continue to fight on your land. Triumph City will send out its troops as you wish and announce an endless expedition. We also have no reason to retreat. We will fight here until the last man, until this place turns from an oasis into a desert, until you shed your last drop of blood…”

  Myrdal’s hands and feet turned cold when he heard this, and he looked at the young man in surprise.

  The pupils of Mungot, who was sitting on the throne, shrank slightly, and suddenly, as if he understood something, a miserable smile appeared on his face.

  ”Is this the order from your administrator…”

  ”It doesn’t matter.”

  Kuangfeng looked at him expressionlessly and continued, “The last right thing you can do for this country, this desert… is to sign the unconditional surrender agreement, and then order the entire army to lay down their arms and go to Bicester Town to surrender.”

  ”Then we will enter an eternal hell.” Menggot said calmly, “Everyone will ride on our heads… I would rather die like a glorious warrior.”

  Kuangfeng said indifferently.

  ”No, we are different from the Weilants. We will not kill you all. You can start over.”

  ”Of course, if you refuse this last chance, I can guarantee that your nightmare has just begun.”

  Menggot stared at him intently,

  his turbid pupils motionless, as if he was weighing the pros and cons, and seemed to be judging whether the man in front of him was trustworthy.

  The silent atmosphere lasted for a long time between the two.

  Finally, the old man seemed to have figured something out and slowly closed his eyes.

  ”Which side is hell? Only future generations can judge… In any case, we have indeed lost.”

  This sentence seemed to drain all the strength from his body. He relaxed his tense shoulders and slowly leaned back on the cold throne.

  ”I surrender.”

  When they heard the relieved voice coming from the dry lips, both Midal standing in the palace and the soldier lying at the door holding his gunshot wound all breathed a sigh of relief. It’s

  finally over…

  Midal suddenly found that, since when, what he prayed for was no longer victory, but just an end.

  Whether it was decent or not…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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