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Chapter 493 Disposal of the Spoils

Chapter 493 Disposal of the Spoils


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 493 Disposal of the spoils of war

  ”… On behalf of the Falcon Royal Family, I hereby declare that the Falcon Kingdom’s land and air forces surrender to the Alliance, the Enterprise Expeditionary Force, and the warring countries such as the Lion, Honey Badger, Golden Lizard, and Humpback from today.”

  ”From the date of signing the surrender agreement, the combat units loyal to the Falcon Royal Family should immediately abandon their current positions and go to the Alliance or Enterprise Army garrisons to surrender their weapons and ammunition. The Alliance and the Enterprise promise to guarantee your safety.”

  ”In addition, my subjects, the reason why the kingdom declared war on the countries in Luoxia Province is that the grace bestowed by the spirit of the Sand Sea has been sharply reduced year by year, and the garrison expenses, royal expenses, and industrial expenses have remained high. It is forced by the situation. This situation is not my original intention…”

  ”… I hope you understand my intention.”

  In the holographic image.

  King Mungot, wearing a crown and a robe, sat in the office of the castle and read the surrender edict facing the camera.

  Just five minutes ago, he had signed a formal written surrender agreement and delivered it to the Burning Legion stationed in the castle.

  This holographic image will be broadcast throughout the Falcon Kingdom in the form of audio and sent to various units of the Falcon Kingdom Army through the command system.

  It is foreseeable that the players stationed in Bicester will be busy.

  After finally reading the surrender edict in his hand to the end, Menggot paused and looked at the holographic image projected in front of him.

  The man in the image was the manager of the Alliance.

  The man was younger than he thought, and was completely different from the portrait collected by his affairs officer in the Honey Badger Kingdom.

  Especially those eyes, deep like the stars above his head.

  Although there is not much edge and sharpness, the dark pupils have a kind of fascinating penetration, which makes him dare not meet his eyes – as if if he stays on those pupils for one more second, all the secrets in his heart will be stolen.

  ”Do you think it needs to be changed?” King Menggot said with the attitude of a minister.

  Chu Guang was quite satisfied with his surrender edict, especially because he put the important things first and left the nonsense to the end.

  He had already made arrangements in his mind about the Falcon Kingdom, but there was no need to tell him at this time.

  In order to thwart Griffin’s crazy plan, the second thing he had to do now was to disarm the front-line troops!

  Looking at the old man with drooping eyebrows on the holographic screen, he said concisely.

  ”No need, just this one.”

  Menggot nodded slightly, sighed in his heart, said goodbye, and disappeared from the holographic screen.

  Looking at the old man who disappeared on the screen, Chu Guang cast his eyes on Xiao Qi who was sitting on the pen holder.

  ”Did you get the communication interface?”

  The Legion not only helped the Falcon Kingdom establish a relatively modern command system, but also provided the Falcon Kingdom with a full set of information technology services.

  After all, having inherited some military technology from the pre-war era, the Legion still has a set of information security and cryptography, which even colleges and enterprises find difficult.

  Not to mention Xiao Qi, a general assistant AI.

  To make a vivid but inappropriate analogy, the information warfare defense capability of the Legion is 4, and the offensive capability has degenerated to 3 over time.

  The Enterprise is about 3 and 4, and the academies that are both concerned by the Legion and the Enterprise are about 5 and 2.

  As for the shelters with full defense, it is about 6 and 0.5~1.

  This is determined by a series of historical reasons including the budget.

  As for the countries in Luoxia Province, from all indications, the only thing they inherited from the pre-war civilization is the “river embankment”, and even this only inheritance has been given religious significance because it cannot be explained.

  Unless the Falcon Kingdom does not use radio for long-distance communication like the Lion Kingdom, but uses pigeons or galloping horses, otherwise, with the information technology strength and encryption level of the feudal kingdom, this war would not have to last that long.

  Even the “attack power” of 0.5 is not something that the “primitive civilization” before the prosperous era can resist.

  If there is no information encryption service provided by the Legion, Xiaoqi can paralyze the communication system of the Falcon Kingdom just like crushing the network in the real world.

  But now there is no need for this.

  The Alliance Army directly obtained the “key” to open the door from the Falcon Kingdom in a physical sense, and the signal repeater has been installed on the top of the castle tower.

  ”…The interface has been confirmed, and the signal is in good condition! Master, do you want to send the image just now to the Falcon Kingdom headquarters?”

  ”Yes,” looking at Xiao Qi with shining eyes, Chu Guang nodded approvingly, “Not only the headquarters, but also all combat units at all levels should send a copy as much as possible…if it can be done.”

  Xiao Qi playfully put his right fist on his chest.



  The surrender broadcast was first broadcast in Falcon City.

  It was repeated over and over again through speakers and loudspeakers in various places in the city.

  After hearing the king they were loyal to say the word of surrender, the guards who fought desperately in the castle finally gave up the last glimmer of fantasy, and walked out of the attic of the utility room and under the kitchen stove with their hands raised in disgrace.

  Of course.

  Not everyone can accept such an ending calmly.

  ”Long live His Majesty!”

  With his facial muscles twisted in madness, a guard pulled out the ring of the last grenade and was blown to pieces with a bang.

  Others said nothing, put the barrel of the gun into their mouths, closed their eyes and pulled the trigger… choosing to die as a soldier.

  But no matter what, it can’t change the fact that they have been defeated.

  Everything is over.

  Their kingdom had already lost long before their Majesty surrendered…

  The captured rifles were thrown into the hall of the palace, and the ammunition was kept separately in the utility room. The guards with their hands on their heads lined up and walked out of the castle under the supervision of the alliance soldiers.

  A soldier stopped in front of Midal, looked at the officer with a bandage on his face, hesitated for a moment and saluted.

  ”Sir, where are we going next?”

  Midal looked at him with mixed feelings.

  ”Go and stay with your family.”

  The soldier was stunned and stood there at a loss until his comrade came over and pulled him aside.

  The unshaven man muttered and patted his shoulder.

  ”Let’s go… to my place.”

  Watching the two people walking away, Midal suddenly remembered that he seemed to have some impression of the young man… He was enlisting in place of his brother, and before that his brother was enlisting in place of his father.

  The young man no longer had a home to return to.

  Midal closed his eyes in pain, facing the long line of people in silence for a long time.

  On the other side.

  Standing at the entrance of the dungeon, the sixth man in the corner walked in front of Lao Bai.

  ”The royal family members have been controlled, and there are also those nobles who are dependent on the royal family… Should they continue to stay in the dungeon? Or let them go back to their rooms to sleep?”

  Lao Bai thought for a while and said.

  ”Let them spend one night in the dungeon first, and then hand them over to the NPC who takes over here.”

  The sixth man in the corner made an OK gesture.


  Before the airship flew over the castle, they needed to do the guard work for the NPCs of the First Corps for a while.

  This is easy for the players.

  Just take turns to log off and rest.

  In addition to controlling the entire castle, Kuangfeng also assigned a team of 100 people to Quitting Smoking, asking him to take the herald appointed by Menggot and the deputy of the city defense chief, Bofu, to the south gate of Falcon City to relieve the defense of the city defense army and militia.

  There are more than a dozen anti-aircraft guns deployed on the river bank.

  Before the airship arrives here, they need to concentrate and destroy those anti-aircraft guns that have not been blown up.

  On the way to the south gate of the river bank, the 100-man team led by Quitting Smoking happened to run into the militia troops rushing to the castle for support. Among

  these people were old people, children, and even women. There were only more than 20 guns for the hundreds of people, and the remaining dozens of people even held pitchforks and flails for threshing. It

  can be seen that they didn’t want to come.

  Otherwise, this ten-kilometer road would not have taken so long.

  There was no need for the centurion named “Quitting Smoking” to order him. Bofu’s adjutant immediately trotted forward, waving his hands and shouting at those people.

  ”The war is over! Throw down your weapons and you can go home!”

  No one moved.

  Finally, an old man in his fifties squeezed out of the crowd, stared at the adjutant and asked.

  ”Do you mean what you said? We put down our weapons… Your Majesty… won’t you hang us?”

  The adjutant shouted with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry! No! Your Majesty has surrendered!”

  After confirming that their king had surrendered and the previous broadcast was not a lie made up by the enemy, the militiamen seemed to be relieved, dropped their weapons and farm tools, and disappeared into the street.

  At this time, a laborer carrying a shovel came out of the alley.

  Behind him followed a group of ragged people. Since the alliance soldiers left the castle, they have been following for a long time.

  Looking at the official who seemed to have some status, the dark-skinned man shouted.

  ”What about us? Do we… still need to continue repairing the barricade?”

  The adjutant said with a smile.

  ”No… Don’t waste time, you all go home.”

  The castle has been taken down, what’s the point of repairing these things?

  These servants really have no sense at all…

  When they heard that they could go home, their eyes were filled with tears, and they cried with excitement. Some even dropped their shovels and cheered.

  ”Long live the Alliance!”

  Unfortunately, as soon as this sentence came out, the emotional guy was covered by his mouth and dragged away by his companions beside him.

  The war is over.

  But the city has not been renamed yet.

  The king is still sitting in the castle.

  No one knows what the future will be like…


  At the same time.

  On the eastern front of Oasis No. 2.

  When Prince William, who was sitting in the tent, heard the news of King Mungot’s surrender, he was stunned for a full ten minutes.

  Finally, he came back to his senses from the surprise. He stretched out his trembling index finger and pinched it on his forehead. After a long time, he looked at the guard standing in front of him.

  ”…Play it again.”


  The guard nodded nervously, turned on the holographic imaging device in his arms, and played the holographic image from Falcon City again.

  In the light blue light particles.

  The old king spoke slowly.

  ”… On behalf of the Falcon Royal Family, I hereby declare that the Falcon Kingdom’s land and air forces surrender to the Alliance, the Enterprise Expeditionary Force, and the warring countries such as the Lion, Honey Badger, Golden Lizard, and Humpback from today.”

  William stared at the old man in the holographic image, trying to find a flaw in his expression, his voice, and even the tiny pixel light particles.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t find it until the last second of the image.

  There is no doubt.

  That man is his father –

  Mongot Falcon!

  The supreme king of the Falcon Kingdom.

  William closed his eyes in pain, and his handsome eyebrows were full of sorrow and struggle.

  Looking at the prince who clenched his fists, the guard standing in front of him lowered his head and asked seriously.

  ”Your Highness, what should we do?”

  If Prince William refused to recognize His Majesty’s surrender edict, he would stand with the prince and correct the old king’s mistakes.

  The border of Oasis No. 2 is still in their hands.

  Behind them is the Legion.

  As long as Prince William is still willing to fight, they will never lose!

  William was silent for a long time, clenching and unclenching his fists on his knees, and finally all his resentment, surprise and anger turned into a long sigh.


  ”Here.” The guard said solemnly.

  William paused and continued.

  ”…I never thought that Falcon City would fall into the hands of the Alliance.”

  ”We fought bravely for Griffin, Triumph City, and their marshal, but they never fulfilled their promises to us.”

  The guard stared at His Highness blankly, and he had vaguely guessed something from the look between his eyebrows.

  William did not look at the young guard.

  He just suddenly remembered the words that the arrogant officer had unilaterally announced to him outside the City of Plenty.

  When the war was not going well, the Willant people asked them to charge, and when they needed to retreat, the Willant people ruthlessly abandoned them and asked them to cover their retreat.

  It seemed to have always been like this.

  It was the same tonight. It was not until the surrender edict was sent to him that he knew that the capital behind him had been occupied by the Alliance. The

  Falcon Kingdom has lost at least hundreds of thousands of young people in the war, and countless people have fled the kingdom…

  and those Willant people have never regarded them as “their own people”.

  He can snatch the throne from his father and declare the armistice edict invalid. The army in his hands is loyal to the royal family, but more loyal to him as the marshal of the kingdom.

  He can lead his men to continue fighting and fight the Alliance and the Enterprise to the end…

  but he knows.

  Even if he does this, the outcome will not change.

  If the Willant people never regarded them as their own people, then all the promises were just lies to deceive themselves…

  They would never be able to wait for the reinforcements from Triumph City.

  Even if they did, it would be useless.

  ”Order the entire army to break camp and set off immediately… Leave the weapons and ammunition in place, turn off the radio, and go to Bicester Town to surrender.”

  Hearing the voice of His Royal Highness, the guard’s shoulders shook slightly, and he looked at him in surprise, but finally lowered his head heavily.



  It was not only Prince William and the Falcon Kingdom Army who received the surrender edict, but also the Corps Command, which had the highest command authority on the front line.

  Every move of the vassal army was under their surveillance, and such a big news could not be ignored.

  Griffin stared blankly at the south for half a minute, and suddenly cursed angrily.

  ”This group of shameful traitors! Dogs who are more likely to cause trouble than to do good!”

  Not loyal at all!

  He slammed his right fist on the command table. He stared at the map spread out on the table, his pupils full of bloodshot.

  The thing he was most worried about really happened.

  The Alliance had planned to directly occupy Falcon City from the beginning, not just a simple strategic bombing.

  But he never thought that Falcon City, with more than 5,000 defenders, would be taken by the Alliance with less than 1,000 airborne troops.

  What he didn’t expect was that the old man who was respectful to him chose to surrender so decisively…

  The officers standing in front of the command table also had heavy faces.

  Including the local militias and city defense forces mobilized to the front line, there are currently eight 10,000-man teams on the border of Oasis No. 2, responsible for a defense line of 120 kilometers wide and 30 kilometers deep.

  Once these eight 10,000-man teams turn against them,

  the defense line they have built with great difficulty will instantly become riddled with holes.

  Unless they disperse the remaining five 10,000-man teams to those vacant defense positions… but that will only make the situation worse.

  The staff officer couldn’t help but secretly glance at General Griffin and reminded him in a low voice.

  ”If the Alliance’s armored forces set out now, we will soon be divided and surrounded by them…”

  ”You don’t need to remind me.” Griffin interrupted him coldly.

  The staff officer’s expression froze slightly.

  Several officers standing in front of the command table looked at each other, and finally looked at the adjutant closest to Griffin.

  The supplies from the rear will soon be delivered.

  But professional intuition tells them that even if they are delivered, it will be useless.

  Their vassal state has announced its surrender. From now on, they must face the survivors of the entire desert and the expeditionary force from the east alone.

  It’s not just the supply of ammunition that has become a problem.

  Now even the supply of bread, beef, eggs and milk has been cut off. Without the supply from the rear, even if the Alliance does nothing, they can’t hold on for long.

  Unless they turn their guns around and take down the Falcon Kingdom… But this is obviously impossible. It is much more difficult to occupy a kingdom than to coerce a kingdom. They simply can’t spare any extra manpower to rebuild a puppet, not to mention that the Alliance’s army is watching them from the side.

  No matter what Griffin thinks.

  They didn’t want to fight anymore…

  Under the pressure of his colleagues’ gazes, the adjutant looked at Griffin and said in a low voice.

  ”General… what should we do?”

  Griffin was silent for a long time.

  Finally, under the expectant gaze of everyone, he slowly spoke.

  ”Move to the military base 100 kilometers away… our reinforcements will be here soon.” Griffin glanced at the officers standing in front of the command table and said word by word, “There is no surrender in my dictionary. As long as I am still standing here… don’t even think about it.”

  He was ready to go to hell.

  For Triumph City.

  For His Majesty the Marshal.

  For the glory of invincibility.

  The moment he heard the words he said, pairs of eyes instantly turned into disappointment.

  Even despair.

  They didn’t know the plan in Griffin’s mind, and they were not ready to be buried with him.

  The atmosphere of silence spread in front of the command table.

  Feeling the pressure of those pairs of eyes, the adjutant lowered his head helplessly and said with gritted teeth.



  The next morning

  . A strange scene appeared on the border of Oasis No. 2.

  On the heavily guarded position, a large group of people left the position and walked towards the desert empty-handed.

  Another group of people also left the trench, but retreated in the opposite direction.

  The two sides seemed to have made an appointment, and no one interfered with each other.

  ”Oh my God… Those Willant people don’t want to fight again?”

  The Elf King Fugui, standing on the top of the tank turret, raised a telescope, looked into the distance, and suddenly smacked his lips and said.

  Groups of prisoners walked to the west gate of Bicester Town, and the commander leading the team was handing over to the officer appointed by the Alliance to accept the surrender.

  He looked around and didn’t see the big nose of the Willant people.

  He didn’t see the battlefield guy either.

  ”No one can go against the tide of history… Let’s look back.” Looking at the crowd of heads in front of him, Mole narrowed his eyes and said something that he didn’t even understand. At

  this time, the newbie leaning against the tank suddenly sighed.

  ”If this is fired… it will kill a lot of people.”

  Mole rolled his eyes.

  ”Then your account will be gone. Remember to sell the silver coins in your account first.”

  The price of silver coins has always been unstable.

  Especially before there were several auctions. Although I don’t know what was auctioned, it was always sold for hundreds of millions or billions.

  Although most newbies don’t have much money in their pockets, it’s no problem to change one or two thousand yuan.

  The newbie was stunned.

  ”Ah, this… you even trade accounts and ban them?”

  Mole looked at him strangely.

  ”This is a closed beta game… The helmet was given away by lottery. Even if the closed beta qualification is recycled, it’s not unreasonable.”

  The newbie said with a smile.

  ”Fuck! But this punishment is too severe, isn’t it?”

  Jumping down from the turret, the Elf King Fugui patted his buddy’s shoulder with a playful smile.

  ”That’s right. According to the setting, every NPC in this game will have their data deleted upon death. Don’t say that the idiot planner wants to deal with you. If he doesn’t deal with you, we will have to deal with you too.”

  ”That’s right,” Irena nodded, and said with a subtle expression, “…If you keep playing, the settlement of the expansion pack will be delayed.”

  ”The collective score of the legion will also be deducted.”

  ”Maybe you will miss the ‘wave’ event at the end of the year.”

  ”Hiss… That won’t do!”

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him with unfriendly eyes, the newbie smiled and waved his hands.

  ”I’m just talking nonsense… I’m sure I can’t let everyone down!”

  He just thought about it.

  The keys to the tanks are all in the hands of the commander, and those leaders who are in their teens and twenties won’t accompany him to fool around.

  What’s more, the silver coins in his account are worth thousands of dollars.

  The mole looked at the newbie meaningfully and said nothing.

  But then again.

  If a player suddenly sold all his equipment and consigned all his silver coins one day, the dog planner, unless he was a pig, would definitely know what he was going to do.

  Although he didn’t dare to try, he couldn’t help but be curious.

  Would the dog planner use his authority because he suspected that a player was going to make trouble?

  Or would he conduct a fishing enforcement…

  It’s a pity that because of the existence of the BAN mechanism, even if there are those who slip through the net without caring about other people’s gaming experience, they will disappear from the forum because their accounts are locked.

  Whether there is or not, there is no way to know.


  The afternoon sun shines on the streets of Falcon City.

  For most of the residents of Falcon City, today’s sunshine is particularly bright. This war, which was provoked by the ambition and stupidity of a few people, has finally ended.

  Many people left the city early in the morning with wicker baskets on their backs, intending to go to the unattended fields outside to turn over some potatoes or wheat ears to cook porridge at home.

  They haven’t seen the sun in the suburbs for a long time.

  Since the promulgation of the “Wartime Act” and the “Mobilization Regulations”, civilians without titles need documents to pass customs before leaving the city.

  Worried that some people would flee to other oases with their families or hide in the forest to avoid military service, the nobles would rather let them starve to death in the city than allow them to leave the city to make a living.

  Thank God.

  It’s all over.

  No matter what the future holds, everyone is relieved.

  Of course, not all people who left the city were hungry, but more people were mainly trying to escape the chaos brought about by the war.

  As the militia, city defense forces, and royal guards were disbanded one after another, the security environment in the city quickly deteriorated.

  There is no shortage of people who take advantage of the fire at any time.

  Not to mention that among a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people, anyone with a little strength can be the king. At this time, if you take a rifle from the battlefield back home, you can be a “general” who dominates several streets.

  In addition, the retired soldiers who were sent home are even more unstable factors.

  However, the chaotic situation did not last long unexpectedly.

  Perhaps they couldn’t stand those robbers who took advantage of the fire to rob and bully men and women, so the victorious alliance soldiers didn’t just stand by and watch the joke.

  Instead, they took action.

  They did two things.

  The first thing was to convene representatives from various industries in the city to form a “Citizens’ Self-Government Committee”, select a group of young men from the retired militia, and give them weapons seized from the Guards and the City Defense Army. The

  second thing was to punish those robbers who took advantage of the fire to rob and even committed crimes in the streets with thunder and lightning, and hand them over to the newly established “Citizens’ Self-Government Committee” for disposal.

  In the palace of the castle.

  Several men who were beaten black and blue were kneeling on the ground, their hands and feet were tied tightly with ropes.

  Not far from them, there were several old people, women and children, who were also brought here as victims and witnesses.

  Standing with the Burning Legion players were representatives of the Citizens’ Self-Government Committee. Some of them were tailors, some were stonemasons, and some were butchers who sold pork. Some of them were holding “Eviscerator” rifles.

  It was obvious that this was their first time standing in the palace. Everyone’s expression was very reserved, even nervous, and they didn’t dare to look at the king sitting on the throne.

  If the soldiers of the Alliance hadn’t asked them to stand here, they would probably have knelt on the ground like those prisoners.

  Without looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Old White looked at the old king sitting on the throne.

  ”…In the Alliance, robbery is a felony. The highest sentence can be defined as a plunderer. They will be deprived of all personal freedom, political power and even human rights, and work in the mines like animals until they die.”

  As he said this, Old White suddenly moved his eyes away from the king’s face and looked at the civilian representatives they had selected.

  ”How do you deal with this situation here?”

  Several people hesitated, and finally the butcher stood up and said viciously.

  ”According to the laws of the Falcon Kingdom… he should be beheaded in public!”

  Upon hearing that he was going to be chopped off, the man kneeling on the ground immediately screamed like a mouse whose tail was stepped on.

  ”Wait! I’m a noble! I’m a baron appointed by His Majesty the King himself… beheading doesn’t apply to me!”

  Old White was not surprised at the man’s defense.

  Apart from the small fish and shrimp, those who are able to take advantage of the situation at this time are generally nobles who are exempted from military service.

  Especially those nobles who are neither big nor small.

  These people refused to explain before because they were concerned about their face. When they heard that they were going to be beheaded, they immediately revealed their noble identities.

  All five of them were barons.

  The old king looked at them with a frown on his face.

  These people simply embarrassed him.

  Old White shook his head.

  ”Beheading is too bloody… uncivilized.”

  However, before those kneeling on the ground were happy, his next sentence made them feel like they fell into an ice cave with no bottom.

  ”Change it to hanging.”

  Hearing that they still couldn’t escape death, the nobles kneeling on the ground looked at the king one after another.

  ”Your Majesty!”

  ”Spare my life, Your Majesty!”

  Looking at the nobles who were begging and looking at him, the old king sighed, just wanting to remind them that they were asking the wrong person.

  But there was no way, after all, they were nobles appointed by himself.

  He looked at the corps commander and whispered.

  ”He just… bullied a few civilians, is that so?”

  You have to look at the owner before you beat the dog.

  No matter how bad they are, they are still his subordinates. He has already surrendered, what else do these people want?

  Moreover, he didn’t know why the alliance did this. Was it

  to win the hearts of the people?

  Or to humiliate himself?

  There was no need to go to great lengths to “play this drama” for himself. What dignity did he, the king of a defeated country, have?


  that “Citizens’ Self-Government Committee” always made Menggot feel uneasy.

  Although he would grant noble status to civilians who made military achievements, he was always very wary of giving power to people other than nobles.

  Especially now, these people were not only given law enforcement power by the soldiers of the alliance, but also had guns in their hands.

  Under the majesty of the royal family, these mud legs might not do anything, but it would be difficult to take these guns away from them.

  Thinking of this, Menggot couldn’t help but have a headache.

  The temporary riots in the city didn’t worry him too much. This kind of chaos was like a gust of wind, and it would be fine once it blew over.

  But what the alliance is doing makes him feel uneasy.

  He always feels that they have buried a big bomb under his feet…

  Lao Bai smiled and said.

  ”This is the order of the administrator. Do you have any objection?”

  King Menggot immediately fell silent after hearing this, and shook his head after a long time.

  ”No, please do as you please.”

  As soon as the voice fell.

  Even without the alliance’s statement, the citizens surrounding the prisoners immediately pulled up the barons who were kneeling on the ground and dragged them out of the door regardless of their cries.


  They have been enduring these guys for a long time, even before today.

  The dragging action may not be without personal resentment.

  Lao Bai ignored them and acquiesced to their lynching.

  Although the administrator’s style of doing things is quite to his liking, he actually knows in his heart that Chu Guang did this not to claim justice.

  It was just to throw some power from the castle under his feet to the outside and distribute it to those citizens who were bullied.

  Then, the two classes of citizens and feudal nobles will be completely torn apart…

  As one of the means to abolish the war potential of the Falcon Kingdom, this is more effective than destroying their industry… Those consumables will never throw themselves onto the battlefield.

  Listening to the desperate howls and rude curses gradually fading away outside the palace gate, King Menggot sighed and closed his eyes.

  Even if he was unwilling in his heart, what could he say?

  Even he himself was a trophy of the alliance.

  And everything the alliance did was just disposing of its own trophies…

  (The book friends group exploded, you can add a new group 2. Don’t always discuss dangerous topics. I will create another group if my group is gone. I feel bad for your account… Alas, the chicken soup I stewed today was not well stewed. I don’t know why the chicken legs were stewed harder than leather shoes. Everything went wrong. I was more than ten minutes late. Sorry!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode