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Chapter 495: A Mahjong Table

Chapter 495: A Mahjong Table


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 495 Just in Time for a Mahjong Table

  Falcon City, the square in front of the castle.

  The gallows had been removed, and the wide elevator slowly descended from the airship. The reflection under the setting sun was like a sword chopped from the sky, dividing the Kingdom Avenue from the castle to the riverbank into two.

  King Mungot, standing on the square, nodded slightly.

  ”Falcon City awaits your arrival, respected administrator…”

  The nobles standing behind King Mungot also nodded one after another.

  Looking at the humble gestures of those dignitaries, the representatives of the Autonomous Committee standing not far away felt uneasy and didn’t know how to express themselves.

  Taote, on the other hand, had some insight and knew where the power in his hands came from. He quickly imitated those people’s actions and nodded slightly to show his respect for the alliance.

  Chu Guang didn’t care about these cumbersome etiquette, but he was satisfied with the humble attitude of these defeated generals.

  Unlike Griffin.

  Can’t afford to lose.

  It was obvious that they were at their wits’ end, yet they were still trying to play big with their subordinates.

  Before getting off the airship, Chu Guang had already ordered the Skeleton Corps to let Brother Mole and the armored troops follow.

  But there was no need to engage in fire.

  Just follow them outside the range.

  No matter where these people retreated, no more supplies would be delivered to them. Whether it was bullets, shells, fuel, or even the supply of food and fresh water would be cut off.

  At the same time, the Goblin Corps would continuously monitor the movements of the Legion, and once they were found trying to collect supplies from the survivors’ settlements or villages along the way, they would immediately cooperate with the ground forces to drive them away.

  If they stopped, the Skeleton Corps would surround them.

  The subsequent ceasefire negotiations were crucial.

  Chu Guang needed to put these 50,000 troops in a cage, and then cut off the water and food supply to the cage.

  This was more murderous than arresting them directly.

  As for the defense of Bisterburg and the task of guarding nearly 100,000 prisoners of war, it was the responsibility of the 1,000-man team under the Second Alliance Corps.

  ”You are Menggot? The king of the Falcon Kingdom?”

  ”Yes… sir.” Menggot’s voice was a little slow, and he was obviously not used to it.

  Before, Kras, Griffin, and even the arrogant McLen were just on equal footing with him, and at most their status was slightly higher.

  But now as a prisoner, he had nothing to say.

  The concubines in the harem didn’t matter. Anyway, he was too old to do it. He just hoped that the manager of the alliance would let his family go…

  Noticing the royal family members behind the king, Chu Guang took a look at them and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that these guys living in the oasis were really fertile.

  More than a dozen children, the oldest was in his thirties, and the youngest was only five or six years old.

  The king personally took the lead in having more children, no wonder these survivor settlements in the desert had a population of tens of millions.

  On the other hand, in the River Valley Province.

  He couldn’t find so many people even if he searched the entire Qingquan City. The Bone Gnawing Rebellion that swept the entire province was only a few thousand troops.

  Hiding behind the drooping Mongot, a little girl was looking at Chu Guang timidly, her watery eyes full of fear.

  Someone died here at noon.

  At that time, she hid by the window and took a peek, and was frightened by the situation outside. If it wasn’t for her father’s order, she would never come out of the room.

  Not wanting to scare the little girl, Chu Guang gave her a smile that he thought was quite friendly, and said in a gentle tone.

  ”Don’t be afraid, we are not the Weilant people, we are here to end this stupid war.”

  However, what Chu Guang didn’t expect was that when the little girl saw him looking at her, she became even more scared, and hid behind her father.

  Mongot’s expression couldn’t help but freeze, and his wrinkled old face gradually lost its blood color, and he closed his eyes in pain.

  He buried his head even lower.

  Earl Krenway in the crowd looked stunned, his pupils flickered slightly, and finally he hardened his heart and whispered a few words to the servant beside him.

  It wasn’t just him, the other nobles around him obviously misunderstood something.

  Chu Guang’s eyebrows twitched, not knowing what those people were whispering about. He didn’t expect that he would be hated.


  Is my smile so scary?

  Obviously, the naughty kids in Qingquan City like him very much.

  Every time there are extra candies and chocolates that can’t be sold in the lottery, he will distribute them to the children near the settlement, and sometimes he will ask people to send them to the school.

  Having lost interest in Huairou, Chu Guang looked at the old king.

  ”Before coming here, I heard a lot of stories about the oasis, all of which are praises for abundance and prosperity.”

  ”However, when I stood on the bridge and looked down here, this settlement was so ugly that it disappointed me.”

  Menggot’s face was indifferent.

  This level of humiliation was nothing to him.

  Instead, the faces of several royal family members standing behind him, especially the young man, showed expressions of shame or dissatisfaction.

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”The streets are full of obstacles and shelters, and everyone’s face is full of malnutrition… You were born on the most fertile land, sitting on the legacy of the prosperous era, and you don’t have to face the threat of alien species and slime molds. You only need to spend some time throwing seeds on the ground, and you can harvest rice without too much care.”

  ”However, you who have all this have managed the most fertile land on the planet into this mess, which is really unworthy of the god you are talking about.”

  A young member of the royal family stared at him hatefully. Although he didn’t say anything, he carefully hid his hatred on his face, but in his heart he was complaining, “It’s all because of you.”

  If they won the war…

  they would never be like this now!

  But his father was much smarter than him.

  King Mungot lowered his head and said humbly.

  ”This was not our intention… It was the Legion. Those Weylanders bewitched us, blinded our eyes, and planted the seeds of hatred in this land.”

  He knew that the Alliance’s administrators were not the kind of people who were bored enough to deliberately come and humiliate him. Although those words sounded humiliating and sarcastic, they actually gave him a chance to excuse himself.

  That was to put the blame for the war on the Legion in front of all his subjects.

  And this was the only way for him to survive.

  Chu Guang looked at this guy with interest.

  It seems that this Menggot is not stupid.

  ”I agree with your statement. You have indeed been deceived and coerced by the Weilant people, so I have no plan to settle accounts with you for the time being.” However, Chu Guang suddenly paused for a moment and changed the subject, “But this does not mean that you have no responsibility.”

  ”As a punishment, we will disband your army and disarm you until you are transformed into a normal country.”

  ”I hope you can cooperate with us.”

  A whisper spread among the crowd.

  Taote of the Autonomous Committee was slightly excited. The nobles not far away exchanged glances, and the citizens outside the square looked at each other, not knowing what this meant.

  Hearing the cruel verdict, King Menggot sighed softly in his heart and nodded slightly.

  ”As you wish.”

  Although he lost a lot.

  But in any case, he and his family finally survived.

  This ending was not too bad for him…


  Chu Guang humiliated the king of the Falcon Kingdom at the welcoming ceremony, he and his subordinates were still warmly welcomed by the king and the nobles at the welcoming banquet that night. Castle

  banquet hall.

  Under the instigation of everyone, Ye Shi from the perception department took the lead in picking up the fork and poking at the plate of meat on the table that could not be identified.

  After chewing for a while with his eyes closed, he rolled his eyes.

  ”No poison… Bah! What the hell, it’s so unpalatable!”

  The cooking level of the desert countries seems to be very poor.

  It’s a waste to have such a large piece of black land!

  ”You don’t understand this. In Luoxia Province, roasted sandworm meat is a first-class delicacy, and only the bravest warriors are served.” Lao Bai laughed and teased, but did not use the fork in his hand.

  In reality, the chef’s scrambled eggs with tomatoes tasted a little, then put down the fork and shook his head and said.

  ”… Old Na shook her head when she saw it.”

  It wasn’t just the Burning Corps that got the tickets for the banquet. A few of the Silver Corps who were on the airship also got in.

  A few guys who couldn’t keep their mouths shut began to mutter about the gossip they had seen while wandering around the castle.

  ”Why didn’t I see the manager?”

  ”It’s normal to be busy with official duties. Last time at the Lion Kingdom’s palace banquet, he didn’t seem to stay for long before leaving.”

  Silver’s father’s eyes turned around, and suddenly he lowered his voice with a mysterious look on his face.

  ”Speaking of this… I just saw the manager get very angry.”

  Seeing the mysterious expression on this guy’s face, Silver Hand and Silver Sword instantly became alert and approached him curiously and asked.

  ”What’s the situation?”

  ”Tell me about it!”

  ”Cough,” Silver’s father coughed pretentiously, “…I heard that those nobles stuffed more than a dozen women into his room.”

  Hearing this, Silver Hand’s eyes widened immediately.

  ”Fuck? Can he handle it?”

  Silver Sword had an envious expression on his face.

  Although he didn’t say anything, what he wanted to say was written on his face.

  Damn it.

  This bastard planner would rather give benefits to NPCs than players. Is this appropriate?

  At least let him have some fun…

  Guessing what his brother was thinking, Silver Dad rolled his eyes at him.

  ”What are you thinking? Is our manager that kind of person? All the people sent here were kicked out by him… Otherwise, why did I say he got so angry?”

  Silver Sword and Silver Hand were stunned.

  Especially the former.

  After hesitating for a long time, he muttered in a low voice.

  ”Could he be… hiding something?”

  Silver Dad said with a smile.

  ”That’s not the case. After all, he is a pentagonal warrior of more than 30 levels. He shouldn’t have any hidden secrets… It’s mainly because those nobles are too much.”

  Silver Sword was stunned.

  ”What do you mean by too much?”

  Silver Hand was also puzzled .

  ”Too ugly? Or were men sent in too?”

  Silver Dad shook his head slowly.

  ”It has nothing to do with that. The main thing is that more than a dozen people added together are not even as old as your grandfather.”


  Silver Hand spit out a mouthful of red wine, choking the cup to the ground, and Silver Sword next to him widened his eyes and muttered.

  ”Fuck! This is too outrageous!”

  Baiyinzhi’s father sighed, tasted a mouthful of the sour red wine elegantly, and drew an exaggerated arc with the edge of the glass.

  ”Yeah… If it was as big as Yaya, the manager would probably turn a blind eye, but it’s not as big as Tengteng.”

  Quitting, who had been eavesdropping on the side, finally couldn’t help laughing out loud.


  Including Quitting, who interrupted halfway, the four unlucky children were joking recklessly, but the network connection became unstable after just two drinks, and the two strength beasts were the first to lie on the table.

  The other players didn’t care, after all, they were used to this kind of blackout and offline method. Instead, the waiter who was pouring wine next to him was scared pale, fearing that there was something wrong with the wine on his plate.

  ”Strange…” Looking at the silver hand and silver sword on the table, Baiyinzhi’s father muttered, “These two colored pens are usually quite good at drinking.”

  The alcohol content is not that high.

  Fortunately, he had cleverly chosen the physical system, otherwise –

  just as he was thinking, his eyes suddenly rolled up, and he also dropped the cup and lay on the table.

  Quitting Smoking’s face changed slightly, and he quickly put down the glass, but he still couldn’t escape the disaster. As luck would have it, he was also targeted by the BUG.

  ”Fuck, you guys are really good at drinking, and the physical system is drunk.”

  Ye Shi, who had no idea, came over with a grin and took a photo with them. Just when he was about to log off and laugh at these guys, a pot-bellied noble suddenly came over.

  ”Respected sir… I finally found you.”

  The fat man’s face was covered in sweat, and he forced a smile.

  Having never seen this person before, Ye Shi looked at him.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”My name is… Braham, and I am a baron appointed by His Majesty.”

  Without waiting for Ye Shi to ask what was going on, Baron Braham pulled the noble lady next to him and said to Ye Shi, who was confused.

  ”This is… my daughter Cecily. Thank you for saving me that night.”

  There was probably no hope of pleasing the administrator of the alliance.

  He saw clearly in the square just now that the eyes of those big shots who were unattainable in the past were green when they looked at that man.


  This does not mean that he has no ambitions.

  After hearing about his daughter’s experience that night, he immediately set his sights on the subordinates of the administrator.

  Ye Shi stared blankly at the pot-bellied baron and the shy girl next to him, and did not recognize that this was the same person as the noble lady last night.

  ”You’re welcome…”

  ”This is not a question of being polite or not,” Baron Braham said seriously, “You saved her chastity, and it’s no exaggeration to say that you saved her life…”

  Seeing the noble lady nodding to express her gratitude, Ye Shi scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, “No… Actually, we didn’t do anything. She knocked the man unconscious and escaped.” If he

  really wanted to say thank you, it should be to thank Lao Bai for the half curtain he gave her.

  However, the pot-bellied baron in front of him seemed to have heard nothing and continued to talk to himself.

  ”Since that night… my daughter has been thinking about you and begging me to see you again.”


  ”I think your highness is also a handsome man and a trustworthy person. Please take her away!”

  Ye Shi was dumbfounded.

  ”Wait, your daughter is in the castle. Is she your king’s concubine? Or?”

  Baron Braham said with an embarrassed smile.

  ”Well… She was indeed one of His Majesty’s concubines before, but in accordance with the will of the administrator, the king has ordered the size and budget of the harem to be reduced. Except for the concubines who have children with His Majesty, most of the other concubines have been dismissed.”

  As he said this, the man suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and moved closer to Ye Shi, smiling obscenely, and whispered in a low voice.

  ”His Majesty is old and no longer good at that. I’m telling you secretly, so don’t spread it around. My daughter was only admitted to the palace last year. It was originally because of that McLen——ahem, anyway, I assure you that my daughter has not been in bed yet…”

  Lady Cecily, who was standing aside, also nodded slightly, blushing and looking away.

  ”Father… please don’t say anymore.”

  After all, he was a young and energetic young man. Hearing those suggestive words, Ye Shi’s face couldn’t help but get hot, like a ripe apple.

  His eyes unconsciously drifted to Lady Cecily.

  It was a dignified and elegant long dress, but it had a rather bold open collar, and the slightly curled hair lazily covered a bright white.

  Actually, if you look closely…

  well. She

  is indeed quite attractive.

  Especially the mature and immature charm, which has a special attraction for him, a young man who has not yet stepped out of the ivory tower.

  Seeing that this guy had obviously taken the bait, Baron Braham was immediately delighted, and immediately took advantage of the opportunity to offer his courtesy.

  ”… I heard that you have a large manor in the Lion Kingdom. Can you take us with you? I have traveled all over the country with a caravan, and I know a lot about business. If you don’t want to worry about worldly matters, you can leave it to me… I am willing to be your servant.”


  Without waiting for Ye Shi to answer, Baron Braham continued to speak quickly.

  ”If you are willing, you can hold the wedding now!”

  ”Ah, this… is it too fast?” Ye Shi said hurriedly.

  He admitted that he was tempted by her beauty for a moment.

  But he was just fantasizing about it in his mind, and he never thought about marrying an NPC in the game.

  However, the baron was relentless.

  Seeing that the duck in front of him was about to fly away, he was anxious and wanted to directly put his daughter’s hand into the young man’s hand.

  ”How can it be soon?” “But we don’t know each other yet–” Ye Shi said with a smile, but his words didn’t sound like a rejection to the other party

  . Baron Braham pressed on step by step, knowing that he had this guy

  in his hands .

  ”It doesn’t matter! You have plenty of time to get to know each other slowly after getting married!”

  Ye Shi looked at the guy who sold his daughter dumbfounded, and he was completely confused.

  What made him even more dumbfounded was that Ms. Cecily didn’t care about her father’s strong pull at all, and even when her eyes accidentally met his, her face flushed with shyness.

  I don’t know if it was real or fake.

  Just when Ye Shi didn’t know what to do, fortunately, Lao Bai came over and helped him out.

  ”Listen, I don’t care what your intentions are, stay away from my people, or I’ll throw you out of here, do you think your king will speak for you?” Staring at the man with a round belly, Lao Bai said in a serious tone.

  ”Yes… sir, I offended you.” Baron Braham took two steps back with cold sweat, cursing in his heart that it was a pity. He was

  completely different from that young man.

  His intuition told him that the man in front of him was not so easy to talk to, let alone so easy to fool.

  Not daring to stay here any longer, Baron Braham quickly bowed his head to apologize, and hurried away with his daughter beside him.

  Ye Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

  He couldn’t tell whether he was relieved or regretful, but there was no doubt that he was more of the former.

  Seeing this guy with a virgin look on his face, Lao Bai couldn’t help but tease him.

  ”Don’t blame me for ruining your good thing. You don’t have much manor in the Lion Kingdom, and it’s not easy to support her family.”

  Upon hearing this, Ye Shi was immediately unhappy.

  ”Tsk, who are you looking down on? Can’t I go buy one?”

  Lao Bai grinned and pointed to the back.

  ”Brother, I was reckless. I’ll go back and tell you about it.”

  Ye Shi glanced over there and shrank his neck.

  ”Forget it…”

  Just now, I was obsessed.

  Actually, if I calm down and think about it carefully, if I really marry her, she will be eaten alive.


  How can I get married so carelessly!

  And with a stranger whose name I just learned.

  I thought that I was also a young and promising person, a lucky one among ten thousand people who was chosen by the helmet. If I put it in games, comics, movies, animations, and online novels, I would definitely be the template for the protagonist.

  Not to mention having a harem like Long Aotian.

  At least I have to have a few sweet romances…

  At this time, Kuangfeng, who had been silent all the time, suddenly felt something in his heart.

  ”But then again… I can really buy a few manors in the Lion Kingdom when I go back.”

  ”Indeed,” Lao Bai touched his chin, “Fang Chang that bastard seemed to have said that we should not only focus on the main line, but also on the branch line.”

  Qingquan City’s grain has always been mainly transported by merchants from the south.

  However, the trade route in the south is not easy to travel.

  Jinchuan Province is a plain surrounded by mountains. The mountains stretch westward and connect to the Zhuobal Mountains in the north of the Camelback Kingdom.

  It is not an oasis with good weather.

  Instead, it is a poor and bad place full of mutants, predators, slave traders, chaotic believers, and lunatics.

  In comparison, Luoxia Province is undoubtedly a better grain-producing area.

  And the most important thing is that compared with the falcons on the edge of the Great Desert and the honey badgers in the Midwest, the distance between the Lion Kingdom and the Alliance is not too far.

  Recently, even the railway is being built there, and there are player save points in the Alliance’s military base.

  Now that the war is basically over,

  some quick-witted life professional players may have gone there to “open up the wasteland”…


  Just as the players were feasting at the banquet, Chu Guang was sitting in the office that originally belonged to King Menggot, flipping through the treasury account books.

  The Alliance will not stay in the Falcon Kingdom for too long.

  If Griffin had not refused to surrender, he would have left in two days at most.

  Maintaining the border line unchanged is a consensus that all parties have tacitly agreed to, and it is also his promise to his allies. He does not intend to be the troublemaker who goes back on his word.

  This is of no benefit to the Alliance.

  It is precisely because of this that there is the plan of “forcing the Falcon Kingdom to cease fire or surrender and then withdraw immediately.”

  However, now Griffin has chosen to be the troublemaker himself, and Chu Guang can stay a little longer before the governor from Triumph City arrives.

  Half a month is not a long time.

  But it was enough for him to do something and carry out deeper reforms on this defeated country.

  The establishment of a citizen self-government committee was the first step. What

  Chu Guang really had to do was to transfer the fixed assets of the kingdom, including land, factories, and other fixed assets that could not be taken away by airships, from the hands of the feudal nobles and landlords to the hands of the citizens who had just taken the guns. A

  100% transfer was impossible.

  Even if it was done, it would definitely be snatched back.

  But even if 10% was completed, only 1% was left after the alliance left, which was enough for the Willant people to have a headache.

  The checks and balances of internal power would weaken the potential for foreign wars.

  The town of Bicester, which was left in the hands of the alliance, would always keep an eye on the rise and fall of the internal power of the kingdom and give some interference depending on the situation.

  When the time came, the Willant people would be surprised to find that although the Falcon Kingdom was still their vassal and the king of this country was still loyal to their Marshal, this vassal could no longer play any role except that it belonged to them in name.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but curl up a dark smile at the corner of his mouth.

  At this moment, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, suddenly spoke up.

  ”Master! There’s an airship coming from the west!”

  ”Airship?” Chu Guang stopped writing, looked at Xiao Qi and asked, “How big is it?”

  ”It’s a little bit smaller than the Iron Heart, but it has a weird-looking… uh, should it be a cannon?”

  As he spoke, Xiao Qi stretched out his index finger and gently swiped it in the air. The signal light of the holographic computer pen on the desk flickered slightly, projecting a light blue holographic screen.

  Chu Guang stared at the screen for a few seconds.

  The image on it was very blurry.

  Even after AI processing, only a rough outline could be seen clearly.

  Chu Guang continued to ask.

  ”Did it do anything unusual?”

  Xiao Qi replied, shaking his head.

  ”No… Oh, by the way, it seems to have slowed down.”

  Slowed down?

  Chu Guang thought for a moment, and his heart moved slightly, and he immediately continued.

  ”Can we contact them?”

  Xiao Qi frowned.

  ”The signal in the Great Desert is very unstable… But they are almost out of the Great Desert, so we should give it a try!”

  Chu Guang: “Send them a message, and tell them… to come to Falcon City to negotiate a ceasefire.”

  Xiao Qi winked playfully and said neatly.

  ”Got it!”

  Chu Guang stared at the little guy for a while, and suddenly spoke.

  ”By the way, did you just secretly kick a few players offline?”

  Xiao Qi’s eyes drifted to the side, and a guilty expression appeared on his face, and he said in a low voice.

  ”… They secretly said bad things about you behind your back, so I punished them a little.”

  Chu Guang sighed.

  ”If I have to manage everything that is said in private, then I, as a manager, will have too many things to manage… Don’t do that in the future.”

  Unless it is a premeditated attempt to sabotage or assassinate him, in that case, you can focus on it and “fuse it” before taking action. It’s

  not necessary to make a big deal out of a joke or a few words.

  Xiao Qi nodded aggrievedly.

  ”…Okay, Master.”


  The next day.

  A luxuriously decorated bedroom in the castle.

  Before the sun rose outside the window, Chu Guang was awakened by a phone call from the academy.

  He wanted to call the caller a psychopath, but thinking of the time difference, Chu Guang swallowed his words.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”You took down Falcon City???”

  Hearing the incredible exclamation from the other end of the phone, Chu Guang yawned and said.

  ”It happened the day before yesterday.”

  It seems that the news from the academy is not very well-informed. They didn’t get the news until almost two days after the Falcon Kingdom surrendered.

  Seeing Chu Guang’s indifferent tone, Li Ke was immediately angry.

  ”You promised me to cease fire with the Legion! Why–”

  Chu Guang coughed and interrupted him.

  ”I promised you, but there is a little time difference between the order from me to the front line… and didn’t I cease fire?”

  ”You call this a ceasefire!?” Li Ke didn’t expect that the Legion would be so vulnerable that it was pushed directly to Falcon City by the Alliance.

  He heard that Griffin was being chased by the Alliance’s Skeleton Corps and had retreated to the Legion’s largest military base in Oasis No. 2, “Fort Horn”, and was facing a crisis of water and food shortage.

  In order to confirm this, he specially called Griffin, but the other party didn’t listen to him and hung up directly.

  Obviously, the muscle-minded Willant man got too excited, and the worst situation finally happened…

  He didn’t care who died first between the enterprise and the legion.

  But he couldn’t bear to see this “brushing results” mission go to waste!

  ”Don’t get excited, we are planning to negotiate with the Legion–”

  ”You have occupied the capital of their vassal state, why would they negotiate with you! Are they going to give you Oasis No. 2 directly?”

  Chu Guang said impatiently.

  ”That’s easy, just give it back to them.”

  Li Ke on the other end of the communication channel was stunned.

  He didn’t expect that this greedy guy would spit out what he got so readily.

  Chu Guang also felt a little regretful. He should have taken the opportunity to ask for some benefits from the academy. After all, the alliance made such a big sacrifice for the overall situation.

  However, thinking that the Arbiter was about to hit his face, he coughed lightly and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to blackmail.

  ”…Look, I even gave up Oasis No. 2 that I got. Shouldn’t you give me the coordinates too? Otherwise, I have to reconsider it.”

  Li Ke said vigilantly.

  ”…I will give it to you after you sign the armistice agreement.”

  Chu Guang said distrustfully.

  ”What if you don’t keep your word?”

  ”Impossible!” Li Ke answered without hesitation, but suddenly changed the subject again, “But… it’s normal for you to have such concerns. How about this, where are you negotiating? I’ll come over. It’s no problem to trade face to face.”

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but want to laugh, but he held it back.

  ”In Falcon City.”

  ”Wait for me for a week… No, three days, I’ll be there in three days!”

  Although he was very careful to hide his emotions, the details of that guy’s sudden talkativeness still exposed his excitement at the moment.

  How to show his importance in the ceasefire negotiations?

  Of course, stand at the signing site of the ceasefire agreement!

  Although this war has nothing to do with the college, it does not prevent him from coming here on behalf of the college’s Foreign Affairs Department to get some heat.

  I can probably guess what he is thinking.

  Chu Guang smiled, but did not expose him, and said fluently.


  He hung up the phone.

  Chu Guang rested his head on the soft pillow.

  The legion, the college, the enterprise… Speaking of which, the three eldest sons of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee unexpectedly got together by chance.

  I didn’t expect that this meeting after a century and a half would be arranged by an outsider like me.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but find it a little funny.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  A pleasant voice floated from the bedside table.

  ”I’m here, master.”

  ”Call Yi Chuan for me, and tell him that… in three days we will negotiate with the Legion on a ceasefire, and the Alliance has fulfilled its promise of a ceasefire before the end of the year.”

  People from the academy are also here.

  With him, we can just make up a mahjong table.

  I hope they don’t fight over the grudges from more than a hundred years ago…

  ”But hasn’t Griffin surrendered yet?” Xiao Qi tilted his head.

  ”As for him,” Chu Guang suddenly said with some regret when he heard the familiar name, “he may not live too long.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode