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Chapter 495 Equity Incentive

Chapter 495 Equity Incentive


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 495 Equity Incentives

  The little rich woman recovered from her cold very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, she regained her arrogant look of “I am very arrogant when my brother is not around”.

  However, she seemed very unhappy about the fact that she recovered from the illness. She had not had another bottle of wine yet, but it was too fast.

  Moreover, she did not see two Lu Zhishens fighting three Zhen Guanxis…

  After she recovered from her cold, Jiang Qin became busy again. He immediately began to promote the employee stock ownership plan within the company, established a partnership company as a group shareholding platform, and distributed equity.

  May 20th, the 18th day of the fourth lunar month.

  The first round of equity shares were distributed to 208 old employees. According to their level and contribution, everyone received a corresponding amount.

  Then there were branch managers and supervisors…

  Almost all those who had met the requirements for years of service and met the standards after the assessment by the Human Resources Department received different shares of equity.

  That morning, after the unified announcement, reading and signing of the equity agreement, all branch employees from Linchuan to the four first-tier cities, and then to the second and third-tier markets were jubilant.

  Because at this moment, they are no longer ordinary workers with a fixed salary.

  Everyone works together, the company is booming, dividends are rolling in, and wealth is piling up. Anyone who thinks about it feels excited.

  ”I think I’m about to be financially free.”

  Wei Lanlan held her chin and looked out the window: “Sister Sunai, what do you think?”

  ”If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have bothered to get a driver’s license.”


  Sunai pursed her lips: “I think I might really be able to hire a driver in the future.”

  Dong Wenhao raised his head when he heard the voice: “Did you notice that the pie the boss painted is really edible.” ”

  Is the boss Ma Liang the magic brush?”

  ”The first four words are more accurate.”

  At three o’clock in the afternoon, the employee stock ownership plan released by Pintuan was posted online. After a lot of reports, some executives in the same industry began to discuss it privately after the news spread.


  Of course I envy.

  Even if the Tathagata Buddha comes, I have to shout Amitabha. I envy the chicken purple.

  Many people even thought about changing jobs, hoping that Kang Jingtao would make another move and come to their branch station to dig a shovel so that they could turn against him naturally…

  On the evening of the 20th, the lights were on and the night was deep. The news that Pintuan implemented an employee stock ownership plan fermented for a day, causing many financial channels to discuss this matter. Until the evening, the popularity of this news remained unabated.

  At the same time, in a small dirty stall in a village in Shenzhen.

  Jiang Tao, Pan Dongzi… and several other former Pintuan supervisors sat together, read the news reports, fell into silence, and then began to drink silently.

  This month, they experienced a great ups and downs, thinking it was a great harvest, but in the blink of an eye they lost everything.

  But human nature is strong and can heal itself. When faced with facts that have to be accepted, they can only comfort themselves that everything is the best arrangement of fate.

  They had comforted themselves a little bit, so they were in the mood to come out for a drink, but as soon as the news came out, they immediately broke their defense again.

  ”Have you… found a job?”

  ”I’m delivering water for people now, big buckets of water.”

  ”How much?”

  ”More than two thousand, barely enough to make a living and keep myself alive, and then I’ll look for another job.”

  ”Where’s Lao Pan?”

  ”After the news on the headlines tonight, I interviewed with several companies and was rejected by all of them, so I don’t plan to bother anymore. I’m thinking of going back to my hometown to start a small business. My children are in school now, and I don’t want to miss their childhood.”

  Jiang Tao was silent for a long while, and suddenly slammed the wine glass heavily on the table: “It’s all because of that Song Xiong. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have lost our jobs, and we would even have a chance to get equity!”

  Pan Dongzi glanced at him: “You can’t blame him entirely, we were all blinded by lard at the time.”

  ”It was Song Xiong who poured lard on us. If I find him, I’ll beat him half to death!”

  ”Is he hiding?”

  ”I got drunk yesterday and went to knock on his door, damn it, there was no movement.”

  ”I heard that Pintuan wants to hold him responsible for being a spy. I don’t know if it’s true or not…”

  Jiang Tao took a deep breath: “Even if he goes to jail, he deserves it, but he caused us to lose so much. How can we settle this account?”

  Pan Dongzi patted his shoulder: “There is no regret medicine in the world. In the final analysis, we were too stupid and were easily fooled. If we had stayed in Pintuan firmly at that time…”

  ”If we had stayed in Pintuan firmly…”

  Pan Dongzi couldn’t continue speaking halfway through, and then drank the wine in the glass.

  Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent.

  People make choices all their lives and will encounter countless options. They undoubtedly chose the worst option at the most critical moment.

  Recalling the meeting that day, they couldn’t wait to sign the resignation agreement, and they wanted to get into the arms of Lashou.com immediately and flatter the guy named Kang.

  As a result, they only figured it out now. It turned out that they took the initiative to leave the treasure land that many people were eager to get into.

  Especially today’s news, it really made them see what it means to miss a huge fortune.

  However, according to the law of conservation of energy, some people lose, and some people gain, such as those who saw the opportunity and simply changed jobs.

  At noon on May 21st, Jiang Qin landed in Shenzhen and met Zhu Jinfu, the person in charge of the former Shanghai branch of Lashou.com.

  ”Boss, I’m Old Zhu who has turned from darkness to light.”

  ”Oh, Mr. Zhu, I’ve heard of your name for a long time. They say you look a lot like me?”

  Zhu Jinfu nodded fiercely: “Yes, I’ve already understood our corporate culture thoroughly and I’m just waiting to change jobs. It’s true that Kang Jingtao came a little late, otherwise I would have already fought for Pintuan!”

  Jiang Qin patted his shoulder: “I know from what you say that you really want to make progress. Pintuan needs people like you.”

  ”I will definitely live up to your trust.”

  ”By the way, Mr. Zhu, what’s your full name?”

  ”Zhu Jinfu.”

  Jiang Qin praised repeatedly after hearing this. He thought Xu Kaixuan’s name was auspicious enough, but he didn’t expect there was a more auspicious name than Kaixuan.

  It’s both gold and rich, which is simply a sign of good fortune.

  This is really not feudal superstition, but has a reason and basis, such as the name of that bastard who was a spy? Song Xiong.

  Good guy, he gave all his supervisors to others.

  Of course, after Song Xiong was recruited to Lashou.com, he also gave himself the manager and supervisor of Lashou.com, and feudal superstition was fulfilled again.


  ”Boss, I’m here.”

  ”Call all employees for a meeting later, and it’s time to water the money tree.”

  ”Okay, boss.”

  In the afternoon, the Shenzhen branch held a general meeting. All departments summarized the battle in Shenzhen, and Jiang Qin nodded repeatedly.

  Ye Ziqing also flew over from Shanghai, and Cui Yiting also went with her.

  The two of them did not come to the meeting, but to see the market they had lost with their own eyes, which was also a regret left over from the period of the Free Group.

  When they arrived at the branch station, they happened to catch up with the summary meeting, so they also participated in it.

  ”The Shenzhen market is an extremely important part of the entire group-buying layout. Thank you for your hard work to get to this point today.”

  ”I’m not a boss who is good at sensationalism. I won’t say too much. It’s all in the money.”

  ”Clearing the market is just the beginning, and daily operations are the real focus. I hope everyone can unite and become faster and stronger in the future.”

  On the podium, Jiang Qin opened the briefcase, revealing stacks of red banknotes, which were distributed in order according to departments, which made Cui Yiting absent-minded.

  To be honest, when she was doing the free group buying before, she thought Zhou Zhenhao was very pretentious, but she still couldn’t pretend to be like Jiang Qin.

  After the bonuses were distributed, there were still a few stacks of money left in the box. Jiang Qin removed the seal and scattered them one by one. The red Mao Zedongs flew all over the sky, attracting everyone to scramble for them.

  Cui Yiting didn’t plan to rob them, because she was not an employee of the group buying team. Would it be shameless to rob people’s money?

  But what she couldn’t understand was that the young CEO Jiang spent money like water, stacks after stacks, as if he was deliberately throwing them at her face.

  The cold eyes and the cool movements made the heart of this almost thirty-year-old woman pound and her ears turn red. She thought, is he so domineering? It’s just like a novel.

  Ye Ziqing was also confused: “Yiting, why did you grab so much?”

  ”He… He seemed to throw it into my arms on purpose.” Cui Yiting expressed her thoughts.

  ”It’s impossible. The boss knows you. He knows you are not from our company.”

  ”I don’t know either. Is he trying to recruit me? To be honest, I’m tempted…”

  Cui Yiting felt that this was the most reasonable explanation. Otherwise, it would be too outrageous to throw money at other people’s employees.

  While she was talking, Jiang Qin walked down from the stage, took a look at the thick banknotes in Cui Yiting’s hand and said, “Sorry, you don’t seem to be from our company. I sent it to the wrong person.”


  Jiang Qin took the money back, put it back in his pocket, and happily called people out for dinner.

  Eighty thousand yuan was spent, and more than twenty thousand was recovered, but the effect was a real eighty thousand. Damn, this trick has been used for the second time, and it is still so exciting.

  Cui Yiting was confused and didn’t understand what happened.

  But Ye Ziqing had been with them for a long time, and had been exposed to the dog spirit, so he could probably understand Jiang Qin’s thinking.

  ”The pile of money that the boss just threw out must be 80,000 or 90,000 yuan, and one-third of it was thrown at you. The effect was achieved, and he recovered another one-third, but everyone remembers that he threw out 80,000 or 90,000 yuan.”

  Cui Yiting opened her mouth: “Kang Jingtao’s loss is not unfair, it’s really not unfair…”

  (Please give me a monthly ticket)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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