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Chapter 496: Reunion after a Century and a Half

Chapter 496: Reunion after a Century and a Half


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 496: “Reunion” after a century and a half

  . In the open wilderness on all sides, there is a fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

  The 15.7-kilometer-long tunnel is connected to the concrete bunkers and trenches. It has a hemispherical rotating armored turret, anti-aircraft gun positions, anti-tank gun positions, and heavy machine gun positions.

  This is the largest military base of the Legion in Oasis No. 2, called Horn Fort, built by General Kras, the previous commander-in-chief of the Legion in Luoxia Province.

  It is said that it can accommodate a million-scale army!

  In order to meet the huge material needs of this fortress, General Kras not only arranged for the construction of a water diversion canal from the nearby river bank to the fortress, but also built a spacious six-lane highway on all sides of the fortress.

  Supplies transported to Horn Fort can be transported by water, by road, or by plane or airship.

  Once Oasis No. 2 encounters an invasion threat, the troops stationed in this fortress and the stockpiled supplies can also be transported to the front line by road in the shortest time.

  However, now.

  This well-connected fortress is completely blocked.

  The Alliance’s Skeleton Corps did not attack the fortress, but watched them retreat into the fortress and then cut off the water channel leading to the fortress.

  It stands to reason that a fortress of this size would have at least three years of reserves for a million troops, but in Griffin’s original plan, he never thought that this military base would be used as a defensive fortress one day.

  In addition, the situation on the front line was tight, and most of the supplies were sent to the front line, and the production surplus in the Falcon Kingdom was not enough to complete the material reserve work of this fortress.

  This also resulted in the 50,000 troops withdrawing to the fortress having less than two months of surplus food, and the supply of fresh water was also precarious.

  But this is not the most fatal.

  The real fatality is the lack of ammunition.

  The nearest William Industrial Zone has been occupied by the Alliance’s army, and the supplies sent from the direction of Triumph City are estimated to not reach them.

  Except for Griffin and those not-so-smart clones, any Willant could feel that they were already standing on the edge of a cliff…

  ”I heard that the Arbiter is coming.”

  ”…Why is it the Arbiter? Shouldn’t an offensive airship be sent over?”

  ”I heard that His Majesty the Marshal has no plan to use troops east of the Great Desert. The world across the sea, the Far North, and the wasteland in the south are more important than the land thousands of miles away. The last expedition was General Kras’s solo…”

  ”How could this happen…”

  ”No wonder… we haven’t received reinforcements until now.”

  The soldiers’ whispers could be heard everywhere in the barracks.

  Sitting at the door of the tent and eating a box lunch, the battlefield guy silently took note of it, intending to post it on the forum as a fun for today.

  His work these days is very simple.

  The main thing is to mark the supply location in this fortress, wait for the bomb to fall from the sky, and then evaluate the results of the Goblin Corps’ air strikes.

  It is not easy to lock down the warehouse where the supplies are stored, especially now that there is a serious shortage of supplies. The scarce supplies are stored in a dispersed manner, and if you approach the nearby area, you will be stopped and questioned.

  This is not something that can be explained by a simple “sorry, I went to the wrong place”.

  As a “non-Villant”, the battlefield guy is very self-aware of his nose, and of course he will not do such conspicuous things.

  Besides, there is no need.

  If you can’t find the supply warehouse, it is still easy to find the canteen and the mobile kitchen.

  Just throw a 100-kilogram bomb nearby when those Willant people are eating, which is enough to blow up all the pots, pans, and people in line.

  As for the evaluation of the results of the airstrike, it is even easier.

  He doesn’t even need to go to the scene to confirm, just listen to the other Willant people. The content of the shouting is over.

  Thanks to this.

  His human language is now more and more like the accent of the west of the Great Desert.

  However, this trick has not worked recently.

  The frequent visits of the Alliance’s aircraft have made the Willant people suspect that there are drones in the sky taking pictures. Not only do they take pictures with signal jammers every now and then, but they have also cancelled the centralized dining and changed it to “takeout delivery”.

  I don’t know which genius came up with this idea.

  Battlefield Guy couldn’t help but give that guy a thumbs up…

  Sitting next to the Battlefield Atmosphere Group, Penny’s face was a little haggard, and her eyebrows were full of sorrow. Staring at the lunch box in her hand, she was silent for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

  ”General Griffin was assassinated.”

  Battlefield Guy, who was stuffing bread into his mouth, almost choked, and it took a lot of effort to hold up his character of being a ruthless man with few words.


  ”Well…someone installed explosives under his chair. If he hadn’t been a few minutes late this morning, the assassins of the enterprise and the alliance would have almost succeeded.”

  Battlefield Guy thought that it might not be the people of the alliance who wanted him to die, at least the manager had never given him an order to assassinate the senior military officials.

  ”…Has the assassin been caught?”


  Penny took a deep breath, hugged her head with both hands, ran her ten fingers through her hair, and prayed softly with her lips opening and closing.

  ”…I hope nothing will happen.”

  What she was worried about was not Griffin’s safety, but the future direction of the war.

  Because the change in Falcon City was too sudden, she was not prepared at all, and she didn’t have time to leave the front line. She could only retreat here with the main force.

  I hope she won’t be caught by the Alliance…

  The military camp itself is a place full of violence, especially the front line closest to death. As a reporter for the Triumph Newspaper, she knew very well what the Weilant people did to other survivors on the front line, and was not surprised at how the Weilant people’s enemies hated them. The

  Weilant people who fell into the hands of the natives usually didn’t have a good end. She had seen photos from her colleagues… It was so cruel.

  Even thinking about it made people shudder.

  The battlefield guy wanted to comfort her casually, saying that there was nothing to worry about being captured by the Alliance. The discipline of the Alliance was much higher than that of the Legion. Not

  to mention the prisoners.

  He didn’t touch the few slaves sent to his tent before, for fear of violating the “forced” relationship in the player’s handbook.

  But he changed his mind and thought that he was an undercover agent, and it seemed inappropriate to say good things about the “enemy”, so he changed his words.

  ”It’s okay. I’m here.”

  Penny’s cheeks turned red at the sudden words, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled up into a smile.

  This guy usually doesn’t talk much, but he always blurts out one or two words that make people blush and heartbeat.

  She has heard many similar words, and even more beautiful rhetoric than this, but those men often just say it verbally, and even just after saying the disgusting oath of love, they turn around and get into the tent where the foreign women are kept… This will not make her feel safe, but only make her feel disgusted.

  But this man called Pangolin is completely different.

  He is stronger than some of the Weilants, but he does not have the arrogance, rudeness and other bad habits of the Weilants.

  Just like his simple name full of mountain atmosphere, his mind is pure like the snow on the mountain. His life is only loyal to His Majesty the Marshal, loyal to the orders of his superiors, and the glory of being a soldier.

  Even if everyone is confused about the future and frustrated about the current situation, there is almost no frustration on his face.

  Even at this critical moment of defeat, he can still say calmly, “It’s okay, I’m here.”

  Only when she heard these words from his mouth could she feel the sincerity without a trace of falsehood.

  ”…Thank you, I am very happy to hear you say this, but your sword should belong to His Majesty the Marshal, and you don’t have to hesitate for me.”

  Penny shook her dark brown hair gently and said with a proud voice.

  ”The Weilantes are all born warriors, whether men or women, I will take good care of myself.”

  General Griffin is still somewhat famous in Triumph City.

  Even if the situation is worse, she thinks it won’t be that bad…

  Maybe she just thinks too much.

  The battlefield man didn’t say anything, nodded, but digested the huge amount of information in his heart.

  Griffin was assassinated? !

  What’s going on…

  At this time, two people came not far away.

  One of them was Korwe, and the other was Korwe’s direct superior, and also his immediate superior after he was transferred to the officer team-the commander of the 50,000th Corps, Veric.

  Walking in front of the two people, Veric looked at Penny sitting on the steps and said in a gentlemanly tone.

  ”Excuse me, ma’am. I have something to discuss with Pangolin. Can I take up some of his time?”

  Penny stood up and smiled politely.

  ”No problem. Please.”

  Perhaps because she saw that there was something important to discuss, Penny did not stay here, but walked away tactfully.

  Veric glanced at Penny’s back as she left, and then looked around. After confirming that there was no one around, he looked at Korway.

  ”You go ahead and talk.”

  ”Okay, sir…” Korway nodded with a complicated expression, then looked at the Battlefield Atmosphere Group who stood up, and said in a hesitant tone, “Let’s go in and talk.”

  The Battlefield Guy nodded and followed the two into the tent.

  He didn’t know why a thousand-man captain and a ten-thousand-man captain wanted to find a small military officer team advisor like him, but from the expression on Korway’s face, he could feel that something big was going to happen.

  And it was probably related to him!

  ”…What is it?” Looking at Korway who had not spoken for a long time, the Battlefield Guy took the initiative to ask.

  ”This morning, General Griffin was assassinated during the morning meeting.”

  The battlefield guy held his breath for a moment.

  Seeing that both of them were looking at him, his mind raced and a worried expression immediately appeared on his face.

  ”I just heard… the general is okay.”

  ”No problem.” Kelway shook his head.

  Before Comrade Pangolin could say a hypocritical “That’s good”, he continued with a complicated look, “…but here’s the problem.”

  The battlefield guy: “…???”

  ”Enough, let me do it.”

  Seeing that Kelway was still beating around the bush, Veric couldn’t wait any longer and took over the conversation from him, staring at the ruthless native in front of him and continued.

  ”I’ll be frank, Griffin betrayed His Majesty the Marshal, and the appearance of the Arbiter on the front line is the best proof!”

  The battlefield guy held his breath.

  He felt that such an association seemed a bit far-fetched, but when he thought of the situation these people were in at the moment, he understood everything in an instant.

  Griffin’s arbitrary decision forced these middle-level officers into a dead end.

  Now they have to do the same thing…

  ”…What do you need me to do?”

  Veric stared into his eyes.

  ”I need to confirm your loyalty to His Majesty the Marshal. Look into my eyes and tell me, are you loyal?”


  Of course!

  The battlefield guy who had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter and thought that he had triggered the branch quest raised three fingers reflexively.

  ”My loyalty to His Majesty the Marshal is known to all!”

  Kelway’s eyes drifted to the side.

  ”Very good,” Veric nodded with relief, looking at Pangolin and continued, “Now, it’s time for you to be loyal to His Majesty!”


  That night.

  Wasteland OL forum.

  ”In short…this is what happened. The captain of the 50,000th Squadron hopes that I will go and kill Griffin.”

  The battlefield atmosphere group briefly described what happened.

  Including the low morale in the Horn Fortress in the past two days, the unrest in the army, and the doubt about life caused by the air raid.

  Tail: “Oh! Is the boss fight coming? (ω)”

  Teng Teng: “Korwe… wuwu, damn, he got hit. (ω)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “What the hell!!!”

  Ye Shi: “Exciting. (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “Isn’t it good? Kill Griffin, and his adjutant will take over. Maybe he will just raise the white flag and surrender. (Grinning teeth)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “What a hammer! The administrator asked me to be an undercover in the legion, not to kill Griffin.”

  Kuangfeng: “Yeah, that’s true… If you can kill Griffin without anyone knowing, it’s okay. Once someone catches you, even if everyone thanks you, they will have to execute you on the spot.”

  Irena: “Not necessarily. It depends on the progress of the strategy. Korwe might give you a chance to run away. (Funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Fuck! What about my power armor?”

  Ye Shi: “That’s up to the dog planner. (Funny)”

  WC is really a mosquito: “How about this, you just transfer Griffin’s schedule to us, we will help you, once and for all, the problem will be solved. (smirk)”

  Fang Chang: “It is convenient, Pangolin is a senior agent. (squinting)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “The key is whether Griffin’s death is good for the alliance.”

  Fang Chang: “Analyze rationally, the 50,000 people willing to surrender is of course the best result, but in terms of the weight of the chips, 50,000 troops surrounded by water and food are obviously more valuable than 50,000 captured troops.”

  Fountain Commander: “+1, so for the sake of maximum benefit, if you plan to take action, it is best to do it after the negotiation is concluded. (squinting)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “I’m fucking torn! TT”

  It’s really hard to be an undercover!


  Chu Guang naturally saw the discussion on the forum, but he did not give any new instructions to “Comrade Pangolin”.

  At this point, whether Griffin is dead or alive, the Alliance will not lose, it’s just a matter of how much they win.

  Therefore, he gave the Battlefield Atmosphere Group full autonomy to make decisions.

  If you want to continue to act as an undercover agent, then spend some time acting. If you don’t want to act, it doesn’t matter. It will be difficult for them to have a large-scale military conflict with the Legion for a long time in the future. Having provided so much high-value intelligence, this undercover agent has done a great job.

  Just when the Battlefield guy was in a dilemma, the airship from Triumph City had arrived at the western suburbs of Falcon City and anchored only 20 kilometers away from the nearest section of the riverbank.

  The two airships confronted each other in the air.

  The atmosphere was tense for a while!

  Looking at the behemoth above his head, King Menggot prayed in his heart, hoping that this thing would not fall down.

  Or even if it fell down, it would not damage his castle.

  Fortunately, the situation that the old man was worried about did not happen. Neither the Legion nor the Alliance fired the first shot.

  Obviously, it was not just him and the nobles beside him who didn’t want to continue fighting. The Legion far to the west of the Great Desert didn’t want to fight either…

  Standing at the west gate of Falcon City with a group of players, Chu Guang looked at the elevator slowly descending in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”It seems that the Legion is quite capable.”

  Along with the elevator, a quadruped robot as tall as three stories was descending. Its rectangular body and hoof-shaped soles looked like a mule with its head buried from a distance, slightly similar to the Imperial Walker in “Star Wars”.

  However, this thing is not a means of transportation. The 200mm cannon towering above it emits a cold light under the scorching sun.

  Of course, what is more eye-catching is the chimney with a diameter of tens of centimeters.

  It is like a walking locomotive. The huge steel body perfectly interprets the violent aesthetics of the Weyland people, who take size as beauty. The towering chimney spews out black smoke, driving the powerful limbs to slowly step forward.

  The ancient internal combustion engine power and the epoch-making avant-garde design are organically combined in him, just like surreal diesel punk, and every frame of the picture is a work of art.

  Not surprisingly, it should also have a deflector shield and even an anti-gravity device, and the energy source of this part of the advanced device should be the precious nuclear fusion battery… It can be seen that the Legion has indeed inherited a lot of things from the pre-war civilization.

  Even if it is just a part.

  And this thing also gave Chu Guang a sense of déjà vu, as if it was a simplified and improved version of the “Titan” in the Lost Valley.


  Looking at the behemoth, Ye Shi, who was wearing a light cavalry exoskeleton, couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and muttered.

  ”What the hell is this?”

  Compared with the surprise of the players, Count Krenway’s originally dead heart rekindled his confidence in the Willant people, and he kept muttering in his mouth.

  ”Bison! It’s a bison!”

  ”Bison” all-terrain armored walker!

  A war monster with diesel and nuclear fusion hybrid power!

  I heard that this thing is called “four-legged railway gun” in the west of the Great Desert. The 200mm cannon with an automatic loader can pour the firepower of an artillery battalion into the target area in one minute!

  It can not only serve as a support equipment but also replace tanks as the vanguard of the attack. The combination of deflector shield and aerospace alloy is enough to withstand all direct or indirect firepower.

  As long as thousands of these land-based mechas attack the alliance at the same time, plus the human sea charge of the clone army…

  all the decline will be reversed!

  However, Krenway’s mind obviously did not turn around. Why did there only appear one “bison” here?

  Chu Guang knew.

  The governor from Triumph City was trying to show off his power.

  In order to install this thing on the airship, the legion had to dismantle at least 20 artillery pieces to make room, and if they wanted to let this thing fire at full power and pour bullets, they would have to build an industrial park in the Great Desert first.

  So he was not panicked at all, and did not take the steel behemoth in front of him seriously.

  The four-legged robot advanced slowly with heavy steps and stopped less than 500 meters away from the riverbank.

  It slowly bent its four legs forward and pressed its square body on the weedy wheat field.

  Surrounded by a team of tall and strong elites, a man with a raised nose stepped out of the hatch and stopped in front of Chu Guang.

  ”Are you the manager of the alliance?”

  Chu Guang opened the mask of the power armor and looked at him.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”Cohen,” the man raised his chin slightly and continued, “The governor of Luoxia Province appointed by His Majesty the Marshal.” The

  five-star commander of ten thousand men is second only to the legion commander who is below one person and above ten thousand people. If he wants to go further, he can only leave the territory of the legion and expand the territory for the legion.

  In fact, the five-star commander of ten thousand men is already a quasi-legion commander in the legion itself.

  The reason why Kras launched the expedition was largely to be able to go further and be promoted to the fifth legion commander of the legion.

  Chu Guang stared at Cohen for a while, and introduced himself in a concise manner.

  ”Chu Guang, the manager of Shelter No. 404, and also the manager of the Alliance.”

  The strength of this five-star commander is not outstanding, just the level of an ordinary person, but the more than 20 Willant people behind him are all powerful awakeners without exception!

  According to the algorithm of Shelter No. 404, their level is at least level 30, and the direction of strengthening should be in the two aspects of muscle and reflex nerves.

  The strongest one may be level 40!

  Of course, this is just his feeling.

  Moreover, physical strength cannot explain everything. The green-skinned mutants were only level 30, but they were beaten down by the novice players.

  Just as Chu Guang was looking at Cohen, Cohen was also observing him.

  However, what Cohen could not see through was that the legendary manager of the alliance was not inferior to the soldiers behind him.

  Could it be that even the managers of the alliance were awakened?

  Cohen was surprised to realize this.

  Although some drugs can help people with no talent squeeze out the potential in the genetic code and awaken forcibly, almost no superior will choose to take this path.

  There are many ways to prolong life, and there is no need to take this path.

  Compared with the increased lifespan and physical functions, awakening not only has many side effects, but also has uncontrollable risks at the genetic level.

  No one knows what will happen after the awakening degree reaches 100%.

  This is the “singularity” that has not been completed in the prosperous era.

  Restraining the contempt in his eyes, Cohen looked at the crazy guy in front of him and said in a joking tone.

  ”… Triumph News described you as a beast with three heads and six arms. I didn’t expect you to be a young man.”

  Chu Guang said with a faint smile.

  ”Not a young man, but I’m not as old as your marshal.”

  Cohen laughed, and a cold look appeared in his eyes.

  Chu Guang looked at him with a smile on his face, and his momentum was not weak at all.

  The players standing not far away were watching the excitement, while whispering in the communication channel about the level of the BOSS and the level of the elite monsters behind him.

  King Menggot and a group of nobles who were farther away were sweating with nervousness, fearing that these two guys would suddenly fire their guns.

  This probability is actually very small.

  But it is definitely not impossible.

  At this time, blue lights flashed in the distance, and two killer whale transport planes, escorted by ten cloud dragonfly flapping wing planes, flew towards this side one after another.

  They took off from Bicester Town and planned to land in the square in front of the castle, but obviously saw that this side was more lively, so they flew over.

  Looking at the ten Yunting flapping-wing aircraft, Chu Guang couldn’t help but secretly smack his lips.


  In the entire war, the Enterprise had supported him with less than ten flapping-wing aircraft!

  When they heard that the old enemy in the west came to negotiate a ceasefire, these guys actually took out the treasures in the bottom of the box!

  However, this is also a good thing for the Alliance.

  The more chips they have on their side, the more the other side will have to weigh the consequences of a breakdown in the negotiations.

  Sure enough, Cohen’s face became solemn.

  Especially after seeing the Enterprise’s Orca transport aircraft.

  ”Plasma engine…”

  The guys on the East Coast actually directly abandoned the more advanced anti-gravity device and used the economical and cheap “outdated technology”.

  It is hard to say that this is not aimed at the epoch-making equipment inherited by the Legion, including the “phase cannon”.

  It seems that the people on the East Coast have never forgotten what happened a century and a half ago. They said that they would let go of the past and face the future, but they always regarded them as imaginary enemies in their hearts.

  Cohen narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not express anything.

  Under the escort of the flapping-wing aircraft, the Orca transport plane landed steadily in the golden wheat field, and the light blue plasma plume was gathered back along with the conical nozzle.

  A team of fully armed soldiers and a middle-aged man walked out of the open hatch.

  Chu Guang unexpectedly discovered that the person who came was not Yi Chuan, but Wu Changnian, the deputy director of the Comprehensive Management Department who had previously welcomed the alliance delegation in Ideal City!

  The middle-aged man had a neatly combed back hair and a silver-gray long gown that was as straight as a mirror. There was no wrinkle on his body from head to toe, and the kind smile on his face that he had in front of the camera was also not visible.

  It is more than 3,000 kilometers from Ideal City to Qingquan City, and it is no less than 5,000 kilometers from here… Chu Guang counted with his fingers, and this trip is really far.

  Staring at Cohen standing not far away, Wu Changnian directly ignored the war machine and the airship not far away, and walked to the crowd with a team of soldiers behind him and stopped.

  ”…I am Wu Changnian, the deputy director of the General Management Department. On behalf of the Supreme Council of the Enterprise, I am making a solemn representation to you and demanding that you immediately release the Pioneer and all the crew members!” ”

  Otherwise, your actions will be regarded as a provocation to the ancient contract, and we will no longer hold back!”

  Looking at the angry middle-aged man, Cohen said indifferently.

  ”You have also arrested a lot of us.”

  Wu Changnian laughed instead of getting angry.

  ”It’s good that you know.”

  Cohen’s eyes narrowed into a slit.

  The atmosphere between the two sides was like a gasoline barrel with matches floating on it, as if a spark could ignite the entire wheat field.

  The tense atmosphere was even stronger than when the Legion and the Alliance confronted each other before!

  Chu Guang suddenly found that he seemed to have become a little transparent.

  Neither Cohen nor Wu Changnian looked at him, but stared at each other.

  But it’s okay.

  Chu Guang hoped that they would never care about him.

  The grievances and entanglements of a century and a half ago had nothing to do with him, and he was not interested in getting involved.

  He just wanted to get his share.

  It also belongs to everyone

  in the alliance. At this time, a ray of light appeared in the northeast direction.

  Cohen frowned slightly, and Wu Changnian, who was looking at him, did the same. The two looked in that direction at the same time.

  I saw a long shuttle-shaped aircraft passing the edge of the river bank at a speed of nearly Mach 1, and then two flashing arcs were ejected from the bottom, and it stopped suddenly in the air with incredible acceleration.

  However, there was probably something wrong.

  The long shuttle-shaped aircraft failed to brake and fell straight to the wheat field below, and the back half of its butt was directly shoveled on the ground.

  Fortunately, this is a wheat field outside the city, with soft soil and wheat ears as a buffer, so the aircraft was not scrapped.

  The guard behind him wanted to step forward to block Cohen, but the latter raised his hand to stop him.

  ”No need.”

  The shape of this aircraft…

  He always felt that it was familiar.

  As if to confirm his guess, a door opened on the side of the aircraft.

  A middle-aged man in a white uniform with blue trims came out from inside with the help of the door frame.

  ”Ah! It’s a little late…”

  He was followed by two bionic bodyguards.

  Obviously different from the bionics of the enterprise, they are closer to pure tools – or weapons in terms of appearance and temperament.

  ”Who are you?” Cohen frowned.

  ”I am Li Ke, a B-level researcher of the academy. You are the representative of the legion, right?” Li Ke showed a friendly smile on his face, cleared his throat and continued, “Everyone has been fighting for so long, and you must be tired. Why don’t you sit down and talk.”

  The atmosphere at the scene fell into silence.


  there was a little embarrassment.

  Li Ke himself obviously felt it, so he looked around anxiously.

  Finally, he found the man in the blue power armor and immediately cast a look in his direction for help.

  Chu Guang certainly saw this guy, after all, he invited him, but he was still a little puzzled.

  This guy had never met Cohen before, so he could understand.

  After all, he had just arrived in Luoxia Province and had just gotten off the airship.

  However, what he didn’t understand was why even the people in the enterprise were so confused about this guy’s arrival, as if they had not expected it at all.

  Suddenly, Chu Guang suddenly realized something.

  Could it be that Comrade Li Ke had never communicated with the people in the enterprise at all? He

  just unilaterally contacted Griffin and himself on the front line…

  Chu Guang was shocked when he realized this.

  Good guy.

  Spend the least money to do the biggest thing.

  This brother is talented!

  The identity of this person has been seen from the long shuttle-shaped aircraft. Wu Changnian just didn’t understand why the people from the college were here.

  The board of directors had not discussed this matter, and he couldn’t decide the diplomatic posture with the college arbitrarily by himself, so he coughed lightly and said ambiguously.

  ”College… rare guest.”

  As for Cohen’s reaction, it was completely different, and it could even be described as impolite.

  Staring coldly at the B-level researcher standing there with an awkward smile, he laughed in a sarcastic voice.

  ”Tired? Haha, do you think we are slugs born in the swamp?”

  ”Whether we continue to fight or not is none of your business.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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