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Chapter 498 Griffin’s Death

Chapter 498 Griffin’s Death


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 498 Griffin’s Death

  One hundred meters below the Horn Castle, there is an underground nuclear bunker reinforced with concrete.

  As it was envisioned that the war with the Great Rift Valley would affect the vassal of Luoxia Province, General Krass asked the engineers of the Corps to carry out the construction according to the standard of “being able to withstand nuclear weapons with a yield of one million tons” when he ordered the construction of this nuclear bunker.

  In theory, it is absolutely safe here.

  At this moment, in the temporary combat command room of the bunker, Griffin was sitting alone at the command table, facing a silent radio station.

  His left arm was wrapped in bandages, and the collar of his military uniform also revealed a little bandage.

  Although he was lucky to escape the assassination plot a few days ago, he was not as unscathed as the outside world knew.

  Four shrapnel were embedded in his body, one of which was less than 7mm away from his heart. This was the closest he had ever been to death.

  In order not to affect the morale of the army, he immediately ordered a transfer to the bunker and blocked the news of his injury.

  Although he was frightened by the assassination in the eyes of the outside world, he had been a soldier for so many years, how could he be frightened by a few assassins?

  He felt a little excited when the other party took the initiative.

  He had felt that there was an undercover in his army before, but he had been struggling to find who the real undercover was. If he could solve this trouble with an injury, it would undoubtedly be a big profit.

  At this time, the footsteps outside the door were getting closer and closer, and soon there was a gentle knock on the door.

  ”Come in.”

  The door opened.

  It was his guard who appeared at the door.

  Looking at the loyal soldier, Griffin spoke.

  ”Found it?”

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The guard nodded, but there was no joy on his face, but there was a hint of heaviness between his eyebrows.

  Seeing a clue on his face, Griffin frowned slightly and continued to ask.

  ”Who is it?”

  ”The captain of the 3000th Squadron of the 70000th Squadron and the centurion of the 60000th Squadron Officer Squadron participated in the assassination that day… They bribed the person in charge of the meeting that day.”

  This time Griffin was silent for a long time.

  The captain of the 3000th Squadron of the 70000th Squadron was an officer he personally promoted. He could not believe that the loyal young man would betray His Majesty the Marshal and become a spy for the company or the alliance. What

  worried him most was not the betrayal of those few people…

  but that the assassination actually involved two 10000-man squadrons.

  This was equivalent to 40% of his troops!

  After a long while, Griffin slowly spoke.

  ”Is the news accurate?”

  The guard nodded.

  ”Accurate… We have reliable evidence, but we haven’t alerted the enemy yet.”

  ”Very good.”

  Griffin nodded.

  However, just as he was about to make a decision, he suddenly seemed to think of something and stopped talking halfway.

  The guard hesitated and asked cautiously.

  ”Do we need to arrest the three people?”

  Griffin was silent for a moment and said softly.

  ”Wait a minute, don’t alert the enemy yet.”


  The guard nodded slightly and respectfully withdrew from the door.

  The door closed.

  Griffin sighed softly and relaxed his shoulders and leaned back on the chair behind him.

  His eyes inadvertently fell on the incandescent lamp above his head, and suddenly he felt that his fate was very similar to this lamp.

  Dazzling, hot, and full of energy… However, it was destined to hang in an inconspicuous corner, and could only illuminate a room in its entire life.

  As for his ambitions and ideals, they were like a small boat in the torrent of the times. No matter how hard he tried, he could not change the mountains and rivers under the boat.

  Unlike officers born in a famous family like McLen, he was not born in a famous family, but was born in an ordinary citizen family in the suburbs of Triumph City.

  Like most children of the Willant people, he participated in the first youth training in his life at the age of six. When he first came into contact with military life, he showed excellent leadership talent, so he was recommended by the instructor to enter the Triumph City Military Academy for training. Talent

  , diligence, and a little bit of luck…

  Since joining the army, his career has been smooth sailing. At the age of 29, he went from a centurion to a captain of ten thousand men.

  Later, he met the noble man in his life, General Krass, and accepted the olive branch thrown by the Eastward Expansionists, and went to the distant East to open up the future of the Legion.

  He still remembered what General Krass said to him ten years ago:

  ’The greatness of the Marshal is beyond doubt, but it’s a pity that Triumph City has become corrupt. Those good-for-nothings who rely on the protection of their ancestors are intoxicated by the vast territory and luxurious life without making progress. They have completely forgotten the hatred of a century and a half ago, the ambition to conquer the world, and the unity. If they are allowed to decay, this empire maintained by war will fall apart one day.’

  ”In order to prevent that day from coming, we must have an opponent who can make us take it seriously. We must let our territory continue to extend to the end of the world, and extend it forever.”

  Griffin still remembered how excited he was at that time, and he wanted to step onto the front line immediately and fire the first shot of expanding the territory.

  Unfortunately, he soon found that things were not as simple as he imagined.

  The knowledgeable people of the Eastward Expansion Faction died one after another in the expedition. Their sacrifice did not gain the sympathy of Triumph City and strengthen the power of the Eastward Expansion Faction. Instead, the power of the Eastward Expansion Faction was weakened because of the decline of talents.

  Even after seeing the strength of the Great Rift Valley, even the commander of the Eastern Legion changed his mind. His original support for them became unclear.

  If he was young, he would be angry and ashamed of his comrades’ betrayal.

  But now, he is no longer angry, and can only calmly think about how to solve the problem.

  Using his own sacrifice to win the support of other factions is a wrong approach.

  General Krass has paid the price of his life for this, which not only did not win the charity of bystanders, but made their political power more marginalized.

  In the final analysis, other factions did not get any benefits from the expedition, but only saw endless disasters.

  Only by bringing people from other factions together to advance and retreat together can it be possible to unite those mediocre people with their own thoughts.

  For this reason, he changed General Krass’s strategy and no longer directly sought to invade the Great Rift Valley, but took the initiative to negotiate with the Great Rift Valley.

  After that, he took Luoxia Province and the mutant tribes of the Great Desert as opponents, and carefully planned one victory after another, so that those young talents who were eager to make achievements saw the hope of brushing merits and came from afar to support his cause.

  If everything goes well.

  The ancient grain-producing area will be under the control of the Legion.

  And even if the progress is not smooth, those other factions involved in the interests will have to increase the chips bet on him.

  For example, the nuclear bomb and the previous Sabre fighter were obtained from the factions they belonged to by his officers who belonged to other factions, especially those officers from famous families.

  As for the legacy left by General Krass, he had already fought for it in the expedition.

  And if the progress is extremely unsuccessful…

  He can also use the sacrifice of everyone, including himself, to unite the various factions with hatred.

  At this time, the signal light on the radio suddenly flickered.

  Seeing the flashing signal light, General Griffin’s face became serious, and he immediately reached out to pick up the phone on the radio.

  Before he could speak, a familiar voice came from the other end of the receiver.

  ”I’m Joseph.”

  Hearing this name, Griffin was relieved. He knew that this person was under the command of the commander of the Eastern Legion. His taking over the command showed that the marshal had not given up on them.

  However, before he could relax, the second sentence that came from the receiver made his face lose color in an instant.

  ”The marshal has seen through your plan. It’s not just me who came to Luoxia Province, but also Cohen from Triumph City.”

  Griffin’s face was slightly pale.

  After a long time, he swallowed and asked.

  ”…What did he say?”

  The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and did not answer the question, but asked in return.

  ”Are you loyal?”

  Griffin vaguely guessed something and answered with a trembling voice.

  ”My loyalty to the Marshal is beyond doubt.”

  ”Very good,” Joseph paused for a moment and continued, “You have two choices, die as a hero or die as a traitor… You understand what I mean, the choice is up to you.”

  Griffin’s Adam’s apple moved.

  ”…Did I do something wrong?”

  Joseph said calmly.

  ”War with the Enterprise will not bring us any benefits, and His Majesty the Marshal thinks so. I can understand your feelings, but now is not the time to do that.”

  The word “you” completely drew a line between them.

  Griffin was silent for a long time.

  ”I see.”

  ”You have twenty minutes.”

  Without waiting for his answer, Joseph hung up the phone directly.

  Griffin closed his eyes.

  Five minutes later, he reached out and pressed the bell on the command table.

  Soon, a young officer walked into the temporary command room.

  His name was Karlov, the captain of Griffin’s personal guard and also his most trusted subordinate – more trusted than the adjutant.

  Standing at attention and saluting in front of Griffin, Karlov spoke neatly.

  ”Sir, you’re looking for me?”

  Griffin said slowly.

  ”I’m going to die in a quarter of an hour.”

  Karlov was stunned on the spot.

  After coming to his senses, he looked at General Griffin in surprise and said in disbelief.

  ”What are you talking about?”

  ”Don’t panic, this is the order of His Majesty the Marshal.”

  Griffin continued calmly.

  ”To make a long story short, I need you to do the last two things for me. The first is to announce to the public that the cause of my death is a stroke. The second thing… you have to keep an eye on my body. No one is allowed to approach, no one is allowed to perform an autopsy, and no one is allowed to know the cause of my death until my body is handed over to Joseph, who will take me back to Triumph City.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Also, my suicide note is in my suitcase. Please pass it to my family for me.”

  Karlov’s face changed with surprise, anger and disbelief. He couldn’t believe that the great Marshal would actually give such an order.

  The great legion would never sacrifice any Willant for the sake of compromise, let alone sacrifice a general with outstanding merits.

  Absolutely impossible!

  There must be someone behind this…

  He clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with anger, and stepped forward and said.

  ”My lord, how about we–”

  Griffin interrupted him.

  ”Don’t think so. After I die, I will be awarded the honor of a hero and receive a state funeral in Triumph City as a general… I don’t want my half-life of hard work and honor to go to waste because of a small mistake.”

  ”Promise me, Karlov, just let me go alone, don’t hate any of our compatriots, and don’t resist.”

  Griffin’s voice was filled with a hint of pleading.

  Karlov looked at him in silence for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

  ”I promise you.”

  Seeing the young man in front of him nod, Griffin finally showed a relieved smile on his face and changed his tone to a gentle one.

  ”My deputy will take over the command, Hornburg will surrender to the Alliance, and the ceasefire negotiations will have results in the near future… This war is over.”

  ”You will be able to go home in a while.”

  ”Go ahead, wait for me at the door for a while, I want to spend the last few minutes alone.”

  Resisting the sadness and tears in his heart, Karlov gritted his teeth, turned his head, and walked out of the door with his back to his respected general.

  Looking at the empty room, Griffin, who had put everything aside, felt relaxed.

  In fact…

  their efforts were not meaningless.

  At least Triumph City sent a five-star captain to serve as the governor.

  With direct support from Triumph City, they will get a more powerful vassal in at most ten years. By then, it is not a bad idea to move eastward.

  And their sacrifice will also become the driving force for the Willant people to move forward.

  There will always be someone who sympathizes with them.

  There will always be someone who will continue their unfinished work.

  ”The world will eventually surrender to us.”

  Griffin poured himself a glass of red wine, then reached out to open the drawer and took out a silver box the size of a cigarette box.

  Inside was a capsule of neurotoxin.

  It would allow him to die without pain and ensure that his body would remain intact.

  ”No one can kill me.”

  Griffin grinned, threw the capsule into his mouth, and drank it with the red wine.

  ”…Except myself.”

  He put down the glass, leaned back in a chair in a comfortable position, and closed his eyes.

  This time I can sleep longer…


  Less than ten minutes after Griffin’s death, the news spread quickly among the senior officers of the Horn Castle, and it caused a storm for a while.

  His deputy, General Alec, took over the command of the Horn Castle and the garrison at the first time.

  Griffin’s personal guard captain Karlov cooperated with the temporary commander’s handover of work, but refused to hand over the general’s body, and declared that they would stay in the bunker until General Joseph lifted their orders.

  Of course, Alec didn’t need to anger Griffin’s subordinates. He and a group of officers who knew they were doomed to fail just wanted to go home.

  He didn’t care about Griffin’s affairs. The first thing he did after taking over the command was to restore the communication with the Arbiter, report the real situation in the fortress to the newly appointed governor, and discuss how to “leave the Horn Fort with dignity.”

  If they don’t want this war to continue endlessly, the Alliance soldiers surrounding the fortress should not do too much.

  The commander of the Alliance had shouted to them before that as long as they laid down their weapons, they could retreat to the nearby riverbank through the safe passage designated by the Alliance, where they could get food and fresh water.

  Veric paced back and forth in the tent.

  He had just learned that Griffin was dead, but because his defense zone No. 5 was a little far from the headquarters, he was not sure whether the news was true or false.

  At this time, footsteps were heard at the door.

  Looking at the confidant who appeared at the door, Veric asked immediately.

  ”…Griffin is dead?”

  The confidant nodded seriously.


  A hint of ecstasy suddenly appeared on Veric’s face, but he quickly suppressed it and continued to ask the confidant.

  ”How did he die?”

  The confidant hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

  ”Griffin’s personal guard captain Karlov claimed that it was a stroke, but there are many doubts… They refused the military doctor to perform an autopsy on Griffin and claimed that they would hand it over to the new commander-in-chief General Joseph. I suspect that his cause of death may be something else.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”…At present, the command of all troops in the entire Luoxia Province has been temporarily handed over to Griffin’s adjutant General Alec. I heard that he is communicating with the Governor-General about a decent evacuation.”

  Veric asked solemnly.

  ”Then what do you think the real cause of Griffin’s death may be?”

  The confidant said cautiously.

  ”I don’t know, but Griffin had been investigating the traitor who assassinated him that day… Karlov might have suspected us, so he refused to hand over Griffin’s body and asked to send it to General Joseph.”

  ”We? How could that be…”

  Veric sneered and was about to say how could it be possible. After all, no matter how stupid his colleagues were, they would not take action immediately after experiencing a failure.

  But he soon remembered that when the assassination failed a few days ago, he actually privately commissioned a powerful follower under his command to kill Griffin.

  Could it be…

  that the pangolin did it?

  Veric’s heart was shocked. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. After all, the reason of stroke sounded too lame. It sounded like bullshit. He had

  experienced how cunning Griffin was. This guy couldn’t have fooled all of them without some tricks.

  He was able to kill Griffin without anyone noticing under the heavy protection of the guards and the bunker… and escaped unscathed.

  Who is this pangolin? !

  Veric pondered for a long time and spoke.

  ”Get me the pangolin.”

  The confidant standing in the tent obviously thought the same as him, and nodded seriously.


  He knew very well that his master was interested in talent.

  If the pangolin really had such ability, he would undoubtedly be a worthy target.

  This man not only had the courage to fight against thousands of people on the battlefield and take the head of the Mother of Death Claws alone, but also had the ability to take the heads of generals under heavy guard…

  Even General McLen praised him for being a warrior. It was really a waste of talent to follow a thousand-man captain like Kolwe

  . The confidant who received the order was about to turn around and leave.

  Weiliqi suddenly stopped him.

  ”Wait a minute… Does he have any hobbies? Money? Women? Power… Or something else?”

  The confidant stopped and thought for a moment.

  ”He never approached women in the army, nor did he like gold and silver treasures, and he didn’t show much pursuit of power. Apart from being a big eater… he seemed to have no other hobbies.”

  No hobbies…

  It’s a bit difficult to deal with.

  But it’s normal. Most of the wastelanders live a primitive life and have no concept of prosperity. Naturally, the dinar has no appeal to them.

  When the time comes, I will give him a manor and take him to Triumph City to see the world. I believe he will be interested in those mundane things.

  By the way, I heard that he is very close to that female reporter. If

  a foreigner wants to marry a girl from Willant, he must have a mine at home, not to mention that she is the daughter of a civil servant. In the legion, even if the status of a civil servant cannot be compared with that of a military officer, he is still an official.

  With an idea in mind, Weiliqi looked at him and said.

  ”So… you go to the kitchen and ask the chef to prepare a table of good wine and food and send it here, and then invite that pangolin over!”

  The confidant nodded in response.



  At the same time, somewhere in Horn Castle.

  The battlefield atmosphere group did not know that the target he wanted to assassinate was dead, and he did not know that he had been put on the vent before he took action.

  When he found out that his choice would affect the future plot and even the direction of the game, he was not as happy as the people on the forum imagined.

  Looking at the crumpled note in his hand, the battlefield guy squatting in the toilet complained.

  ”Damn… it would be nice if I could save a file.”

  The note was sent by Veric before, and it wrote Griffin’s recent schedule, but it made no difference whether it was there or not, because since the last assassination, Griffin has been hiding in the bunker and rarely came out.

  The only reliable chance is the day after tomorrow.

  The morning of the day after tomorrow, Griffin will go to his defense zone for inspection, and maybe he can take the opportunity to do something. However, it is foreseeable that there will be a large group of powerful awakened people guarding next to that guy, and even if he successfully finds an opportunity to shoot, it is likely that he will be dead.

  He doesn’t care whether Griffin dies or not.

  But it is very uncomfortable to only choose one of the two plots.

  If possible, he hoped to watch both the killing and non-killing plots, collect the “BE” by the way, and then choose the one with the highest profit… He did this when playing most RPG games.


  that was a single-player game.

  ”Wasteland OL” is an MMORPG, and the player’s influence on the world line is permanent, so it is obviously impossible to do this.

  After copying the contents of the note into a notebook in another world, the battlefield guy threw it into the toilet and flushed it away.

  Pulling up his pants and coming out of the toilet, he walked towards the barracks not far away, intending to ask Korway’s opinion before making a decision.

  After all, it was a friendship of life and death.

  Korway would never hurt him.

  Of course, the most important thing was that Teng Teng’s nonsense reminded him.

  When he came with General Weiliqi that day, Korway’s hesitant words and tone did make him a little concerned.

  But he didn’t have the opportunity to ask at that time, and he forgot about it later.


  At the door of the barracks.

  The battlefield guy looked at the guard on duty and said.

  ”I’m looking for Commander Korway.”

  Recognizing the face of the pangolin, the guard saluted.

  ”Captain Kolway is not here. He went over there.”

  He pointed to the west.

  ”Thank you.”

  The Warlord nodded and walked in the direction pointed by the guard .

  Sure enough, he saw Kolway next to a tent where miscellaneous items were piled up. He was sitting on the concrete steps smoking a cigarette, staring at the rows of concrete fortifications and the setting sun in the distance. He didn’t even notice that the cigarette butt had burned to the edge of his fingers.

  Hearing the footsteps next to him, he came back to his senses and looked over.

  ”You’re here?”

  The Warlord nodded and walked to sit next to him.

  ”General Veric sent me a letter.”

  Kolway said a little irritably, brushing off the ash on the cigarette butt.

  ”He urged you to do it?”

  The Warlord nodded.

  ”Well… He provided General Griffin’s itinerary. The day after tomorrow is the only chance.”

  After listening to his words in silence, Kolway spoke.

  ”Inspection the day after tomorrow… You shouldn’t tell me such a thing. If I were Griffin’s man, you would be dead now.”

  The Warlord rolled his eyes in his heart.

  Stop bragging.

  You are a direct descendant of McLen, otherwise how could Veric find you!

  Being dull and taciturn is just his personality, he is not really stupid.


  there is no need to say those words.

  ”I believe you,” Warland Man shook his head and looked at him seriously and said, “You will always be my superior.”

  Hearing this, Korway’s expressionless face showed a relieved smile.

  I didn’t expect that I also had a confidant…

  However, that relieved smile soon brought a trace of loneliness.

  Looking at the sunset in the distance, he sighed and said.

  ”I am very happy to hear you say this. It would be great if everyone was like you.”

  ”Like me?” Warland Man was stunned for a moment, not understanding why he said that.

  ”Yes, loyal, brave, open… without a trace of falsehood.”

  Korway lit up his cigarette butt and said this casually.

  However, the speaker was unintentional, but the listener was attentive. The old face of the Warland Man sitting next to him blushed involuntarily and moved away awkwardly.

  It’s okay to be like me…

  If all the Weylanders were like me, the legion would have been finished long ago.

  Coughing, the warlord changed the subject from himself,

  ”Then… what about you?”

  ”Me?” Korwe’s pupils showed a trace of confusion, and after a long time he shook his head, “I… am not sure.” The

  warlord looked at him in surprise.

  I didn’t expect that this guy who always talked about loyalty would be so hesitant.

  Korwe paused and continued.

  ”How should I put it… The loyalty I understand is the loyalty of one heart and one body, and the unity from the bottom up, but what I see is not the case.”

  When he said this, his heart was extremely complicated.

  When he was just a centurion before, he had never thought so much… It was not until after McLen died that he was promoted to a thousand-man captain by Griffin and assigned to the 10,000-man team of Veric that he gradually came into contact with the inside story that he had never been able to touch before.

  In fact, the legion was not a hemp rope twisted into a rope as he imagined, but a blanket woven from woolen threads that twisted left and right.

  Just like now.

  General Griffin hopes that everyone will die with him.

  In order to realize his long-cherished wish of conquering the Great Rift Valley, to unite all the cowards and factions that are arguing with each other, and to expand the territory of the Legion to the east of the Great Desert, he doesn’t mind dying… This is his loyalty to the Legion and the Marshal.

  However, the lower-level commanders such as Veric do not want to die with that madman. They hope that Griffin will die and end this stupid war… They think this is loyalty to His Majesty the Marshal.

  Everyone is doing things in the name of loyalty that he cannot understand, and everyone has his own understanding of loyalty.

  So what exactly is loyalty?

  He even began to doubt whether he, who had never considered these things, could be called loyal, and which side was right…

  Looking at the confused Korway, the battlefield guy didn’t know how to comfort him, and could only follow his taciturn personality and asked in a low voice.

  ”What should I do?”

  ”I don’t know, my dear friend.”

  Korway sighed, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and stomped it out.

  He clapped his hands and stood up. He looked at the comrade next to him who had been through life and death with him, squeezed out a forced smile from his face, and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”There will always be a time when people need to make their own choices, just let it go… Follow your heart, no matter what you choose, I won’t blame you.”

  ”To be honest, I don’t trust anyone here, but I believe in you.”

  ”You must be the most loyal.”

  The battlefield guy nodded and watched Korway’s back disappear around the corner not far away.

  It’s a pity.

  This “good brother” is destined to be disappointed.

  He was not the “most loyal” one at all. If there was a little bit of Willant blood in his veins, what he did would be enough to send him to hell after his death.

  Not surprisingly, he was probably the only spy here.

  After all, in such a short time, the Alliance had no time to deploy other intelligence personnel in the Legion and build an intelligence network.

  Most of those who were arrested before were wrongly accused…

  ”It’s difficult.”

  Shaking his head, the battlefield man stood up with a headache.

  According to the schedule provided by General Weiliqi, the day after tomorrow is the best opportunity. No matter what, he must make a decision as soon as possible. Only in this way can he get the support of Weiliqi.

  For example, help him prepare weapons in advance, or create a commotion at a specific time…

  There are many powerful awakeners among Griffin’s guards, including those in the second or even third stage, and even players similar to the perception system.

  In addition, the failed assassination some time ago has made Griffin alert, and he is cautious by nature. It is conceivable that this task is not easy.

  ”…If the assassination fails, or the assassination succeeds but the identity is exposed, the mission of Pangolin is over.”

  Should he say goodbye to the NPCs he knows?

  Thinking of the female reporter named Penny, the nurse who told dirty jokes while bandaging his wound, and the cook who complained that he was too greedy, the battlefield guy scratched the back of his head.

  Forget it.

  After all, he is an undercover agent.

  Since the mission is completed, let’s meet again if we are destined.

  At this time, two people came from a distance.

  The battlefield guy recognized them. They were General Veric’s men.

  One of his confidants walked up to him and whispered with a twinkling look in his eyes.

  ”…General Veric asks you to go.”

  Is it to discuss the specific details of the operation?

  Deciding to play his character of being ruthless and taciturn to the end, the battlefield guy looked calm and nodded lightly.


  Perhaps he was stunned by his “kingly aura”.

  The battlefield atmosphere team clearly felt that the eyes of the two guys looking at him were different in an instant, as if they were looking up at a real master.

  Is it an illusion?

  While he was thinking about it, he had already followed the three people to the door of Veric’s tent.

  The two of them stood by the door consciously, one on the left and one on the right.

  After looking at the two people with respectful expressions, the battlefield guy didn’t think much and walked into the tent alone.

  There was a table in the tent.

  It was filled with rich food and fine wine, including his favorite roasted pig’s trotters, stewed beef, roasted fish and roasted chicken… and the chicken soup he had been thinking about.

  A month ago, this meal of fish and meat was not rare, but now the fortress is short of supplies, and it is still a bit difficult to prepare such a table.

  The battlefield guy couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

  Good guy.

  Is this a farewell party for me?

  It seems that when he sent me the itinerary, the guy had already tacitly agreed that he would take action on a certain day.

  Veric, dressed in a military uniform, sat directly opposite the dining table.

  The expression on his face was hard to read. It was hard to tell whether it was gratitude, respect or fear, or a little bit of both.

  Since it was a farewell party for him, the battlefield guy was not polite and sat down across the table.

  Just when he was about to make his decision straight to the point, Captain Weiliqi raised the glass full of red wine and said solemnly without waiting for him to speak.

  ”On behalf of the hundreds of officers of Horn Castle and the more than 50,000 soldiers here… thank you for everything you have done for all of us!”

  Hearing this inexplicable thank you, the battlefield guy was immediately confused. I haven’t done anything yet


  Isn’t it too early to thank now?

  Sitting there motionless for a full two seconds, he frowned and asked.

  ”What did I do?”

  This sentence originally had no deep meaning.

  But combined with his calm and calm expression, this ordinary question sounded like a question that was deliberately asked in Weiliqi’s ears.

  Weiliqi immediately “understood” what he meant, laughed knowingly, and gave Comrade Pangolin sitting opposite him a look that said “I understand”.

  ”Understood! You didn’t do anything! On this day worth celebrating, let’s not talk about that unlucky madman!”

  Battlefield Man: “……?”

  Without waiting for the taciturn master to speak, Veric drank the red wine in the glass and greeted him warmly with a smile.

  ”Eat quickly! This table is all prepared for you!”

  ”Don’t worry, don’t worry about being too ostentatious and arousing suspicion from others. General Alex, the acting commander, is our man… Griffin is dead. Even if his direct descendants are here, those guys can only keep their tails between their legs.”

  ”It’s over! Thanks to you, this stupid war is finally over! When we return to Triumph City, I will take you to eat something good!”

  Griffin is dead?

  Hearing this news, the Battlefield Man was confused.

  Combined with Veric’s sudden enthusiastic attitude, he immediately realized that this guy probably mistook the assassin for himself.

  No wonder…

  Griffin was sitting in the bunker just fine. If there was no assassination, it was impossible for him to die by banging his head against the wall, right?

  But this matter was too strange.

  Silently, he grabbed a piece of chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth. Under the smiling eyes of the captain, the warlord began to eat without any hesitation.

  In any case, he would not go against the food, and he happened to be hungry.

  Let the captain misunderstand if he wanted to. Anyway, if he did not express his opinion, the guy would not spread it everywhere, let alone investigate the cause of Griffin’s death.

  As for silencing?

  That was even more impossible.

  Not to mention that there was no evidence to prove that he did it, even if there was evidence, what could it do?

  Griffin’s direct line had been suppressed, and the new governor was from Triumph City. The eastward expansion faction was finished, and all those who supported the ceasefire would regard him as “one of their own”.

  The warlord suddenly felt a little melancholy.

  I didn’t expect Griffin to die like this.

  But then again, this battle is probably over, so has his mission as an undercover been completed?

  He hasn’t saved a file for half a year…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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