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Chapter 499 This is our victory!

Chapter 499 This is our victory!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 499 This is our victory!

  Dusk gradually fell.

  Outside the Horn Fort, in the endless wilderness, the Lion Kingdom soldiers squatting in the trenches were chewing dry food, and suddenly saw a white flag raised in the bunker in the distance.

  At first, the soldiers thought they had seen it wrong.

  It was not until they found that there was no one on the opposite position that more and more people reacted.

  An old soldier immediately stuffed the half-eaten dry food back into his pocket, trotted to the back of the trench and reported to the centurion.

  ”Report! The Horn Fort has raised a white flag.”

  ”White flag?!”

  The centurion was shocked when he heard it, and immediately ran to the front line with a telescope to confirm it in person, and found that it was indeed a white flag.

  Unsure whether it was a trap set by the legion, the centurion did not dare to neglect it and immediately reported the news to his superiors.

  In this way, after layers of reports, the news quickly reached the Skeleton Corps.

  Driving to the front line with twenty tanks, the mole raised the telescope and glanced at the fortifications in the distance.

  Half an hour ago, he had learned about Griffin’s death from his old man on the battlefield, and was not surprised at all by the white flag being raised in the fortress.

  The administrator in Falcon City had reached an agreement with the governor sent by the Legion.

  The Legion would give up its claim to Bister Town, and in exchange, the Alliance would acquiesce to the more than 50,000 “substantial prisoners” in Horn Castle, lay down their weapons and leave the military fortress with dignity, and go to the northernmost riverbank of Oasis No. 2 to wait for the ceasefire agreement to take effect.

  Putting down the telescope, Mole looked at the Lion Kingdom soldiers standing aside and said.

  ”… Let your 17,000-man team stationed in the north of Horn Castle retreat and let these defeated generals leave.”


  The messenger saluted and immediately trotted towards the communication station.

  Although the Lion Kingdom’s army was nominally commanded by Prince Winter, it was actually coordinated by the Alliance’s Army Command.

  Even their radio was provided to them by the Alliance.

  The accompanying centurion glanced at the Mole standing in the tank turret and asked in confusion.

  ”Why don’t we take the opportunity to wipe them out?”

  The mole who was fleeing in the canyon replied casually.

  ”Griffin is dead.”

  The centurion was stunned.

  He had never heard similar news through his information channels.

  ”…Isn’t this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?”

  ”War is a means, not an end,” the mole squinted his eyes as he looked into the distance, and casually pretended to be cool, “This war is over, and you can go home soon.”

  Several officers from the Lion Kingdom looked at each other in surprise.

  They followed the army of the Alliance, chasing the Legion and the Falcon Kingdom all the way to here, a thousand kilometers away.

  However, apart from the prisoners they picked up along the way, many of them didn’t even have the chance to see an enemy with a gun.

  Thinking back carefully to the past one or two months, all the offensive battles were basically dominated by the Alliance’s Skeleton Corps and Storm Corps.

  Along the way, in addition to helping to serve tea, pour water and deliver supplies, they also dug pits, filled lines and cleaned the battlefield, and then the other side suddenly surrendered while fighting. Is

  n’t this battle too easy?

  Being a dog of the Alliance was so comfortable, which was beyond the imagination of these vassal officers.

  The Mole then looked at the other players who were looking forward with curiosity and stretched their necks, and shouted in Mandarin.

  ”Brothers, take turns to go offline to eat, and those who have nothing to do can log in later.”

  The newbie following the tank asked with a yawn.

  ”Are there any activities tonight?”

  ”Didn’t the other side surrender?”

  ”You don’t understand this. The legion is so anxious to escape, it’s impossible to take all the supplies with it, right?” The Mole said with a grin, “The agreement negotiated by the administrator only stipulates that we let them go and when we will withdraw, but it doesn’t say that we can’t go to their homes before retreating.”

  The ceasefire agreement will take two days to negotiate, right?

  It is estimated that there will not be much supplies and ammunition to pick up, and the pots and pans have been almost blown up by Mosquito Brother, but the weapons and artillery and anti-aircraft guns of various calibers left behind can always be taken away, right?

  And those spherical armored turrets are all made of armored steel.

  The Alliance wants to build ships in Tianshui and conduct large-scale production in Xizhou City. There are many places that use alloys, and even selling scrap iron can make a lot of money.

  As for transporting it back, don’t worry.

  The entire army of the Lion Kingdom is used as a logistics force by the Alliance. With the help of tens of thousands of people, it can be emptied even if it moves a little bit like ants moving!

  The newbies on the side were stunned when they heard this.

  ”Fuck?! This is also possible?”

  ”This is too inhuman!”

  ”What else?” Looking at the newbies who were making a fuss, Irena smiled and teased, “Otherwise, how do you think we got our tanks and cannons?”

  The Elf King Fugui, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, said with a grin.

  ”I’ll go back and drive a transport truck over!”

  The armored truck carried heavy machine guns and ammunition, and couldn’t drag much stuff. It was definitely not as efficient as a professional truck.

  The mole waved his hand directly.

  ”Don’t just use trucks, bring the fellow villagers of the Lion Kingdom with you, so that they don’t have to bring guns, just go to the army’s position to pick up the things!”

  The Elf King Fugui smiled.



  Fort Horn.

  Less than two hours after Griffin’s death, the entire fortress covering several square kilometers was deserted.

  Under the order of the acting commander, General Alec, 50,000 troops unloaded their weapons and retreated to the northern riverbank along the route designated by the Alliance.

  More than 50,000 clone soldiers will be left there. After all, it is not economical to bring them back with only a few years of life. It is better to help the Governor with construction. After death, they can be used as fertilizer, which is also a good use of them.

  Hundreds of Willant officers and more than a thousand non-commissioned officers will return to Triumph City with the airship after the ceasefire agreement takes effect.

  Hearing that they can finally go home, almost every tired face is full of joy.

  At the beginning, they came to the East from afar to seek treasures, glory and adventure under the call of Griffin and the officers of the Eastward Expansion.

  However, after coming here, they found that this place is not an amusement park full of gold as they imagined.

  As for non-Villante officers and non-commissioned officers, such as those followers who were promoted to regular positions due to special circumstances, they can voluntarily choose to stay or leave.

  If they choose to stay, they will receive a severance pay ranging from 1,000 to 50,000 dinars according to their military ranks. This is the usual practice.

  However, most people will choose to go to Triumph City.

  Although the society of the Villantes is full of xenophobia, it is not so extreme in Triumph City.

  Take slaves, who are of lower status than foreigners, for example. Only in Triumph City will the law of “not arbitrarily executing slaves” and “protecting the right to life and health of slaves” be strictly enforced. Violators will be fined heavily, and may even be sentenced to prison in serious cases.

  In the distant borders or the manors of nobles, the treatment of slaves is not much better than that of cattle and sheep. Most governors or consuls turn a blind eye to the lives of foreigners.

  God knows what will happen in the future if you retire with severance pay and stay in the local area.

  What’s more, after fighting with the hungry wolf-like army of the Alliance, almost all soldiers and officers have some psychological shadows.

  They just wanted to leave this troubled place.


  not everyone was in such a hurry to leave.

  At the entrance of the bunker in the center of Horn Castle, the Willant soldier standing in the observation post looked to the south, and immediately crouched and got into the bunker next to it.

  They were Griffin’s personal guards.

  When they retreated before, General Alec ordered them to withdraw, but their commander Karlov refused to follow the order of the acting commander, so everyone stayed.

  The soldier trotted to Karlov and said nervously.

  ”Sir, the Alliance is here.”

  Karlov nodded, walked out of the bunker expressionlessly, and walked along the narrow concrete tunnel to the observation post above the bunker.

  The gate to the south was blown open, and the roadblock in front of the gate was dragged to the side of the road by several soldiers. In the distance, trucks drove into Horn Castle.

  Before the truck stopped, the excited Lion Kingdom soldiers jumped off the truck and rushed to the military camp and various defense areas not far away at the call of the commander, intending to plunder the spoils that the Weirant people had not taken away in time.

  Karlov watched quietly as the tents in the distance were overturned, and the loot was stuffed into the trucks. One fully loaded truck drove away, and another empty truck drove back, without any ripples in his heart.

  Those people were like hyenas lying on the lion…

  The soldier standing aside took a deep breath and looked at Karlov.

  ”Sir, we…”

  Karlov looked at those people coldly.

  ”Don’t care about them.”

  Even if he wanted to care, he couldn’t.

  There were only a few hundred of them, and they were extremely short of ammunition. They couldn’t get any benefits on the front battlefield, let alone being surrounded in the bunker.

  The war was over.

  He just wanted to save Griffin’s body…

  Just as Karlov was watching the soldiers who were plundering the spoils, the soldiers who were plundering the spoils soon discovered him standing in the observation post.

  A newbie trotted over to Mole and reported.

  ”Boss! There are a few Weilant ahead!”

  Didn’t leave?

  Mole raised his eyebrows.

  ”Take me there.”


  Following the player to the front, Mole glanced at the Weilant standing at the observation post and introduced himself concisely.

  ”Captain of the Skeleton Corps, Mole.”

  Karlov said slowly.

  ”General Griffin’s personal guard, Karlov.”

  ”Why don’t you leave?” Mole glanced at the closed bunker and asked with a smile, “Or is there something precious inside.”

  Karlov was silent for a while, and finally chose to tell the truth.

  ”General Alec took away all the documents, and burned those that couldn’t be taken away… There is nothing in here, only the body of my late commander, and we have been ordered to send him off for the last time.”


  Mole lost interest.

  Come to think of it.

  Such a long time is enough to take away the really important things. As long as the acting commander is not mentally retarded, he would not have forgotten the things in the bunker.

  As for Griffin’s body.

  The survivors of Luoxia Province may want to drag this guy out and whip his corpse, but he is not a survivor of Luoxia Province, just a player. He does not have such a deep sense of substitution for the suffering of the aftermath of the war, and he is not interested in a corpse.

  But out of curiosity, he still asked casually.

  ”Oh, how did he die?”


  ”Tsk, forget it if you don’t want to talk about it,” Mole shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, “By the way, everything here belongs to us, do you have any objection?”

  Karlov nodded silently.

  ”No objection.”

  Disposing of spoils, deciding the fate of losers, and showing mercy and tolerance are all privileges of the victors. They are just exercising their own power.

  Mole stared at the closed iron door for a few times, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

  When the Alliance launched its first military operation against Luoxia Province, the headquarters transferred the Iron Heart to the City of Plenty and sent the Skeleton Corps to march towards the Lost Valley.

  At that critical moment, Griffin predicted that the Alliance had learned of their intelligence and used the same trick to ambush the eastern side of the Lost Valley.

  Even now, when thinking back, Mole has to admire that guy. He is simply a genius.

  His Skeleton Corps was caught off guard.

  If it weren’t for the various variables outside the battlefield, if it weren’t for the No. 60 electromagnetic cannon that the enterprise supported the Alliance, that guy’s plan might have succeeded.

  In fact, earlier, if it weren’t for the intelligence collected by Comrade Pangolin when passing by Camp 530, the Lion Kingdom might not have been able to hold on until the Alliance completed its war preparations.

  Even though the plan failed to meet expectations again and again, that guy still made timely remedies until the last moment of his life.

  Even if we don’t go back to the old accounts of the Bone Chewing Tribe, the Alliance almost destroyed this boss at least twice.

  Turning his gaze away from the iron gate, the Mole looked at Karlov standing at the observation post.

  ”Apart from the devastation of war, your commander was an impressive opponent… I’m glad he died, and I’m sorry he didn’t die at our hands.”

  Karlov’s expression was slightly touched, and his Adam’s apple moved, but he said nothing. He just nodded silently to express his gratitude, and then turned and walked back to the bunker.

  At the same time, in Falcon City.

  Cohen, who was sitting in a room in the castle, finally received a call from the acting commander General Alec after a long wait.

  ”…We have arrived in Far West City. Damn, this damn place is too poor.” Alec’s voice was a little happy.

  Although he could only be the commander for a few days, he also got a chance to command thousands of troops. When he was under Griffin before, he, as an adjutant, could only do odd jobs, and was often caught between the subordinate officers and the superiors.

  This day is finally over.

  ”Have you all evacuated?”

  ”They have evacuated…Except for Griffin’s guards, they insisted on staying. I couldn’t persuade them, so I let them go.”

  Cohen nodded.

  Griffin’s direct line does not need him to worry about it. If they insist on seeking death, then let them go.

  ”You have to stay there for a while. After the ceasefire agreement takes effect, Captain Adria will take you home.”

  Alec said with a smile.


  After the voice fell, both sides suddenly fell silent, as if they thought the other side had something to say and planned to wait for the other side to speak first.

  However, this silence did not last long.

  Seeing that the Governor had not spoken for a long time, Alec took the initiative to ask.

  ”Sir… did we lose?”

  Cohen answered concisely.

  ”The ceasefire negotiations do not include this part. You will bring victory back to Triumph City.”

  Both sides will declare that they have won.

  This is an explanation to their own people.

  Hearing the answer he wanted to hear, Alec breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”I know.”

  As he and a group of ten thousand captains guessed, the Legion would not surrender to the Enterprise, let alone surrender to the Alliance.

  The Enterprise would not be naive to think that this victory alone is enough to mean that the military strength of the East Coast has surpassed the West Coast.

  As for those wastelanders who don’t know how to live or die, they probably want to take this opportunity to get some benefits. Although it was naive and ridiculous, any problem that could be solved by buying off benefits was not a problem. He didn’t need to bother with them for a little bit of profit.

  The barbarians could take whatever they wanted.

  He also made some concessions as much as possible within the scope of his power, such as tacitly approving the alliance’s plunder of the vassal states, transferring the supplies originally sent to Griffin to them, and tacitly approving their occupation of the town of Bister, etc.

  In exchange, the alliance would return a series of prisoners including General McLen and Soft, and tacitly allow the defenders of Horn Castle to lay down their weapons and withdraw from the position in a decent manner.

  The rescued prisoners, the rescued officers, and the various factions in Triumph City would thank him.

  He not only helped them preserve their strength, but also helped them achieve the “victory” that they had not achieved on the battlefield.

  They would thank him.

  This would be a huge political resource.

  ”By the way, Governor.” Suddenly remembering something, Alec spoke on the phone.

  Cohen said casually.

  ”Anything else?”

  Alec hesitated and reported truthfully.

  ”Griffin’s body was not found… His cause of death was a little strange.”

  Cohen said indifferently.

  ”Let him do whatever he wants. Whoever wants to collect his body can do it. It doesn’t matter.”

  He had already reminded Joseph not to expect to save that guy, but he didn’t expect that guy to die.

  Although this ending is not bad.

  A mere three-star captain wants to kidnap the entire Triumph City. These officers who climbed up from the bottom are really bold.

  Is this what it means to be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes?

  If he is still alive, he will definitely not have a good time when he returns. If he dies outside, he may become a tragic hero.

  Maybe it was the advice of the commander of the Eastern Legion.

  Cohen laughed and shook his head, and hung up the phone casually, as if he had finished a boring trivial matter.


  The next day.

  The meeting hall of the Falcon City Castle was crowded with people.

  A few days ago, it was still deserted here. Each party only sent a few representatives here, and only those few people spoke.

  Now, the originally spacious conference table suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

  First of all, on the side of the army, in addition to the governor appointed by Triumph City, the five-star captain Cohen, the new commander-in-chief Joseph, and the captain of the Judge Adria, almost all officers above the rank of captain who were not captured attended the meeting. On

  the side of the enterprise, in addition to Deputy Minister Wu of the General Management Department, a large number of his subordinates and dispatched employees from the five major groups also came.

  Including Yi Chuan of the Silver Wing Group, Yun You of the Endpoint Group, Wu Mu of the Changge Group, Li Changkong of the Ideal Group, and two bionic people from the Kangmao Group.

  In addition to these people of status, Chu Guang also saw several reporters from Ideal City.

  Among them was the “Zhiyuan Newspaper” he knew, and some media that he had no impression of. He just felt that the logos on their equipment were familiar, probably because they had interviewed in the area of ​​Dawn City before.

  Considering the historical significance of this ceasefire negotiation and the fact that the photos and videos would be played repeatedly many times, Chu Guang paid attention to facial expression management since he entered the conference room.

  Just as he expected, from the moment he walked into the conference room, almost all the cameras were focused on him.

  ”The manager of Shelter 404 and the Alliance!” The reporter from Futurism lowered her voice and said excitedly, “I heard that he is from the pre-war era.”

  ”Where did you hear that?” The reporter from the All-Knowing Broadcasting Company cast a surprised look at her.

  ”During the interview in Dawn City!”

  ”But he looks only in his twenties.”

  ”What’s the big deal? Aren’t the managers of the shelters all old popsicles who have been in hibernation until now? Maybe he is an old monster who has lived for more than 200 years!”

  The reporters from Ideal City kept chattering.

  Although it didn’t seem abrupt in such a noisy occasion, it still made Li Ke, who was sitting at the conference table, feel annoyed.

  Especially when those reporters tried to interview him.

  Fortunately, there are no such annoying guys in the Wandering Swamp, otherwise, it might be ruined one day… These guys who are looking around are really harder to guard against than the mutant crocodiles in the swamp.

  There are also a few soldiers from the alliance, and the way they look at him always makes him feel strange… How to describe it, it’s like the natives of the Golden Lizard Kingdom seeing gold coins.

  Looking at Chu Guang who was sitting aside, Li Ke tilted his head towards him and asked in a low voice.

  ”…Why did so many people suddenly come?”

  ”After all, it’s a moment to witness history. Isn’t it normal to come and take a group photo?” Chu Guang smiled, but suddenly thought that it might cause misunderstandings to his friends in the north, so he politely added, “Of course, I’m talking about those reporters.”

  Li Ke coughed.

  ”You don’t have to emphasize it specifically-”

  ”Quiet, everyone please be quiet.”

  At this time, Wu Changnian, the corporate representative who finally signed his name, clapped his hands, signaling the chattering reporters and the nobles of the Falcon Kingdom to be quiet.

  When the meeting room was a little quieter,

  he spoke in a steady voice.

  ”Thanks to all parties for their support and cooperation. Today’s peace is inseparable from your efforts.”

  ”The contract that has lasted for a century and a half will continue. This declining world does not need more wars. In the face of the crisis of life and death, we should work together to face common threats and explore a common future…”

  He spoke for about ten minutes.

  Seeing the representatives of the Legion yawning, Wu Changnian stopped talking and handed the three signed agreements in his hand to his subordinates beside him, who handed them to the Weilant officer standing next to the conference table.

  ”So much nonsense.”

  Cohen glanced at the corner of his mouth, picked up the pen and signed his name on the three agreements, then pushed forward and slid directly in front of Chu Guang across the negotiation table.

  The content of the agreement has been repeatedly confirmed. The

  final signature is just a formality.

  He just wants to end this boring ceremony quickly, quickly deal with the mess left by the previous commander-in-chief, and then take over the Falcon Kingdom from the Alliance again.

  After all…

  even if they were not defeated in name, the content of the agreement was not glorious for the Legion.

  Most of the “substantial benefits” of the alliance are outside this piece of paper. Chu Guang simply glanced at the agreement.

  In addition to a series of clauses including restrictions on garrisons and withdrawal of troops by all parties, there are only three important clauses on this document in black and white that are important to the alliance.

  One is that the Legion and the Falcon Kingdom accept an unconditional ceasefire.

  The other is that the Iron Heart and Bicester Town, which originally belonged to the Legion, will belong to the Alliance according to the principle of “maintaining the status quo.”

  As for the last clause, it is about Shelter No. 0.

  The Legion, the Enterprise, and the Alliance will each send one or two representatives to investigate, and the Academy, as the observer, will also send a technician to assist.

  After confirming that the content of the agreement is correct, Chu Guang signed his name below the ceasefire agreement under the gaze of all the participants.

  According to convention, he should say something on this important occasion.

  But he is not used to long speeches.

  Putting down the pen in his hand, Chu Guang looked at the players standing beside him, such as Lao Bai, Edgepaddling, Fountain Commander, etc., and nodded with a smile.

  ”It’s an honor to witness this moment with you.”

  ”This is our victory!”

  (Thanks to the leader “爱爱他家大可爱斯斯” for the reward!!! After half a year of postponement, the special topic that Dian Niang promised us is finally online. I am in tears. I will add more updates today! However, the second update will be a little later, and it will be sent out before 12 o’clock.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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