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Chapter 501 “Ten Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand” Expansion Pack Ends

Chapter 501 “Ten Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand” Expansion Pack Ends


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 501 “Yellow Sands” End of the expansion pack

  The glory of victory belongs only to the winner.

  For the loser, even if they have gained respectability, it is still difficult to feel joy from it.

  Compared with Ideal City and Dawn City, Falcon City, which had just entered the night, seemed a little quiet.

  Although the name of the ceasefire agreement was named “Falcon City Agreement”, this agreement had nothing to do with the Falcon Kingdom, and the interests of the Falcon Kingdom were never considered.

  However, for the nobles here, this does not mean a completely bad thing.

  The supreme Triumph City finally took action. Although it did not send a large number of troops to help them get back their ground, it at least saved them from the shame of surrendering as a defeated country.

  As for Bicester Town.

  That shitty place was not originally within the territory of Oasis No. 2. From the beginning, it was something that General Kras had to force on them. If the Alliance wanted it, they could take it. Anyway, they were not at a loss.

  Only the citizens in the capital – or to be more precise, those young men who were demobilized and returned to the countryside, would feel indignant about such a result.

  They fought a war without a doubt, but got nothing but scars and disabilities. Many people lost their property and even their loved ones.

  In the end, even the master riding on their heads did not change.

  The king was still the king, and the people holding the rope were still the Willant people.

  What was even more hateful was that the Willant people did not give them any compensation…


  The meeting room of the castle.

  The representatives of all parties took away the satisfactory agreement. This room belonging to the royal family finally returned to its king. The

  only thing left to retake the entire castle was a few guest rooms.

  A group of nobles in bright clothes sat here. The residual warmth on the chairs made them feel very proud, as if the negotiations at noon were related to them.

  ”So the Alliance finally gave up Oasis No. 2.”

  ”It seems so.”

  ”I wonder what kind of impact this will have on the situation in the desert.”

  ”Can the Citizens’ Autonomous Committee be disbanded? Those pigs are shouting treasonous words all day long, and they are mixed up with those deserters!”

  ”The Willants may help us solve this problem.”

  ”Ah…Willants, I hope they won’t drag us into an unprepared war again.”

  ”The governor who came this time should be okay. He feels much better than that idiot Kras.”

  Looking at the nobles whispering in the meeting hall, King Menggot’s face was neither sad nor happy.

  For him, it was just a change of master, whether it was the Legion or the Alliance, it made no difference.

  It would be better to say that the Legion was easier to get along with. At least those Willants rarely touched the cake in the hands of the royal family. As long as they were obedient, it would be enough.

  At this time, a man with a stern face strode in.

  His hair was dry and his skin was rough. Years of military service had made his handsome face look old, even with the frost and frost that he shouldn’t have at his age.

  ”Your Majesty, the person in charge of William Industrial Zone reported to me that the Alliance’s army had moved away the park, especially almost all the equipment in the Royal Foundry, and even took away the engineers and technical workers in the factory… including their families!”

  William’s tone was filled with resentment, and he said this almost with gritted teeth.

  He valued the importance of industry more than any other noble. Although those machines covered with the stench of engine oil could not produce honey and milk, they could help them rob more land.

  Especially after this war, he was more convinced that only industry could save this kingdom.

  It was for this reason that after the Alliance released him yesterday, he left Bicester Town without caring about the remaining soldiers, and only took a group of light cavalry to the industrial zone he founded.

  However, when he got there, the situation inside made him fall into despair.

  The Alliance had moved away almost everything that could be moved.

  The huge park had nothing left for him except a few empty factories and warehouses.

  He took a deep breath, tried to control his emotions, and continued in a trembling voice.

  ”… I implore you to go to the Governor and ask him to put pressure on the Alliance to return the looted equipment and population to us.”

  Hearing the child’s request, Menggot slowly sighed and said helplessly.

  ”The Governor will not help us… He even gave Griffin’s equipment to the Alliance. The war is over, kid, the cake that should be divided has been divided. Today we will only discuss future matters.”

  There was one thing he didn’t say.

  Not only did they not have the qualifications to share the cake, they themselves were the cake.

  William gritted his teeth.

  ”Then at least… shouldn’t those craftsmen be returned to us as captives? They keep saying that they want to abolish slavery, but they won’t capture them as slaves, right?”

  King Menggot was silent for a while.

  ”That manager really didn’t do it to the extreme.”

  William, who regained hope, was happy.


  Menggot sighed.

  ”They let the captives decide freely whether to stay or go.”

  William was stunned.

  The nobles at the conference table were whispering, and Earl Cromwell couldn’t help but curse and knocked his fist on the table.

  ”This bunch of robbers!”


  The next morning.

  Tout, wearing a neat suit, came to the building of the Citizens’ Self-Government Committee early, greeted the guard, and went to the office humming a little song.

  This was originally the house of the Tax Bureau. Since the Alliance moved the account books here, the group of arrogant masters dared not come back, and this big house was thrown to them.

  Since becoming the chairman of the committee here, Tout felt that his identity was different from before.

  Especially the respectful and fearful eyes of those nobles when they looked at him, made him feel that he had become a noble without a title.

  Even the king didn’t dare to let him salute.

  In order to show the difference of his identity, he specially found the tailor who made clothes for His Majesty the King and asked that person to make a unique hat for him.

  Of course, he was different from those nobles, he paid.

  Looking at the hat with colorful feathers on the table, Tote liked it more and more. He put it on his head happily and fiddled with it in front of the mirror.

  However, at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open. As soon as he looked up, he saw his secretary walked in in a panic.

  A trace of displeasure was written on Taote’s face.

  ”Didn’t I tell you to knock on the door?”

  Looking at Taote’s unhappy face, the secretary said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry about the door… Something bad has happened. The people from the Alliance have left!”

  Taote was startled and sat up suddenly from his chair, supporting himself on the table with both hands, and his round eyes wide open.

  ”Gone?! The Alliance is leaving?”

  The secretary nodded nervously, saying with a smile.

  ”Yes… They returned to the airship early this morning. Although the airship has not left yet, the anchor chain has been retracted.”

  Taote lost interest in the hat on his head in an instant, pulled it off and threw it aside, stood up and walked to the secretary and asked anxiously.

  ”Did they say anything after they left? What should we do? What about the future? Should we listen to the Willant people? Or the king?”

  The manager’s indifference to them made him feel a little terrified. Thinking of the way the nobles looked at him at the execution ground before, his back began to chill.

  The secretary hesitated and spoke hesitantly.

  ”They said… people need to save themselves in the end. They have been here, and the rest depends on us.”

  Taote looked at the secretary in front of him with a confused face.

  Been here?

  Rely on yourself?

  Looking at the hat that he had made with great difficulty on the table, and the gun that he leaned against the windowsill, he just wanted to cry now…

  Looking at the confused chairman, the secretary sighed, but they were on the same boat.

  For his own life and for his family, he still spoke patiently.

  ”In fact, things are far from that bad. The citizens are on our side. There are many veterans among them who hate the Willant people more than the Alliance. If we can unite them, we may become a powerful force.”

  ”What’s the point of uniting those people?” Tout felt annoyed.

  He knew better than anyone that those guys were a mob. I’m afraid that if the king gave an order, they would push themselves to the gallows.

  The secretary lowered his voice and continued.

  ”We have to try it to see if it works… The Willant people don’t have many guns now. The newly arrived governor has no idea about this place. They need us to cooperate with them, both militarily and economically. As long as we pretend to be friendly with them and use their power to check and balance the court, they may not mind that there are two kings in this kingdom.”

  Tout calmed down.

  This is indeed a good idea.

  The citizens’ self-governing committee is composed of representatives of various industries. More than half of the handicrafts and industrial production in this city are related to them, and those nobles can only contribute a little food from their own manors and land.

  Unless the governor only wants to be a big landlord, he will not easily move them for a group of nobles he just met.

  The most important thing is that if he tries, he still has a chance to survive. If he does nothing, he will definitely die.

  ”Call all committee members and representatives to a meeting!”

  The secretary breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”Okay, sir.”


  While the Citizens’ Self-Government Committee was busy with the meeting, the town of Bicester, far outside the central part of Oasis No. 2, was also bustling. On

  the main road outside the East Gate, Wedelier hugged the cement pier beside the road and said with tears and snot as he looked at the two soldiers walking towards him.

  ”I’m not going anywhere! This is my home! I have dedicated my life to this place, and I want to stay here!”

  A tall soldier laughed and teased.

  ”Wouldn’t it be good to go back and be your baron?”

  Another soldier also said with a smile.

  ”That’s right, don’t you have a manor? Go back and be your master.”

  However, what the two did not expect was that Wedelier’s reaction was even more intense, and his crying voice even carried a hint of begging.

  ”I don’t want it! I’d rather be a civilian!”

  Just kidding.

  How could he go back!

  Surrendering to the Alliance without resistance was already a capital crime, not to mention that he became a lackey of the Alliance. Those who returned hated him.

  Especially the meaningful look in Prince William’s eyes when he left.

  At that time, he felt like he had fallen into an ice cave. He was so scared that he sent people to Oasis No. 2 overnight to pick up his family.

  If he had known that the Alliance did not intend to occupy Oasis No. 2, he would never have licked it so hard.

  But who could have thought of such a thing?

  With the posture of the Alliance, it was almost like razing the entire Falcon Kingdom to the ground…

  The two Alliance soldiers looked at each other and felt that they couldn’t leave him here to embarrass him, so they walked up and pulled him up.

  ”Get up.”

  ”If you want to stay, stay, no one will care about you, but don’t block the road.”

  Wedler was happy.

  ”…Are you really not going to drive me away?”

  The soldier looked at him with disdain.

  ”The administrator said that those who want to leave can go back by themselves, and those who want to stay can do it. The administrator has no time to take care of you.”

  Hearing this, Wedrel finally burst into laughter. He let go of the cement block with a smile, patted his butt, and returned to the town with many thanks.

  Not far from where he blocked the road, an officer of the Second Corps of the Alliance passed through the wire fence, walked to a group of prisoners sitting on the ground, took out a loudspeaker and shouted loudly.

  ”The war is over, you can go home.”

  Officers above the centurion had been released yesterday, and most people didn’t know about the ceasefire negotiations at all.

  People looked at each other at first, and then some people stood up one after another.

  Some people walked through the open gate on the west and walked into the wilderness. Seeing that the soldiers of the Alliance did not shoot, they continued to move forward. There

  were fewer and fewer people on the open ground.

  A large group of people chose to leave, but many people went in the opposite direction.

  Several soldiers from the Falcon Kingdom walked to the checkpoint, and one of them, a teenager about fifteen or sixteen years old, looked at the soldiers of the Alliance and said.

  ”I don’t want to go back.”

  The soldiers of the Alliance looked at him.


  the young man asked after a moment’s hesitation.

  ”I have nowhere to go.”

  The soldier continued.

  ”Where are your relatives?”

  The boy said in a low voice after a moment of silence.

  ”My father and my brother are gone. Last month… my mother also left. Let me stay. I can work.”

  Before the boy finished speaking, another hand was raised from behind him, rushing to speak.

  ”And me! Me too… I’m strong and can carry things!”

  ”I used to be a farmer! I can do farm work!”

  There were shouts of agreement from behind him. It was obvious that he was not the only one who wanted to stay.

  Some people who had been hesitant to walk to the door stopped unconsciously after hearing the movement over there.

  Although they didn’t stay in the prisoner-of-war camp for a long time, thinking about it carefully, the alliance gave them a good impression.

  Those people didn’t whip them for fun just because they won. The only thing they forced them to do was to let them repair the shacks they lived in. What

  surprised the captives in particular was that the alliance actually gave them some of the food they had snatched from the Willant people.

  This was simply incredible in the eyes of many of them.

  The Weilants had never treated them as human beings, and the same was true for the nobles of the kingdom, but in the prisoner-of-war camp, they unexpectedly treated them as human beings for a few days.

  Even though they knew that the enemy was definitely not doing this with good intentions, they could not help but feel desperate about their lives after returning when they thought about the attitude of the nobles towards them.

  More and more people gathered around the checkpoint, and the soldiers on duty had to fire their guns into the sky as a warning, while a sentry trotted to the commander for instructions.

  Not long after, there was an extra table in the camp.

  Wedelier, who had been crying before, was arranged to sit in front of the table and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker.

  ”Those who don’t want to leave, come here to register! Think it through before writing your name!”

  A long line formed in front of the table.

  Some prisoners who originally planned to leave hesitated for a moment, and finally stayed, including some grassroots officers with the title of centurion.

  In this way, by noon, the prisoners stranded near the town of Bicester had been dismissed, and 40% of the more than 80,000 soldiers finally stayed, a full 30,000 people…


  Heart of Steel.

  Chu Guang, standing in the bridge, received a call from Liu Ding, the commander of the Second Corps stationed in Bicester.

  After listening to his report, Chu Guang couldn’t help but show a touch of surprise on his face.

  ”More than 30,000 people stayed.”

  Originally, he expected that there would be about 10,000 people, which was already amazing, but he didn’t expect that more than 30,000 people stayed!

  What puzzled Chu Guang was that he thought about it for a long time, but he couldn’t remember what he did well to those prisoners of war.

  How bad are the nobles of the Falcon Kingdom?

  Counting the engineers and their families taken away by the Storm Corps from the William Industrial Zone, the population of Bicester is probably 40,000.

  Although there is no impact in the short term, after all, the Alliance has collected a lot of supplies from Horn Castle and the front line, but in the long run, there will definitely be problems with the supply of food and fresh water there.

  Feeling the manager’s embarrassment, Liu Ding asked in a deep voice.

  ”Do you want to deal with some of them?”

  ”That’s not necessary.”

  Chu Guang coughed.

  ”If they want to stay, let them stay.”

  People have already voluntarily stayed, and if he drove them away again, he would seem stingy.

  Moreover, the town of Bicester, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the Alliance, can serve as a banner of the Alliance in Luoxia Province. If it develops well, it will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the image of the Alliance.

  The only problem is that it is all sand, with neither “river embankments” nor expensive strategic resources. The only value is probably its location. If

  agriculture cannot be developed, then the only way is to develop industry.

  The military production line moved from the Falcon Kingdom can be transferred to the neighboring Oasis No. 3, which is the territory of the Honey Badger Kingdom.

  As for the civilian production line, a part of it can be left in Bicester Town, where there is enough labor to work.

  At present, both the Honey Badger Kingdom and the Falcon Kingdom are in urgent need of post-war reconstruction, and the demand for some industrial products is still not small.

  With young labor and equipment needed for production, it may be a bit difficult to make a fortune, but it should not be a big problem to support yourself.

  ”…Let the Lion Kingdom Army leave the extra supplies, including food, fresh water and clothes, before they withdraw. Winter is coming soon, and the temperature in the desert is not low. Don’t let people freeze to death.” After

  a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”Later, I will appoint an official to serve as the local governor and transfer a batch of supplies from Qingquan City. As for now, you should organize them into four construction corps and organize them to build houses for themselves… In short, don’t let them sit idle.”

  Liu Ding put his right hand on his chest and stood at attention and answered.


  Considering that Liu Ding was a rough man and knew nothing about urban planning and business management, Chu Guang patiently explained some details of building a new settlement.

  For example, the center of the settlement was placed to the east of the airport, and the area reserved for the development of commerce and industry was reserved.

  The Ideal Group of the enterprise will provide technical support in the recycling of cement debris and road construction, and the road construction does not need to be worried about by the Alliance.

  Chu Guang plans to reserve a foreign exchange budget of 100 million Cr, and after the governor of the Alliance arrives, purchase equipment from Ideal City according to the actual needs of the local area.

  Shortly after he finished explaining these things, the acting captain walked towards him from outside the bridge and saluted.

  ”Report! As of now, all units have boarded the ship, the anchor chain has been retracted, and the ship can set off at any time!”

  ”Very good.”

  Chu Guang took a last look at the survivors’ settlement outside the French window, which was filled with sunshine, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  It’s finally time to say goodbye.

  King Menggot and those nobles must have opened the champagne excitedly.

  But they will soon find out that they are too happy too early.

  Including the new governor.

  Those people will soon discover the “surprise” left for them by the alliance.

  As for what this surprise will eventually grow into, it will take time to test… After all, the people living here have to decide their own destiny in the future.

  For himself, the war in Luoxia Province has come to an end, and there are more important things waiting for him to do.

  Chu Guang looked away from the window and looked at the acting captain standing beside him.

  ”Let’s go!”

  The captain saluted neatly.



  Just as the Iron Heart was heading towards the Great Desert, the Battlefield Atmosphere Group, who was far away in a toilet in Far West City, also happened to return to the line.

  Until the Iron Heart set sail, he did not wait for the next instruction from the administrator.

  ”Damn it… Did these guys forget about me?” The Battlefield guy muttered and cursed after pulling up his pants, pretending to press the button to flush the bucket and walked outside.

  Since Griffin’s death, he followed the 50,000th team all the way to Far West City, located in the northwest of Oasis No. 2, and spent boring time with the Willant people waiting to go home.

  With the entry into force of the ceasefire agreement, the “Yellow Sand Ten Thousand Miles” expansion officially came to an end, and the expansion rewards were settled last night. Due to

  the heavyweight intelligence provided before, he undoubtedly became the strongest person with the highest personal total score in the expansion!

  And he was 50,000 points ahead of the second place!

  But what’s the use?

  Although he drew a lot of valuable treasures, he had no chance to use the equipment no matter how good it was.

  His good brothers were afraid of wasting it, so they wanted to use it for him first, but he refused without hesitation without even thinking about it!

  Are you kidding!

  That was the treasure he exchanged his life for, how could he let those bastards take it! If

  my darkest grandson really took it, I’m afraid there wouldn’t be anything left when he came back.

  Just when the battlefield guy was thinking about who to stay with for a while, a familiar figure walked towards him not far away.

  He looked up and saw that the man walking in the distance was his immediate superior – Captain Weiliqi.

  The battlefield guy didn’t feel any surprise, just trouble.

  This guy has been trying to get close to him recently.

  Maybe it was because he was too idle after the defeat, or maybe it was to show his respect for him. In the past, this man asked his trusted men to pass on a message, but now he would come to his tent uninvited, whether he had something to do or not, which made him very uncomfortable and annoyed.

  It was obvious that this time was the same. This guy probably came to ask about his well-being.

  The battlefield guy even suspected that he had been waiting outside the toilet for a while.

  Just when the battlefield guy was about to take the initiative to say a few words, Veric, who came nearby, suddenly pulled him aside with a mysterious look on his face.

  ”I have a good job.”

  ”…What job?”

  Looking at the smiling General Veric, the battlefield guy instinctively became alert.

  The war is over, and he can’t be asked to assassinate anyone, right?

  However, just when he was thinking about this, Veric’s next sentence made him stunned on the spot.

  ”According to the ceasefire agreement, we will send two representatives to Shelter No. 0 to investigate the legendary ruins together with the enterprise, the academy and the alliance.”

  ”The Governor nominated his direct descendant, the thousand-man commander Wally, to go. However, Wally is a professional officer. Considering the dangers that may be encountered in the ruins, he needs a strong follower to serve as a guard… When I heard the Governor’s needs, I thought of you at the first time.”

  As he said, Weiliqi stretched out his hand, patted the shoulder of the pangolin comrade in front of him, and cast an encouraging look at him with a smile.

  ”This is not just my suggestion. General Yalike is also very optimistic about your strength… Seize this opportunity well.”

  ”I am optimistic about you!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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