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Chapter 505: Foresight or fortune telling?

Chapter 505: Foresight or fortune telling?


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 505: Foresight or fortune-telling?

  Lv Zhichuan did not return to his office, but followed Pang Rui to the Alipay business group building.

  Pang Rui asked the secretary to pour him a cup of tea and asked him to sit down first.

  Until this moment, Lv Zhichuan still didn’t know what he was doing here, nor did he know what Mr. Pang meant by what he said just now, but as Pang Rui brought a document over, everything was revealed.

  ”What is this?”

  ”The cooperation agreement between Alipay and Pintuan.”


  Lv Zhichuan was stunned for a long time, and then he reacted. He immediately opened the contract and looked through it for a long time, and finally showed an incredible expression: “October 2009?”

  Pang Rui sat on the chair and nodded very calmly: “On the National Day of 2009, Alipay had already signed a cooperation agreement with Pintuan. We helped them provide payment services, and they helped us promote our business.”

  ”How is this possible…?”

  Lv Zhichuan’s first reaction was to doubt the authenticity of this agreement.

  In 2009, Alipay was really nothing. It could only act as a bridge program when shopping online. Its most powerful function was to pay phone bills, electricity bills and gas bills online.

  But at that time, the electricity and gas systems in most communities did not support online payment.

  As for the function of paying phone bills, it also required the use of a U-shield to connect. The recharge time was 24 hours, but with that time, it was enough time for you to go downstairs and buy a recharge card.

  Why is this so?

  Because Alipay wanted to be a third-party platform, which was equivalent to touching the bank’s cake and digging into their moat. How could they allow such a thing to happen?

  Otherwise, how could Boss Ma be so angry that he directly shouted that if the bank did not change, then we would change the bank.

  At that time, no one thought that the payment platform could be established, and even their internal employees were skeptical.

  But if this contract was really signed in 2009, it would be like Jin Chanzi was not slacking off while the Buddha was preaching, and a monster was already frying the pot on the way to the west, waiting to fry Tang Monk’s meat.

  Lu Zhichuan was willing to believe that some people had a forward-looking vision. After all, he had worked at Alibaba for so many years and had seen many such people. But he didn’t believe anyone with such a forward-looking vision.

  ”At that time, Alipay couldn’t even get a license, and its future was bleak. How could he sign a cooperation agreement with Alipay so long in advance?”

  ”He said he wanted to make a bet with me.”

  ”?” ”

  I was on vacation at that time. He found a salesman under me by all means and handed me a development plan. After reading it, I thought it was very interesting and decided to meet him.”

  ”He was very young, just a college student. At that time, he was running a campus forum, Zhihu. He said that in a year, he would be all over the country, and hoped that Alipay could sign a cooperation agreement with Pintuan to form a strong alliance.”

  Pang Rui picked up the teacup and leaned back in the chair: “I also told him at the time that Alipay would be meaningless if it couldn’t get a payment license, but he said he bet that Alipay could get a license, and asked me to bet that he could be all over the country within a year. So, the two of us bet on something that no one had at the time.”

  Lu Zhichuan: “…”

  Pang Rui looked at him: “If the bet wins, Alipay can use Zhihu to quickly popularize among college students. If the bet loses, the agreement will be invalid and there will be no loss. I want you to bet, do you want to?”

  ”Can he tell fortunes?” Lv Zhichuan suddenly understood what she meant by the terrible words just

  now. “I thought so too, but he said that the tide of the times is unstoppable. He is not confident in Alibaba, but in this era.”

  Lv Zhichuan was stunned for a long time, his eyes fixed on the two big words “Pintuan” on the cover of the agreement.

  He no longer cares about the possibility of such a forward-looking vision, after all, the cooperation agreement is here in black and white.

  What he is thinking about now is the ending of Lashou.com.

  Lashou’s business capabilities are not as good as Pintuan, and now it even has the idea of ​​escaping from first-tier cities. To be honest, who would think of escaping if they can really beat it?

  He originally thought that the access to the payment platform would be a turning point, a turning point that would allow Lashou.com to come back to life, but now it seems that it will only accelerate the fall of Lashou. At that time, Pintuan will become the unicorn in this market.

  [I am taking the final exam]

  Lv Zhichuan couldn’t help showing a confused expression of brain stem loss, and finally understood what Pang Rui meant by terrible.

  A 20-year-old college student, step by step, calculated the market development.

  He used what he didn’t have to bet on what others didn’t have, and made a two-year layout. Then, at the most critical moment, this layout became his biggest trump card, which could have been the weapon that killed him.

  You can’t feel the taste of some things unless you experience them yourself, and at this moment, he finally understood why Lashou, Nuomi and Dianping lost so badly in the group buying market.

  ”If that’s the case, Lashou is finished.”

  Pang Rui was silent for a while, holding the teacup: “Now it’s not a question of Lashou or anything else, it’s that the value of Pintuan is far beyond expectations. Even if Alibaba doesn’t invest in it, it will become a strategic partner with Pintuan.”

  Lu Zhichuan looked at her: “Mr. Pang, do you think Pintuan will be the final winner?”

  ”If you have ever met a person, at the age of 20, who planned everything two years in advance and had everything come true one by one, you would think so too…”

  At this time, Jiang Qin didn’t know what happened to Alibaba. He was running out of the door of the teaching building after a fifty-cent coin. When he saw it was about to fall into the sewer, he rushed over, pressed it down with a snap

  , and then bought an old popsicle with the fifty-cent coin at the store at the door.

  The final exam was real, he just finished it, but it was just an excuse to fool Manager Lu.

  Because he is not short of money now, he doesn’t want to be associated with a group like Alibaba.

  After all, compared with these Internet giants, group buying is much smaller. Sometimes weakness is a kind of original sin. Either don’t get involved, or if you do, there may be something beyond your plan.

  Jiang Qin rolled the popsicle until it was smooth and round, thinking who would have thought that a hotshot in the Internet business would eat such a plain old popsicle.

  At this time, Cao Guangyu also came out of the teaching building, and looked at Jiang Qin with an expressionless face and laughed: “What’s wrong? You didn’t know anything about the exam?”

  ”It’s not about the exam, it’s that Alibaba wants to give me money, but I don’t want it, but I don’t know how to refuse it without hurting the relationship. What do you think, young master?”


  Jiang Qin showed a bright smile, not caring about the life and death of young master Cao at all, and then saw Feng Nanshu walked out of the hall and immediately waved.

  Feng Nanshu ran over, put her hand into his, and whispered “brother”.

  Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini followed closely behind, and they opened their mouths to go to 207 to use the air conditioning. They were Feng Nanshu’s best friends and were not shy at all.

  Then they went to the cafeteria to buy food and went to the entrepreneurship base.

  The temperature in this hot summer has been above 30 degrees, and it was so hot that I couldn’t sleep for a nap. After going to 207, who would want to go back to the dormitory?

  The three girls sat cross-legged on the newly bought carpet, watching the TV series “Palace” intently, saying that they were going to review well and all the materials they brought were put aside.

  ”This theme song is so beautiful, what’s it called?”

  ”It seems to be suicide of love, and then ask for support.”


  ”Who do you think Qingchuan likes?”

  ”The Eighth Sage King.”

  Gao Wenhui looked back at Jiang Qin helplessly: “Hey, Mr. Jiang, where is the Eighth Sage King here?”

  Jiang Qin twisted his mouth and thought to himself, how could I, a reborn person, not know? Unless he was misreading the numbers, at this moment, his phone suddenly started vibrating again. The caller was an unfamiliar number, and the location was shown as Shenzhen.

  He guessed that it might be Tencent, so he reached out and pressed the answer button.

  As expected, the other party claimed to be the manager of Tencent’s investment department, named Peng Sheng, and his words were similar to those of Alibaba’s Lu Zhichuan.

  Jiang Qin adhered to the principle of trying to get by as long as possible and never offending the big guys, and he also said the same thing over and over again, but he did not respond to certain key issues. He only expressed a positive attitude when the other party said “there is an opportunity to cooperate.”

  ”We currently have enough funds for group buying. Thank you, Mr. Peng, for your concern. However, we may have other opportunities for cooperation.”

  ”Oh? What does Mr. Jiang mean?”

  Jiang Qin coughed: “Our Zhihu is the largest campus forum in the country, with tens of millions of student users. I heard that you have a communication service application called WeChat. You can definitely promote it on our Zhihu.”

  Peng Sheng thought for a moment: “When will Mr. Jiang come to Shenzhen? Can we talk in detail?”

  ”I should have a chance to go once in the next two months.”

  ”Okay, I will definitely welcome you then.”

  Jiang Qin thought for a while, then spoke again: “Mr. Peng, I have another question.”

  Peng Sheng’s voice came from the receiver: “Mr. Jiang, please speak.”

  ”Does Mr. Ma Huateng have a daughter?”

  ”Uh? Yes, he has a daughter.”

  ”Oh, then her birthday is June 22nd?”

  ”This… shouldn’t be.”

  Jiang Qin nodded, hung up the phone, and glanced at the QQ message sent by a high school classmate: Today is the birthday of Ma Huateng’s daughter. Forward this message to ten groups to get one month’s membership for free.

  ”Stop sending random messages. I just asked. Today is not his daughter’s birthday!”

  Boss Jiang typed a line of words in reply, with an arrogant expression.

  Tencent and Alibaba have been competing against each other for a long time. Whether it is the e-commerce platform or the group buying industry, the two companies are fighting fiercely.

  Especially the subsequent emergence of WeChat Pay can be said to have truly shaken the foundation of Alibaba and directly invaded Alibaba’s ecological layout.

  Jiang Qin doesn’t like to get involved in this kind of melee where he charges for others, but now that he has been targeted, he might as well be a traitor who can get along with both sides and see if there is any advantage to be gained.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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