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Chapter 505: Survivors of the Pioneer

Chapter 505: Survivors of the Pioneer


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 505: Survivors of the Pioneer.

  Dazzling white light penetrated through the cracks in his eyes, and Yi Hai, who was lying flat on the bed, frowned.

  As his consciousness gradually recovered, a burning pain suddenly surged up his throat, and he turned sideways and retched reflexively.

  ”Ugh! Cough cough——”

  After vomiting a bellyful of acid, he was quickly pressed back by two people in white coats.

  Thinking that he was caught by the Willant people, he instinctively wanted to struggle, but after hearing the conversation next to him, the struggle stopped.

  ”Doctor! How is his condition?!”

  ”Frozen sequelae… Cryopreservation for more than half a year requires injection of long-term dormancy injections, and this situation will occur with short-term dormancy injections. Fortunately, you found him in time. In another two months, he might have really turned into an ice cube.”


  Hearing the familiar voice, consciousness finally returned to his body. Yi Hai moved his stiff neck and looked at the young man standing next to him.

  ”…Yi Chuan?”

  ”It’s me!” Looking at the dying man on the bed, Yi Chuan’s calm face finally couldn’t hold back the sobs.

  He sniffed hard and tried to force out a smile that would not make people worry.

  ”We are here to take you home!”

  Yi Hai’s Adam’s apple moved, and a sense of relief finally spread across his haggard face.

  ”You are here…”

  ”We will not give up on any resident who is stranded outside. No matter how much it costs, we will bring them back.”

  The solemn voice came along with the footsteps of the heels landing on the ground.

  Walking to the bedside, Wu Changnian patted Yi Chuan on the shoulder and continued in a gentle tone.

  ”Your relatives are out of danger. For those who have not been rescued, I have something to talk to him about.”

  Yi Chuan nodded vigorously, gave his brother lying on the bed a comforting look, took a step back, turned around and walked out of the tent.

  Watching his brother’s back disappear at the door, Yi Hai glanced at Wu Changnian standing by the bed, then at Chu Guang, and suddenly a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

  ”Are you… the manager?”

  ”Yes.” Chu Guang smiled and nodded, looking at the face full of surprise.

  He knew very well that Captain Lu Yang’s adjutant must be full of questions now. Even the expression on his face seemed to be asking “Why are you here?”

  It is normal to have such questions.

  After all, Yi Hai’s memory of Qingquan City is still a year ago, and at that time there was not even the concept of alliance.

  In the eyes of the Pioneer crew, they just passed by an inconspicuous village, and both sides helped each other a little within their ability.

  Looking at the confused eyes, Chu Guang continued in a relaxed tone.

  ”It would take three days and three nights to talk about our story. I bet our story is no less exciting than your journey along the way… But before talking about our story, I hope you can tell me where the rest of the crew is?”

  Wu Changnian also stared at him and said.

  ”Where are the others on the Pioneer?”

  With his head resting on the pillow, Yi Hai closed his eyes and sorted out his chaotic memories for a moment, piecing them together like a puzzle.

  ”They… should have gone in.”

  ”Go in? Where?” Wu Changnian asked hurriedly.


  ”Is it Shelter 0?”

  ”I don’t know,” Yi Hai’s pupils were full of uncertainty, and he continued with a hint of hesitation, “If nothing goes wrong, it should be there… We found its entrance. Lu Yang said that he planned to take the rest of the people to the shelter to avoid the pursuit of the Weilant and mutants.”

  His eyebrows suddenly hurt, and he raised his hand and pressed it on his forehead.

  ”…It should not be just the Weilant and mutants who attacked us. The equipment they used is more elite than the Legion’s equipment, and it is closer to the pre-war equipment.”

  Elite equipment?

  Wu Changnian frowned.

  ”Could it be the academy?”

  ”It doesn’t seem like it…”

  Yi Hai shook his head, coughed and continued.

  ”We haven’t seen anyone from the academy… Those people seem to have lived in the Great Desert for a long time, and they are very familiar with this place. At first we thought they were coming for Shelter 0 like us. Captain Lu Yang proposed to cooperate with them. If Shelter 0 really has the ability to end the wasteland, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have one more person to open it. Until later, we found out…”

  Seeing that he stopped talking, Chu Guang, who was listening attentively, immediately asked.

  ”What did you find?”

  Yi Hai was silent for a long time.

  ”…The intelligence those people have is beyond our imagination. They seem to have known the location of Shelter 0 from the beginning, and from the beginning they didn’t go to Shelter 0 at all. It seems that they just want to prevent us from getting it.”

  Chu Guang frowned.

  ”Who are those people? Did they tell me who they are?”

  ”They seem to be…” Yi Hai thought for a long time, and finally vaguely remembered something, “It seems to be called Enlightenment or something.”


  In the subsequent statement, Yi Hai briefly explained the whole story, including how they found the location of Shelter No. 0, how they clashed with the Weyland people, how they were in danger, etc.

  Captain’s office.

  Chu Guang returned to the airship and stared at the notebook in his hand and fell into deep thought.

  On the blank page, a scribbled symbol was drawn in pencil – it was two inverted triangles connected, forming the shape of a torch.

  Yi Hai claimed that they saw this symbol on those people, but they were confused about the “Torch Church” he mentioned.

  Those people claimed to be an organization called the Enlightenment Society, and most of their members were blue coats – that is, residents of the shelter.

  After all, the four major industrial areas and the space elevator in the center were once the industrial and economic centers of the Human Alliance era. The number of shelters distributed in these areas is naturally far more than that of Luoxia Province and River Valley Province.

  Since the end of the nuclear winter, a group of people have awakened in some unknown corner almost every year… The Enlightenment Society is composed of some of the residents of the shelter.

  The philosophy of this organization is just like their name, aiming to restart the declining civilization and save this world that has sunk for two hundred years.

  That is why Lu Yang chose to cooperate with them to find the No. 0 shelter together.

  It is not easy to meet like-minded people in the wasteland.

  However, no one expected that those like-minded people would choose to betray them at the last moment…

  But there is still a doubt.

  If it is true as Yi Hai said, the organization calling itself “Enlightenment Society” knows the location of Shelter No. 0, and its purpose is to prevent them from finding the shelter, then why do they pretend to cooperate with Lu Yang and others?

  Even if they need to rely on sneak attacks because they cannot win, there is no need to take action after the Pioneer finds the entrance to Shelter No. 0, right?

  ”… Enlightenment Society hopes that the people of the enterprise will find it, but there is a disagreement on how to deal with Shelter No. 0.”

  Chu Guang closed his eyes and thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

  There is too little information.

  He guessed that there are two possibilities, but no matter which one, there is a lack of reliable evidence to prove it. Perhaps the answer is hidden in Shelter No. 0.

  In any case, they have obtained the exact coordinates of the entrance to Shelter No. 0 from Yi Hai.

  It is an industrial building covering an area of ​​thousands of acres, or a more vivid way of saying it is a “vertical assembly factory.”

  The two major achievements of the prosperous era are that farmland was stuffed into a thousand-meter-high building, and that assembly lines were stuffed into it.

  And they were stuffed into it on a large scale.

  According to the information provided by Yi Hai, the building is the entrance to Shelter No. 0, and a piece of debris from the space elevator just happened to fall in that area.

  Due to the presence of radioactive materials, many extremely dangerous alien species are active in the area.

  At present, the 26th Commando of the enterprise has sent some personnel to control the entrance of the building. Tomorrow, representatives from all parties will officially enter the ruins to unveil the mysterious veil of Shelter No. 0.

  Chu Guang released the communication relay drone carried by the airship, and took the opportunity of regularly sending back archived data to organize and update the previously collected information on the official website.

  At this moment, the forum is still immersed in the joy of the victory of the Luoxia Province War.

  Since only a small number of players followed the airship, most of the players who participated in the expedition followed the NPC’s large army to return by land, or walked back slowly in groups of three or five.

  Most players share their experiences on the forum, including what they found in the Honey Badger Kingdom and the Lion Kingdom, or the new gameplay that was accidentally unlocked during the journey.

  For example, they bought a piece of land in the oasis and became a farmer with the rewards from the expansion pack. Another example is staying in the local area and helping the Alliance garrison to fight looters and run errands.

  ”Wasteland OL” does not stipulate how players must play some games, but only stipulates some things that cannot be done and the consequences of breaking the rules through the player’s manual.

  Except for a few major nodes related to the direction of the world line, most of the time players can find the fun of this open world game by themselves.

  Whether it is using the knowledge that can be found outside the game with a flick of the finger to help the wastelanders improve productivity, or talking about a relationship when they are bored. Even

  for most players, if you put aside the huge rewards brought by the main quest, the side quests that are accidentally triggered or the strange gameplay that is unlocked in the game are more fun than those “artificially designed routes”.

  But even so, when Chu Guang updated the latest clues of the main storyline on the forum under A Guang’s vest, it still attracted the attention of countless players.

  The post was published in less than a minute.

  The number of replies quickly exceeded thousands.

  Quit Smoking: “The Enlightenment Society??? What is that?”

  Tail: “Oh! I smell a conspiracy. (っω)っ”

  Sis: “Oh oh! The new expansion… Wait, won’t the new expansion continue to move west? I have already bet on the south in advance. Σ(дlll)”

  Tail: “··?”

  Garbage Pickup Level 99: “Hiss… Isn’t this the logo of the previous Torch Church? The collars for controlling aliens that were put on the shelves of the NPC store in the early days had this thing drawn on them, right?”

  Debt Big Eyes: “To be honest, this logo is really ugly. Could it be that A Guang drew it himself with a pencil? (Funny)”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “@Canyon Fugitive Mole, please comment.”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “There is a sense of unruliness in the scribbling, rough but not without details, every stroke is Can see the rough but delicate artistic skills, identified as a good job!”

  Debt Big Eyes: “???”

  Quit Smoking: “Hahahaha! Good licking!”

  Irena: “No wonder you are unemployed. (Funny)”

  Night Ten: “Brother Guang! Someone said you are delicate!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “%¥#@!”

  Sisi: “Speaking of the founder of the Torch Church… that is, the guy who calls himself the Son of God, is he also a resident of the shelter?”

  Teng Teng: “Hmm… The official website seems to say that he is a wastelander adopted by the shelter? But he grew up in the shelter since he was a child.”

  Crow: “Ah!!! Could that guy also be a member of the Enlightenment Society?”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “It doesn’t really matter whether he is a member of the Enlightenment Society. The Enlightenment Society updated this time gives me the feeling of just a regional force. The Torch Church at least participated in the Legion. ‘s Great Expedition and the subsequent Bone-Chewing Rebellion, and they…seem to have shut down the Pioneer, their presence is really too low.”

  Ye Shi: “Isn’t it said that the truly powerful bosses are hiding behind the scenes? (Funny)”

  Kuang Feng: “That’s a misunderstanding… Conspiracy is needed only when one is not strong enough, the truly powerful ones just reveal their cards directly. (Slant eyes)”

  Fang Chang: “I’ve finished reading it, and I’ve found two suspicious points. First, why does the Enlightenment Society, which aims to restart civilization, want to prevent Enterprise from approaching Shelter No. 0. Second, what is the connection between the Torch Church far to the south and the Enlightenment Society in the center of the continent.”

  Ye Shi: “I suspect that Brother Guang himself hasn’t figured out how to write it. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Then you underestimate him, I feel like there’s a big chess game behind this… Speaking of which, what exactly is Shelter No. 0 ”

  Teng Teng: “Hmm… a very big shelter?” Fang

  Chang: “How big is it? In other words, how many black boxes and power armors should be installed in it to restore this world to its original state?”

  Kuang Feng: “Well… now that you put it that way, it is true. I always feel that the three major forces of the Academy, Enterprise, and Legion may have intelligence that we don’t know. Including our allies, Enterprise, they have not fully shared what they know with us.”

  Fang Chang: “This is inevitable. My intuition tells me that maybe our thinking was wrong from the beginning.”

  Ye Shi: “What do you mean? (Stupefied)”

  Fang Chang: “When the computer freezes, we have three common solutions. One is to wait for the program to respond, the other is to end the current process, or directly restart the computer. “

  ”The underlying logic of most shelters within the organization should be the first type, which is to preserve most of the elements of civilization, such as personnel, resources, energy, knowledge, tools, etc., until it is suitable to rebuild civilization and then unseal them… This is a relatively mild solution, but when it comes to different shelters, the implementation method will be different.”

  ”However, Shelter No. 0 is a ‘legendary’ existence after all. Neither the enterprise, the academy nor the legion has relevant data about it, and it is not even certain whether it has been built…”

  ”An irresponsible guess, perhaps the underlying logic of this shelter is fundamentally different from other shelters.”

  Yaya: “Ah, you mean… it may not be a shelter at all?”

  Fang Chang: “Don’t mind, I just combined the conspiracy theory with the relevant settings of the Enlightenment Society. It may not be as beautiful as the rumors say. (Squint eyes)”

  It can only be said that Fang Chang’s speculation quickly triggered new discussions as he is the man who understands A Guang the most on the forum.

  Some players tend to think that this is a new job of the dog planner, while others think that things are not that complicated.

  As for the cloud players, they don’t care about it. They only care about when the production of helmets can be increased.

  They have missed a magnificent expedition.

  Seeing the promises made by the bad planner, many pre-ordered players who haven’t entered the game yet feel disappointed.

  There are actually players who hope that the production team will update more slowly during the EA stage, which is unique in the history of games…

  Lao Bai: “Let’s not talk about those nonsense for now. When will you come back? New work. (grin)” Fang

  Chang: “Well, soon, in the next few days… Don’t worry, I will definitely come back before you.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Fuck! Are you guys having sex with the bad planner again?”

  Lao Bai: “No, come back quickly too. (grin)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “What does it have to do with me?”

  Lao Bai: “Nothing, I’m just urging people to hurry up. You’ll know whether it matters or not when you come back.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “……?”


  The next day.

  The bottom of an abandoned industrial building.

  Several large dogs with grayish-yellow skin and fangs as long as their forearms were wandering on the steps covered with gravel, searching for prey with their sensitive noses, unaware that danger had quietly approached their throats.

  An alien suddenly raised its head alertly and looked around.

  However, before it could growl, a few short “chi chi” gunshots pierced through the heads of the aliens.

  There was a noise in the sea buckthorn grass, and the small animals were frightened by the movement and quickly fled. Several exoskeletons appeared in the shadows not far away.

  Su Ming tapped his helmet with his index finger, glanced at the drone hovering in the sky, looked around, and said in a clear voice.

  ”Five aliens have been killed, and the image data has been recovered… The entrance to the building has been controlled, and it has been confirmed that there are no other threats… Damn it, don’t let me name it again.”

  According to the intelligence from Yi Hai, it is suspected that an unknown third party has set its sights on Shelter No. 0… But Su Ming thinks that this may just be a trick of the Weilantes. It’s not

  that those guys don’t have high-tech equipment, they just have fewer of them.

  Otherwise, how can we explain how the Trailblazer was targeted by the Weylanders and surrounded by a large number of clone troops?

  As for the Enlightenment Society.

  Maybe it was a story made up by the Weylanders to get close to the Trailblazer. The outrageous thing is that Captain Lu Yang actually believed it.

  If it were him, he wouldn’t believe a stranger he met in the wasteland.

  ”Why not upload it to the endpoint cloud and let netizens vote.”

  ”Good idea, when will the migratory birds be released next time?”

  ”It seems to be tomorrow.”


  Su Ming cursed in a low voice, turned on the vertical stabilization system of the battle video, and prepared to record some interesting materials to update his social account.

  At the same time, ten armed trucks drove out of the camp, carrying a group of soldiers and representatives who were about to explore the ruins, and rushed to the downstairs of the emptied industrial building.

  The wreckage of the space elevator was not far away, and a towering curved metal shell was embedded in the ground like the roof of a hangar.

  I heard that this magnificent component was just a “tile” or a brick on the space elevator.

  Looking at the broken bricks and tiles, it is hard to imagine how magnificent the tower leading to space was before it collapsed.

  The four forces gathered downstairs of the building.

  The tall Willant was wearing heavy bulletproof armor and was led by an officer with a protruding nose and deep eye sockets. Next to him stood a squire, who was handsome in a different style. He was the pangolin who killed countless enemies on the battlefield.

  Wall-E glanced proudly at the Alliance soldiers who were said to have made his compatriots suffer on the battlefield.

  The reason why Lord Cohen specifically asked the pangolin to be his guard was not without the intention of showing off in front of the Alliance.

  However, what puzzled him was why those guys reacted so calmly and didn’t even look over here.

  Did they not recognize the brave general under his command?

  Or were they afraid and didn’t even dare to make eye contact with him?

  Thinking of this, Wall-E couldn’t help but smile.

  Too weak!

  The battlefield guy standing in the front row with him now had an uncomfortable expression on his face, his toes digging into the ground.


  This is too embarrassing!

  Unlike the Legion, the Academy was quite low-key, with only one female researcher with long black hair.

  Next to her was a half-human-high four-legged robot dog, with a bulging backpack hanging on its broad back.

  Since getting off the car, she has not communicated with anyone, standing in a place where she feels safe with a look of “no strangers allowed”.

  Most of the researchers in the Academy are like this when they are outside.

  Due to many reasons such as historical problems and the high cost of equipment, almost everyone in the Academy has paranoia.

  In fact, this cannot be considered a delusion, after all, the explorers of the Academy are full of treasures, which is almost common sense in the wasteland.

  Most explorers choose to conceal their past identities after leaving the Academy… This is exactly the opposite of corporate employees who are keen on bragging.

  Most survivor forces have to weigh the risk of being blacklisted when they are targeting corporate employees.

  Especially in Yunjian Province, if things are done too ostentatiously, it will arouse the anger of both people and gods on the endpoint cloud, and it may also attract the pursuit of corporate allies or direct commandos.

  Jiang Xuezhou was confirming the task assigned to her by her mentor through the holographic window. At this moment, Jiang Xuezhou suddenly frowned.

  She always felt that there were two eyes staring at her…

  In fact, her feeling was very accurate.

  But the ones staring at her were not people, but the bionic people of the company.

  Staring straight at the little girl from the academy, Han Shuang said indignantly.

  ”Eclipse… Why don’t you let us go? Strictly speaking, bionic people should not be considered people, right? Wouldn’t it be better to bring more people down?”

  Eclipse’s pupils flickered slightly.

  ”It is said that this is the proposal of the academy.”

  Han Shuang looked at it and said dissatisfiedly.

  ”But didn’t they also bring a mechanical dog with an AI core installed? What’s the difference?”

  Eclipse was silent for a while.

  ”That… shouldn’t be considered a person.”

  Han Shuang’s face was full of humiliation and unwillingness, and he clenched his fists.

  ”Damn… Isn’t it just lying down? It’s not like I can’t do it.”

  Eclipse: “……?”

  While everyone was waiting, the passage from the main entrance of the building to the entrance of Shelter No. 0 had been completely opened.

  Yun Song, the captain of the 26th Commando, walked out of the lobby on the first floor with his subordinates and ran into Yun You who had just got off the car.

  This time, the company arranged two representatives to enter Shelter No. 0, one was Yun You, and the other was Su Ming, his best scout.

  Looking at Yun You walking towards him, Yun Song’s face rarely showed hesitation and restraint, and he asked in a low voice.

  ”Are you… okay?”

  Yun You simply nodded.

  ”No problem, we have reached a ceasefire agreement with the Legion, and there are only two of them.”

  ”I always feel that the threat does not only come from the Willant people…”

  Looking back at the abandoned building, Yun Song looked at Yun You again, and seeing that her expression did not relax at all, he finally sighed in giving up.

  ”Be careful later.”

  Yunyou nodded and said concisely.


  Not far away.

  Looking at Yunyou and Yunsong standing together, Ye Shi approached the NPC teammates who were about to go to the dungeon together and asked curiously.

  ”Hey, brother, what is the relationship between your captain and the representative from the Endpoint Group?”

  He was curious before.

  Both of them have the surname Yun, but their personalities and temperaments are completely different, and they don’t even look like people of the same generation.

  Su Ming said mysteriously.


  Ye Shi glanced at him.

  ”You are so mysterious… I guess they are definitely not siblings.”

  ”Smart,” Su Ming gave a thumbs up and praised, “Keep guessing.”

  ”…Mother and son?”

  Su Ming shook his head like a rattle.

  ”No, the generation difference is too big.”

  ”It’s okay if the generation difference is too big…Aunt and nephew? Grandfather and grandson? Damn, what is it?” Seeing that guy kept keeping it a secret, Ye Shi couldn’t help but curse.

  Su Ming smiled.

  ”I said you would never guess it.”

  Seeing his teammates were going crazy, he stopped keeping them in suspense and whispered in Ye Shi’s ear.

  ”Actually… according to the seniority, she should be our captain’s grandmother…”

  Ye Shi was stunned, and his worldview was immediately hit hard.

  ”What the hell?!”

  Su Ming shrugged.

  ”This situation is not uncommon in Ideal City. One day, you are at work and suddenly find out that a direct blood relative of your ancestor has a sister or brother who has been frozen and dormant since a hundred years ago. Now that guy is sitting in the hospital flipping through the non-existent camera, and thinks that he has become the target of a prank show, and everyone around him is working together to deceive himself… Can you understand this feeling?”

  ”When you wake up, your incurable disease is cured, but the world you are familiar with is gone along with your pension.”

  He paused and continued.

  ”For someone who suddenly picked up an ancestor, it’s another matter. Now you have to worry about how to make him or her accept the reality and explain… what your situation is.”

  Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”…ah this.”

  He had never thought about this problem before. He just thought it would be cool to go to the future in cryogenic hibernation.

  The bionic maid in the game might be available in reality, and the deposit in the bank card seems to be doubled.

  But if you think about it carefully, this assumption seems to be a default assumption that “tomorrow will be better.”

  What if the future gets worse?

  It’s quite scary to think about it.

  ”Of course… I’m just making an analogy. Our captain and Ms. Yunyou are another case… Anyway, she comes from the prosperous era. Her knowledge will be of great use to us. We must protect her later.”

  Looking at the captain’s gesture to assemble, Su Ming patted Ye Shi on the shoulder and said with a grin.

  ”Let’s go, brother, get ready to work.”

  (Sorry for being a little late today!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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