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Chapter 506 Xu Xiuwen is drunk

Chapter 506 Xu Xiuwen is drunk


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 506 Xu Xiuwen is drunk

  Although Xu Xiuwen’s body is that of a 19-year-old,

  his soul is that of a 30-year-old uncle. He

  and Mu Zhilan will never run out of things to talk about.

  Just about Qiao Gang, the two chatted for a long time.

  Xu Xiuwen finally asked: “Sister Mu, where is your husband? Why didn’t I see him?”

  ”He doesn’t know that I’m going to treat you to dinner at home.”

  ”Didn’t you tell him? Why?”

  Mu Zhilan lowered her head, seeming a little embarrassed.

  ”My husband is very narrow-minded and can’t stand me talking to other men. If he knew that I was treating you to dinner, he would definitely get angry. I don’t want to quarrel with him.”


  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect it to be such a reason.

  He was suddenly a little embarrassed and didn’t know what to say, so he had to touch his nose to cover up his embarrassment.

  Mu Zhilan seemed to see his embarrassment and said: “Boss Xu, I’ll cook it soon. You go to the living room and sit for a while.”


  Xu Xiuwen nodded and turned back to the living room.

  At this time, Qiao Gang just came home after buying wine.

  He held a box of beer in both hands.

  There was a plastic bag on his finger, which contained four bottles of liquor.

  There was also a bottle of liquor in each of his left and right trouser pockets.

  Xu Xiuwen took a look and saw that they were still small bottles of liquor.

  ”Didn’t I tell you to buy a little, why did you buy so much?”

  Qiao Gang laughed and said, “Brother Xu, I’m afraid you won’t enjoy drinking.” Xu

  Xiuwen was speechless after hearing what he said.

  He didn’t plan to drink at first.

  Now it

  seems that not drinking, or even drinking less, is unreasonable.

  Soon Mu Zhilan cooked the last dish.

  She took off her apron and came to the living room with the plate of stir-fried dishes.

  Although the three of them sat down around the square table.

  Xu Xiuwen and Mu Zhilan happened to be facing each other.

  Qiao Gang sat between them.

  Mu Zhilan said, “Boss Xu, these are the only dishes prepared, don’t be disgusted.”

  ”Sister Mu, you are too polite. So many dishes are better than those in the restaurant. How can I be disgusted?”

  Qiao Gang said, “Brother Xu, try my mother’s cooking skills.”

  ”Okay, I’ll try it.”

  Xu Xiuwen added a piece of chicken.

  This dish is roast chicken with edamame, which is a very common home-cooked dish.

  The chicken tastes very good, not dry at all, and very tasty.

  Xu Xiuwen took a bite and nodded repeatedly.

  The mother and son were relieved to see this scene.


  Qiao Gang started to pour wine for Xu Xiuwen, and also poured a glass for Mu Zhilan.

  Then he poured himself a glass of beer.

  Mu Zhilan stood up directly with the white wine.

  She looked at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Boss Xu, I toast you with this glass of wine. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have the good life we ​​have now. Thank you for your help to us all the time.” Xu

  Xiuwen saw Mu Zhilan stand up, and hurriedly stood up, “Sister Mu, you are too polite. This is just a small effort. I didn’t actually help you much. You are so polite that I feel embarrassed.”

  ”Then I won’t say anything. Boss Xu, eat more and drink more.”

  ”Okay, okay.” Xu Xiuwen and Mu Zhilan clinked their glasses.

  He was originally planning to just take a sip.

  As a result, when drinking, he caught a glimpse of Mu Zhilan drinking half a glass of white wine in one go.

  This immediately put Xu Xiuwen in a dilemma.

  If he took a sip, it would be embarrassing.

  But if he drank half a cup in one go.

  This was not the small wine glass he had used when he had dinner at the seafood restaurant a few days ago.

  Mu Zhilan’s cups were common transparent glass cups.

  One cup contained at least 2 taels of wine.

  Half of it was 1 tael of wine.

  He hadn’t even taken a few bites of the food when it was served, and he drank it with 1 tael of white wine.


  That was too much.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a second, and finally decided to drink it.

  Qiao Gang watched Brother Xu and his mother each drink half a cup of white wine.

  A hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

  Then the three of them chatted while eating and drinking.

  Qiao Gang didn’t interrupt most of the time.

  Only when the topic was brought to him,

  he would agree or explain.

  If you are more careful, you will find that

  Xu Xiuwen’s cup is always full.

  Xu Xiuwen felt that he had drunk a lot, but when he looked at the wine glass, it was filled again.

  In the blink of an eye, he was a little drunk.

  Mu Zhilan, this woman, made Xu Xiuwen look at her with some new eyes.

  She can drink surprisingly well.

  She drank just as much as Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen even felt a little dizzy. But

  she didn’t change at all.

  Xu Xiuwen finally asked, “Sister Mu, can you drink so well?”

  Mu Zhilan was stunned for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly.

  ”People in my family can drink more…”

  ”Oh, if you hadn’t mentioned it, I would have forgotten to ask, Sister Mu, where is your hometown?”

  ”My hometown is in Henan.”

  ”Then why did you come to Jinling?”

  Mu Zhilan glanced at Qiao Gang and said nothing.

  Xu Xiuwen thought that it was probably because she married Qiao Gang’s father.

  So he stopped asking.

  Xu Xiuwen soon ate and drank enough.

  Qiao Gang filled his glass with wine again.

  Xu Xiuwen hurriedly said, “Don’t pour it anymore, I really can’t drink anymore.”

  Qiao Gang persuaded, “Brother Xu, please have one more drink with my mother. It’s the last one.”

  Xu Xiuwen was not sober at this time.

  But thinking that it was the last one,

  he did not refuse firmly.

  In a blink of an eye, the last drink was finished.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Okay, I’ve eaten and drunk, let’s stop here today. It’s getting late, I’ll go back first.”

  Mu Zhilan asked with concern, “Boss Xu, can you still drive? Otherwise, you can sit for a while and relax.”

  ”That’s fine. Anyway, you can’t drink any more.”

  ”Boss Xu, let me pour you a cup of tea.”


  Mu Zhilan went to pour the tea.

  As a result, the tea was poured.

  When she came back, she found that Xu Xiuwen had fallen asleep on the table.

  Mu Zhilan didn’t know what to do, so she had to turn her head and look at Qiao Gang.

  Qiao Gang saw Xu Xiuwen fall asleep little by little with his own eyes.

  But Qiao Gang didn’t remind Xu Xiuwen not to sleep or wake him up.

  Qiao Gang turned to Mu Zhilan and said, “Mom, Brother Xu is drunk. It seems that he can’t go back tonight.”

  ”What should we do?”

  ”Let Brother Xu go to your room to sleep for a while.”

  Mu Zhilan blushed.


  Qiao Gang said, “Why not?”

  Mu Zhilan said shyly, “That’s my bed. How can I let Boss Xu sleep on it? And if your dad finds out, it will be over.”

  Qiao Gang looked indifferent, “My dad hasn’t been home for half a month. How could he know? And if you don’t let Brother Xu sleep on your bed, will he sleep on my bed? Where should I sleep then?”

  ”Then I have nowhere to sleep.”

  ”You are so stupid. Why don’t you just make a bed on the floor in your room?”

  ”Okay… I know.”

  In general families, parents are strong and children are weak.

  But in Mu Zhilan’s family,

  it’s the other way around.

  The child is strong.

  The mother is weak.

  Mu Zhilan didn’t dare to object to Qiao Gang’s words.

  Qiao Gang glanced at Mu Zhilan and urged, “Mom, don’t stand there, help Brother Xu to your room.”

  ”Okay… okay.”

  Mu Zhilan had no choice but to obey Qiao Gang’s words, walked to Xu Xiuwen, and helped him walk to her room.

  Qiao Gang looked at the backs of his mother and Brother Xu.

  A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  Anyone with a little thinking ability would not leave a drunk man at home and push him to his mother’s room.

  reason why Qiao Gang did this

  was not because he was cuckolded.

  It was because he liked Li Ke.

  Some people may think that Qiao Gang’s love for Li Ke has nothing to do with Qiao Gang’s behavior?

  The reason is very simple.

  Qiao Gang likes Li Ke.

  But Li Ke doesn’t like Qiao Gang.

  Qiao Gang himself knows this.

  He also knew that Li Ke liked Brother Xu.

  But Brother Xu didn’t seem to be interested in Li Ke.

  Then Qiao Gang accidentally discovered that his mother knew Brother Xu.

  Brother Xu also helped his mother a lot.

  As the saying goes,
if someone

  is too attentive without any reason, he is either a traitor or a thief.

  Qiao Gang could only think that the two had an improper relationship.

  That’s why Brother Xu took care of his mother everywhere.

  But after this period of indirect investigation,

  he finally confirmed that it was not the case at all.

  Most people would be relieved to know that their mother did not have an extramarital affair.

  But Qiao Gang is not an ordinary person.

  If Mu Zhilan had an extramarital affair with someone else,

  he would be firmly opposed.

  But if the object was Brother Xu,

  he would support it.

  On the one hand, Qiao’s father had never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father, and even the most basic livelihood of the family depended on Mu Zhilan.

  In Qiao Gang’s eyes, Qiao’s father was not worthy of being his father.

  And Brother Xu not only protected him from being bullied by gangsters, but also helped Mu Zhilan find a good job.

  He is the benefactor of them.

  There is another reason that is more difficult to talk about.

  If they really had an affair,

  then Brother Xu would definitely not be with Li Ke.

  So he started his plan.

  Under the pretext of expressing gratitude, he invited Brother Xu to his home.

  Then he asked Mu Zhilan to drink with him.

  After Brother Xu drank,

  he took the opportunity to ask Brother Xu to stay overnight.


  something would happen between the two of them while they were drunk.

  Everything went according to Qiao Gang’s plan.

  Qiao Gang had not told Mu Zhilan

  about his own plan

  He tried his best to create opportunities for the two of them.

  Qiao Gang knew Mu Zhilan’s personality very well.

  As long as Brother Xu was a little tougher, even if he really did something excessive,

  Mu Zhilan would not tell anyone for the sake of face, let alone call the police.

  Qiao Gang was just a little worried.

  In TV dramas, the male and female protagonists drank and it was easy for them to mess around after drinking.

  But Brother Xu in reality was drunk like this.

  Is he still okay?


  Xu Xiuwen came to this meal tonight simply to accept other people’s thanks.

  He didn’t have any thoughts that he shouldn’t have.

  He knew nothing about Qiao Gang’s thoughts.

  If he knew,

  he would never come.

  Even if he came, he would never drink so much.

  Mu Zhilan didn’t know what Qiao Gang was thinking.

  If she knew

  , she would never agree to invite Xu Xiuwen back for dinner.

  Two ignorant people entered the room.

  Mu Zhilan put Xu Xiuwen on the bed.

  Worried that Xu Xiuwen would not sleep well,

  she hesitated for a few seconds and took the initiative to help him take off his shirt and trousers.

  Then she filled a basin with warm water, took a clean towel, and wiped Xu Xiuwen’s body.

  Xu Xiuwen was half asleep and felt someone wiping his body.

  The towel soaked in warm water was wiped on his body, and the woman’s movements were very gentle.

  It was quite comfortable.

  Xu Xiuwen thought that the person whose body he had just wiped was Lu Xinyao.

  Without thinking, he reached out and hugged the woman, muttering, “Baby, you are so good to me.”

  After that, he fell asleep again.

  This was hard for Mu Zhilan.

  She felt very embarrassed to help Xu Xiuwen wipe his body.

  After all, Xu Xiuwen only had a pair of underwear on him.

  And Xu Xiuwen suddenly hugged her.

  Mu Zhilan was stunned for a moment, not daring to move.
It was not

  until she heard Xu Xiuwen’s words that she regained her composure a little.

  She understood that Xu Xiuwen might have recognized the wrong person.

  So she did not blame Xu Xiuwen for not sleeping well.

  She gently called Xu Xiuwen’s name.

  There was no response.

  She waited for a while.

  Then she carefully took Xu Xiuwen’s hand off her waist.

  Mu Zhilan immediately changed from kneeling by the bed to standing by the bed.

  Her breathing was very rapid. Her

  face was red and hot.

  Although Xu Xiuwen was drunk.

  He might not remember anything when he wakes up tomorrow.

  But for Mu Zhilan.

  In the situation just now,

  she needed some time to calm down.

  At this moment, she did not dare to wipe Xu Xiuwen’s body again.

  She turned around and took a set of clean thin blankets from the cabinet and covered Xu Xiuwen.

  Then she carried the basin out of the room

  and returned to the living room.

  Qiao Gang came up immediately.

  Mu Zhilan’s face was still rosy, and she lowered her head, worried that her son would see it.

  She thought she had concealed it well.

  But Qiao Gang still saw it.

  In addition, his mother’s eyes were evasive and she didn’t dare to look at him.

  Qiao Gang immediately guessed what might have happened in the room just now.

  Qiao Gang was delighted and asked, “Mom, how is Brother Xu?”

  ”Boss Xu has fallen asleep.”

  ”Is that so.”

  Qiao Gang didn’t continue to ask.

  He was afraid that asking too many questions would arouse his mother’s suspicion.

  Mu Zhilan took the basin to the yard and poured out the water.

  Then she returned to the living room and began to clean up the dishes.

  Qiao Gang smiled and said, “Mom, I’m going to bed too.”

  ”Well, you go to bed early.”

  Mu Zhilan cleaned up the house by herself.

  She was busy until after 10 o’clock.

  It was completely dark.

  She stood at the door of her room, pacing left and right, and hesitated to go into the house.

  When she thought about sleeping in the same room with a man who was not her husband.

  Her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

  She regretted it now.

  If she had known earlier, she should not have agreed to Qiao Gang’s request to let Xu Xiuwen sleep in her room.

  Even if it cost some money, she should have let Boss Xu go out and stay in a hotel.

  After struggling for a long time,

  Mu Zhilan finally pushed open the door of the house.

  She comforted herself in her heart.

  Boss Xu was already asleep.

  She slept on the floor.

  There was nothing between them.

  And no one would know that they slept in the same room.

  No one would gossip.

  After doing these psychological comforts,

  she felt at ease to go into the house.

  Mu Zhilan spread a mat on the floor, then stood by the bed, leaned over to take down the pillow and quilt. They

  slept on the floor like this.

  There was no conversation all night.

  When Xu Xiuwen woke up, it was already the next morning.

  After opening his eyes,

  Xu Xiuwen saw the yellowed ceiling.

  He sat up quickly and looked around.

  Finally, he was sure that this was not his home.

  But soon he remembered that he came to Mu Zhilan’s house for dinner last night and ended up drinking too much.

  So this was probably Mu Zhilan’s house.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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