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Chapter 51: Wasteland OL’s Economic System

Chapter 51: Wasteland OL’s Economic System


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 51

  The first day of the alpha 0.3 version of Wasteland OL’s economic system.

  The test results of the new version are quite gratifying.

  With the division of labor and cooperation among the players, the wall around the outpost was finally completely built.

  This three-meter-high concrete fortification not only brings a sense of security, but also creates the possibility for players to play games at night.

  Before, at six o’clock in the evening, Chu Guang would take the players back to the shelter to prevent these guys from being taken away by the alien species that went out to forage.

  Now with the protection of the wall, as long as the players are willing, they can stay on the surface until the characters in the game start to feel sleepy (fatigue value is exhausted).

  Of course, for safety reasons, Chu Guang still prohibits players from using blast furnaces and other facilities with open flames at night.

  It’s okay to make steel and burn cement during the day, because the woods block a lot of smoke and dust, and the firelight during the day is not so obvious. However, if it’s at night, it’s hard to say.

  The mutant tribe on Street 76 is like a thorn stuck in the throat of the outpost. Chu Guang can’t rest easy without pulling out this thorn.

  In addition to the wall, the weapon shop and the bathhouse were also completed one after another with the efforts of the players. Although it is not very luxurious, it is already usable.

  Especially the bathhouse with partitions, Chu Guang was so satisfied.

  Before, whether he or the players, they had to go to the lake to wash, but now with the bathhouse, they can solve the hygiene problem directly in the base.

  Of course, the wooden water tank on the top of the bathhouse can only store 5 cubic meters of water. If it is used for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be a water shortage.

  At this time, someone needs to manually transport water from the lake to the water tank so that the people inside can continue to wash. It is indeed a bit troublesome.

  Therefore, the wise and great administrator is considering turning the bathhouse from a public welfare facility into a paid facility, charging 5 copper coins for each cubic meter of water. At the same time, an additional water carrier position is set up to fill the water tank on the top of the bathhouse.

  This is very reasonable.

  On the other hand, in addition to engineering, the performance of the players in production, gathering, hunting, and production also exceeded Chu Guang’s expectations.

  The emergence of currency has greatly stimulated the players’ enthusiasm for production (games).

  Just listening to the clanging of the money bag can dispel the fatigue and exhaustion of the limbs, allowing them to fight in their posts with high morale.

  The best performance was still the Cow and Horse Squad.

  The four old leeks are indeed high-level players. The quadrilateral tactics integrate reconnaissance, front row, output, and support. The first cooperation has achieved remarkable results.

  As of dusk, they explored along the elevated road to the south and hunted a total of eight mutant hyenas and a mutant reindeer. The proceeds

  from the sale of the prey were equivalent to 55 silver coins – 43 of which were mutant hyenas and 12 were mutant reindeers.

  Although the meat extraction rate of mutant hyenas and mutant reindeers is not high, usually only over 40%, not more than 50%.

  But even so, Brother Chaodan, who served as a temporary butcher, still got more than 100 kilograms of hyena meat and more than 100 kilograms of venison from these prey.

  The meat will be made into bacon and stored in the warehouse. Before being made into bacon, players can also spend money to buy fresh raw meat for their own dinner.

  It is worth mentioning that the original outposts all had big pot meals, and the scrambled egg brother who served as the cook arranged the menu for two meals a day.

  What the players can eat depends on the mood of the chef and what prey the manager happened to bring back that day.

  But now it is completely different.

  The granary of the base will be open to all players, and the price is fair and affordable, and there is no deception. One silver coin can be exchanged for 1 kilogram of green wheat, or 300g of raw meat, or 200g of bacon jerky.

  What is the concept of 1 silver coin?

  According to the rules designed by Chu Guang, 1 silver coin is converted into 10 copper coins, which is roughly the median income of players in one hour.

  In other words, most players can buy food to fill their stomachs as long as they work hard for 1 to 2 hours, or patiently do some tasks.

  As for whether players can eat the food they bought directly, add seasonings to it and cook it into green oatmeal porridge or oatmeal cakes, or share a table with others to eat or even trade, players can decide for themselves.

  Chu Guang had done some calculations when designing this simple economic system.

  A mutant hyena weighing more than 30 kilograms can produce about 12 kilograms of meat after removing the inedible internal organs and head.

  Purchasing prey from hunters at a base price of 5 silver coins, hiring a butcher to kill and take the meat, remove the tendons and skin at an average cost of 2 silver coins, the total cost is only 7 zero-cost silver coins.

  Assuming 12 kilograms of meat is taken, at the price of 1 silver coin for 300g of raw meat, 12 kilograms is 40 silver!

  The output value of 40 silver coins, the production cost of 7 silver coins, and the circulation cost can be ignored, so in this simple economic chain, a surplus value of 33 silver coins will be generated.

  This number is meaningless to the players, after all, they are playing a game, but for Chu Guang, the manager, it is too meaningful.

  As long as this economic chain from “prey to raw meat” can continue to operate, each operation can provide “raw meat worth 33 silver coins” and “fur worth several silver coins” for the granary of the outpost.

  Of course, it is impossible for players to consume all the raw meat. Even if they take out all the money in their pockets, they cannot buy all the things they produce. It is not appropriate to eat too much.

  Therefore, in addition to a small part of the meat being purchased by players with the silver coins he distributed, more raw meat will be left as “raw materials” to flow into the new economic chain and stored in the granary in the form of air-dried meat as food reserves for the shelter.

  In addition to the “from prey to air-dried meat” industry, cutting trees, picking up garbage, burning cement, moving bricks, gathering, and fishing are basically similar economic models.

  Through the two levers of price and task rewards, the inventory of various materials and the focus of players’ work at the current stage can be easily adjusted.

  For example, now that the wall has been built, the base’s demand for plastering and moving bricks has decreased. Instead, more food and weapons are needed to feed and arm more players.

  Therefore, Chu Guang will appropriately lower the price of weapons in the carpenter’s hut to stimulate players to order weapons and upgrade their equipment. At the same time, he will increase the purchase price of prey and urge capable players to use the purchased weapons to hunt and improve their proficiency.

  In this way, the players have money, equipment, and accumulated combat experience. Chu Guang not only obtained a large amount of food reserves, but also a group of soldiers with abundant martial virtues.

  It’s a win-win situation!

  No, it should be a win-win situation!

  Because Chu Guang, as a manager, can win twice!

  Those few coins are like catalysts. They didn’t create any value, but they revitalized the economy of the entire outpost.

  Chu Guang felt that he was simply a genius.

  The only small problem was that no one cooked today.

  Brother Chaodan hadn’t saved enough money, and the restaurant hadn’t opened yet.

  In order to save money, almost everyone went to the warehouse to get the minimum living allowance. They used 1 silver coin to buy a kilogram of mashed potatoes. Several teammates rented a big pot and started a fire. They just cooked it and ate it. After eating it, they rented it to the next person.

  It didn’t matter if it wasn’t cooked. This thing can be eaten raw. It’s just a matter of hygiene and taste.

  It seemed that in an instant, everyone who had a goal to strive for suddenly didn’t care whether the food was delicious or not. They carried the style of hard struggle to the extreme. The only requirement was that they could eat enough!

  Only Yaya was different.

  Others were happily eating potatoes, but she couldn’t even afford potatoes.

  Because the manager forgot to give her the minimum living allowance, and she went online too late to find teammates, she was sitting in the corner with a resentful look on her face, eating sour berries and mushrooms.

  In the end, Teng Teng couldn’t stand it anymore and walked over to share half a bowl of mashed potatoes with her.

  Seeing Ya Ya eating voraciously, Teng Teng couldn’t bear to ridicule her, so she sighed and said.

  ”From tomorrow on, you have to do the tasks well to earn money. I can’t support you forever.”

  Ya Ya was moved and hugged Teng Teng.

  ”Teng Teng, are you an angel?”

  Looking at Ya Ya with tears in her eyes, Teng Teng, whose face was squeezed out of shape, sighed and got out from under her arms with a red face.

  ”…What nonsense are you talking about.”

  The sky gradually darkened.

  Chu Guang, who was strolling in the base, was inspecting his territory and the situation of the players.

  Although most of the players wanted to stay for a while, it would be dawn in the real world in two hours, and the workers had to go out to work after washing and packing.

  Chu Guang thought it was getting late, and was about to call them to gather, but at this moment, there was a knock on the north gate of the base.

  A group of players looked at the door, and Chu Guang’s right hand subconsciously grasped the pistol in his pocket, but soon let go.

  Through the player list, he confirmed that the person outside should be Jun Lazi.

  Chu Guang ordered the two players closest to him.

  ”Fang Chang, Lao Bai, go open the door.”


  Fang Chang and Lao Bai trotted forward, lifted the latch stuck on the door, and pulled the wooden door open a crack.

  Seeing Garbage Jun coming in through the crack, Fang Chang and Lao Bai were shocked.

  ”What the hell?”

  ”Brother, what happened to you?!”


  All over the body!

  Although some of the wounds have healed, most of them are bite wounds and gunshot wounds visible to the naked eye.

  Seeing Garbage Jun’s appearance, Chu Guang frowned slightly. He probably guessed what happened to this guy.

  But fortunately, if the other party regards it as an alien species, and the kind that is not very delicious, it is unlikely to chase it.

  Ignoring his injuries, Garbage Jun quickly walked to the administrator and said with a heavy breath.

  ”The predator’s camp! It’s about 2 kilometers north of the abandoned construction site, about 3 to 4 kilometers from us! There’s a tire factory there!”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help asking, “Did you fight with them?” ”

  No, no, I swear I didn’t provoke them!”

  Garbage Jun quickly waved his hand to clarify, and after glancing at the manager, he continued, “I was planning to retreat at the time, but I happened to run into their patrol… I saw three people.”

  Ye Shi: “And then you still fought with them?”

  Garbage Jun looked embarrassed and looked away.

  ”Uh… I was caught, there’s nothing I can do.”

  It seems that this guy should have lost the fight.

  But it’s not surprising, a patrol of three people should also bring a dog, and the bite wound on his body is probably from this.

  Although this guy has an absolute advantage in panel data, he may not be able to get any advantage in a fight with an experienced predator veteran. He

  was lucky to be able to run back.

  ”The tire factory in the north, huh? I see,” Chu Guang nodded, and said to Jun Lazi, “You should go back to the incubator and rest first.” The

  incubator has the function of accelerating the repair of tissue cells for the clones synthesized by itself. With Jun Lazi’s own physical attributes, it should not take long for him to recover.

  ”Yes, sir, manager.” After saying that, Jun Lazi wagged his tail and limped towards the sanatorium.

  Along the way, many players noticed his situation and whispered to each other.

  ”This guy is so badly injured!”

  ”I heard that a looters’ camp was discovered.”

  ”Looters’ camp?! Are new dungeons going to be opened?”


  ”Damn, I have to get money together to buy a gun!”

  ”Hey, I’m confused, should I buy land or a gun first?”

  ”Don’t be silly, just move bricks first.”

  Obviously, these players did not realize the difficulty of the problem, but were discussing it excitedly.

  This is understandable.

  After all, this is a game for them.

  Only Chu Guang, as the manager, had a hint of urgency at the corners of his eyebrows.

  To the north is the raider camp, to the east is the mutant’s nest, to the west is Linghu Lake, and to the south is the area where the survivors of Bet Street and Brown Farm are active.

  The location of the outpost is indeed not very good, and the development space is very limited.

  ”Whether it is the raiders or the mutants.”

  ”If you want to open up the situation, you can only fight them…”

  Chu Guang has already thought about the content of the next expansion pack.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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