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Chapter 513 Conspiracy

Chapter 513 Conspiracy


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 513 Conspiracy

  The ruins next to the camp.

  Looking at the signal tower with concrete-colored camouflage nets, Chu Guang, who was riding on Neeko’s back, didn’t know how to complain for a while, and finally said with a smile.

  ”…It seems that they have been preparing for this plan for a long time.” They

  actually laid a signal line from outside the influence area of ​​the thunderstorm…

  Because the thunderstorm interfered with the radio signals outside the battlefield, the Iron Heart did not detect the long-distance communication from outside the battlefield at all.

  The radio equipment used by the Enlightenment on the battlefield, the signal source is the signal tower in front of him as a repeater.

  Lu Bei, who was standing aside, whispered.

  ”My lord… do you want to follow this line down?”

  ”It’s meaningless. They are so cautious that they won’t move this signal line to their own home… Even if you follow it down, you may find a pile of junk or even a trap.”

  Finally, after staring at the signal tower for a while, Chu Guang patted Neeko’s neck. The latter purred very well, flicked his tail and turned around.

  ”Find a few people to dismantle this thing… I’ll go to the industrial building to take a look.”

  Lu Bei, who was standing aside, answered loyally.



  Although it was a pity that the mastermind behind the scenes was not caught, the large amount of high-tech equipment abandoned by the Enlightenment Society was left behind.

  I have to admit that there are really a lot of good things in the shelter, and the Enlightenment Society has concentrated these good things.

  Now all of them are cheap for the Alliance.

  According to the statistics of the logistics department, the biggest gain of this battle is undoubtedly a phase cannon.

  This thing is not small in size, shaped like a five-meter-long oil pipeline, carried on the back of an all-terrain crawler, and powered by a one-kilogram cold fusion battery. From a distance, it looks like a missile vehicle before the prosperous era.

  It can take down two airships converted from frigate cores. This phase cannon is either a part removed from a starship or has not been installed yet.

  Chu Guang plans to hand it over to the Alliance’s research institute for analysis to see if he can recover some useful technology from it.

  I don’t expect Yin Fang and his team to reverse the technology of the anti-gravity device. The production difficulty of that thing is greater than the technical difficulty.

  But even if the capacitor technology inside can be recycled, it would be great. This thing can be used for both electromagnetic guns and electric vehicles.

  In addition to the “strategic weapon” such as the phase gun, there are more than 200 sets of the fifth-type “light cavalry” exoskeleton for police use, more than 200 sets of the tenth-type “pledge” exoskeleton originally belonging to the People’s Alliance Army, and 60 “magnetic rail acceleration rifles” with different uses, and more than 200 shellless assault rifles and basic light weapons.

  Together with the seized anti-armor rocket launchers, grenades and other military equipment, the equipment seized in this battle is enough to arm half a special operations brigade!

  Near the industrial building.

  Frost, with his arms folded, looked at the mechanical dog lying in bed not far away and curled his lips.

  ”I said that kind of thing is unreliable.”

  Eclipse’s pupils flickered slightly, and he said after a while.

  ”It was damaged by EMP.”

  ”EMP, haha, I’m not afraid of that thing.”

  ”But your firepower is not as strong as it.”

  ”Haha, that may not be the case.”

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was standing next to the remains of Xiao Wang, did not hear the chatter between the two bionic people. If she had heard it, she would have gone up to argue with the two guys. She

  glanced at the tablet in her hand and the tent not far away. She hesitated for a while and finally walked over there.

  The administrator’s log of Shelter No. 0 and the backup of the original Torch Project have been recovered. Her mentor just asked her to go back and report and narrate what happened just now.

  Next, her mentor will probably take her back to the Wandering Swamp to archive the recovered data and attend the seminar of the Research Department.

  The busy days are still ahead.

  When she thought of the work to be done next, she couldn’t help but feel a tingling sensation on her scalp.

  I don’t know when I will come out of the Wandering Swamp next time… It’s hard to say, the next time we meet will be on the battlefield again.

  As a final farewell, she wanted to at least say hello to those companions.

  Although the time together was short, it was still a precious experience for her.

  What she gained was far more than just the K points and merits she gained in the mission, she also found herself…


  At this moment, in the tent.

  Ye Shi was looking at Chu Guang and describing what happened in the shelter in vivid detail, and handed Captain Lu’s video and the seized memory extractor to him.

  ”…This is what happened. Dear Administrator, I suggest you use this memory extractor to interrogate this guy.”

  As he spoke, Ye Shi stared fiercely at Zhuang Lan, who was tied up not far away. This guy had made him suffer a lot.

  Looking at the memory extractor, Zhuang Lan’s face turned slightly pale.

  She knew better than anyone how terrible that thing was.

  Even with special training, she had no confidence that she could hold up under the interrogation, and would rather confess clearly before wearing that thing.

  The most terrifying thing about that thing is not the memory retrieval, but as the retrieval progresses, it will gradually wake people up from their dreams, and use the fears dug out from the depths of memory to repeatedly torture the user until it completely destroys a person’s spirit and squeezes out the last remaining clues from the fragmented memory fragments.

  She herself didn’t know what she would remember…

  Looking at Ye Shi, who was not satisfied, Chu Guang nodded and said in a gentle tone.

  ”I will consider your suggestion as appropriate. If necessary, I will do so.”

  He put the memory extractor on the table beside him.

  Chu Guang was about to assign a new task to Ye Shi, and suddenly noticed that someone not far from the door was looking over here.

  The soldiers of the guards had noticed the man and stopped in front of her to ask.

  Chu Guang had some impression of the man. Although he didn’t know his name, he remembered that he seemed to be a D-level researcher at the academy. The hesitant and uneasy expression seemed to have something to say, but he was too embarrassed to approach.

  His eyes fell on the memory extractor, and Chu Guang vaguely guessed something, and a smile appeared on his face.

  Looking at Ye Shi again, he said,

  ”You did a great job. Thank you for your hard work. I will take care of the rest. Go and have a rest.”

  ”Well, I’m not that tired… But it’s okay.”

  Although he felt a little disappointed that there were no follow-up tasks, thinking of the hidden task that Lao Bai had told him before, Ye Shi scratched his head and hesitated, then walked out the door excitedly.

  As Ye Shi left, in the spacious tent, apart from the Enlightenment agent with his hands and feet tied, there were only Chu Guang, Lu Bei and several soldiers from the Royal Guard.

  Putting away his warm smile, Chu Guang looked at her and said.


  The pairs of eyes around made Zhuang Lan feel numb.

  Especially before stepping into the tent, the death claw at the door looked at her twice with amber pupils, which made her feel fear deep in her bones.

  She nervously glanced at the memory extractor on the table, swallowed her saliva, lowered her head and trembled.

  ”…Zhuang Lan.”

  Chu Guang stared at her for a while.

  ”I don’t want to waste time, so you’d better not waste my time. Now I ask you questions and you answer them. If I think you’re lying, I’ll use this.”

  Chu Guang raised his index finger and tapped the glasses on the table.

  The black eyes made her feel a fear from the depths of her soul. Zhuang Lan’s shoulders shook involuntarily and she nodded with a trembling head.



  She didn’t understand why she was so scared at this moment when she was not afraid of death.

  Could it be a talent brought by awakening?

  But how could there be such a strange ability…

  Looking at the memory extractor on the table, she didn’t dare to think deeply, so she could only lower her head, and even dared not look directly into those eyes.

  ”Which shelter are you from?”

  ”No. 6, No. 68…”

  ”How many people are there?”

  ”Two thousand.”

  Two thousand people.

  That’s a pretty big shelter.

  Thinking of the underground city in Shelter No. 79, Chu Guang was not too surprised and continued to ask.

  ”Where is your manager?”


  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows.

  ”Before joining the Enlightenment?”

  Zhuang Lan nodded silently.


  Chu Guang continued to ask.

  ”How did you join the Enlightenment?”

  ”…The wastelanders occupied the outpost we built on the surface, took advantage of our kindness to occupy our shelter, killed our managers, and locked us in cages. Later, the people of the Enlightenment found us. They rescued all the survivors and executed the group of wastelanders. They were compatriots, so we followed them.”

  Knowing that there was no point in hiding, she simply confessed everything.

  And her words just happened to confirm Chu Guang’s guess.

  The Enlightenment Society grew and expanded by searching for shelters like Shelter 401 that were persecuted or even occupied by predators.

  It’s just that after those people found other shelters, they did not build settlements with those blue jackets, but incited hatred in people’s hearts, pointing all the contradictions to the Post-War Reconstruction Committee and even the entire wasteland.

  There is actually nothing wrong with this narrative logic.

  The Post-War Reconstruction Committee did do some things, but it didn’t do everything well, and it was also true that it failed the expectations of many wastelanders and survivors’ settlements.

  But if all the mistakes are attributed to the failure of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, it is undoubtedly equivalent to blaming all the problems in the wasteland on the stinking shit of mutants. It sounds good, and many people will believe it, but if you think about it more, you will find that it is bullshit.

  In fact, Chu Guang is more curious about another thing.

  That is whether the Enlightenment Society itself actively intervened, or accelerated this process.

  According to his own observations and judgments, the attitude of most survivor settlements towards the residents of the shelter is actually neutral.

  Those ordinary wastelanders neither worship nor hate the blue coats. They don’t care who abandoned whom two hundred years ago, whose ancestors owed whose ancestors, and they don’t care why the war was fought in the past. Most people have long forgotten the Prosperous Era and the Human Union, and just want to concentrate on living a good life in the present.

  Even the people in Xiaoyu’s family felt sorry for him and squeezed out the few rations to give him a bite of food, and taught him which scraps could be exchanged for money from the merchants.

  Putting aside the shelters targeted by the predators, most shelters can basically develop into the “No. 101 model” under normal circumstances as long as they maintain basic vigilance, limited contact, and cooperation above neutrality… It is actually not common to develop into the extreme situation of “No. 401 model”.

  Chu Guang is more inclined to believe that the people of the Enlightenment Society should have taken the initiative to do something to accelerate the deterioration of the relationship between the shelter and the nearby survivors.

  For example, deliberately revealing the location of the shelter to the nearby predator camps and mutant nests, or bribing the unsteady wastelanders to betray the blue jackets who cooperated with them…

  Chu Guang found it hard to believe that an organization whose mission is to destroy the world would be reserved in the means to achieve its goals and let go of those shelters and their managers who are unwilling to cooperate with them.

  As long as the Enlightenment Society can easily gain a large number of loyal and reliable disciples by saving the residents of those shelters that are unwilling to cooperate from the abyss as saviors and instilling in them the idea that the enemy is the entire wasteland after the fall of those shelters that are unwilling to cooperate.

  In the conversation with Guixu, Chu Guang could clearly feel that although the goals of the upper and lower disciples of the Enlightenment Society were unified, their positions were actually inconsistent.

  The former was purely for the purpose of creating a new world in their dreams that was completely dominated by the elite.

  Most of the latter did not care who dominated the new world, but were simply desperate about the status quo.

  ”Have you seen the guy named Guixu?”

  Zhuang Lan was silent for a long time.


  Chu Guang continued.

  ”You haven’t even seen him, why do you believe that what he said is true?”

  Zhuang Lan was silent for a long time, and slowly spoke.

  ”I don’t care whether he is hiding something or not, it’s not important to me. I just know that those wastelanders did to me–”

  ”Then you did the same thing as them?”

  ”I… I didn’t, I was just saying–”

  ”You say you didn’t, but those compatriots you mentioned did a lot of bad things.”

  Looking at Zhuang Lan’s blushing face and excuses, Chu Guang pointed his chin in the direction of the camp outside and said bluntly.

  ”Look at those tents. The people living inside are all victims of your brutality. Do you think that because you didn’t kidnap those people, they have nothing to do with you?”

  Looking at the silent Zhuang Lan, Chu Guang continued.

  ”I don’t expect to generate sympathy from a cold-blooded guy, but I’m curious about one thing. Do you really think that your home, that is, Shelter No. 68, was destroyed by the wastelanders?”

  ”Of course! I saw them with my own eyes–”

  Staring at Zhuang Lan with a determined look on his face, Chu Guang recalled what he had read in a discussion post on the official website and continued in a calm tone.

  ”You saw them chop off your parents’ heads, watched them put you in a cage, watched the people of the Enlightenment Society rescue you, each of you said the same thing, including the prisoners we captured on the battlefield… You never doubted it once, isn’t it too coincidental?”

  ”How did those wastelanders rebel, when and how did the people of the Enlightenment Society find you, how did your manager die, where is his work log, wastelanders shouldn’t be interested in that kind of thing… Have you checked his manager’s log? Can you answer these doubts for me?”

  Zhuang Lan was stunned.


  Chu Guang stared at her and continued slowly.

  ”You don’t know. You believe whatever they say, and you do whatever they tell you to do. And even for such a life-or-death mission, that Guixu didn’t have the courage to meet you in person?”

  Looking at Zhuang Lan, who was pale and speechless, Chu Guang’s face suddenly showed an interested expression.

  ”Let’s make a bet.”

  ”Bet…?” Zhuang Lan looked at him blankly, “What to bet on.”

  ”Your freedom,” Chu Guang looked at her and continued, “The administrator’s log of Shelter No. 68, that thing will be backed up in the shelter, even if it is destroyed, there is a way to restore it. That thing can answer the confusion in your heart, and it just happens to satisfy my curiosity, find it for me.”

  Zhuang Lan looked at him in surprise.

  ”Are you going to let me go?!”

  ”I’m just lending you your freedom temporarily,” Chu Guang said lightly, “If there is no shadow of the Enlightenment behind the disaster in Shelter No. 68, you will be free. If the clues recorded in the log match my guess, you will come back, remember to bring it to me.”

  The administrator’s log of each shelter is an important file. It is the obligation of all managers to recycle it as much as possible after the shelter is closed.

  Even if there is only one punctuation mark on it, it is worth recycling.

  These are all valuable sociological experiences.

  Including the log stored in Shelter No. 0 and the relevant plan of the “Torch Project”, Chu Guang also recycled them.

  ”Aren’t you worried that I’ll run away?” Zhuang Lan took a deep breath and asked in disbelief.

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”Your expression tells me that you will do this, but if you have any brains left, you will realize how stupid it is to do so.”

  ”The enemy who really killed your parents deceived not only you, but also your most cherished compatriots.”

  ”Find that thing for me, this is your only chance to atone for your sins.”

  ”The Post-War Reconstruction Committee and his three sons don’t care about you, we will.”


  Staring at the figure that disappeared at the door of the barracks, Lu Bei hesitated for a moment and whispered.

  ”Sir, is it really okay to let her go?”

  He did not doubt the decision of the administrator, but he doubted whether the cunning guy would abide by such an unbinding promise.

  Unlike the worried Lu Bei, Chu Guang didn’t care much and replied casually.

  ”If she finds something, maybe she can help us disintegrate the Enlightenment Society from within, or at least she can find the location of the Enlightenment Society headquarters for us.”

  Can’t find it?

  That’s impossible.

  Chu Guang didn’t believe that the villain could resist the temptation of taking shortcuts.

  If he guessed wrong, then he was wrong. It didn’t matter.

  A small minion, one more or one less would not affect the overall situation.

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”Of course, if she didn’t check at all and just went back unscathed, if you were a senior member of the Enlightenment Society, what would you think?”

  Lu Bei thought for a while and scratched his head.

  ”I am a senior member of the Enlightenment Society… But sir, I don’t have that kind of vision.”

  Looking at this unpromising young man, Chu Guang shook his head and criticized him harshly.

  ”Thinking that the superior must have three heads and six arms is a slave mentality. People are people. How many times have I told you!”

  Lu Bei was young after all, and his mind was still bright. After being glared at by Chu Guang, he immediately reacted.

  ”Doubt! I would doubt why she came back alive!”

  Chu Guang nodded approvingly.


  Especially the guy named Guixu, who gave him the feeling of a collection of arrogance and arrogance.

  That guy may have something, but not much. Theory is greater than practice, and the subconscious inferiority and sense of urgency make him eager to prove his strength, even showing it off in front of the enemy.

  In contrast, the marshal of the Legion, the conclusion doctor of the academy, and even the mayor of the Boulder City are more inclined to “hide” themselves.

  These old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years have never been willing to reveal how many cards they have in their hands, and their minds are even more difficult to guess.

  ”But… is it okay for her to be alone?” Lu Bei looked at Chu Guang in confusion and asked.

  Chu Guang said indifferently.

  ”That’s her own business. I didn’t put all my hopes on a temporary idea.”

  Those who killed the crew of the Pioneer have died in the nuclear explosion. This guy has nothing to do with that incident and has never been exposed to those data. The Legion is not his ally, and he has no obligation to avenge the Willant people. There is no point in killing people.

  If he is locked up with other prisoners of war for labor reform, the Legion will definitely use this reason to put pressure on him and ask him to extradite. If this happens once, it will happen twice. Chunchun is just a nuisance.

  If Cohen wants to avenge his confidant, then he can just go after him himself. It is just right for them, who are closer to the Great Desert, to keep an eye on the little actions of the Enlightenment Society for the Alliance.

  When he said this, Chu Guang paused for a moment.

  ”By the way, you and Captain Adria will inform them later that the Enlightenment Society agent who murdered Walli has escaped, and let them handle it themselves.”

  With his right fist on his chest, Lu Bei looked at the manager with admiration.

  ”Yes! Sir!”

  ”Go ahead.”

  Chu Guang smiled and watched the young man disappear at the door, then he cast his eyes on the memory extractor on the table.

  I heard that this thing is quite weird, not only can it extract people’s memories, but it can even help people remember things they don’t even remember.

  When he just came out of the shelter, Battlefield Man secretly put it on and tried it, but it was a pity that it was useless for players. He posted a message and gave up thinking about it.

  It wouldn’t have been useful in the first place.

  The clone’s brain is like a blank sheet of paper, just a signal repeater, with a cache at most, and it doesn’t store very old memories. As for the players’ memories, they are all stored in their own brains – brains in another world.

  Suddenly, an idea came to Chu Guang’s mind.

  What would I see if I put it on?

  The most terrifying thing in the depths of my memory…

  When thinking about this, Chu Guang’s hand was already on the glasses. However, after just a few seconds, he shook his head and gave up the idea.

  An inexplicable sense of déjà vu reminded him that doing this would not have a good result…


  (Thanks to the leader “Sage of the Six Classics” for the reward!!! There were too many updates in the past few days, so I felt a little weak TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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