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Chapter 519: One step closer to not being a human being

Chapter 519: One step closer to not being a human being


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 519: One Step Closer to Not Being a Human Being

  Next to the fence of the wheat field, Avni looked at the pod connected to the steel airship and the figure standing next to the pod from afar, and a gentle smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

  Legend has it that in the distant river valley province, there was a great hero who led a group of survivors who were as brave as him and defeated jackals and beasts that were several times their number.

  To be honest, he was not as tall and mighty as in the painting, and he did not have a thick beard on his face, but he gave her a feeling that he was much more reliable than the gorilla in the painting. In particular, his handsome and resolute face often had a warm smile, which made people feel like spring breeze even in the early winter of November.

  Just like now…

  At first she did not quite understand what kind of feeling it was, until this moment she suddenly realized that

  she was not looking forward to his bravery, nor the wisdom she admired, and it had nothing to do with her saved kingdom… It was just that smile that made people feel warm in their hearts.

  Even in the devastated and messy wasteland, through the dark eyes, one can still see the thriving reflected on it.

  Although it sounds strange, she suddenly envied the doll sitting on his shoulder… It can see the scenery that she can’t see.

  It must be beautiful there…

  Thinking of this, Avni, who originally planned to take a look from a distance, unconsciously walked over there, stopped not far from him, and saluted slightly.

  ”Dear… Mr. Manager, congratulations on your victory in the front line. During my time in Dawn City, I can hear people’s praise and expectations for you every day.”

  Hearing the congratulations from the side, Chu Guang took it off his shoulder and put it in his pocket regardless of Xiao Qi’s protest, and smiled at the girl from a foreign country.

  ”Thank you for your congratulations, Miss Avni. Speaking of which, Summer said goodbye to me before and said that he would return to his country to attend his father’s funeral. I thought you went back with your brother.”

  She was wearing a light green long skirt, and the swaying skirt was like green grass, hiding her ankles. Under the slightly curly brown hair was a slightly childish face, which was now coated with a light golden edge by the morning light.

  Staring at him intently, Avni blinked.

  ”My brother went back first. He asked me to stay here to represent the Honey Badger Royal Family to participate in the Alliance’s triumphal celebration. He also asked me to say goodbye to you on his behalf and said thank you again for your care during this period… The Honey Badger Kingdom will always be a friend of the Alliance, and he personally regards you as his teacher.”

  Chu Guang smiled and shook his head.

  ”This guy… I don’t even know when I was his teacher.”

  Summer went back so hurriedly, probably because he was worried about the throne. After all, he was only the acting king, and Yade held the military power.

  As for the sentence of regarding him as his teacher, it was probably said to himself, hoping to get his support.

  However, he did not intend to interfere in the internal affairs of the Honey Badger Kingdom. Whether it was Summer or Yade, he left a good impression on him.

  The Alliance only does itself, adheres to the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences, and will not force other survivor settlements above lawful neutral to follow the same path as itself. Just like the major you choose is the most suitable for you, people should decide their own future.

  Which path to take is not the main contradiction in the wasteland, but chaos. Before all mutants and predators die, even the Legion can be counted as lawful evil.

  As long as the situation in the Honey Badger Kingdom does not deteriorate to the point of civil war, he will not interfere in the affairs of the locals, and at most will only ask the local rulers to make gradual improvements according to the opinions of the Alliance.

  Avni looked at him with eyes full of smiles.

  ”Really? But I think you still influenced him in many places… I often see him copying down your words and thinking about them. In the past, he often said that the future of the kingdom lies in uniting those wavering nobles, and the military expenses of the Restoration Army are mostly supported by those nobles, but now he occasionally mentions that the kingdom must unite the unknown majority if it wants to develop. They have no money, but they have more useful things than money.”

  Chu Guang said casually.

  ”It shows that he has grown up, perhaps inspired by us, but I am more inclined to think that it is his own understanding.”

  He will not teach others like this.

  In the Alliance, people are people.

  Avni sighed softly.

  ”Maybe, but I still think that his growth cannot be separated from your help. If possible, I really hope to grow up like him. Can I… help you with something? Things other than organizing books, just like Princess Theresa.” Almost as if

  by some strange coincidence, Avni couldn’t help but say the second half of the sentence, and even she herself was a little surprised that she would say so.

  But she didn’t take it back.

  A mysterious voice told her in her mind that perhaps she thought so deep in her heart…

  Chu Guang looked at the little girl strangely, paused for a moment and said.

  ”You don’t need to help me do anything. You can learn those knowledge and go back to help your country.”

  ”Why? Because I am the princess of the Honey Badger Kingdom? I can give up my identity like Theresa and become an ordinary resident of the alliance-”

  Chu Guang looked at her seriously and said.

  ”You have to understand one thing. Theresa did not become the mayor of Pioneer City because she gave up her status as a princess, but because her ability proved that she was qualified for this job.”

  Pioneer City is said to be the fourth city of the alliance, but the number of survivors there is not as many as that of Bet Street in Dawn City, and the conditions are much more difficult than those in the Valley Province. Being a mayor there is not a good job. The staff of the Dawn City Trading Station are much more comfortable than the mayor there.

  In the alliance, the mayor is just a position with a salary, and it does not mean any level in any sense. If Bet Street has a special strategic position and needs to be developed as a settlement alone, then its village chief can also be called the mayor.

  ”Sorry, I am abrupt. I don’t look down on her ability. I just think that since she can… I can do something for you.”

  Avni’s face was slightly jealous, although she did not realize that she was jealous. After all, she had no reason to do so.

  Chu Guang could understand her eagerness to display her talents, but he could not immediately arrange an important job for her just because she read a lot of books.

  Theory is important.

  But practice is more important.

  The lesson of Shelter 401 is the best example. Those blue coats were also well-educated, but they were chained by a group of barbarians with iron bars.

  It’s not because the theory of the Prosperous Era is not advanced enough, but that kind of thing is too advanced. There is no soil suitable for it to survive in the wasteland.

  But it’s always good to be willing to do something.

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking about what to say, someone suddenly called his name not far away.

  ”Chu Guang!”

  Hearing the voice, the two looked over there at the same time.

  Seeing the fiery red hair, Avni’s face showed a trace of confusion, while Chu Guang showed a surprised expression.

  ”Xia Yan? You’re back?”

  Xia Yan raised the corners of her mouth and said with a hint of pride.

  ”I have completed the credits for this year. The instructor praised me for my talent in the field of mechanics, but it would be better if I could be better in mathematics.”

  To be recognized by Shelter No. 101, it seems that she has indeed learned something.

  Chu Guang asked with a smile.

  ”Where’s Xiaoyu? Didn’t she come back with you?”

  ”She is staying with Pai. I don’t know what she is busy with. She said she will be back tomorrow. Speaking of which… who is she?” Xia Yan suddenly looked at Avni standing aside with vigilance.

  That face looked harmless and cute, but it was precisely because of this that she always had a bad feeling.

  ”She is a honey badger–”

  ”I am Mr. Manager’s student,” Avni bowed slightly, looked at Xia Yan with a smile, and said in a very pleasant voice, “You are Ms. Xia, I have heard Chu Guang talk about you before.” Xia Yan

  looked at Chu Guang in surprise and looked at him suspiciously.

  ”Why are you a teacher?”

  ”This is a misunderstanding,” Chu Guang coughed lightly, “I just lent her some books–”

  ”Those books have benefited me a lot, and your words and deeds have also impressed me,” Avni nodded slightly, “To me, you are my mentor.”

  Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

  ”Yan, Yan what teach?”

  ”It means to teach carefully,” Avni’s eyes flickered slightly, staring at Xia Yan with those innocent eyes, and suddenly acted as if she was suddenly aware, “…Ah, please don’t misunderstand, I don’t mean that.” How can

  this expression not be misunderstood!

  Staring at this little girl with a knife in her smile, Xia Yan suddenly felt that her blood pressure was going to rise.

  Looking at the two people who suddenly got excited, Chu Guang coughed.

  ”I just said what I should say in my position. There’s no need to have extra good feelings towards me because of what I said. Okay, don’t always focus on me… Don’t you have your own things to do?”

  Speaking of which, the time for the physical examination with Heya was approaching.

  Chu Guang ended the topic with a headache and walked towards the truck that had been waiting for him for half a day.

  Speaking of which, direct flights between Ideal City and Dawn City have been opened recently. Should we also improve the means of transportation? It’s

  a bit inappropriate to always take this truck to transport goods, and the transportation tools of some private transportation companies are uneven.

  Let’s ask the city hall to bid for a few buses some other day…

  ”Wait, wait a minute!” Seeing that Chu Guang was about to leave, Xia Yan quickly moved his eyes away from Avni and stopped him.

  ”What else?”

  Xia Yan rolled his eyes, didn’t say anything, and secretly handed out a palm-sized box.

  ”Here you go.”

  Staring at the unprepossessing box, Chu Guang asked curiously.

  ”What is this?”

  ”Never mind, it’s my homework for the school year… Take a look.”

  Reaching out to take the box, Chu Guang opened it, and two pairs of flexible wings gently popped out, and a silver-white metal ball lay on the cotton lining.

  Chu Guang’s face suddenly showed a touch of surprise.

  Hummingbird drone? !


  This one is obviously bigger.

  Xiao Qi, who was stuffed in his pocket, muttered a comment.

  ”It’s so-so… I reluctantly accepted it.”

  Ignoring the self-conceited little guy, Chu Guang took the drone in his hand and looked at it excitedly.

  ”Not bad! Really good!”

  It can’t be compared with the “Hummingbird” he got from the blind box, but as a product DIY with parts from the wasteland, it is already quite good!

  I didn’t expect that the NPC he brought back to rub the shells would have such great potential, and Chu Guang was also full of emotion.

  Slightly larger than a hummingbird.

  Let’s call it——


  Seeing Chu Guang so happy, Xia Yan couldn’t help but curl up the corners of his mouth happily, but soon realized that his expression was too proud, so he coughed lightly.

  ”Ahem, not bad, right? It’s a pity that time is too tight, otherwise I can make something more powerful.”

  Chu Guang smiled and stuffed the drone into the pocket hanging on the power armor, handed it to Xiao Qi to fiddle with, and said approvingly.

  ”Not bad, not bad, I would be very grateful if you can give me a whole power armor.”

  Xia Yan said with a tingling scalp.

  ”Uh, that… I’ll try my best.”

  Avni put her index finger on her chin thoughtfully, and suddenly lowered her head in shame.

  ”Gift… Sorry, I neglected it. Please give me a few days to prepare it. I will present it to you before the celebration.”

  Looking at Avni who was too serious, Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  ”There’s no need to be so formal.” It

  doesn’t matter whether there is a gift or not.

  He has already got what he wanted from this war.

  Avni shook her head and said seriously.

  ”How could it be? You saved us from a group of bandits, I have to thank you both morally and logically… Please accept our little gift.”

  Looking at the stubborn Avni, Chu Guang finally gave up the idea of ​​persuading her.

  The things to be dealt with after returning were piled up like a mountain, and he really didn’t have the energy to worry about such trivial matters.

  Not to mention the distant past, just before he got off the airship, Heya had already booked a physical examination for him.

  In fact, even if Heya didn’t say it, he would have asked her to check for him.

  He had a dream again last night.

  As expected, he was one step closer to not being a human being…


  Just when Chu Guang returned to Shelter No. 404, the fence outside the civil airport in the north of Dawn City was blocked by a crowd of people.

  Some of them were wastelanders who came to watch the fun, and some were players who came to join in the fun.

  Today is the first flight from Ideal City to Dawn City. It is said that a large plane will fly from the east.

  This has been posted on the official website for several days.

  The company’s performance did not disappoint the crowd of onlookers. The large plane that landed vertically from the air was like a real whale. After gathering the plume behind the engine nozzle, it landed steadily on the apron as wide as a football field.

  Looking at the huge monster, the God of Death said with emotion.

  ”This plane is awesome…”

  If only I could build one in real life!

  The one who persuaded the quarrel nodded in agreement.

  ”Indeed… it’s just a little unscientific.”

  He works in a large drone factory in real life.

  Putting aside the unscientific plasma thruster, he couldn’t tell what the material of this plane was.

  How strong a structure must be to support this unconventional design?

  He couldn’t imagine it at all!

  ”You’re already playing games, what do you want science for? You look like you’ve become stupid from studying! Can you have some imagination?” Mosquito patted the guy’s head, “Let’s go.” The

  peacemaker touched his head and looked confused.

  ”Where are we going?”

  Mosquito said with a beaming face.

  ”Let’s build our big plane! Didn’t we bring back the wreckage of the killer whale transport plane last time? Let’s think about it and try to make a thing that can spray plasma plumes!”

  Although he couldn’t figure out how that thing worked, it didn’t matter, the engineers at Camp 101 could understand it.

  He only needed to make a general design and figure out how to install this thing on the plane!

  Killer and Peacemaker looked at each other, exchanging confusion in their eyes.

  A plane with a whole plasma engine?

  This guy must be crazy…

  Just as Mosquito’s “apprentices” were wondering if their boss had a broken brain, the passengers were getting off the plane through the open cabin door one after another.

  At this moment, a petite figure stood in the corner of the crowd, standing on tiptoe and looking in the direction of the cabin door, with expectation and anxiety on her face.

  Didn’t buy the ticket?

  Until the end, she didn’t see that face, and a trace of disappointment was written on Dolly’s face. Just when she was about to turn around and leave quietly, a hand suddenly placed on her shoulder.

  She didn’t feel anyone approaching at all, and she was terrified. She raised her left arm almost reflexively, and the steel elbow blew a strong wind backward.

  ”Wait, it’s me!” The sharp steel was hanging an inch away from the bridge of his nose, and Fang Chang was nervous and sweating.

  What a close call!

  He hasn’t saved the game for half a year. If he gets hit, it would be a huge loss.

  He almost forgot that this is a wasteland.

  Even if Dolly is just an ordinary girl, her fighting power is far from that of a girl in reality.

  ”Fang Chang?!”

  The moment she saw her sweetheart, the sharp eyes full of murderous intent softened into excitement and joy in an instant.

  She rushed over and hugged him tightly.

  Responding to the warm embrace, Fang Chang made a joke in a very light voice.

  ”I saw you in the sky, and I wanted to come down to give you a surprise, but I didn’t expect that you almost carried me away.”

  Just now, he took a little detour and circled from the side of the plane.

  ”Who asked you to… sneak attack me.”

  Dolly blushed and avoided the sight, feeling sweet and shy in her heart, and whispered.

  ”Am I… so conspicuous?”

  The short emerald green hair was still quite conspicuous in the crowd.


  there was no need to explain it in such detail at this time.

  Gently touching her head, Fang Chang said with a warm smile.

  ”Of course, I saw it at a glance.”

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he continued.

  ”Sorry, this business trip takes a long time… I kept you waiting for a long time.”

  The redness climbed from her cheeks to the tips of her ears. The lovely girl in his arms buried her head shyly and hid her face in his chest.

  Fang Chang noticed the khaki scarf she was holding in her hand.

  ”Is this a gift for me?”

  Dolly blushed and hid it behind her back, whispering.

  ”I knitted it myself… Is it okay?”

  Fang Chang smiled.

  ”More than okay, it’s amazing, but come to think of it… I think it was also a scarf last time, but unfortunately I only have one neck.”

  ”It’s different,” Dolly glanced at the scarf around his neck, and curled her lips happily, then shook her head vigorously and said seriously, “The last one was windproof and sandproof, winter is coming… This time it’s for warmth.” Looking

  at Dolly’s serious explanation, Fang Chang couldn’t help but feel warm in his heart.

  ”Speaking of which, I also prepared a gift for you.”

  ”What gift?” Dolly’s face immediately showed an expression of interest, and she glanced left and right, but saw nothing.

  Fang Chang said with a mysterious smile.

  ”Come with me.”

  At the same time, at the exit of the airport.

  Ji Zheng was stretching his neck to look around, muttering to himself.

  ”Where are you?”

  He was just next to him.

  It was rare to meet a confidant who understood him better than his father. He had planned to invite that person to dinner and chat more, but as soon as the plane arrived, that person disappeared.

  How strange!

  Next to him, a group of tourists were looking around curiously. Everything here was full of novelty to them, even the air had a different smell.

  ”Incredible… Although I have seen the virtual model on the endpoint cloud, it feels completely different when I really stand here.”

  ”Is that ruin in the distance the legendary Qingquan City?”

  ”It is probably the same as Yunshang City and Yunxia City… But the city in the central urban cluster should be larger in area.”

  ”No wonder the mother nest here is so big!”

  ”Ah… I really want to meet their manager. I would be satisfied if I could take a photo with him!”

  ”There will be a chance! He will definitely show up at the celebration.”

  Looking at the rich lady who was infatuated with him before getting off the plane, Jixiu curled his lips in disdain.

  ”Tsk… what’s so special about that guy?”

  It’s just a power armor, and it’s a pre-war police model. There are so many power armors that are cooler than this in Boulder City!

  Moreover, as the leader of the survivors’ settlement, it’s not like he shows up every day. He has no dignity or style at all.

  In comparison, their city lord is much more impressive. Even a prince like himself who is a big shot in Boulder City has only seen that lord on the screen.

  At this time, Ji Xiu suddenly thought of his plan, and a surge of excitement rose in his heart.

  If everything goes well, he may become a more powerful figure than his father.

  At that time, perhaps the city lord will meet him in person.


  Shelter No. 404.

  Chu Guang sat up from the scanning bed and saw his physical examination results on the holographic screen.



  Chu Guang Gene sequence: Manager (fifth stage)

  Level: LV.30→LV.40

  ——Basic attributes——

  Strength: 33→45 (+12)

  Agility: 25→35 (+10)

  Constitution: 27→40 (+13)

  Perception: 26→39 (+14)

  Intelligence: 29→40 (+11)



  -Talent: 1. Wild instinct: Wild instinct can be awakened under extreme conditions, and all attributes will be increased by 10~15% during the duration, and the fatigue value accumulation speed will increase by 20~30%.

  2. Mental deterrence: It can produce psychological coercion for fully mental life forms weaker than itself, weakening its will to resist.

  3. Hive mind: For fully mental life forms weaker than itself, it can share 3~15% of the intelligence attribute, so that it can be inspired and think faster. This effect is affected by many factors such as distance, number of people, acceptance, etc., and the maximum distance is 10m.

  4. Victory Call: Infuse courage into the voice of shouting, and make those who resonate with it have an invincible determination.


  After reading the attribute panel, Chu Guang was silent for a long time, and looked up at Heya who was sitting on the chair.

  ”No new talents unlocked?”

  ”Don’t ask me about that. The talent column is the information stored in the shelter database. A certain algorithm left in the server seems to be doing a specific analysis of the gene sequence of the entire shelter residents… I can only guarantee that the attribute column is accurate. If you want to see more detailed parameters of various physiological functions, you can click on the details in the lower right corner.”

  When she said this, Heya looked at Chu Guang with a calm face and couldn’t help complaining.

  ”By the way, the focus of your attention is actually that talent column… Haven’t you noticed that you are becoming more and more like a monster?”

  Four awakenings…

  The fifth stage of gene sequence!

  She was not sure whether she had too little experience or whether all humans in the wasteland were like this.

  Chu Guang shrugged and said indifferently.

  ”Maybe I’m used to it… Anyway, I just lie down and do nothing, and the progress of gene sequence development will automatically increase.”

  In fact, he can understand it now.

  In reality, there is a system called reCAPTCHA, which allows computers to ask humans for help.

  The specific method is to send scanned images of text that cannot be recognized by OCR to major websites around the world to replace the original verification code. When the user recognizes those words, the answer will be sent back to CMU, and it is said that the accuracy rate can reach 99%.

  The gene sequences stored in the shelter are like tasks that are subcontracted to players one by one. Each player’s game behavior is actually “solving problems”, and the results of the final tasks are summarized in themselves in some way, and recorded and analyzed by the shelter.

  Therefore, his “evolution” direction is the most balanced.

  Perhaps this is the optimal solution obtained by Shelter No. 404 after referring to many “control variable experiments”.

  Chu Guang is not clear about the principle. He can only roughly guess that this kind of result summarized in him may not be reproduced through simple clone cultivation.

  Therefore, he cannot be “resurrected”.

  As for the purpose of this experiment, it may involve the biggest secret of Shelter No. 404.

  Chu Guang doesn’t know why.

  He is not the kind of person who will believe others without reason, especially to believe a guy he has never met.

  However, he would subconsciously believe two things.

  One is that the first generation manager is dead.

  The other is that the man would never harm himself…

  ”This is the most outrageous part. ‘Awakening’ has turned into cancer cells in your body. Why don’t you leave yourself an offspring as soon as possible,” Heya sighed while leaning on the chair, and changed her posture to hug her arms. “By the way, I’ll take this opportunity to tell you something.”

  ”What is it?”

  ”Remember, that Xiaoyu.”

  Looking at the sharp eyes, Chu Guang was slightly stunned and frowned.

  ”Remember…what’s wrong with it?”

  Heya said, staring at him with a sharp gaze.

  ”It’s about to evolve!”


  (Thanks to “You Er yore” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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