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Chapter 52 This game has taught you a lot

Chapter 52 This game has taught you a lot


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 52 This game is so good that you can understand it

  Seven o’clock.

  As players gradually log off, the official website gradually becomes lively.

  It has been 12 hours since the Alph 0.3 version was launched. Whether it is the prospective players who have made an appointment but have not yet obtained the qualification, or the cloud players who have not made an appointment at all, they are all waiting for the first-hand information of the new version.

  Chu Guang sent a meal to little sister Xia Yan, then hummed a little tune and sat down in front of the computer, opened the forum and started to peek.

  The first post I saw was from Garbage.

  [Today, it was finally confirmed! The tire factory three kilometers north of the abandoned construction site is a predator camp! The number of people is about 50 to 100! I originally wanted to capture a prisoner and brought it back, but they were a bit too many. Fortunately, those people were obviously scared by me. I slapped the dog that bit my arm and fainted, and escaped while they were reloading. ]

  [Damn, that dog almost bit my tail off! The predators I encountered this time are much more fierce than last time! Chu

  Guang: “…”

  Why is what’s written in this post different from what I heard half an hour ago?

  Chu Guang remembered that this guy said that he didn’t take the initiative to provoke those predators? The injuries on his body were because he ran into a patrol of predators when he came back.

  However, according to the post, it seems that he took the initiative to attack in order to capture a prisoner.

  This guy didn’t tell the truth.

  Chu Guang thought for a while and shook his head.

  Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

  The first posts are usually not very nutritious.

  As for the predator camp of Trash Jun, the old friends in the forum have been listening to him bragging for almost three days. In the end, after three days of squatting, they were killed and fled.

  Everyone expressed their disapproval in the forum. Quit

  smoking: [What the hell is the number of people between 50 and 100? How many is it? You are a scout, and you are worse than a Teletubbies. ] Irena

  : [I took off my pants and didn’t fart. Hey, I was just playing. (Funny)]

  What can I do with you: [You idiot, there are less than a hundred monsters, why are you so scared! Can’t you kite? Kill one at a time, repeat it a few times and you will kill them all? Bah, what am I talking about, this game doesn’t even exist! 】

  The good names were taken by dogs: [Move! Noob! 】

  Sisi: [You can’t beat the monsters with a special profession, how embarrassing! Why don’t you let me play! 】

  Garbage Picker Level 99: [??? Show me how to move? Damn! You can even tactically outflank the monsters, alternately shoot, and release dogs. Can you believe it? ! 】Quit

  Smoking: [I want to! Give me your account and I’ll show you. 】

  Garbage Picker Level 99: [I’m a novice! ]

  The post was completely off topic, and it became a debate between Lizard Brother and a group of scholars, just like the time when the free Crow Crow and a group of players were on the line.

  However, no matter how he described the situation at that time, it could not change the fact that he was labeled as a noob in the hearts of cloud players.

  Perhaps, only when the photo function is released in the future can he be vindicated.

  Chu Guang was very clear about the fighting power of those plunderers.

  These people might not have strong equipment, physical fitness, and poor discipline like the goblins in the fantasy world, but their talents in street fighting were almost maxed out.

  After all, since the first year of the Wasteland Era, these people have never stopped fighting. The gene of plundering has long been integrated into their blood and bones, and has been passed down for countless generations. After

  reviewing the beautiful Mandarin in Garbage Jun’s post, Chu Guang closed the post and continued to browse the forum.

  It has been a while since the players went offline, and a lot of high-quality content has begun to emerge. What

  surprised Chu Guang the most was that there were many new faces in these high-quality content that he saw for the first time.

  For example, an ID called “Canyon Runaway Mole”.

  Chu Guang looked at his personal information and found that he was a newcomer who entered the game in Alpha 0.2 version.

  According to historical comments, he found the official website of Wasteland OL through a link shared by a friend because of the urban legend circulating in the single-player game circle.

  In a word, he is also a guy who is relatively free at night.

  ”Mole Express: Hardcore Observation on the New Version! Cloud players and newbies please take a detour! 》

  ”Hello everyone, I am your big-nosed mole. After going online today, I found that the game has been greatly changed. The production team finally fulfilled a small piece of the pie he drew. I really love the new version! Great!” ”

  Let me first say the conclusion: I will directly praise the newly designed economic system this time! Although there are only a few simple supply chains at present, from some details, it is enough to glimpse the ambition of the production team! They are indeed playing a big game!”

  ”But I won’t blow rainbow farts here, just briefly talk about my findings, which may bring some help to you!”

  [There are currently two recognized low-threshold and high-return ways to make money in the game, one is burning cement, and the other is hunting. The former has a stable income and can be operated by one person, but it needs to be robbed because there are not many people needed every day. The latter has an unstable income, requires equipment, and is almost impossible to play alone. If you want to go the hunter route, it is best to form a team with a perception system! 】

  ”Burning cement does not require any technical skills, here we are only talking about the hunter gameplay!”

  ”A 30-kilogram mutant hyena can be sold directly to the granary for 5 silver coins. It takes some time to slaughter it and can get 12 kilograms of raw meat, which is instantly worth 40 silver coins. Isn’t it amazing?”

  ”Of course, here we are just talking about value! Value! Pay attention to the key points.”

  ”The granary at the outpost does not accept raw meat, only unprocessed prey and dried meat that can be directly preserved. And like other games, there is a difference in buying and selling prices in NPC shops. For example, it costs 5 silver coins to buy one kilogram of dried meat, but if you recycle it, you will only get 1 silver coin per kilogram. Isn’t the five-fold price difference outrageous!”

  ”You can at least make more money by making dried meat from the prey you kill and selling it to NPCs, but if you buy raw meat from NPC shops and smoke it yourself, you may even lose money!”

  ”But it’s actually not that bad. I’ve seen even more outrageous things in other games. This is nothing. Especially in online games, it’s basic to sell something that was bought for 1,000 game coins for only 1 game coin. The cleverness of this game’s planning lies in using the price difference between buying and selling goods in NPC stores to encourage players to trade with each other rather than buying inventory from NPCs.”

  ”Here’s a small idea. The hunting team can find one or two players to cooperate with them and slaughter the prey themselves to make dried meat and fur.”

  ​​”Part of the dried meat can be sold to players at a price lower than the granary’s price. Cut one kilogram into ten pieces and sell them for 1 to 9 silver coins. It’s up to you and the wallets of other players. It doesn’t matter if you can’t sell it all. You can sell it to the granary before dark and make another profit.”

  ”Although this operation will take a little more time, the theoretical income of a mutant hyena can at least double. Isn’t it great?”

  ”In addition, according to my research, running trade is also a way to play, but it is difficult to operate and unprofitable at present. It takes 5 silver coins to buy one kilogram of bacon from the NPC store, and it can be exchanged for 5 kilograms of grain when transported to Brown Farm (in theory). The latter is only worth 5 silver coins when transported back to the outpost! And this is the price of the NPC store! The purchase price will be even lower! Whether it is sold to NPCs or players, it is a huge loss.”

  ”Considering that the current expansion pack is named “Winter is Coming”, it is estimated that the production team’s testing focus is not on the trade system. I am very much looking forward to the next version, and the production team can focus on developing the trade system.”

  ”An economic system with no exports but only domestic sales is incomplete. Wouldn’t it be more interesting to balance the relationship between production and imports and exports through tariffs and prices? Please consider it! If the server CPU allows!”

  Chu Guang read the post and clicked a thumbs up, but did not make any comments.

  The idea is good, but it is not very meaningful at this stage.

  Keyboard economists often fall into the misunderstanding of idealists. Excessive grand narratives do not actually help solve the current problems.

  From the perspective of planners and players, this suggestion to enrich the playability of the game is indeed good.

  But from the perspective of the manager of Shelter 404, it is another situation.

  For Chu Guang, everything in the shelter, even the players’ bodies, belongs to him. Why should he let them take their things and trade with their neighbors?

  Unless they can do better than he can.

  But this is obviously impossible.

  Even Chu Guang himself is often excluded and suspected by some scavengers on Bette Street because of his accent, and because he does not understand the market and rules, even if he has the experience of sales in his previous life, he cannot use it at all.

  This is the wasteland.

  A dystopian collection of scum and villains.

  Compared with the law-abiding bankers or economists, the scum who sells ships and the swindlers who sell bad financial derivatives will have a better life.

  Let the players do business with these local rich people. Not to mention whether they can use 1% of their eloquence normally, even if they can, what will happen?

  It is better to bring an extra gun.

  Chu Guang suddenly understood the old leech on Bette Street – oh no, the old mayor.

  This guy is really not a good guy. He is also very ugly when he eats. He exploits people just for pleasure and has no long-term plan for the future of Bette Street.

  But if the scavengers really go to trade with the merchants, those poor people will only be exploited more miserably.

  This is not just a matter of ignorance.

  Only people who are naive to a certain extent will think that the merchants from Boulder City will be more merciful than the local tycoons in the suburbs.

  This is like comparing bats and leeches, which one can suck more.

  ”It’s meaningless to encourage players to trade with indigenous forces. Every large-scale export transaction must be conducted under supervision. For example, set up a fixed caravan, plan routes and trading varieties, list commodity prices, and let players serve as escorts and transport, while NPCs are responsible for handovers, and the returns are 50-50 or 30-70… This can also take care of less hardcore players and simplify the transaction process.”

  ”But tariffs are indeed a good idea, and this can be noted! In the future, according to actual needs, we can consider allowing NPCs outside to directly participate in the players’ market… The premise is barter, or use the currency of the shelter.”

  And under supervision.

  ”Free trade?”


  ”When I need you to fight, I will naturally tell you who to trade freely with.”

  In addition to the strategy post posted by “Canyon Escaping Mole”, there are also civil engineering dogs who open posts to exchange house-building skills, and metallurgical engineering dogs discuss how to use limited materials to efficiently make steel.

  Some people chatted and threw the link to N station A island, and continued to chat in another place, which unexpectedly attracted a lot of new traffic to the website.

  The urban legend about “fully immersive virtual reality online games” is showing signs of expanding. Although most people regard it as a setting that was made up by talk, there are also a small number of people who take it seriously and click the reservation button with a half-joking attitude.

  The number of reservations is growing steadily.

  What surprised Chu Guang was that Lai Rifang Chang, who is usually the most popular and “knows himself best”, did not share his game experience on the forum this time.

  The sun really rose from the west.

  Just as Chu Guang was browsing the forum, the Niuma Club group was also very lively.

  Although Brother Guang did not show up these days, the topics in the group were basically around Wasteland OL.

  At least that was the case in the morning.

  Lao Bai: “Fang Chang, I saw a post on the official website. Have you read it? It’s the one written by the big-nosed mole.”

  Kuang Feng: “He’s called the Canyon Escaping Mole.” Lao Bai

  : “Not important!”

  Fang Chang: “I saw it. The method proposed in that post is interesting, but not very meaningful.” Lao

  Bai: “Ah? I think it’s okay! You can make 5 silvers by selling a prey directly to the NPC. If you find someone to slaughter and dry it in a whole process, the value will at least double, right?”


  Chang: “Haha, theory is theory, but he ignores the existence of contribution points.” Ye Shi: “What do you mean?”

  Fang Chang: “You can understand citizenship as Shenzhen household registration, and contribution points are settlement points.”

  Kuang Feng: “Jue, your metaphor is a bit sexy…”

  Fang Chang: “The same meaning. Among all the players now, except for a few of us who have upgraded to citizens, only Mosquito who does carpentry and Teng Teng who makes clothes can barely get 2,000 points. In other words, except for these six people, everyone else needs to make contributions and upgrade to citizens, and then make money.” Only

  after upgrading to citizens can you buy land.

  Even a fool can see that the sooner you buy a piece of land, the better.

  Fang Chang: “Think about this problem carefully, then analyze the others. Who do you think is more suitable to be a butcher among these six people? Do you have experience in butchering?”

  Lao Bai: “Well, this is indeed a question.”

  Ye Shi: “No, I just want to ask, is butchering difficult?”

  Kuang Feng: “… Anyone who has gone to the supermarket to buy vegetables would not ask such a question.” Fang

  Chang: “Ye Shi is still in school, it is normal that he has no life experience. As for the method mentioned in the strategy post, it is not feasible at present. We need to find another salesperson and a butcher. Six people share the profits, and we may not make more.” “In fact,

  I have already calculated this account, but I didn’t say it. When that tomato scrambled eggs is promoted to a citizen, we can try to talk to him about cooperation, although I don’t think we should have too much hope.”

  Ye Shi: “Why?”

  Fang Chang: “Are you stupid? Why would he cooperate with us? Isn’t it nice to save enough money to buy a piece of land, open a restaurant by yourself, and take over the butchering business?”

  Lao Bai: “Fuck! Now that you mention it, if you have some skills in slaughtering and cooking, you can make a lot of money in this game!”

  Fang Chang: “It’s only at this stage, but it may not be the case if we wait a little longer.”

  Fang Chang: “Our first priority is to upgrade, and then to improve our proficiency. In any open game, it is easier to make money in the early stages of the life profession, but in the middle and late stages, the first echelon will always be the real strong ones!”

  Kuang Feng: “Hey, you have figured out the game… I have never understood why you don’t become a professional player.”

  Fang Chang: “I didn’t have the chance before, but now, haha, I feel like the opportunity has come.”

  Trash Pickup Level 99: “Boss! Please accept my knee!”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Take me with you too!”

  Fang Chang: “Sure, haha! We are all in the same group, so let’s call our guild the Bull and Horse Club from now on!”

  Lao Bai: “Ahem, how about we change the name?”

  Ye Shi: “What to change, this name sounds so nice. (Funny)” Fang Chang

  : “It doesn’t matter whether we change the name or not. But let me say this, Mosquito, your contribution should be almost enough, but Garbage Jun has been playing in the wild these days, so I guess it’s still a little short. Your first priority now is to upgrade to citizen, and then save money after you upgrade to citizen! Let’s form a group and build a house directly in front of the resurrection point, with a street shop on the first floor and partitions on the second and third floors, so that each person can have a large standard room, isn’t it beautiful?”

  Lao Bai: “That will be our guild base in the future! (Excited)”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Steady, bro!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “6666!”

  Quitting Smoking: “Fuck! I really want to play!!! TT”

  (Thanks to the leader of “大绿棒子就花生” for the reward!~~~~)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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