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Chapter 526 I will consider giving myself a few days off

Chapter 526 I will consider giving myself a few days off


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 526 I will consider giving myself a few days off

  . The Queen of the Night Bar.

  Recently, the opening hours here are getting earlier and earlier, especially for those VIP customers who spend lavishly, it is open all day.

  But what makes the guests a little disappointed is that recently those devil silk artworks seem to have disappeared from this bar, and they are all replaced by nylon imitations.

  Although this has become more convenient in a sense, people still feel that something is missing.

  After all, people are not animals. In addition to those things, there are always some spiritual pursuits. And the artworks woven from the indestructible devil silk can make the originally vulgar dance posture less vulgar.

  What can provoke people’s desire to conquer more than rejection?

  People complain that the thing is too strong, but they are more willing to spend money on it.

  However, regarding the matter of “banning devil silk artworks”, Rob, the owner of the Queen of the Night Bar, was very determined.

  Even though he was the first person to taste the sweetness.

  It doesn’t matter if the sub-publication of “Survivor Daily” teases his girl. Anyway, neither he nor they care about face, they only care about chips. But that guy dared to tease the noble grandfather in the inner city. He simply didn’t want to live!

  He didn’t want to be splashed with blood…

  At this moment, in the box that can best show his status.

  Several young men with oily hair and powdered faces were leaning on the soft sofa, hugging a group of disheveled beauties on their left and right.

  From the belts they casually threw aside, it can be seen that they are worth a lot of money – that is the skin of the Death Claw.

  And it is an old Death Claw.

  Intoxicated in the gentle embrace of front, back, left and right, Ji Xiu squinted his eyes comfortably, and after a boring shiver, he smacked his lips and smiled.

  ”It’s still happy in Boulder City.”

  There, he had to solve it himself every time, but here he didn’t have to move at all, and the other party understood everything with just one look.

  And it was extremely docile and considerate…

  The young man sitting opposite him asked curiously.

  ”Isn’t there a lot of bionic people in the ideal city?”


  name is Khamit, who is Hid’s son.

  Camit worshiped the guy in front of him, and was willing to descend his identity to let him sit in the “big brother”. Afterwards, the old man who was not open was unwilling to accept their

  chips. He had

  a snot and a tear, asking them to be responsible … But how could this be



  There was no other way, they could only let the family disappear.

  Unfortunately, the matter was not handled properly, and the fire accidentally set the surrounding houses on fire, causing the city defense chief to be furious. It was because of that incident that Jixiu was given to a traveling merchant by his father and taken to the distant Ideal City to hide. And they were criticized by their family and punished to be confined for several days of reflection.

  Kumit thought he would never see this good brother again, but he didn’t expect that the enterprise suddenly opened a flight to Qingquan City.

  And his good brother did not disappoint him, and he came back to reunite with them as soon as possible.

  Jixiu curled his lips in disdain.

  ”How can a bionic man understand people better than humans… And can you make some progress? You have been thinking about that thing every day for so long, vulgar!”

  Kumit said with a smirk.

  ”We don’t have other entertainment, you kid Gaoya, tell me what interesting things are there on the East Coast.”

  Others also cheered.

  ”That’s right!”

  ”Tell me about it.”

  All the friends looked at this good buddy who had returned from afar expectantly, hoping that he could talk more about the East Coast.

  Although most of their fathers were also upper-class people in the inner city, not all of them had the opportunity to send their children to the Ideal City.

  Three thousand kilometers is too far.

  And the power in their hands is less valuable the farther away from the Stone City.

  Unless they are the most trusted and powerful merchants, no one dares to entrust their own flesh and blood to them.

  In the wasteland outside the giant wall, it only takes a small accident to send people away, especially in places where chips are not circulated, and human life is thinner than paper.

  And to be honest, even if they have the opportunity to go to the Ideal City, they don’t really want to stay there for a few years.

  But this does not prevent them from listening to the stories of people who have been there.

  Besides, the personal experience of a good friend is more reliable than what those merchants who have never been there say…

  Enjoying the stares, Jixiu’s eyes unconsciously showed a sense of superiority, and he spoke slowly.

  ”Ideal City… is not as good as you think.”

  Kumit looked at him in disbelief.

  ”But it is better than Boulder City, right?”

  ”You think too much,” Jixiu shook his head, “There are a lot of rules and regulations there, what can and cannot be done, what can be done, all written clearly, there is no room for compromise.”

  Actually, maybe there are.

  It’s just that his level is not yet at the point where the Council can be flexible, so naturally he doesn’t know where to be flexible.

  Kumit still has a look of disbelief on his face and continues to ask.

  ”What about the inner city nobles there? They should have a better life, right?”

  Jixiu said indifferently.

  ”That’s for sure, but in my opinion, those people have no vision, or even short-sightedness. Maybe the real big shots will be different. I heard that they do things more secretly and conservatively… but other than that, they are actually no different from us. That’s why life there is so boring, otherwise why would they run out of the city?”

  For him, it might be a wasteland in another sense – a spiritual wasteland.

  He could only live in a 40-square-meter doghouse, with a neural connection device to communicate with the garbage on the endpoint cloud remotely… That was the most economical and trouble-free way of entertainment. At least he didn’t have to worry about inexplicable violations, being locked up and forced to watch movies, or being thrown out by the guards.

  The rules there were so complicated that it was outrageous. You can imagine how inefficient it was, and this was unimaginable in Boulder City.

  Enjoying the admiring gazes of the country bumpkins, Jixiu took a bite of the grapes fed by the beauty and lazily commented on his hometown.

  ”But speaking of it… the changes here are also quite big. It used to take at least two days to walk from here to the northern suburbs, but now it takes less than a day.”

  Kumit said with a smile.

  ”That’s true. The group of nosy guys in the northern suburbs are looking for predators to fight every day, and the predators in the north are almost all hiding in the south.”

  Another little fat man also said excitedly.

  ”I also heard that there has been a lot of construction there recently, and the road under the elevated road out of the city has been renovated!”

  A tall man said with bright eyes.

  ”I know! My father invested a lot of money!”

  Jixiu curled his lips.

  ”How much money can you make by selling those steel bars and cement…Aren’t you interested in the real money-making business?”

  Kumit’s eyes suddenly lit up.

  ”Do you have a connection?”

  ”More than a connection.”

  Jixiu smiled mysteriously, looked at a group of good buddies with fiery eyes, waved to them, and motioned them to come closer.

  He cleared his throat and lowered his voice.

  ”…I have a project that can make a lot of money.”

  ”You don’t have to do anything, you can make money just by lying down!”


  A mansion in Dawn City.

  Sitting in the study, Liszt played with the black room card in his hand, glanced at the wall clock, and yawned boredly.

  He began to feel a little bored.

  In the beginning, for this “black card”, he spent a lot of chips to smooth the relationship, and spent at least several million. Finally, with the help of several nobles, he invited a poor nobleman out of the city with a large amount of “resettlement fee” and replaced him as the new noble in the inner city.

  There, the dignity and elegance of the nobility are more important than anything else. On the contrary, the identity of the nobility itself is not that mysterious.

  As long as you own a single room in the Big Stone Building, no matter how small it is, you can be considered a member of the inner city nobility and have the right to vote on major decisions.

  As for how to own it, it depends on whether you are a good person. This is not something that is clearly priced and circulated on the market.

  Most nobles do not actually live in the Big Stone Building. The number on the door card is more of a symbol of status and power. In addition to the Big Stone Building that belonged to the war, there is a circle of buildings that were built later and are also considered to be within the scope of the inner city.

  The living conditions in those places are much better.

  In addition, if a noble lives in the small room on the door card every day, it basically means that he is not far from bankruptcy.

  People will assume that he intends to sell the power in his hands for a good price in the end, and will be very considerate to help him find a trading partner.

  For example, the noble he replaced is an example.

  That guy lived at the bottom of the building. He had no children and no skills to show off. Like a fat pig in a pen, he looked forward to selling the door card in his hand for a good price that “would not offend himself or his neighbors”, and then go out with the chips to start over.

  If the entire Boulder City is compared to a large casino, then relying on “gambling money” to buy a door card undoubtedly means landing.

  That is why he took out the huge sum of money at all costs.

  Not only because of this identity, other nobles in the inner city could not use means outside the rules to deal with him casually, but also because he had ambitions far beyond ordinary people – he planned to rely on his outstanding business acumen and action to change Boulder City and even the entire River Valley Province and build a huge business empire!

  If he could enter the core power circle of Boulder City and make some like-minded partners, his plan would be much smoother.

  However, not long after entering this circle, he was soon disappointed.

  There were no like-minded partners there at all, not even a person with a little level.

  Those guys were like a group of inbred pigs.

  They didn’t have a single bit of human wisdom in their heads, or they had already used all their brains to fight each other.

  Even slave owners knew that shovels were faster than hands in digging soil, and occasionally they would buy some wood-burning generators and tractors from merchants like him to update their production equipment. However, those spoiled pigs just wanted to remove the hoof nails of cattle and horses and eat them, and complacently called it a credit. How

  could such a bunch of people be better than the old mayor of Beit Street and the farmer of Brown Farm?

  Lister thought about it for several nights but couldn’t figure it out.

  In the end, he could only come to one conclusion –

  they did have a good father.

  Those survivors who had the courage to stand outside the shelter and face the radioactive dust and the endless winter were indeed heroes.

  Not only did they endure the despair of falling from utopia to the abyss, they even did what they should have done for their good-for-nothing descendants in advance.

  This was also the most inappropriate thing.

  They created a “fairy-tale world” for their children, so that in the eyes of the nobles two hundred years later, the wasteland had ended.

  In fact, this understanding is not wrong.

  Their wasteland, didn’t it end a long time ago…

  At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the study, and his most capable subordinate Han Long pushed open the door and walked in from outside.

  ”Sir, the manager is here.”

  Lister threw the black card aside and immediately looked at him and said.

  ”Please invite him in.”

  ”Yes.” Han Long nodded slightly, his electronic prosthetic eyes swung left and right, and turned to walk out of Lister’s study.

  Not long after, Chu Guang pushed open the door and walked in from outside with a smile on his face.

  ”Your house is really big.”

  He didn’t bring any guards, and he was still wearing the power armor. Lister had long been accustomed to this, and even replaced all his sofas with iron cores for fear that there would be no place to entertain him.

  ”You should live in a bigger one. I happen to have a new house that I can’t live in for the time being, otherwise-”

  ”The environment in the shelter is pretty good.”

  ”But I see your residents are quite happy to build beautiful houses, aren’t they?” Liszt smiled and persuaded, “After all, the shelter is too crowded. Even if you don’t care, you can’t let the future wife of the administrator and the future heir of the alliance down.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”We have known each other for so long, don’t you know me yet?”

  Liszt was silent for a moment, sighed softly, completely dispelled that unrealistic idea, and leaned back in the chair.

  ”To be honest, the longer I know you, the less I know about you… Sometimes when I am in front of you, I even feel scared.”

  ”Did I do anything to scare you?”


  Seeing him not speaking, Chu Guang vaguely guessed something, then smiled and said meaningfully.

  ”Old Brown is still running his farm. He accepted our transformation, freed the slaves in his family, disbanded the armed forces, and the past was written off. We allowed him to continue living on his land as a citizen of the Alliance. The person who did this was Luca, the Lord of Dawn City, who was almost executed by him. You see, we can even forgive our enemies, and you haven’t done anything to let us down, so what is there to worry about?”

  Lister shook his head.

  ”The mismatch between money and status is a natural original sin. In the inner city, at least I can bribe the nobles, or even become a noble… But here, I have no way to become a resident of the shelter, nor can I figure out your operating logic, let alone understand what you want to do sometimes. In any case, I just hope that when you need money one day, you can give me a chance to hand it over voluntarily.”

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but say.

  ”Why can’t you change your mind a little? The Alliance is the Alliance, we use our own rules, we are different from any survivor settlement… Look at Bachi, he is almost not even a human being, isn’t he happy every day here?”

  Lister said helplessly.

  ”He is a resident of Ideal City. Even if he commits a big crime, someone will cover for him… and I can’t see his face.”

  Chu Guang sighed and said.

  ”I have said many times that identity is not important in the alliance. Even if he becomes so bad that even his father doesn’t recognize him, as long as he agrees with us, we will unite with him.”

  Liszt said with a wry smile.

  ”I hope you will keep your promise as always… So, what do you want me to do for you this time?”

  Seeing that Liszt had guessed that he came with a purpose for this visit, Chu Guang no longer beat around the bush, leaned back in his chair, and said with a beaming face.

  ”I plan to issue something called bonds.”

  ”What is that?”

  ”A financial instrument that can solve our funding problem and the problem of investment difficulties for the inner city nobles.”

  Liszt coughed.

  ”If you are short of money, tell me and I will lend it to you.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”It’s not that I am short of money, it’s that the alliance is short of money, and it will always be short of money. It needs a lot of chips here. How much can you lend me? One hundred million?”

  Liszt said with a tingling scalp.

  ”That… is indeed a bit difficult.”

  He did not expect that the manager had such a big appetite.

  Chu Guang spread his hands.

  ”Right? This is not a cake that can be eaten by one person. We need a lot of chips to buy products from the Stone City and increase our market size. Now the pockets of the inner city nobles are just full of chips, so why not use the money they can’t use for the time being to do some profitable business?”

  Lister touched his chin with interest, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”This sounds interesting…”

  Chu Guang smiled and continued step by step.

  ”We can issue five-year and ten-year bonds, with a total issuance amount of 1 billion and 2 billion respectively. Chips are purchased and chips are redeemed. It is very fair, and the most important thing is safety! The face interest rates are 3% and 4% respectively. Taking the ten-year bond as an example, a bond with 100 chips can get the interest of 4 chips every year, and the principal of 100 chips will be obtained in one lump sum in the tenth year.”

  Lister’s eyes flickered slightly, and he keenly perceived his intention.

  ”This is equivalent to splitting the debt… Now not only banks can invest, some large and medium-sized chambers of commerce and even individuals can participate.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”That’s right! We even provide physical coupons and supporting electronic accounting services… People who hold our bonds can even buy and sell freely on our trading platform. In this way, even if someone is in a hurry to use the money, they can sell the debt in their hands for cash, and only need to pay a small handling fee.”

  Unfortunately, it seems that Lister didn’t see what his real intention was, but instinctively felt that he would not be kind in this.

  ”Then why don’t you go to Melvin?” Staring at Chu Guang for a while, Lister couldn’t help asking, “I’m a factory worker, not this.”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”Melvin is an old fox. He wants to get something from me, but he will definitely not allow me to use the borrowed money to repay the previous debt. Starting from the loan of 200 million chips, every loan between us and Giant Stone City Bank stipulates how the loan should be used, and the money must be kept in the account of Giant Stone City Bank and be supervised by them.” After

  a pause, he continued.

  ”So I need two issuance channels to issue chips-denominated bonds. But I guarantee that the bonds issued through the two channels have the same exercise rights. It’s just that one is issued by the alliance central bank itself, and the other is issued through the bank in Boulder City.”

  ”I treat you as my own, so I plan to let you be the issuing channel of the alliance.”

  Liszt looked at Chu Guang blankly. He didn’t expect that he would tell him about “using borrowed money to repay previous debts.”

  He swallowed his saliva and asked cautiously.

  ”Do you…really plan to pay it back?”

  Chu Guang looked at him strangely.

  ”If I don’t plan to pay it back, why would I spend so much effort?”

  Liszt was silent for a while, and said with a stiff upper lip.

  ”I’ll try.”

  He must listen carefully to the opinions of the alliance.

  There is no way.

  Who wants him to make a fortune by relying on the alliance?

  If it weren’t for the Liszt factory, he would never be a noble in the inner city in his life. Let alone asking him to help make money, he would have to think of a way to ask him to help kill people.

  ”Go and try!”

  Chu Guang stood up from the sofa and walked to the door of the study. He suddenly stopped, looked back at Liszt, and encouraged him with a smile.

  ”Try your best. The business opportunities of the alliance are all written in the newspaper. I will try my best to cooperate with you. Believe me, if this thing succeeds, both the alliance and the Boulder City will thank you. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter. I will find someone else.”

  Lister said respectfully.

  ”I will do my best.”

  The door of the study closed.

  Listening to the footsteps going away, Lister leaned back in the chair and pressed his brows with a headache.

  The total issuance amount is 1 billion and 2 billion respectively…

  Normal people will be scared away by these numbers, right?

  The respected manager really gave him a difficult problem.

  However, at this moment, Lister’s eyes suddenly fell on the black card on the table, and a hint of enlightenment suddenly surged in his heart.

  Taking the black card in his hand again and playing with it, Lister’s eyes became more and more excited, and he whispered a few words.

  ”Maybe it’s not a difficult thing…”


  Just when Lister ordered his men to pack up and prepare to go back to Boulder City, something big and small happened in Boulder City at this moment.

  The “Survivor Daily” that had set the whole Boulder City on fire a few days ago and almost made Mr. House lose his job finally had an accident.

  At this moment, the door of the newspaper office was sealed, and several guards standing in front of the door pushed and drove away the idle people who were watching the excitement.

  ”Get away!”

  ”Don’t join in the fun if you don’t want to cause trouble for yourself!”

  Hearing the stern tone, those who didn’t want to cause trouble dispersed.

  Only one man did not leave, and he couldn’t help shouting.

  ”We are customers waiting for the new issue… not here to join in the fun!”

  He was the owner of the Walnut Tavern, the one next to the industrial area, and his name was Tang.

  In the past, workers who got off work would come to him to pick up cigarette butts and smoke, and find literate people to read the free newspaper.

  Although he didn’t like those poor people with sad faces, they were almost his only customers, and in the past, when they saw that they were happy, they would still buy a glass of beer, or even buy a newspaper to take home as a souvenir.

  Even for the sake of that glass of beer, he felt that he should say something for them.

  However, the two guards looked at each other after hearing this, laughed and kicked away the country bumpkin who came out of nowhere, watching him crawling on the ground and laughing.

  ”Go away!”

  ”There is no such thing!”

  At the same time, in the office upstairs.

  When Hal heard the decree issued by the City Hall, he felt his eyes go dark and he almost fainted. He stared at the guard who read the order to him, wishing to kill him with his eyes.

  However, the authority of the royal family is useless here. The soldiers of Boulder City don’t care about the prince in the desert. This thing can only save him from a beating.

  ”Stop publishing?! Why?” Hal roared with spit flying.

  The guard looked at him sarcastically.

  ”The City Hall thinks you are spreading false news. Who asked you to do nothing all day long?”

  Hal’s face turned red with anger. Holding the “Playboy” sub-magazine in his hand, his fingers kept shaking, and he finally managed only one sentence.

  ”But this is just a joke! It’s not even the news you said!”

  The joke was about a guy wearing Deathclaw leather from head to toe, trying to prove his bravery to his friends, so he boasted that he had stripped all his clothes from Deathclaw himself.

  However, his friends obviously didn’t believe him, so in order to prove his bravery, he didn’t dare to take a step beyond the giant wall and could only pounce on a prostitute beside him. As a result, the indestructible devil’s silk exposed that he was actually a retard…

  This was originally a joke with two soft ads implanted, and even included the brand name, but perhaps his wording was too realistic, so he accidentally offended a noble grandfather who had really done this.

  The guard’s answer really confirmed his guess.

  ”Yes, but a resident of the inner city didn’t find it funny and was offended by it. Of course, you and I both know that he is definitely not the one in the joke, he just thinks it’s not good with good intentions.”

  ”What about the Workers’ Newspaper? We haven’t published news about rich people in it for a long time. It once helped a noble lady find her lost cat!”

  The guard asked back.

  ”So why don’t you continue to publish those things? You were pretty good before, and you could do something for the masters. But those serialized stories are too exaggerated. How can an awakened person with bare hands beat a power armor? It’s nonsense for a mercenary to buy the black card of the inner city. What do you think of the identity given by the city lord? I have never heard of any mercenary who has this ability. If you are not harming people, what are you doing?”

  Hal tried to argue.

  ”We can remove this part!”

  ”Mr. Dulong’s opinion is not possible.”

  ”What about House? He is no more capable of talking nonsense than me! If you have ever listened to his broadcast, you will know that what I write is not even a joke!”

  Hal’s face flushed. The last thing he wanted to mention was that idiot who was full of nonsense, but now he had to use him as an example.

  In terms of bragging, he was not even one ten-thousandth as good as that guy, at least he could not blow black into white.

  However, the guard was indifferent to his explanation and said impatiently.

  ”He has a license. By the way, he will need such a certificate in the future. I am not sure about the details. You can find out for yourself.”

  Hal looked at him pleadingly.

  ”Then I will apply now! Please don’t drive me away.”

  The guard shrugged indifferently.

  ”It’s your freedom, but you have to pack up the things here first. We will seal off this place tomorrow, and we will assume that anything you don’t take away is garbage.”

  If this guy wasn’t the prince of the Lion Kingdom, he wouldn’t bother to talk to him so much, and would just be obedient with a shot of the butt of his rifle.

  The guard threw down the last sentence, and turned away with a group of brothers, leaving Hal standing there in despair.

  He felt like a clown.

  The Alliance defeated the invincible legion, and he was proud for a long time. However, on the day before the victory celebration, his six months of hard work was taken away by a single sentence.

  Looking at the employees who dared not speak, the dejected Hal slowly spoke.

  ”Do you understand… This feeling is like I put a flower in cow dung, and they insist on comparing themselves to cow dung. Is there only cow dung left in their shallow cognition?”

  ”I just wrote a guy wearing death claws in a joke to entertain everyone, but they insisted that it was an offense to the noble grandfathers in the inner city. Because people need to trim their nails, horses also need to trim their nails, so people are equal to horses? What kind of bullshit logic is this?”

  An employee whispered.

  ”… Indeed, the residents of the Alliance also wear death claws, and they like you more than Mr. House.”

  Another slightly younger employee couldn’t help asking.

  ”This is obviously a misunderstanding… Can I appeal?”

  The slightly older editor shook his head.


  Everyone fell into a long silence, and couldn’t help but worry about the future. The two reporters looked at each other and couldn’t help but look at him and asked.


  ”What should we do?”

  Hal said with an annoyed face.

  ”I don’t know, don’t ask me! You just watched the fun and didn’t say a word for me. Now you come to ask me what to do! How do I know what to do?”

  He originally planned to do a column on the Alliance’s celebration and a series of recent drastic actions, and worked overtime to rush out a plan for this, but suddenly such bad news came.

  Looking at the helpless employees, Hal suddenly seemed to have lost all his strength and sighed deeply.

  ”…I will pay you your wages, and we will go our separate ways in the future.”

  Perhaps, he was really not suitable for this job.

  The employees showed reluctant expressions.

  The slightly older editor said immediately.

  ”Can we pay with silver coins?”

  Hal was slightly stunned.

  ”Silver coins?”

  Several people standing next to the old editor nodded in unison and spoke in a low voice one after another.

  ”We used to be Mr. House’s employees… We were fired by him because of a disagreement. He definitely won’t want us back.”

  ”And I wrote an article mocking him…”

  ”We plan to try our luck in the Alliance. Isn’t there a “Survivor Daily” there? They should need us.”

  ”That’s right! And now one chip can be exchanged for two silver coins, but in Boulder City, one chip can’t even buy a piece of bread!”

  ”The Alliance is not good either…”

  ”But I heard that 0.9 silver coins can buy a kilogram of corn there! The extra nutrient paste can even be used to feed pigs!”

  Listening to the employees’ chatter, Hal’s originally depressed mood suddenly became much more relieved.

  The wasteland is so big, there are still many places to go.

  Speaking of which, his original purpose of opening this newspaper was actually just to find a job to support himself, and then complete the trial that his father entrusted to him and his brothers and sisters-bringing a valuable treasure back from the wasteland.

  But slowly, he became attached to this newspaper, so much so that he completely forgot his father’s instructions.

  In fact, he felt more and more that it didn’t matter if he didn’t fight for the throne. That thing was originally a burden. Drinking and writing poetry were what he loved to do.

  After he left, he didn’t know how Mr. House would report the celebration of the alliance, but he didn’t care anymore after completely letting go of everything here.

  Whatever . It’s

  just a settlement.

  He should be a cloud in the sky, writing poems for those who deserve it and singing songs for those who deserve it.

  He said.

  He would publish the “Survivor Daily” all over the wasteland! His employees haven’t given up this job yet, how can he be dejected at this time?

  ”Then let’s go together, it’s safer with more people!”

  Everyone looked at him in surprise.

  Especially the old editor, who asked in disbelief. “Are

  you going to leave with us?”

  ”What are you talking about? I’m not a survivor here. I said I came from a place covered by the sunset… Although I gave up so easily and did disappoint Mr. Manager’s expectations, I will sincerely apologize to him.”

  Hal smiled again, coughed lightly, and continued.

  ”If you like me as a boss, you can continue to follow me after you join the Alliance… The survivors in the desert don’t have their own newspapers yet. They should know what happens every day in this wasteland. We can go there to start over! Become bigger and stronger, and create glory again!”

  ”Although, it’s much poorer there than here.”

  At this moment, Miss Dolly didn’t know that she had been unemployed. She was energetically dragging Fang Chang around the streets of Dawn City to collect materials for the celebration column that had been scrapped.

  Avni from the Honey Badger Kingdom was sitting by the window of the embassy attic, sighing as she watched the setting sun gradually fall towards her hometown. She was worried about whether the gift she was about to send could represent the intentions of the royal family and the people of the kingdom.

  The mosquito implanted with the Xiaoyu brand symbiont was once again stuck in the tin can he made, and was photographed by a passing crow. It was posted on the forum and ridiculed, which was considered revenge for the arrow shot long ago.

  Shao Cha Niuzi dragged Makabazi and Wulun Dahu to go fishing by the lake. The commander of the spring and other brothers of the Storm Corps were in the lobby of the Highway Town Hotel, taking turns to pour wine for Zhang Hai, the owner of the ramen restaurant who boasted that he could drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. Lisa was beside them, urging them to drink less. She wanted to find out about the pangolin, but she was too embarrassed to speak.

  Kuangfeng and the Lone Wolf of the End of the World went to Xizhou City to figure out the reactor again, while Ye Shi took his sister Jiujiu to level up nearby by brushing cracked claw crabs.

  Lao Bai and the female researcher of the academy went to the East Forest of Qingquan City. She was very curious about the mind interference device there. Irena brought back a lot of magical ingredients from the desert, and seemed to be thinking about a new dark cuisine with scrambled eggs with tomatoes. There

  was only one night left before the triumphant celebration.

  Dawn City was as lively as ever.

  Chu Guang, who had just come out of Lister’s house, did not return to the shelter, but went to the farmland on the east side of the city, looking at the cultivated land and thinking about his worries.

  Seeing him staring at the distance for a long time, Lu Bei, who was following behind him, asked in a low voice.

  ”Sir… is there anything over there?”

  Chu Guang said casually.


  Lu Bei scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

  ”I saw you were looking over there… I thought there was something wrong there.”

  ”Well… there is indeed something wrong.”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”I was thinking, we can’t treat them unfairly.”

  Food security is the top priority and cannot be completely handed over to the vassal states. These arable lands are precious resources. Perhaps he should take out a part of the tax revenue to subsidize those who stay in the fields to work and dispel their concerns about the price of food next year.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang had a headache again.

  He didn’t feel anything before. He just waved his hand and a string of numbers came out.

  But when the scale of the alliance increased, he immediately felt how difficult it was to maintain the smooth operation of a large settlement. There are

  too many places to spend money…

  and his one thought no longer determines the jobs of just a few people, but a group of families who are looking forward to it.

  If he makes a mistake, someone will go hungry.

  Some methods work when there are few people, but they are not so effective when there are many people. However, how much is too much and how much is too little is too difficult to grasp.

  Looking at the manager who was lost in thought beside him, Lu Bei hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help but speak.


  Chu Guang looked at the young man next to him.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Lu Bei looked at him seriously and said.

  ”I think you should take a proper rest… It’s been three days since you came back from the front line, but you haven’t rested for a single day.”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, then smiled and patted his shoulder.

  ”Don’t worry about me, kid. I know when to rest.”

  ”… I just hope you can pay more attention to your health,” Lu Bei whispered, “This is not just my suggestion, I feel… everyone hopes so.”

  Looking at the young man’s concerned eyes, Chu Guang smiled and nodded.

  ”I will consider giving myself a few days off.”

  (Can 10,000 words count as two chapters? TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode