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Chapter 53: Cold Beauty

Chapter 53: Cold Beauty

2024-01-17 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 53 Cold Beauty

  Yang Shifei suddenly felt a chill on her back.

  Although she had never had any experience in love, she knew something was wrong just by looking at the current situation.

  Yang Shifei thought for a moment and said softly, “Are you in a bad mood?”

  ”You worry too much.”

  Tan Xiang turned her eyes away: “If you don’t want to compete, I can watch from the side.”

  Yang Shifei stared at her for a while, and suddenly smiled: “Your temper is really a bit awkward.”

  Tan Xiang frowned and looked unkindly:

  ”What are you talking about? What are you going to do?”

  Seeing Yang Shifei approaching step by step, she couldn’t help but shrink back, but her white wrist was tightly grasped.

  When the tall figure stood in front of her, Tan Xiang’s breathing stagnated slightly, and she subconsciously raised her eyes to meet his gaze.

  The height difference between the two sides was already quite large, and when she raised her head, her momentum was inexplicably weakened.

  Tan Xiang tensed her face and pretended to be calm: “You want to scare me!”

  But her shoulders were gently touched, and the cold words suddenly changed. She bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming.

  Yang Shifei struck while the iron was hot and whispered, “There’s no need to hide things. It’s not good for your body and mind if you keep it to yourself.”

  Tan Xiang was stunned, lowered her eyes and sighed, “There’s nothing to say.”

  ”Then I have something to say.”

  Yang Shifei gathered up some courage, lowered his head and leaned close to the maid’s ear, “Actually, I like you very much.”

  Tan Xiang’s beautiful eyes widened, as if an electric current ran through her ears.

  When she reacted, she quickly pushed him away, raised her sleeves to cover half of her face, and the delicate red glow immediately dyed her ears.

  ”You, what nonsense are you talking about, I-”

  ”I’m not talking nonsense.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “I’m still serious, I like you, how can I deceive you?”

  Tan Xiang’s eyes flickered: “How can you be so frivolous?”

  ”If you don’t talk about it, I’m afraid you will still have wild thoughts.” Yang Shifei smiled faintly: “I just want you to be happy.”

  ”. I can’t be happy to hear such words.”

  Tan Xiang secretly spit, but her eyes were wandering, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

  Yang Shifei felt relieved when he saw this.

  Fortunately, facing a woman like Tan Xiang who looks cold on the outside but soft on the inside, he had to act decisively.

  But then he thought about it, why did he seem to be seducing an innocent girl, and he felt a little guilty.


  Tan Xiang stole a glance at her and saw her expression of relief as if she had survived a disaster. She felt relieved for some reason: “It was you who said those cheesy words, but you seem to be more nervous than me.”

  Yang Shifei smiled bitterly: “This is the first time I confess to someone. If I am rejected in person, I will be heartbroken.”

  Tan Xiang blinked her beautiful eyes and suddenly understood what Luo Xian’er said at the beginning. Her expression softened.

  It turns out that it is the first time for both the young master and me

  . “Okay. I will pretend that I didn’t hear those words just now, and I won’t tell the young lady.”

  The blush on Tan Xiang’s pretty face gradually faded, but her tone became much softer: “Instead of thinking about it, you might as well practice martial arts seriously and integrate the martial arts you have just learned as soon as possible.”

  As she said that, the maid took the lead in getting ready: “I will accompany you.”

  Seeing that she was trying to change the subject, Yang Shifei also understood that too much is as bad as too little, so he stopped pestering her about love.

  ”Okay, then I will take action.”

  Yang Shifei waved a palm tentatively.

  Tan Xiang grabbed his wrist and gave him a helpless look: “I’m not that weak.”

  ”Okay, I’m serious.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart was slightly startled, and he immediately retracted his move and turned it into a fist to forcefully punch out.

  But Tan Xiang showed terrifying strength, and his slender palm easily blocked the heavy punch without even shaking his body.

  Seeing this, Yang Shifei immediately changed his move and used the “Liuyun Chansi Hand” he had just learned, wanting to get close to him and overcome the hardness with softness.

  ”The move is good, but it’s too slow.”

  Tan Xiang resolved it faster, and instantly dismantled several styles of grappling, and then used a backhand palm.

  Just a slight push, and Yang Shifei retreated several steps.

  ”Hiss, this strength.”

  Yang Shifei rubbed his chest and secretly exclaimed.

  Although he knew that Tan Xiang was very strong, it was much stronger than he expected.

  Instead of relying on strength to fight recklessly, he was able to display quite exquisite and delicate martial arts and easily broke his grappling hand.

  Such martial arts skills are much stronger than those of the Yan State warriors in the arena, and are not inferior to the masters.

  Yang Shifei was amazed and also had a competitive spirit.

  Although he was going to marry into the Luo family, he didn’t have to eat soft rice every day. At least in terms of martial arts, he couldn’t fall behind.

  This soft rice must be eaten hard!

  Yang Shifei’s eyes were slightly focused, and he stepped closer and punched out with both fists.

  Tan Xiang accurately parried, and when he was about to counterattack-


  The cloth suddenly tore, and a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Tan Xiang, sweeping across like a sharp blade.

  Yang Shifei quickly raised his head to avoid the sharp edge, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be the spider blade shown by Tan Xiang!

  He was immediately surprised: “What’s wrong with you?”


  Tan Xiang pressed her shoulders and took two steps back, glancing behind her, her eyebrows couldn’t help but frowned.

  Immediately, she turned back to her cold eyes: “Why don’t we try your body skills next.”

  As soon as the voice fell, a black light suddenly broke through the air!

  Yang Shifei dodged quickly, turned around and ran in the yard.

  The black blades behind him chased him relentlessly, piercing the ground like streaks of light, and smoke and dust rose up.

  ”Is this still considered a sparring match?!”

  Yang Shifei was so exhausted hiding in the backyard that he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  He didn’t expect that the spider legs behind Tan Xiang were so flexible, and could be long or short, just like a flexible hot weapon.

  Dodging all the way was just like crossing a fire net, and he almost got into a hornet’s nest.


  Tan Xiang smiled coldly, and the night wind blew past, as charming and strange as a ghost. A

  black light flashed behind him, and several more black blades appeared in an instant.

  Yang Shifei’s pupils shrank slightly, and the cold air in his body surged throughout his body like a stress, and danger suddenly appeared.

  Just as he was about to step back and dodge, the cold and evil smile on Tan Xiang’s face suddenly froze, and he suddenly twisted his waist.


  The next moment, several black spider blades originally aimed at Yang Shifei instantly pierced into the ground, and it was unknown how deep they penetrated into the ground.

  Tan Xiang looked much more sober, and bit his lips secretly, as if he wanted to retract the spider blades into his body.

  Yang Shifei’s face was solemn, and he walked over quickly. Tan Xiang raised his hand to stop him: “Don’t come over first!”

  ”Is the filth in my body out of control again?”

  ”I can adjust it soon.”

  Tan Xiang lowered her head, and the spider blade behind her twisted back and forth as if struggling.

  Yang Shifei watched the scene in silence.

  Although both parties had already exposed their cards, it was indeed the first time for him to see its true appearance up close when he was awake.

  The black spider legs were as thin and smooth as weapons, and more like pieces of black sharp blades linked together, flashing strange colors under the moonlight.

  Tan Xiang staggered to the ground, gritted his teeth and trembled, “Don’t look at me, I look ugly like this.”

  ”What’s ugly or not, isn’t it pretty?”

  Tan Xiang looked up in surprise: “You”

  ”I’m serious.” Yang Shifei smiled: “How about I reach out and touch it again?”

  Tan Xiang pursed her lips, took a few deep breaths, and the spider blade behind her was still stirring.

  ”Don’t force yourself.”

  Yang Shifei held her thin wrist, his face gradually darkened: “I’ll help you.”

  Tan Xiang’s ears were slightly hot, and a bit of shame appeared on her cold and beautiful face: “I just don’t want it to be like this, so…”

  Her first kiss was thrown on this man in a muddle.

  She did not regret it, and even had a trace of gratitude in her heart.

  But even if she had a good impression, she was still a girl’s reserve, and didn’t want her emotions to be mixed with other things, and let filth stain love. That’s why she wanted to keep her distance and maintain the cold relationship as before.

  But now.

  ”Don’t think too much.” Yang Shifei whispered: “I want to kiss you, it’s that simple.”

  Tan Xiang was stunned. Is this too straightforward

  ? “Besides, you used brute force to take advantage of me before, and now I want to take it back.”

  Yang Shifei got closer and closer: “So, is it even?”

  Tan Xiang: “?”

  How could this be so strange? It was clearly

  But feeling the warm breath coming, the maid’s thoughts stagnated, her body trembled slightly, and somehow her whole body became limp.

  ”You, you are a filthy person.”

  The girl blushed and pushed gently a few times, but seemed to be reluctant to accept. Until her body was embraced in his arms, her cherry lips were also covered with tenderness.


  Tan Xiang’s beautiful eyes widened, and a touch of soft water color emerged from her eyes.

  Her hands trembled for a moment, and then she carefully hugged him with her backhand, and her cold and beautiful eyes also rippled.

  The two kissed silently under the moon, and their breath blended.

  Yang Shifei first absorbed the cold air and trembled with pain. But as the absorption ended, the softness and light fragrance of the girl’s lips gradually flowed into his mouth, soothing the pain all over his body.

  After a while, the two of them slightly loosened their lips.

  Tan Xiang’s face was like a peach blossom, her beautiful eyes were rippling, and the coldness and pride of the past were like ice and snow melting, showing a different kind of gentleness and fascination again.

  Facing Yang Shifei’s burning gaze, she took the initiative to hug his waist and whispered: “Lecher, this is your reward for your great victory today.”

  After that, she no longer suppressed the heat in her heart and raised her head to kiss him again.

  The two people who were just beginning to fall in love were replaced by impulse in an instant.

  Yang Shifei felt even more hot in his abdomen, and his hands could not help but rub along the girl’s waist. He couldn’t help but hold the two tofu grinding wheels, and his ten fingers were slightly sunken, and he took the opportunity to lift them up in the air.

  ”It’s cold outside, let’s go back to the house first.”


  The two of them came to the guest room and staggered to the bed.

  Tan Xiang was overwhelmed by love, her face was intoxicated, and she lifted her hair with her fingers. She was about to lean over and kiss again, but she looked down as if she felt something.

  After realizing what it was, the girl’s heart trembled slightly, her mind became clearer, and she raised her beautiful eyes with a little panic: “Sir, I… Can’t, you have to go with the young lady first…”

  Yang Shifei took a breath secretly, how could he suppress it.

  Not only was he emotionally aroused by the girl, but his body was also inexplicably agitated, as if there was a ball of fire burning in his body.

  Could it be that the tonic was causing trouble? !

  Saint Envoy of Bingtan, what kind of weapon did your family forge?!

  Yang Shifei’s forehead was sweating, his breathing became hotter, veins popped up all over his body, and he seemed to have become much more ferocious.

  Feeling that his whole body was as hot as a furnace, Tan Xiang’s heart gradually softened, and his eyes seemed to be about to ooze tears, and he raised his hands tremblingly.

  Immediately, the girl leaned close to his ear and whispered shyly: “Sir, my hands are quite dexterous. I just don’t know how to do it.”

  ”It’s okay, I’ll teach you step by step.”

  ”Hmm, wait, wait, sir, don’t pull the spider legs behind me over here.”

  ”Do you want to try and see if you can spin silk?”

  ”You can spin silk. Hmm.”

  The cold and arrogant whisper was tightly blocked by the lips.

  Not long after, the two of them turned over and lifted the quilt while rubbing against each other, and the curtains quietly fell, covering up the lush spring.

  The moonlight was soft and bright, and it was a beautiful spring night.

  But under the stars and the moon, there was a pair of ghostly eyes blinking, and the complaints and mutters drifted away with the wind:

  ”That’s my room, bad brother.”

   I hope everyone will follow and vote more, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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