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Chapter 530 Three-Day Holiday

Chapter 530 Three-Day Holiday


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 530 Three-day Holiday

  After the banquet, Chu Guang received a lot of gifts.

  Although most of the survivors’ settlements gave him gifts personally, Chu Guang still accepted them in the name of the alliance.

  ”…This sword is my eldest brother’s sword. The previous king gave it to him when he was one month old, and he has been carrying it with him since he can remember. He asked me to tell you that the Honey Badger Kingdom is willing to serve as the sharp blade of the alliance, and the enemies of the alliance are our enemies.”

  Handing the sword in her hand to Chu Guang, Avni looked at him intently, and then handed over a shield with the royal emblem of the Honey Badger family.

  ”This shield is a gift from my second brother. He asked me to convey his original words to you. The Honey Badger Kingdom is willing to serve as the shield of the alliance. We will watch out for the threats from the west for you, and our friendship will be as strong as steel.” Chu

  Guang took the shield from her hand and put it aside, saying solemnly.

  ”Thank you for your gift. The friendship between the Alliance and the Honey Badger Kingdom will be as strong as steel. In addition, I sincerely hope that your two brothers can have a harmonious relationship, properly handle internal affairs, and do not disappoint your residents’ trust in you.”

  The Honey Badger royal family is loved by local residents.

  Otherwise, after the Legion came, there would not be so many people who rebelled, and even followed Yade to exile to the Lion Kingdom and formed a restoration army.

  Chu Guang did not intend to interfere in their affairs, but the premise was that it would not turn into a bloody conflict.

  I believe that Yade and Summer should have known this in their hearts.

  ”I will keep your teachings in mind and persuade them at the appropriate time.”

  Avni bowed slightly.

  After a pause, she turned around and took out the red silk under the sword and shield. It was not until then that Chu Guang realized that it was actually a cloak, and he couldn’t help but tease.

  ”You are the only force that has given us three different gifts. We will cherish this friendship.”

  ”This is my gift.” Avni blinked and nodded slightly to express her gratitude, saying, “Thank you for imparting knowledge to me and for your care all the time.”

  ”You’re welcome. Your colleagues who work with you all have a high opinion of you. We can’t say that we are taking care of you.”

  Looking at the gifts piled up like a mountain behind him, Chu Guang’s heart moved slightly and he said with a smile, “I plan to build a museum in Dawn City and put all the gifts in it as a testimony of our friendship for residents from all over the world to see.”

  He also plans to build a zoo to house the alien species captured by players, including death claws and monsters.

  Not only can it be used for scientific research purposes, but it can also be used to popularize science for new players and residents who have never traveled far, and show the strength of the alliance’s combat power.

  ”That’s great.”

  Personally, Avni felt quite regretful, but after thinking about it, a happy smile soon appeared on her face.

  This might not be bad…

  In addition to the gifts from the Honey Badger Kingdom, the Lion Kingdom gave the Alliance 100 tall and mighty war horses. This thing can’t be put in a museum. It can only be put in the zoo after it is planned.

  Since the alliance does not have a traditional cavalry unit, Chu Guang selected 60 horses and planned to send them to the guards of Dawn City, Dawn City, and Fallen Leaf City.

  In the wild with poor road conditions, horses are faster than bicycles and can form enough deterrence, but they will not scare people like the Death Claw.

  The Golden Lizard Kingdom gave Chu Guang a 1:1 restored golden bust. It is said that the gold used was melted from the Legion’s dinars. Although they are vassals of the Academy, they are also optimistic about the market in the Valley Province.

  The Camel Kingdom gave the Alliance a mechanical clock inlaid with blood diamonds to thank the Alliance for its immediate assistance in the Lost Valley military operation, and at the same time demonstrated its wealth and the excellent skills of its skilled craftsmen.

  Compared with the royal families who have their own thoughts, the gifts from enterprises are more pragmatic. On

  behalf of the Board of Directors, Wu Changnian gave Chu Guang a nearly three-meter-high four-wheeled off-road vehicle.

  The huge tires prop up the chassis. The structural material of the car body is lightweight special steel, and the glass is special bulletproof glass, which is said to be able to block the shooting of light Gauss weapons.

  ”I see that you wear power armor all day, so you should prefer this muscular big guy,” Wu Changnian patted the hood of the off-road vehicle in front of the auditorium door and said with a smile, “This is a product of a subsidiary of Changge Group, V-100 ‘Tiger’ off-road vehicle, you can use it as a wheeled armored vehicle.”

  There is one sentence he didn’t say.

  If you think it is useful, it is no problem to purchase more. This is different from large aircraft and is not on the list of technical sensitivity.

  Chu Guang looked at the big guy with appreciation, then looked at Wu Changnian and asked.

  ”Can this car fly?”

  I heard from Fang Chang and Mole that the cars in Ideal City can fly in the sky.

  He is more interested in that technology.

  Wu Changnian coughed lightly.

  ”You don’t have a maglev roadbed here… so we didn’t install the maglev device. But even if there is, I don’t recommend flying this thing in the sky. The steel structure is still a bit heavy.”

  But it is precisely because of this that you can sit in it even if you are wearing power armor.

  Even four people can sit in it.

  Staring at this off-road vehicle, Chu Guang suddenly said with emotion.

  ”I just said that I am going to build a museum and put all the gifts from the representatives in it.”

  ”We are pragmatists. If a product is not used by anyone, it will be a pity for it. You can put a car key first, and then put the whole car in when it is worn out. I think this will be more meaningful and can better prove our friendship,” Wu Changnian shook Chu Guang’s hand and said with a smile, “It’s a pleasure to cooperate with you this time. I hope it will be the same in the future. We can work together to explore a better future.”

  Chu Guang shook his hand back and said with a smile.


  He plans to allocate this car to the Guards Corps later.

  If it is useful, he will consider importing a few more from Changge Group and allocate them to departments and corps in need. Of course, if the Dawn City Industrial Zone’s reverse engineering work on the academy’s “Reindeer” tracked vehicle goes smoothly, this foreign exchange expenditure can be saved. The

  large-scale war has ended, and the research and development progress of heavy equipment such as tanks and artillery can be slowed down a bit. According to Chu Guang’s plan for the Alliance Army Command, the next stage of equipment research and development will revolve around miniaturization and special warfare.

  That is, to perfect the details that were previously omitted or simply skipped.

  In short, not only the allies and partners of the Alliance, but also including Boulder City, Garbage City, Red River Alliance, and even Dam City, which Chu Guang heard of for the first time, have sent a generous gift to the Alliance.

  But what made Chu Guang most happy was not the gifts from other survivors’ settlements, but the “big gift” brought to him by Xiaoyu who came back from Camp 101…


  ”Xiaoyu and Pai also have a special gift for Brother Chu… although it’s not a precious thing.”

  Shelter 404, Browsing Room on Floor B4.

  Xiaoyu’s face was flushed, and she said shyly with an embarrassed smile.

  Pai, who was standing next to her, couldn’t wait to hand over the thumb-sized hard drive in his hand, and said with a smug smile.

  ”What you want has been made, so feel free to use it! By the way, you can use the holographic computer I gave you to see if there is anything that needs improvement. Just tell me!”

  That expression.

  It was almost as if the words “hurry up and praise me” were written on his face.

  ”Great!” Chu Guang took the hard drive from her with a smile on his face, and readily fulfilled her wish, “Thank you, you have been a great help.”

  Hearing this, Xiaoyu’s face bloomed with a happy smile, but soon she seemed to realize something, looked at Pai beside her in surprise, and asked in a low voice.

  ”Wait… didn’t you say you wanted to give Brother Chu a surprise? How come it became Brother Chu asking us to do it?”

  The smug expression froze on his face, Pai subtly moved his eyes away, and whispered awkwardly.

  ”I feel like this will make you more motivated…”

  Even the speed of learning things has become faster.

  Xiaoyu stared at her and raised her eyebrows, and her expression seemed to be really angry.

  ”You lied!”

  During the time at Camp 101, she had always regarded Pai as her good friend, but Pai lied to her for so long!

  ”Wuwu… It’s my fault, I’m sorry! I won’t dare to do it next time!”

  Unable to bear the serious expression of her best friend, Pai looked at Chu Guang for help, hoping that he could help her.

  However, Chu Guang’s attention at this moment was completely attracted by the azure light projected by the holographic computer pen, and he dragged his index finger on the screen with interest.

  Long before the war began, he asked Camp 101 to help develop a set of bond credit contracts and supporting trading systems suitable for the current economic rules of the alliance.

  At that time, this system was prepared for the issuance of war bonds, with the purpose of “making social resources more efficiently allocated to the alliance’s war machine.”

  It was only because the Giant Stone City lent him a large loan, and the company gave him loans and subsidies, that he delayed the use of this tool to cut leeks.

  If he can achieve his goal by injustice to others, Chu Guang will definitely not injustice his own people. Only by uniting his own people can we unite more people.

  And now the reason why he brought out this set of tools again is, on the one hand, to allow more residents of the alliance to share the dividends of economic development, and on the other hand, to further fleece the neighbors. The

  alliance will issue two sets of bonds.

  One set is the domestic debt paid in local currency, which is used to recover the excess liquidity generated by large-scale infrastructure investment, and by the way, through interest, a part of the social wealth generated by infrastructure will be distributed from the direct beneficiaries to the majority of ordinary survivors who cannot participate.

  The other set is the foreign debt paid in foreign currency. The foreign currency raised is used to purchase commodities in the market where the currency is located, to suppress inflation in the local market of the alliance, and to export excess liquidity in the local market.

  It’s like two barrels of beer.

  As the person who “distributes the drinks”, Chu Guang can decide to a certain extent which barrel to put the real beer in and where to put the foam from the beer.

  Although this kind of financial instrument has appeared in the history of the People’s Union, the current situation is different from the past after all, and it is obviously not feasible to copy and paste.

  Xiaoyu worked as the president of the Alliance Bank for a period of time.

  Although her daily work is just a silver coin cashier, she has to deal with grassroots personnel from all walks of life, including players, every day.

  Coupled with her sensitivity to numbers and her talent in mathematics, she has the most intuitive feeling about the economic operation model of the Alliance, but she lacks the relevant knowledge to match it.

  The purpose of Chu Guang sending her to Camp 101 to study abroad is not only to make up for her lack of professional knowledge, but also to hope that she can combine the actual situation of the Alliance and cooperate with the researchers of Camp 101 to better complete this work.

  Later, probably because the technical content of the project was too low, Professor Ivan gave this job to his student Pai.

  On the one hand, Pai has a high level of attainment in programming, electronics and mechanics, and on the other hand, she has a good relationship with Xiaoyu.

  The efficiency of their cooperation was just as Ivan expected, and they did achieve good results.

  ”… Not bad! Basically, there are not many things to change. I will let Xiaoqi manage the maintenance and update of the trading system. Thank you for your hard work!” He

  swiped his index finger lightly.

  Chu Guang turned off the holographic screen and looked at the two people sitting opposite the sofa. He saw Xiaoyu staring at Pai and sulking, and he was stunned.

  ”What’s wrong with you?”

  ”Well… I was wrong,” Pai looked at Chu Guang guiltily and took the initiative to admit his mistake. “I told Xiaoyu before that I would give it to you as a gift when you come back from the front line. I didn’t tell her that it was actually you who asked me to do it.”

  Hearing her explanation, Xiaoyu’s brows knitted tighter.

  ”Isn’t the point that you lied to me for half a year!”

  ”Woo woo…” Unexpectedly, his apology had the opposite effect. Pai shrank back and became smaller.

  Looking at Pai’s timid appearance, Chu Guang couldn’t help laughing. Although he knew it was not good to gloat at this time, it was probably the first time he had mediated such a simple conflict since he came to the wasteland for so long.

  Of course, this is not a trivial matter that can be perfunctorily handled.

  Xiaoyu’s personality is very similar to that of her second brother Yu Hu. To put it in a nice way, she is simple and serious. To put it in a bad way, she is stubborn and stubborn. Sometimes she is as stubborn as a donkey, the kind that cannot be pulled back.

  With such a personality, she is easy to trust others, but once she is deceived, she will be very hurt, even if it is just a white lie.


  ”Hmm?” Hearing Chu Guang calling her name, Pai, who didn’t know what to do, looked up at him carefully.

  ”You are a very smart girl. Although you are not a resident of the shelter, your talent is not inferior to anyone here, and even better. Otherwise, Dr. Method would not call you a genius and give you the precious chip. If I were to evaluate, your talent would be enough to make people in any settlement look at you with new eyes.”

  Looking at Pai, who looked nervous but couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth in pride, Chu Guang took a deep breath and continued patiently.

  ”But I don’t think you did the right thing.”

  ”Why…” With the corners of his mouth drooping, Pai muttered in a low voice with a look of grievance, “I just… I saw that she was so eager to become a powerful person, so I wanted to help her. Don’t you want her to help you as soon as possible?”

  Chu Guang looked at her seriously.

  ”I believe you value Xiaoyu very much, and care about your friendship with her, and want to stimulate her potential, but we can’t completely ignore the means to achieve the goal just because the result is correct and the original intention is good… In fact, you can communicate with her better than making up a non-existent fact, right? If you treat her as a friend, not a follower or an accessory.”

  Geniuses are certainly proud, but if you don’t pay attention, pride can easily turn into arrogance. Most of the difficulties encountered by the shelter are not due to lack of adequate preparation, but arrogantly believing that everything will be fine as long as those stupid people listen to themselves.

  If Pai is more mature, he will tell her more specific experiences on behalf of Dr. Method.

  For example, selectively retaining part of the truth is always more euphemistic than lying, even when you have to lie, you must add some promises that can be fulfilled.

  But these experiences are too early for her.

  ”I didn’t! I, never regarded Xiaoyu as my accessory!”

  Finally realizing where his problem was, Pai looked at Xiaoyu, lowered his head and said sincerely, “I was wrong, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have kept it from you.”

  This time Xiaoyu’s brows finally relaxed a little.

  Although she was a bit stubborn, she was not the kind who would not give up even if she was right.

  She could feel that Pai was not lying to her out of malice.

  In fact, she regretted getting so angry just now. At least the other party was thinking about her, and perhaps she should express her unhappiness in a more gentle way.

  Chu Guang looked at Xiaoyu and said gently.

  ”Can you forgive her? She has apologized sincerely.”

  ”Yes, but… don’t lie to me next time.” Speaking softly, Xiaoyu walked down the steps given by Chu Guang and moved her aggressive gaze away from Pai’s face.

  ”Yes, I promise!” Pai immediately raised his little hand and nodded vigorously.

  Facing his partner’s sincere gaze, Xiaoyu’s face flushed slightly and nodded gently.

  ”Then… I forgive you.”

  Looking at the two people who had reconciled, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile.

  Xiaoqi, who was sitting on the desk, covered her mouth and chuckled twice, and whispered mischievously in his ear through the headset.

  ”As expected of the master, you are quite good at coaxing people!”

  Chu Guang smiled and boasted in Mandarin.

  ”I’m not afraid of you laughing at me, but before I graduated, I actually wanted to be a teacher.”

  Although he was not a teacher-educated major, he was good at science and worked as a tutor part-time. Both students and parents liked him very much. One girl even vowed to apply for his school, although the score line of Jiangcheng University was too high that year and she regretted not being admitted.

  Before graduation, he thought about taking a teaching qualification exam and becoming a math teacher or a physics teacher in the future.

  Xiao Qi paused for a while and looked at him in surprise.

  ”Eh…? But didn’t you say that you were a salesperson before?”

  ”Yes,” Chu Guang smiled faintly, “So you see, what you want to do and what you are doing are actually two completely different things. Humans are such contradictory animals, and it is difficult to understand with program thinking.”

  Xiao Qi tilted his head.

  ”I don’t think it’s hard to understand.”

  ”Really? Maybe you know me best.”

  Chu Guang replied casually, looking at the hard drive in his hand, and a smile gradually rose at the corner of his mouth.

  The last building block has been put on.

  It depends on how the other party responds.

  Xiao Qi blinked and stared at Chu Guang intently.

  Although it didn’t know what its master was going to do, its intuition told it that many people might be in big trouble…


  On the first day of the celebration, the most lively place in Dawn City, apart from the road from North Street to Triumph Square, was probably the Resident Registration Office of the Guard. On

  the second day of the celebration, the Resident Registration Office of the Alliance Guard submitted a report to Chu Guang through the office system.

  As of the end of the work day, the Resident Registration Office had registered a total of 2,711 new residents.

  This is probably the highest peak in recent times! Among

  them, 1,201 people applied for settlement as refugees.

  Most of them had no money and no special skills. Some of them were attracted by the prosperity of the Alliance, some were attracted by the culture of the Alliance, and some simply got excited and decided to end their wandering life and make this place their last stop in the wasteland.

  According to the Alliance’s usual practice, residents who settle as refugees will first obtain the status of “supervised persons”, enjoy limited resident rights, and accept resettlement in the refugee home. The refugee home will provide them with free dormitories and food, require them to participate in labor and study arranged courses, and convert their status to ordinary residents within a maximum of six months.

  For them, the refugee home is more like a school.

  The remaining 1,510 people are mainly residents of Boulder City. Some of them are engineers, and some are ordinary workers. Because of work, they have lived in the Alliance for a long time, have savings, and have work skills, but have been dragging their feet and not going through the procedures. The reason that

  prompted them to make up their minds to go through the procedures was largely because of Chu Guang’s speech in the Triumph Square.

  There is no way.

  He gave too much.

  In the wasteland, it is not easy to survive, and people usually don’t ask for much. They don’t care who is right among the legions, enterprises, and colleges. Whoever can keep them from being hungry and cold, they are willing to regard as a god or savior.

  No one has ever been willing to stand in the shoes of ordinary survivors like that man and consider them from their own perspective.

  And consider so much.

  In particular, Chu Guang mentioned that many of the benefits of the alliance in the future will be linked to the identity of the residents, and only the residents of the alliance can own real estate as individuals. Since you have decided to settle here, it is naturally better to get the certificate early. What

  Chu Guang did not expect – and even surprised – was that several residents of Ideal City also applied for resident status! It

  is obviously not the benefits of the alliance that attracted them. After all, no matter how good the benefits here are, they can’t compare with Ideal City, and it can even be said that they are far worse.

  However, the Resident Registration Office did not issue them resident certificates.

  Although the threshold for obtaining resident status in the alliance is very low, it does not mean that there is no threshold.

  According to current regulations, anyone can apply for resident status, but to pass the application, you need to work for more than six months in a company or unit with relevant qualifications, or work for six months in an officially operated non-profit organization.

  The investment settlement program will be more stringent, with specific requirements for the number of employees, business scale, industry type and business time. It is better to open a company to obtain relevant qualifications and then hire, or to accept and resettle as refugees.

  They obviously do not meet these conditions when they come to the Alliance for the first time.

  However, two of the young men did not give up.

  According to the report of the head of the Resident Registration Office, they became more motivated after being rejected, and said that they planned to apply for a teaching job in the refugee home to teach the wastelanders there to read and count, and to use actions to prove that they are not joking.

  To be honest, whether it is the head of the Resident Registration Office who reported this matter or Chu Guang who listened to the report, they all felt that the two young men were joking, and they might get tired of life in the wasteland in two days.

  But it is not ruled out that there is a one in a thousand possibility that they may really be moved by the story of the Pioneer, inspired by the speeches in the Triumph Square and the social ideas of the Alliance, and want to help the people here.

  In any case, this is a good start.

  The celebration holiday is a total of three days, but that is for ordinary residents.

  Chu Guang spent the entire second day in busy affairs and reports piled up like a mountain, and was severely complained by Boss Xia for this.

  But Chu Guang didn’t care.

  Being a little tired now is also for being more relaxed in the future.

  Some things are like the road in “Cities Skylines”. If you don’t plan it well at the beginning, it will only become more and more troublesome in the future. On

  the third day of the celebration.

  Chu Guang convened senior executives from various departments to hold a working meeting, focusing on reviewing the industrial transformation plan submitted by the Ministry of Industry and a series of policy budgets. The

  most core theme of the entire meeting was to transfer part of the heavy industry and military production capacity to light industry.

  Especially before, because of the war, the alliance had no time to develop itself, so the industry that was handed over to Boulder City to do, now has to be done slowly.

  It’s best to pick the ready-made fruits from the neighbor’s house.

  As early as in the previous closed-door meeting, Chu Guang had hinted to the financial department that the alliance’s economic policy would impact the mainstream currency status of chips. Then

  all assets held by the alliance that are priced in chips, whether fixed assets or non-fixed assets, must be treated as potential non-performing assets and cleared in a planned manner.

  Otherwise, his plan to cut leeks would become a seven-injury punch, which would knock people half to death with one punch, and he would only have one breath left.

  That would be harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.

  The entire meeting lasted from morning to afternoon, and even lunch was ordered by Chu Guang out of his own pocket for the participants.

  Perhaps because the lunch boxes he ordered were more fragrant, the ministers and deputy ministers at the conference table put their greatest enthusiasm into their work, and finally came up with a basically reliable implementation plan before dusk.

  Starting tomorrow, the alliance will fully implement the new work system, and factories that actively cooperate will be given certain subsidies.

  Although finance is the lubricant of industry, Chu Guang knows very well that lubricants alone are not enough to empty the family assets of neighbors.

  He not only wants the survivors who choose the alliance to at least live in corn buildings, but also to ensure that there are enough industries to absorb the continuous influx of population.

  Cutting leeks is just one of the means to accelerate development.

  In the final analysis, “self-reliance” is the best way to solve all problems.

  After the meeting.

  Chu Guang was just thinking about whether to take a stroll on the street at the end of the celebration to relax and appreciate the results of his and the little players’ joint efforts. Suddenly, good news came from Lister.

  On the phone, his voice was full of pride.

  ”Dear administrator, the thing you asked me to do has been done!”

   Let me say a few words. Reality and wasteland are completely different. I understand the desire of some big guys to express their feelings, but please don’t always compare them with reality. Deer and horses both have hooves, but can they be the same animal? Anyone who has read a little bit of books knows that the two don’t even have the same hooves, one is an even-toed ungulate and the other is a perissodactyla. Not to mention that many social forms in novels are extreme concepts under “control variables”. What is painted is not animals on Earth at all, but “the Pixiu in the Classic of Mountains and Seas”…


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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