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Chapter 532 Beta05 version updated!

Chapter 532 Beta05 version updated!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 532 Beta0.5 version update!

  The celebration is coming to an end.

  Hal, who was drunk, was snoring loudly on the table. At the same time, the official website of “Wasteland OL” in another world was just beginning to become lively as players logged off one after another.

  Ye Shi: “Damn Fang Chang is showing off his love again!”

  Fang Chang: “? I didn’t even go out.”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Then the question is, what is this guy doing staying at home with the door closed all day? (Funny)”

  Irena: “There is a story! (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Mole!!! Please leave the book to me. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “(Rolling eyes)”

  Ya Ya: “You guys are so dirty. They are obviously a loving couple.”

  Tail: “By the way, Tail discovered that there are actually many hidden CPs among NPCs! ψ(`)ψ ”

  Quit Smoking: “Who?” ”

  Tail: “Frost and Eclipse!”

  Quit Smoking: “Hahaha, what about No-Brain and Unhappy?” ”

  Sisi: “Pfft, you’re going too far.” ”

  Aoao Sesame Paste: “But bionic people don’t have gender, right?” ”

  Tail: “!!! It feels more exciting.” ”

  Sisi: “?” ”

  Meat Mountain Big Steamed Bun: “??? ”

  Crow: “By the way, I’m suddenly curious, how did the manager spend the past three days? 0.0”

  Stop Bullshitting: “By the way, why is Crow so concerned about the manager. (Smirk)”

  Tail: “Indeed, So weird. (ω)”

  Ye Shi: “Stop it, Boss Crow! There is no future for humans and NPCs! (Funny)”

  Kuang Feng: “Chang Fang: Thank you, I am offended. (Slanting eyes)”

  Crow: “What the hell? ! I’m just curious, and you guys are also trying to improve your favorability! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻”

  Maka Bazi: “She’s anxious, hahahaha, she’s anxious!”

  Crow: “(Fuck you)”

  Teng Teng: “But then again, I really didn’t see him much.”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Probably just like Brother Fang, working behind closed doors. (Smirk )”

  Fang Chang: “Well, it seems that Changyue Group needs to expand its gaming business.”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Brother, I was wrong! (Frightened)”

  Gulp: “I seemed to see him drinking with Hal, and Hal wrote a poem at the time, but unfortunately he was too drunk to translate it.”

  Feng Qing: “But then he disappeared again.”

  Gui Gui: “I I I saw him! He was at the barbecue stall, with Boss Xia!”

  Outlaw: “And Xiaoyu!”

  Irena: “It feels like a family of three. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Hahahaha.”

  WC Really Mosquito: “Boss Crow, don’t be sad. They already have children. (smirk)”

  Crow: “(*ω)╰ひ╯”

  Irena: “Shivering. (funny)”

  Official website news: [Beta0.5 version update announcement]

  Xinghe does not enter the dream: “?”

  Picking up garbage level 99: “???”

  Quitting smoking: “Fuck!”


  [Beta0.5 version update! ]

  [Update content:

  1. Player public affairs: Due to the responsible performance of the celebration autonomous committee at the celebration, the alliance manager decided to mobilize the residents of Shelter No. 404 to participate more in the public affairs of the alliance and the local area! Although we don’t have the black technology of other shelters, we have the determination to end chaos and barbarism, and the belief that society is supreme!

  Players who currently hold VMs and some special NPCs can initiate “proposals” without violating the relevant provisions of the “Player’s Handbook” and “Fundamental Law”. After obtaining more than 10% support, they will enter the “motion” stage, which will be voted by all players holding VMs. After passing, it will be submitted to the relevant departments of the alliance for public review at the monthly regular meeting, and finally signed by the alliance manager to take effect.

  The number of alliance members is increasing, and the managers have limited energy. In the future, the server environment of “Wasteland OL” will be maintained by everyone. Good homework can be copied together. It doesn’t matter if you copy it wrong. Everyone will correct it together!

  2. New transportation tool “inflatable airship”: direct flights from Dawn City to Pioneer City have been opened! Currently, there is only one flight a month, which is transported by civilian airships! Since there are only save points and no resurrection points in the Great Desert, players are requested to cherish their lives!

  3. The biological laboratory function on the B6 floor is fully open. If you find interesting specimens in the wasteland, please be sure to contact NPC Heya!

  4. The Alliance Museum and Alliance Zoo are officially open! Players can apply for museum booths and exotic parks for their special commemorative collections and strange species found in the wasteland! (Some animals that are not easy to breed can be replaced by photos, such as sandworms.)

  Curators and zoo directors are being recruited. Players can select their favorite curators and zoo directors through the VM voting system or the City Hall mailbox commonly used by NPCs! Not only NPCs, but players can also sign up! (Note: Please sign up carefully. If you choose to play badly or receive too many complaints, you will be kicked out by the administrator.)

  5. The upper limit of closed beta player accounts has been increased from 12,000 to 30,000! The number of closed beta qualifications issued per day has been increased to 40~50.

  6. A small number of bugs have been fixed.

  7. …


  Beta 0.5 of Heaven has finally arrived.

  Although there is no news about the new expansion pack, the series of information in the announcement is still eye-catching enough.

  Especially the fifth item!

  The number of closed beta testers has increased from just over 10,000 to 30,000!

  The average number of closed beta qualifications issued per day has doubled!

  With the entry into force of the ceasefire agreement and the end of the “Yellow Sands” expansion pack, the speed of issuing closed beta qualifications for “Wasteland OL” has slowed down significantly, and the number of daily issuances has even dropped to single digits!

  Now a new batch of helmets has suddenly arrived. For those players who have made reservations on the forum and whose legs are numb from squatting, it is undoubtedly a sweet rain after a long drought.

  Young and frivolous: “A Guang, you are my father!! You know it!”

  Netizens from the north: “Brother, where are the helmets produced? I don’t want to get paid for working for free, just give me a helmet as my salary!”

  Cheerful netizens: “I want to buy a helmet for 100 million!!! TT”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “I am a student, can any big brother be kind and give me one for free with free shipping. TT”

  What can I do? “It’s a rubbish game! Even dogs won’t play it! Bah! F**k!”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “Tsk, if you have the guts, cross out the reservation mark before you talk! (rolling eyes)”

  Although the probability of winning a helmet is still the same as winning the lottery compared to the huge number of reservations, it still brings a little hope to tens of millions of players who are eagerly waiting. A

  one in a thousand probability is always better than the one in ten thousand before.

  As for why “Wasteland OL” suddenly increased the release of closed beta qualifications, there are many different opinions on the official forum.

  Some people analyzed from a realistic perspective that it was due to the maturity of the industry, the increase in helmet production and the increase in server capacity.

  In other words, everyone is not far from the public beta!

  Others analyzed from the perspective of “supply and demand”, believing that this is the game official paving the way for the release of the next expansion pack.

  After all, the alliance’s territory has increased so much, and the area where players are active has also increased countless times, so it is necessary to ensure that there are players in each “large area”.

  Otherwise, if no one goes to the map after it is made, wouldn’t it be a waste?

  In addition to these rational analyses, there are also some wild analyses.

  For example, Ye Aonaiwohe and his fans all agree that there are not enough leeks to be harvested, so the dog planners are cheating hard. Except for me, everyone on the forum is a fake account!

  Some people have made up their minds about human experiments and conspiracy theories, believing that this is a major conspiracy to subvert the global economy!

  There are also very few people who never participate in discussions, assuming that this is a positive signal of further goodwill from extraterrestrial civilizations, so they silently increase their holdings of silver coins and quietly take what they need from the auction to make a fortune.

  It is really rare to spend hundreds of millions or even billions to buy an innovative key technology and create a market of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

  If the scale of the experiment of extraterrestrial civilizations is not too small, they would like to buy more!

  Facts have proved that the perspective of any person or organization is limited to a certain extent. People can only make subjective inferences based on the intelligence they have collected.

  In fact, there are not so many “reasons” at all. Chu Guang himself was very confused. The gene sequence he had been thinking about suddenly appeared.

  [Hidden mission completed:]

  [Description: The mother nest on the B6 floor is completely devoured by the mother of the abnormal life form, triggering the “flag6.2” judgment, and the “B6 floor biological experiment accident” event ends.]

  [Note: This may be an unexpected result.]

  [Task reward: 18,000 gene sequences.]

  Browsing room on the B4 floor.

  Looking at the light blue pop-up window that appeared in front of him, Chu Guang, who had just returned from the celebration, sat on the sofa with a strange expression.

  I remember that just three days ago, when he had just returned from the front line, he was still complaining to the computer at the end of the B4 floor that the closed beta qualification was insufficient.

  Unexpectedly, in less than 72 hours, the problem he complained to the shelter was perfectly solved.

  And so many were given at once!

  Eighteen thousand helmets, as long as the speed of issuing closed beta qualifications is controlled between 40 and 50, it will be enough for the whole year of next year!


  go there and make a wish?

  However, this idea only stayed in Chu Guang’s mind for less than a second before he dispelled it.

  According to his previous speculation, the manager’s work log, the speed of issuing gene sequences, and various triggering conditions should be pre-set.

  Even if he burns incense for the first-generation manager, it will probably be useless.

  What Chu Guang cares about is the “flag6.2” that appears in the description column. If he remembers correctly, when he first unlocked the B6 layer, the trigger judgment was “flag6”.

  In other words, in addition to the possibility judgment he has triggered, there are actually “flag6.1”, or even 6.3, 6.4… 6.x and other options?

  ”Is it another possibility…?” Looking at the text on the light blue screen, Chu Guang fell into deep thought.

  Although he was very curious about what the other options would correspond to, from the task description, this event has ended.

  It’s a pity that he doesn’t have the ability to save and read files, and the ending of the other route can only be seen by another self in the parallel world.

  But he believes that the future of this road is bright.

  This is a choice made by him and the players together. He believes that even if the future is full of ups and downs, Luoyu, Xiaoyu and himself will not regret it.

  After all, the road is chosen by oneself.

  With a flick of his index finger in the air, Chu Guang turned off the light blue holographic window. Just as Chu Guang was about to go back to his room to rest, Heya’s communication request suddenly came over.

  ”Xiao Yu has new information–”

  ”Is it fully awake?”

  ”You already know? I almost forgot that you can watch the surveillance. Yes, it has woken up, and it looks like it has something to say to you.”

  Looking at Heya’s excited face on the screen, Chu Guang nodded.

  ”I’ll be there right away.”

  After the communication ended, Chu Guang immediately set off for the B6 floor and arrived at the biological laboratory. Heya was already waiting for him at the door of the buffer workshop.

  ”Come on.”

  After seeing Chu Guang, she waved her hand, and then excitedly walked towards the direction of the machine room.

  Chu Guang followed her for a while, and soon saw Xiao Yu, who had fully awakened.

  It was like a queen who had been crowned, sitting in the center of the room. The light red fungal carpet that was as magnificent as the ocean was its skirt, and the abstract facial features were becoming more and more like a human.

  Ten slightly young humanoid fruiting bodies stood quietly in front of it, with their lower bodies connected to the light red skirt, just like its children.

  In a sense, it did absorb a part of human culture and the intellectual part of human nature.

  For example, its queen-like appearance at the moment was the embodiment of its own cognition and acquired aesthetics. Even those tentacles that were originally hideous and slightly scary have evolved into relatively round and cute ones. For another

  example, when it learned from the researchers in the laboratory that the “iron lumps” in the computer room were very important to the laboratory, it did not occupy them unreasonably like animals, but politely gave up those servers.

  And it also liked the fact that humans helped it implant the earphones in the fruiting bodies and installed microphones in its room, and it learned very quickly.

  Chu Guang could feel that when he stood at the door and looked at it, its emotions obviously fluctuated greatly.

  In the long “eep” sound like the cry of a dolphin, there was obvious joy and intimacy.

  ”It seems to regard you as a father or mother,” Heya said teasingly, “Should I say congratulations?”

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes at her, walked into the machine room alone, stood next to the escalator, and shouted with a smile.

  ”How do you feel?”

  The loud voice echoed in the room, blending into the light red ocean.

  Chu Guang thought it would respond with a “mmm”, but he didn’t expect it to learn to speak, speaking in a staccato voice.

  ”…I feel good, thank you.”

  It spoke in Chinese.

  Because Luoyu has been communicating with it in the language of players, it naturally learned the language of players.

  After a while, Chu Guang will ask researchers to teach it the universal human language in this world, so that it can communicate with more people without translation tools.

  ”Can you speak?”

  Xiaoyu said word by word in a hoarse and quiet voice.

  ”I have learned it, but language is not efficient. But, for the sake of communication, I can learn it.”

  Chu Guang tried to understand its meaning from a linguistic perspective.

  For a language, the smaller the uncertainty, the smaller the information entropy, and the smaller the amount of information it carries. In short, to describe the same thing, a language with a smaller information entropy requires more characters or syllables to describe it. Its advantage is accuracy, but its disadvantage is verbosity. A language with a higher information entropy only requires fewer characters and syllables to describe it. Its advantage is simplicity, but its disadvantage is inaccuracy.

  Humans can communicate more accurately and conveniently with language, but for a “hive creature” like Xiaoyu, information is often a one-way transmission from the mother nest to the fruiting body. Language is an inefficient way of communication. A different frequency of yiwu can replace a thousand words of description, so that the fruiting body knows what to do next.

  Of course, this is just Chu Guang’s own speculation, and the speculation in three seconds is likely to be one-sided.

  ”I’m glad you think so,” Chu Guang smiled gently and continued, “Your language is too abstract, and it is indeed too difficult for most of us.”

  Xiaoyu spent some time thinking.

  Perhaps it is the benefit of evolution.

  Chu Guang could clearly feel that after transforming into a mother nest, Xiaoyu’s eyes had a little more wisdom than before.

  Although it was just a little bit.

  ”Respected… the mother of humanity, I can feel their trust in you, so you are their mother, and they are your fruiting bodies… Can I understand it this way?”

  After listening to the language that Xiaoyu spent a long time organizing, Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”Completely different, I don’t recommend you to do this.”

  ”Then what are they…?”

  ”Just people who trust me, they are different individuals, with their own ideas and behavioral logic.”

  ”Then… how should I talk to you?” Xiaoyu’s voice was a little confused and bewildered.

  Chu Guang could understand its uneasiness and confusion. A similar situation also happened when the diplomats of the Alliance first arrived in the Ideal City.

  The Supreme Council actually has no managers.

  So what was originally said to one person must be said in a different way to a group of people.

  Fortunately, Shuyu’s ability to respond is not bad, and it is not the first time that the corporate council has come into contact with the survivors in the wasteland, so the communication between the two sides went smoothly.

  Xiaoyu’s confusion lies in the fact that humans do not have a hive with one heart and one mind.

  ”Do you trust me?” Chu Guang asked, looking at it.

  ”Of course, and without a doubt,” Xiaoyu’s voice was filled with strong emotions as the fungal blanket rippled like the waves. “You… were the first person I saw after I woke up. You tolerantly gave me, who was still immature, the opportunity to grow up, just like a kind father and mother.”

  When he said this, Xiaoyu’s voice suddenly became a little low.

  ”However, I sometimes worry… Whether it’s you or Luoyu, you may not be able to accompany me for a long time, and some memories will become something that only I remember one day in the future.” ”

  Don’t worry about those things. Leave the future to the future. Let’s only discuss the present,” Chu Guang looked at Xiaoyu sitting in the middle of the computer room and continued, “I just need to know that you trust me.”

  ”Is that enough?” ”

  Yes,” Chu Guang nodded, “You and the others among us have already reached a consensus on at least one thing. Since you all trust me, then the problems you are worried about are not problems. If there is anything, you can communicate with me directly… Just call my name with the microphone we prepared for you.” Xiaoyu

  ’s emotions stabilized a little, and he lowered his eyebrows slightly and said.

  ”Thank you…”

  Chu Guang smiled and said in a gentle tone.

  ”You’re welcome. We are already on an unimagined path. Communication is the best way to resolve differences.”

  ”If you have any confusion in the future, be sure to tell me!”


  On the first day after the celebration, everything in the southern part of the Valley Province seemed to be back on track.

  Except for a few envoys from the survivor settlements who lingered in the prosperity of Dawn City and the glory of the Alliance and were reluctant to leave, most envoys took the Alliance’s return gifts back to their hometowns on the last day of the celebration.

  The Alliance’s return gifts to other forces were a set of 12 “Champion” brand injections and a set of 12 induced expression serums. The former is “all attributes increase by 4% to 20% within a certain period of time”, and the latter has a probability of awakening of nearly 45% after four injections.

  Both things are black box products, which are not precious to the Alliance, but for most small and medium-sized survivor forces, they can be regarded as impeccable gifts in terms of value and significance.

  Of course, for important allies and forces that gave too expensive gifts, Chu Guang also gave an extra Death Claw cub.

  As the envoy of the Bugera Free State and the salesperson of the Firestone Group, Xavier took back the gift from the Alliance as soon as possible.

  Although there were considerable frictions between the two sides on a series of issues such as the Bone-Chewing Tribe, tariffs, and arms trade, the problems did not deteriorate to the point of a life-and-death struggle.

  After reporting to the president of the Firestone Group about what he saw and heard at the celebration and banquet, Xavier cautiously expressed his views.

  ”…The administrator of the Alliance is ambitious. I can clearly feel that he will not be satisfied with ruling the small piece of land in the southern part of the Valley Province. It is difficult for me to judge his ability with just a few words of conversation, but his language does have the magic of bewitching people, which is completely different from when I first met him in Xizhou City!”

  ”In addition, I have paid attention to other envoys. Even some envoys from distant regions who serve feudal monarchs cannot help but be attracted by the concept of equality and unity he proclaimed. There are even survivors who intend to change their names to the Alliance.”

  With his legs crossed on the desk, Sigma, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, played with the glass in his hand and replied nonchalantly.

  ”There’s nothing strange about this. It’s just a coincidence that he would be satisfied with that small area in the southern part of the River Valley Province…Hasn’t Pioneer City already extended its feet into the Great Desert?”

  ”…The Free State’s top leaders think that it may just be a cover to distract the Legion’s attention.” Xavier whispered.

  ”It doesn’t matter what the animals in the pigsty think.”

  Hearing his boss’s nonchalant ridicule, Xavier smiled bitterly and comforted himself in his heart that at least he was just an envoy of the Free State, not a high-level official of the Free State, and this sentence could not be applied to him.

  But there was actually nothing wrong with what his boss said.

  He himself occasionally had that feeling that every time the Great Rift Valley interfered in the affairs of the Free State, those leaders who were not very smart would become even more stupid.

  And the prestige of the Firestone Group and its dominance over the Free State would become better than ever because of the Great Rift Valley’s reshuffle of them.

  Xavier cleared his throat and continued.

  ”…There is one more thing. Their managers ignored the representatives of Boulder City at the banquet. According to my subsequent observations, I always have a strong premonition.”

  ”Boulder City is probably doomed.”

  This sounds like a fairy tale.

  Boulder City was once the overlord of the southern part of the River Valley Province and one of the heirs to the legacy of the post-war reconstruction committee.

  Therefore, Xavier was a little hesitant when he expressed his judgment.

  However, what he did not expect was that Sigma, the president sitting behind the desk, just snorted lightly.

  ”It’s expected.”

  Xavier was slightly stunned.

  He did not doubt his boss’s judgment.

  After all, he was just an envoy of the Free State and a salesperson of the group. There must be information behind this that he did not know.

  After a moment of silence, Xavier said in an uncertain voice.

  ”But I still have a doubt… Didn’t the Alliance claim not to interfere with foreign countries? They immediately took action against the Boulder City that invested in them. Isn’t it too hasty?”

  ”Not interfering with foreign countries? Oh, that doesn’t mean they are doing charity. These days, naive blue coats are almost extinct. They just changed their mind a little.”

  Sigma laughed lightly and continued.

  ”For example, in Luoxia Province, even if the Golden Lizard Kingdom is the territory of the Academy, the Falcon is still under the control of the Legion. Who would doubt that the Alliance is the owner there?”

  It is said that the Golden Lizard Kingdom used gold melted from dinars to build a statue for the administrator. Although gold is not valuable in the wasteland, their behavior is worth pondering.

  Give it away at the celebration, and the Academy will not say anything.

  After this war is over, who in the entire Luoxia Province will not flirt with the Alliance? In order to increase the foreign reserves of silver coins, the kingdoms sold grain at a bargain price!

  ”The Alliance does not hold the riverbank in its own hands, only because indirect control can maximize benefits better than fierce plunder.”

  ”In comparison, the Legion is not very smart. They violently occupied the Honey Badger Kingdom and took great pains to make up an excuse that ‘the spirit of the sea of ​​sand predicted the great unity of the desert’. What was the result? Even their own allies did not believe it. The Honey Badger Kingdom was more united than ever before. They fought guerrilla warfare with the Legion in the mountains, fired black guns in the city, and set fire to their own farmland. The Legion’s blitzkrieg took seven days, and the Alliance took it back in three days.”

  If the Alliance chose to occupy Luoxia Province, even if they picked a banner of equality and asked the king to abdicate, there would definitely be endless people who would resist them. No matter

  how bad the royal family is, it is the king blessed by the spirit of the sea of ​​sand.

  So in Sigma’s view, the Alliance did a very smart thing, which is to learn from the experience of the academy to a certain extent.

  ”In terms of handling regional affairs, the Academy is much smarter than the Legion. They provide patents and technology, and the Wastelanders help them produce. Even if they take the lion’s share, the Wastelanders have nothing to say. And the group of Weylanders, who conquered a large area of ​​land, only turned themselves into a weak fat man. If they just take their eyes away for a while, the slaves will start to be lazy and even rebel against them.”

  ”So the evaluation of the Legion by the enterprise is reasonable. Apart from playing coloring games on the map to entertain themselves, they have hardly solved any existing problems in the wasteland.”

  However, although he gave the Academy a high evaluation, Sigma did not like the Academy because those people could not do business at all. His Firestone Group’s branch was almost difficult to drive into the swamp, and it was physically impossible to enter.

  In comparison, the Legion was much easier to talk to. As long as they could afford the dinar, they could turn a blind eye even if it was a business of mutants.

  Even if the marshal did not do it, the officers below would do it.

  So Sigma looked down on the various analysis reports of the Free State’s high-level officials on the Alliance. In his opinion, only fools who know nothing would use simple diode thinking such as good and evil to define the collective will. How could an organization hand over the future to such pale things as good and evil?

  Even if it was a company, it had done dirty work that could not be cleaned up a century and a half ago, and their way of “apology” was just to chase the mutants in the Cloud Province along the coastline .

  ”I don’t understand what the Alliance is doing… Can’t the mayor of Boulder City see it?” Xavier frowned and looked at his boss in confusion.

  Sigma, leaning back in his chair, said lazily.

  ”You are right not to understand, because you don’t know what their mayor is… If you ask me, those guys from the Enlightenment Society actually said something very right. The Post-War Reconstruction Committee is the most evil and useless organization in this wasteland. They thought they built settlements and protected the fire of civilization, but when you get closer, you can see that it is just a pigsty, turning people into pigs.”

  For example, the Bughra Free State is the most typical example.

  The old man was unwilling to accept the failure of the post-war reconstruction committee, but he still had to pretend to abide by the agreement not to interfere in the wasteland affairs, so he built a “new pigsty” at his doorstep and named them the Bugera Free State.

  They naively hoped that with their “suggestions”, this free pigsty could develop in a balanced way and eventually replace the production, defense and technology departments that had been separated.

  Isn’t this funny?

  Fortunately, the survivors of the Free State have their own ideas. Most of them are unwilling to be pigs in the pigsty, and they change things under the finger-pointing of a group of old stubborn people who are hard of hearing.

  Through the efforts of generations, they made another rule on the rules set for them by the Great Rift Valley –

  that is, to use the “Firestone Group” to undermine the “Free State”!

  The latter rules the day as a guise to perfunctorily deal with the sovereign, while the former rules the night as the uncrowned king of the underground world!

  In order to achieve their goals, they will appropriately use blackmail, extortion, bribery, kidnapping and other means to coerce the officials of the Free State to become their own people.

  In this way, no matter how many times the Great Rift Valley tries to interfere with them, the Free State will still be the pure land of incomparable freedom.

  Sigma had an undisguised sneer on his face.

  He positioned himself very accurately.

  He was a traveling merchant, a businessman, and he regarded the enterprise as an “idol”, but he would not be the hypocritical guys on the East Coast.

  He only wanted to be himself – a profit-seeking villain.

  After all, the reason why they put on the “legal” vest was to do whatever they wanted under the rules on the surface. If they still had to abide by the rules and regulations imposed on them by others, wouldn’t it be a waste of the painstaking efforts of countless generations of presidents of the Firestone Group?

  This is a wasteland!

  Putting down his legs on the table, he looked at Xavier – the confidant who had been with him for a long time and was responsible for southern affairs.

  ”Let’s keep an eye on the nails buried around the Boulder City.”

  ”Since the Alliance wants to slaughter this pig in advance for the New Year, then we will help them speed up, but we have to get a share of it!”

  Xavier nodded seriously.



  (This chapter completes the setting of the Buglar Free State. Stellaris players should be more familiar with it. It is actually a criminal enterprise run by a dog, but it is not exactly the same. Combined with the historical documents that players have investigated in the Great Rift Valley before, it can be regarded as filling in the blank of the world view 150 years ago. By the way, the name Buglar has nothing to do with the real Prague. It is just the transliteration of burglars. In addition, I would like to say one more digression. The views of the characters in the book only represent their own positions. For example, Yin Fang despises people from the enterprise, but in fact he does not reject Bachi from the enterprise and is even willing to help him. This cannot be called my setting inconsistent. It is just that each character has a different personality and position.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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