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Chapter 535: Each Has Its Own Madness

Chapter 535: Each Has Its Own Madness


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 535: Different Madnesses

  ”Dear listeners, I am your dearest Mr. House! It finally snowed today. I praise the first snow of this year. Don’t you think it looks like a dancing girl? Although this year is a warm winter, don’t forget to wear more clothes when you enjoy the snow. I sincerely wish my listeners good health.” ”

  In addition, for the sake of everyone’s health, to stay away from diabetes and obesity, the Good Taste Food Processing Factory of Weijia Commercial Bank has enriched its product range and launched a healthier, more nutritious and better tasting nutritional paste. You will see it on the shelves soon-”

  The slick duck voice echoed repeatedly on the street through the sparse people coming and going, blowing from the bustling streets to the poor, messy and crowded alleys.

  Sberg closed the patched wooden window to let the windy and snowy voice leak in a little less, then took a breath and rubbed his frozen hands, and took out a warmed letter from his arms.

  These days, he would go around the embassy of the Alliance every day.

  Although he didn’t have high hopes, he didn’t expect that the “Survivor Daily” would actually write back to him!

  Pulling out a white letter from a clean and tidy envelope, a chip slid out and fell on the table with a clang, which scared Sperger.

  Especially when he saw the face value of 100, his eyes almost popped out.

  One hundred chips!

  He put all his strength on the assembly line, and only got 120 chips a month!

  This month, he got an IOU!

  The newspaper of the alliance was so generous!

  Carefully hiding the chips in the drawer of the wooden table, Sperger swallowed excitedly and couldn’t wait to unfold the white letter. The handwriting

  on the letter was neat, which was completely different from his crooked words.

  Skipping the content of the text, Sperger hurriedly glanced at the name at the end of the letter and found that the person who wrote the letter was actually the editor-in-chief of the “Survivor Daily”!

  In an instant, his face was flushed and his breathing became rapid.

  【Dear Mr. Sberg, we have read your manuscript and tried to recover the unfinished manuscript. We all agree that this is indeed a wonderful story. It was interrupted at the right place, and you just connected it at the right time. This is also something that the original author had never imagined… He actually didn’t know how to write it down, but you figured it out for him. 】

  【Considering the length problem, we plan to follow your approach and add some sub-publications to the “Survivor Daily” and publish Boll’s story in the “Worker’s Daily”. The main newspaper will only excerpt a small part as publicity. I think that is indeed a wonderful idea, which can allow people to see more of what they care about and what is happening. However, considering that our readers have not read the previous article, we plan to serialize the first thirty chapters in 30 issues, and then publish a collection and update the subsequent part you wrote. 】

  【We are very sorry that the previous author of Boll’s story has gone to Luoxia Province. He supports your continuation, but does not want to recall the past of Boulder City. Fortunately, Miss Dolly, who used to be a reporter for the Daily Survivor of Boulder City, is willing to serve as the editor of the book. You can communicate with her for subsequent manuscripts. 】

  【The 100 chips attached to the letter are part of the advance payment. Normally, we should pay you after the publication based on sales and readers’ opinions, but we all agree that it would be better to pay some money in advance, so that you don’t have to write stories in old newspapers, and our cooperation will be more efficient. 】

  【…By the way, our manager appreciates your work very much. He is very happy to say that if you have time to come to Dawn City, please come to visit him. He can let you try on the power armor so that you can study how to beat it hard, if it helps your writing. 】

  Sberg blushed.

  God of the Great Horned Deer, he never thought of defeating the Alliance’s power armor, let alone plotting against the manager!

  Besides, this is also the story of Boulder City. The Alliance never appeared in the book at all, but only vaguely mentioned a few survivors in the northern suburbs.


  that generous invitation made his eyes warm up, and his eyes became red again and again.

  He knew himself very well. He was undoubtedly an insignificant little man. Even Kent, who worked on the same assembly line, dared to spit at him unscrupulously.

  However, the man who even President Melvin had to take seriously read his words carefully and even invited him to be his guest…

  He was a coward who was afraid of death and pain. He would never step out of Boulder City as long as he could survive, and he dared not look directly at the wasteland.

  But if it was that man…

  he would even be willing to die for him!

  Hurryingly taking an old newspaper, Sberg tore off the blank space on the edge, picked up the pen that frequently ran out of ink, and wrote carefully on it.

  ”The title is a misunderstanding! It’s just because the guys in the Workers’ Union are very curious about how the Awakeners can defeat the power armor, so I just wrote it in the title as a gimmick. In the final battle I envisioned, it will be worn by an evil centurion… This is absolutely not meant to offend any of you!”

  ”Thank you and that adult for your kindness and good intentions, but I still have to read the follow-up of Bol to the guys in the Workers’ Union. But after this winter is over, I will definitely save some travel expenses and visit you…”

  When writing this, Sberg paused, hesitated for a few seconds, and added a line at the end.

  ”…Also, can you send a copy of your workers’ newspaper in your reply? The fee can be deducted from my next payment. The workers’ union also want to review the past stories. We have sorted out several old newspapers that are really not enough. Recently, workers from other factories have joined us. I want to read them some things happening in the wasteland.”

  He folded the note carefully and stuffed it into the safest pocket of his clothes, then pushed the chair away and ran out the door quickly.

  But not long after, he ran back from outside as if he had forgotten something, picked up the letter on the table and stuffed it into his pocket.

  He planned to send this reply letter to the workers’ union.

  There are still people who care about them in this wasteland!

  When he thought of this, Sberg felt warm in his heart.

  This winter may not be too cold…


  Just as Sberg hurriedly left the leaky house and headed towards the Alliance embassy, ​​a merchant from the Alliance passed by him and went in the opposite direction to his usual workplace.

  To be precise, it was the Lida Wuxian Steel Plant next to the Good Taste Food Processing Plant.

  This steel plant was somewhat famous in Boulder City, but the owner’s name was very popular, Fred. In order to make himself look less plain, he always wore a very tall hat and a gold-rimmed monocle on his nose, although he hardly read books and was not nearsighted at all.

  On weekdays, he was reluctant to stand in front of his own factory, as the dirt coming out of the chimney would stain his leather shoes. His office was on a street a little closer to the inner city, where the streets were neater and people’s conversation was more decent.

  But today was an exception.

  A distinguished guest from the Alliance took a fancy to his dusty machines.

  Not to mention a little dust on his shoes, as long as he could sell the equipment worth tens of millions of chips, he would be willing to lick the shoes of the distinguished guest.

  ”Haha, welcome! A friend from the Alliance.” Looking at the distinguished guest who appeared at the door, Fred’s face was full of smiles.

  Sun Shiqi walked up, shook his hand vigorously, and said with a smile.

  ”Nice to meet you!”

  The Alliance is going to build a batch of apartment buildings using reinforced concrete prefabricated panels recently. It is said that a building can be built as quickly as building blocks.

  Dawn City had produced a batch of iron houses before, but those mobile houses are only suitable for summer. In the cold winter, they can be used as refrigerators.

  He is not interested in what the Alliance is building those houses for, but he is still quite interested in the generous project payment.

  In particular, the Alliance’s series of financial plans have made him see an extremely broad market prospect.

  So he planned to increase the output of the steel plant. It happened that he heard that a boss in Boulder City was selling equipment, so he came to take a look.

  Fred patted his arm enthusiastically and made a gesture of invitation, just like treating an old friend who had not seen each other for many years.

  ”…Me too, it’s nice to meet you! Haha, to be honest, I like making friends with people from the alliance the most, and it’s always a pleasure to do business with you… But it’s dusty here, let’s go inside and talk.”

  Sun Shiqi smiled and nodded.

  ”You’re welcome, take me around the factory first… I want to see your equipment, which will also make it easier for me to give a reasonable quotation.”

  ”No problem!” Fred nodded happily and took him to the largest and only factory building in the steel plant that was still in operation.

  Sun Shiqi was quietly observing along the way.

  This steel plant, called Infinite Power, is indeed large in scale and has a magnificent building, which forms a sharp contrast with the dirty and messy residential area next door.

  The tall chimney almost passed through the top of the giant wall, blowing a large area of ​​gray haze outside the giant wall, slowly merging into the gray-green spore cloud that was wriggling in the second ring road. The wide factory building was like a giant’s house. It blocked the chaotic view with a big and generous hand. The towering furnace and the hot molten iron made Sun Shiqi unable to move his eyes away.

  He felt like a mouse who had never seen the world and accidentally fell into the giant’s kitchen.

  Whether it was those skilled workers, or those ingenious machine giants, even the wrenches and files that were casually thrown into wooden boxes and patinated with patina, they were all priceless treasures in his eyes.

  Are those noble lords pigs?

  They actually had the heart to let those who should not be hungry starve.

  However, when he thought that he would soon become the master of this place, at least the owner of some of the equipment, Sun Shiqi’s breathing became rapid.

  Praise the noble lord!

  The crystallization of the sweat and wisdom of countless generations of survivors is now only sold for 50 million chips!

  And the price is negotiable!

  Of course, he couldn’t come up with 50 million chips, but as long as he used his factory in the alliance as collateral and had a written transaction contract, the alliance’s bank could lend him the acquisition money… and the most ironic thing was that the money was actually lent to the alliance by the nobles of Giant Stone City at an interest rate of less than 5%.

  Without writing that greedy look on his face, Sun Shiqi simply nodded.

  ”Not bad… just a little too hot, let’s go out for a walk.”

  Fred said politely.

  ”No problem! In fact, if you didn’t want to see it, I wouldn’t bring you here… This is not a place for people like us.”

  As he said, he walked out with the boss, while talking about the business of his own steel plant, describing the broad industry prospects that he himself didn’t believe.

  And it was only then that Sun Shiqi knew that this powerful steel plant was actually one of the suppliers of Giant Stone Military Industry!

  Before the alliance’s expedition began, this steel plant mainly supplied Giant Stone Military Industry with steel bulletproof linings for exoskeletons and structural components of some large equipment.

  After the Alliance’s war machine was launched, his top customer became the Alliance’s construction company, which made a lot of money by exporting rebar.

  Logically, the Alliance approved a series of infrastructure plans, and his business should have been more prosperous, but the situation was quite the opposite.

  The Alliance’s infrastructure plan was formulated to help the Alliance’s steel industry transform from military to civilian use. The new infrastructure plan clearly stated in the bidding that when the cost difference is not large, companies that use local building materials should be given priority.

  In fact, even without this regulation, it would be difficult for the powerful steel plant to participate.

  The reason is nothing but the word cost!

  Due to the rising inflation, they no longer have a cost advantage!

  The Alliance Bank is very cunning. They are unwilling to change the obviously outdated exchange rate and insist on 2 silver coins for 1 chip that is “actually only worth 0.5~0.2 silver coins.”

  Of course, they have the right to decide how many silver coins they sell their chips for, but this exchange rate is obviously a foolish act, and as we all know, bullying fools is immoral.

  To put it bluntly, since the cost of industrial products priced in chips was lower before, and the exchange rate inversion was not so obvious, most of the things that the alliance could not produce would be imported from Boulder City.

  But now due to the rise in the price of raw materials priced in chips, the price of industrial products in Boulder City has to expand as well, so the profit of imports has been gradually diluted.

  If the things produced in Boulder City are some key parts that the alliance cannot produce, then the alliance is undoubtedly digging its own grave.

  But unfortunately, at least the rebar used to fix cement is not that kind of thing.

  In the past, the alliance’s steel production capacity was used on the armor and tracks of tanks. Now that the war is over, those people have freed up their hands.

  This account naturally has to be recalculated…

  Taking Sun Shiqi outside, Fred respectfully took out a cigarette and lit it for him, then looked at the bustling factory area and said.

  ”The economy here has recovered recently, and life is getting more and more prosperous.”

  Sun Shiqi casually continued his words.

  ”How do you tell?”

  ”Busyness is the best indicator,” Fred continued with a smile, “As long as those lazy guys are busy, life will get better.”

  ”Busy but poor, this is actually not a good sign,” Sun Shiqi narrowed his eyes, looked at the poor guys soaked in the smoke, and said a rare conscientious word, “I think they don’t have much money.”

  ”Precisely because they don’t have money, they will work harder,” Fred said with a smile, standing shoulder to shoulder with the boss from the alliance and puffing smoke, “and you can’t always stare at those poor guys, only when you walk on the streets at night can you feel the prosperity of this settlement.”

  ”For example, the street near the Queen of the Night bar?”

  ”Not just there,” Fred swirled his cigarette butt in the air, “the circle around the inner city is all… My friend, you can’t possibly come to the industrial area to wander around at night? There are only poor people picking up cigarette butts and crazy people who drink cheap wine.”

  Even if he brought bodyguards, he didn’t dare to go into the alleys. God knows what kind of dirty things are there.

  Sun Shiqi looked at him strangely.

  ”But since it’s about to be revived, why are you in a hurry to get rid of it?”

  Fred coughed and laughed.

  ”It’s not easy to set up a factory here. You could make some money before, but now… isn’t there an easier and better way?”

  ”For example?”

  ”Whether it’s bonds or S coins, there are too many things to invest in, and they won’t dirty your shoes,” Fred smiled and said, “There are even more opportunities to make a fortune here than people!”

  There is something he didn’t tell his customers. The reason

  why he reduced the weight of his assets was not only because there were better investment channels, but also a series of reasons including rising raw material prices.

  He couldn’t see the whole situation of the alliance, but it was obvious that iron ore and copper ore, which were priced in chips, were getting more and more expensive. Instead of processing them into finished products, it was better to store them in the warehouse and wait to sell them to other idiots who set up factories next month.

  But now there are too many smart people, and there are not enough stupid people. More and more people have found that they can use this “bug”.

  Recently, he even heard that even Weijia, the guy who sells food, has stored a warehouse of copper ore… What does this guy want to do?

  Fred felt something was wrong. Although he couldn’t see where the problem was, he suddenly found that he couldn’t find anyone who lost money in the big casino in Boulder City.

  This is the most terrifying thing.

  So he immediately decided to take the money and run.

  You guys play, I won’t play!

  Just as Fred was thinking about it, Sun Shiqi felt mixed emotions. This was not the first time he came to this place. When he was doing business in Honghe Town before, the grocery market in Boulder City was the place he went to most often.

  To say that it was depressed was definitely an underestimation of this

  place .

  Most of the survivor settlements in the wasteland have only two or three hundred households, and this is the result of a large number of high-tech products left before the war. It is

  self-evident what a permanent population of 500,000 means in the wasteland.

  In particular, there is no farmland or mine in Boulder City, and all raw materials are obtained entirely through trade.

  Its industrialization rate and industrial profits are actually quite amazing.

  It is just because there are no competitors and the lack of motivation for industrial upgrading that some strange situations will occur here.

  For example, a certain nutrient paste processing factory clearly uses the most advanced filter equipped with a polymer ultrafiltration membrane, but the assembly line relies on manpower.

  Sun Shiqi doesn’t know what these people think, but it may be just like they don’t understand themselves-why there is a cheaper way, but they have to choose the one that looks the dumbest.

  However, he now understands the manager who once frightened him a little.

  Some costs are invisible.

  This is like a war without gunpowder.

  If the alliance takes a wrong key step in a certain link, perhaps the person who sells the means of production in his hands at a low price with a flattering smile is himself.

  He knows.

  In essence, he and Mr. Fred were actually the same kind of people. After all, when the alliance shorted the copper mine, he abandoned Honghe Town without hesitation.

  ”…50 million chips is a reasonable price. If you are satisfied, we can sign the contract in the next two days. I will be responsible for arranging people to transport the things.”

  Although it might be cheaper to wait a little longer, Sun Shiqi was worried that other companies in the alliance would be eyeing this high-quality asset like him. When

  Fred heard it, he immediately made a decision.

  ”No problem! Boss Sun is a straightforward person… However, I recently took a fancy to an investment project in Shuguang City. Can part of the payment be paid in silver coins?”

  Unexpectedly, Sun Shiqi was slightly stunned, put away the smile he had just revealed, and asked with a frown.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”Hey, that’s exactly what it means.” Pulling the generous boss aside, Fred lowered his voice and said slowly, “For example, on the books… you give me 40 million chips. This price is a bit cheap, but it’s definitely not a bargain. And the remaining 10 million chips, converted into 10 million silver coins, you can transfer it to my account in the alliance or give it to me in cash!”

  Upon hearing this, Sun Shiqi came back to his senses and looked at Fred twice in surprise.

  Good guy.

  Is this going to cheat his own shareholders? !

  As a law-abiding citizen of the alliance, he certainly has no interest in speaking up for the shareholders of Giant Stone City, but the proposal to exchange 10 million chips for 10 million silver coins made him frown.

  ”10 million chips are not worth 10 million silver coins, I can’t accept this offer.”

  Fred was not anxious, but happy in his heart.

  It was only the offer that was unacceptable.

  In other words, this matter can be negotiated!

  He immediately put on a flattering smile and said attentively.

  ”It’s okay, we can talk… How much can you accept?”

  Sun Shiqi raised an index finger.

  ”One million.”

  ”One million?!” Fred’s eyes widened, and he almost couldn’t control the volume of his voice. “No! It’s too little! Your official exchange rate is 1:2, and I’m giving you a 1:1 discount, which is good enough!”

  Looking at this guy’s poor acting, Sun Shiqi coughed lightly.

  ”Don’t play dumb, that thing… do you believe it yourself?”

  Fred’s old face turned red, gritted his teeth, and gestured five fingers.

  ”Five… five million, no! Three million! How about two million silver coins? It can’t be less! Even in the black market, the best is 1:5!”

  This is the truth.

  Looking at the only two remaining fingers and the bitter face, Sun Shiqi finally couldn’t resist the temptation and nodded slowly.


  After all, he didn’t want to increase his company’s debt too much, and borrowing money from the Alliance Bank was not without cost.

  It’s just that these two million silver coins can’t be used as public accounts, and they have to be withdrawn from their own deposits, and they can’t borrow from banks, which makes Sun Shiqi feel a little bit painful.

  The purchasing power of silver coins is much stronger than chips!

  Seeing the boss from the alliance nod, Fred finally showed a happy smile on his face and immediately reached out to hook his shoulder.

  ”Thank you for your understanding! We may have a lot of opportunities to cooperate in the future… Let’s have dinner together tonight. I heard that the nightlife of the alliance is only beer and fireworks.”

  ”We don’t actually set off fireworks every day, and it’s not just beer.” Sun Shiqi subconsciously refuted.

  He had regarded himself as a member of the alliance a long time ago, and naturally did not allow others to make random arrangements about them.

  ”I know, but you definitely don’t have that,” Fred laughed and gave him a look that all men understand. “In the Queen of the Night Bar, most people can only stand under the stage and watch, but as long as you have chips, you can invite the dancers into the box and perform for you alone. I just happen to have a black card here, which can take you into the VIP box that ordinary rich people can’t enter. You can never imagine the fun inside.”

  Sun Shiqi instantly understood what he meant, and an embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

  ”Is it really just a performance?”

  Seeing the customer’s interested expression, Fred laughed and said.

  ”Of course! And there are so many programs! You are the boss from the Alliance, the girls there will definitely like you! If you pay the tip with silver coins, they will love you to death!”

  Sun Shiqi teased.

  ”I thought they would call me a country bumpkin.”

  Fred waved his hand.

  ”That was a long time ago. Here, there is nothing you can’t buy, only what you can’t think of.”

  Sun Shiqi wanted to refuse.

  But his legs didn’t listen to him.

  He admitted that he was different from those residents of the shelter. He was a vulgar person, so he probably would never become a resident of the shelter in his life. No wonder the reserved girl never opened her heart to him.

  It would be better if the Alliance could be more free.

  It would be best if it could be as free as Boulder City, where you can do whatever you want as long as you have the chips.

  But I guess Shelter No. 404 would not agree, and their managers would definitely not agree.

  After all, that person said categorically that the currency of the Alliance can buy all goods, but no currency is allowed to trade honor and dignity.


  this is actually not bad.

  No matter how playful a person is, he will not like to bring bad things home. The wasteland is so big that it is easy to find a toilet to shit.

  Seeing Fred’s flattering smile, Sun Shiqi couldn’t help but curl up a smile.

  Since this master has invited us so kindly.

  Let’s enjoy the fat flesh and blood of this giant whale before it falls to the bottom of the sea…


  It is not just the Lida Steel Plant that is “promoting”. The first batch of chips-denominated bonds issued by the alliance alone reached a scale of 3 billion, and then the sales channel of Boulder City Bank was opened up.

  The bubble squeezed out by financial instruments is like a collapsed mountain torrent, rushing towards the factory owners in Boulder City.

  This is a “wave” more terrible than the tide.

  High-quality means of production have been labeled as bad, and the things that were originally popular have become dog shit that people avoid – because there are more fragrant things in front of everyone, and the bitterness after the sweetness is not so easy to detect.

  In this feast in the name of prosperity, some people cried and some laughed wildly… For example, Sid is undoubtedly the latter.

  He can be said to be the biggest winner of this game. He cashed out his chips early and left the market. Naturally, he was the one who smiled the happiest.

  However, when he saw that the trading price of bonds in the secondary market was rising all the way, his smiling face gradually collapsed.

  Staring at the palm-sized trading device, Sid bit his thumb nail and suddenly cursed.

  ”Tsk… Weijia, that bastard, got it for free!”

  Seeing her husband’s unhappy face, Bonnie sat beside him and looked at him with concern.

  ”What’s wrong, dear… Is there something wrong?”

  ”Nothing, dear,” Sid gave his wife a gentle smile, and his face regained its former elegance, “It’s just a small thing… The bonds I sold to Weijia have increased a little, and he should give me another 20 million.”

  Although she had no concept of money, Bonnie couldn’t help but scold him.

  ”You… you have to let Weijia make some money, otherwise why would he work so hard to help our family make money? Don’t ask him for the 20 million. It’s not decent to ask for money.”

  ”You’re right, dear… I’m greedy.” Sid rolled his eyes, and then thought that his wife was right.

  He almost forgot the ancestral teachings.

  Greedy hyenas will choke to death on bones, and win-win business can last long. After the owner has eaten the meat, he has to give the dog a bone.

  Weijia is an old dog, and it’s right for him to make some money.

  But looking at the ups and downs of the line, Sid couldn’t help itching to buy back a little… After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this ups and downs line is generally rising.

  As long as the interest rate is not equal to the redemption rate, there is arbitrage space.

  Bonnie went to dress up. In the afternoon, she and her sisters will go to a boutique beauty salon in the inner city to take care of their skin. Sid is not interested in that kind of thing, and is staring at the palm-sized monitor.

  Although he felt more and more uncomfortable the more he looked at it, he was still very curious about how much the bond would rise.

  At this moment, his youngest son Kumit came back from outside. When he saw the trading device in his hand, he sneered.

  ”You are boring.”

  Sid glanced at the dog.

  ”You know nothing, you little bastard!”

  Kumit sat next to his father with a playful smile, and couldn’t wait to show off the little knowledge he had in his belly.

  ”I heard my buddy Jixiu talk about bonds. They are not rare things. A ten-year bond with a face value of 100, even if it rises to the sky, it will only be 140 chips, right? It can’t be more expensive than the interest and principal of ten years added together, right?”

  Without considering the transaction premium generated by the tax avoidance value, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

  Sid glanced at his son in surprise.

  ”Hey…you know a lot, did Jixiu tell you?”

  It turned out that the highest was only 140.

  The mystery was solved, and he instantly lost interest in the trading device in his hand.

  Kumit raised his nose proudly.

  ”Of course! I told you, my buddy has learned something, and this time he’s coming back to do something big!”

  Jixiu had described the huge blueprint to him, and the issuance of S coins was just to raise funds for the blueprint, and the results of the blueprint would deliver all the rewards, and Giant Stone City would also move towards greater prosperity.

  Sid laughed and curled his lips.

  He had heard from Melvin that he had severely beaten the kid at home, just because that Jixiu came back without saying hello and said a lot of nonsense.

  As a place to relax on vacation, Ideal City is indeed good.

  But he never thought about turning Boulder City into that kind of place.

  ”Big business, how big a business?”

  Kumit said proudly.

  ”He plans to build another outer city in the outer city!”

  ”Hahaha!” Sid laughed so hard that tears were about to come out, and continued to tease, “Then what? What’s the use?”

  ”Then we will issue a new currency in the outer city, a currency that everyone can benefit from! Just like Ideal City, it is something similar to Cr,” Kumit said complacently, “In order to achieve this goal, he specially used the technology of Ideal City to build an algorithm framework, and made transaction contracts and electronic certificates. The appreciation of this currency is completely controllable, and all the messy copper increases and decreases can be solved!”

  Sid curled his lips in disdain.

  New currency?

  Isn’t this funny!

  The reason why chips can become chips is that the power of the entire inner city endorses them. A few young boys dare to say that they issue new chips. Do you think

  this is just a joke?

  Sid actually doesn’t care much. Playing house is safer than killing and arson. It’s not okay to let these naughty kids mess around outside without finding something to do.

  However, Kumit’s next sentence almost choked him to death.

  ”…The 100,000 S coins I hold now are worth five million chips!”


  After a violent cough, Sid stood up and glared at his son, “Five million? You turtle son! Explain to me clearly, where did you get five million!”

  He remembered very clearly that he only gave this kid two million last time!

  What he hates most is stealing money!

  Especially stealing money from home!

  Seeing his father’s ferocious expression, Kumit was frightened and shrank his neck, and hurriedly explained.

  ”Yes, I earned it myself! Look!”

  He quickly took out the trading device and handed it to his father who misunderstood him.

  Sid took the trading device, glanced at it and was stunned, his brows twisted into a rope.

  ”What is this?”

  This line…

  Why do I feel familiar?

  However, the ups and downs are too exaggerated. Although the overall price is rising, it is frightening.

  ”S coin.” Kumit confessed with an honest face.


  ”It’s the credit currency I mentioned.” Seeing his father’s confused face, Kumit swallowed his saliva and explained quickly, “In the past, one chip could be exchanged for one S coin, but now we have fried it to 1:50… 100,000 S coins, isn’t that five million?”

  Sid was even more confused after hearing this.

  If the silver coin rose in price one day, he would understand, but why did the S coin rise?

  And one S coin can be exchanged for 50 chips…

  However, the facts are in front of him.

  And this increase is also interesting.

  The price of a 100-denomination chip can only go up to 140, but there is no upper limit to the increase of the S-coin. Isn’t it just

  a toy? No wonder his son looked down on the toy in his hand… Compared with the increase of the S-coin, isn’t the “stable as an old dog” bond a toy?

  Sid touched his chin, thinking in his heart, and said something intentionally or unintentionally.

  ”The trading contract and the algorithm certificate… Forget it, I don’t understand you young people, just tell me, how do you play it?”

  ”As long as you have an account in the Boulder City Bank, you can buy it with just a flick of your finger…” Kumit looked at his father cautiously, observing his expression, “Dad? You want to play?”

  If his father is willing to join them, the plate can be made bigger.

  Jixiu tried to persuade his father, President Melvin, but unfortunately he was locked up in the small dark room again.

  ”… I can only say that this thing is a bit interesting.”

  Sid was embarrassed to say that he was tempted directly. After all, it was not decent to make money in the inner city. Even if he wanted to buy it, he couldn’t do it in front of his family.

  Kumit didn’t care about what was decent or not. Seeing that his father was moved, he jumped up from the sofa and said with a smile.

  ”Dad! That’s easy! Didn’t I borrow two million from you at the beginning? I will pay you back… How about 40,000 S coins? You can play with them and withdraw them at any time. They will be credited to your account in one second!”

  Sid was immediately unhappy when he heard this and slapped his son on the back of his head.

  ”What do you mean by borrowing and paying back? Are you talking to your father?”

  Looking at his son who looked aggrieved, he didn’t want to discourage his son’s enthusiasm for doing things, and then said in a soothing tone.

  ”Go to the housekeeper and get another… five million chips, just as a practice.”

  Hearing that his father supported his career so much, Kumit was immediately excited.

  He climbed down from the sofa and looked at his father solemnly.

  ”Dad! I won’t say anything polite… I will definitely not let you down! I will definitely turn these five million chips into ten million – no, one hundred million!”

  Looking at his grateful son, Sid nodded approvingly.

  Not bad.

  He is indeed his own son.

  This high-spirited young man looks a bit like him when he was young.

  ”You have made progress.”

  Sid stood up and patted Kumit on the shoulder, saying earnestly.

  ”Go ahead and do it. Your dad will always be your backer.”

  Kumit clenched his fists excitedly.

  ”Thanks, Dad!”

  The man said with a spit.

  Although he knew that his father looked down on that little money, Kumit still forced a new trader into his account, and then transferred 40,000 S coins to his account in front of him.

  ”The trader and the account are one-to-one corresponding, and the key is stored in it. You must protect it well. It will be troublesome to find it back if you lose it! Also, you must control the quantity when selling. Don’t sell too many at a time. You must discuss with me if you sell more than 1,000 coins!” Kumit stared at his father seriously and said.

  Seeing his son’s nagging instructions, Sid waved his hand impatiently.

  ”Okay, I know, don’t bother me with this little money.”

  He kicked his son out of the house.

  Sid stared at the trader for a while, and finally couldn’t help but feel itchy. He called the maid who had been helping his wife comb her hair and threw the trader into her hands. The

  young and beautiful maid looked at Sid tremblingly and asked cautiously.

  ”… Master? What do you want?”

  ”Put in your bank card number.” Sid said in an imperative tone.

  The maid didn’t dare to hesitate and did it immediately. Then, under Sid’s order, she pressed 100 and clicked the sell button.

  The maid looked at Sid blankly, not knowing what happened.


  Sid waited for a while and continued patiently.

  ”Use the home phone to call Melvin’s secretary and check the amount on your card. Just say that I asked you to check.”

  Although the maid was confused, she still went to the next room. After a while, there was a scream from inside, and then the phone fell to the ground with a bang.

  When Sid heard the voice, he immediately stood up and walked in quickly. He saw the maid lying on the ground and hurriedly picked up the phone. He

  had guessed something from the expression on her face, but he still wanted to hear her say it herself, so he asked excitedly.

  ”How is it? How much money is added to the card?”

  The maid said with trembling lips.

  ”…Five thousand.”

  Five thousand chips!

  Forty or fifty workers would have to work for a month to earn this money.

  She didn’t understand why the master suddenly rewarded her with so much money, and now she didn’t know what to do.

  Sid’s eyes flashed with excitement.

  It can actually be withdrawn!

  That son of a bitch is really promising!

  Money is the best stimulant. He, who originally had no interest in sex, suddenly looked at the maid in front of him.

  There was a twisted kindness on that gloomy face.

  ”That’s my reward for you. Just take the flowers. I won’t take them away.”

  The maid breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed a bright smile on her face.

  ”Thank you, master…”

  Sid nodded with satisfaction.

  ”Come to think of it, don’t you have a boyfriend? I see you often write to him.”

  That bright smile was a little nervous.


  Sid casually placed his hand on her waist, admiring the young and beautiful face, and said in a chatty tone.

  ”That boy is pretty good. I am optimistic about the future of Boulder City Bank. Melvin is also an old friend of mine. I will ask him to take care of it… Haha, I’m getting off topic, but speaking of it, you are not young anymore, it’s time to consider holding a wedding, right? Or use this money.”

  He liked her reaction very much.

  Generally, only new girls will show such an expression. After a long time, they will be no different from those rouge and powder outside, no matter how beautiful they are, they are just like that.

  He is not the young boy like Kumit. He has long passed the age of not caring about meat and vegetables, and needs a little stimulation to react.

  The maid bit her lips lightly, her face was slightly pale, and her last reserve made her say in a pleading voice.

  ”…This is the lady’s room.”

  But she didn’t expect it.

  Instead of driving the jackal away, the match set the woodpile on fire.

  Sid smirked and slammed the door shut.

  ”That’s good!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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