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Chapter 535 Senior, You Are Such a Good Person

Chapter 535 Senior, You Are Such a Good Person


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 535 Senior, you are such a good person

  Yang Baishan explained, “Brother Wang’s attitude towards the junior sister just now, but she is not angry at all. She was asking me about Brother Wang’s news all the way, and she also asked me for your phone number.”

  Several people in 412 agreed with Yang Baishan’s words, thinking that this junior sister’s character is really good.

  At least she is generous and does not bear grudges.

  Wang Juncai asked coldly, “Did you give her my number?”

  Yang Baishan nodded and said, “Yes.”

  Wang Juncai didn’t say anything after hearing that.

  In a blink of an eye, it was 5 o’clock.

  Dong Jun was ready to close the station and go back.

  Xu Xiuwen hadn’t eaten with his roommates for a long time, so he planned to treat everyone to a meal in the evening.

  The other five people also agreed with a smile.

  At this time.

  Yang Baishan’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

  Yang Baishan took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He didn’t answer it immediately, but said to Xu Xiuwen and others, “Oh, it’s a call from the junior sister.”

  Jin Haonan asked, “Which junior sister?”

  Yang Baishan glanced at Wang Juncai and said, “It’s Qian Yue.”

  Qian Yue is the junior sister from Beijing.

  Wang Juncai saw Yang Baishan looking at him, so he said, “Why are you looking at me? She called you.”

  Liu Zhihao said, “That’s right, answer it quickly. See what’s going on with the junior sister?”

  So Yang Baishan answered the phone and turned on the hands-free mode.

  ”Hello, is this Senior Yang Baishan?”

  ”Haha, it’s me, Qian Yue, what’s up?”

  Qian Yue smiled and said, “Senior, you helped me this afternoon, and I haven’t thanked you yet. I want to treat you to dinner tonight.”

  Yang Baishan was a little surprised to hear that.

  He couldn’t help but glance at his roommate.

  Xu Xiuwen and the others were all surprised.

  ”Senior? Why don’t you say anything?”

  ”Oh, I’m listening. Do you want to treat me to dinner?”

  ”Yes, Senior, are you free tonight?”

  Yang Baishan said, “Maybe not tonight. I’m with my roommate and we’re planning to go out for dinner together.”

  ”It’s okay, Senior, then ask the other seniors. I’ll treat everyone to dinner.”

  Hearing that Qian Yue wanted to treat everyone to dinner,

  the people in 412 were even more surprised.

  Yang Baishan hurriedly looked at Xu Xiuwen.

  Ask for his opinion.

  After thinking for a second, Xu Xiuwen said to the phone: “Hello Qian Yue, I plan to treat my roommates to dinner tonight. If you don’t mind, come and eat with us.”

  There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

  Obviously Qian Yue was a little surprised.

  But soon the girl smiled and agreed.

  The phone was hung up.

  Liu Zhihao teased Yang Baishan, “Old Yang, what’s going on? This junior girl is not interested in you, right?”

  Yang Baishan chuckled and scratched his head, “I don’t know either.”

  ”Tell me the truth, what else did you do to her besides sending her to the dormitory?”

  ”There are people all along the way, what can I do!”

  ”Who knows?” Liu Zhihao chuckled.

  Yang Baishan rolled his eyes at him, turned to Xu Xiuwen and said, “Xiu Wen, you really let her come over.”

  ”It’s okay, it’s just an extra pair of chopsticks anyway.”

  Liu Zhihao said, “Old Yang, if you and the junior girl really get together, don’t forget that Xiu Wen is the matchmaker between the two of you.”

  Yang Baishan chuckled and said nothing.

  Everyone laughed when they saw this.

  Only Wang Juncai still didn’t laugh.


  The six of them came to the snack street outside the north gate of the school, found a restaurant with good food and went in.

  After sitting down,

  Yang Baishan took out his mobile phone and called Qian Yue, told her the name of the restaurant, and asked if he wanted to pick her up.

  Qian Yue smiled and refused on the phone, saying that she could find it.

  So Xu Xiuwen and the others began to order food.

  After ordering the food, they ordered a lot of drinks.

  Looking at this posture,

  it seems that they will not go home until they are drunk tonight.

  After about ten minutes,

  Yang Baishan’s mobile phone rang.

  It was Qian Yue.

  Yang Baishan immediately went out to pick up Qian Yue.

  Half a minute later,

  Qian Yue appeared in front of Xu Xiuwen and the others.

  Qian Yue was still dressed the same way as in the afternoon, wearing black-rimmed glasses and a ponytail.

  There was a hint of earthiness all over her body.

  Although her appearance was average, the girl’s personality was very cheerful

  and sunny. As soon as she came in, she greeted everyone enthusiastically.

  Everyone responded enthusiastically.

  Except for Wang Juncai,

  Qian Yue was not angry.

  When arranging seats,

  everyone wanted to match Yang Baishan and Qian Yue.

  Jin Haonan was going to let Qian Yue sit next to Yang Baishan.

  But Qian Yue ran to sit next to Wang Juncai.

  This move was beyond everyone’s expectation.

  Because of the addition of Qian Yue.

  The six people in 412 couldn’t just chat by themselves and pretend Qian Yue didn’t exist.

  Everyone intentionally or unintentionally directed the topic to Qian Yue and Yang Baishan.

  Qian Yue was not like other girls who were embarrassed to talk after sitting with a group of boys.

  She was very outgoing. She

  could chat with a group of seniors.

  No matter who asked her anything.

  She always answered with a smile on

  her face. And she was also very sweet, calling him senior all the time.

  Plus her voice was not bad.

  Several people were willing to chat with her and they all had a good time.

  Soon the dishes were served.

  After the dishes were served,

  the topic of conversation gradually shifted.

  Yang Baishan also started to brag and talk about other things.

  Qian Yue was temporarily forgotten.

  Qian Yue was free.

  She turned to look at Wang Juncai beside her and asked with a smile: “Senior, why don’t you chat with them?”

  Wang Juncai was very strange tonight. He

  didn’t say a few words from beginning to end.

  The five people in 412 just thought that he was in a bad mood and didn’t care about him, leaving him alone to be emo.

  Qian Yue’s active concern surprised Wang Juncai.

  He turned his head to glance at Qian Yue and said coldly: “What’s it to you?”

  The smile on Qian Yue’s face froze for a moment.

  But then she continued to ask: “Senior, have you encountered something unhappy? Senior, can you tell me about it? Maybe I can give you some advice. Even if it doesn’t work, people say that if you talk about unhappy things, you will feel much better.”

  ”Are you annoying? I don’t want to talk to you, can’t you see?”

  Qian Yue finally showed an aggrieved expression, “Senior, why are you so cold to me? Have I offended you in some way? If so, I can apologize.”

  Wang Juncai looked at Qian Yue with disdain.

  This woman is too thick-skinned.

  His attitude is so obvious, but she can still talk to him all the time.

  Wang Juncai thought for a while and said, “Qian Yue, I have a girlfriend. Even if I don’t have a girlfriend, I won’t like you.”

  Qian Yue was stunned.

  Then he forced a smile and said, “Senior, you misunderstood, I just want to make friends with you.”

  Wang Juncai stopped talking after hearing this.

  Qian Yue felt a little uncomfortable, but still didn’t show it.

  Xu Xiuwen noticed the situation of the two.

  He also noticed the emotions flashing in Qian Yue’s eyes.

  He suddenly said to Qian Yue, “Qian Yue, what are you guys secretly talking about?”

  This sentence immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

  Qian Yue quickly adjusted her mood and said, “Senior, I told Senior Juncai that I want to be friends with him.”

  ”He didn’t agree?”

  Qian Yue looked at Xu Xiuwen, then at Wang Juncai, and nodded.

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled, “You’re quite arrogant.”

  He had already seen that Qian Yue might not like Yang Baishan, but had a good impression of Wang Juncai.

  Otherwise, she should sit next to Yang Baishan instead of Wang Juncai.

  Xu Xiuwen decided to help her.

  ”It’s easy to be friends. Just drink a glass of wine and you become friends. Can you drink?”

  Qian Yue nodded.

  So Xu Xiuwen poured her a glass of beer.

  Qian Yue also understood what Xu Xiuwen meant.

  She raised the glass to toast everyone, “Seniors, I toast you a glass. I want to be friends with you.”

  When everyone heard it, they all raised their glasses immediately.

  Only Wang Juncai was slow to raise his glass.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen immediately frowned and said, “Brother Wang, the junior girl wants to be friends with us, why are you so arrogant?”

  If it was other roommates who spoke.

  Wang Juncai might not give face.

  But it was Xu Xiuwen who spoke.

  Wang Juncai admired Xu Xiuwen very much, in every aspect.

  So he raised the glass.

  So the six people accompanied Qian Yue to drink a glass.

  Xu Xiuwen put down the glass and said, “Qian Yue, although you are not my direct junior sister, after drinking this glass of wine, you will be our friend. If you encounter difficulties in school in the future, tell me at any time. If I am not in school, you can tell Brother Hao.”

  Qian Yue was very moved and said repeatedly, “Thank you, senior. You are a really good person.”

  Xu Xiuwen, who received the good guy card, didn’t care.

  Then Qian Yue continued to toast.

  The atmosphere became lively.

  At the dinner table.

  As they chatted, the topic unconsciously shifted to Bai Yue’er and Shi Xiangming.

  Yang Baishan and Liu Zhihao praised Bai Yue’er’s acting skills and said they envied Shi Xiangming’s fiancee for being a big star.

  However, Shi Xiangming was not very happy.

  He hadn’t seen Bai Yue’er for a long time.

  How could he be happy?

  Not only that.

  Sometimes he called Bai Yue’er.

  It was always busy or turned off.

  He felt that Bai Yue’er had flown out of his hands.

  This made him quite uneasy. When

  talking about Bai Yue’er.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t speak.

  While drinking, he quietly paid attention to Shi Xiangming’s expression.

  In fact, Xu Xiuwen thought about confronting Shi Xiangming.

  But he felt that it was not appropriate now.

  if Shi Xiangming could not accept it and made a big deal out of it.

  It would not be good for both him and Bai Yueer.

  Although he had poached Shi Xiangming’s girlfriend, he did not feel much guilt towards Shi Xiangming.

  If Bai Yueer liked Shi Xiangming,

  Xu Xiuwen would feel guilty to some extent.

  But Bai Yueer had already told him that

  she had never liked Shi Xiangming.

  So he was not considered a third party who interfered with their relationship.

  There is an old saying that a forced melon is not sweet.

  It may not be a bad thing for Bai Yueer and Shi Xiangming to separate early.

  In addition,

  Xu Xiuwen and Bai Yueer had discussed it.

  In the future, he could give Shi Xiangming a little more money as compensation.

  So Xu Xiuwen did not feel much guilt in front of Shi Xiangming.

  But he still felt a little guilty.

  But the relationship between him and Bai Yueer.

  Except for Bai Yueer’s personal assistant, no fourth person knew about it.

  It was difficult for Shi Xiangming to even meet Bai Yueer.

  Of course, it was even more impossible for him to know.

  The dinner was over soon.

  Shi Xiangming, Liu Zhihao, and Yang Baishan were drunk.

  Qian Yue also drank some wine.

  She wanted to ask someone to take her home, but there was no one to do so.

  Qian Yue took the initiative to say, “Senior Xiuwen, I’m fine. I can go back by myself. Thank you for treating me tonight. I’ll treat you to dinner another day.”

  ”Okay. Be careful when you go back alone.”

  ”Okay. Goodbye, seniors.”

  Then Qian Yue went back.

  The remaining three people who were not drunk, one by one, started walking towards the dormitory.

  After returning to the dormitory,

  they put the three drunk people on the bed.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around and asked Wang Juncai, “Qian Yue is a very polite and enthusiastic girl, why are you so cold to her?”

  Jin Haonan also said, “Yes, Juncai, why are you so cold to Qian Yue? She didn’t offend you.”

  Wang Juncai glanced at Xu Xiuwen and Jin Haonan and said, “Alas, you don’t understand.”

  ”Why don’t we understand? Explain it clearly.”

  ”Why do you think Qian Yue keeps coming to me? It’s because I’m from Beijing. I’ve seen many girls like her.”

  Hearing Wang Juncai say this, Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything. Jin

  Haonan couldn’t listen anymore.

  Qian Yue left a good impression on him tonight.

  Therefore, he liked this school girl very much.

  ”You are from Beijing, so it’s great that we talk to you in the future, and we are trying to get close to you!” Jin Haonan’s tone was not friendly enough.

  If this was said by other roommates, Wang Juncai would not be surprised.

  But because it was said by the dormitory head Jin Haonan.

  Wang Juncai was stunned.

  came back to his senses.

  He was very annoyed.

  He felt that Qian Yue came to him just because he was from Beijing.

  Otherwise, she should be closer to Yang Baishan.

  After all, Yang Baishan was the senior who helped her in the afternoon.

  He didn’t do anything.

  But her roommate didn’t believe it.

  Wang Juncai didn’t want to explain.

  This made the atmosphere cold.

  Jin Haonan’s face also became ugly.

  As the dormitory head, he has always been conscientious and caring for everyone.

  I thought that Wang Juncai should not have any reaction after I said a few words to him.

  But Wang Juncai looked impatient.

  He was also very disappointed.

  At the same time, he felt embarrassed.

  Naturally, he refused to speak again.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that he could not remain silent.

  had to say something

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said: “Brother Hao, Brother Wang, both of you listen to me.”

  Xu Xiuwen spoke.

  The two still gave face.

  Seeing that both of them looked at him.

  Xu Xiuwen continued: “Brother Wang, Qian Yue is our junior sister and your fellow villager. Even if you don’t like her, you shouldn’t say this about her behind her back. It gives people the impression that you look at people with tinted glasses. But you said that Qian Yue came up to you because you are from Beijing. I don’t think it’s necessary to judge so quickly. We just met, and we will get to know each other slowly in the future. If she really has ulterior motives, you should just ignore her. In case she is not, you will save yourself the embarrassment.”

  Wang Juncai felt that Xu Xiuwen made sense, so he nodded.

  Xu Xiuwen said to Jin Haonan again: “Brother Hao, Brother Wang is from Beijing, but he has never put on airs or looked down on anyone. Don’t say such angry words in the future, which will hurt the feelings of our roommates.”

  Jin Haonan also nodded.

  ”Okay, let’s leave it at that. Let’s do our own thing.”

  Then the three of them went about their own business.

  Xu Xiuwen hasn’t been back to the dormitory for a long time.

  He made the bed and prepared to stay in the dormitory at night.

  Just after he made it, his cell phone rang suddenly.

  He took it out and saw that

  it was Cheng Lu’s call.

  Xu Xiuwen walked to the balcony with the phone.



  Cheng Lu hesitated to speak.

   A small spoiler, the scum Xu will soon fall


  (end of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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