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Chapter 537 My son has made progress!

Chapter 537 My son has made progress!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 537 My son has made it!

  In the wasteland, the settlement of more than 500,000 people is very large, but to be frank, it is only more than 500,000 people. If it were in Triumph City or Ideal City, the commotion of several thousand people would be considered a sneeze at most.

  But in the long-standing Boulder City, this sneeze became the fuse that detonated all crises, and almost made its front teeth fly out…

  The next day at noon, Alex, the head of security at Weijia Trading Company, rubbed his red rosacea and climbed out of the pile of wine bottles.

  Sometimes he felt that he was actually an awakener, but his awakening was not so obvious. Once he followed the boss to the northern suburbs and sat in the lobby of the Highway Town Hotel. He clearly saw that those blue jackets who claimed to be awakened could not drink five or six bottles, but he was a real thousand cups without getting drunk.

  It was for this reason that the boss always brought him with him.

  On the one hand, he was big enough to intimidate the malnourished workers, and on the other hand, his alcohol tolerance was an indispensable pastime at the party. The boss and his mistress would hug each other while laughing, and he would get drunk tactfully at this time.

  Shaking his dizzy head, Alex picked up the clothes thrown aside, stretched his stiff neck and prepared to go back to the factory to continue sleeping, but the door of the box opened with a bang, and the disheveled Weijia walked in from outside in a hurry, followed by the expressionless secretary Aaron.

  ”Damn, are you a pig? It’s so late and you’re still sleeping!”

  Seeing the expression on the boss’s face, Alex immediately realized that something was wrong, and asked hurriedly without paying attention to his splitting headache.

  ”Boss, what happened?”

  ”What happened? I asked you to do something, and you didn’t know how well you did it!”

  Looking at Weijia with saliva flying, Alex was puzzled, scratched the back of his head, and said carefully.

  ”You… are you talking about that Sperger who reads the newspaper? I have contacted Phyllis and arrested him.”

  Weijia’s nose was crooked with anger, and he cursed in a rage.

  ”I asked you to arrest him, not everyone! Without those poor guys, who will work? Do you expect the assembly line to move by itself? Or do you go up?”

  Alex was shocked.

  ”How is it possible! I, I saw Phyllis took only one person!”

  ”But now they are all in!” Weijia gritted his teeth fiercely, “I have to find a way to get them out!”

  Secretary Aaron, who was following behind him, coughed lightly.

  ”I have inquired about it. Those workers went in by themselves. They claimed that they would never abandon any of their co-workers… That workers’ union is the source of all evil. If we don’t find a way to disintegrate them, their number will spread quickly like a virus, and it may not be just one factory that is endangered, but all of them.”

  Weijia Company not only has the Good Taste Food Processing Factory, but also many industries related to food.

  Weijia’s face changed slightly.

  ”We can only ask Mr. Sid to handle it.”

  Aaron nodded.

  ”That’s what I suggest… Moreover, it’s better to get some people from outside the city. They are not skilled, but the production line cannot be stopped.”

  If possible, Weijia really didn’t want to ask that adult, but the matter was no longer something he could handle.

  It’s like hoarding copper ore to hedge the risk of inflation. When everyone does this, the means of “bug blocking” will be ineffective, and only the alliance’s mines will laugh out loud in the end.

  If only one person refuses to work, just replace him, but if everyone does this, the means of dismissal will become a joke… Using such despicable means, these people are too immoral!

  Looking at the boss’s back, Alex hurriedly followed him, muttering as he put on his clothes and walked out.

  ”Are these people crazy… going to jail by themselves.”

  The place was dark and airtight.

  What’s so good about it…


  a mansion in the inner city.

  Sid, sitting on the sofa, stared at the trader intently, his expression sometimes happy, sometimes sad, suddenly he slapped his thigh and cursed, and then slapped it again. Well done.

  His moody appearance made the servants who loved to flatter him stay away from him, except for his wife who was closest to him.

  Looking at her husband sitting on the sofa, Bonnie’s face was doting. She felt that her husband was sometimes like a child, getting younger and younger.

  ”Dear,” she put her hand through his shoulder, propped her elbow on the sofa, and said softly, “You have been staring at it all day, don’t you take some time to look at me?”

  Sid moved his eyes away from the palm-sized screen and looked at his beautiful wife, twitching his stiff facial muscles to force a smile.

  ”I just look… look at the results of our son.”

  Bonnie couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

  He didn’t even notice that he had changed his perfume. The palm-sized screen seemed to cast a spell and firmly grasped his attention.

  Completely unaware of his wife’s disappointment, Sid was smug in his heart. Through repeated swing trading and moderately adding 6 million chips, the value of the S coins in his account was close to 10 million!

  But this investment was definitely worth it.

  Because just now, the S coins worth 10 million chips jumped up a level and became 11 million! He has already earned back the additional investment!

  Sid’s face was full of smiles.

  In fact, making money is not that difficult…

  Maybe this is the talent brought by blood.

  Whenever he thought of this, he couldn’t help but feel proud of his son. That bastard is really promising!

  He is worthy of being his seed!

  I hope that the relationship between Kumit and Jixiu can be like their fathers-as close as himself and Melvin, and pass on this unbreakable bond.

  That is much more important than doing a big business.

  The reason why landlords are landlords is because they don’t know how to unite. When the wolf comes, they can only run with their tails between their legs. And the reason why nobles are nobles is because the court is not the court of one person. Even if the wolf comes, they can only give them extra food.

  At this time, the butler came over and bowed slightly.

  ”Master, Mr. Vega is outside.”

  ”Vega?” Sid frowned. “Why is he here?”

  The butler bowed.

  ”He said… he has something to visit you for, and it’s very important. He is waiting downstairs.”

  Bonnie got up from the sofa and kissed her husband on the face.

  ”It’s important to deal with business. Both Liszt and Weijia are good people who help us. Don’t neglect them. You go ahead and I’ll step aside.”

  Sid nodded and looked at the butler and cleared his throat.

  ”Let him come up.”

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The butler nodded slightly and turned away. After a while, Weijia came over from a distance in a hurry.

  The smell of alcohol on Weijia made Sid frown slightly, but he suppressed his unhappiness and said calmly.

  ”What’s the matter that makes you so anxious?”

  Weijia said anxiously.

  ”Sir, something bad has happened!”

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and talk about business.” Sid put the trader on the table and said impatiently while looking at the screen.

  ”I… All the workers in our factory have been arrested!”

  Weijia cried and told Sid what happened yesterday. Sid was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding it, and repeated it again to try to sort out the cause and effect.

  ”You bribed the guards in the industrial zone and arrested the poor guy who read the newspaper… Then the other workers were also arrested? Can’t you just release them?”

  This is not a difficult task.

  Weijia said with a smile.

  ”No… It’s not like that. Those workers went in by themselves!”

  ”Psycho!” Sid glanced at him, “Why do you care what they do? Can’t you just let those poor guys stay wherever they want?”

  ”But… Most of the factories are empty, and it’s not just our factory. Master… One troublemaker is nothing to be afraid of, but a group of troublemakers will become a boil, which is not a small problem! This is a sign of something big! You… No, we must do something.” Weijia swallowed his saliva and persuaded earnestly.

  Most of the factories are empty?

  Sid was stunned for a moment, slightly aware of the seriousness of some problems, and became cautious.

  This is not difficult to understand.

  Just like the maids in his house, although they are often changed, it doesn’t matter. He is a very tolerant person and never keeps them. He even gives speeches at their weddings.

  However, if all the maids were to resign, he would definitely not agree. After all, he couldn’t let the dirty hands of the male servant comb his wife’s hair, right?

  ”Tell me what you are going to do.”

  Weijia said patiently.

  ”I have investigated in depth. The cause is a guy named Sberg, the troublemaker who reads newspapers. He set up a workers’ union… That thing is simply the root of all evil.”

  ”And what did he do specifically?”

  ”Nothing has been done yet… No, it can’t be said that nothing has been done-” ”

  Okay, okay,” Sid interrupted his beating around the bush impatiently, “It’s just a cockroach, why don’t we just kill it.”

  Weijia was frightened by this and said quickly.

  ”Then… No, sir, we can’t do this! It’s easy to step on a cockroach to death, but its eggs will be scattered everywhere. Even if we want to kill it, we have to do it quietly and without giving anyone a chance to talk about it.”

  Sid was amused by the coward’s speech.

  What a joke.

  He is a nobleman, when does he need to explain to others for killing someone?

  Even if he had to give a reasonable reason to calm the anger of the outer city, that would be Dulong’s problem. Otherwise, what was the point of raising that dog? However,

  seeing Weijia begging desperately, Sid thought about it and gave up.

  He moved his eyes away from the coward and looked at the trader on the table, saying indifferently.

  ”Okay, I’ll make a call later.”

  Weijia asked cautiously.

  ”Who do you plan to hand it over to?”

  Sid said impatiently.

  ”It’s okay to find a prisoner to do that Si, not our own people.”

  He was sensible about such details, and he would not set the house on fire like those young boys like Kumit and Jixiu. It

  was too easy to find a desperado in the wasteland. People who were willing to work for him could line up from his feet to the gate of the giant wall.

  ”It’s Sberg… I know you will not make a mistake, just in case.” Weijia reminded carefully.

  Although this is not the best way, he prefers to buy and divide, but his boss doesn’t seem to want to do that kind of troublesome thing.

  Actually, it’s not impossible.

  Just let this adult do it.

  Seeing that Sid didn’t seem to want to pay attention to him, Weijia muttered something in a low voice and was about to leave, but he saw that the adult’s eyes were always fixed on the screen on the table.

  He seemed to have seen something similar in his son’s hand. He heard that Kumit and Jixiu asked the boy to buy it – something called S coins.

  Although he sneered at it, he did not stop his son, but gave the boy a large sum of money. After all, Sid was his master, and Melvin was his master’s friend. Although S coins didn’t sound very smart, it was a smart thing to please these two big men. But what

  he didn’t expect was that the famous Sid was also playing, and he was having a lot of fun. Even his breathing and heartbeat kept up with the frequency of the lines…

  Weijia’s intuition told him that this was not appropriate, but it was not something he could control.

  ”My lord… what is this thing of yours? It looks quite novel.” In order to please him, Weijia pretended to see it for the first time and asked curiously.

  With a common language, Sid really regained his interest in him. He turned his head to look at the old dog that was getting older and older, and said with a beaming face.

  ”S coins! I have made one million – well, the maid who served my wife to comb her hair has made one million chips. It is really a good investment project. Even people with little education can make a lot of money.” It is

  not decent for nobles to go out and earn chips personally. He just remembered it when he was chatting with his wife yesterday. It seems to be an ancestral precept.

  But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, he and everyone else have always been decent. Even if they don’t deliberately recall it, they can follow the rules and not overstep them.

  Seeing Weijia’s interested look, he decisively took out an unregistered trader and put it in the hands of this loyal servant.

  ”Take it and play with it. You can think about it more when you have time. My friend, the times have changed. The old way of making money is no longer feasible. You have to learn to keep up with the times to keep up with the pace of young people.”

  ”I hope that one day you can become a real noble.”

  Weijia took the trading device with both hands and was moved to tears. It was not because the generous Master Sid was willing to take him to make money together, but because of Master Sid’s words “friend”.


  What a beautiful word!

  It had been a long time since he heard Master Sid call him so affectionately.

  His money, his collections, the women he liked, whatever Master Sid wanted, he could generously give, just like his father. However,

  Master Sid would rather call Liszt, the wild dog from outside, a friend several times than call him a friend… Obviously they were in the same group! They grew up together!

  But today!

  He heard that long-lost and affectionate name again!

  It was worth it!

  ”I will always be loyal to you… Master.” Weijia’s eyes were filled with tears, and he clenched his fists unconsciously, “I, I will definitely repay you!”

  ”Why say such corny words,” Sid glanced at him, waved his hand in a good mood, and said with a smile, “Go down, don’t forget the business.”


  Weijia raised his sleeves and secretly wiped away his tears.

  He bowed and left the living room, and followed the butler to the elevator. It was not

  until he left the building and returned to his secretary Aaron and bodyguard Alex that he put away the tears and joy that crisscrossed his wrinkles.

  Aaron did not speak, and Alex scratched the back of his head, not understanding why his boss had tears in his eyes… He had never seen tears on the face of this big crocodile.

  Weijia did not speak either, but waved his hand and led the two of them out of the inner city in silence.

  Stopping at the junction of the inner city and the outer city, he looked up at the bustling streets not far away, and silently took out a cigarette from his arms and put it in his mouth.

  Alex immediately took out a gold-rimmed lighter and tried to light it for the boss, but was pushed away by Weijia.

  ”Get out of here.”

  Weijia cursed, took out a box of matches from his pocket, and lit it after a few tries.

  In the smoke, the flame flickered.

  The pungent smoke blurred the bustling streets, as if the whole world was immersed in it, but it seemed that only he was anesthetized.

  Is this… a wasteland?

  The looters dare not eat people here, the mercenaries dare not fight here, the two-headed hyenas cannot enter here, and only the docile cats rub the shoes of beautiful girls.

  It’s a pity that he has never been to the paradise two hundred years ago, and he has no idea what the real utopia looks like… If only there was a way to take a look.

  Weijia squinted his eyes, took a few puffs, and then threw the half-smoked cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it with his heel.

  Alex didn’t dare to say a word, holding the lighter, looking at the boss tremblingly.

  The boss today is a little abnormal.

  He never lights a cigarette by himself, let alone steps on cigarette butts.

  ”Aaron, we lost.”

  Looking at the junction of the sky and the giant wall, Weijia said this abruptly.

  Aaron was slightly stunned, looked at the boss’s expression, and then understood what he meant. After a moment of silence, he nodded silently.

  Didn’t they lose already?

  He thought the boss had found out last month, but he didn’t expect that the cunning Mr. Weijia would also be confused sometimes.

  Alec couldn’t help but panic. He didn’t understand what the two were talking about, let alone where they lost and who they lost to.

  ”Boss…what’s wrong with you? Is that bastard Sberg bothering you? I’ll go and teach him a lesson for you!”

  ”Sberg…ha, what the hell is that? It’s not worthy of being put together with me,” Weijia shook his head and said self-deprecatingly, “I just came to my senses. This is a war.”

  ”War, war?” Alec was stunned, then frowned, “You mean…it was Sberg who was instigated by the alliance to incite those workers?”



  What a naive person, who still wants to lose gloriously in the end.

  Weijia glanced at his dog and wanted to mock him to relieve his boredom, but soon thought that he was essentially no different from him, so he shook his head without interest.

  ”Yes, war. If you can’t understand what ‘our war with the wasteland has never ended’ means, then think about it as you can understand.”

  ”This is war, our war with the Alliance. The country bumpkins and blue gophers in the northern suburbs finally couldn’t help but attack us, and the celebration started a month ago. They secretly hid the shells in the fireworks, and our respected Lord Melvin and Lord Sid went to celebrate their birthdays with great enthusiasm… Oh, I am also a fool. It was not until now that I realized that a big man like me, who is well-known and well-known, actually squatted in the trench dug by fools.” What a irony


  He has been smart all his life, but this time he didn’t understand everything until he had already lost.

  In fact, they did have the opportunity to prove something to the wasteland.

  If Melvin had discussed it with me at the beginning, it would have been better, but unfortunately he was too lazy to pay attention to his lapdog.

  If Master Sid had valued his loyal old dog a little more, it would have been better, but unfortunately the master looked down on the old slave’s ability more and more.

  If Sberg and those “workers” were a little more mature and sensible, even if Duron, who was a puppet, spent a little more time to coax them, even if House, who took the wrong medicine, used his brain to prepare a draft before cheating…

  Of course, I am not a pure white lotus, nor a good person. If I eat less, I can at least survive the wave next year.

  But what’s the point?

  The wasteland will not end because of a wave.

  And who in this city is not a gambler?

  House, who was talking nonsense, knew that those poor guys could not have diabetes. Maybe he was just blinded by the loss and deliberately shouted at them.

  Duron of the City Hall knew that his old friend, President Melvin, was making an extremely dangerous gamble, but the poor people would not bother him if they had a job, and the nobles would just push him out to take the blame like they did five years ago, so he not only turned a blind eye, but also helped Melvin…

  In the end, the one who really did good for the Stone City was the idiot named Jaeger who was laughed at by the nobles and the poor people. Although he didn’t have good intentions, he just wanted to replace his immediate boss Duron and become the one holding the whip.

  Melvin also knew that the person sitting in front of him was an extremely dangerous and ruthless man, who beat several captains of the legion and made them run away.

  There was no regret on Weijia’s face, only a faint laugh, both for himself and for everyone in this city.

  Unfortunately, this number game that was coming to an end had nothing to do with mathematics.

  Their opponents were not very smart, and even their skills were unfamiliar, so they needed to borrow a few cards from them.

  Maybe a fool can do better. After all, a fool has endless energy when playing tug-of-war, while a smart person has too many choices.

  Didn’t the Willant people do a good job?

  If it weren’t for the factories in Boulder City and the economic and diplomatic sticks of enterprises, it would be impossible to win with the Alliance and the desperate blue coats, at least not so easily.

  Of course, Weijia did not deny that the latter was the most critical, and the others were just icing on the cake.

  ”… I think you may be overthinking,” Alex said cautiously, “Our weapons reserves and scale are still above the Alliance… We can overturn the table at any time, and they dare not fight us.”

  ”Haha, weapons? Overturn the table?” Weijia finally couldn’t hold back his laughter. He looked at the confused Alex and said jokingly, “You are worthy of being my dog. I expect the assembly line to turn by itself, but you expect the table to overturn by itself. You are really a talent!”

  War is not a joke. The Alliance has demonstrated to them once how a total war is fought.

  The entire alliance was highly united, everyone was like a rope, abandoning all illusions, those who had strength contributed their strength, and those who had brains contributed their brains.

  Their managers not only enthusiastically mobilized the war, telling the residents of the alliance in the simplest language that we were going to kill a hungry wolf, why we were going to kill it, and why we could defeat it, but also personally led the residents of the shelter to the front line.

  Of course, their opponents were not vegetarians either. Although

  the Legion did not dare to expand the scale of the war, those Willant officers also went to the front line in person, otherwise their ten thousand men would not have been captured by the Alliance one after another, and Griffin would not have played the second card after every defeat.

  And the Stone City…

  let Master Sid charge, let those militia masters who wanted to throw all the work to the mercenaries go to the front line, Weijia could not imagine that scene at all.

  Besides, their mercenaries had fought with the country bumpkins in the northern suburbs before. They used the best equipment and suffered the most severe beatings. At that time, there was no alliance. Most of the country bumpkins used obsolete iron barrel rifles.

  Without the ability to mobilize strong operatives, it would be like pulling out the power of the ICU.

  Not to mention taking everyone to overturn the table, the one who dared not overturn the table the most was Master Sid himself. Fortunately, this old dog had enough time to “prepare for a rainy day”. Yes


  Weijia had planned to run away.

  In fact, to be honest, he was most reluctant to leave the Stone City. Here, except for the wives and children of other nobles, he dared not touch them. He could do whatever he wanted, and the wasteland outside actually had nothing to do with big men like him.

  At first, Weijia did not understand Lister’s choice. The Alliance obviously would not love him, but he had to stick his face to it. He did not understand why Fred sold the factory, and it was obviously more than a little cheaper.

  But now he suddenly understood.

  He knew that he was not a good person. Master Sid was as bad as he was, so he was even worse. However, he was smarter in the end.

  After all, he knew how to use chips to please Master Sid, but his Master Sid hoped to use the chips he contributed to tie him down in return… It was a pity that the adult didn’t know what he wanted until the end.

  He wanted love.

  To be loved.

  Although he was greedy, he had never lacked money in his eight lifetimes. He took great pains to get the black card, wasn’t it just to make his childhood best friend Master Sid look up to him?

  However, he felt that he was still a dog, since birth, and his ancestors had been like this, and the chain was tied tighter.

  Perhaps Liszt was right. The real decency was not a feast for the eyes, but dignity. It would not make people elegant and decent, but it would make people no longer animals, but people with social attributes.

  In the wasteland that can torture people into ghosts, it is something that cannot be bought with any chips. People long for it from the bottom of their hearts and are willing to die for it, but Master Sid took it all for himself.

  Poor Sid…

  Weijia couldn’t bear to part with that old friend.

  But the ship was going to sink, and it was time to say goodbye.

  He was satisfied

  to hear “my friend” at the end.

  Glancing at Alex who hadn’t come back to his senses yet, Aaron walked to the boss’s side and asked in a very soft voice.

  ”Do you want to contact the customer in the north?”

  ”Contact… Well, I’ll talk to that gentleman in person. After all, there are too many “goods” to sell, and they can’t be packed away in a day or two. By the way, you have to do one thing for me. Sberg can’t die, and no one in the workers’ union can die. Only in this way can we do those things reasonably.”

  Weijia thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered something. The gloom on his face was swept away. He smiled and hooked the shoulders of his two subordinates and patted them hard.

  ”Ah, don’t worry… I will double your salary later, but we may have to pay you in silver coins in the future, so you have to be mentally prepared.”

  Alec looked a little regretful, but he smiled after thinking about it.

  This is not bad.

  After all, the dancers on the opposite street have started to collect silver coins, and some people have even started to do currency exchange part-time.

  Aaron didn’t say anything.

  After all…

  isn’t this a matter of course?


  Industrial zone.

  At the door of the powerful steel plant, Fred looked at the three bosses from the alliance at the door and shook his head regretfully.

  ”Sorry, you are a step late. The production line you mentioned… we have sold it some time ago.”

  Staring at this guy who seemed to have walked out of the emoticon package, Ye Shi was stunned on the spot, like a frightened groundhog.


  A few days ago, Brother Fang Chang had set his sights on this steel plant that supplies Jushi Military Industry. After they finished their own business, they immediately rushed over from Dawn City.

  Unexpectedly, someone was faster than the damn Fang Chang!

  This is too inhuman!

  Old White frowned and looked at Fred and asked.

  ”Can you tell us who the buyer is?”

  He wanted to try again.

  ”…Sun’s Steel Plant, the person who came to negotiate is a guy named Sun Shiqi, who seems to be the boss of your alliance. He is a weirdo, he wants to sign the workers away, and he is willing to pay the IOUs I gave to those people.”

  Fred was also puzzled. It was too early for him to make a move, otherwise he could still bid for the price when these people came.

  He sold the equipment at a low price with 40 million chips, and the benefit he got directly was only 2 million silver coins.

  What a loss!

  Ye Shiyi cursed with an uncomfortable face.

  ”Damn! I got there first!”

  If it was an NPC from another faction, he could still try to persuade or bribe them, but the NPC from the Alliance… According to Brother Fang, there was no need to take that risk.

  Even if it was to avoid suspicion, he would not touch them if he could.

  After all, it was clearly written in the player’s manual that if the trust of the Alliance residents in the shelter residents was used to conduct illegal transactions, and the amount involved exceeded a certain amount, the “faction boss” would personally come forward to make a ruling, and if the circumstances were serious, they would be sent back to the underground. After all

  , according to the game settings, they took an oath under the banner of the Human Alliance before they set foot on this land. It doesn’t matter if they don’t work, but if they do bad things to their own people, they will definitely be “cut off”.

  ”Don’t worry, I have more than one production line here, and there are many good things,” seeing that the customer wanted it so much, Fred rolled his eyes and started to sell with a smile, “and I can also help you to make connections and introduce you to other sellers who are interested in selling equipment.”

  As long as the price is right, he can even help to negotiate.

  Old White didn’t waste any words and simply took out the list that Fang Chang had written for him.

  ”I have a list here. Can you contact the people in charge of the factories on the list?”

  ”Let me take a look. Eh? This list looks familiar,” Fred touched his chin, and suddenly came to his senses. He took a breath and stared at the three people in front of him, “Hiss, good guy… all of you are suppliers of Giant Stone Military Industry! What do you want to do?!”

  Ye Shi coughed dryly, and his eyes signaled him to be low-key.

  ”Coincidence… We are interested in their civilian production line. The Alliance needs a lot of cement and rebar recently.”

  Fred stared at him with a look like a fool, and almost wrote “Do you think I’m mentally retarded?” on his face.

  Old White was too lazy to explain to him and got straight to the point.

  ”Yes, we are interested. If you can help us negotiate the deal according to the quotation on the list, we can give you a reward of 50,000 silver coins.”

  Fred looked embarrassed.

  After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head.

  ”Too little! That’s Mr. Ibers’s girlfriend. You may not know that he is directly responsible to the city lord. Even the big shots in the inner city don’t want to provoke him. It’s not appropriate for me to help you-”

  Lao Baimian continued without changing his expression.

  ”One acquisition project costs 50,000 silver coins, which will be transferred to your personal account. You negotiate for us, and we will give you 20% of the budget saved.”

  Fred heard that his face was immediately full of joy, and he nodded hard as if he was afraid that these people in front of him would regret it.

  ”Deal! No problem!”

  The matchmaking job was too easy for him!

  He glanced at the quotation list, and the price given by the alliance boss could be said to be very generous.

  In other words, he had a lot of room for negotiation and could sell those “junk” at a price that everyone was happy with.

  ”Speaking of which, why is it so deserted here?” After the deal was settled, Ye Shi’s eyes fell on the factory behind Fred, with a strange expression.

  He had heard Fang Chang say that this was one of the largest steel mills in Boulder City, but he always felt that there were not many people here.

  Fred coughed, looked around, and whispered.

  ”You don’t know, yesterday…something happened, and the jails are full.”

  Smelling the gossip, Ye Shi immediately became alert and asked curiously.

  ”What happened?”

  ”The cause…I heard that a worker at the Good Taste Food Processing Factory secretly removed the wire from the cutter, and he happened to be a member of the Workers’ Union, so you know, right? Anyway, Weijia got angry, and then he followed the clues and found that the ‘head’ of the Workers’ Union was actually on his own assembly line…” Looking at the

  three alliance bosses who looked at each other in bewilderment, Fred said with regret.

  ”I guess those poor guys wanted to use this method to get Weijia to give them the defective canned food, but unfortunately their approach was not very smart. Weijia is a famous miser. But it’s not Weijia’s fault for being stingy. This kind of thing happened once and twice. If I were Weijia, I would do the same. I would never let those who get something for nothing get a taste of the sweetness!”

  Kuangfeng looked at him blankly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

  ”It’s okay to get something for nothing…”

  Ye Shi sighed.

  ”It’s worthy of being a wasteland… This is fucking so dark!”

  The two used the language of another world. Fred didn’t understand what he was saying, but he didn’t think he was praising him.

  Lao Bai was a straight-forward person and couldn’t help but speak in human language.

  ”Have you never thought about improving their treatment? What do you mean by not blaming Weijia? If that idiot didn’t do things to the extreme, would his subordinates be bored and want to make themselves unhappy?”

  Although the game is virtual, there are many bad things in the wasteland. Compared with those slave traders, a mere profiteer is nothing.

  But he is from a country with social ideals after all, and he is extremely loyal to his beliefs, so he naturally feels physically uncomfortable when he sees the face of this profiteer.

  Although the Niuma Brick Factory is called Niuma, it is just a joke between the four good brothers. Everyone knows that the real Niuma is only the four bosses themselves.

  Even when the alliance was the poorest, they would rather eat nutritional paste and sheep’s horn potatoes to make ends meet, and use the saved 5 copper coins to buy fish for those stupid NPCs, even if some of those NPCs were simply their captives.

  Fred also couldn’t understand these inexplicable guys in front of him, and just looked at them strangely.

  ”Improve… the treatment of those poor guys? This is not good. If you have done business, you should know that those poor guys are not good people. They will try every means to cheat and be cunning. If you treat them a little better, they will take advantage of you. And people will feel sleepy when they are full… Ah, of course, I’m not saying that what you did is wrong, but we have different management methods.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but curse: “Laugh, you treat them as enemies, they are just trying to be nice to you!”

  Seeing that the three customers’ faces were getting worse and worse, Fred immediately realized that his flattery hit the horse’s leg, and quickly changed his words and hurriedly ended this topic that might cause disagreements.

  As he was not sure what these people were thinking, Fred was too embarrassed to suggest drinking together in the evening. He took the list and found an excuse to go to work on important matters.

  He just wanted to sell the goods at a good price.

  Before they could be sold.

  That’s all.

  Looking at his back as he left, Ye Shi suddenly sighed.

  ”What makes me more uncomfortable is that these guys ran away and lived more comfortably than the people who made a living under them… and we still have to give him silver coins to ask him to help us introduce customers, damn it!”

  The money was wasted!

  ”That’s the money to buy him a coffin. If he behaves himself, there’s nothing wrong with him living out his life like Old Brown. But if he can’t control himself and not only plans to make a comeback, but also plans to bring the same tricks from Boulder City to us, we will naturally fine him to bankruptcy… I remember the manager said that he would let more good people win out of the competition, and I believe he’ll do what he says.”

  Old White squinted his eyes and stared at the man’s back, and continued.

  ”These fleeing profiteers may be a threat. We have to keep a close eye on them and be wary of them sneaking around and enslaving our compatriots in various ways on our territory.”

  It’s not like there haven’t been cases where newcomers have been cheated by NPCs before, although the newcomer couldn’t wait to show off on the forum, and the scam was immediately exposed. It’s

  still difficult for NPCs to cut the leeks of players.

  Ye Shi had an idea.

  ”How about we write a proposal? Nail this guy’s coffin lid shut and don’t give him any chance to show up!”

  The bill to restrict organ trading was originally made by the closed beta players. There is a complete set of laws on Earth for them to refer to. With the help of Brother Fang, the clever Professor Yang and Brother Ye Ao, they can always come up with a set of rules that conform to the actual situation of the wasteland.

  Not only the players are restricted, but also the NPCs.

  Since the last Beta0.4, they have realized that the Alliance is no longer the small village it used to be, and they can’t always count on the loyalty of the wastelanders to the managers.

  For example, Fred, who is willing to sell his soul in front of them.

  The concept of loyalty does not exist in that guy’s dictionary. For the sake of profit, let alone calling black white, he is even willing to lie on the ground and kiss the leather boots of the manager.

  As the Alliance grows bigger, there will be more and more people like this in the future, and they will become more and more secretive and more and more difficult to distinguish.

  These hyenas who tuck their tails between their legs and pretend to be human can’t be killed with guns and gallows.

  Kuangfeng nodded approvingly.

  ”I agree.”

  It’s rare that Ye Shi can come up with such a mature idea.

  This idea is at least much more mature than lying on the roof and shooting from behind… He

  is worthy of being my son.

  He has finally become a promising one!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode