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Chapter 538 Listen to My Explanation

Chapter 538 Listen to My Explanation


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 538 Listen to my explanation

  ”Husband, don’t!”

  An Shishi hugged Xu Xiuwen tightly, fearing that he would hit someone impulsively.

  Under An Shishi’s strong resistance,

  Xu Xiuwen finally held back.

  It was not until the boy walked away

  that Xu Xiuwen said to An Shishi: “Shishi, let me go.”

  An Shishi said worriedly: “No, I’m afraid you will be impulsive.”

  ”I have calmed down and will not be impulsive, don’t worry.”

  Hearing Xu Xiuwen’s words, and the boy gradually walked away,

  An Shishi breathed a sigh of relief and slowly let go.

  The content of the phone call just now.

  Because she was close,

  An Shishi also heard it.

  She didn’t know why Cheng Lu lied to Xu Xiuwen.

  But seeing Xu Xiuwen’s furious look,

  she was very worried, so she chose to hug Xu Xiuwen tightly with her body to stop him from doing it.

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen had calmed down a lot, An Shishi said: “Husband, don’t think too much, Cheng Lu may have some reason not to tell you the truth.”

  Xu Xiuwen also hoped that it was like that.

  But the facts were in front of him.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t deceive himself.

  He was already very unhappy when Cheng Lu’s parents embarrassed him in the restaurant.

  Now he saw Cheng Lu cheating on him with his own eyes.

  Xu Xiuwen’s mentality almost collapsed.

  If An Shishi hadn’t been persuading him to calm down, he

  might have really collapsed.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at An Shishi who was concerned about him, and his heart was warm.

  No matter what, An Shishi was really happy for him.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want An Shishi to worry, so he forced a smile, “Shishi, I was really angry, but it’s okay now. Okay, you go back. I’ll go back too.”

  An Shishi asked worriedly, “I won’t go back to the dormitory tonight, I’ll go to accompany you.”

  ”No, I’m really fine.”

  An Shishi hesitated, “Okay.”

  Before they separated, she hugged Xu Xiuwen again and said gently, “Hubby, if you are unhappy, you must tell me, I will see you immediately.”


  Then Xu Xiuwen and An Shishi separated.

  Let’s not talk about Xu Xiuwen for now.

  After An Shishi returned to the dormitory.

  The door of the dormitory was half-open.

  An Shishi gently pushed the door open and walked in.

  She saw Cheng Lu sitting on a chair with a cell phone in her hand.

  An Shishi was about to ask what happened just now.


  Cheng Lu said first: “Shishi, I’ll call Xu Xiuwen first, please wait a moment.”

  An Shishi had to wait for her to finish the call.

  Cheng Lu dialed Xu Xiuwen’s number.

  ”Beep beep…”

  The phone rang three times and was connected.

  ”Pig, why did you hang up on me just now?”

  Cheng Lu’s tone was slightly dissatisfied, but compared to her usual cold tone, it could be regarded as a spoiled child.

  ”Did you find me just to say this?”

  Cheng Lu was stunned.

  Xu Xiuwen’s voice was very cold, like the cold wind in March, blowing people shivering.

  ”What do you mean by this?” Cheng Lu asked in confusion.

  ”Nothing, let’s talk later, I’ll hang up first.”

  ”Beep beep…”

  Listening to the beeping sound coming from the microphone.

  Cheng Lu opened her eyes wide in surprise.

  Coming back to her senses.

  Cheng Lu was puzzled, aggrieved, and a little dissatisfied.

  She continued to call Xu Xiuwen.

  ”Beep, beep, beep…”

  After ringing a few times, the call was hung up.

  Cheng Lu didn’t give up and continued to call.

  This time,

  Xu Xiuwen simply turned off his phone.

  Cheng Lu’s eyes were full of disbelief.

  She knew Xu Xiuwen was angry.

  Because her mother asked them to break up at noon.

  But she didn’t agree.

  And after Xu Xiuwen left, she said a lot of good things for him.

  Even if Xu Xiuwen was angry, he should listen to her explanation and ideas, right?

  Cheng Lu is not a person who feels wronged at every turn.

  But at this moment,

  she really feels wronged.

  But more of it is worry about Xu Xiuwen.

  An Shishi, who was standing behind her, witnessed this scene with her own eyes.

  She sighed.

  ”Lulu, did you quarrel with Xu Xiuwen?”

  Cheng Lu was full of grievances and had nowhere to tell.

  After hearing what An Shishi said, she turned around and said, “Shishi, Xu Xiuwen didn’t answer my call.”

  ”What happened?”

  Cheng Lu hesitated for a second, and then decided to tell An Shishi.

  After all, the other party was her best friend in college.

  So Cheng Lu recounted the conversation between Xu Xiuwen and his parents after meeting at noon.

  After listening to Cheng Lu’s words,

  An Shishi finally understood why Xu Xiuwen had such a sour face when he met him at noon.

  As a bystander,

  An Shishi felt that neither Xu Xiuwen nor Cheng Lu’s parents were wrong.

  Cheng Lu was even less likely to be wrong.

  But although everyone was right,

  the conflict arose.

  And it was difficult to resolve.

  An Shishi’s mind was clear.

  Although Xu Xiuwen was angry about the incident at noon, he would not blame Cheng Lu for it, let alone ignore her call.

  The real reason why Xu Xiuwen did this was the scene downstairs just now.

  An Shishi hesitated whether to tell what she and Xu Xiuwen had just seen.

  She almost said it.

  But the reminder came to her lips.

  An inappropriate and selfish thought emerged in her heart.

  So in the end she didn’t say it.

  But An Shishi still kindly reminded her, “Lulu, I think there may be other reasons why Xu Xiuwen didn’t answer the phone. You’d better talk to him face to face.”

  Other reasons?

  Cheng Lu was stunned.

  How could there be other reasons?

  At this time.

  The door of the dormitory opened again.

  Xiao Youran and Song Siyu walked in from outside.

  Cheng Lu stopped talking immediately when she saw Xiao Youran

  She didn’t want Xiao Youran to know that she had quarreled with Xu Xiuwen.

  She glanced at An Shishi.

  An Shishi understood the meaning of her eyes and nodded to her.

  Cheng Lu returned a grateful look.

  Because Xu Xiuwen’s phone was turned off, and Xiao Youran was back.

  Cheng Lu didn’t continue to dial Xu Xiuwen’s number.

  She wanted to wait until Xu Xiuwen calmed down a little and was not so angry.

  Then she would explain it to Xu Xiuwen.


  After separating from An Shishi.

  Xu Xiuwen returned to Jiangning Garden first.

  He came to the bedroom.

  Looking at this room that nominally belonged to him and Cheng Lu.

  Xu Xiuwen felt hurt.

  The empty room seemed to be emitting silent mockery.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to stay here.

  So he chose to return to the dormitory.

  Three days passed in a blink of an eye

  During these three days.

  Xu Xiuwen thought of the scene he saw at the door of the girls’ dormitory building of Jiaotong University from time to time.

  Although Cheng Lu lied to him.

  But deep down he still believed in her and felt that she would not betray him.

  But even though he knew that Cheng Lu did not betray him.

  He was still angry.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that he was a big scumbag.

  He had ambiguous relationships with many women, and some of them had relationships.

  Even Lu Xinyao is now pregnant with his child.

  But people are double standards.

  Although Xu Xiuwen was a scumbag, he could not accept that Cheng Lu had other boys around her.

  His possessiveness towards Cheng Lu was stronger than he thought.

  In the past three days,

  Cheng Lu also called him many times.

  He either hung up or turned off the phone.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know if Cheng Lu went to Jiangning Garden to find him.

  He didn’t go back to Jiangning Garden for three days.

  Cheng’s father and mother stayed in Jinling for two days and then returned to Hangzhou.

  That was the afternoon of the next day.

  In the next two days, Cheng Lu was busy with the student union’s affairs while contacting Xu Xiuwen.

  The first few calls were hung up.

  She still didn’t take it seriously.

  Later, he simply turned off the phone.

  In three days, Xu Xiuwen didn’t answer a single call, let alone call her.

  Cheng Lu was completely panicked.

  She put aside the things at hand and came to Jiangning Garden, wanting to find Xu Xiuwen and talk to him face to face.

  But when she got here, the empty room reminded her.

  Xu Xiuwen was not here.

  Cheng Lu understood immediately.

  Xu Xiuwen was deliberately avoiding her.

  This hurt Cheng Lu very much.

  The sixth day of school.


  Xu Xiuwen was in class in the classroom.

  He didn’t sit with Tang Weiwei.

  Instead, he sat in the back row with his roommates and slept.

  Xu Xiuwen slept until the end of class.

  The third and fourth classes in the morning are professional courses, and they have to be taught in the computer room.

  They must move from this building to the teaching building where the computer room is located.

  The students immediately got up and walked out of the classroom.

  Xu Xiuwen also woke up in time and walked out of the classroom with his roommates.

  Just as he walked out of the classroom.

  ”Xu Xiuwen!”

  A cold female voice sounded from behind.

  The voice was very familiar.

  Xu Xiuwen had heard it countless times.

  He didn’t need to look back to know who it was.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around.

  The girl standing by the wall in front of him was not Cheng Lu, who else could it be?

  Cheng Lu is the number one campus beauty of Jiaotong University.

  Many people know her.

  Even if they don’t know her, she will attract everyone’s attention because of her beauty.

  This is the case at this moment.

  Many students around stopped and watched, looking at Cheng Lu and Xu Xiuwen curiously.

  Including Tang Weiwei and others.

  Bai Yueer didn’t go back to school because she was busy.

  So 601 is still a small group of three.

  After seeing Cheng Lu, Tang Weiwei walked forward silently with her head down.

  Su Yanyan stared at Cheng Lu.

  Shen Minyao’s eyes were shining.

  She was much smarter than the two innocent roommates beside her.

  From the expressions of Xu Xiuwen and Cheng Lu,

  she immediately realized that the two might have a conflict.

  She wanted to stay and listen for a while.

  But Tang Weiwei just kept walking forward with her head down.

  She had no choice but to follow Tang Weiwei.

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the people watching around him.

  He also saw Tang Weiwei leaving silently.

  He hesitated for a moment and said to Cheng Lu, “Come with me.”

  After that, he wanted to grab Cheng Lu’s hand.

  He stretched it out halfway, hung in the air, and finally retracted it.

  Then he turned and walked downstairs.

  Cheng Lu’s heart sank when he saw this scene.

  But he still followed him.

  Coming out of the teaching building.

  Xu Xiuwen walked to a path in the forest.

  He stopped and turned around.

  Cheng Lu saw him stop and stopped too.

  ”Just say whatever you want to say.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s tone was neither cold nor hot, and it was strangely calm.

  This made Cheng Lu a little flustered.

  She had thought of many situations after meeting.

  But none of them was like this.

  Cheng Lu calmed down and asked, “Pig, why didn’t you answer my call?”

  ”I didn’t miss your call, I was just a little busy recently.”

  Xu Xiuwen knew he was lying.

  Cheng Lu also knew he was lying.

  Xu Xiuwen knew Cheng Lu knew he was lying.

  Cheng Lu also knew Xu Xiuwen knew she knew he was lying.

  The two looked at each other in silence.

  Finally, Cheng Lu broke the silence.

  Cheng Lu did not expose Xu Xiuwen’s lie.

  Instead, he asked softly, “Are you angry because of what my parents said that day?”

  ”No, I’m not angry anymore.”

  Xu Xiuwen did not lie this time.

  He was not such a petty person that he would be angry for several days because of some words from Cheng Lu’s parents.

  ”Then why are you hiding from me?”

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Cheng Lu and was speechless for a while.

  In his heart, Cheng Lu has always been an extremely proud girl.

  This pride has long been engraved in her bones, no less than Xiao Youran.

  He originally thought that if he didn’t answer the phone and didn’t take the initiative to contact her.

  Cheng Lu would also stop contacting him because of her proud character.

  But she didn’t.

  What he didn’t expect was.

  Cheng Lu actually put aside her pride and took the initiative to come to the classroom to find him.

  It can be said that Cheng Lu’s behavior today has broken Xu Xiuwen’s original impression and view of her.

  Xu Xiuwen was not complacent about this.

  On the contrary.

  He felt a little sorry for Cheng Lu.

  But when he thought that Cheng Lu not only joked with other boys, but also deceived him.

  The strong possessive desire almost drove him crazy.

  Xu Xiuwen denied with a cold face: “I didn’t hide from you.”

  ”You did!” Cheng Lu refused to give in.

  ”Okay, even if I did, do you have anything else to say? If not, I’m going to class!”

  ”You’re not allowed to go!” Cheng Lu ordered coldly.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment.


  ”No one is allowed to leave until the words are made clear.”

  ”How else do you want to make it clear? What do you want to know?”

  ”Why did you suddenly become like this? Since you said you were not angry because of what my parents said, then why are you angry? You have to tell me, and then listen to my explanation, right?”

  Xu Xiuwen was silent for a few seconds and then said: “I saw it.”


  ”I said, when your parents came that day, I saw you and that boy downstairs of your dormitory.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s tone seemed casual.

  But in fact, his fists had been clenched tightly.

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, Cheng Lu was stunned for a moment.

  ”You…you saw it?”

  She was very surprised.

  ”Yes, I saw it, not only did I see it, but I also saw you tell me with my own eyes that you were alone in the dormitory!”

  That’s it.

  Cheng Lu finally understood why Xu Xiuwen had been angry and ignored her these days.

  In fact, An Shishi had reminded her implicitly last night.

  She also vaguely guessed that it might be related to this matter.

  But she was not sure.

  Because Xiao Youran and Song Siyu were there.

  She did not ask in detail.

  Cheng Lu panicked, “Pig, listen to my explanation.”

  Xu Xiuwen was not like the male and female protagonists in the melodramatic TV series, who just refused to listen to the other party’s explanation and caused misunderstandings.

  He nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll listen to your explanation. Go ahead.”

  Cheng Lu immediately explained the identity of the boy and why he sent her back to the dormitory that day. What

  Cheng Lu said was.

  The boy’s name was Chen Jin, the child of Cheng’s father and mother’s friend, three years older than her.

  The two can barely be regarded as growing up together.

  The reason why I say barely.

  Because of some reasons in the early years, Cheng Lu went to Xian City and lived with her uncle, that is, Director Cheng that Xu Xiuwen had met.

  And Chen Jin also went abroad to study and returned to China this year.

  After the college entrance examination, Cheng Lu returned to her home in Hangzhou.

  Chen Jin happened to return to China as well.

  This is when I met Chen Jin again.

  They are just pure friends…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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