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Chapter 538 Some things cannot be let go

Chapter 538 Some things cannot be let go


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 538: There are some things that cannot be allowed.

  From bearing humiliation and enduring hardships

  to now putting life and death aside.

  When Li Qi decided to say “I don’t agree”, he knew that he would not be able to live, and there would be no possibility of revenge.

  But he still did it.

  And if combined with Li Wutong’s nod before.

  There is no doubt that the father and daughter’s understanding of the concept of “country” is actually very different.

  In Li Wutong’s value system, the nominal existence of Dafeng is the most important.

  But in Li Qi’s view, if he can abandon the lives of millions of Dafeng people, he is not worthy of being the emperor of Dafeng.

  Therefore, he would rather die in Huailing in exchange for the lives of Huailing people, and he would never use the lives of people to exchange himself for living in the world.

  As for which one of Li Qi’s choices and Li Wutong’s choices is correct.

  Again, it is difficult to tell.

  The door of the palace was not closed, and the cold wind swept through the hall.

  Li Qi still stood straight, his dragon robe was tattered and fluttered in the wind.

  A group of Dafeng officials have also stood up, their faces are full of determination.

  If Li Qi dies, they will not live either.

  But at this time, no one showed the slightest fear.

  Because as Li Qi just said, their death is not meaningless.

  Their death is telling all Dafeng people –

  you must hate Daning, hate Ning Yongnian, and you must resist to the end.


  From tacitly accepting Li Wutong’s decision to firmly standing on Li Qi’s side.

  The change in the attitude of these officials undoubtedly shows that they all understand what to do is “right”.

  But for Li Wutong, all these changes came too unexpectedly.

  ”Father, father.”


  Looking at Li Qi in despair, she asked blankly: “Why are you doing this.”

  ”I, we can start over again”

  ”As long as Dafeng does not perish, we will definitely be able to make a comeback”

  ”You, didn’t you plan to do this before?”


  Obviously, Li Wutong still can’t understand why Li Qi did this.

  And the latter did not mean to explain, just looked at Li Wutong and sighed softly.

  ”Alas, Tong’er.”

  ”Dad knows you have done a lot for Dafeng, the Li family, and Dad.”

  ”But you have to know that there are some things that cannot be compromised.”

  ”Ning Yongnian will not kill you, but if one day you encounter something like today again…”

  ”Dad hopes you can not fear death.”


  It sounds a bit strange that a father advises his daughter not to be afraid of death.

  But Li Wutong burst into tears in an instant.

  ”Okay, don’t cry.”

  Li Qi patted Li Wutong’s shoulder gently and smiled.

  ”If you can see Wei Changtian again in the future, remember to say hello to him for Dafeng.”

  ”Young Master Wei has helped Dafeng a lot and done a lot for you.”

  ”No matter how he will treat you in the future, don’t resent him. In the end, we are sorry for him.”

  ”Remember what Dad said.”

  ”Also, if possible, bury Dad’s bones in Wanggui Mountain in Jianchang Prefecture.”

  ”That’s it.”


  After saying the last sentence, Li Qi did not look at Li Wutong, who was crying and crying, but raised his eyes to look at Ning Yongnian who was silent.

  ”What? Haven’t you made up your mind yet?”

  Ning Yongnian remained silent as he looked up at Li Qi, who looked calm.

  Although Li Qi was determined to die bravely, the choice was still in his hands.

  It’s just that there were not many options.

  Since Li Qi was not stupid, it was undoubtedly impossible to let him live.

  So now either kill Li Qi and take Li Wutong away, letting Dafeng fall into “masterless” chaos.

  Or control Li Qi and lie to the outside world that Dafeng agreed to the fifth condition, forcing the “script” to continue.

  As for killing people and massacring the city, Li Qi had guessed correctly before that Ning Yongnian would not do this.

  Because if Huailing City is massacred without Dafeng “taking the blame”, the result will definitely be more disadvantages than advantages.

  At that time, the people of Dafeng will unite because of hatred, making it difficult for him to re-annex Dafeng in the future.

  So, what should be done?

  When the opponent changed from Li Wutong to Li Qi, Ning Yongnian immediately felt the pressure.

  He was unwilling to just kill Li Qi, so his heart gradually leaned towards the second option.

  But at this moment, Li Qi seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and suddenly laughed:

  ”Ning Yongnian, since you are so hesitant”

  ”Then let me choose for you!”

  While the long sleeves were shaking, the right palm had already swung heavily towards his chest the next moment.

  Dozens of pairs of eyes suddenly widened, and no one expected Li Qi to be so decisive. This is to cut off Ning Yongnian’s retreat by committing suicide!

  As long as he died, Ning Yongnian would not massacre the city.

  For the lives of the people of Huailing, Li Qi did not hesitate at all.


  ”Your Majesty!”

  ”Your Majesty!!!”


  In a flash, several voices rang out.

  Although Li Qi’s cultivation was very low, he was too unexpected to stop him. Even Ning Yongnian might not have had time to stop him.


  Several shadows flashed from Daning’s side and flashed across several feet in an instant. The one

  rushing in the front was Wu Ding, who was less than five feet away from Li Qi.

  However, the latter’s palm was only a few inches away from his chest, so he was probably too late.

  Seeing this scene, Ning Yongnian did not move, but his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

  Li Qi committed suicide, but he actually reacted like this. It can only be said that this result is indeed not what he wanted.

  However, everything is too late. Wait!

  Suddenly, just when everyone thought that Li Qi was dead, the latter’s movements actually stopped for a moment.

  This stop was quite strange, and it was obviously not Li Qi’s own will.

  Ning Yongnian turned his head and looked in a certain direction behind him.

  There was no doubt that it was Bai Youheng standing in the dark.



  Less than a breath later.

  Due to Bai Youheng’s sudden move, Wu Ding naturally succeeded in stopping Li Qi, and at this time, all of the latter’s acupuncture points had been sealed.

  The other generals were not idle either, and in a blink of an eye, they also subdued all the people in Dafeng, including Li Wutong.

  ”Li Qi.”

  Ning Yongnian breathed a sigh of relief and slowly walked to the pale-faced Li Qi.

  ”To be honest, I really didn’t expect you to be so decisive.”

  ”But it’s a pity.”

  ”Don’t you want to use your life to exchange for the lives of the people in Huailing?”

  ”Then I just want to show you how the people in this city died.”

  ”Sima Cong!”

  ”Your Majesty, I am

  here” “Spread it out! Say that Dafeng has agreed to all our conditions!”


  ”Wu Ding!”

  ”I am here!”

  ”Send a message to each camp! Seal the city gate immediately!”

  ”Yes!” ”


  Hearing the orders issued by Ning Yongnian one after another, Li Qi’s eyes were gloomy, and Li Wutong’s eyes were no longer bright.

  After all these twists and turns, will Huailing City still be doomed to be massacred?

  Although this result is the same as her previous choice, Li Wutong no longer has the same idea as before.

  But who can save Huailing now?

  Suddenly, Li Wutong’s eyes froze.

  Including Ning Yongnian, everyone turned their heads to look in one direction.

  It was Li Huaizhong who was running in from outside with an extremely panicked expression.

  ”Your Majesty!”

  ”Big, big things are not going to happen!”

  ”Big things are not going to happen!!”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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