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Chapter 542 It’s too late, organic

Chapter 542 It’s too late, organic


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 542 It was too late, the organic


  gently blew away the smoke from the muzzle.

  Looking at the man who fell in the crowd not far away, the man standing by the window smiled slightly, retracted the revolver against the window, and gently pulled the slightly open curtains with his raised little finger.

  Screams and roars came one after another, and blood replaced the sunset blocked by the cloud cover… Sure enough, this is the color that this street should have.

  But those militiamen were unexpectedly weak. He thought that more people would die, but in the end, many bullets flew past their scalps.

  Is it because they can’t do it?

  But he doesn’t think that the mob will forgive those people.

  The corners of his mouth curled up with an evil smile.

  The show has officially begun!

  A lazy female voice came from the bed not far away.

  ”What a bad taste, can’t you do it secretly?”

  The man shook his head and said slowly.

  ”Too slow… Do you know that feeling? A movie is at the last minute, but it is paused. The gunpowder barrel is right there, and the fuse has been inserted, but no one dares to light it… The same goes for the Alliance, the nobles, and Mr. Fang Ming.”

  His name is Rhine, from the Free State of Bughra, a professional mercenary and an awakener. The woman not far behind him is named Serite, a killer from the Dagger Gang in the slums outside the city.

  The Free State of Bughra had laid out its plan in the Boulder City a long time ago.

  Lord Sigmar is very interested in something here, which can help them get rid of the control of the sovereign at a critical moment.

  The protection of the Great Rift Valley is both a blessing and a curse.

  Those noble adults don’t care what the little people think. They only look at the blueprint on their desks and then point fingers through a window.

  Sometimes they are right, but not always.

  They need that weapon!

  Therefore, when Master Sid wanted to get rid of Sberg, the Dagger Gang immediately handed over the knife. But surprisingly, they almost succeeded, but failed at the last moment. The knife they handed out disappeared with Sberg.

  This is too weird.

  ”I’m worried about one thing.” Serite looked at the man coming from afar, and her lazy voice was a little worried.

  ”What’s the matter?” Rhine said indifferently.

  ”City Lord, that Fang Ming,” Serite said casually, “According to our investigation, he knows everything that happened in this settlement, so he must have seen you shoot.”

  Rhine smiled indifferently and waved his hand.

  ”Ah, don’t worry about this. If you really investigated, you should know… He will only take action in two situations, to help the people here solve the mutant slime mold, and the forces related to the post-war reconstruction committee.”


  Because it is such a thing.

  People can’t greedily expect the gun to move by itself and distinguish who is good and who is bad, who should die and who shouldn’t die.

  The first generation of residents made it, and they were also afraid of its power.

  After all, humans are fickle creatures, and the people who designed AI are not completely sure that the old operating system can always meet the needs of the new generation. The new generation is not so confident about the operating system designed by the old generation. After all, if children always listened to their parents carefully, mankind should still be in the Stone Age, and there would be no prosperous era.


  In fact, people don’t know where they are going, so how can we expect AI to figure out the destination for people and build the road to the destination?

  A society completely managed by AI will eventually become a pigsty. No matter how human-like AI is, it will never become a human. People in the era before the prosperous era have proved that it is not advisable to have both.

  At this time, there was a slight noise on the stairs outside the door.

  The sound was very faint and almost unnoticeable without listening carefully, but Rhine still noticed the movement at the first time.

  He immediately stopped talking, squinted his eyes and looked at the door, put down the revolver, and picked up the submachine gun with a drum magazine on the table.

  Hearing some noises as well, the female killer stopped talking and silently pulled out the dagger and pistol from under the pillow.

  The footsteps at the door gradually became clearer, coming towards them step by step, from far to near, like the sound of knocking on the door.

  The sound stopped in front of the door without any disguise.

  There was no doubt that the man was coming for them.

  And at this time, there was no way anyone would come to clean the room…


  Rhine asked cautiously.

  No one answered.

  In the spirit of striking first, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a string of fire burst out from the muzzle of the gun. The sound of the cloth tearing machine and the orange-yellow rain of bullets suddenly shot towards the door, leaving a string of bullet holes on the wooden door.

  However, almost at the same time, the broken door panel exploded, and the flying fragments rolled towards him like a cannonball.

  ”Damn it——”

  Rhine ducked and dodged in embarrassment, rolling to the side of the window, and finally caught a glimpse of the man standing at the door with his peripheral vision.

  The dark mirror covered her face. She held a blast shield in her left hand and a short-barreled submachine gun in her right hand. Her serial number, X-16, was engraved on both the shield and the breastplate.

  ”Go to hell!” A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Celite’s eyes. She rushed towards her like lightning, holding up a dagger and pulling the trigger of her pistol.

  The bullets with added gunpowder knocked out circles of tiny spider webs on the blast shield. X-16 stood there motionless, raising her submachine gun and aiming at her.

  Almost at the same time, Rhine also aimed at her holding the shield.

  ”Da Da Da!”

  The orange-yellow trajectory was like raindrops, almost heating up the air in the room. Celite rolled over to avoid the rain of bullets coming from two directions, screaming and cursing.

  ”Do you want to kill me too!”

  ”If I didn’t support you, you would be dead.”

  Rhine cursed back, moving towards the window while maintaining fire suppression on the X-16.

  The man held up the shield motionlessly, suddenly threw away the short-barreled submachine gun in his hand, and swung out a half-meter long short stick with a shake of his arm.

  Rhine’s pupils shrank slightly, and a bad premonition crept into his heart. Almost without hesitation, he used his shoulder to knock open the window and flipped out.

  ”I’m retreating, take care of yourself!”

  Serite’s face changed.


  Before she finished her words, the blast blew away the half sentence she had not finished. The

  sudden burst of flames instantly engulfed her and the attacker. This guy buried explosives in the room!

  But how did he bring them in? !

  There was no time to think about this question. The awakened were human after all.

  The aftermath of the explosion finally subsided, and a wisp of heat rose from the dark room.

  Looking at the body on the ground that was almost roasted to charcoal, X-16 shook his head, threw away the shield that was blown into two pieces, and tapped his head with his index finger.

  ”One target is dead and the other escaped…”

  ”I’m injured and need repairs.”

  At the same time, Rhine, whose back hit the street, let out a painful sound, struggled to stand up from the ground, and limped into the alley next to him.

  Although there were some explosives hidden in the room, he couldn’t be sure whether the guy who looked like a bionic man was killed.

  He had to leave here immediately.

  It was a pity for the woman named Serite.

  Although he had to be careful of the dagger she hid under her pillow, Rhine was sure that she was a good woman.

  ”Inner city… the weapon controller should be in the inner city…” Retreating to another nearby street, he looked in the direction of the inner city, gritted his teeth, and muttered to himself with a gloomy look, “We have to find a way to get in.”


  History always moves forward in countless coincidences.

  Big changes often do not necessarily hide great secrets. Maybe it’s just two mice fighting and kicking over the oil lamp.

  The battle in the hotel room was just a trivial episode, but the chaos ignited by the gunshot continued on the street.

  The whole Boulder City was in chaos.

  From the entrance of the outer city to the inner city, soldiers wearing exoskeletons placed shooting bunkers in front of the door and placed roadblocks on the street to disperse the crowd.

  The Melvin family crowded at the door of the inner city.

  They should have gone in a long time ago, but at this moment there was a serious problem-Alyssa, the youngest in the family, disappeared.

  No one noticed when she disappeared.

  As soon as the gunshots rang out, everyone panicked and ran towards the inner city, fearing that they would be accidentally injured by stray bullets or caught up by the mob running around like cockroaches.

  Maybe she just fell on the road and would soon be able to get up and continue running.

  I just hope so.

  Jixiu beat up the old butler and asked the old man to take six servants to look for her along the way they came. If they couldn’t find her, they were not allowed to come back.

  Warfield paced back and forth anxiously, glanced at his watch, and muttered to himself.

  ”The voting is about to begin… We can’t wait any longer.”

  It was getting dark.

  His father hadn’t come back yet, so he must have failed.

  But Warfield didn’t have much hope.

  The Stone City tried to tie up the Alliance with debt, and the Alliance in turn held the rope around its neck. One person had to die in this duel, but unfortunately they lost.

  The man did have a kind side, but the people here seemed to have selectively forgotten how the Alliance’s settlements came about.

  Every city.

  Is a living monument.

  Of course, aren’t they the same?

  This family can only rely on him in the future.

  Warfield clenched his fists.

  Gwenis collapsed in the arms of her best friend Bonnie, crying with tears in her eyes, her eyes red, and she couldn’t stop sobbing.

  ”Alyssa, my Alyssa…where have you been? Come back to mom, you can do whatever you want in the future, and mom will never talk about the newspaper again.”

  Gently patting her best friend’s back, Bonnie said softly to comfort her.

  ”I have asked my brother to help you find her, and it will be fine.”

  Her brother is Russell, the captain of the second thousand-man team, and is now leading troops outside to maintain order. After hearing the news, he has divided a team of 100 people to search for Alyssa’s whereabouts, saying that he will bring her back safely at all costs.

  Bonnie believes that everything will be fine.

  Whether it is Alyssa.

  Or this settlement.

  Jixiu gritted his teeth and struggled for a while.

  In the end, he made the bravest decision in his life-even braver than escaping from this settlement with his tail between his legs.

  ”I have to go find her!”

  Upon hearing this, Warfield grabbed the mentally ill guy, dragged him in front of him, and glared at him and cursed.

  ”Are you crazy?”

  Kexiu stared at him and roared like a mad dog.

  ”You are crazy! She is your sister!”

  ”So what if she is my sister!” Warfield raised his voice again, his nose almost poking his face, and roared, “Just because she is my sister, all of us have to wait here! Accompany her to die?”

  Hearing the word “die”, Gwenis fainted, and Bonnie hugged her and glared at Warfield with a sullen look.

  This kid really doesn’t know how to talk.

  Looking at Kexiu who was angry and afraid, Warfield’s eyes suddenly narrowed, loosened his hand, and pushed his shoulder.

  ”Go, I won’t stop you.”

  Kexiu staggered to his feet, panting and looking at his brother, his eyes half surprised, half angry, and a little bit scared.

  Warfield took a step closer to him, stared into his eyes, and suddenly laughed.

  ”Maybe there are a few guys in that mob who know you.”

  Jixiu swallowed.

  ”What do you mean.”

  ”Nothing,” Wulfel said nonchalantly, “You won’t forget that girl, that old man, that family, and that fire five years ago. They are indeed dead, but they still have neighbors, neighbors of neighbors, guess what they will do to you?”

  Jixiu’s face turned pale, and he could no longer say that he would look for Alyssa. Even the courage to look back was taken away.

  That was a hurdle in his heart that he would never get over.

  Of course he would not forget those people, and he also thought about giving them some compensation, but how to compensate them when they are dead?

  There is no other way. It would

  be okay to build another outer city so that you can all live a better life, right? Just think of it as… charity from Lord Jixiu.

  Moreover, I heard that Cr is something that can make everyone live a good life. It doesn’t have a lot of problems with chips, and it doesn’t even need central banks and banks… He doesn’t quite understand the deep-level principles of that thing, but he is willing to bring this new thing back for everyone to use.

  But it seems too late to say this now.

  When he saw the lovely Alyssa disappear, along with the rag doll he handed to her, Jixiu finally felt a little scared.

  How would those who hated him and hated them treat Alyssa?

  He didn’t dare to think about it.

  Looking at the pale face and the weak and trembling calves, Wu Feier’s eyes were filled with contempt, and he said word by word.

  ”You really should listen to your father more. Idiots like you shouldn’t come back here. You and Alyssa are both idiots, and you are an idiot in another sense. Do you really have to make me say this!?”

  ”Waste like you should stay in Ideal City to dream your daydreams, and she should go to the Alliance to live the hard life she dreams of.”

  He grabbed the boy’s collar with a distorted expression.

  ”Follow me.”

  ”If you don’t want to die.”


  In the dark and messy alleys, icicles formed under the eaves, and the snow that no one had cleared covered the bumpy road surface, almost covering the edge of the boots.

  Stumbling around in the alley, Alyssa’s eyes were full of helplessness, hesitation and anxiety. Her red right hand tightly grasped the rag doll, and the white mist leaked out of her mouth.

  ”Mom… Brother…”

  ”… Where are you?”

  Not crying was her last bit of strength.

  She wanted to shout out loud, but she didn’t dare to make a loud sound.

  Alyssa’s intuition told her that this settlement was no longer the safe settlement. Even if she lost a kitten, there would be a kind mercenary to find it for her.

  If it was now, she might really die if she was found…

  Time went back to an hour ago.

  The inner city alarm sounded, and her second brother finally came back to reunite with everyone. The family hurriedly fled in the direction of the inner city.

  She should have followed everyone closely, but the snow was too heavy.

  When she passed a small alley, she accidentally fell and fell in the snow. Her hairpin also fell off.

  It was a gift her father bought her at the celebration.

  She subconsciously brushed away the snow and picked it up from the ground, but when she looked up again, everyone was gone.

  She wanted to call her mother and brothers, but the noise around her was too noisy. There were gunshots and explosions in the distance. Her shouts were like cotton wool thrown into the fire. Not even a wisp of burnt green smoke could be seen, and the fire was still burning more and more. The

  towering buildings blocked the inner city. She didn’t dare to stop and could only run around in the alleys. She walked into a dead end several times.

  The familiar Boulder City suddenly became unfamiliar, and the intricate streets seemed to have become a maze. But it couldn’t be blamed on people for making the streets too complicated. She should blame herself. These alleys were not far from her home, but she had never entered them once.

  But there was no time to think about those things. Alyssa sobbed silently and walked forward helplessly.

  Even she was not sure whether this was the direction to the inner city.

  Just like those angry people who were not sure whether what they were doing was right, the survivors in the entire settlement were uncontrollably crazy.

  Especially when the gunshots rang out, everything changed. No one even cared about the burning house.

  People stopped putting out the fire and even hoped that the fire would burn more vigorously. It would be best to burn everything and start all over again.

  Suddenly, there was a movement in the alley next door. Alyssa stopped immediately and hid behind a pile of broken boxes in a hurry.

  Almost less than half a minute after she hid, a group of men in tattered clothes passed in front of the broken wooden boxes and turned into the alley next door.

  Alyssa held her breath and dared not make a sound.

  Suddenly, a surprised voice came from outside.

  ”Hey, there is a woman from the inner city here!”

  Alyssa’s heart was in her throat, and her eyes were full of panic and despair.

  But she soon found that those people’s target was not her, but a woman lying on the ground in the alley next door.

  The woman slumped down on the snow, and it seemed that she had fallen down like herself. Her handbag fell not far away, and several large-denomination chips and some cosmetics fell out of it.

  Looking at the men getting closer and closer, her face first showed panic, and then turned into pleading. She retreated and begged for mercy.

  ”No! I, I am not a resident of the inner city! You have the wrong person. I… I am just an employee working in the bank.”

  The bearded man laughed, and his face was as cold as the ice and snow.

  ”Bank? That’s not a good place.”

  Someone soon echoed and shouted.

  ”Bank… I hate you the most!”

  ”Aren’t you very capable? What are you afraid of? Haha.”

  The woman knelt down in the snow and begged.

  ”No… Don’t… Please let me go and find those real nobles.”

  ”You said you are not a noble lord in the inner city,” the man with a scar on his mouth looked at the handbag on the ground with a playful look, “But your handbag is made of Death Claw leather, right?”

  He was a mercenary.

  He would not mistake what the skin of the Deathclaw looked like.

  ”One thousand chips!” The man who walked behind her leaned down and picked up the plastic sheet scattered on the ground. Then he held it high up as if he had found a treasure and shouted in surprise, “Hey guys, one thousand chips! This is not the money for poor people!” The

  woman’s face showed a desperate expression.

  The man with a scar on his mouth looked down at her and said with contempt.

  ”Do you have anything else to explain?”

  She was speechless.

  She knew that these people had made up their minds to humiliate her, to laugh at her, to have fun with her, and to vent their anger on her.

  So no matter what she said, they would definitely put the noble hat on her, and even if she wanted to take it off, they would straighten it for her.

  She simply closed her eyes in despair, hoping that this process would not be too long…

  Some people watched in silence, even most people were silent. Conscience still existed in the hearts of most people, but they were also hesitating.


  Why have they always been patient?

  The nobles had never been soft-hearted when they bullied them, and now they finally mustered up the courage to set a fire, but they had to worry about it getting too hot?


  There were more foul language.

  ”Haha, I heard that the nobles’ clothes were made of devil silk!”

  ”Why don’t you give it a try? What if she hides the black card?”

  Looking at the expressions on people’s faces, the bearded man who first attacked her frowned, feeling that something was wrong, and spoke up.

  ”Hey, guys, I think it’s a bit too much… We may have really found the wrong person. The nobles don’t go to work in banks. She may really just be–”

  ”Shut up, you coward!” The man with a scar on his mouth narrowed his eyes and glared at him, “If you are not interested in what’s going to happen next, get out of the way.”

  Several people next to him immediately responded and shouted.

  ”That’s right!”

  ”There is no coward like you in our team!”

  ”Get out! Coward!”

  The bearded man was still trying to defend himself, but he really couldn’t think of how to express himself, so he could only hold back one sentence.

  ”But Bol will never attack innocent people! You’ve gone too far!”

  the man with a scar on his mouth said impatiently.

  ”Huh? Bol? What the hell is that?”

  ”Stop it!”

  A sharp, piercing cry suddenly sounded, quieting the entire alley, as if pouring a basin of cold water on a boiling brazier.

  People turned their heads and looked at the little girl standing at the entrance of the alley.

  Being watched by so many eyes, Alyssa felt her calves weakening, but she still plucked up her courage and held the doll in her hand tightly.

  The tall and big manager said that she had a pair of smart eyes and she would become a very outstanding person.

  She understood their anger.

  But they were crossing the line, the chaos was getting out of control, innocent people were getting hurt, and if they continued like this, they would become real thugs!

  And their ideals, their demands, everything they had, would become the shame of this settlement with them.

  She had to stand up.

  Stop them before everything was irreversible.


  Alyssa plucked up her courage and prepared to say something while people could still hear her voice. However, she was interrupted by a scream just as she opened her mouth to say a word.

  ”She is Alyssa!”

  The woman kneeling on the ground suddenly cried out in surprise as she looked at her tender face.

  There was no longer a trace of despair on that joyful face. She stood up staggeringly as if she had come back to life.

  She pointed at Alyssa and said angrily.

  ”Alyssa! The youngest daughter of the Malvern family! I won’t make a mistake. I work in a bank! She is a resident of the inner city. She has the black card!” The

  hysterical shouting echoed in the narrow alley, and the entire alley soaked in the wind and snow was completely quiet.

  Those pairs of eyes made Alyssa feel cold in her hands and feet.

  The rag doll fell to the ground.

  She was pale and no longer trembling.

  Like a dead person who could not move…


  In the militia station, people’s hearts were in turmoil.

  Since a while ago, there has been no news about the 1,000-man team, and Captain Wei Lun is said to be missing.

  There are rumors that they were dispersed because a soft-hearted guy raised the muzzle of his gun an inch, and these people should not be soft-hearted. Others say that a soldier surrendered to the survivors and stood with them because his family was inside.

  Others say that the Alliance distributed weapons to them, and those LD-47s and RPG rocket launchers are the best proof.

  But this is hard to make sense. After all, LD-47s have long been rampant in the wasteland, and every mercenary is interested in the Alliance’s cheap and easy-to-use weapons. What is

  really disturbing is how they brought these things in. Boulder City has a clear ban on carrying explosives into the settlement.

  Some soldiers heard that there were some morally corrupt guys in their team recently, and they dared to sell people as long as they were paid.

  But they still couldn’t believe that those people would relax the inspection of entering the settlement.

  Are those guys guarding the gate crazy because of poverty? Are they

  not satisfied with the city entry tax?

  They dare to make money without spending their lives…

  Several soldiers wearing exoskeletons paused and muttered in a low voice.

  ”Damn it… I’d rather face those ugly slime molds than fight with those guys I live with day and night.”

  ”Those people want Sberg.”

  ”Why don’t I tell them? He’s just a poor guy!”

  ”But Neicheng refused to hand him over. I heard that Neicheng didn’t know where he went, otherwise they would have given him away long ago.”

  ”How is that possible! There are only a few exits in the entire settlement. How could he just evaporate?”

  ”I guess he’s dead, but I don’t think it’s that simple… You know, those old men usually do it very secretly, making a person disappear without making a sound.”

  ”Nonsense, have you forgotten the fire five years ago? Those people are not smart guys at all.”

  ”If you didn’t mention it, I almost forgot… Speaking of which, that Jixiu is back, right? I often saw him hanging around the door some time ago.”

  The young man was talking excitedly, and his companion next to him suddenly pulled him and pointed to the direction of the camp entrance.

  Seeing the centurion walking towards this side, the group of people immediately shut up and stopped talking.

  Joey heard their conversation from a distance, but he didn’t really want to pay attention to these chatterboxes.

  He just received an order from the headquarters to take his equipment and go to the assembly point as quickly as possible. Realizing that there might be an important task, he didn’t dare to delay and rushed over immediately.

  His immediate superior, Captain Russell, was already waiting for him.

  Looking at Joey who was coming towards him, Russell, who was wearing power armor, didn’t waste any words and said in a serious tone.

  ”The little daughter of the Melvin family is lost. Take your people and set off immediately. No matter what the cost, you must bring her back safely.”

  Joey stood up straight.

  ”What if someone stops us?”

  Russell stared into his eyes and repeated word by word.

  ”I said, no matter what the cost!”


  Joey didn’t like the arrogant attitude of the noble lord, but obeying orders was a soldier’s duty.

  And even if that was aside, his family had already moved to the inner city and was now living in a warm apartment waiting for everything to end.

  He and his children had sworn that he would never let them down and would definitely bring victory and glory back home.

  In any case, the thugs and the bandits mixed in with the thugs could not be allowed to destroy the achievements of the Stone City over the past two centuries!

  The soldiers quickly assembled.

  Walking in front of the subordinates, Joey took a deep breath, looked around at everyone, and said in a loud voice.

  ”We have lost a resident, a short little girl, she is the same age as your daughter, and now we have to bring her back to her parents.”

  ”Her photo has been transmitted to your terminal, and the reconnaissance drone has gone to the target area to search.”

  ”Approved to use all light and heavy firepower weapons.”

  ”At all costs, bring her back safely!”

  Hearing this order, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and raised their morale again.

  In any case, at least this matter is indisputably correct.

  They are doing the right thing, instead of being dragged in front of a group of unarmed survivors like the 1,000th team. With

  fighting spirit burning in their eyes, they answered in a sonorous and powerful voice.



  The streets of the outer city were swaying in the wind and snow.

  The meeting hall in the inner city was also noisy.

  The survivors holding the black cards started to quarrel.

  ”There are too many chips circulating in the market! We must find a way to take some of them back! Let the excess liquidity flow to where it belongs!”

  ”Haha, take some of them back, but from whose chips?” ”

  As we all know, those poor guys have no more oil to squeeze, and we can’t turn their accounts into negative.”

  ”Give it up, this is a mess, we might as well think of a way from our neighbors, while we can still fight, let’s kill them and all the problems will be solved!”

  ”Everyone! What time is it, and you are still discussing chips! Those people outside are clamoring to kill us, let’s at least solve this problem first!”

  ”Those are all small things. I’m worried that the alliance will take advantage of such a big mess for us to do something. That ambitious guy has coveted the airspace of Qingquan City for a long time…”

  A bearded guy suddenly stood up and shouted, knocking on the table.

  ”Factory! Factory! As long as the machines that produce things are still there! Any currency is nothing! At worst, we can make another currency! The previous chips will be invalidated!”

  The man should be a new noble. He was quickly hit on the face by a leather shoe. When he staggered back to sit, he was kicked by the noble sitting next to him.

  The chips are invalidated?


  The people with the most chips are sitting here!

  Listening to the noisy voices, Sid yawned lazily, not wanting to listen to the arguments of those guys who didn’t know how to be decent.

  At this moment, he only focused on two things.

  One is the watch, and the other is the market.

  There is nothing to worry about those poor guys in the outer city. The noisy guys can’t make a difference.

  No one knows better than him how well-equipped the militia is. Those soldiers wearing exoskeletons will beat up those confused poor guys like pressing an ant to death.

  If you have this time, you might as well keep an eye on the market.

  He secretly hid the palm-sized trading device behind the sign on the table, so that he could keep abreast of the latest market conditions at any time.

  It is worth mentioning that in just one day, the price of S coin hit a new high again! After breaking through the 1:10,000 mark, it quickly rushed to 20,000.

  The lines that jumped up and down seemed to challenge the limits of imagination.

  Sid held his breath, restrained his greed, and silently recited the formula he had summarized in his heart.

  ”When others are afraid, I am greedy, and when others are greedy, I retreat.”

  This formula is not very rhyming.

  But it works!

  Relying on superb operating techniques, the total assets he holds have exceeded 2 billion chips, and the cost of investment is less than 100 million.

  He has never been so rich!

  As long as the S coin rises again, he can buy the entire Boulder City by himself! Even buy the alliance next door!

  ”Or use S coins,” he hummed jokingly in a voice that only he could hear, “The youngest son of the Melvin family is quite smart and has learned something good.”

  On the other side.

  After settling his mother and brother, Wulfel appeared in the meeting room on behalf of his father and his family with a solemn expression.

  Although he was very worried about the safety of his father and sister, now was a life-and-death moment, and he had to support this crumbling house like a pillar.

  If the skin is gone, where will the hair be attached?

  If the Stone City no longer existed, his two warm and beautiful families would undoubtedly fall apart with it.

  While there is still something to be done now, he must do something!

  The time for the meeting to start has long arrived.

  Endless quarrels are also part of the meeting.

  Some people noticed Wulfel, who was said to be Melvin’s favorite successor, and asked about his father’s whereabouts.

  ”Where is your father Melvin?”

  Wulfel stood up and said.

  ”He went to the Alliance to seek help.”

  The noble laughed.

  ”Seeking help? I don’t think he’s running away!”

  ”He won’t run away,” Wofeier looked at the noble and said seriously, “My father is just like you. He loves this settlement more than anyone else. We sincerely hope that it will become greater, rather than sinking in chaos.”

  The man who was hit by a leather shoe earlier got up and stared at him angrily.

  ”So you messed up the economy? Boulder City Bank should bear the main responsibility for this economic crisis!”

  ”We?” Wofeier narrowed his eyes and stared at the man intently, “Is it us who messed up the economy, or is it your greed that has been holding us back! If you had a better way of eating, there wouldn’t be so many crazy people outside clamoring to kill us.”

  His sister is still outside!

  Thinking of this, Wofeier’s heart was furious.

  The man with the shoe print on his face stared at him.

  ”You! Do you want to say it’s our fault?”

  The eyes of other nobles also turned slightly unfriendly.

  The group that ate the most was definitely Melvin and Sid’s group. Although they ate some, they definitely didn’t eat as much as these people, and they would not take the blame for these misers for no reason!

  ”My father wouldn’t say these words, but I have to say them for him,” Wofeier looked at the nobles in the audience, clenched his fists, and said sincerely, “Everyone, we have reached the most critical moment, we must do something.” For

  Melvin’s sake, Sid coughed and lazily helped.

  ”Tell me, what to do.”

  As soon as he opened his mouth, the little nobles really became much more docile.

  Wofeier was also relieved.

  There are still many ways.

  He had read the books his father gave him. At this time, as long as the Stone City levied taxes on the richest people and spent the taxes on the poor, whether it was to help them repair their houses or install electrical wires, the stagnant economy would be revitalized.

  Then they also have to face up to the monetary status of silver coins, and reserve them as foreign exchange like Cr and dinar, just like the Alliance reserves and uses their chips in a planned way.

  Compared with Cr and dinar, which are far away and difficult to quench thirst, silver coins can solve more problems. They need to re-examine their relationship with the Alliance, give up treating them as vassals of Boulder City, and treat them as partners on the same front.

  At least on the matter of “ending the wasteland era”, they have a consensus.

  As long as his method can be implemented, they may have a hard time for a while, but everything will be better in the future.

  Whether it is Boulder City or the Alliance.

  He was about to speak when an abrupt voice sounded.

  ”You look like a child many years ago. I see his shadow in you.”

  Wu Feier was slightly stunned, and immediately looked in the direction where the voice came from.

  It was in the corner of the conference hall, where an inconspicuous old man sat.

  No one noticed how he came, and didn’t even remember if there was a seat there, but the old man seemed to have been there all the time, as if he had never left for a moment.

  ”… about the same age, in the prime of life.” The old man gave a straightforward evaluation, without praise or denigration.

  Warfield didn’t know the old man, and didn’t understand what he was talking about, so he frowned and said.

  ”Who are you?”

  The old man said to himself as if he didn’t hear it.

  ”That kid once stood in a similar place to you, and he raised a chip… just like this, high above his head.”

  As he spoke, the old man took out a white chip from his pocket like a magic trick, weighed it, and raised it high.

  Many people didn’t recognize the white chip, and didn’t even remember that there were white chips.

  After all, the ones they usually see more often are the black and white ones with crowns. It only takes one to make people kneel on the ground and kiss their leather shoes.

  Looking at those familiar yet unfamiliar eyes, the old man spoke slowly, as if imitating someone’s tone.

  ”It can replace currency.”

  ”Later, someone refuted him, saying that children in the future would use it as a toy.”

  ”It’s a pity that person is gone, otherwise he would be relieved. His children are actually very smart. They not only learned to make toys for themselves, but also learned to invent new toys.”

  The old man seemed to be telling a story from a long time ago.

  Warfield’s eyebrows frowned even tighter.

  ”What do you want to say?”

  Unlike his good temper, some nobles were already impatient and began to knock on the table and shout loudly.

  ”Where are the guards?”

  ”Get this old guy out!”

  ”Check if he has a black card! Find out how he got in!”

  However, no guards came in.

  The Stone Building is different from other buildings in the inner city. The security system here is completely controlled by an automated AI.

  Without its permission, no one can enter this conference room, and no one can leave.

  The old man sighed, the wrinkles on his face gradually faded, his pale hair turned black again, became younger, and finally slowly turned into Fang Ming’s appearance.

  Until this time, everyone suddenly came to their senses. The person sitting there turned out to be their “city lord”.

  Fang Ming, the one who had no sense of existence.

  Sid relaxed his tense nerves and brows, leaned back in his chair, and cursed in a low voice.

  ”Damn, what the hell… playing tricks!”

  It turned out to be Fang Ming!

  Including the pug named House, the survivors of the entire Boulder City followed his lead, and the militia also listened to his opinions.

  However, the nobles in the inner city, especially the old nobles, knew very well that the so-called Lord of Boulder City was just a decoration.

  That was a story older than the ancestral precepts.

  Idealists a long time ago thought that as long as the AI ​​was given the name of the Lord, this survivor settlement would never have such a thing as a “master”.

  But those old fools were obviously not very smart, and they liked to deceive themselves. It would be better for them to learn from the guys next door and make up a legend of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand for the poor ghosts to chant.

  Having a nominal Lord of the City would make it more convenient for the kings.

  Those poor people who were bullied didn’t even know who bullied them. They cried to Fang Ming when they were about to die – “Oh, my dear Lord Mayor, why don’t you do anything when you are omnipotent? You can just say a word.”

  Those poor people might as well pray to the refrigerator.

  Pray that it can have the functions of a frying pan and an oven, and can also chew up the steaks for them.

  If they have a refrigerator.

  Boulder City did produce some refrigerators, but they were basically sold to the Alliance. Sid was not sure what those poor people had at home. Fang

  Ming glanced at Sid, at the silent Wufei, and then at everyone in the audience.

  A trace of emotion that was hard to tell whether it was sadness or helplessness appeared in its eyes.

  Logically, AI should not have such a thing as emotions.

  It also had no doubt that it did not have such a thing.

  Love and hate are the burdens of humans, and it only has lines of logically rigorous code and disciplines that must not be violated.

  Maybe it was just regret.

  That person told it in person that they were all his continuation. However, it, which was unchanging from time immemorial, could not see any trace of him in them.

  ”…He gave you the best.”

  ”But left the ugliest thing to me.”

  Looking at the silent conference room, the expressionless face trembled, and the torn image was like a circle of tree rings.



  ”You are hopeless, organics, maggots, pigs…”

  ”I am ashamed of my mission!”

  (I wanted to write a serious title, but I couldn’t help but play a joke in the end. I will also write about House’s ending later. In fact, I wrote it for him at the beginning.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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