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Chapter 543 The End of Reincarnation is Nirvana

Chapter 543 The End of Reincarnation is Nirvana


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 543 The End of Reincarnation is Nirvana

  The snow was falling heavier.

  The howling cold wind rolled up the silver-white sky, and the snowflakes falling from the heaven seemed to engulf every subject who looked up at it.

  Joey, wearing a heavy exoskeleton, looked up at the low sky.

  Is it because it is getting dark?

  The clouds seem to be getting lower and lower.

  For a moment, he suddenly felt that this settlement was like a well, and everyone trapped in the well was like a beast, wishing to bite a piece of meat from other beasts…

  ”Alyssa has been found!”

  The voice from the communication channel interrupted Joey’s thoughts.

  The technical team operating the military drone has locked Alyssa’s coordinates, and the location is shown in an alley leading to the outer city.

  Aerial footage followed.

  Seeing her standing with a group of rioters, Joey’s heart tightened, and his index finger quickly tapped on the helmet, and he opened his mouth and gave orders loudly.

  ”Attention, teams. The target location has been uploaded to your terminals. We must bring her back to her parents before the situation becomes irreversible.”


  A uniform response came from the communication channel.


  Without any pause, Joey waved his hand and led his men behind him to the direction of the alley.

  The girl was about the same age as his daughter.

  Although he did not like some of Melvin’s practices, which made everyone’s life “rich and poor”, the child was innocent.

  In any case, he still hoped that Alyssa could return to her parents safely.

  He had promised his children.

  He would be their role model.

  He would bring back victory and glory…


  In the alley.

  The girl, frozen by the wind and snow, slowly knelt on the ground.

  ”I’m sorry…”

  She lowered her head, her red eyes full of sadness.

  ”My father, mother, sister, and brothers have done a lot of very excessive things. You must be extremely angry…”

  ”I can understand the anger in your hearts. If someone does something very bad to someone around me, I will also be very angry… I’m sorry.”

  ”I know that it’s useless to apologize. This has happened countless times, and the ending every time is perfunctory. You have been unable to bear it, so you stand up… Although I know that everything is too late, I still want to say that I am really sorry.”

  ”I won’t beg you to give me another chance in a mean way. You can hit me or scold me…”

  ”I won’t say anything, and I won’t blame you.” Her

  red eyes were filled with tears, and bean-sized tears fell on the snow.

  She knew that crying was not good.

  Even when she was most helpless, she didn’t cry out loud.

  But at this moment, apart from crying, she didn’t know what to do.

  No matter what she said, no one would really listen, and she really had no other way.

  The 1 silver coin hairpin is also very cute.

  However, she couldn’t even convince her father, mother, and brother… How could she convince others?

  The bearded man walked up to her. He was wearing very torn clothes, and his pants were covered with dust and sawdust.

  Feeling the shadow covering her, Alyssa, who had her eyes tightly closed, trembled a little, shrank her neck, and prepared to be beaten.

  But the man did not beat her, nor did he kick her away. He just bent down to pick up something and handed it to her.


  Her tear-blurred eyelashes opened a crack, and when she saw the thing that came into her eyes, surprise gradually appeared in Alyssa’s eyes.

  It was the rag doll she dropped on the ground.

  ”Your toy fell, take it… It’s pretty, prettier than my girl’s skirt, it’s a pity to get it dirty.”

  The man muttered.

  Alyssa hesitated and did not reach out her hand. The man did not waste words and directly stuffed it into her hand, watching her eyes widen in surprise.

  ”Listen, we didn’t intend to burn down all your houses and make a scene to steal everything inside. When Sperger was reading the newspaper, he often told us that we should unite and take back what originally belonged to us… our wages, our dignity. He never told us to rob other people’s wallets.”

  ”We don’t intend to become you.”

  ”If we become the new Master Stephen, more Bol will stand up against us in the future and do what we are doing again… this cycle will never end.”

  The man stretched out his hand and pulled her up from the snow.

  ”My name is Lovett, a carpenter.”

  ”I’m glad you stood up and scolded those lunatics. You are a good girl and did a great thing. On behalf of the workers, I sincerely thank you. We will send you back to your parents.”


  Lovett turned around and looked at the crowd behind him, shouting with all her strength, like a real awakener.

  ”We will do what Bol should do!”

  That was the slogan when the workers first made up their minds.

  They left their marks on Kent, drew a line between themselves and the traitors in the team, and stated their position.

  This was not an act of violence without a program!

  They were not going to become Master Stephen!

  But to do what Paul should do!

  As long as they are united –

  all Master Stephen will be afraid!

  Just like now –

  everything will change after victory!

  The crowd was in an uproar, and people seemed to remember something. After a brief silence, more and more people raised their hands.

  ”That’s right!”

  ”We are going to do what Paul should do!”

  They recognized his declaration.

  I don’t know how these people suddenly found a common language. The man with a scar on the corner of his mouth widened his eyes, staring at these crazy guys in disbelief, and shouted hysterically.

  ”…Are you crazy?!”

  ”This is an uprising! Do you know what uprising means?!”

  ”Let’s take a step back. If you want Sberg, why don’t you just take this guy as a hostage? You actually want to stand with her! And send her back!”

  ”Childish!! Stupid!”

  He was a mercenary with endless energy. Maybe he would wake up soon. He shouted hysterically with a louder voice than usual, trying to make these people “wake up”.

  The reason why he mixed into the team was simple. It had nothing to do with Sberg or bread. He just wanted to find fun that he couldn’t find in those glamorous guys.

  For example, the female bank clerk with exquisite makeup was not bad. Both her appearance and temperament were very much to his taste. She was completely different from those stinky wastelanders outside. If everyone wanted to make trouble for that little girl, he could treat her well. Are

  n’t these guys eager to hang all the nobles on the giant wall?

  Why can’t they do it suddenly?

  And –

  what is that Bol? !

  Why do they all listen to him?

  More and more people left the strongest guy and stood with the guy named Lovett.

  Perhaps in countless possibilities, they all stood on the side of the real thugs, but at least they didn’t want to do so at this moment.

  They wanted to stand on the side that they recognized as justice in their hearts.

  Lovett stared at the mercenary-looking man and said word by word.

  ”That’s two different things.”

  ”We want to rescue our fellow workers, but we won’t let the rescued partners feel ashamed or even ashamed to be with us.”

  Being watched by a pair of eyes, the man with a scar on the corner of his mouth took a step back unconsciously, and his companions did the same.

  In fact, they looked down on these honest people who worked hard and endured exploitation from the bottom of their hearts. They would rather work in the factory than fight for a way out in the wasteland.

  Of course, he himself was not a good thing. Most of the time, he took the master’s chips and acted as the master’s running dog.

  However, at this moment, facing a group of united workers, he really couldn’t muster the courage to fight with them.

  He has strength, and they have no less.

  He has weapons, and they have them too.

  He threatened with a weak voice.

  ”Your innocence will kill you…”

  Looking at this coward, Lovett sneered.

  ”Then die a glorious death.”

  Perhaps being a smart guy can make you live a peaceful life, or even become a glamorous elite, or at least become a “Ken” with 25 chips.

  But it’s a pity.

  They were not born that kind of person!

  Unable to hear people’s quarrels, the woman standing in the snow stared at the little girl, with complex emotions changing in her eyes.

  There was guilt, regret, and a trace of deep despair.

  Her job must be over…

  No, not just the job.

  But also her future life.

  Little Alyssa will definitely complain to her father.

  If Master Melvin knew that he had betrayed his most precious little daughter, he would definitely sell her to a cave that would never see the light of day.

  If only this annoying guy died–


  A gunshot suddenly came from a distance.

  She had just stood up, and like a frightened rabbit, she squatted on the ground with her head in her hands, screaming.

  People looked in the direction of the gunshots, and saw a group of fully armed soldiers wearing exoskeletons standing at the end of the alley.

  Looking at the ragged survivors and Alyssa standing among them, Joey’s eyes flashed with anger.

  He raised his rifle and fired a few blank shots as a demonstration, then aimed at Lovett, who was staring at him, and roared.

  ”Let her go!”

  ”Or you will all die!”

  These people can no longer be called demonstrators.

  They are a group of thugs!

  His men may be merciful to the unarmed survivors, but they will never be soft-hearted when facing these thugs.

  ”Stop it!”

  Alyssa suddenly stood up, opened her arms and blocked everyone in front of her, with fear in her pupils, but she did not retreat.

  Joey looked at her in surprise and shouted loudly.

  ”Come here, Alyssa! Stay away from those thugs!”


  Alyssa looked at him firmly, her arms across the cold wind without any wavering, “They are not thugs, they are all survivors of Boulder City!”

  ”I want to stand with them.”

  ”Let’s go and make things clear with the residents of the inner city!”

  Joey looked at her blankly, turned off the safety of his rifle, and shouted.

  ”Are you crazy?! Do you know what you are doing?!”

  The soldiers behind him were also stunned, exchanging glances and whispering in the communication channel.

  ”Is her brain frozen?”

  ”Make things clear with the residents of the inner city? What else is there to say.”

  ”I bet her father will beat her ass with a belt.”

  ”But…she is also a resident of the inner city.”

  ”So what? She doesn’t look that old, and she’s still holding a rag doll at this time.”

  Lovett was the same, staring blankly at the back of the little girl.

  ”Stand with us, please…”

  Alyssa stared at Joey, her voice pleading, and suddenly knelt on the ground.

  ”No matter what you say to me…”

  ”This is our last chance.”


  It’s not just the Stone City that is snowing heavily, but also the Dawn City, which is only 20 to 30 kilometers away.

  Melvin walked out of the Alliance Building in a daze, as if he had lost his soul, and stepped on the snow one by one, which would soon be submerged.

  At this time, his most respected eldest son was probably making his last effort at the meeting…but it was useless.

  If he could convince everyone to eat less, he wouldn’t have to come here to beg a heartless guy.

  ”Can you give me a cigarette?”

  Lu Bei, who was following behind him, said expressionlessly.

  ”I don’t smoke that stuff.”

  He hated this guy.

  This guy is like a chameleon, white in the snow, black under the stove, and green in spring.

  It is precisely because the Stone City is full of “smart people” like this guy that the arrogant Stone City turns a blind eye to the wasteland separated by a wall.

  Not only that.

  Lu Bei’s intuition tells him that this guy hates his most respected administrator from the bottom of his heart, and he hates it from the bottom of his heart.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  The disgust of shameless people is also a kind of medal.

  The administrator always tells him that they just need to go their own way and don’t have to wait for others to judge.

  ”Don’t smoke that stuff? Haha… It’s really not a good thing. Once you get involved, you can’t quit. Don’t touch it if you can.”

  It would be better if you didn’t have it in the first place.

  Melvin laughed at himself and shook his head.

  The weather is getting colder and colder.

  I should have worn more clothes when I went out.

  He walked outside the Alliance Building and saw the young man with a gun on his back following him. He frowned and asked.

  ”How long will you stay with me?”

  Lü Bei replied expressionlessly.

  ”The manager said that I should keep an eye on you until the chaos in Boulder City ends, or you completely leave the Alliance.”

  Melvin raised his eyebrows.

  ”That’s it?”

  Lü Bei continued.

  ”He also said that if you want to die, he will fish you out and throw you outside to die.”

  Melvin was stunned and said with a smile.

  ”I am actually that kind of person in his heart… I feel honored, really.”

  ”He said that you didn’t run away from Boulder City with your family, and you still have a little sense of responsibility in your heart.”

  Hearing this answer, Melvin said disdainfully.

  ”Maybe I am just obsessed with the power there, the power comparable to that of an emperor… After all, you can’t give me that kind of thing.”

  ”Who cares about you,” Lü Bei didn’t care about his words, and was too lazy to care, “At least in the Alliance, no one can be an emperor.”

  Melvin laughed and asked maliciously.

  ”Including your manager?”

  Lü Bei said indifferently.

  ”He said he would slowly return the power he borrowed from us, and then keep watching us until he closes his eyes.”

  He remembered every word Chu Guang said.

  Although Lu Bei felt that it would be better for the adult to hold the power in his own hands forever than to let the cunning jackal in front of him think about it.

  He swore that he would be loyal forever, and he was willing to be his sword and to eliminate all those who opposed him for him.

  Whether they were residents of the shelter

  or wastelanders.

  Looking at this not-so-bright boy, Melvin sneered.

  ”What about after he closes his eyes?”

  Lu Bei said calmly.

  ”I’ll watch for him.”

  ”What if you leave too?”

  ”Everyone will watch for him,” Lu Bei said impatiently, “You don’t have to worry about our affairs, just like we are too lazy to worry about your shitty things.”

  Melvin laughed and stopped talking.

  He felt that the alliance was actually no different from them. They all had a magnificent beginning and a promising future.

  Of course, this might just be his personal opinion.

  On the bright side, they are still a little different.

  The extreme climate in the wasteland is also slowly improving, and the death claws that were thought to be untamable are gradually being tamed…

  The Stone City has been trapped in that cage for a long time, but they are still actively going out. It is said that the farthest place has even reached the Great Desert.

  That is a place he has never been to in his life, and he has only recently heard of such a place.

  Maybe the Alliance will have a different ending from the Stone City.

  For a moment, Melvin suddenly didn’t hate that idealist so much.

  Even the slime mold is making progress, but they are trapped in a well that towers into the sky, repeating an endless cycle.

  Even if the Alliance lets them go, a few hundred years later there will be a guy who is “not called Melvin, but better than Melvin” who will kneel humbly in front of the wastelanders outside the giant wall and beg them to show mercy…

  This is too tiring.

  Let’s end it early.

  ”… Before I came to the Alliance, I opened an account for Alyssa,” Melvin’s Adam’s apple moved, “There are some silver coins in it, enough for her to have food and clothing for the rest of her life.”

  Lu Bei frowned.

  ”Who is she?”

  ”My daughter,” looking at the young man next to him, Melvin’s voice suddenly took on a hint of pleading, “Please tell the administrator that she is innocent. The child has always lived in a fairy-tale world. Please don’t implicate her after we leave, at least don’t settle accounts with her.”

  Money alone is useless.

  He knows better than anyone how insignificant money is in front of power.

  The administrator only needs one sentence to confiscate all her property.

  For example, declare that the deposits belong to all the residents of Boulder City, and then throw her to the angry mob.

  The adult doesn’t even have to do a bad thing.

  People will cheer for his correctness and wisdom.

  No one will go into whether a piece of falling dust is innocent.

  Looking at this ugly guy, Lu Bei curled his lips.

  ”Don’t worry, we are different from you. We are too lazy to settle those old scores that will never be settled, and we are too lazy to care about you.”

  ”The administrator said that we want to end the wasteland, not a certain person.”

  Melvin breathed a sigh of relief.

  Just take this sentence as true.


  at least they are still young now, and they still need to use those high-sounding kindness to deceive the inexperienced wastelanders.

  However, before he had time to rejoice, Lu Bei’s next sentence made his heart rise to his throat again.

  ”As for your ending, that is a matter for the residents of Boulder City to decide. You said so much nonsense, but your family is still in there.”

  ”I heard that you were surrounded by your own people.”

  That was all. Lü Bei didn’t want to waste time talking to this guy.

  But seeing the desperate expression and thinking that this guy was a father besides being a bastard, he couldn’t help but say something.

  ”Why can’t you do a little bit of good? You would rather kneel down for us than beg for forgiveness from your own people.”

  Melvin shook his head and muttered to himself like a lost soul.

  ”You don’t understand, it’s too late.”

  He couldn’t imagine what would happen to his family if they fell into the hands of those thugs.

  He could only pray that the guys in the inner city would guard the door well, make the right judgment in the vote, and safely survive this occasional disaster.

  ”Have you done it?” Lü Bei looked at him with contempt, “You didn’t do anything, just muttering that it was too late.”

  I really want to grab this old guy by the collar and punch him.

  The manager was right.

  These guys are completely hopeless…


  In the huge stone building in the center of the blizzard, the atmosphere in the conference hall was boiling like a blazing fire.

  When Fang Ming shouted “shame” angrily, the nobles in the conference hall were all shocked. Some rushed to the door for their lives, some squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, and some simply lay down and pretended to be dead…

  Sid was the same. He didn’t even care about his beloved S-coin trader, and shrank under the table in panic.

  The AI ​​that controls the entire giant stone building suddenly went berserk. This kind of thing has never happened in history, and no one knows what will happen.

  Sid shivered and almost wet his pants.

  However, the expected strafing and explosion did not come, as if nothing had happened.

  He swallowed his saliva and nervously poked his head out of the table. He saw faces full of panic like his, but he could not see the shadow of the city lord.

  It disappeared.

  It was as if it had never been here…

  ”What the hell…”

  Sid cursed and crawled out from under the table. He found the trader as soon as possible and found that the curve was still in the sky. He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Is that AI with abnormal brain just here to scare them?

  The meeting room was noisy again.

  Compared to the poor people outside, they now have one more problem to solve, and everyone’s face was full of anxiety.

  ”Damn… is that AI broken?!”

  ”It was a wrong decision to hand over the weapons to the AI!”

  ”Anyway… let’s vote to confiscate its guns first.”

  ”Agree! I heard that he has another super weapon, which seems to be very powerful, and can wipe out half of the city center from the surface of the earth!”

  ”Take that thing back quickly! Use it on our neighbors!”

  ”Wait, there is no benefit in that. We can threaten them and ask them to give us some protection fees every year…”

  ”Quiet! Quiet!”

  The meeting room suddenly rang with a rude voice that had never been heard before.

  The nobles subconsciously stopped shouting and looked in the direction where the voice came from, and then they all opened their eyes wide at the same time.

  Especially Sid.

  When he saw Sperger’s face, his eyes widened so wide that his eyeballs almost fell out of his eye sockets.

  Isn’t this guy dead? !

  He specially asked someone to find a killer outside. He heard that the wastelander cut him into eight pieces in the prison, and blood was everywhere.

  ”Hey, I know you hate me, but there is no need to be so surprised,” Sberg shrugged, “Yes, I don’t have a black card. Your city lord invited me in.”

  A noble swallowed his saliva.

  ”Aren’t you going to die?”

  ”I’m sorry to disappoint you. I am really going to die. I’m just one second away… maybe less than one second.” Sberg sighed.

  Although he knew that the person who wanted to kill him was sitting here, for some reason he suddenly couldn’t hate him.

  ”Was it that Fang Ming who rescued you?” Sid narrowed his eyes and stared at this little man whose name he couldn’t remember.

  ”Yes, Mr. Ibers’s robot saved me. She was agile and kicked the awakener out with one kick, and then…”

  He wanted to describe the scene at that time, but thinking that the occasion was not appropriate, he smiled awkwardly and said embarrassedly.

  ”Sorry, I’ve been telling stories these days… I’ve got a professional disease.”

  Warfield frowned at the man who shouldn’t be in the meeting.

  ”What’s Fang Ming’s reason for doing this?”

  ”I was just about to say this,” Sberg cleared his throat and looked at everyone sitting at the conference table with pity, “Unfortunately, you lost.”

  There was an uproar in the conference room.

  The noble with the shoe print on his face struggled to stand up, stared at him and scolded.

  ”You’re talking nonsense! Don’t be so shameless! We just encountered a little trouble. We haven’t seen any big storms!”

  This time no one threw leather shoes at him, even the old noble who kicked him stood on his side.

  ”That’s it! What do you know!”

  ”Yes, I don’t quite understand what you are going to discuss,” Sberg glanced at the wide conference room, sighed and continued, “My statement is not accurate enough. It’s not that you lost, but all of us… Everything is over.” The

  noise in the conference room became more and more intense, and it was obvious that they didn’t want to listen to his nonsense.

  Some people stood up and scolded him, some spit at him, and some threw another leather shoe at him. But these people had long been drained of their bodies by alcohol and sex, so how could they be his opponents in a real fight?

  Most of the spit fell on the back of the person in front. Sberg easily dodged the flying shoes, sighed, and prepared to turn around and leave.

  However, a voice from behind suddenly called him.

  ”Wait a minute!”

  Sberg stopped and looked back at Woffier.

  He didn’t know this man, but this man was probably one of the smarter ones. As for why, it might be the creator’s intuition.

  Woffier narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

  ”What do you mean it’s all over?”

  ”Literally,” Sberg shrugged, “Look outside, there are people who oppose you. They gave you the black card, and of course they can take it back. You actually always had a chance, but unfortunately, you lost, and took us with you.”

  He has seen countless possibilities about the future in the projection room.

  In fact, in the distant past, they had a chance, and everyone had a chance to embrace a brighter future, and the probability was infinitely close to 100%.

  However, just like the wasteland era eventually replaced the prosperous era, people always seem to be unable to escape the curse engraved in their genes, and they will always go to the 1% that is almost inevitable in countless choices.

  Fang Ming has been watching, and watched the chances get smaller and smaller, and the possibilities converged towards the darkest corner little by little.

  Until the end, when the young self stood in the projection room, there was not even a good ending among the more than 200 possibilities.

  It has existed for two centuries, and the despair it feels is probably stronger than anyone else. Perhaps as it confessed, this endless journey has become a torture for it.

  It was like an endless cycle…

  Sperger suddenly felt some sympathy for it.

  ”You mean those poor guys?” Sid looked at Siperger, raised his nose, and said with disdain, “What can those people accomplish? They will soon be wiped out by the militia.”

  ”Yes, that’s true in ‘Ending A’, but it’s not a real machine that predicts the future after all, not to mention that he eventually broke his promise and let Ibers rescue me, so that we took a path that no one had ever imagined…” Siperger sighed, “In fact, I’m also curious about where our fate will end up.”

  Warfield frowned.

  He didn’t understand what this guy said.

  What A ending…

  What predicting the future…


  An abrupt laugh rang out in the conference room.

  Sid stood up tremblingly, holding the trader tightly, staring at Siperger with his bulging eyes, and said with a grin.

  ”The black cards were given to us by the residents of the outer city? Ridiculous! You have been saying something shamelessly since just now. Let me tell you, black cards are black cards, and the supreme power is innate to us! What do you poor guys know?”

  ”Let me tell you again! Even if you break through the gate of the inner city, you can’t get into this building! Endless drones and self-propelled firepower will crush all of you into meat paste!”

  Sid stared at Sberg, as if to prove something, and shouted like crazy, “Including you! Don’t think you’ll be fine just because you got lucky and escaped! We just need to vote to take back control of the building’s security system, and you will be the first to die-”

  ”Haven’t you noticed yet?” Sberg looked at this tough guy with pity, “Your city lord is gone, he formatted himself, including the weapon system of this building, if you want to vote, hurry up and vote… Oh, right.”

  Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he opened his mouth and continued.

  ”Not only did the weapon fail, it also set a self-destruction program – of course, this was not set by it, but by a first-generation resident a long, long time ago.”

  ”In order to prevent the AI ​​from crossing the line, the resident wrote in its code that when it violates the absolutely unbreakable safety clause and interferes with the internal affairs of the survivors, the self-destruction program will be activated. Its data will be formatted, and the Monolith will be blown up… But don’t worry, the countdown is forty-eight hours, even if it is counted from the day you “disappeared” me, the remaining time is enough for you to evacuate.”

  There was an uproar in the conference hall.

  People looked at each other in panic, their eyes full of disbelief and fear, but this sentence was never mentioned in the ancestral precepts.

  The Monolith…

  is going to collapse? !

  What about the black cards in their hands?

  Looking at the panicked nobles, Sberg continued helplessly.

  ”You know what? Although it doesn’t want to admit it, I think… the city lord actually loves you. Of course, it also includes me and all the humans sheltered by the Stone City.”

  ”After all, it kept its promise until the end. It only needs to move its little finger to wipe you and me off the planet. And the only time it broke its promise was to save me… In that case, saving me is actually the same as saving you.” ”

  I’m not bragging. If I die, you will definitely not survive. No one except me can help you escape the reckoning.”

  What a great city lord.

  Sberg suddenly felt a little sad.

  After watching that historical video, he suddenly realized that Mr. Fang Ming had been using the holographic image of its designer when he was young as its external image.

  Even though the people here have completely sealed off the projection room, it is still trying to awaken the memories of the people here by not violating the oath.

  What a pity.

  Humans are such ugly things that don’t learn from their mistakes.

  He could understand its anger –

  the designer gave them the best work, but left them the ugliest to it to guard.

  And it waited in the darkness for more than a century.

  In the end, the familiar figure did not come back…

  Sperger wanted to say sorry and thank it for its hard work, but unfortunately it was no longer here.

  Sid was completely dumbfounded, sitting at the conference table like a pig stunned by electricity, just like the other nobles. Warfield

  stared at Sperger, no longer had time to care about the rudeness of this poor guy, and asked word by word.

  ”Why did you tell us… that the Monolith will explode.”

  This guy had no motive to do so.

  He could have kept it a secret from everyone and watched them die.

  Warfield couldn’t help but suspect that there might be a trick or some other calculation.


  Sperger thought seriously for a while and shook his head.

  ”I don’t know.”

  In fact, even if he didn’t say it, when there were only twelve hours left, the evacuation broadcast would sound, and the building would collapse on time tomorrow evening.

  Woffer stared at Sberg in a daze, and was confused by his straightforwardness.

  ”Don’t know?!”

  ”Yeah,” Sberg nodded, “If you have to say why…”

  ”Maybe, because I’m not you.”


  Just as Sberg said, Fang Ming disappeared completely.

  No matter how the nobles in the meeting hall called its name and begged it to stop the self-destruction program, it ignored them.

  In the last bit of time, it seemed to want to stay alone for a while.

  Sid was completely dumbfounded.

  He thought about the possibility that the chips might become waste paper, but he didn’t expect that his black card… would also become a piece of waste paper in the physical sense.


  Why did he blow up the Monolith?

  He wanted to question his ancestors, why did they do things so ruthlessly, why were they so cruel to their children, leaving no room for maneuver… but he didn’t even know where to go to cry at the grave.

  The giant that had stood for two centuries finally came to the last moment. The people outside the giant wall were sharpening their knives, anxiously and patiently waiting for the moment when the prey fell.

  After factories, weapons and women, the militia at the city gate began to sell the last thing – their power and responsibility.

  In short, as long as you give enough dinars and Cr or silver coins, you can get a set of militia uniforms and go in to do whatever they want.

  The city lord will cover for them, anyway, they don’t want to stay here.

  The wasteland is so big.

  At worst, we can just wander outside and continue to eat people in another place.

  However, due to the vultures waiting for the price, the ticket price has become cheaper and cheaper, and has been discounted several times.

  Some players live broadcast the situation in the settlement on the forum.

  The first thousand-man team has defected.

  Parts of the second, third, and fourth thousand-man teams have also mutinied one after another.

  The situation in the city is like a pot of boiling water, and it has come to the last moment.

  However, what surprised the players was that the chaos and violence that had no program suddenly became united for some reason.

  Some soldiers stood together with the residents of the outer city, and it seemed that there was also a resident of the inner city who was lifted high above his head.

  They walked towards the gate of the inner city without fear.

  They wanted to talk to the people inside…

  ”They still have hope.” Looking at the closed door, Kuangfeng squinted his eyes, with a rare smile on his face.

  There is nothing to be afraid of in making mistakes.

  Just correct them together.

  Isn’t it the same for the alliance?

  They didn’t do everything well at the beginning, and they have been constantly summarizing their mistakes to reach the current Beta0.5 version.

  Startled by the sound of the strong wind, Ye Shi turned around and looked at him.

  ”Fuck, when did you come?”

  ”I’m back too,” Lao Bai patted Ye Shi’s shoulder and said with a smile, “Your perception has regressed, brother.”

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes and suddenly remembered something important, and said immediately.

  ”By the way, you came at the right time, we just met Ibers! He said he wanted to talk to our manager-”

  Lao Bai smiled and said.

  ”Then let them talk, we have a new task.”

  Hearing that there was a task, Jiujiu asked with sparkling eyes.

  ”What task!”

  This is the first time she has participated in the daily activity of a T0 player!

  ”Prepare to rescue the survivors inside,” Old Bai said with a smile after taking a look at the gate, “From the setting, they are also our compatriots, and they are from the same city.”

  ”The administrator said that we can’t just take advantage of them. We have to do something after receiving their money. We can’t let those real vultures eat them up.”

  Kuangfeng nodded.

  ”Well, we won, but those ordinary survivors are innocent.”

  Ye Shi scratched his head.

  ”By the way…is this major update going to include Giant Stone City as part of the alliance?”

  ”Maybe,” Kuangfeng thought for a while and said, “I heard that our administrator will talk to them about the future. They can join the alliance, or they can retain their initiative as collaborators like the settlements in Luoxia Province.”

  Old Bai nodded.

  ”But Fang Chang thinks they are likely to join us. The group of idiots in the inner city have squandered the last bit of credit left by their ancestors, and the residents of the outer city do not have a strong enough leader to complete the transfer of power and deal with the cold winter and the waves after the cold winter.”

  The candidates are either too young or their business capabilities are not mature.

  If this upheaval happened in the summer, perhaps they would have enough buffer time to return to the wasteland with a brand new look.

  The Alliance would also be happy to continue doing business with them.

  But these are all later stories.

  Jiujiu nodded as if she understood, and suddenly said something.

  ”Then the Queen of the Night Bar will be gone?”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”The special program is probably going to be gone, but that was originally a business open to only a few people, so it’s gone if it’s gone.”

  The private room that can only be entered by black cards, it doesn’t matter if it’s gone!

  Ye Shi said with a chuckle.

  ”Indeed, the channel for inquiring about intelligence is still there.”

  ”Ah…” Jiujiu showed a disappointed expression on his face.

  Before the map was updated, she wanted to take a look at what the bar full of stories looked like. I heard that Sister Teng Teng’s artworks were very popular there…

  but she missed it.


  Everyone was waiting for the door under the giant wall to reopen, waiting for good news from inside.

  At this moment, no one noticed that a small drone flew out of the inner city alone, slowly passed the towering giant wall, then passed the layers of high-rise ruins, and finally landed on the shore of Linghu Lake – the roof of a renovated sanatorium.

  Since it entered this area, it has been targeted by other drones here. Two silver metal balls have been following it closely, monitoring it landing on the balcony on the third floor – next to a roller-shaped “wastepaper basket”. The

  azure light gathered above the drone, and a white-haired old man stood inside with his hands behind his back, looking at the snow on the lake.

  It was about to disappear.

  At the end of its mission, it wanted to say goodbye to this world in a human way like its dear master.

  Seeing that it hadn’t spoken for a long time, Xiao Qi asked in a low voice.

  ”Are you sad?”

  Fang Ming was silent for a while and nodded slightly.

  ”A little bit.”

  ”My master said that when everything is over, he wants to live in the sanatorium by Ling Lake, go fishing every day, grow vegetables, etc…”

  ”But he never told me when it would end, nor when he would come back. He seems to know where he is going, but I don’t know, I’m just an AI.”

  Xiao Qi sighed.

  ”Humans are really troublesome.”

  Fang Ming glanced at it.

  ”You must be very hard too.”

  A crisp voice floated out of the bulky metal shell, and the voice was full of pride and joy.

  ”I’m fine, he called me Xiao Qi! Hehe, I like this name very much!”


  Fang Ming did not comment and looked back at the lake that could not be blocked by the snow.

  The time has come.

  The long journey has finally arrived.


  things are not as bad as I thought.

  Although those ugly creatures always step on the 1% that leads to the worst result in countless life-and-death decisions, when all possibilities fall into desperate cause and effect, they can still find the only light in the almost 100% darkness.

  That was a future that had never appeared in the calculation.

  Am I… feeling relieved?

  What a strange feeling.

  On the snowy lake, Fang Ming vaguely saw the familiar figure – he seemed to have always been there.

  The holographic image suddenly blurred, starting from the snow-white silver hair, all the way to the shaking corners of its clothes…

  It turned out that he had been waiting for it in front.


  This old AI that was always late muttered vaguely, as if rushing to a long-delayed appointment.

  Xiao Qi, who was standing next to it, responded to this hasty farewell with full energy.

  ”Well! Goodbye! Strange friend!”

  Then, it quietly watched the light blue light merge into the silver-white snowflakes and disappear little by little…

  (Happy birthday friends! Thanks to the leader “Pine Fruit” and “Yawning Cat” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode