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Chapter 544 The Collapse of the Building

Chapter 544 The Collapse of the Building


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 544 The Collapse of the Building

  The studio of the Boulder City Voice newspaper.

  House trembled as he looked at the thugs who had entered the newspaper office, then glanced at Joey who was standing with the thugs, and said tremblingly.

  ”Mr. Centurion…you, what are you doing?”

  The K-10 “Iron Wall” heavy exoskeleton, the proud work of Boulder Military Industry, is generally equipped by heavy infantry serving as the vanguard or front-line combat officers such as decapitation and centurion. It is said that one punch can kill a two-headed bull.

  Of course, people wearing these guys use guns most of the time and rarely engage in close combat.

  Knowing this, House was almost scared to death.

  Joey glanced at House with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

  He didn’t like this guy very much, although he liked him for a while before. Ever since he got the newspaper, he found that there was no truth in this man’s mouth, just like a nutritional paste without nutrition.

  ”Come and bring victory and glory to my children, and be their role models.”

  Joey looked back at Lovett, Alyssa, and the workers’ union.

  ”Leave it to you.”

  Lovett nodded, walked in front of House, and said to the pale clown.

  ”Lend us the radio.”

  He used the word “borrow”, but House didn’t dare to say no. He nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and squeezed out a flattering smile on his pale face.

  ”Please, please use it! Do you need me to help you debug the equipment? Dear… Mr. Worker.”

  Looking at the sawdust on his pants, he should be doing noble carpentry work.

  ”No need,” a worker came out and pushed away House who wanted to get close to them with disgust, “Your equipment is made by me… Damn, I feel uncomfortable when I hear your duck voice!”

  Another worker laughed out loud.











  Looking at the back figure disappearing in the night, he smiled, closed the door, returned to the crowded studio, and took the microphone that his coworker had adjusted.

  He cleared his throat and was about to speak, but a crisp voice suddenly interrupted him from the side.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  People looked at the little girl.

  Even if she was watched by countless eyes, she was no longer afraid. Alyssa continued in a serious voice.

  ”We have to prepare a broadcast script, or speech script. Everyone will hear your voice, and we have to convey every message accurately, not only to the residents of the outer city, but also to the residents of the inner city… In short, we need a specific program to tell them how we should win and what changes will happen after we win.”

  Her eyes flashed with wisdom and courage different from her peers. This experience seemed to make her grow up several years in an instant.

  Lovett felt that she had the shadow of President Melvin, but it was completely different.

  But what does it matter?

  In fact, Boll and Master Stephen were only one thought away.

  She is Melvin’s daughter, and it is normal to look like her father. If she doesn’t look like him at all, it would be scary.

  ”She’s right.”

  Lovett put down the microphone and looked at the workers’ union. “We need to draft a manifesto to tell our partners that this is an uprising, not a riot.”

  A worker nodded.

  ”That’s right, and tell the mercenaries to be honest! Don’t think they are the only ones with guns!”

  Looking at the people who were discussing, Alyssa’s red face was full of happy smiles.

  Finally, someone was willing to listen to her.

  And there were so many people.

  In fact, she was not without a solution.

  She believed that she would be able to come up with a better and more mature solution than crying in the future.

  ”We don’t plan to destroy everything, but we want a new beginning!” Lovett looked at the workers and said embarrassedly, “How about this opening statement?”

  An electrician gave a thumbs up.


  Encouraged by his workers, Lovett began to improvise, like Sperger reading a newspaper, telling a story.

  ”…The tangible Stephen can be eliminated, but the invisible Stephen cannot be destroyed. We are their ghosts, and they are also our ghosts.”

  Joey coughed.

  ”Stop, this sentence can be changed. Except for you workers, many people don’t know the story of Awakener Bol and may feel confused.”

  ”Besides, it’s too cumbersome. These words can be said when we win.” Alyssa also nodded, “At this moment, we should use the simplest language to tell everyone what to do next.”

  Just like the managers of the alliance!

  Lovett scratched the back of his head.

  ”That’s right.”

  Most workers actually heard the story of Awakener Bol through word of mouth. After all, Sperger was captured by the masters not long after the snow fell.

  Many people heard different versions.

  If Sperger is still alive, he must be asked to finish the story after he is rescued.

  Everyone pondered together.

  Some people proposed to improve the treatment of workers, some proposed to lower the price of bread, and some asked to increase taxes on the rich… But these various ideas seemed to be just itching through the boots.

  Alyssa suddenly thought of the “fundamental law” of the alliance and the declaration of the manager at the celebration, so she spoke with inspiration.


  Joey frowned slightly.

  ”Are you talking about the law? Boulder City has a law.”

  ”But the nobles don’t have to abide by it, right?” Alyssa stared at him intently, “As long as you hold the black card, you won’t be punished if you violate it, and they didn’t take Sberg away because he broke any law, right?”

  Joey nodded.

  ”It was the guards under the militia who took him away.”

  ”From now on, it must be different, otherwise no matter what we do, it will be meaningless, and everything will go back to the starting point!”

  Alyssa looked at them with bright eyes and clenched her slender fists, “The inner city must release Sberg, and from today we must discuss a ‘fundamental law’ that everyone abides by! We must give it the power we once gave to the black card!”

  Joey stared at the little girl in front of him in a daze.

  He suddenly felt that the adventure he had gambled on his future and destiny was not meaningless. Perhaps after tomorrow, this settlement will really be different, and his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will regard him as a true pride and role model in the future.

  God of the Great Horned Deer.

  Although Boulder City has never had a king…

  but if she is willing to be crowned, he is willing to be loyal to this queen.

  Lovett also stared at her blankly, muttering.

  ”Boer…it’s Boer…she is also Boer?”

  He remembered what Sperger had written.

  Boer broke off his black card…


  There is no eternal emperor, nor is there an immortal city-state.

  However, two centuries of wandering will not be in vain.

  It was because people were fed up with the barbaric life of eating raw meat and drinking blood that they mustered up the courage to borrow fire from the sky to dispel the dark age.

  And when people finally learned to light the firewood pile by their own power, the priest who watched the fire quietly withdrew from the stage of history.

  This is not a pity for the person who watched the fire.

  If he does not take the initiative to move towards a new era.

  His tribe will be swallowed up by darkness one day.

  The old man who designed this settlement may not have thought of what happened today-a future that even computers have never imagined.

  He led people to build the giant wall, designed the house, entrusted future generations to it to take care of, and designed its final death.

  This is actually a gift.

  Only when there is life and death can it be called real life. The only thing that remains unchanged is the cold and hard stone.

  It became a human at the last moment.

  And the “children” it watched over also welcomed a new dawn after a long period of decline.

  Faced with the inevitable danger, people gathered together again.

  They worked together to light the fire, just like their ancestors more than 200 years ago, overcoming difficulties and facing the disaster of the earth-shattering sky.

  People leaned against each other’s shoulders, regardless of high or low, old or young, sitting in front of the fire to keep warm. There was no difference between the poor and the rich here, because nothing mattered at this moment.

  From tomorrow on, everyone will be the same.

  People threw chips into the fire.

  Watching the alternating yellow and green arcs of fire dancing on the fire, the children’s faces showed long-lost smiles.

  Some sang songs, some played the six-string guitar, and some compiled their stories into a poem and taught the children to sing.

  Winter suddenly became less cold.

  The workers took out the food from the warehouse and distributed it to everyone, anyway, their boss had long since run away from this settlement.

  Of course, they didn’t get it for free.

  They left small pieces of paper inside, which were checks issued by the bosses – now is the time to cash them.

  The Workers’ Union occupied the radio of the Voice of Boulder City, and a representative named Lovett announced the program of the uprising on the radio.

  It was said to the nobles in the inner city.

  It was also said to their own people.

  The endless cycle ended here, and after the endless night, it was a new beginning.

  The sun will not rise just because people want to get up.

  But the sun will rise eventually.

  This is also the eternal fate and truth…


  The next morning.

  The heavy snow finally stopped, and a ray of morning sun emerged from the thick cloud cover, coating the snow-covered streets of Boulder City with a layer of golden yellow.

  After announcing the uprising program, the Workers’ Union called on residents to unite through the Boulder City Voice radio and cooperate with the militia to uniformly distribute the inventory of materials in the city.

  After consultation, the Workers’ Union and the Militia decided to jointly establish a “Crisis Response Office” with the City Hall and transition to the new Boulder City authorities.

  The top priority is to solve the current problem.

  In order to fill everyone’s stomachs, some workers returned to their posts under the mobilization of the Workers’ Union.

  The nutrient paste production plant resumed work, and the welfare home of the Workers’ Union, the Boulder City Prison, also began to open to the public.

  However, the gap in supplies is still large.

  Even though Melvin intercepted a batch of goods that should have been sent to the Alliance to deliver orders some time ago, the remaining food and daily necessities are also in short supply.

  There are also major differences between the Workers’ Union and the Militia on whether to forcibly requisition supplies from some residents who have hoarded a large amount of food.

  Some people think that heavy punishments should be used in troubled times, while others think that this is naked robbery, and some people propose to give some compensation to the expropriated people… But now even fools know that the chips are no longer valuable.

  No one recognizes that thing anymore.

  Giving chips is equivalent to robbery!

  The Workers’ Union can mobilize employees, and the Militia can mobilize soldiers standing on the side of the residents of the outer city, but Boulder City does not have only these people.

  Who will mobilize the citizens and mercenaries?

  Seeing that they couldn’t take advantage of the fire to rob, some mercenaries clamored to leave the city, and some citizens also wanted to follow them out, saying that it was more comfortable to beg in the alliance than here.

  If all the residents of this city stood gloriously on the side of ideals last night, then today they have to face a harsh reality –

  the masters in the inner city left them a huge mess.

  The Boulder City handed over to the residents of Boulder City has been riddled with holes bitten by countless termites…

  An office in the city hall.

  Alyssa was carefully flipping through the account book in her hand and checking it with the documents spread out on the table.

  As a member of the crisis office, and the youngest one, she was responsible for clearing the assets that the outer city city hall could now mobilize.

  Although some people doubted her experience and position, the workers’ union expressed their support.

  Most of the workers’ union had simple values.

  Compared with those cunning and treacherous smart guys, they would rather believe a girl who was not so skilled but at least told them the truth.

  It’s okay if the account is wrong.

  Just change it.

  We are not unreasonable barbarians.

  And Alyssa did not disappoint everyone’s expectations.

  The first thing she did was to raid her own house in the outer city, and then raid the properties of her brother’s friends in the outer city.

  The computer of the Boulder City Bank records every chip expenditure, and it is easy to find out the assets hidden in the outer city by those nobles.

  These are all ill-gotten gains. They

  should belong to all the residents of Boulder City.

  Looking at the thick stack of account books in her hand, Alyssa’s eyes were full of sorrow.

  It was not until this moment that she realized what her father had endured for his family and this settlement.

  The economy is only a means of allocating materials, and it cannot create something out of thin air.

  As his father said before he left, he had used all the methods he could think of, but he still couldn’t stop the train rushing down the mountain.

  Thinking of her old father with a sad face, Alyssa couldn’t help but complain to the spiritual pillar in her heart-the respected manager.

  ”You are too cruel…”

  Alyssa sighed with a frown and gently closed the account book in her hand.

  The liquidated damages of the private factory are already a mess.

  No matter how the factories of the alliance complain, all they can do is apologize.

  After all, the chips are completely gone, and those orders priced with chips continue to be done, which is equivalent to working for the alliance for nothing.

  Not to mention that the bosses who signed those orders have long run away, and we can’t let the workers who are also creditors pay off the debts for those profiteers, right?

  Of course, they will also exempt those debts priced with chips for the alliance… After all, no matter how many chips there are, it’s meaningless.

  The Stone City must survive the cold winter with the few remaining supplies, and the Stone City’s foreign trade can only be suspended for a while.

  But the problem is that the raw materials of the Stone City are completely dependent on imports!

  Whether it is industrial products or food raw materials.

  They can choose not to sell things to outsiders, but outsiders will not give them things for no reason.

  Alyssa suddenly had an idea.


  everyone should be encouraged to grow some vegetables in flower pots?

  But where do the seeds come from?

  She heard that farming is not easy.

  For example, the alliance next door.

  They cultivate seeds in the CNC planting tower in the northern suburbs and the planting area of ​​the shelter, and use the fertilizers produced in the industrial zone to maintain the high yield of crops on the north bank of Linghu Lake.

  Now the crops in the northern suburbs alone are not enough to fully meet the needs of the residents of the alliance.

  Recently, they have also transformed part of the fields outside into breeding fields, which are managed by the Seed Research Department of the Biological Laboratory, and then exported the seeds and fertilizers from the industrial zone to Luoxia Province in exchange for a large number of basic crops, which has filled the stomachs of all the residents of the alliance.

  And there are countless details that she cannot see.

  The food problem alone contains knowledge that cannot be written in a book. Although she has been to school, her teacher has never taught her these things in depth.

  Alyssa felt a dull pain in her brow.


  It’s too hard!

  She didn’t sleep all night yesterday. Even though she was in an excited state, she couldn’t hold on now.

  Alyssa stretched out her little hands and lay on the table, her face pressed against the account book, and her dizzy mind couldn’t help but think wildly.


  How about acting like a spoiled child to the manager?

  This might be a good idea.

  Maybe because of her cuteness, he will give everyone in Boulder City some supplies?

  As long as everyone can spend the winter safely, she is willing to do anything. After all, her family owes too much to the residents of this settlement.

  People kindly forgave her, but unilateral giving is just charity. She also wants to do something for everyone and pay off the debt owed to her father, mother, brothers and sisters.

  This is the only thing she can do…

  Thinking about it, Alyssa’s face suddenly turned red, and she shook her head vigorously, driving out those unrealistic thoughts that popped up from time to time from her steaming brain.

  She can’t be like her father…

  It’s useless to ask for help.

  ”… He said I would be an outstanding person.” Whispering quietly, Alyssa moved her face away from the account book and cheered up again.

  It was that sentence that encouraged her.

  She stood up bravely at the critical moment that determined her and everyone’s fate.

  If she chose to stand by and watch, and everyone watched silently like her, they would not move towards that one in ten thousand possibility.

  ”I have done one thing… I can’t let him down.”

  Her eyes regained clarity, and the light of wisdom flashed in Alyssa’s eyes, thinking and talking to herself.

  ”… However, there should be hope to conduct diplomatic negotiations with the Alliance on the matter of refugees.”

  The Alliance should not want to see hundreds of thousands of refugees break down the order they have maintained with great difficulty. Helping Boulder City is also helping themselves.

  The temporary apartment building they built can currently accommodate more than 40,000 people, and I heard that more than half of them have already moved in.

  Apparently, they also underestimated the “rottenness” of Boulder City.

  The respected administrator, you must be having a headache about how to defuse the bomb that is so close, right?


  Having found a breakthrough to solve the problem, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

  ”Dear administrator, we will keep the door closed and persuade everyone to wait patiently for the winter and the spring tide to end. At the same time, we also implore the alliance to support us with some nutrient paste and fuel for our survival… We sincerely ask you to lend a hand to help us.”

  ”This kind of negotiation should work.”

  If it doesn’t work, you can use the name of a loan.

  The new authorities of Boulder City borrowed a special loan from the Alliance Bank to purchase emergency relief supplies such as nutritional paste.

  I heard that the thing was not delicious and had no nutrition, but she was willing to eat it with everyone until everyone’s life was back on track.

  As for the future…

  Alyssa’s eyes were a little confused.

  The best result for Boulder City would naturally be to join the Alliance, or at least become a collaborator of the Alliance like the countries in Luoxia Province.

  However, she couldn’t make a decision on this matter alone, and she needed to discuss it with everyone in this settlement.

  And it was useless for them to think about it alone.

  The population of Boulder City was more than that of the four cities in the Alliance combined. If they wanted to join others, they had to consider whether others were willing to take over.

  This was a super invincible mess…

  At this time, there was a knock at the door, and Lovett walked in from outside.

  Alyssa stood up immediately with her hands on the table.

  ”Mr. Lovett, you came at the right time. I hope you can negotiate with the Alliance on behalf of Boulder City!”

  Lovett was stunned for a moment, and then frowned.

  ”Don’t worry about it for now… Something big happened in the inner city.”

  Alyssa was stunned.

  ”…Inner city?”

  Because there were still a lot of problems in the outer city that had not been solved, the new authorities of the Stone City did not force the residents of the inner city to surrender, nor did they urge them to come out immediately. They only unilaterally announced to them a series of matters such as the uprising program and the establishment of the new authorities.

  The giant wall has been controlled by the soldiers who defected, and the control of the militia has basically been in the hands of Joey and other grassroots officers. If it was the inner city that shut out the outer city before, then now the outer city has surrounded the entire inner city.

  After the troubles in the outer city are settled, it will be the same to deal with the problems of the inner city residents.

  Alyssa didn’t understand why Lovett mentioned the inner city at this moment, but when she finished listening to his narration, her whole face turned pale.

  ”What… The Stone Building is going to collapse?!”

  Lovett nodded with a complicated expression.

  ”I think Stephen… I mean the residents of the inner city should not have lied.”

  ”They have stored enough supplies in the inner city to last them several months. If nothing major had happened, judging from their attitude last night, they would probably have planned to guard the wall until all of us die of old age.”

  Alyssa bit her lip.

  Her mother and brothers and sisters were still inside…

  ”What did they… ask for?”

  Lovett said after a moment of silence.

  ”It doesn’t matter what they asked for. The question now is how we treat them after they get out. Of course, the guys in the workers’ union said that as long as Sberg is still alive, they can spare their lives. But we all think that Sberg probably won’t survive. After all, with the amount of bleeding, I would believe if you said they killed a pig there…”

  The office fell into silence.

  Just when the atmosphere was extremely tense, a slight cough suddenly came into the door along with the sound of footsteps.

  ”Ahem… my old friend, are you so eager for me to die?”

  Hearing the familiar voice, Lovett turned around in surprise, only to see Sperger standing at the door with a smile on his face, his arm resting on the door frame.

  ”God of the Bighorn Deer…”

  Lovett walked up quickly and patted the guy’s rough old face, tears of excitement almost coming out, “You are still alive! How did you do it?”

  ”That’s not my blood…” Sperger smiled and slapped Lovett’s hand away, “You may not believe it, but thanks to the respected city lord, I watched a very long movie.”

  ”City lord? What does it have to do with the city lord…” Lovett suddenly remembered something, grabbed his collar, and said impatiently, “Don’t worry about electricity, what about the rest of the story?!”

  Sperger looked at him embarrassedly.

  ”In fact, you have already written it for me, and it’s much better than mine…”

  Lovett stared at him.

  ”Don’t try to get out of it! We want to see what you wrote!”

  ”Okay, okay… I’ll finish it in one go when I’m free, but I may have to go to the northern suburbs first to collect materials.”

  After holding down a bearded man who was about to go crazy, Sberg coughed and then looked at a tearful little girl in the room.

  ”Nice to meet you… Are you Alyssa? My name is Sberg, a worker who works for free in the canning factory. A young lady like you probably won’t meet a poor guy like me in your whole life.”

  ”Don’t say such bullying words, she is in the same group with us now.”

  A big hand was placed on his shoulder, and Joey walked in from the door, looking at Alyssa and continued.

  ”They released Sberg, and the guys in the workers’ union decided to pardon the residents of the inner city because he was intact. They can stay and join us, after all, this is their home. Of course, they can also go out, but the same rules as us, 20 kilograms of luggage per person–”

  Sberg immediately added.

  ”Wait, you have to add a clause that the value is less than 10,000 silver coins–”

  ”Thank you!!!”

  Holding back the tears that were about to burst out of her eyes, Alyssa lowered her head and bowed deeply, but the tears hidden by her bangs still couldn’t help but fall to the floor.

  Of course, those were not sad tears…

  She couldn’t describe the surging emotions in her heart at the moment.

  They walked hand in hand to an ending that was almost impossible to exist.

  But now they are standing here.

  Everyone together…

  At this time, a small hand suddenly tugged at her sleeve gently, and a crisp voice came from the side.

  ”Sister, don’t cry… Everyone is saved.”

  Alyssa opened her eyes wide and raised her head slightly, only to see a little girl who was only six or seven years old, looking at her worriedly.

  ”You are…”

  ”My child, Anna.”

  Walking to Alyssa’s side, Joey picked up Anna and lovingly scratched the little girl’s nose with his index finger.

  ”She came back this morning, along with her brother, sister and mother, following those who escaped from the inner city… I told them everything, and the little one insisted on coming to see that sister Alyssa.”

  Alyssa stared blankly at the father and daughter, sniffing subconsciously, not wanting to leave a crybaby impression on her little fan.

  But Anna didn’t care.

  Maybe because she was also a crybaby, she gave a thumbs up to Alyssa with shining eyes when she saw her tears suddenly stop.

  ”Sister is awesome!”

  Alyssa said with a blushing face.

  ”I… I didn’t do anything, your father is more awesome.”

  ”Hahaha, of course!”

  Joey laughed heartily, the corners of his unshaven mouth curled up unconsciously, not hiding the pride on his face at all.

  ”My precious daughter is so proud of me…”

  ”I am her pride.”


  The cold and gloomy stone building was now empty.

  Rhine, who was injured, went through a lot of hardships and finally sneaked in at dawn when the gate of the inner city opened.

  He hid in the inner city for a while to make sure no one followed him, and then he went to the stone building in the center.

  When everyone was going out, he was the only one who ran to the inner city.

  The residents of the inner city were like crazy, crowding at the exit like a group, running out like pigs out of a cage.

  But this was exactly what he wanted.

  He didn’t care about the fights between the poor and the powerful. Bughra didn’t have so many shitty things. Every employee of the Firestone Group was extremely happy, and the interests of the company were the priority.

  As a member of the Firestone Group, he came to get something…

  a weapon that could give the Free State true freedom.

  Pushing open the door of the conference hall, he stepped over the door covered with documents, and hurriedly looked around the messy hall with a flashlight and pistol.

  This is where the nobles usually hold meetings.

  ”Damn… why don’t you even turn on the lights.” Rhine muttered.

  Although the sky outside has been lit up by the sun at dawn, there are circles of high-rise buildings outside the Monolith Building, so not much light can find this place.

  The light of the morning light stretched the shadow of the curtain very long…

  ”Hehe… hehe…”

  A creepy laugh suddenly floated over, scaring Rhine, and he quickly pointed the light and the muzzle of the gun at the corner of the conference room.

  There was a person sitting there.

  He was dressed in a luxurious formal suit.

  It looks like he is a noble from the inner city.

  Rhine was delighted and cleared his throat and shouted.

  ”Hey, friend, let’s make a deal! As long as you help me find something, I will take you out of this damn place!”

  ”Deal? Get out? Hehe… hehe… hahahahaha!”

  Sid, who was originally smiling, suddenly laughed crazily.

  The sudden action and laughter scared Rhine again. He thought this guy was going to play some tricks, and the gun in his hand almost went off.

  ”Shut up! Are you crazy!?”

  Rhine shouted angrily and walked towards him, ready to teach this crazy guy a lesson.

  But Sid ignored him and only stared at the trader in his hand, or the line on the screen that was motionlessly stuck to the edge.

  ”It fell, I actually took it down… hey… it actually fell…”

  ”It fell?” Rhine frowned and looked at him, “What fell?”

  Sid still didn’t answer.

  It seemed that he was the only one left in his world. His heartbeat was like the line welded to the floor, completely without ups and downs…

  S-coins collapsed.

  One S-coin was worth less than 0.00001 chips.

  He didn’t know why it fell so badly.

  Just like he didn’t know why that thing went up.

  It turned out that S-coins could fall below the issue price…

  Sid only knew it now.

  But no one had ever told him.

  ”It’s all over.”

  Sid, with a deathly pale face, muttered to himself, like a living zombie, looking up at the ceiling woodenly.

  He seemed to see his ancestors waving at him.

  ”Father… Grandpa… I’m sorry.”

  ”I lost.”

  ”I can’t beat them… They all want to go against me. They are nothing, and I am nothing either.”

  Tears slid down the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, passed over his earlobes, rolled to the ground, and fell on the black card covered with dust.

  He suddenly sat up straight as if he had been electrocuted, covered his face with both hands, and trembled like a child who had done something wrong.



  ”I’ll go and apologize to you in person!”

  In the end, he still didn’t have the courage to face the people outside…

  The floor suddenly began to tremble.

  Rhine’s face changed suddenly.

  He didn’t know what happened, but he knew that the building under his feet was probably as crazy as the old man in front of him.


  It was too late to escape.

  The collapsed rubble quickly submerged everything here. With the last glimpse of his eyes, he saw that the crazy old man suddenly stood up and hugged the falling ceiling…

  The stone building collapsed.

  The splashing dust instantly engulfed the entire inner city, and together with the rolling rubble, it slammed heavily into the inner city’s wall.

  Then it rolled up…

  The building.

  It collapsed after all.


  The Distant Wind Hotel.

  The luxury suite on the top floor.

  The father and son stood by the French window, looking at the nearby stone city.

  Standing here, the line of sight can just pass over the huge wall and can see all the way to the inner city.

  Weijia specially booked this room with the widest view, just to watch the last bustle of this settlement.

  The owner here, Leston, is a big businessman.

  Even though he paid with chips, he didn’t kick him out because the chips were worthless now.

  Staring at the dust in the distance, Weijia poked all ten fingers on the window, mumbling.

  ”It collapsed… It actually collapsed…”

  He had not expected that the Stonehenge would be blown up.

  Was it blown up by the mob?


  its “use period” had expired?

  ”Ah… my dear Sid, please don’t get hurt.”

  A twisted smile gradually appeared on Weijia’s face. In order to prevent his son from seeing it, he also poked his nose against the window.

  The fat boy Piru standing next to him muttered.

  ”What a pity… I haven’t sold my chips yet.”

  ”Take it as a lesson, kid,” Weijia restrained his twisted smile and put his hand on his shoulder. “If you want to be a good merchant, you must first have a nose more sensitive than a hyena.”

  Piru tilted his round head.

  ”A nose more sensitive than a hyena’s?”

  ”Risk,” Weijia said with a smile, “You have to know whether the person on the other side is a human or a ghost, and you have to be careful whether the thing in your hand is money or paper. You did a good job with the S-coin, but not good enough. You only noticed the risks of the S-coin, but did not notice that the chips it anchored could also become garbage.” ”

  Who would have thought of this… It took a century and a half.” Piru muttered.

  Weijia smiled slightly.

  ”So the people there are now poor ghosts, and we are safe and sound.”

  As he was talking, there was a knock on the door outside the room, and Aaron pushed the door open and walked in.

  Weijia immediately turned around and looked at him.

  ”Where is Sid?”

  He had transferred all the property that could be transferred. Now the only person in this city that he couldn’t let go of was his childhood friend.

  Aaron shook his head regretfully.

  ”He was not in the team evacuating the inner city… He should be dead.”

  Weijia’s face showed a trace of disappointment, and he muttered in a lost state.

  ”Dead… He was actually dead.”

  Aaron paused and continued.

  ”But his wife and three children are still alive, including the eldest son who has already started a family.”

  He thought the boss would be interested in this clue.

  Sure enough, when he said this, the flame of desire rekindled in those lost eyes.

  Leaving the French window, Weijia excitedly walked to Aaron and held his shoulders.

  ”We must get them out! All of them!”

  Letting go of Aaron’s shoulders, Weijia rubbed his hands excitedly, walked to the table beside him, and poured himself a glass of General McLennan’s collection of red wine.

  ”… I promised that I would repay the kindness of Master Sid well, and now it’s our turn to repay the kindness!”

  He didn’t forget what he said to the master in person at Sid’s house that day –

  ’I will always be loyal to you… Master, I will definitely repay you.’

  Looking at the fiery eyes, Aaron nodded helplessly,

  ”I understand.”

  What a bad taste boss…

  But in this wasteland.

  Where are there so many good people?

  Watching the door close, Weijia suddenly thought of something, shook his index finger forward, put down the wine in his hand, and returned to the French window.

  The dust in the distance had dissipated.

  But there was still a person staring at it intently, as if he was missing something.

  They couldn’t miss it.

  Any regrets must be resolved now.

  Putting his hand on his son’s fat shoulder, Weijia said softly.

  ”My child… Is there someone you can’t let go of? I’ll ask Uncle Aaron to buy him out for you.”


  Piru’s eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

  ”I like playing with him, but he is too domineering. He always snatches the toys and girls I like. He never does this to Kisu.”

  Weijia frowned.

  ”This problem must be changed.”

  Piru immediately lowered his head in fear.

  ”I’m sorry…”

  ”Raise your head, my child,” Weijia patted his shoulder and said softly, “You are not the one who should apologize. It is human nature to be greedy. What I want to tell you is… you have to change your willful habits. You can’t be as arrogant as those rude guys. You saw that, that rubbing dust is their end.”

  Piru nodded seriously.

  ”I will remember this lesson.”

  Weijia showed a satisfied smile on his face.

  He is worthy of being his son.

  There is no problem in inheriting his legacy.

  ”I am very happy, but you can’t just take care of yourself. You have to help your good friend. After all, he has ‘taken care’ of you. In the future, we will all have to make a living in the cannibalistic wasteland. He can’t be as willful as before.”

  The little green bean squeezed in the fat was shining. Piru nodded vigorously and said in a deep voice.

  ”I know! I will help Master Kumit get rid of his bad habits of being willful and rude, and let him remember not to always steal other people’s things.”

  ”Great.” Weijia gave a thumbs up, laughed and patted his son’s shoulder, “I will send you to the Bugera Free State later, and Master Kumit will go to school there with you, remember to take care of him.”

  ”Don’t worry, father!” Piru nodded excitedly, “But why don’t we go to the Ideal City?”

  ”That place is not suitable for us. Their ideals are poison to anyone except them. You will understand when you grow up,” Weijia smiled, “Besides, you don’t want to become an idiot like Jixiu.”

  ”That Jixiu is really not very smart, and praising him is the most tiring,” Piru muttered, “By the way, there is another Jixiu… Dad, don’t we help Melvin’s family too?” Piru

  didn’t care about Jixiu, but he remembered that Jixiu had a beautiful sister.

  She was almost the most beautiful of all the women he had seen, and the old ladies in the Queen of the Night Bar couldn’t compare to her at all.

  But Jixiu never wanted to bring her into their circle.

  Weijia’s eyes suddenly showed a trace of fear. He stared into his son’s eyes and said in a serious tone.

  ”He has his own father, so we don’t have to worry about him.”

  Of course.

  Weijia did not tell his son that he was not afraid of the fallen Melvin, but his little daughter Alyssa.

  To be precise, it was the person standing behind her.

  Until the end of this “war”, Weijia Trading Company had not fully investigated all the cards played by the Alliance in the “Boulder City Crisis”.

  They did everything neatly, killing the chips and the black cards, without killing anyone, and went home with the spoils in a chic manner.

  Even he, a “big-headed soldier” who was beaten dizzy in the trench, couldn’t help but admire them. They really played a good chess game.

  His master Sid didn’t lose unfairly.

  All the open and hidden lines pointed to the manager. He was not sure whether Melvin had secretly reached an exchange of interests with the Alliance, but he had to pay enough attention to an inconspicuous piece of intelligence.

  According to Aaron’s investigation, Alyssa had met the manager at the Alliance’s triumphant celebration.

  The ruler of the Alliance seemed to have said a lot of things, praising her for becoming a capable woman.

  And then, the day after Melvin moved into the hotel under the company’s subsidiary and met with Luca, the lord of Dawn City, he secretly went to the Alliance’s bank to apply for a card.

  Although these are just groundless rumors, and maybe it was spread by the old fox Melvin himself, considering that “New Weijia Trading Company” will have to do business in the River Valley Province in the future, this matter still needs to be carefully considered.

  He hates risks.

  Especially unnecessary risks…

  (Fang Ming’s ending was actually written at the beginning. Its name is a metaphor. In fact, some smart readers have discovered it a long time ago. It is a homonym of format. It has lived a life without regrets, understood love and hate at the last moment, and re-recognized its designer. This is the best ending for it.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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