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Chapter 545 The Fifth City of the Alliance

Chapter 545 The Fifth City of the Alliance


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 545: The Fifth City of the Alliance

  After walking through the gates of hell, Sberg felt like a different person. He suddenly had a new understanding of life and death.

  He was undoubtedly a coward before. The wasteland was just outside the giant wall, but he didn’t even dare to take a look.

  But now.

  Compared to pure death, he is more worried about leaving this world with regrets.

  It is best to do what you want to do as soon as possible.

  You don’t have to wait until next spring to see the people you want to see…

  The browsing room of Shelter No. 404.

  Sitting in front of the administrator of the alliance, Sberg looked uneasy. Although he had prepared himself mentally, he was still a little nervous.

  He had just walked through a long snowfield, and his boots seemed to have been soaked in water, and the floor here was dirty.

  Looking at Sberg who kept changing his sitting position, Chu Guang couldn’t help laughing.

  ”Don’t be nervous. Do I look scary?”

  ”No, I’m just afraid of dirtying your sofa, sir,” Sberg scratched his head and whispered, “I haven’t washed this dress for a few days, and I wore it in prison.”

  Chu Guang suggested.

  ”There is a shower room in the gym next door. You can take a shower first.”

  ”Thank you… This is a great suggestion, but wait a while,” Sberg took out a letter from his arms, put it on the coffee table stiffly, and gently pushed it in front of Chu Guang, “Miss Alyssa asked me to bring you a letter after learning the destination of my trip.”


  Chu Guang had a good impression of the smart girl. He remembered that she was the daughter of Melvin and had met her once at the celebration.

  He picked up the envelope, opened it, and took out the letter inside.

  The handwriting on the paper was beautiful and had a faint fragrance.

  The letter described the current dramatic changes in Boulder City, explained the commitments and demands of the new authorities in Boulder City, and sincerely expressed the hope to get help from the alliance.

  […We agree with the Alliance’s ideal of materialistic equality. Authoritarian ideas will be eradicated from our society. We will formulate a new law that everyone must abide by from now on. We are willing to make some changes and do something for the people in the wasteland to fight for the ideal of ending the wasteland era. I hope that in this new era, we can join you, or at least become partners fighting side by side with you. ]

  [We also implore you to lend a hand and help us. ]

  In addition, Alyssa also wrote in the letter that since the chips were invalidated, the debts that Mr. Manager borrowed with his own ability were also written off…

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile after reading it.

  On the one hand, it was because of Alyssa’s cunning when she mentioned the debt in the letter, and on the other hand, he was surprised by her growth.

  It seems that in just two months, a lot of things have really happened to the neighbors of the Alliance…

  If it was Melvin, he would probably play the debt denominated in chips as a bluffing economic card. In fact, the old man has already done this, and the result is that the Alliance has prepared the principal and interest for the next five or even ten years.

  If you want chips, we will give them to you.

  But Alyssa used it differently from her father .

  Since this card has essentially become ineffective, it is better to discard it from the hand and use the economic card as a diplomatic card.

  This is not to win the sympathy of the alliance at the cost of self-harm. It

  is to show the position of the new authorities in Boulder City. They want to cut off from the past and embrace the ideal of equality in a true sense.

  Except for those who are keen on hurting others and themselves, anyone will help them through the difficulties, not to mention the declarations of the alliance.

  ”It’s a big deal… More than 3.5 billion debts are forgiven. If we don’t do anything, it will make us look stingy.”

  Chu Guang smiled and didn’t expose it. He folded the letter and looked at Sberg and continued.

  ”When you go back, please bring us a message. We will help.”

  Sberg smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Thank you.”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”No problem, we are all descendants of the Human Alliance, not to mention that we are so close.”

  In fact, he has already done it.

  The more than 200 players who stayed in the Stone City earlier were not just watching the fun and broadcasting to the official website.

  The residents of the shelter have their own discipline and moral values. They will not sit idly by when they see the mercenaries and looters causing trouble.

  However, most of the chaos was indeed solved by the people of the Stone City themselves. The players did not stand in the center of the stage this time.

  This change was essentially an uprising launched by the survivors of the Stone City who could not stand the exploitation of the nobles. If we say what role the alliance played, it was probably to use economic means to disintegrate the nobles’ control over all classes, which was equivalent to confiscating the bullets in the gun. The

  chips issued by the masters have become waste. The soldiers do not want to fight for the masters, and the workers do not want to work for the masters. Everyone would rather believe in a fictitious and abstract Boll than believe anything House said.

  And the masters are not as smart as the slaves imagine. Not only do they make stupid moves frequently, but they also light the gunpowder barrels again and again, causing most of the citizens caught in the middle to lean towards the outer city.

  This change was already won before it started. What people lacked was the courage to make the final decision.

  But even so, Chu Guang had to admit that this was a unique miracle.

  Although they shed some blood, they did not dye the whole street red.

  Judging from the players’ broadcasts on the forum, there were vicious violent incidents that night.

  Some of them were discovered and stopped by the players, but more tragedies were submerged in dark corners, and only the heavy snow that buried everything knew about them.

  However, in the past century of history, the residents of Boulder City have paid the price of blood countless times.

  It’s time to succeed.

  After suffering enough from the torture of darkness, they finally joined hands to ignite the fire to dispel the darkness. This change is both a miracle with a probability of less than 1%, and a necessity that will happen with a high probability.

  There was also a small note in the envelope.

  Chu Guang shook it out and unfolded it in his hand.

  It was still the beautiful handwriting, but with a little more excitement and lightness.

  [Thank you for your encouragement! If it weren’t for your words, I would never have stood up bravely at that time! 】

  【Alyssa will definitely live up to your expectations and become a better person! ^-^】

  Looking at the sunny words, Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and his heart suddenly tightened.

  He looked at Sberg and said seriously.

  ”Can you tell me about your story?”

  Sberg was stunned, then nodded.

  ”No problem…”

  The guys in the Workers’ Union had asked him to do the same.

  He came here not only to keep an appointment, nor just to bring a letter for Alyssa, but more to bring the story of the Workers’ Union to the Alliance.

  As a hostage of the residents of the inner city, he was not released by the “surrenderists” of the inner city until the second half of the night amid the deafening shouts of the people.

  He did not personally experience the miraculous hours before nightfall, but the guys in the Workers’ Union told him everything.

  Including how they almost abandoned their bottom line in silence and became accomplices of the mob, and also how the sincere apology of the little girl named Alyssa reminded them of their program – Boll’s words and deeds.

  The militia was surprisingly good at fighting against the mercenaries, but raised their guns when facing their compatriots… This was completely different from the predictions he saw in the projection room, and even the opposite.

  Obviously, Mr. Fang Ming’s calculations took into account the ugliness of human nature.

  But in the model it deduced, it seemed that there was only the ugly part.

  It’s not its fault.

  After all, in the past century and a half, humans have shown almost only the ugly side to it, and they are becoming uglier and uglier in the foreseeable trend, and are getting farther and farther away from the first generation of residents who created it…

  But the complexity of human beings lies in the fact that human beings are not something that can be defined by a few simple “labels”.

  Those militiamen who have never been on the battlefield are not really weaklings. It is Wei Lun, who is wearing power armor, who ran away with his tail between his legs.

  The teams of ten or a hundred people who were sent to the city to execute orders, when they learned that they were executing just orders, they gambled their lives and courage. And when they execute some “unconventional” orders, they will also feel hesitant.

  Especially the centurion named Joey.

  His family is “hostage” in the inner city.

  However, when he saw Alyssa with her arms open, he finally made a choice from the perspective of “people” and decided to “bring victory and glory to his children”.

  Instead of letting his choice become a story that he was ashamed to mention, and making himself a shame that the children could not say anything about.

  Sberg simply told what he saw in the screening room.

  Whether it was the past of the Stone City, or the hundreds of possibilities in the deduction, or the tens of thousands of possibilities that he had not finished watching.

  ”… To be honest, let alone Mr. Fang Ming, I also felt that the Stone City must be hopeless, but the result of the matter surprised me. Maybe it’s like what I saw a green-haired girl say in a certain “ending”, we actually have the ability to correct mistakes, and we don’t really feel superior as slaves.”

  When he said this, Sberg sighed with relief, and suddenly laughed happily, like a child who had just walked out of the examination room.

  After listening to this long story, Chu Guang was also sincerely happy for these people who completed their self-salvation, but more of it was a moment of fear.

  He just said it casually at the time, but he didn’t expect that he almost killed a kind girl.

  If she didn’t pick up the hairpin, she wouldn’t fall behind. If she didn’t set such a high moral standard for herself, she wouldn’t stand up at that time.

  In fact, the lady she saved was not a good person either.

  Although the final result was not bad, if what Sberg said was true, then she was almost standing on a tightrope at the time, with bottomless cliffs on both sides.

  That was the abyss of human nature.

  If there were no workers’ newspaper, no workers’ union, and no Boll’s story, everyone would not even have something that could barely be used as a program, or if the guy in front of him wrote it more casually, the tragedy might have already happened.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but sweat for her.

  It was a miracle that she survived…

  Of course, miracles were not just hers.

  If Fang Ming didn’t take action, the guy named Sberg in front of him would definitely die in prison. Being rewarded by two inhumane masters at the same time and being rescued by an AI that awakened “humanity” was simply the luck of winning the first prize in the lottery.

  This guy is still alive, and can sit here peacefully and tell stories to himself. This is the biggest miracle of the “Boulder City Revolution”!

  ”Who is your current leader?” Chu Guang asked the question that he was most concerned about.

  Sberg shook his head.

  ”Not yet… Some people have proposed to imitate the Ideal City to set up a council without a chairman, which can be regarded as a continuation of the ideal of the first generation of residents that ‘Boulder City has no living city lord’, but we always feel that the method of the Ideal City is not yet for us.”

  ”Your intuition is right,” Chu Guang nodded and continued, “Doing this is equivalent to creating a new inner city.”

  ”So some people proposed that the militia and the workers’ union each elect representatives to take turns to be the city lord… But Joey thinks it is not a good idea to let the militia be the city lord. He thinks there are speculators hidden in his team. So, we haven’t thought about it yet. We set up a crisis office first, determine the constitution, and then slowly transition to the new authorities.”

  When he said this, Sberg said embarrassedly.

  ”They also asked me to ask you… whether you are willing to take over this mess. We have read your constitution. In fact, what we want is similar to what you are already doing.”

  The ideals of the ideal city are poison to most wastelanders except themselves, but the alliance’s “survivors unite” is just right for the reborn Boulder City.

  Everyone is only 20 to 30 kilometers apart, and it is too awkward to distinguish between each other.

  However, the mess made by the residents of the inner city is really too big. They are now like poor beggars. It is really embarrassing to ask us to live in the same house with you.

  Looking at the uneasy Sberg, Chu Guang’s heart is also mixed.

  He just wanted to dig a corner at the beginning, but he didn’t expect to dig the whole wall.

  Of course.

  He will definitely not leave them alone.

  Let alone 500,000, even if it is 5 million people, as long as they take the initiative to embrace the progressive ideas and don’t rush in to mess up his and the players’ communities, then they are partners on the same front. If

  you want to ask why.

  There is only one reason.

  Because the alliance is not an empire, it is the United Front of Human Rejuvenation-an alliance of all survivors.

  He never forgot what he said. This is a place where survivors gather together for warmth.


  Chu Guang smiled at Sberg, “We welcome you to join the big family of the alliance. You have cut off the past. We are very happy that we have one more comrade-in-arms on the front line of ending the wasteland era.”

  Sberg looked at him in surprise.

  ”You… agree?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”But we won’t let you join us immediately. You are a settlement of 500,000 people. We need a smooth transition period. Please understand our difficulties.”

  Sberg nodded quickly.

  ”I understand! Not only me… others will understand too. If the gate of the giant wall is opened now, the whole Qingquan City will be full of predators.”

  ”Not only predators, but also the wave next year. We need the fortress of the Giant Stone City to share some of the pressure.” Chu Guang paused and continued, “Who is the representative of the Workers’ Union?”

  ”Lovet,” Sberg said immediately, “We all agree that his speech in the newspaper studio played an indispensable role. At least more than half of the workers were mobilized and more than half of the atrocities were prevented.”


  Chu Guang was stunned and said with a strange expression.

  ”Is he still a carpenter?”

  Sberg widened his eyes in surprise.

  ”Do you know him?”

  ”No… nothing.” Chu Guang shook his head.

  Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

  History is the inevitability of countless coincidences.

  After a pause, Chu Guang looked at him seriously and said,

  ”I will give you a copy of our laws. You can ask for everyone’s opinions and make some supplements. In addition, I will send some specialists to help you. Among them are staff members of the refugee home and experts in the shelter… They can help you solve some practical problems.”

  ”Thank you so much!” Sberg scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly, “By the way… We still have to choose someone to make the decision. This is also our consensus. Why don’t you decide it?”

  ”You decide on this matter yourself. The alliance only makes macro-level planning to ensure that the laws of the alliance are normally implemented in various settlements in accordance with the charter, as well as the military security of each settlement, etc…”

  Looking at the uneasy Sberg, Chu Guang smiled and continued.

  ”Actually, you don’t have to ask for my opinion. You have done very well so far. You can take the last step and choose a new city lord.”

  ”Of course, if the new city lord does not do well enough or betrays our ideals, I will dismiss him without hesitation.”

  If a group of natural slaves win, Chu Guang will not give them the power to decide their own destiny. In the end, it will become a game of power. He will not even agree to let them join the alliance.

  It is their destiny to follow the alliance as collaborators like lions and honey badgers. When they figure it out, they will wake up.

  However, the survivors of Boulder City can still be saved. They completed their own redemption and took the initiative to close the man-eating casino.

  This miracle is unlikely to happen.

  But since it has happened, it should be allowed to continue.

  The first generation of residents of Boulder City said that there is no living city lord in Boulder City, so we should respect the wishes of those great people.

  Sberg felt a little regretful, but he felt that what Chu Guang said made sense, and this could also settle some of the voices within their ranks that did not trust the Alliance – the workers’ union would rather choose a worker to be the city lord than let the Alliance choose a new master for them.

  Unexpectedly, the Alliance did not care who among them stood up as a representative, and never thought of being a master riding on their heads.

  Sberg breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”Although… I hope you can take over the militia and those equipment stocks as soon as possible. Joey is a good person, but at this juncture, good people alone are not enough.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”No problem, I will transfer the Alliance’s First Corps and the Burning Corps to maintain order and complete the re-equipment of the Giant Stone City Militia. In the future, the salaries of those militias will be paid by the Alliance’s Logistics Department.” In fact,

  silver coins have already circulated in and outside Giant Stone City, and a part of the Burning Corps has already entered. This work will not be too difficult.

  Sberg nodded to show that he understood.

  Now there was only one thing left for him to ask…

  ”City Lord… I mean Mr. Fang Ming, is it really gone?”

  He remembered Fang Ming had told him that it was going to stay on the north bank of Linghu Lake for a while, spending the last bit of time there.

  The Stone Building collapsed this morning.

  It is undoubtedly gone…

  Seeing the reluctance in Sperger’s eyes, Chu Guang thought for a while and spoke slowly.

  ”My assistant told me that it had no regrets when it left, and was also very pleased that you had embarked on an ending it had never imagined.

  ”If you don’t want to disappoint that gentleman, then take the memory of it and continue to move towards the new era.”

  ”You are right… We can’t always expect the City Lord to solve all problems.” When he said this, Sperger seemed relieved.

  Looking at the worker who stood up and was about to leave, Chu Guang suddenly remembered something and called him.

  ”By the way, I said I would take you to try on my equipment.”

  He almost forgot such an important thing!

  Sperger stopped and was stunned, as if he didn’t expect the manager to say that, and then said with a smile.

  ”Ah? Are you serious? I’m already very happy to have such a chat with you, so there’s no need for that.”

  He couldn’t bear to be embarrassed.

  But Chu Guang didn’t care and walked over with a smile.

  ”I’m not kidding. Since you’re here, give it a try… follow me.”

  Sberg nodded guiltily and followed Chu Guang out of the browsing room and came to the elevator entrance on the B3 floor.

  The azure power armor was parked there.

  Looking at the open hatch, Sberg carefully got in and closed the armor on his back and the visor of his helmet with the help of Chu Guang.

  Looking at this worker who was more than twice as burly, Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”How does it feel?”

  The blue tin stayed there motionless for a long time, and suddenly a distressed cry floated out of the armor.

  ”I… can’t move.”

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, and then slapped the back of his head.

  ”I almost forgot… Xiaoqi, increase the engine output power of the armor to 100%.”

  ​​Xiaoqi’s answer came from my ear.

  ”Got it!”

  As the electricity generated by cold fusion poured into various parts of the armor, Sberg, who was wearing the power armor, was finally able to move.

  Although he moved a little clumsily, like a drunk.

  Looking at him like this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but think of the time when he just got the power armor from Shelter No. 117, and he missed it very much.

  Since breaking through LV30, he usually switched to the most power-saving non-powered mode and drove the armor with the power of his body.

  After reaching LV40, he was basically accustomed to the weight of the power armor and could walk freely even without turning on the power.

  Fang Ming became a human in the end.

  And he seemed to be getting further and further away from the identity of “human”…

  After experiencing the feeling of infinite power for a while, Sberg got out of the tin can.

  After moving his sore arms, he looked at Chu Guang with a look of wanting to say something but hesitating, and finally couldn’t help but ask in a low voice with surprise in his heart.

  ”You… don’t you usually turn on the power?”

  Chu Guang smiled and said modestly.

  ”I still open it when I need it.”

  ”Incredible…” Sberg looked at him in amazement, his eyes almost popping out, “You can actually wear it as clothes.”

  How strong is this guy? !

  His story is still too conservative. Maybe Bol, who is wearing power armor, is not his opponent…

  Chu Guang gently patted Sberg’s shoulder and said with a laugh.

  ”So it turns out that the awakened can defeat the power armor. Take this news back and tell your coworkers.”

  ”Your title is not exaggerated at all!”


  Boulder City.

  A group of dusty people stood in the square at the junction of the inner city and the outer city.

  They are all residents of the inner city with black cards.

  And outside them, there are a group of armed militiamen.

  It is worth mentioning that Wei Lun, the centurion of the first thousand-man team, was found.

  This coward wore power armor and hid in a warehouse in the outer city, blocking the door tightly. It is estimated that he planned to escape from the city after the storm, but forgot to turn off the locator.

  It was a joke. He had never even done anything with the Supervisory Team, so he didn’t even remember that his power armor had that function.

  The militiamen who occupied the command post quickly found him based on the location information.

  He was the first person to order the shooting. Although his subordinates raised their guns, some of the protesting residents still died.

  He knelt in the square with a dead look in his eyes. I don’t know if he regretted his original order or regretted not wearing the power armor to fight back.

  Maybe he could drag a few people down with him…


  By the way, he was lucky to kneel here and beg for forgiveness.

  Zhao Yongxu, the head of the militia, died at the hands of mercenaries who were eyeing his property when he was escaping. And Russell, Joey’s immediate superior, didn’t even have the chance to put on the power armor, and was shot dead by his men during the mutiny.

  He was the only one left among the five centurions.

  Although only the centurion Weilun was kneeling, most of the residents in the inner city were standing, but their faces were still ashen.

  There are 1,507 residents holding black cards, of which 400 to 500 are under the age of 16, and more than 300 are over 60.

  Everyone is waiting for the angry residents to pronounce their verdict on them.

  Accompanied by several workers, Alyssa found her family in the corner of the square and ran over anxiously.

  ”Mom! Brother!”

  Warfield stared at Alyssa who was running towards him, and did not answer in silence. Suddenly, he raised his hand and slapped her hard.


  Alyssa’s head was already buzzing after not sleeping all night. This slap directly slapped her and she fell sideways and sat on the ground without getting up.

  Warfield was quickly pinned to the ground by two militiamen. Joey, who was furious, kicked him and cursed the coward.

  Warfield, who was pinned to the ground, seemed not to see anything. He spit at Alyssa, and his face, which was oozing blood, twisted into a ball.


  Get! Our family is not like you! Far away!”

  Her Elissa looked at the hysterical Vorfel, and she couldn’t help crying in her eyes.

  But she didn’t cry.

  Her mother shook her head and looked at her youngest son


  She didn’t know why

  she was surrounded by those people. Enough! “Do you want to kill

  people?” Hong Liang’s voice scolded the militia who violently. Lowit strode the meteor to the man with a swollen nose and swollen. He wanted to reach out and dragged





  looked at the distorted smile and stopped again.

  ”I’m ashamed of you, sir.” Lovett looked at the poor guy with pity.

  Until now, he still felt that everyone was as ugly as he was.

  ”Then just shoot me!” Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Warfield stared at him intently, then glanced at the militiamen around him, and suddenly laughed, “Shoot, kill me!”

  He seemed to know where he was going and was not afraid at all.

  Lovett looked straight into his eyes.

  ”I won’t do that.”

  ”Why! Shoot!!! Why don’t you shoot!” Warfield was silent at first, and suddenly shouted like crazy, reaching out to grab his shoes, but was dodged.

  Lovett kicked his dirty hands away, and the pity in his eyes gradually turned into contempt.

  ”Why? Are you still asking this question?”

  ”How many times do I have to say it, because we are not you.”

  Warfield was stunned.

  This sentence sounded so familiar.

  It seemed that someone said the same thing to him yesterday…

  Did these people make an appointment?

  Why do they even speak in the same tone…

  Lovett continued calmly.

  ”If we want to kill you, it must be because you have violated our laws since the sunrise today, not because I want to chop you into pieces and feed you to the dogs, so I took a gun and shot you. Although I bet that people like you must have said a lot of nonsense, but we are not you.”

  Warfield opened his mouth swollen like a sausage, looking like he had lost his soul, staring blankly at the bearded man.

  Lovett paused and continued.

  ”We have a program. It’s not perfect, but we do what we say. We just want a new start, so we just want a new start.”

  ”We will confiscate your ill-gotten gains. After all, they were taken from us. Don’t try to argue with us. We are settling accounts.”

  ”From now on, you are citizens of Boulder City. You have to find a job to support yourself.”

  ”Of course, if you are afraid of us, then take your luggage and get out of here!”

  Lovett said contemptuously after taking a last look at the poor guy who was curled up in a ball.

  ”These fists should be a lesson. Beating others in the street, and in front of the guards, according to the crisis management regulations, we should whip you.”

  He helped Alyssa up, asked the doctor to take her to rest, and then took the loudspeaker and walked in front of the residents of the inner city.

  He shouted in a loud voice.

  ”Listen up, residents of the inner city!”

  ”This is a joint decision made by the militia, the workers’ union and the crisis office. Now you have two choices.”

  ”One is to confess your property in Boulder City and hand over everything you took from us, and then start over with us as citizens of Boulder City. From now on, there will be no difference between the inner city and the outer city!”

  ”Or, if you don’t trust us, then take your luggage and get out of here, and go to the wasteland to find your ideal country!”

  ”Of course, we will liquidate your assets, and you need to explain the source of every large deposit in your account and the destination of every large expenditure. We won’t let thieves slip away. Either pay a fine or serve a sentence in a new prison!”

  After saying these words, Lovett waved his hand, and several staff members of the crisis office set up a table in the square, allowing these gentlemen who lost their black cards to decide their own fate.

  Bonnie cried with red eyes.

  This upheaval almost made her lose everything.

  Her husband died, her brother died, her family… most of the senior officers of the militia died last night.

  She held her youngest son Kumit’s hand tightly, her eyes blurred by tears were full of despair and confusion about the future.

  ”Why are they so cruel…”

  What should I do in the future?

  The outside is a wasteland that eats people…

  Kumit is the same. After losing his friends, he can no longer see the youthful arrogance and high spirits on his face.

  He looked around in panic, his teeth trembling with fear.

  Last night, his father called him to the conference room, and he watched the S coins liquidated in an instant, and he was so scared that he didn’t dare to go over.

  He hid in the quilt, shivering in the dark until the dawn of the next day, and then heard the news of his father’s death from his mother…

  Maybe his father was the real “smart man”, who went away with that “glorious” era and went back to accompany his ancestors.

  He should also die in that collapsed building.

  But he really couldn’t muster up the courage…

  Looking at those crying poor bugs, the electrician standing next to Lovett couldn’t help but curse.

  ”Damn… Just give them a quick death, a bunch of cowards!”

  Lovett shrugged.

  ”I understand your feelings, but you should also think about those outer city residents who hid in the inner city.”

  The electrician frowned.

  ”What does it have to do with them? They are hostages of those people. We have decided not to settle accounts with them.”

  ”They became hostages after the militia revolted,” Lovett looked at him and corrected him, saying, “They were once accomplices of the inner city nobles, or they had licked Grandpa Stephen’s shoes and whips, otherwise why were they able to hide in at that time? Could it be that the master was kind enough to reward them?”

  The electrician stopped talking. After thinking about it, he felt that there was some truth. Logic is never one-sided, but has both positive and negative sides.

  Lovett sighed.

  ”To settle accounts with ‘them’, we have to settle accounts with ‘them’, endless ‘them’. First we have to settle accounts with the militiamen who accidentally killed civilians during the riots, settle accounts with those who did bad things but stopped, and then settle accounts with those who did not stand in line completely, and remained silent when watching the atrocities of Master Stephen… That’s enough. We are not absolutely good people. We have also been silent, and even almost became them.”

  ”We have eliminated all Master Stephen, and they are now our ghosts. Let’s stop here. Neither you nor I want to see those dirty things nailed in the coffin roll back.”

  This is also the reason why he did not kill Warfield.

  Of course he has the right to do so. At most, it will make Alyssa cry again, but more people will cheer, and those who feel it is inappropriate will not say anything, but will keep their mouths shut and remain silent in the right atmosphere.

  He understands a simple truth. Nutrition cream and cake are real things that exist in the world. It has nothing to do with reality and fairy tales. It’s just the amount.

  However, wanting the sweetness of cake and the fullness of nutrition cream is a truly unrealistic fairy tale.

  Crossing the line or not, they can only choose one of them in the end. Crossing and not crossing, or selectively crossing part of the line, are all unrealistic delusions.

  Bol had countless opportunities to become Master Stephen. He had plenty of strength, but he only had one chance to become Bol.

  Lovett knew many things that Alyssa didn’t know.

  The militia didn’t turn against her because of her tears or cuteness. Most militias proposed to pay salaries in dinars or silver coins a month ago, but were rejected. This is why most militias stood on the side of the residents of the outer city.

  There were bad people in their team. Those people took advantage of the riots to rob some residents, but most people let them go after finding out that these residents were poor like themselves. This is why there were those mutinous soldiers and the final alliance.

  The workers’ union said on the radio that the past was written off and they would keep their promises.

  The militia didn’t speak, but it didn’t mean that the soldiers couldn’t see that there was a sense of vigilance in the eyes staring at them.

  The soldiers supported the idea of ​​settling old scores with the nobles. They didn’t like those masters either, and they didn’t mind turning a blind eye.

  But this kind of thing will happen again. When will it end?

  Should we settle the score with them as well?

  In any case, this is not a good sign for them. Once the trust is broken, it will lead to a greater disaster.

  Lovett remembered every word he said.

  They wanted to make a law that everyone would abide by, and completely cut off from the past. From now on, everyone would live in the sunshine of the new era, and be wary of this settlement turning into a dark jungle again.

  At this time, a militiaman came over.

  ”Comrade Lovett, someone at the door wants to see you.”

  Lovett looked at him and asked.


  The militiaman replied.

  ”Melvin, he brought five trucks of food and daily necessities, which should have been bought from the Alliance… He begged us to let his family go.”

  Lovett narrowed his eyes.

  ”Is this a deal?”

  The militiaman shook his head.

  ”It shouldn’t be. He first gave us the food, then knelt on the ground and begged us for mercy… I pulled him up, and that guy seemed to be crazy.”

  Lovett was silent for a while, and his eyes were not so sharp.

  ”Tell him that we haven’t forgotten the fire five years ago, and we also remember other people’s worse things than that. We will nail their past and the collapsed building to the pillar of shame in history.”

  ”But the reckoning ends here.”

  Even if Master Stephen was killed, there would only be one more corpse and a few more flies on the street.

  But now, they are united –

  all Master Stephen will be afraid of them!

  Lovett has no doubt and is extremely convinced…


  After completing the reckoning of the residents in the inner city, the upheaval in Boulder City has come to an end, and everyone began to clean up the mess on the ground.

  With their backs to the sun at noon, people dragged some frozen bodies out of the snow.

  Among them were men, women, children and the elderly. Some were found on the street, and some were dragged out from the alleys.

  Apart from mourning, it seems that the only thing people can do is to engrave this painful memory on their tombstones and continue to move forward with their share of it.

  At this time, someone suddenly suggested that since Boulder City is so short of food now, it is better to do it more thoroughly and let them truly become a part of our body.

  This is an extremely ugly and bad idea, but from a realistic point of view, this settlement of more than 500,000 people does not seem to have many choices.

  The slime mold fruiting body can provide too few nutrients, and it is impossible to hunt that thing on a large scale in winter.

  When people are starving, they will do some crazy things. In a sense, those predators are people who have gone crazy in the wasteland.

  They did not become the new master.

  But now they are facing the danger of becoming something else…

  Fortunately, things have taken a new turn.

  They are not isolated and helpless like they were a century and a half ago. The nearest neighbors are separated from them by an urban area of ​​20 to 30 kilometers.

  Just when people were hesitating whether to send their dead compatriots into the nutrient paste conversion furnace, a surprising good news suddenly came from the gate of the giant wall-

  the alliance is here!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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