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Chapter 546: I was immediately convinced

Chapter 546: I was immediately convinced


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 546: Immediately Convinced

  It was almost nine o’clock in the evening after the movie ended. Everyone left the theater, and Jiang Qin chased his jealous little girl all the way back to the hall.

  The little rich woman foolishly ran forward, turning every corner she saw, and was finally blocked by Jiang Qin at the entrance of the fire escape.

  The little rich woman’s eyes rolled around after being caught, and she wanted to get under Jiang Qin’s arm, but as soon as she bent down, her perky little butt was slapped. She instantly became much more honest, and her mouth was slightly pursed with a sense of pride.

  ”How did you know about Chu Siqi and me?”

  ”I heard it from the classmates around me.”

  Feng Nanshu gently rubbed her left buttocks, humming and talking.

  Jiang Qin confessed to a girl and took the love letter back halfway. This matter was widely spread in high school. The little rich woman was just not sociable, but she was not deaf.

  Jiang Qin looked into her watery eyes: “So you were so gossipy in high school.”

  ”I only eavesdrop when they talk about you.”

  ”Damn face control,

  you’re greedy for my body so early!” Jiang Qin stretched out his hand and opened the fire escape door: “Go in, let’s have a good chat.”

  Feng Nanshu blinked, squinted at the dark passage with only a little green light: “I’m going to be kissed to death again…”

  Friendship is a wonderful thing, and good friends are even more wonderful.

  People with good friends understand that sometimes they are upset, which is actually another way of acting coquettish. They will be fine after a kiss, or in other words, they will be stupid after a kiss.

  For example, Feng Nanshu, despite her cold expression and cool eyes, stopped making trouble when Jiang Qin kissed her mouth.

  What kind of aloof queen is she? She just deserves a kiss.

  Jiang Qin pinched her round little butt, feeling her soft and moist little sweet mouth, and easily subdued the jealous girl.

  When I took the college entrance examination, the topic of the Chinese composition paper was about friendship. To be more specific, it was about the positive role that good friends play in your study and life.

  Feng Nanshu only scored a dozen points on the composition question, and lost the title of the top scorer.

  But if she were to take the exam now, she probably wouldn’t even get a zero, because her good friends would be ruined.

  At the same time, there was another group of tough guys in the hall, who had just finished watching a movie.

  Some of them cried like bastards, with snot and tears.

  Some of them also looked out the window at the dark night with a look of melancholy, their eyes were red, and I don’t know which period of time they remembered.

  The girlfriends who came with them didn’t feel sorry at all. They hugged their shoulders and had a cold face, asking their boyfriends aggressively, who are you crying for now.

  Of course, there are more single dogs standing aside and watching the fun. Most of

  these people have been single since the day they first fell in love, and they hate this kind of bastard with a girlfriend the most!

  Damn, he has a partner but still watches a lovelorn movie, he deserves it!

  Fight and fight, it’s better to break up.

  But no one knows who started it, the couples at the scene suddenly started hugging and kissing each other, which made the single brothers’ eyes pop out. They

  wanted to break up just now, but they started kissing each other in less than a few minutes. Damn, are they crazy?

  At this time, a tough guy named Cao was also crying and squatting near the fire escape, covering his face and crying. As a result, he was caught by Ding Xue and beaten up.

  ”You are crying so sadly? What’s the matter? Who did you think of back then?”

  ”I just… I just can’t remember, that’s why… that’s why… that’s why
I’m the most pitiful.”

  Master Cao sobbed and couldn’t speak clearly: “Damn, I… I just realized that I was… I was one of the characters who ran with the male lead!”

  Ding Xue looked at him: “The shortest one?”

  ”The tallest one!”

  When people watch movies, they put themselves in the shoes of the male lead and think of the love they missed in those years. The young master directly put himself in the shoes of the supporting role and thought of the years of running with him.

  His greatest stubbornness is that he matched the taller one among the supporting roles.

  He always wondered why he didn’t look like a rich second-generation. Damn, his own fantasies were so cautious. It was impossible for him to look like a rich second-generation!

  But at this moment, Ding Xue suddenly pursed her lips and reached out to slam him against the wall: “Why are you crying? Although you are a supporting role in other people’s lives, and you are the shorter one, you will always be the protagonist in my life, my protagonist.”


  Master Cao shrank in Ding Xue’s arms and whimpered suddenly. Ding Xue was so annoyed that she lowered her head and held his old mouth tightly, sucking hard, causing the door of the fire escape to start creaking.

  But soon, Ding Xue discovered something strange.

  That is, when she didn’t use so much force, the door of the fire escape behind her was still creaking, and it was particularly loud, as if the door was about to be torn down.

  There was someone inside!

  Ding Xue made her own judgment in an instant and planned to take a peek quietly, but she pulled it and it didn’t open.

  At this moment, there was a click from the inside of the door, as if the bolt was opened. Jiang Qin took Feng Nanshu’s hand and walked out under Ding Xue’s astonished eyes.

  Jiang Qin didn’t expect it was the two of them. He turned around and glanced at Master Cao, who was panting and leaning against the door. Then he looked at his seductive eyes and exclaimed in his heart,


  What are you doing?”

  ”We kissed for a while.” Jiang Qin touched the corner of his mouth and wiped off Feng Nanshu’s saliva.

  Some small tongues are becoming more and more flexible and moving more and more randomly, and they are almost impossible to catch.


  Ding Xue was stunned for five seconds, and turned to look at Cao Guangyu in disbelief: “Good friends can kiss each other, and so blatantly? Look at how righteous he is!”

  Cao Guangyu was kissed and his eyes were as charming as silk: “Old Jiang said that their God of Good Friends allows them to kiss.”

  ”What? Where the hell is there such a thing as the God of Good Friends?”

  ”Old Jiang said he has seen it.”

  Jiang Qin glanced at Ding Xue: “Don’t believe it? I will send you a dream tonight, and let the God of Good Friends turn you into good friends.”

  Cao Guangyu was shocked: “No, no, no, Old Jiang, she believed it, she believed it.”

  ”Respect the God of Good Friends!”

  At the same time, Ren Ziqiang and Wang Linlin also came out, each one was more silent than the other, and then their eyes were full of nostalgia, and it seemed that they also had a story.

  Then the six people found a row of chairs in the corner and sat down. They were still immersed in the afterglow of the movie, and they were always affected by reminiscing about the past.

  ”In fact, regret is also a kind of beauty. Just hide it in your heart and don’t let it affect your mood.” Jiang Qin looked calm and forgot that there was a jealous guy next to him.

  Feng Nanshu nodded coldly: “Brother hid those things in his heart, secretly took them out to recall, and didn’t let me know.”

  Jiang Qin stretched out his hand to pinch her face: “I say again, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense!”


  ”What are you saying? Say you know, brother.”

  Feng Nanshu said obediently: “I know, brother.”

  At this moment, everyone saw a zombie walking out of the theater.

  Cao Guangyu touched his chin: “It looks a bit like Zhuang Chen.”

  Ren Ziqiang also looked in the opposite direction: “It’s Zhuang Chen, uh, the one behind seems to be Zhang Guangfa.”

  Zhuang Chen lost his temper with Jian Chun a few days ago. After returning, he regretted it very much, but because of his face, he was embarrassed to apologize, so he thought of taking the opportunity of the movie release to ask Jian Chun out and say something soft.

  He felt that he should have thought too much, and cutting the nail on his right hand didn’t mean anything.

  But Jian Chun refused his invitation, saying that she would watch the movie with the sisters in the dormitory, and then Zhuang Chen gave the other ticket to Zhang Guangfa.

  Just now, during the movie, Zhuang Chen was silent and secretly crying, and he was deeply involved in himself and Jian Chun. The more he thought about it, the more sad he felt.

  Especially the scene at the last wedding banquet, when he saw the heroine marrying someone else, it was as if he had completely lost Jian Chun, and he burst into tears.

  The most terrible separation in the world is that you can never see her future again after one look.

  Later, the hero came on stage and sucked the groom hard in order to kiss the bride. At that time, his mind was full of Jiang Qin’s face and Jiang Qin’s mouth.

  Zhang Guangfa didn’t feel anything, as if he had watched it for fun, especially when he saw the last scene. Now when he looks at Zhuang Chen again, he always feels that he is a little green man.

  But soon, Zhang Guangfa looked at Jiang Qin and his group, and pulled Zhuang Chen over, and the six people became eight people.

  Jiang Qin looked at Zhuang Chen’s decadent face, as if he saw his past self, and always wanted to scold him harshly, as if he had found an opportunity to scold his past self.

  But according to his experience, scolding can’t wake people up. If scolding can wake them up, there won’t be so many licking dogs in the world.

  ”In fact, there is no benefit in dating in college. It’s better to make friends. Many college lovers never contact each other after graduation. Even if they meet by chance, they may even pretend not to know each other.”

  ”But good friends are different. School friendship is the most precious. Maybe after many years, the relationship will not only not fade, but even become warmer.”

  Jiang Qin was talking and suddenly frightened: “So, many husbands are reluctant to let their wives attend class reunions, for fear that old friends will suddenly warm up and finally become yes, we have a child.”

  Everyone: “???????”

  Zhuang Chen was trapped, with only love in his mind, and he felt that the whole world had turned gray.

  In addition, because he always had a love rival filter for Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin’s words were obviously comforting, but when he heard him say “we have a child”, he instantly exploded and stood up and walked out.

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: “What’s wrong with this idiot?”

  ”I don’t know, maybe he imagined something happy.”

  ”Forget it, let’s find a place to eat.”

  Jiang Qin stood up, buttoned Feng Nanshu, then turned to look at the manager standing at the door: “Go find someone to arrange a table for six, and have hot pot here tonight.”

  The manager nodded: “Okay, Mr. Jiang, I’ll arrange it for you right away.”

  (It’s New Year’s Eve, Lao Cuo hasn’t had a break this year, and he plans to spend the next few days with his family. Today is the only chapter, and everyone has a happy new year.) It’s New Year’s Eve, Lao Cuo hasn’t had a break this year

   , and he plans to spend the next few days with his family. Today is the only chapter, and everyone has a happy new year.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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