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Chapter 546 You Choose Your Own Path

Chapter 546 You Choose Your Own Path


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 546: I chose my own path


  Kneeling in the square, Wofeier stared at the sky with lifeless eyes. The afternoon sun penetrated through the bruised eyes, making him feel extremely dazzling.

  He would rather it snowed right now.

  It would be best if it could bury him.

  The liquidation is over.

  They lost everything in this settlement.

  The alliance did not allow the free exchange of chips and silver coins. Although his father must have unconventional means to exchange some, the amount is definitely not much. Not to mention Cr and dinar, the exchange has been seized. Even if Jixiu still has some Cr left in his account in Ideal City, it is definitely not enough for the family to maintain their original life.

  Money is a small matter. Losing power is what hurts him the most.

  Wofeier would rather the militia kill him. Death is the fastest relief.

  It would be best to kill his wife, children, mother and that useless brother together!

  He will use his body lying on the street to plant a seed of hatred in Alyssa’s heart. Maybe this seed will never sprout in her life, but it will torture her repeatedly.

  As long as she saw any ugly side of the new authorities one day in the future and began to doubt the correctness of the original, she would definitely do something, and use reasons that no one could refuse to raise another chip high to reopen the casino…

  Her death could help her escape the reckoning, and she was still young, and she would definitely live longer than those guys who only had brute force.

  She had the blood of Melvin flowing in her veins, and she was smart enough and had enough resources, even more resources than herself… Although

  the kings of Boulder City were dead,

  their families could become the new royal family!



  As Warfield thought about it, he suddenly laughed out loud, and suddenly sobbed.


  Why didn’t he shoot…

  Two militiamen stood not far away and looked at the poor guy with disdain. Most of the people in the square had dispersed, and only he was still here, motionless.

  Gness pulled Keshu away, and his wife and children followed. No one dared to approach him, after all, he had just been beaten by the militia of the new authorities.

  Warfield felt a little dazed, and suddenly a wet and hot handkerchief was pressed against his face, pulling his dazed consciousness back from the edge of darkness.


  After wiping off the mud and blood on his face, Alyssa looked at him with heartache and fear, and whispered.

  ”I’m sorry…I put all the family property in the inventory, but we originally snatched it from others-”

  ”You don’t need to apologize…” Warfield opened and closed his bruised lips, panting, “You did the right thing. If I were outside, I would do the same. But next time, don’t joke with your life. When you are two years older, you will know that if they really want to do something to you, they will not just scold you or beat you up…”

  Alyssa looked at him sadly.

  ”Brother…why do we have to…do that?”

  She couldn’t describe the feeling in her heart.

  But she could feel that her brother had another high hope for her-a high hope that she didn’t want to realize at all.

  ”Why…” Warfield’s eyes were confused for a moment.

  He really couldn’t answer this question, and he didn’t know how to answer it.

  Isn’t it natural to eat others in a casino where people eat each other?

  Alyssa sniffed and said seriously.

  ”It’s over. This casino… and its chips, there will be no more black cards. From now on, we will only uphold our constitution.”

  Warfield suddenly smiled, looked at his sister lovingly, and wanted to reach out and touch her head, but hesitated and took it back.

  ”Father wrote a fairy tale in your heart. If possible, he hopes that you will never come out of there in your life… but you jumped out of the window.”

  ”We are a family. How can he not understand what you can understand? But some things are meaningless to do now. It will only kill you all. Even if you succeed, everything will change back.”

  Alyssa shook her head gently and looked at her brother seriously.

  ”Let’s leave the future to the future. Let’s just do well now. At least now we are all good people.”

  Warfield looked at her desperately: “Why don’t you understand… Fairy tales can never be true. People are born unequal. Otherwise, why would the prosperous era disappear? Those people will change back sooner or later! Sooner or later!”

  ”You just said that we are a family. How can I not understand?” Alyssa gently hugged her brother and patted the back of his head soothingly. “It’s okay. I’m still young… When I’m as old as my father, my children will watch over me.”

  Warfield’s expression suddenly twitched.

  He had never cried in more than 30 years, but he couldn’t control it at this moment.

  His sister chose the most difficult and futureless path. At least he couldn’t see any visible future. And he himself was already a dead man.

  Their family might really be finished.

  Looking at his sister who was still comforting him, Warfield didn’t even know what he was feeling sorry for. Maybe he was just feeling sorry for himself.

  He was ready to die. He made the last move with great effort, but was made a joke by a group of idiots who were countless times stupider than him.

  Maybe the casino will really never open again.

  He knelt in the square and burst into tears, howling for the first time in a long time…


  At the same time, in front of the gate opposite the Far Wind Hotel, a group of lovely people walked in the afternoon sunlight.

  They brought weapons.

  But more of them brought food, quilts, and hope to survive the cold winter.

  These residents of the shelter have never forgotten that the survivors standing on this land are all brothers and sisters of the Human Alliance. Even if the radioactive dust buried the shelter underground, they will stand up and fulfill the mission they swore under the flag.

  Moreover, many of these supplies were originally obtained for free from the Boulder City.

  Compared with what they got from this settlement, these supplies are nothing.

  And not only the survivors in the giant wall, but also the survivors in the slums outside the giant wall, the Alliance also intends to save them.

  The players installed an elevator on the viaduct next to the Far Wind Hotel and lowered the goods on the trucks parked on the roadside one by one.

  More players set up tents at the entrance of the Far Wind Hotel and organized a cordon to maintain formation and order.

  Most of them were life-professional players.

  Since Boulder City has become the fifth city of the Alliance, now is the time to brush up the regional reputation.

  I have never seen such a strange scene. Whether it is the poor people in the slums or the merchants setting up stalls in the square in front of the giant wall gate, they all put down their work and came over to watch the excitement curiously.

  ”What does the Alliance want to do?”

  ”Is it going to annex Boulder City?”

  ”Hahaha, it was a genius decision for me to collect silver coins!”

  ”Fuck! I also collected some chips, hoping that the new authorities would make it go up! It’s such a loss!”

  The players didn’t care about the discussions of the survivors at all. They didn’t understand what they were saying at all, and turned on the speakers to play the pre-recorded recordings.

  ”Those who have the strength to work, come and register! No wages, but food and accommodation are provided!”

  ”Old people and children come here! We will settle them all!”

  ”Damn! There are too many people!”

  ”Take in intimate big sisters over 18 years old! My house is quite big, welcome to come and play, sleep when you are tired, no problem-”

  ”Fuck! Brother Jie sneaked into the team!”

  ”Drag him out!”

  ”Ahhh, stop it, I’m here to help others! I have shed blood for the alliance, I have made contributions to the alliance, I want to see the manager!”

  Seriously, several disheveled girls really wanted to go over after hearing this, and the little girl curled up in the plastic sheet even counted her age secretly with her fingers.

  After all, those blue coats look good and don’t smell bad. If something really happens, it’s hard to say who will suffer more.

  The most important thing is that people wearing blue coats will definitely not “eat” people, but other wastelanders may be.

  Some merchants look decent, but maybe if they are taken away from the giant wall, they will be slaughtered like lambs.

  Not to mention the gangs in the slums, who occasionally pick some good-looking “lambs” to sell to people outside. The lucky ones can go to the Free State in the north and become a money-making tool for the bosses, while the unlucky ones may end up on the table or operating table of the looters.

  Unfortunately, the discipline of these blue coats is too strict, so strict that it is complaining.

  The guy who was crying and laughing was quickly dragged away, as if he was just playing a joke.

  The girls who gathered around out of curiosity could only go to the next table to register their names and wait for the resettlement of the refugee home…

  Although the players did something, it was still a bit difficult for a few hundred people to face tens of thousands of people, not to mention that there were more than half a million people inside the giant wall.

  The scene was a mess, and people couldn’t help but wonder if they could really get things done.

  But it was still very touching that someone was willing to do something, and some people were willing to stand up and help them.

  The Burning Corps and the First Corps entered the Boulder City and completed the handover of defense with the Boulder City 1,000-man team responsible for the city defense.

  Old White led his men to the armory.

  The new militia leader Joey showed them some of the weapons, and the other part was placed in the warehouse and helipad in the inner city.

  When they saw the weapons stored inside, all the players couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”Fuck! Power armor!” Looking at the iron lump standing in the room, Quit Smoking walked up to touch it in surprise.

  Killing Dagger looked at him with a smile.

  ”Brother, do you want it?”

  Quit Smoking nodded vigorously and said excitedly.

  ”Yes! I dream about it!”

  ”It’s good to have a dream,” Kidney Fighter patted him on the shoulder, “Save contribution points, there is still money.”

  Quit Smoking: “#%¥@!”

  There were a total of 30 sets of power armor, all of which were pre-war styles, and most of them were dragoons like Old White.

  Some of them have been in disrepair for a long time and can’t be used, but with Yin Fang, a little archaeologist, this is obviously not a problem.

  However, these collected equipment are all mission props.

  Although there is a high probability that they will appear in NPC stores, they all require contribution points to purchase.

  ”Damn…” Ye Shi muttered in a low voice, “Such good equipment was wasted on those masters!”

  ”Luckily, we arrived in time and didn’t let them fall into the hands of the predators.”

  Taking his eyes off the power armor, Lao Bai glanced at the boxes with radioactive signs on the corners.

  According to Joey, those were some miniature tactical nuclear weapons left by the post-war reconstruction committee. They were only the size of a bowling ball, with an explosive equivalent of about 1 to 10 tons. Compared with 155mm artillery, the equivalent is about 10 to 45 kilograms depending on the type of shell.

  In reality, it is difficult to make such a small tactical nuclear bomb that can even be thrown like a bowling ball, but this is a game after all.

  Destruction is much easier than construction. Obviously, in places that players cannot see, the administrators have done a lot of work to prepare for a rainy day.

  Otherwise, this exploding dead whale would at least cause turmoil in Qingquan City and even the southern part of the Valley Province for ten or even twenty years…

  That is not a matter of adding a few wild monsters, but a crisis that is more lasting and has a wider impact than the Bone Chewing Rebellion!

  ”But they didn’t use these things during the riot.” Ye Shi scratched his head, puzzled, “Why?”


  A tactical nuclear bomb, everyone on the street evaporated, right?

  Kuangfeng glanced at the kid.

  ”You’ll know when you grow up.”

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes when he heard his fatherly tone.

  ”I’m your father!”

  On the other side.

  At the gate of Boulder City.

  They are also here to perform aid missions, but unlike those players who are busy doing tasks, earning contribution points and reputation, most of the NPCs of the Alliance are not very motivated.

  It needs to be clarified that they are very enthusiastic when facing other survivors in need of help, and they have never turned their faces to the refugees who fled from Boulder City to the Alliance.

  But “door-to-door service” is something many people didn’t expect.

  Looking at the towering giant wall, Zhao Shu muttered.


  Yang Ergou glanced at him.

  ”What why?”

  Zhao Shu pointed at the guys carrying suitcases at the door. It didn’t seem like he was pointing at them, but more like he was pointing behind them.

  ”Why should we help these guys?”

  The two were residents of Beth Street. A long time ago, they worked in the Niuma Brick Factory, and they were the foremen at the highest level. Even the army staff officer Vanus had been reformed under them.

  Later, the alliance was established, everything was formalized, and the refugee home became a semi-official aid agency. They went to the refugee home together again, and continued to add bricks and tiles to the building with the survivors who embraced the alliance.

  Zhao Shu was familiar with Boulder City.

  Especially when he learned that those lucky guys could earn “almost the same” wages as the scavengers who risked their lives to pick up garbage in the wasteland just by screwing in the factory, they despised this decadent settlement even more.

  The giant wall itself is an evil existence. It not only blocks the slime mold, but also rejects countless survivors at the door.

  Beth Street, Brown Farm…all the feudal or semi-feudal survivor communities are mostly the legacy left by the ancestors of Boulder City.

  These are what he learned from the “Survivor Daily”.

  Boulder City was the first to become corrupt, and then the plague of thought gradually spread to other settlements along the ties maintained by the chips.

  The entire southern part of the River Valley Province has become a hotbed of corruption.

  Of course, there are many more corrupt settlements in the wasteland than Boulder City, but Boulder City is right next to them, so he naturally hates the people here the most.

  Especially the survivors here also like to show off their poverty, and secretly call them Blue Rat and Country Bum.

  Don’t think he doesn’t know!

  Zhao Shu pouted in his heart.

  ”Stinky beggar…”

  Can’t even eat green wheat cakes!

  You deserve it!

  Yang Ergou glared at him.

  ”What are you talking about!”

  ”Is there anything wrong with what I said?”

  Zhao Shu continued confidently, “The garbage we picked up and the food we planted were all used to feed these guys! Now we have to clean up the mess they have made! In my opinion, the survivors in the slums outside the wall can be taken in. They are truly innocent,

  and the people inside should be imprisoned for life!” Yang Ergou frowned and said, “That’s the master’s fault. What does it have to do with ordinary people? They can’t even chew dogtail grass, so they may not live better than us.”

  Zhao Shu rolled his eyes.

  ”Come on, they live much more comfortably than us. And when we were exploited, they didn’t stand up to speak for us, right?”

  Working in a factory is definitely safer than scavenging and hunting in the wild. They are not without any enjoyment.

  The population of Bet Street has not increased much in more than a hundred years, and the average life expectancy is about 30 years. From this perspective, the life expectancy of the residents of Bet Street has indeed been stolen by the workers in the city.

  ”You’re right.”

  A voice from behind interrupted the increasingly loud argument between the two.

  Luca walked over.

  Seeing the old butler – or should I say the city lord now, the two quarreling people immediately shut up and kept silent.

  Zhao Shu apologized guiltily.

  ”I’m sorry… I -”

  Luca looked at the young man and said in a soothing tone.

  ”You don’t have to apologize. I understand the anger in your heart. When I saw Brown, I also wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill his whole family and his servants.”

  ”Of course we can block the door and let the ‘stinking beggars’ inside help us produce things, giving them only a mouthful of swill to survive, and squeeze the last drop of blood from them and their future generations…”

  ”But do you expect such an alliance to end the wasteland?”

  ”Or think about it from another angle. You are not a Weilant. Have you ever expected for a second to rely on the Legion to end our wasteland?”

  ”Almost the entire desert is on our side, openly or secretly. We have united almost everyone we can unite. Even our enemies dare not face us. This is not because we are stronger or because we have the biggest fists.”

  ”It’s because we are an alliance, not an empire.”

  Looking at this skinny old man, Yang Ergou raised his thumb and said with a chuckle.

  ”That’s what I think, but I don’t know how to say it.”

  Zhao Shu scratched his head and still didn’t understand.

  He didn’t care whether the alliance was an alliance or not. If the manager wanted to be the emperor, he would support him with both hands. It would be best if he could marry the youngest daughter of the Yu family. Then, the old neighbors would be able to enjoy the happiness together.

  The skinny girl had grown up to be a beautiful lady, and was also liked by the residents of the shelter.

  At least in his opinion, she was much better than that vulgar mercenary!

  Luca patted him on the shoulder and did not force him to understand these things. He led everyone to move forward.

  Regardless of whether these people were worth saving, since the manager said that it was the fifth city of the alliance, they were comrades on the same front, so he would do what he should do.

  There was no reason.

  Moreover, he would represent the alliance and go to Boulder City to do some things that the Workers’ Union and the Militia were not capable of doing, and make up for some compromises they had to make with reality.

  Including some criminal cases that occurred during the riots, including some settlements that were not done thoroughly, etc.

  Of course, the residents of the inner city can obtain forgiveness and amnesty from the residents of the outer city. After all, the black card has been completely abolished. The extent of the liquidation is also written in the uprising program by the residents of the uprising. Whether it is thorough or not is not up to others to say, and there is no need for others to teach.

  But in the same way, one thing is one thing. Whether to accept those people to join the alliance, or to accept only some of them, is the business of the alliance.

  ”Criminals” accused by relevant responsible persons and involved in murder will not obtain the status of alliance residents, regardless of whether they are residents of the inner city or the outer city. The

  alliance will set up a new court in Boulder City to conduct open and fair trials of the case, and new evidence can be added within the five-year prosecution period.

  If those criminals are confirmed guilty by conclusive evidence, and the compensation they make cannot obtain the forgiveness of the relevant responsible persons.

  Then they will either accept labor reform as supervised persons, or get out of here as the residents of the outer city said, and find a suitable place for themselves in the wasteland…

  But then again, doing so is actually redundant.

  Most of the pardoned inner city residents do not want to stay at all, and there is no way to stay.

  They were already carrying the original sin.

  The residents of the outer city did not execute them only because they promised not to kill in their uprising manifesto, and they also took the initiative to release Sberg and the other “hostages” in their hands.

  A settlement of more than 500,000 people is too small after all.

  Everyone recognizes their faces.

  They will not have any future living in this settlement. When they eat, the cook may spit in their bowls and the waiter may roll his eyes at them.

  This makes them more uncomfortable than killing them, after all, death is only a moment.

  Unless they are generously pardoned by the residents of the outer city, like the little girl named Alyssa, and do something to atone for their sins, so that everyone in the outer city will think that this person really intends to be a family with them.

  But this is too difficult.

  Not everyone has the ability and opportunity to atone for their sins.

  Without the power in their hands and deprived of all their property, they can’t even live on their own, let alone live a self-reliant life.

  This is undoubtedly a pardon.

  But for many people, it is more like exile…


  The square in front of the giant wall gate.

  Bonnie and Kumit are hesitating about the future.

  Her husband Sid is dead, and her family members are all senior officers of the militia, and almost all of them died in the riots.

  The victors didn’t kill everyone, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t deaths.

  After learning that Boulder City would become the fifth city of the Alliance, her other two sons had already confessed their crimes and were ready to go to the Alliance’s prisoner-of-war camp for labor reform.

  If they behaved well, they might be able to get out in three to five years, and maybe even learn a craft or technology and live an ordinary life again.

  But she couldn’t do it.

  Without servants, she couldn’t even comb her hair.

  Not only her, but also her most beloved youngest son, Kumit, could do nothing without someone to take care of them. If no one took care of them, they would wither like flowers without water…

  Thinking of the future life and the only 20 kilograms of luggage, Bonnie couldn’t help but ooze tears from her eyes again.

  ”Mom…” Kumit pulled her hand and wanted to comfort her, but found that he didn’t even know how to comfort someone.

  He didn’t know where to go in the future.

  The new authorities confiscated their Cr and dinars. They couldn’t afford the tickets to the ideal city at all, not to mention that it was useless to go there.

  There were only some clothes, sleeping bags, high-end canned food and nutritional paste in their suitcases for safety.

  Just when Kumit was feeling desperate about his bleak life in the future, a little fat man suddenly emerged from the crowd and waved at them vigorously.

  ”Hey! This way!”

  Kumit was attracted by the funny action and looked at him, his eyes widened in surprise.


  Piru’s face was full of smiles, just like his father, Mr. Vega.

  ”Master Kumit! So lucky, you finally came out, my father and I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

  Next to him stood his father’s secretary Aaron.

  They had planned to bribe the militia to get Bonnie out, but they didn’t expect that the new authorities would dump the mess of Boulder City to the Alliance.

  This was a result that his father didn’t expect.

  If the residents of the inner city also become citizens of the Alliance, then they will never be able to make up for those regrets!

  Looking at the excited little fat man with a flushed face, Kumit scratched his cheeks embarrassedly.

  ”I’m not a young master anymore, don’t say that…”

  After experiencing that night that could be called a turning point in his life, he also grew up a little, at least he thought so.

  ”How could it be?! You will always be Master Kumit in my heart!” Piru bowed slightly respectfully, just like before.

  Kumit couldn’t help but be moved.

  Apart from those poor people who swarmed to snatch things from him, there are still good people in this world!

  ”Piru… my friend, you are so nice!”

  ”You are too polite!”

  Piru smiled naively, then turned to Kumit’s mother and blinked at her, “And Aunt Bonnie, you are still as charming as before, as if you will never get old.”

  Amused by this sentence, Bonnie, with tears in the corners of her eyes, couldn’t help but curl her lips.

  ”Thank you, you are really good at talking… just like your father.”

  Piru continued with a happy face.

  ”Speaking of my father, he prepared a welcoming banquet for you at the Far Wind Hotel! He knew that you definitely didn’t know where to go, and he specially booked a room for you to stay.”

  Bonnie was slightly stunned.

  ”Mr. Weijia? Thank you… for thinking so much about us.”

  ”Of course, this is what we should do!” Piru looked at her innocently and said seriously, “My father always told me that the most important thing for a businessman is to keep his promise. He swore to be loyal to Master Sid forever, so he must do it. We are very sorry about Master Sid’s affairs, but fortunately you are still alive. We will take care of you for that good man.”

  Bonnie’s expression was slightly hesitant.

  Somehow, looking at this sunny and cheerful little fat man, she always felt inexplicably uneasy in her heart.

  Is Weijia that kind of person?

  Although she always persuaded Sid to treat those businessmen who helped him make money well, Sid never really listened to what she said and the ancestral teachings she nagged.


  she still couldn’t help fantasizing.

  Maybe Mr. Weijia is really that kind of good person. He is grateful for Sid’s help all the time and is willing to take care of Sid and his mother and son…

  Seeing that another pair of inner city residents are planning to leave here completely, and this time it’s a mother and son, the militia boy standing next to them finally couldn’t stand it anymore and coughed hard.

  ”Hey, lady, there is a wasteland ahead, think it through! If you leave here, no law will protect you and your son.”

  Looking at the noble lady who was still hesitating, the young man couldn’t help but persuade her.

  ”If you haven’t done anything that is against the will of heaven and earth, the alliance will accept you… Not all people with black cards are criminals. Mr. Lister is still a resident of the alliance.”

  Maybe he shouldn’t say this sentence unnecessarily.

  Bonnie was tempted to stay, but when she heard the second half of his sentence, her heart tightened and she couldn’t help but hold her youngest son’s hand tightly.

  Of course, she didn’t do anything that was against the will of heaven and earth, and she would even give a big red envelope to every maid in the family who left her to start a family…

  But Kumit was not like that.

  She knew very well what was buried in the fire five years ago. Her brother Russell had even lost his temper with her husband because of it…


  Kumit’s eyes were full of fear, and he held his mother’s hand tightly.

  He didn’t want to stay with those predators.

  I heard that the prisoners in the Alliance’s prisoner-of-war camps were all evil spirits from the wasteland, the kind that really eat children…

  Maybe he should let go and let his mother live a normal life.

  But he really didn’t have the courage.

  Just like he had curled up in the quilt with the S-coin trader in his hand all night last night, let alone letting go of his mother’s hand, he didn’t even dare to see his old father for the last time…

  His son’s trembling hand finally made Bonnie, who was still hesitating, make up her mind.

  Patting Kumit’s hand gently, she took a deep breath and bowed slightly gracefully, like a real princess.

  ”Thank you, Mr. Soldier, we appreciate your concern and kindness… but we have already thought clearly about the future, our destiny is not here.”

  ”Thank you sincerely for giving us a way out, and I hope you can continue to move forward with your ideals.”

  The militia hesitated, looked at the innocent Piru, and then looked at the expressionless follower next to him.

  He felt that these two people were not good people, but he was indeed not qualified to make decisions for others, and he couldn’t even say anything nice.

  ”Take care…”

  Bonnie nodded, looked at the soldier with gratitude, then took her son’s hand and followed the joyful Piru towards the direction of the Far Wind Hotel.

  They exiled themselves, left the settlement and walked towards the wasteland.

  But this was their choice.

  Looking at the backs of the mother and son walking away, the militia was a little depressed, looking at the old militia next to him and muttering.

  ”I don’t know if I did the right thing… Master Sid is very bad, and his son is also bad enough, but his wife actually did nothing, and even rarely went out.”

  The old militia glanced at him.

  ”What do you know? It’s hard to persuade the damned ghosts with good words. Why do you care where they go or what they do? Just do your job well.”

  The road is chosen by oneself.

  Look at those lost and ignored masters and aunts. Who knows how many people envy them.

  Not far away, Gness hugged her husband Melvin tightly and cried.

  Melvin’s lips trembled, and he gently patted his wife’s back and said comforting words to her, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

  He seemed to have aged a dozen years overnight, with wrinkles so deep that they could catch snow residue, and countless white hairs in his messy hair.

  ”It’s okay… Everything will be fine…”

  He murmured in his mouth, and at the same time prayed for other family members.

  Watching Kumit’s back, Jixiu stood woodenly beside his parents, like a puppet without a soul.

  He wanted to do something to change this settlement, so he flew back from Ideal City.

  But he never thought that things would turn out like this.

  He had no face to face his father Melvin, his elder brother Warfield, or even Alyssa…

  He had always had a chance to atone for his sins.

  If he had been braver at that time, and had not followed his elder brother to hide in the inner city, but had rushed out to find Alyssa regardless of everything, he might have been beaten to death by the angry mob, but he might have been forgiven by the people together with Alyssa…

  But there is no such thing as regret medicine in this world. If

  he really wanted to regret, he shouldn’t have come back…

  Jixiu took a step forward, and when Melvin saw it, he immediately reached out and grabbed him, staring at this bastard.

  ”Come with me to surrender! Confess what you have done to the new authorities! The Alliance will not kill you, they will give you a chance to start a new life-”

  ”It’s too late.” Jixiu shook his head.

  Seeing his cowardly appearance, the furious Melvin slapped him and slapped him hard on the face.


  There was a crisp sound.

  Jixiu did not dodge, and let the slap hit his face, and his empty head was slapped to the side by the wrinkled hand.

  Seeing that he didn’t show any remorse, Melvin, who was furious, raised his hand and wanted to hit him, but was grabbed by his wife.

  ”Enough,” Gness stared at him with blurry eyes, “Don’t hit him, Jixiu is still a child, let me persuade him…”

  ”Asshole!” Melvin stared at Jixiu and cursed, “It’s time, can you listen to your father!”

  Why does everyone have to go against him!

  Forget Sid, his son is the same!

  Jixiu suddenly laughed.

  As he laughed, tears fell again.

  ”I’m sorry, Dad, I have failed your cultivation… I am indeed an incurable idiot, just like you can see.”

  He paused and said to himself.

  ”My friends on the End Cloud are right. I am the same as them. We are all lazy people who love to chant sutras. But the difference is that they know what they are doing and know that the sutras they chant will harm others, so they never teach people in the wasteland what to do. I am different. Not only do I think I am right, but I also think that what I have learned should be used by everyone…”

  Melvin said in a trembling voice, staring blankly at his son who suddenly became unfamiliar.

  ”Where are you going?”

  ”To the wasteland.” Jixiu said calmly.

  ”Are you crazy!? That’s a place where people are eaten! Do you think you can walk to the ideal city on your own two legs? I found a mercenary for you! You, a waste, will not live until tomorrow morning!” Melvin was so angry that he wanted to hold down the brat, but he tripped over the knee-thick snow. Instead of

  helping his father lying on the snow, Jixiu took a step back and looked at him with shame, as he didn’t know when his temples had turned gray.

  ”I understand your intentions. Confessing my crimes and accepting reformation is my last chance, but I no longer have the face to face anyone in this settlement… They have forgiven me, but I will never forgive myself.”

  ”An incompetent and arrogant scum like me should go to the wasteland to get beaten, and rot in some unknown stinking ditch. That’s where I belong.”

  ”Goodbye, please tell my dear sister that her bastard brother is dead, and she doesn’t need to atone for a scum like me. She should live happily in the beautiful new world – the fairy tale that you quietly wrote in her heart.”

  ”I think the Alliance is actually a good place… But we will never see each other again.”

  He bowed slightly to the giant wall, tightened the suitcase in his hand, turned his back to the bustling square and the desperate parents, and walked slowly into the howling cold wind…


  At dusk.

  The Alliance’s rescue station was set up in the Stone City. In front of the gate on the inner side of the giant wall, a large pot was set up to persuade people who wanted to escape the city.

  500,000 kilograms of food a day is less than 250,000 silver coins, not to mention that if you save it, you

  can’t eat so much. Compared with the cost of watching this settlement rot, this little money is nothing.

  And now we are all a family.

  Smelling the refreshing aroma, not to mention the hungry poor people, even the guards at the gate swallowed their saliva.

  ”It’s porridge…”

  ”I thought it was nutritional paste… It’s good to have nutritional paste.”

  ”Praise the Alliance! Praise the administrator!”

  ”My child is saved…”

  People who were frozen and shrank their necks whispered, some even secretly wiped their tears, and the hope of surviving the winter was rekindled in their eyes.

  If they were not extremely hungry, no one would want to eat the dead.

  Even a bowl of rice soup could remind them of their dignity as human beings, and they consciously lined up in a long line within the isolation zone.

  Under the call of Lovett, the workers’ union spontaneously helped to maintain order.

  Most of them had little education and did not look very smart. They only had one slogan – do what Bol should do.

  The object of their worship was not even a real guy, but their action and enthusiasm were unexpectedly amazing.

  They themselves did not realize that, inspired by victory and miracles, the non-existent Bol had become a kind of belief in their hearts – a

  belief that was purer and closer to the ground than the Great Horned Deer God!

  Even those well-trained soldiers could not help but look at those workers twice.

  They had no doubt that if they were given a gun, they would definitely be better at fighting than those mercenaries who were paid to do things.

  Even if these people had never been on a real battlefield.

  ”Don’t squeeze, everyone has a share!”

  Ya Ya, who was wearing an apron, held a large spoon in his right hand and a trumpet in his left hand, and shouted with a proud smile.

  ”Green vegetable, mushroom and minced meat porridge! Food sponsored by Teng Teng Hut. I hope everyone can spend the cold winter safely! We will let everyone wear beautiful new clothes in the spring of next year. Let the unhappiness of the past stay in the past.”

  No one paid attention to her. Everyone’s attention was on the steaming pot.

  But Ya Ya was shouting for her own amusement.

  Her human language was not very standard, so she took this opportunity to practice it!

  Teng Teng blushed and glared at Ya Ya, wishing she could throw her into the pot.

  ”You, you’ve had enough! Do your job well and don’t say unnecessary words…”

  She came to brush up the regional reputation.

  Regional reputation is of little use to combat professional players, but it is very useful for her who is keen on simulation management!

  Moreover, this rare special server activity can unlock achievements that cannot be unlocked in daily activities.

  The place to get medals is not just the battlefield. In the words of the administrator, this is also a battlefield in a sense.

  But even if these are put aside, she likes to do these things.

  The survivors in the wasteland have a simple understanding of kindness. A bowl of hot porridge or a small thing can move them to tears.

  And she will also gain spiritual satisfaction in the process, and the price she pays is just a little time to lie in bed and “dream”.

  Looking at the blushing Teng Teng, Ya Ya squeezed her eyebrows mischievously.

  ”What’s the matter? It’s your sponsorship. I just advertise your artwork by the way!”

  Seeing that she was going to make up some outrageous advertising words again, Teng Teng blushed and couldn’t speak, hiding her face in the milky white mist.

  In addition to Ya Ya, the bad friend who came to join in the fun, Hua Hua, a clerk in a maid’s dress, was also helping enthusiastically.

  The warm-hearted little boss has almost become an idol in her mind.

  Hearing that such a big thing happened in Boulder City, she put down her work without saying a word and decided to help, even closing the store!

  What a kind person!

  When Hua Hua thought of Miss Teng Teng’s generosity, she was moved beyond words.

  In her eyes, the residents of Shelter 404 were just like the little angels sent by the Great Horned Deer God to help the wastelanders…

  A stall not far away.

  Holding a bowl of hot porridge, Kent lowered his head and thanked the chef timidly. He felt like a stone was blocking his heart.

  He stayed at home that night. Although there was a commotion outside, it did not affect his leaky house.

  The mercenaries and soldiers who took advantage of the fire went to the houses closer to the inner city and would not go to the slums in the industrial area.

  He couldn’t resist the sleepiness, closed his eyes and took a nap, and then the sky outside was bright.

  After getting up, he wanted to go to work in Master Weijia’s factory, but when he got there, he found that it had been sealed.

  It was the workers’ union that sealed it.

  The group of thieves in prison are now the masters.

  Seeing the boxes of frozen meat and vegetables being moved out of the warehouse, Kent’s heart ached for a moment, but he didn’t dare to ask where the food was being moved. He went around and mixed into the team of the workers’ union to help, and even got a gauze armband.

  Most of the workers didn’t know him, but they liked this hard-working guy.

  Looking at the bodies dragged out of the alleys, Kent was extremely grateful that he hid at home that day, otherwise he might have been lying there…

  Squatting on the street and drinking a mouthful of rice porridge with vegetable scraps and minced meat, Kent felt warm in his stomach, but his heart was getting more and more blocked.

  In order to make himself feel better, he muttered.

  ”Haha…you screwed up everything, and what did you get?”

  ”What do you mean you won’t become Master Stephen? Didn’t Lovett become the president of the Workers’ Union? The leader of the militia is Joey, who is just another Captain Zhao, a group of new masters…and I still have to eat the food of the Alliance.” The

  more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He took a sip of hot porridge and said something unsatisfied in his heart.

  Hearing his muttering, a worker moved his butt and sat next to him with a smile.

  ”Man, how can you say we got nothing? Lovett said that we will have a constitution that everyone abides by.”

  ”The constitution of the Union?” Kent glanced at him and snorted, “Don’t dream, it’s just a group of masters who have changed.”

  The worker looked at him in astonishment, and his eyes suddenly became pity.

  Kent hated that look, but he was afraid of his armband, even though he had one himself.

  ”I know who you are.”

  Kent’s heart tightened, his face turned pale, and his soul was almost scared out of his wits.

  He had a secret in his heart. It was him who took Alec and Phyllis to arrest Sberg from the door of the beer hall and sent him to prison.

  Although he didn’t see the wanted poster posted on the wall, he was sure that the workers must be secretly looking for him, and once they found him, they would drag him into the alley and execute him secretly.

  ”Who?” He swallowed and asked tremblingly.

  The worker shrugged.


  The air was quiet for a while.


  Who is that?

  A new riddle?

  Kent was at a loss.

  Just a moment ago, he experienced the feeling of riding a roller coaster, especially when the worker next to him uttered the first half of the syllable.

  ”We got a fundamental law that everyone must abide by, but you said we got nothing. Maybe in your heart, you don’t think it’s an important thing at all.”

  Kent’s face turned red with anger.





  ”You’d better leave. This place is not suitable for you, really. You are not even as good as your Master Weijia. His business is not without risks, and he has to lick Master Sid’s shoes from time to time. You are not as good as Alyssa. She has already taken risks that you can never take in your life. What did you do last night? Hiding in the quilt and crying?”

  ”And now, you sit here with a bowl in your hand, and then make sarcastic remarks there – ‘Oh, a peasant can’t accomplish anything big, you just changed a group of masters’, ‘Oh, what does a little girl know’, ‘Oh, it’s all your fault that I lost my job’. Yes, you are right, we have harmed you, and we will be finished tomorrow, so run away.”

  ”How about going to Honghe Town? There you can use your endless energy to work hard for 24 hours, and you don’t have to worry about the guys stopping you from making money. They will be very considerate to help you keep out the aliens and predators outside. ”

  Laughing and patting this Ken’s shoulder, the worker finished drinking the porridge in the bowl, got up and went to the kitchen and went to the bowl.



  while, he would go to the worker to help.

  They have been united and won.

  Then they will continue to unite.


  for the future, let’s


  about it in the future.

  There is a sign on the registration office, which says the words “Frankness from wide and resistant to rejection”. At the top, the attitude is good for three or five years. After eating rice

  , you

  can re -beings, and actively performing can strive to reduce the sentence.

Pray that no one will use evidence to identify them in the future.

  The Alliance staff did not discriminate against them, but the expressions they made as if they were scum were indeed scary enough.

  House did not want to go over, but when he saw the Alliance soldiers at the city gate, he could not help but shiver, and finally he walked over with his head held high.

  From time to time, some people left the team, and some joined in, and finally it was his turn.

  House did not dare to delay, and followed the dusty noble grandfather in front of him, rubbing his hands tremblingly, and sat down at the wooden table.

  After turning a page of the paper full of writing, the staff handed him a cup of hot water and said expressionlessly.

  ”Tell me, who did you kill? How did you kill them? How many people, how old were they.”

  ”I… I didn’t kill anyone, I swear to God!” Startled by this simple and rude opening remark, House quickly raised his right hand and said tremblingly, “Absolutely not! ”

  God of the Bighorn Deer!

  He couldn’t help but glance at the noble who was taken away by the Alliance soldiers.

  What on earth did this guy do?!

  The staff was stunned, staring at the man in front of him with a strange expression, feeling familiar, but couldn’t remember where he had seen him.

  The same was true for the Alliance soldier standing next to him, frowning and looking at him twice.

  ”Hey, you look a little familiar… Where have I seen you before?”


  For fear that what he said would not be considered surrender, House forced a pale smile on his face, and his curled up body seemed to shrink even smaller.

  ”I… I confess everything! But please give me a chance to explain and atone!”

  Without waiting for the staff to speak, House swallowed his saliva and continued.

  ”Do you know? If a person always says nonsense, it means that he actually knows the answer in his heart. Have you ever played the guessing game in the newspaper? It’s not easy to be all right, but it’s not easy to be all wrong either. ”

  I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I’ve scolded your manager and you, but I… I don’t hate you from the bottom of my heart, I can’t help but applaud your courage, but I have to speak for the masters.”

  ”My logic may be a little confusing, but it doesn’t matter, you don’t understand, but the manager must understand what I mean. The reason why I cursed you so hard is just that I want you to call us quickly and close this casino as soon as possible. After all, with Master Sid in charge, this place is definitely hopeless, but if Lord Shuguang is in charge, there will definitely be a way! Look, you really called us! In fact, I also have a share of the credit for this!”

  These words were all from House’s heart.

  After understanding what kind of organization the Alliance is, he has no doubt that the administrator is a truly kind person.

  There are actually good people in this wasteland besides idiots!

  If he is really a profiteer, he can obviously not step on the accelerator, and work hand in hand with Melvin, and continue to play the debt game, so that the residents of Boulder City have negative savings, then the people here are really finished.

  The masters can go to the ideal city to enjoy themselves, while those poor ghosts have to work for the Alliance until they die, and live under the breath of the Alliance. It will be impossible for them to turn over and become the masters. The masters riding on their heads will have to go from a thousand to more than 200,000.

  If it were the Bughra Free State in the north, Mr. Sigma would definitely not restrain himself, but the administrator restrained himself and even generously pulled them to the same front… This is what shocked and surprised House the most.

  That lord really intends to end the wasteland!

  He really regards the survivors of Boulder City as survivors!

  Praise the Alliance!

  Praise the administrator!!!

  Ever since he heard that gentleman call the Workers’ Newspaper a progressive voice, House was sure that he had not made a mistake.

  After all, he was one of the few awake people in this casino!

  Moreover, even that half-way-changed Sberg could be invited as a guest. If it were him, the manager would definitely treat him as a guest of honor!

  Several staff members and soldiers looked at each other.

  At first, they held their expressions tight, but when they heard House say “he also had a share of credit”, they finally couldn’t help laughing out loud.

  House stared at them blankly, not understanding what they were laughing at.

  He had finally mustered up the courage to sit here and confess his crimes, but these guys treated him as a joke!

  His face became redder and redder, and he clenched his fists, but he didn’t dare to get angry, so he could only hide his fists in his sleeves.

  ”What… do you want? I can explain to the manager in person–”

  The staff member didn’t explain, and laughed so hard that he choked.

  ”Are you here to make us laugh? It’s not that I look down on you, but the cases registered here are all involving human lives. We don’t have time to listen to your jokes, even though yours are okay.”

  Another staff member suppressed his laughter and said jokingly,

  ”If you think you have any merit, then go to the workers’ union or the militia to claim the credit. They are the ones who are rising up. I’m sorry to disappoint you. We don’t regard you as a threat at all. If it weren’t for the fact that we are all from the same hometown, we wouldn’t even bother to come here.”

  The soldier wearing an exoskeleton reached out and picked up the stunned House from the table and led him outside the isolation zone.

  The soldier patted him on the shoulder and looked at him with disdain.

  ”Go away, the manager is too lazy to pay attention to you, but I really want to kick your ass. If I weren’t still at work, I would have done it.”

  The alliance has its own discipline. After all, you can’t beat people when you are in uniform. It’s not worth it to sacrifice his honor for a clown.

  The soldier returned to his post.

  House stood on the street in despair.

  Looking at the real villains who lined up to confess their crimes, for a moment, he wished he could be caught by the soldiers of the Union and thrown into jail, or even beaten up.

  Not caring is the greatest arrogance.

  It turns out that people don’t bother to pay attention to him.

  Even the Workers’ Newspaper, which was established less than a year ago, can be considered a progressive voice, but the radio he has been shouting for more than ten years has not been taken seriously by the other party.

  What has he done in his life…

  ”He doesn’t want me…”

  Life seems to have lost its meaning.

  Like a zombie, House walked away with lifeless eyes.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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