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Chapter 547 It is an invisible AI, and I am a visible one

Chapter 547 It is an invisible AI, and I am a visible one


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 547 It is an invisible AI, and I am tangible.

  Thanks to the relief supplies and professionals from the Alliance, the urgent needs of the new authorities in Boulder City were solved, and more than 500,000 survivors in the city were stabilized.

  It is not difficult to make a big fuss.

  Especially when the master sitting on the chair is a pig, just hit them hard on the head with a stick.

  However, running a settlement of hundreds of thousands of people is not a problem that can be solved with a few sticks.

  Even the profiteers employed by the royal family have run away, and the nobles in the inner city have left the victors with only a huge mess.

  If the new authorities cannot solve the problem of bread and fuel, there will soon be a group of crybabies crying for the master’s name.

  Survival is an animal instinct, which is understandable.

  However, all the credit is attributed to Master Sid, which is definitely a self-deprecation.

  Once a stable society is formed, it has an inertia of operation under the established order and rules. This is not the credit of anyone, but the credit of every participant.

  If Master Sid does nothing, this broken jar may still be used. But unfortunately, this clever man was not good at playing tricks. He would shake the can from time to time. When the corner was chipped, he would stick some gum on it to trick himself, and then continue to shake it.

  Now the can is finally broken, just like the collapsed stone building.

  The established rules and order were broken together, and the first problem faced by the new authorities was to establish a new order.

  The alliance would provide some help, especially in terms of food.

  Thanks to the generosity of the managers, the new authorities did not have to continue to compromise with the bottom line of human morality in order to survive after making some compromises with reality for the sake of unity.

  They did not have to eat people to survive the winter, and they could bury the victims properly.

  But if they wanted to get their lives back on track and keep the fruits of victory, they had to rely on themselves.

  No one could help them.


  It was night.

  An office in the city hall.

  In order to complete the accounting of the bank account of Boulder City as soon as possible, Alyssa added a single bed in the house and simply moved the bedroom here.

  The workers’ union had planned to return Mr. Melvin’s mansion to her, after all, she had really helped them a lot.

  Doing what Bol should do could not unite everyone, and fighting for eight hours was not a good idea, but fighting for the constitution that they all abide by was enough for them to carry this banner of justice.

  Alyssa appreciated the kindness of everyone, but did not accept it. She just picked some clothes, daily necessities and things full of memories that she liked and took away.

  As for the others, she asked the workers’ union to distribute them to girls who were about the same height as her and had no beautiful clothes to wear.

  ”…My father always bought me some beautiful dresses, but many of them I only wore once and never saw again. Although it is pleasing to the eye to hang in the closet, I would be happier if I could help other people in need.”

  Alyssa’s eyes were a little red and swollen, but she still managed to hold on to that heartbreaking smile.

  Lovett felt a little distressed.

  Such a big change happened at home, and he knew that she must have cried for a long time when no one was around.

  Including himself, many members of the Workers’ Union secretly regarded her as their own daughter, but they were not her parents after all.

  ”…You don’t have to do this. We agreed not to engage in formalism. We only take what we should take.”

  The clothes were handled by the female workers of the Workers’ Union. Most of them worked in textile factories, and some were night shift workers in the Good Taste Food Processing Factory. They had the same opinion and could not hate this little girl. What

  made Lovett feel complicated was that Bol did not rob the wardrobes of Master Stephen’s daughter and wife. He always felt ashamed to accept those things.

  Alyssa shook her head and said seriously.

  ”My father’s property should belong to all the residents of this settlement. There is no dispute about this. I may save some money to buy it back in the future, but not now. If I turn a blind eye to myself, then Boulder City will really just change a group of masters-”

  Lovett said reflexively.

  ”How could it be! We already have a constitution!”

  Alyssa stared at him intently.

  ”Only by obeying can we truly possess it. Otherwise, someone will definitely say that we are just a group of masters. There are many “Ken” in our team, right?”

  Lovett was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth, and was about to say “Let them say what they want”, but suddenly he was pleasantly surprised to find another thing that surprised him even more.

  ”You… have also read that book?!”

  He thought that a girl of her age and who had been influenced by enough culture would prefer to read some poems about love.

  In fact, let alone her.

  The leader of the militia, Joey, was not interested in Bol’s story at all, and he was particularly serious about it, saying that the awakened would never be able to defeat the power armor.

  Lovett guessed in his heart that the guy actually secretly read a little bit, and then brought himself into Bol’s rival in love – the centurion.

  Sberg really didn’t like the guy in the militia, who wanted it to be Phyllis who arrested him in the first place?

  But these did not prevent them from being partners.

  Looking at Lovett with a surprised face, Alyssa smiled.

  ”I just started reading it. I will read it again carefully from the beginning after I finish the things I have to do.”

  ”Incredible!” Lovett’s eyes widened, and he continued to talk in a nagging manner, “You actually like to read that kind of novel, but… you are right, there are indeed some speculators in our team, maybe we should clean them up after everything is over.” He

  was interrupted by Alyssa before he finished speaking.


  Looking at Alyssa’s serious expression, Lovett was stunned and frowned.


  He didn’t intend to do it, but just said it casually.

  Alyssa continued to speak seriously.

  ”Do you remember when the number of workers’ unions began to expand?”

  Lovett recalled carefully.

  ”When Sberg was arrested…”

  ”Yes, when Sberg was arrested, and the second time was when you learned that he was sacrificed.”

  Alyssa looked at him seriously and continued.

  ”In a person’s heart, there may be Paul, Stephen, Ken… countless characters living at the same time. You can’t use tangible power to eliminate invisible power. Master Stephen captured Paul, so countless Pauls appeared. Now that we have won, we can certainly use Master Stephen’s method to shut Ken up, but they will not disappear. They will multiply in places we can’t see, and one day in the future, they will replace us and reopen the casino.”

  This is what she only understood this morning from her brother.

  They must use institutionalized methods to get this settlement back on track, instead of hoping to keep only those with lofty ideals in the team.

  Thoughts can be disguised.

  House did a good job. He could lie for more than ten years without stopping, and he could say things that he didn’t believe in without leaking a drop of water.

  If they hadn’t won, no one would doubt that he was the best good man in Boulder City.

  Lovett read in a low voice.

  ”They have become our ghosts… So that’s what it means.”

  Alyssa was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slightly.

  ”Yes… We just need to do what Paul should do, and unite everyone.”

  She suddenly felt that they were really amazing.

  Their cultural literacy was not high, and they actually did not understand Bol’s words and deeds, but they actually did it with simple beliefs.

  Bol’s story was like a straw floating on the water. They were thrown overboard and held it. No one let go, and their arms became a bridge… After

  seeing Lovett off, Alyssa returned to the office and sat down at her desk again.

  Today’s work was over, and she promised Lovett to rest early, but before going to bed she had to write a letter to the manager of the alliance on behalf of everyone, thanking him for his help in times of crisis. The

  flame of miracle was very weak, so weak that it could be blown out by a gust of wind, but he did not turn a blind eye to it. The endless stream of footprints printed on the snow witnessed the friendship between the New Alliance and the New Boulder City.

  Recalling the story of the awakened Bol, Alyssa felt a little regretful.

  I heard that Sperger was writing a draft of the Great Revolution. The conflict between the Workers’ Union and the residents of the inner city escalated to a critical point. The awakened Bol was thrown into prison by the nobles on the charge of blaspheming the non-existent black card… After all, no one has broken the card in a century and a half.

  The story is about to enter the final climax before the finale. It seems that Bol will not be with the noble lady.

  But why?

  Everyone seems to have determined that the two of them have no chance, but she thinks that identity and feelings are completely different things.

  Everyone obviously agrees that no one is born noble or humble, but they will instinctively consider whether the births of two people are compatible.

  There are also wastelanders and shelter residents who get married, right? Even if their concepts may be two centuries apart.

  She thinks it is unfair to label people without talking about the facts.

  But she doesn’t intend to protest to Sperger.

  It is childish and impolite to kidnap the author with personal feelings. Even a fairy tale sprinkled with sugar can’t lull a child to sleep, let alone a story with ups and downs.

  She is no longer a child.

  It’s better to say that she is an adult.

  […Thank you for your help in times of crisis! The survivors of Boulder City will always remember this friendship, and we will fight side by side for our common ideals in the future! ]

  The pen cap stopped at her lips and hesitated for a moment. Alyssa used the tip of the pen to outline a small smiling face on the last line of the letter.


  The last stroke of the signature, the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but curl up slightly.

  The letter is finished.

  It would be great if I could receive a reply.

  After reading it twice from beginning to end in a low voice to make sure there was no impoliteness, Alyssa carefully stuffed it into the envelope.

  After doing this, she breathed a sigh of relief, stretched her waist with great success, pushed the chair away and jumped down, and was brought to the bed by the growing sleepiness.

  The bed here is much smaller than at home, but it is still spacious for her.

  After changing into her favorite pajamas, she stuffed the envelope under her pillow and yawned before crawling into bed.

  The bed was hard and cold, without the scent of lavender or sunlight, but it was easier to fall asleep than usual.

  And it wasn’t that cold here.

  The city hall was equipped with a wall heater, and a thin layer of fog formed on the windows. It was much warmer here than outside. She

  rubbed her cheek against the edge of the quilt, and the cold and hard quilt was soon warmed by her body temperature.

  Life after losing “everything” was not as difficult as she had imagined. At this moment, her heart was extremely stable.

  Falling asleep with a dream.

  Good dreams are fragrant and sweet…


  The next day, the sun rose, and the survivors of Boulder City and the rescuers of the Alliance spent the first day after a long night together.

  The cauldrons gathered at the city gate were dispersed to various communities in the settlement, and milky white fog floated before dawn.

  After counting the names and addresses of the residents in the city, the refugee home will deliver the relief supplies directly to the mobile kitchens set up at various dining spots.

  This will reduce people’s queuing time, prevent the spread of infectious diseases, and reduce the difficulty of management.

  In the matter of settling refugees, Luca, the mayor of Dawn City, can be said to be experienced. He helped Chu Guang do this job before the alliance.

  And his experience is nothing more than one sentence.

  That is, let the strong people have work to do, and the weak people don’t run around.

  When a group of people stay in a fixed place, who did what, when and where,

  can be clear with just one question. With the patrol of the militia and drones, as well as the monitoring installed on the giant wall, the hidden dangers of public security can be minimized.

  At present, the production activities of the entire Giant Stone City have stagnated, and a large number of strong people have nothing to do.

  It is not enough to just feed them, but also to find something for them to do and use the extra energy in the right place.

  The new authorities promised that although there would be no salary for those who participated in the construction, they would be given priority in the allocation of new housing, and the food treatment for the construction team would be better than that of the mobile kitchens in general relief stations.

  People who work must eat more than those who don’t.

  Although there is no salary, food and accommodation are provided, and the house is also provided after the completion of the work. It is much better than the check factory of Mr. Weijia.

  Anyway, now there is money but nowhere to spend it. Under the mobilization of the workers’ union, most of the workers in the settlement joined the construction team, and some citizens with good physical fitness also participated.

  At the same time, the transformation plan of the settlement was officially launched.

  The Alliance Bank provided a special loan of 500 million silver coins to the new authorities of Giant Stone City, and the money will be used entirely for the transformation of housing in the settlement.

  According to the statistics of the Alliance, there are more than 200,000 people in Giant Stone City living in shacks with sewage and air leakage.

  In the slums outside the giant wall, there are nearly 100,000 survivors of complex composition, and these people also need to be resettled in a unified manner.

  With the support of the Alliance, the new authorities will build a batch of apartment buildings made of prefabricated concrete panels, and widen several major traffic arteries.

  This is inside the settlement.

  Outside the settlement, the Alliance has also made corresponding plans.

  Chu Guang plans to select a relatively safe and convenient route from the underground transportation line from Linghu Wetland Park in the northern suburbs to Giant Stone City for cleaning and repair.

  In the future, the commuting time from Giant Stone City to Dawn City will be shortened to less than two hours, and there will be no more harassment from predators.

  The Alliance will also connect the power lines to Giant Stone City and merge the four settlements in the River Valley Province into one power grid!

  A power grid powered by nuclear fusion!

  The future of Boulder City is still very bright.

  There are a large number of skilled workers and engineers here, with perfect infrastructure and means of production. It is fully capable of becoming the largest processing industry and manufacturing center of the alliance, and forming a closed loop with Dawn City, which is a raw material production base and heavy industry center.

  The wealth generated by the real economy will give birth to a batch of tertiary industries-tertiary industries that truly serve the workers.

  The VIP boxes of the Queen of the Night Bar are probably history, but the residents of Boulder City will get bars, libraries and cinemas that everyone can afford…

  ”Dear Lord of Qingquan City, the manager of the alliance, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”

  On the apron on the top floor of the Boulder Military Industrial Building, a huge Orca transport plane was parked, and a row of fully armed soldiers stood next to it.

  Looking at Chu Guang coming towards him, Ibers had a sunny smile on his face, stretched out his right hand and walked forward, shaking his hand vigorously.

  ”…Finally I meet you. I feel very honored to meet you today, especially because I see the shadow of someone in you.”

  Chu Guang opened the visor of the power armor helmet and raised his eyebrows with interest when he heard this unexpected greeting.


  Ibers said with a smile.

  ”The person Mr. Fang Ming always mentioned!”

  ”Its designer? ”

  ”Well,” Ibers nodded and said approvingly, “You all have similar shadows, but in fact you are completely different.”

  Chu Guang said indifferently.

  ”That’s normal. It’s hard to find two people who are exactly the same in this world.”

  Although the little players in Shelter 404 have already traveled all over the Boulder City, this is Chu Guang’s first time to come to this settlement.

  And the purpose of his visit this time is also very clear-for one thing.

  Something he must get.

  Ibers smiled and let go of his hand.

  ”Perhaps it is out of this concern that it asked me to observe you from a distance and control the pace of contact… In fact, you have been recognized by it a long time ago, but recognition alone is actually useless. It has its own mission and rules.”

  Chu Guang had heard about Fang Ming from Xiao Qi, and he was not too surprised by his words.

  ”It is right. Don’t trust anyone easily in the wasteland. And some things are destined to be done by the residents of Boulder City themselves. No one can help them before they completely abandon the old order.”

  Ibers sighed faintly.

  ”Really? But I think there may be more efficient ways. Maybe this is the gap between me and Mr. Fang Ming.”

  For example –

  just shoot those stupid pigs directly.

  This is actually not very difficult.

  But the adult just couldn’t get over that hurdle.

  Even if he hinted to it that he could do this cleverly for it, just like cutting the killer into eight pieces and throwing them into the sewer to deal with those nobles, it had long been unhappy with those uncreative “clients”.

  But unfortunately, it refused.

  Chu Guang looked at Ibers with a smile on his face. He always felt that his smile was a little weird, but he couldn’t tell where it was weird.

  ”Fang Ming is an AI, what are you?”

  ”It’s an invisible AI, and I’m tangible…”

  Ibers pointed his finger at the position of his heart on his left chest, then smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand again.

  ”Let me introduce myself again. Ibers, the chairman and president of Boulder City Military Industry, is a universal bionic man designed by Fang Ming. Originally I should serve the black card residents, after all, they bought me, but now the Boulder Building has collapsed, and theoretically I am free.”

  AI designed by AI with an independent “personality”?

  What’s the point of doing this?

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, but it didn’t show on his face. He stretched out his right hand neatly.

  ”Chu Guang. By the way, you look like a person.”

  It is said that the designer will map part of his “personality” to the designed AI, but he always feels that this one seems to be more like a person than Fang Ming.

  At least he talks more.

  Ibers smiled and said.

  ”That’s your illusion. Only those who have life and death can be considered human, such as my respected father… Mr. Fang Ming. I am just a toy made by it to relieve boredom and loneliness and to comply with the requirements of the residents of the inner city.”

  ”My AI core has been working for more than a hundred years and has long passed the deadline for scrapping. It will be somewhat abnormal. Don’t be too surprised if I say something strange.”

  After a pause, Ibers suddenly looked behind him – the bionic man with a black mirror and the number X-16 engraved on his chest armor.

  ”By the way, this is X-16, the masterpiece of Jushi Military Industry in recent years – a universal bionic man. It can perform multiple tasks as a replacement for the scrapped X-15. In your human concept, it is like my daughter.”

  Chu Guang felt a similar aura from her to Tianqin, but in terms of combat power alone, she is probably not as powerful as Tianqin.

  After all, in actual combat, that guy annihilated a mercenary team of 100 people, and the current record of X-16 is still unknown.

  Chu Guang cares about another thing.

  ”Can Boulder City produce AI cores?”

  ”AI cores are something that can be dug out from the city like iron ore. They are not difficult to repair. We can occasionally buy some from mercenaries using those plastic sheets.”

  Ibers looked at Chu Guang with a smile and continued.

  ”Let’s talk business. Including me, X-16, and everything in Giant Stone Military Industry… now it belongs to you. Thank God, things have finally changed here. I don’t know since when, our engineers and designers can’t come up with any new tricks. Maybe it will be different in your hands.”

  The biggest reason why he wanted to shoot all those useless wastes was because he was tired and bored with those guys who didn’t make progress.

  A typical example.

  The X-2 drone assault rifle originally had an improved version called X-3, which shortened the receiver and changed to a shellless design.

  However, the more advanced X-3 did not replace the old X-2.

  The superficial reason is simple. The X-2 has a higher output, lower cost, and more stable performance, but the deeper reason behind this is that Giant Stone City is essentially a closed and stagnant society. There is no motivation to expand outward, nor is there any motivation for self-innovation – whether it is endogenous or exogenous.

  If humans don’t know where they are going, don’t expect AI to figure it out. These weapons were actually designed by human engineers, and AI only did some auxiliary work at the administrative level.

  Referring to the standards of the old era, he asked his engineers to improve the X-series androids for their own amusement.

  As for the research and development of weapons, it was completely suspended after the shareholders of Giant Stone Military Industry felt that they were enough.

  Even if there were some improvements, they were fine-tuned in the direction of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

  The militia occasionally recovered some evolutions from the waves and handed them over to Giant Stone Military Industry to analyze the structure and design ideas of those pre-war equipment. But they almost never took the initiative to send troops to explore the mother nest in the city center like the post-war reconstruction committee.

  The Alliance is completely different.

  They obviously have problems even protecting themselves, but they still persistently send people to explore the city center! Even if they do it slowly and clumsily, and have to take care of the self-esteem of a group of pigs, they are indeed doing this!

  He saw the turnaround he expected from these blue coats!

  After getting rid of those pigs that dragged down the company, the future of Jushi Military Industry is brighter than ever!


  the intellectual plug-in is burning!

  The current on the CPU surged, and Ibers suddenly thought of something and patted the back of his head.

  ”Oh, by the way, you can use X-16. It just so happens that you are also in need of a bionic bodyguard. When I was repairing it, I just had some new ideas… about X-17.”

  Without waiting for Chu Guang to answer, Ibers showed a mischievous smile on his face.

  ”Do you need me to help you install some additional plug-ins? The functions of the universal bionic man are more comprehensive than you think. It can be installed with many practical things, and the usage scenarios are not only outdoors, but also indoors.”

  Chu Guang didn’t understand what he was saying at first, but when he met his meaningful eyes, he understood it in an instant, and he almost choked on his saliva.

  ”…No need.”

  Looking at Chu Guang, who looked a little embarrassed, Ibers showed a hint of disappointment on his face.

  ”I thought you old popsicle guys would be interested… Have you heard of it? I’ve investigated it. The best-selling bionic man in the prosperous era is not a general-purpose type, nor a military type, but a companion type as a ‘sex doll’!”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  What kind of cyber setting is this!

  But it’s normal to think about it.

  The shadow of the prosperous era can be seen in the ideal city. People in that era are probably more free-spirited than corporate citizens. Everyone is a strange key and lock. It’s

  probably difficult for a traditional family to accommodate two souls with so much information that it explodes. In addition to “what to eat” and “what to watch”, people’s daily quarrels probably have to add “what type of prosthesis to use” and “whether to travel to Mars”.

  It’s too hard to make do.

  In comparison, paper people are obviously more convenient, completely loyal to the buyer, and not only can the appearance be customized, but also the types are varied.


  Ibers said with a grin.

  ”So why are you shy? I’m not kidding, can ordinary humans withstand your power? To be honest, the conceptual X-17 is prepared for you, because I estimate that X-16 will break down soon… If you don’t control it, sooner or later you will become a monster.”

  X-16 stood there motionless, without any reaction to this sentence.

  ”We’ll talk about it when the time comes.”

  Looking at Ibers who continued to talk, Chu Guang ended the topic with a frown on his face.

  What the hell!


  He didn’t mind private topics, after all, he was also a normal person, but he didn’t like to go off topic suddenly when doing serious work.

  ”…Compared to those insignificant things, I am more concerned about the legacy left by the post-war reconstruction committee,” Chu Guang looked at Ibers seriously, “those planes, bombs, and that ‘weapon’.”

  Weapons seemed to be some kind of keyword.

  Putting away his joking expression, Ibers bowed slightly, as if he had returned to normal.

  ”Please follow me.”

  Leaving these words behind, he turned around and took Chu Guang to the elevator beside the apron…

  (Thanks to “Bu Yu 36” for the reward!!! It’s winter, everyone take care of your health TT)

   Recommended book: “Have I Made Any Mistakes When I Reincarnated as a Succubus”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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